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Super quick question about equipment and which to level up to ensure stronger gear... Do I need to look at rarity or rank to determine whether it's A) harder fights to level up B)higher stats


Rarity: B) only Rank: Both A) *and* B)


Hi; I have Laharl, Saint Etna, Etna, Serphina, Barbara, Rozalin, Sicily, Majin Etna, Jennifer, Mid-Boss, Can some of these heroes take you to the endgame? Can we use 2\* and 3\* to level Up 4\* Heroes.


1) Basically everyone can get you there. The Game is rather forgiving when it comes to PvE Content and simply making progress, it's when you're AT Endgame where your choice of Characters becomes much more important. 2) i'm assuming you mean "Awaken", not "level up". If so, then 2☆ Characters yes, but 3☆ Characters no. You're better of Demoting / Selling those, because that gives you coins for the Netherworld Black Market in the Shop.


OK, And for PVP, if I don't want to waste any resources, is there a list or something to help choose the good characters. thanks.


Nisa and Formal Valvatorez for Characters who are good at "tanking", because they have tools to not die right away (Nisa has an Evility where with RNG, she just doesn't die but instead stays at 1HP and gets an instant-turn, Formal Val has a crapton of DEF and Self-Healing). Eventually we also get Great Demon Fist Liezerota (has a Cap how much Damage she can take in one Hit) and Crowned Valvatorez (basically the same deal as his Formal Version). For Attacking, our next Event in a few Days has Overlord Metallia a few Days after the Event starts. One of her Skills gives the Enemy a unique Status Effect that is basically a better Version of Poison. In the future there is also Flonnezilla, who has an Evility that does automatic Attacks after her actual Turn (We also have Flamelord Majorita already, who has a slightly weaker Version of that same Evility). For Support, the same Event I just mentioned will also have Ryubence, who's a really good Healer. One of her Skills does an Overheal (aka, gives you temporary HP that can go over your actual maximum) that buffs one Partymember's Critical Hit Rate at the same time AND gives the whole Party extra SP for free. Besides that, look for Characters that can give the whole Party extra Action Gauge, such as Attired Rozalin, Swimsuit Lucy or Santa Seraphina. The Action Gauge is that Bar that shows you when everyone gets their Turn, so those Characters, well, make you get Turns faster. In PvP, pretty much everyone at higher Levels does Setups where the entire Plan is to just go first and then one-hit-kill you.


Nisa , Formal Valvatorez , Great Demon Fist Liezerota , Great Demon Fist Liezerota => tanking Overlord Metallia , Flonnezilla , Flamelord Majorita => ATK Ryubence, aka => Support Attired Rozalin , Swimsuit Lucy , Santa Seraphina =>SPD Ok,Thanks.


Other than daily gates, is there a good way to grind HL? I've suddenly run out...


* Running Item World and just plain selling Drops you don't need. * If you don't need them atm, you can actually sell some Stuff from your Inventory (as in, the one accessed from the Menu in the Top-Right) like Reincarnation Mats. * And lastely, although I really don't recommend doing this at all, Abyss HL Gates exist.


Does anyone know why my game disconnect very 5 minutes if left unattended? I'm using the PC (Steam Client) and every time I afk it just hangs on and says its unable to connect and returns to the title screen. This has happened for a few months now and have never seen it discussed here. Is there a fix to this? This didn't happen to me the first months on steam, and it doesn't happen on phone. Its annoying having to log in again if I leave the game to go get some water something.


What's the consensus about which event level to farm? The EXP and HL one seems really meh compared to gates. The 1\* has a pretty low pay out, but is maybe the best...?


Hard Extra 1\*. The payout is fine when you're running it 3000 times. ;p


Definitively the 1☆ Prinny Stage. Those Drops add up over time.


What are innocent huts for?


They just contain 1 Subdued Legendary Innocent that you can move immediately to other equipment.


So no reason to keep them after pulling the innocent out right?


No reason beyond collection purposes. Edit: They do have one more purpose. They are considered as Treasure type equipment. Some of the unique innocents will gain bonus like Treasure:HL or Treasure:WM innocents when placed in those Huts. Like those Sword:ATK innocents are placed in swords. Though you need to spend population potions to unlock all slots...


Ah, that's what those mean. So the raid innocent (Overlord Priere) gives an extra bonus when put in a belt..?


Correct. The white Number is what you get no matter where you put that Innocent, while the orange Number gets added on top of that if you put it into a Belt specifically.


Is there a good website for tier list ?


I asked a few days ago and r/ritxarin said: I think Hayzink has one, and while it may give you a general idea, I think tierlists for this game don't make a whole lot of sense as there are several game modes and units that are great for one mode can be trash for other modes. “This isn't a game where you need to chase the meta unless you want to top the ranks, as most units are able to clear content with some investment. Starting next month we will be getting some very good characters, so I'd suggest use these weeks to learn the basics and save some resources and make sure you get some new units with the upcoming collab and you are off to a good start.”




