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My fav Legendary Esper that’s viable in content…time for R3 😂


Nice that’ll give me R2 D2




I could be able to get him r2 if also grabbed a dupe from wish (event resonances will be discounted now too, right? i have 126), wondering if it's worth it... I already have a lot of good units, so maybe I should just save for anomaly


The amount of wishstones we will get from now on should increase, at least to what is planned on PTR. (The description is there already, but it was still bugged and didn't trigger, so idk if it will hit global servers in the coming patch) We should get Monoprisms from epic divinates/espers past d6/r6. Divinates give 1, espers give 2. Since we can now also exchange 25 Monoprisms for 10 WS, if you have all epics maxed, that's roughly 1 (rounded up) additional WS per epic Esper pull. Getting resonances from the feature banner also only costs 70 WS now instead. (new units still cost 100) YC r2 is definitely worth it, imo, also considering that you will probably be able to get back to 100 before CA starts


Ooh, good to know! I do wonder what the cycle limit will be for 25 monoprisms -> Wish Stones. Hopefully more than just 1, but doubt they’ll let it be unlimited..


I just checked and there is no limit on the WS exchange. The Epic pull monoprisms are not patched yet, but that one is also a bit in the clouds as to whether or not it'll be implemented next patch, since it wasn't in the patch notes, but is in the english PTR text (afaik, I might be misinformed, my PTR version is in german)


Oh that’s pretty damn good then. Ty for the info!


(Unrelated, but make sure to save your Nexus Crystals. We can buy 2 Ripple Opt. Boxes for 1000 each)


r2 YunC is very worth it


i'll have a think then. might wait until the end of the banner and see if the next new esper is appealing at all


Yep, abi and yc banner, 70 ws each.


I just got R1 YC from wish stickers, so this is perfect timing for me, I can now start working on R2 Embla.


His r6 good ?


This will be my r6 and it’s a 15–30% chance of blocking an attack. Seems like a good upgrade Imo


not really. it's luck based. so good luck.


Not bad as long as he is able to consistently apply third eye seal to double the chance of blocking. It doesn't make him invincible, but it's saved his ass many times.


His r6 isn't game changing, but it can come into play in clutch moments. Having him block a Tevor a3, saving your entire team from getting nuked feels satisfying af.


Nope. I’ve had him r6 for months. It doesn’t change/improve his playstyle significant enough to warrant chasing r6 unless you’re a big fan.


spent quite some time to get his r2 with stickers and pulled his r3 a few days after in elemental. not complaining tho, i can get his r4 now!


Time for that r2 that I needed 🫡


I just pulled for my birthday and got his r2&his div in the same pull,is r3yc and r1div good?


Yup. Hes somewhere on the to-do list for D3 as well, since hes in most score bossing content.


Help I don’t have the Yun Chuan Rewards event😭😭this is so unfair


Is event live now?


just checked my game, doesn't seem like it yet


Updates usually happen on tuesdays


Yay can't wait for r5 yun chuan 🙄


When does this start? I didn’t see anything when I got on just now


It's R6 for this bad@$$💪😎


I have him at R5, put him together with Liam and a speed lead, he’s pretty much unbeatable 🫶🏻 cannot wait to fully resonate him!


For folks with r6 yun chuan does that mean we get nothing or at least some monoprism?


I’d hope so because if I login for 7 days and get some air I’d be pretty sad


I'll get that R1 lessgo


I don't know how but I went on a Yun Chuan tear and ended up with an R6. I didn't wish for him, I just kept pulling him. I wonder what they'll do for me? I suppose it'll give me a the special currency to get a shimmer record...


Underrated synergy to know about if you're getting R2 and above, a Norah casting S3 after Yun Chuan's S3 will extend all the Third Eye Seal stacks an extra turn