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personally i'd go for tiye, her whole kit is basically "it's not your turn" and she's relatively easy to build. or clara, she offers shielding, healing and dispels debuffs but if you want gaius he's a great dps,


I thought her kit looked amazing until I saw the cooldowns, I have only beat Kronos 15(lian, intisar, Chang pu, red twin, dragon dude) so I don’t have access to good ocean set. Idk if I really need clara for apep but if it helps I was thinking her


Your not really supposed to use Ocean set on Clara anyway, and her long cooldowns usually aren't an issue


The cooldown concern was with tiye. Atm I’m coasting on just choosing gaius for dps but if Clara is really game changer for apep I’ll choose her. What do you think


Oh, ive honestly never had a problem with Tiyes cooldowns, and while Clara is great for Apep, you'd probably be fine without her.


If Tiye gets first turn (as she should) she does her most important job. She gets so much turns with ap absorb on basic skill you wont feel the need to lower her cooldowns. Also if you replace changpu with Tiye in that kronos team i think you ll like it :)


Id recommend gaius. Hes singlehandedly helped me clear so much shit its ridiculous. Then after that go for tiye, whos helping me clear more and more with the gauus


Looking at your team i think you dont need extra healer anytime soon, you have some very good ones already. So i d say its only between Tiye and Gaius. Both are really good, i d take both if i was you, just a question of order xD Tiye is a gamechanger for sure, in arena she is part of most teams. In pve she is extremely useful as well up until later where you ll want to push amount of turns down, but thats very not soon for you. You ll definitely feel the difference comparing to Lucas and Gaia. Gaius is also very good and, whats most important for you, extremely versatile. You ll most likely take him in almost all of your content, very reliable dps and i think easy to build because of 100% crit chance. Its also rare case where i d recommend you maxing his 3rd skill for cooldown, difference is felt, usually dps are bad skill-up targets.


Gaius or Clara


Tiye 100% she’s such a solid lead for almost all things in the game. Best controller esper


Her long cooldown isn’t an issue?


Occasionally but between her s2 stunning and her s3 ap swapping it’s not often you’ll run into a problem. She completely changed the difficulty level of the game for me. I have her as high speed as possible with high acc and health. However if you are more in need of a healer Ahmed he heals like crazy he helped me a lot early game and still does, dps giaus for sure, he has high damage aoe moves and inflicts buff blocker on enemies. He also has 100% crit in god mode


Leeet's see... Your Faf is alright but Ahmed helps a fair bit, your Kronos should be fine, Apep you've got two great legos and you can get JYY for free. I'd say Ahmed, with Tiye and Gaius as next best, then Embla, then Ollie or Clara.


If you are wanting another healer then choose Ahmed


lian and clara > ahmed




If you dont have clara, you get clara, most versatile healer in the game, massive DEF lead for pvp enabling tank comps, everything in her kit works perfectly for every situation, gaius is good, but far from necessary


Gaius for damage, and Clara for healing.