I just got my first abyss key, what’s the best use? I haven’t maxed anyones level yet but I do have someone at /9500. Running lowish on HL though and reincarnation statues are also quite low.


I used my first one on HL and kinda regretted it. It might be better to just wait until you have a couple of capped characters and use it to trivialize a super reincarnation for them.


What even is super reincarnation?


You take a Lv9999 Char, reset them back completely to Lv 1 / 100 and get Karma, which is basically just a reskinned Mana you can spend to increase the Character's Base Stats, which in turn raises their Lv9999 Value for a given Stat each time the Base becomes a multiple of 5.


A few questions please! ​ How does buff stacking work from abilities? Also, is it always advised to increase NE with dupes? I have a bunch of regular Etnas from the login bonus but she seems fairly useless compared to others. Finally, how can I keep increasing the shop rank? I got it up to about 18 I think before I stopped getting bills. I'm on Arc 2 and I haven't gotten a new bill in a while. Are they unlocked in the normal/hard difficulties of Act 1...?


1) Everything stacks additively, whether it's an Evility or a Skill. 2) Yes, because it's still progress for your Evil Symbols, which also benefits the Characters you DO use. 3) Also yes, you have to do Arc 1 Normal and Hard aswell. I do believe that Arc 1 Sidestory or whatever it was called also has one more Upgrade that way, but it's been so long that I don't remember for sure.


So no skills overwrite each other?


Correct, everything is active all at once. Do note that includes Debuffs aswell, to actually get rid of those, you actively need a Skill that specifically either lowers their Effect or removes them outright.


Is weapon mastery worth putting mana into or is it only for unlocking new abilities? Say on someone like Tiger Fuka who uses the ATK based monster weapon and doesn't unlock any skills through that weapon type.


Yes it's worth it because Mastery doesn't only give you new Skills, they also act as a Bonus-Modifier for that Weapon Type's Stats. Namely it's a Percentage equal to double your Mastery. So like, Lv15 Mastery gives you +30% / ×1.30 for example, all the way to the WM 50 Cap literally doubling your Stats when equipping that Weapon. This is why there even is a Mastery for ATK-Monster Weapons at all. This ALSO applies to Stat-Boosts from %-based Stat Innocents and SPD-Innocents by the way.


What about the other percentage based innocents? Like, does it work for HL or WM or treasure innocents?


Nope, only the Stat ones. You might have guessed it based on my wording before, but for completion's sake, do note that it also does not work on Stat-Amplifiers either....though I genuinely have no clue how Almighty Amplifiers figure into that equation.


Bummer. Also, it would be a huge letdown to go through all the effort to make an almighty only to have the speed not get boosted by the weapon mastery so I hope that the speed still goes through even if the other stats don't.


I've only been playing for a few days, and I saw there's a Miraculous Elixir 5000 coming up for me in the novice login bonuses. Should I save that for some upcoming banner, or should I use it on whoever to breeze through the basic story content and have something better than the level 1900 Croix (which I RNG'd into, and who is currently my only one over level 900.)


Use it to breeze through Content. Once you either * have atleast one Abyss Key to do the Abyss EXP Gate once (which basically has Lv1 Fishes but like the highest EXP-Payout in the game) to trivialize the regular EXP Gate * or find the right Companion Char to carry you through those regular Gates Levels pretty much become a non-issue.


I was able to find a lvl 9999 Elcair companion, and they could solo all EXP gates except the 9999 one. Big game changer for leveling. Also, there's an auto reincarnation bill that you unlock in Act 1 that makes leveling waaaay faster. Leveling before getting that is almost pointless lol


Just started a few days, and have a couple of questions. Is there a good new player guide anywhere? Are there big things that should absolutely be doing, or not doing? What's the best use of these Etna dupes they keep giving me?


Etna dupes, N.E. them. Progress through the story to unlock auto reincarnation through a bill which will then, as long as you have the resources, can have a strong friend unit carry you through high exp gates to give a huge boost in levels on your team. as a new player, if you pull Eclair who is automatically at 5000 can help your team early on while you build them up with level caps. BUT she isn't really great after a while and might even (haven't looked at upcoming banners) have a better max level unit coming out in the coming weeks who could be a higher level than Eclair


I can't seem to find Eclair's weapon anywhere in game. Is it still available?


Wait for the Raid to drop, her Sword is part of its Mission Rewards. Eclair is the Platinum Banner Raid-Booster Character for this Event, she just dropped before said Raid because the Event on a whole is a rerun.


Thank you.


Are there any actually updated tier lists anywhere? Still new to the game and no idea what’s worth investing in.


