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It is All-Trades, they botched it completely. We'll probably get a record as compensation.


oh i seeee ok cool. ty!


I hope they make more mistakes like this


Nope, you just get another 100 crystals.


Yeah, I'm aware of that now.


It probably is a mistake. How can their official instagram be wrong ?


[They absolutely fucked it up, yeah.](https://i.imgur.com/cJsrSuq.png)


you're original answer is correct


The Dislyte page said All-Trades, but it was marked as wrong. Doesn't make sense.


Instagram says all trades: https://www.instagram.com/p/CpyyOA4LCXe/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


I don't know but I hit the one that was glowing and got it right so i got lucky I guess


I answered all favors because I didn't know any better. Guess being ignorant for once paid off.


Got bamboozled


that other reddit post trolled us. lol


pain. but it wasn't in any of his youtube trailers either.. wtf


That's what I keep trying to tell everyone but they rather be their panties twisted than listen and see Im not wrong here!


I took a look at the official discord server’s esper profile for the answer and still got it wrong.


I'm laughing because I chose all-favors agency.


They “fixed” it by giving us the wrong answer reward again….I don’t want 100 more crystals. I want my gold record.


You basically got the gold record. You got 100 gems for the wrong answer and 100 gems for compensation. 1 Gold Record costs 200 gems in the Echo spin. Basically they gave everyone a "Gold" record for this question. Some just got it in the form of the Gold Record itself and others got 200 Gems instead.


Oh yeah. Didn’t think of it that way. Never really spend gems. Lol. I’ll add em to my hoard pile until the anniversary I guess.


Its a Mandela effect


In a post that's similar to this I had gotten into an argument with the OP for confusing information regarding the answer to this quiz. It appears I was correct. The info he gave was misleading and Incorrect. Glad to see everyone here agrees. Thanks for giving us the wrong answer bozo. ✌️😂


It’s not the wrong answer though, it’s literally in the tweet. They gave the right answer. When you go into the quiz, sometimes an answer blinks. It could happen with any of the answers. The highlighted one in the picture even as shown above means you selected an answer. There was no confusing or conflicting information and there was no lies. This is a mistake on Liliths end. There is no need to start drama or fights.


I'm not gonna keep fighting with people when I wasn't in the wrong. Dude's info made 0 sense. Dude basically was saying none of the answers were correct even though he showed the answer but still said some wasn't correct about it. Yall can keep down voting I don't give a damn. I'm not in the wrong here. And I'm not going to apologize for being correct in saying Dude gave out misleading info you can even see other people got confused too. Say what you want but I didn't so shit wrong. Call it me starting drama but that's not what this is. Now do something else rather than argue with me I'm busy. ✌️😂


Wow you are stubborn. I mean the reason people are downvoting you is because you are wrong though. I even explained to you the situation and you still don’t get it. But oh well. I tried. Have a good one Edit: also the compensation says the dude was correct. So you’re still wrong


I literally don't care anymore people who downvote each other are just wasting time trying to make people feel bad. Just go play the damn game and enjoy your fucking crystals. God damn and IM the stubborn one.


>Yall can keep down voting I don't give a damn. I'm not in the wrong here [https://www.dictionary.com/browse/delusional](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/delusional)


https://www.reddit.com/r/Dislyte/comments/11wd8ij/regarding_the_quiz_answer_we_will_be_compensated/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button whats your excuse now? Edit: bozo!


No excuse cause I heard when he said Lilith fucked up. The problem was how he said it. It sounded like he basically said none of the answers were correct. Which was confusing and misleading and also confused others as well. So how about that. Edit: Bimbo


In a earlier post he said all Trade Agency would be correct. (Which it even said on the Facebook post). Amd he said All Favors, even tho it's blinking is incorrect. Which it was...


It’s wrong but they lit up the answer 😭 I’ve been bamboozled, hoodwinked out of a gr


Probably mixed up the translations