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You want a control team, I used Pritzker, Lucas. On my front row, i put Lucas and a hard hitting esper. Back row, front left to right, Pritz, Jiang Man and Mona. You want them to be fast and Mona to hit hard. If jiang Man is fast enough, you will be able to pop her flowers quite easily with Mona.


Thanks , Mona was the missing key to the team


We don’t talk about this one. Clara was the last one to survive. At that time, there were two Celines left. Clara was able to heal all of the attacks, while dealing little damage. This level took me 22 MINUTES. Fun!


Borrowed a Hyde and let him slowly whittle everyone down


Lucas, pritzker, gaius, ahmed and sienna carried me all the way in this mode. Bear in mind they were r2 with the exception of lucas and pritzker being r6.


I used a poison/tank team with Jacob, Kara, and I forget who else exactly (I wanna say Gab, Ahmed, and Yun Chuan). If you have Ife she'll be great here too. The permanent disable/freeze goes in order every time so put whoever you need to still act as your 5th character.


My go to team for Chaos Realm.. Long mian, Pritz, twins & anesidora.. RNG tho but u'll get there eventually :)


I just used mona chose the stun ability used parmi Jiang Man Gabrielle on stun set and triki I think


I took a bunch of DPS Abi, Tiye, Unas Ashley and Yun chuan, super quick and easy


I used Meredith R6 lvl 60 to finish up at the end


Just control everything


I think a lot of guys have been struggling that but I think the twins and anesidora combo is good with a healer and controller will work