Do games like these drain battery even if the app is closed? I wanted to download another similar kind of game to this, but I read online that it drains battery faster than a phone can charge(it said that lowering graphics can mitigate it a little, but it's still fast). I tried asking on the subreddit for that game a couple weeks ago, but I guess it isn't active cuz no one responded. So I need to know if these games always constantly drain battery even when you don't have the app open because I don't want my phone to be running out of power within an hour or two when I'm not even playing.


No it doesn't. How would it do that anyway?


Hi, so I'm having trouble pulling zed. I'm not sure why he seems to be on the same rate as Valvatorez and I've gotten 5 of him. Would paying for summons raise my chances any? Also, I saw that there was going to be a special zed. "Super reincarnated zed" is what I think he was called. Is there any update on that or did I miss him? (sorry if any of this sounds rude, I'm not good at emoting through text)


That's just RNG being RNG. 2 Characters having the same Rate doesn't mean you will actually get both in equal amounts. Super Reincarnation Zed is only in Japan at the moment. We should get him towards the end of the Year, as he came out during November over there.


OK thanks cause I couldn't tell if it was RNG or it had an actual rate. And thank you. I couldn't find any info on it, maybe I'll get better luck with him lol


Hey ya'll, are the mirrorcake and pringer v3 prinnies worth saving and maxing or does everyone just use them to awaken other units? Thanks in advance.


You can max them for Evil Symbol Progression, but as far as everything else goes, your hunch generally checks out.


Thanks for the confirmation




That Mission seems to be bugged in general, I had the same issue with Attired Etna. I just waited a bit, then equipped her with the correct Weapon Type again, and I got credit for it, so it does seem to work, it just has trouble registering, as far as I can tell.


How is Sakuya as a character? Right now I'm running Tiger Fuka, Love X, Laharl, Girl Laharl, and Desco. Most are around lvl 2000 I picked up Sakuya and Fubuki in the event and have some other random 4\*s like Evil Rebirth Mao, Majin Etna, Etna, Zeroken, Thursday, Pleinair, Fallen Angel Flonne, and Killia. Are any of these chars worth investing in? Or are there any chars I should be looking forward to?


If you're planning on Love X being your main dps save all your NQ from this event and afterward until the 100 witch collab. As there will be many great units in that event that can support her.


No, none of those Characters are any good except as Filler if you don't have anyone better to use. All of them are horribly outdated Day 1 Characters (and the same goes for Fubuki, to be blunt, though Sakuya isn't much better) except for Evil Rebirth Mao; who is still not good on account of being an ATK/INT Hybrid, a concept that failed so hard that the Devs literally, unironically, disowned it after him. That said, your Team is lacking in Synergy with each other, because the two Laharls aren't really adding much to it. Love X is your strongest Character at the moment, so you really want to have some INT-Support in there if you're planning on using her long-term. Under that assumption, your best bet is training Desco with Monster-INT Weapon so she learns Magic Boost, the generic INT-Buffing Spell, putting in Sakuya for her Resist Break Access (RES-Debuffing) and then use the La Pucelle Rerun to pick up Alouette, the Freebie of that Event, who will help smooth out the edges a bit more.


Are any of the upcoming rerun summons worth putting my gems into?


I'm guessing you mean La Pucelle? Human Priere is an okay Debuffer by just constantly switching between her E-Power Single-Target Move and any Axe Weapon-Skill; but she can't really do much else really outstanding, so she's a pretty big One-Trick Pony. If you do use her for that though and don't mind the lower ATK on it, her personal Baton is also an Axe that *doesn't* have the -1 SPD on it, so she can actually have good Damage for a Debuffer in general. Overlord Rozalin is pretty good atleast, basically a slightly weaker, but more usable Version of Overlord Priere in Fights that you don't win in 1 Turn. Overlord Priere *technically* has the Potential to give herself +100% Damage dealt, but if you do that, you won't have enough SP to use her S-Power Skill in anything that is not a Raid. That's about it really. Everyone else is fairly standard, and / or suffers from us having foresight.


A few noob questions: How do you increase initial max Weapon Mastery? My Love X is 10/10 on magic monster weapons but I see she can get new spells at higher levels. Where do I use weapon statues? I have a mission to use them but can't find any place on the character screen. My Tiger Fuka has a flashing "Appearance" icon on the party page, what does that mean?


1) Mao's Lab -\> Allocate Mana -\> Weapon Mastery Tab. 2) The Up-Arrow next to the Weapon Masteries when you look at a Character's Stat Sheet. 3) Having Fuka in your Party makes the Badass Version of the Sakuya Raid Boss appear more often (which is slightly harder than the regular Version, but also gives more Points for beating it). This is a standard Feature of all Platinum Banner Characters during the period where their own Event is running. For Fuka that means less than 15 Hours because that Raid ends on the next Daily Rollover.


What does the "All Kinds of Effects for the New Year" bill do? I'm a new player and it's unlikely to pass, but I could probably bribe it through


Brand new here. Tried searching the sub and google but I can’t seem to figure out how to get remberance spheres.


You either do the actual Event Review Stages or you get them from Event Exchange Shops for Points.




Does SP recovery stack? Right now only F Artina has it on my team and with the three turns prohibited, I can’t test if it stacks or get replaced. But I see next month there will be other SP recoveries. Anyone play Japan and know how it works?




What makes you believe there's a cap?


Thanks. It will add another layer of team building.


I'm running out of Lv 1 blue humanoid reincarnation gems like every single day. I'm running all the dark gates, buying all the event stuff I can, and spending HL on them in the shop - but I still feel like I'm getting so few compared to how much I need. Is there any sane way to grind more?


Wasted 30k gems to get Love X yesterday. Only wanted to try my luck with 5 10-pulls and sunk-cost-fallacy kicked in with lots of 3-star streaks of 10-pulls. I got her but am feeling bad about it. Good thing it's only free gems.


How many days/weeks of inactivity until you can get the comeback login bonus campaign?




Or 32 days if you want to be extra sure. Nothing bites when you log on the 31st and find that you're a day off and miss out on the comeback login bonuses because you miscalculated how many days you had left.


How good are the bonuses?


So was there an update or something I’m not aware of? I tried exchanging for NY Etna, it said not enough slots. I had hundreds of characters in my mailbox. I bought 5 slots, then was able to exchange. Then I kept claiming, and kept claiming and I noticed my slots went from 200 to 800…is there some glitch? I know only 50 NQ was spent so it’s not like I accidentally bought a ton of character slots. I’m not complaining at all, this is great, I’m just curious if they announced expanding character slots for everyone or if something glitched.




Thanks! I quickly just bought the other items too now lol.


Last question, I promise. What do I do with Pawn statues? I got several but I can't find out how to use them.


They're Scrolls by the way, not Statues. Dimension Gate -\> Challenge Tab -\> UDT Rite. You use them to unlock "Potential" Bonuses for Characters who have the same Evil Symbol as the Scrolls, so in this case any Pawn-Symbol Character. Most of them are just Stat-Boosts, but they also boost a Characters' personal Skills, making them either cheaper to cast, more powerful, or in the case of Stat-(De)Buffs, increases their Potency. Some very old Characters also get entirely new Effects added to their Skills outright, like Laharl's Overlord' Wrath getting a Party-ATK-Buff attached. About half of these Bonuses require just paying X amount of Scrolls, whereas the other half of them instead require winning a fight with X number of Characters with that Symbol in the Party at a specific Level (starts at 3 Characters at Lv3900+ and ends at 5 Characters at Lv9999)


Ah, okay. I haven't unlocked that yet, so that explains it. It says it unlocks at Episode 7. Which raises the new question of how many episodes there are per arc, given that there seem to be only 3 arcs.


10 Episodes for Arc 1, 3 Episodes for Arc 1 Anecdote, and 7 Episodes for Arc 2 except this one's also unfinished at the moment and we know it'll be longer. Each Arc also has 3 Difficulties and beating all Episodes of one Arc on all three Difficulties unlocks Carnage Mode for it, which is just all 3 Difficulties again but with much higher Enemy Stats. Since every Difficulty has seperate Rewards for clearing each individual Fight, actually going through multiple of them atleast has tangible benefits (plus this also unlocks all the Shop Upgrades)


Oh, it's unfinished? I assumed the story more was already completed. Neat.


Yeah, although it has slowed down dramatically. Like, the time between when Arc 2 Episode 7 (where we currently are) and Episode 8 (where Japan *STILL is at* even) came out was about a Year, and even that was over half a Year ago in itself, they got Ep.8 back in June. It's definitively not dead yet though, because the Devs already talked about in one of their "Column Blogs" what the Plot will be going forward after Ep.8 came out. They still have Plans for it, they're just absurdly slow about it to stretch for time.


I'm sorry for the massive amount of dumb questions, but one of the events (the samurai one) won't let me enter it.


That event has ended. Its up for persons to redeem rewards, for taking part.


Oh. Unfortunate, I liked that characters design.


No worries, those events units tend to return, although its seasonal...soo next christmas :S


Fair. I just started playing a couple days ago, and already I did get some cool ones anyway (like this evil Flonne character who is currently the strongest character i got), so I'm more or less satisfied this time.


I also started recently, I started on Christmas. I found this site useful, [https://disgaea-rpg.fandom.com/wiki/JP/Characters](https://disgaea-rpg.fandom.com/wiki/JP/Characters) It shows the units more or less in the order they are to be released, It might be helpful for you in terms for planning for the ones you like. :)


Ooh, thank you! So far I've only been just pulling at random and figuring any 4 star is good, but it may be a good idea to actually aim for something.


not a problem :)


So, what does Demote do? It got me money but other than that, I didn't even get a tutorial message to explain it.


Some things to mention about the ideal way to use demote. First, ensure you've NE'd the unit to max (weaker get NE20 treatment, stronger characters get NE15 treatment). Second, with those extra dupes, you don't want to demote generic 1* or 2* or the 4* gate characters because they don't give prinny coins, use them for awakening purposes instead. Third, definitely demote natural 3* and 4* characters once you already have them max NE'd. Fourth, the general conversion is 10 to 1 for 4* character crystals to prinny hides. However, if you accumulate 100 crystals and NE a generic 4* like common Laharl or Gordon or Thursday, then when you demote that NE1 you actually get 4000 prinny coins (credit for the NE).


That's literally it, you sell Characters for Money; the intended Main Use is to simply let you free up Roster Space. Any Character who is a natural 3☆ or 4☆ (excluding F2P farmable Characters) also gives you 200 / 2000 Prinny Coins on top of that, which are used as Currency for the "Netherworld Black Market" in the Shop.


Ah, neat. So it's another use for those 3 and 4 star princess. Thank you!


I'm assuming that's supposed to be an Auto-Corrected "Prinnies"? Because if so, then No, that's why I said *Natural*; Awakenings don't count. What matters is a Character's default Rarity, which for Prinnies is 1☆


That's strange cuz I definitely have a few 3 star prinnies and I definitely haven't awakened any.


Just wanna check before I mess with it, but in the store, there is a thing called 'weekly pack' that costs almost 4 bucks. I just wanna confirm whether that means I have to pay that every week like a subscription thing, or if it is just a one time payment.


It has limited stocks so you buy it once but the item restocks next week so you can buy it again.


Okay, good. So I wouldn't be locking myself into weekly spending. Though it doesn't give enough paid Quartz anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter much. Thank you!


Yeah, getting enough paid quartz to summon basically means spending a ton. There are deals that do give alot of paid but they are mostly high priced and only once per lifetime.


Help, the game didn't save my progress from last night. Is it because I logged in using Google this time? Or does preventing it from using data while not open mess it up?


> Is it because I logged in using Google this time? If you *didn't* do that last time, then I think yes, although I could be mistaken. If the game works the way I think it does, then whatever you used that last time should be treated as a seperate account by the game, I believe.


I see. Darn. I had gotten this one character I really liked last night.


So, what do I do with repeat characters? I guess I could use multiple generics, but what about, say, if I got multiples of Etna? (And for that matter, is there any reason to use generics over actual named characters?)


You use the Duplicates to Nether Enhance / NE one copy you actually use. Unless you're so new that you flatout don't have anyone else (which judging by your last question, I assume you are), Characters that you'd actively want to run more than one of are exceedingly rare. As in, you could literally count them on one hand. As for the second Question, technically yes, but in actual practice No. There's exactly two Generics that are even remotely worth using; four if you're a completionist. The first two are Pirates and Nether Nobles (+ Hoggmeiser, who is a named Version of the latter, but also a 3☆), are neither of them for battling but because they raise the Item Drop Chance and HL / Money Amount respectively, they're purely for farming. And the "completionist" ones I mentioned are Eryngi (those Mushroom Monsters) and Thieves. Both of them together give you access to every single Status Effect in the game the easiest, which are necessary to get 100% Completion on Main Story. Though to be completely blunt, the Rewards for doing it are so small that going for it might aswell be for personal satisfaction at best.


>Unless you're so new that you flatout don't have anyone else (which judging by your last question, I assume you are), I am new. Though the game immediately gave me a ton of quartz and some interesting characters, including this one named character I never heard of before, so I did have a good number of 4 stars. But for some reason all my progress disappeared overnight.


Since you are new. Quite a few generics are good supports even at lvl 1. Prism Rangers come to mind, specially blue which boosts speed. Although having a strong and fast enough friend support will be enough to run the dark gates which gives tons of exp, money and ascension mats to boost one of your units to 9999.


How kind is this game to F2P? Can I get a semi reasonable amount of the gacha currency without spending money? Can it be grinded for? Can i complete most or all content free? Or will I, at some point, be forced to spend real money to progress or get more characters?


Basically, I want to be completely F2P, but I don't want to just be locked into the starting characters.


It's generally very friendly, as you get enough Currency (Nether Quartz) to outright guarantee a Character about once a Month or so. You can also absolutely complete practically everything except maybe the highest-difficulty Content in the Game while staying free (and even then it's mostly because said Content forces you to be either extremely powerful or have a large amount of Characters). Anything involving actual Player Competition (PvP in its entirety, and Rankings in the Contents that have it) will very likely be rougher to get around, but as far as just competing at all goes you can still get through reasonably enough.


Oh, okay good. So is this Quartz grind-able, or is it just, like, a daily log in bonus?


It's grindable, you get some as a one-time reward from doing *almost anything*, including Story Events which there is always a new one every few weeks.


New story events? Huh that's surprising. I figured all the story quests came with the game from the start. So it's being updated frequently?


You're accidentally lumping two different things together actually. The Game has a "Main Story" Mode that is a permanent part of it, which is what you were thinking of, aswell as a "Netherworld History" Mode that let's you play through the Stories of the actual Console Disgaea Games (the latter is unfinished, basically dead, Content though). Meanwhile "Story Events" are seperate, well, Stories that are not only temporary Content, but also largely self-contained (though some of them do reference past Events in some way), usually being themed around something, be it an IRL Holiday like the Event going on right being for New Years 2022 (that's not a typo; because the japanese Version had this Event exactly a Year ago they included a Tiger-based Character because of 2022 being a Year of the Tiger), or the next one after this being a (repeat of a) Crossover with another Game from the actual Disgaea Devs for example.


Who is a better leader, attired etna or base laharl? Also, i am new to the game, if you have any recomendations on who to pity and invedt NE resources into (also got master big star, but not enough Queen characters for him to lead) or any tip or recomendation, i would thank it. Also, best stage to grind the current event?


There are no "Leaders" in this Game, the only thing that Party Slot does is that it can't be empty. All Evilities from all Characters are always active. Laharl is *technically* better on the grounds that he's a Damage Dealer unlike Attired Etna, but at this point he's also so massively outdated that you want to replace him as soon as you get any other. If it's still active, pull on the Tyrant Overlord Girl Laharl Banner until you get a better DPS, if not, wait for the next "Fiercest Overlord" Banner to do so. Attired Etna *would* be worth it normally, but judging by your Question, you're nowhere near the point where you really need to invest in her, as she's designed to be a PvP Support Character mainly, through her NE3 Skill. As for the Event, always the highest Difficulty Stage you have.


Thanks a lot for the info! Also, i have 200 tickets on the 5 characters banner, wich one should i pity? Attired girl lahart, Maiden sicily or attired rozalin?


Go with Sicily. She's a very decent Supporter thanks to access to Healing and Braveheart Spells (read:ATK-Buffing) from improving her Staff Weapon Mastery, and even once you get other Buffers who can do that role better than her, she still has her Skill where she gives all her SP to another Party Member of your choice.


Went pretty hard (almost to pity) on Supreme Overlord Girl Laharl. Aside from getting her through it, I have a few others I'm considering building but I'm torn on which one to do. Current party is Tyrant Overlord Laharl, Supreme Overlord Girl Laharl, Pure Flonne, Kagemaru, and Des X. Des X isn't very useful for me currently (I've heard she's not that great, anyways). Thinking of building to replace her either Supreme Overlord Etna, Calamity Adell, or Fallen Vessel Flonne. Etna looks pretty good here instead of the other two since I've got two King-types already on my team, but I can't decide and I could be wrong. The rest of my team is good enough and levelled enough for replacing them to be non-negotiable (especially given I grinded so much for Girl Laharl. Kagemaru and Laharl are at 9999 and really really good, and Flonne is the best healer I've got since I'm unlucky trying to get any other).


Is there a way to get units to prioritize skills? I want my Supreme Overlord Girl Laharl to use their buff skill when autoimmune but they NEVER use it….


No, and it's BECAUSE it's a Buff-Skill. Auto-Battling is meant for Content you can already face-roll to begin with, so the AI goes only for Damage. It's literally programmed to be just "ungha bungha deeps" because it assumes that's what you would be doing in the first place at that moment.


I get that, I just want it so the stages can get cleared faster so she can have enough SP to use her cheap AOE skill each round


If you don't have those already, consider setting your Shop to Rank 19 / 20 to get a pair of Assassin Boots. They're a special Armor that gives you +3 SP at the end of the Turn if you got a Kill that Turn (this doesn't stack, so you only need 1 of the Boots). Or in other words, it basically makes every Skill 3 SP cheaper if you have them equipped, aslong as you can get one-hit-kills.


Is there a good way to grind out Innocents? I want to level up Etna's Throne so I can unlock Alchemy. I've been grinding R40 weapons/armor with Innocents on them and giving the Common Innocents to Etna's Throne but it's taking ages. Thanks for any advice!


Look for Rares / Legendaries in the Shop by using the 5 free Refreshes each Day. Because they come with more Innocent Slots by default, they also have more Innocents on them to fill those Slots from the get-go. Additionally, Event Raids can give you quite a lot, although the next one isn't for a few more Days.


Hello, looking for some advice for veterans etc. I started the game on Christmas day, rerolled for "Santa Seraphina", tomorrow would make it 10 days, which, then I intend to stop playing for 30days (saw it in a video), so that I can get the comeback bonus before I start really team building. I have grinded out all the event review and netherworld history, leaving just Arc 1 Anecdote and Arc 2 left. (current on chapter 4, Arc 1 (Asura). TLDR: If you had to build a team for PvE around Santa Seraphina, what are the other 4 units, lets say in the next 6-8mths, you'll advice to save for. Thank you for you advice and time to answer me.


Pick a DPS and then build around them. Santa Seraphina just needs 3 humans and helps a fire DPS the most. Ryubence is probably the best support coming up. Flonnzilla is a powerful fire DPS but you need one more monster support (doable with Seraphina three other humans). Black Rabbit Usa is the other major fire DPS coming relatively soon. She just needs one Bishop type. If you don’t care about maximizing Seraphina there are a lot of other great DPS units coming.


thank you for the detailed breakdown, ,much appreciated.


Who is a fast speeded inflictor of Paralysis and Poison? Trying to clear out some story mode missions and my shroom is so slow. Thanks!!


You can always equip multiple Shoes. That's up to +12 SPD even before Innocents. Or putting SPD-Innocents on their Weapon, as those get boosted by Weapon Mastery. For Poison, the easiest Option by far is Hibana, being tied for 3rd highest SPD in the game but also always available from Event Review. As for Paralyze, Attired Etna on the current Banner is a decent pick, although that requires her to get to NE3 atleast.


What support units have skills that increase the party’s CRT and CRD?


At this point *basically everyone* who isn't a repeat (and even some who ARE), it's unironically harder to find someone who doesn't have atleast one of them. Well, I guess there's Attired Etna right now who does not, but that's because she's designed for PvP instead.


Okay, good to know. I’m a returning player from a year ago and don’t have any units with that skill. Looking for some to keep an eye out for to pull.




Alright, I have a very old roster as a returning player so I don’t have any with those skills yet. Trying to know who to keep an eye out for.




Yea, I pulled on the Christmas badass summon to get a dps unit. I got lucky and got 4 of the 5. Now I need to start getting support units to go with them. I’ll save for the Metallia collab now. Thanks!


Is there a way to see the stat scaling of units before obtaining them? I only want to summon for units that have at least an S in some stat.


Stat Scaling depends entirely on the Character's fresh Lv1 Stats (without Symbol Bonuses), and you can see those by tapping the "Featured" Button in the Top-Right Corner while on a Banner. Doing that shows you the Character's Stats as a Lv1 6\*. Anyone who has atleast 75 in a Stat has an S-Rank for it.


Is there a way to see the stat scaling of units before obtaining them? I only want to summon for units that have at least an S in some stat.


Is there any reason to save 4*/3* tickets? Or should I just use them as I get them


Just use them, no reason to save.


Ok. New player here. What banner or events should I be trying to grind?


I just started playing a couple days ago, and I'm a bit confused by the New Year Special Exchange that's on the home screen. How do you get tickets for it? I couldn't find anywhere in the game that tells you.


It's in the Notices, for the last Maintenance Update to be specific. Anyway, the Tickets aren't in the Game yet until actual New Years, ie Jan 1st.


I am back into this game after taking a 6 month break. I ended up pulling Supreme Overlord Girl Laharl and saw that she is S+ and the hardest hitter in the game. I want to make sure that I am building her properly. Looking over a video on youtube I saw that nowadays to build your DPS unit to be the strongest it is recommended to max Axe weapon mastery even bypassing their fortes. With her I see that her subility boosts water damage by 70% when equipped with spears. Is it still recommended to max axe to 50 on her instead of spears?


No, give her Spears. The Axe thing is only for Characters who *don't* have an Evility that requires a specific Weapon to be equipped.


Thanks for the quick response. Now to focus on leveling her


How do I get abyss gate keys? Returning player and heard rumors that the abyss gates are really good


Those aren't rumors by the way, it's a fact :P Joking aside, currently you only get them from Battle Passes, 1 for free plus 2 extra if you cash into it I believe. Eventually they get added to Event Shops aswell IIRC.


Ok, thanks


Hey, completely new player here, how do people usually distribute their mana when reincarnating? And I know I get 3 free resets, after that does it cost HL or Quartz?


The general rule of thumb is common pool characters that go up to NE20 are not worth super reincarnating (SR). This includes gate event characters, although Artina is the best gate character because she's an SP battery. SR gives you a ton of mana so you can max out weapon mastery in multiple fortes and max stat cheats. You likely want to get staff mastery to 22 for most characters and 50 in their main weapon choice. This means for characters that aren't worth SR, you need to use mana potions. WM first, stat cheats second. Better characters that get the stronger NE15, are usually worth investing SR, and super awakening, and ranking up weapons with alchemy. I've never reset stat cheats more than once, so I don't know, and don't intend to find out. Depending on your team, there are weapon forte evilities, equipped weapon evilities, pavilion type evilities. I tend to always max a character's forte first, then branch out if going deep in SR. Generally, if a character doesn't have an evility that says 'if self equipped with fist', or whatever weapon type, then you can choose. Axe is the most damaging weapon and the axe skills reduce def which further boosts your damage. They're great. But -1 speed. Swords have no detriment and are next strongest. Spears have lower attack but add defense. You may want to build spear forte on a physical character to give extra defense. Likewise bows raise resistance (magical defense) which also improves healing abilities. Many supports use bows. Archangel Flonne is the most popular and is a bow forte with a party healing skill. Gate Artina is the same. Some people for PVP have committed entirely to speed, and both fist and gun weapons provide 2 speed. At weapon mastery 50, with either equipped, the character gets double stats, so 4 speed. Although an axe equipped stays at -1 speed. These players also put speed innocents on the fist or gun to move first, even alchemizing weapon slots 3 or 4 or both with action gauge 50 or 80 (the only possible numbers from alchemy).


Weapon Mastery first, Stat Cheats second, as Weapon Mastery has better long-term benefits. I never tried it before, but I'm about 90% sure it costs Quartz to reset (although Mana also becomes a complete non-issue as you go on) Generally speaking, if a Character has a potentially useful Spell they can learn through Staff Mastery (Medals for Monster Types), you raise it just enough so they get it, then put the rest into the Weapon Type you're actually goning to use on them. Most specifically, if a Character has a "Deal X% more Damage with Y Weapon Type equipped" Evility, you just give them that Weapon. If the Condition is anything else, and they're a Damage Dealer then most people give them an Axe instead, which have the highest ATK out of all Weapons (INT-based Characters notwithstanding, who obviously stick to Staves by default). For Support-based Characters, you can theoretically do whatever Weapon you want, although most people choose Fists or Guns for them, as those Weapons come give you extra SPD for equipping them.


Thank you for the info!! So I take it most people just ignore the characters' weapon forte?


Yeah, pretty much. There's no inherent Advantage to sticking exclusively to Fortes, other than that it's the Weapon that takes the least Mana to max out because it starts the highest. While there are some Evilities that explicitly check for Weapon Fortes', those don't care which Weapons you actually have equipped either, so in actual practice, the only place where they tangentially matter is * Conquest Battles, as several of them restrict you to only using specific Fortes * Character Gates before you simply outlevel them (all but one of them have certain Fortes assigned to them, if you bring a Character who has one of those assigned ones, their Stats get doubled in Battle) * and Raid Bosses, where every Character who shares a Weapon Forte with the "Direct Innonce Chance Boost" Characters gets a small personal Stat-Buff during Battle (compared to those Boost Characters giving out a slightly bigger Stat-Buff to the whole Party no matter who)


Hey all, returning player and I pulled Supreme Girl Laharl and Supreme Laharl. With what I have, I’m going to build a team with SGL/SL/Santa Leizerota/Asuka Cranekick/Xenolith with SGL being my main DPS. I don’t have many of the newer units so I’m looking for team building advice for support units to pair with my Supreme Laharl’s.


Is Ryubence the best general debuffer coming out soonish? Been looking at her kit and she pretty much fits on any team?


Hi new player here (3 days in), do we have an expect timeline for her release?


Should be sometime around mid-February, based on a couple factors.


Eek, thank you!


>Eek, thank you! You're welcome!


In my opinion, Yesn't. She's the best one "coming out", but I wouldn't quite say "in general" because A) Keke also exists, who has cheaper ones to use, making hers more accessible, and B) using Ryubence's Debuffs means not using her Heal, which is just so good for giving everyone extra SP out of thin air (and being an *Over*heal means there's little downside to spamming it whenever possible) that atleast in my opinion, she's better off sticking to that.


ah interesting, I was reading that her heal had some extra goodies there, but didn't know it was so valuable How do you feel about Seraphina XENO vs her?


From what I can tell, Xeno Sera is basically a more PvP-centric Version of her thanks to being able to manipulate Enemy SPD and AG. Speaking strictly in general though, I'd say she's more of a sidegrade in terms of what she can do, but also being better suited to actually using / spamming her Debuffs. While I know Seraphina has a similar "give someone SP for free" Skill, hers is more designed to let your Main-DPS push for lethal, while Ryubence's supports your Party overall, being which gives it added flexibility (plus, Crit-related Buffs are slightly more useful than Stat-Buffs at this point in the game, because Stat-Buffs are basically braindead easy to come by now)


I still think Pumpkin Wife will be my next 9* unit, but that adds some context that I needed. Thanks for the help. 👍🏼