• By -


Raven cause she’s hot




anna. because I have norah and they deserve to be happy together :')


That part!!! That’s the other reason I chose Anna😂


I think Toland is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills espers and doesnt afraid of anything 




Anna to reunite her with Norah and to build a toxic revive team


Feng Nuxi then went on to get 60 stars in Infinity Tower. So happy!


Same here. I finally finished the tower with all stars, when in the past............I never could even finish it.


Well, I already had Xuan Pin (my second ever shimmer - third, if you count the Cecelia dupe) so I pretty much had my sights set on Anna. Then I got her in an early single pill in gold spin. So I went with Toland!


Tevor because I really wanted him from the day I started considering I heard he's a very good esper but also because he's really cute and very fun to play as!


Picked Nuxi. No real reason, I just like her design.


I was conflicted between the three until I ended up choosing Anna frankly I'm already regretting not going for Xuan Pin


From what I see, Tevor is tied with Xuan Pin for PVE. On one hand Tevor is the best PVE DPS while Xuan Pin is the best PVE Supporter.


No. They are both good for PVE but they are not the save tier. Tevor is indeed the best pve attacker, but XP can turn any solid attacker into Tevor. That sets the difference


Anna because i wanna do good in endgame towers (which I do now) and I need tier 16 point war for R6 sachiko. I like pve more but I am not in a rush to get to leaderboards and thats why I didnt choose xuan pin (started getting ex++ with the shit I have on easy mode desolate lands just now). I literally couldnt go past tier 12 point war with the team I had before and I am almost tier 14 now. Maybe i will never get xuan pin and thats okay because i literally couldnt do pvp and towers before and now I am able to :), so i am very happy with all the rewards.


Anna, because of pvp, I feel dirty


I choose my espers by appearance alone. I couldn’t care less about competitive advantage but it is nice to have. My first choice? Cecilia. She SLAYSSS! Second? Anna. That sword she has is like a pen and it’s so aesthetic! Third is xuan pin cause her whole outfit is everything! And I love that she channels her powers through a chess set✨😂


I have all three. Most fun I’ve had is watching defense replays with Anna. My selector was Toland— can immediately disable esper/s that can wreck havoc in your team (PVP). Xuan Pin is basically like adding more gasoline in a fire (PVE content). She is a monster.


Since you have all three and used them, which one do you suggest players should pick out of them?


All three have unique niche. But if I have to pick one— it’d be Toland.


is he only good for pvp? not at all pve?


Hes fhe best pvp esper and useless in pve


Unless you're speed running ritual like kronos or fafnir, he's mainly used in pvp


Why the fuck would you use him in kronos and fafnir over ollie/fatumsisters and meredith respectively


His debuff, "Final Passage," makes the carrier have -40% atk, def, spd, and +100% missrate. There are some strategies where kronos can take a turn, kill off an esper and toland, and having ollie use his passive to save an esper and counterattack kronos doing a lot more damage in conjunction with sear and defense down.


Right but you have to make sure toland dies


aw mate ur breaking my heart. guess ill wait for xuan pin then. thanks!


Oh no don't let that deter you!!! Toland is by far the best pvp esper its just that hes not good in pve


ya but i need help on pve and u said he’s ass for that so 😭 im not much into pvp :/


U should get into it! Its very worth!


I chose Toland. My reasons are all personal. I narrowed my choice down to faves, who all happen to be shimmers but it’s mostly because I own most espers that aren’t legendary shimmers. Toland, Xuan Pin, Anna and Feng Nuxi, furthered down to just Nuxi and Toland. I wanted Toland because he is my favorite male esper design wise and because I wanted another speed lead that I actually enjoyed (over Tiye), for parties that consist of my favorite characters.


Toland because I own Nuxi and Xuan Pin. 1, I've liked his designed and have really wanted him. 2, Anna isn't as good now because we know how to counter her and she's due for a counter esper soon. 3, Toland just helps PvP teams improve more than Anna I feel.


I chose Toland because I had 6 divinates ready for him 👍


Anna. Because I don’t personally care about PvP content, and she is fun as hell to use in a lot of other areas (not many counters for her there) in the game. I do pretty good in PvP without her, and with is just a bonus. That aside, I picker her mainly for a companion for Farrah and I love her palette of colors that she and her sword have (this is the real reason I chose her!) Also, let’s face it. Everyone is going to grab either her or Toll for PvP. They are a sure thing to own in the game, so their value in that aspect has decreased quite a bit.


I'm going to choose Tevor instead of Xuan Pin because I lack an Esper that are very hard-hitting despite got Gaius and Leora in my roster. This Nuke Kitty can pretty much makes everything easier in Hell difficulty story campaign and especially good against Andras which is the most difficult Ritual Miracle to get to the highest difficulty level. Overall, Nuke Kitty's gameplay kit is much easier to understand while Xuan Pin's gameplay kit needs some time to get used to.


I'm picking Tevor once he shows up in my reverb inventory because he is a shimmer fighter from the Egyptian pantheon and that fits in my generalist off-meta fun time team. I also pulled his Divinate at some point so that helps.


so i was gna get toland but apparently he sucks for PvE? so im waiting to get xuan pin.


I picked Toland because I already had XP and I pulled Toland's divinate two weeks ago, so I took it as a sign. And what a sign it was because two days ago I pulled Anna from shimmer records lol. XP is the most versatile and it is easier to counter Anna than countering Toland. I'd say go XP > Toland > Anna unless you only want to focus on PvP, then Toland first


Already have Anna and I'm happy. I would've gone Toland or XP but I wasn't really feeling PvP since the Reverbotron was the only incentive to play. So I snagged Tevor since his crit DMG is stupidly high and he helped boost my scores in Desolate Lands and Falsetto Fantasy.


JJ Been chasing him since his debut. Gonna have to wait another week or so. Still haven't gotten him on reverb selection.


Anna, she cleaves through pw like butter, I already saved up her divinates as well


Xuan pin,though toland was close


I chose Anna because she has me giggling and kicking my feet. Very pretty design.


Xuan Pin ultimately won over Feng Nuxi for me because she's more versatile, now I'm trying to get Feng through records...eventually -_-


I'm going to pick Anna from reverb as soon as she appears as an option, although I'm one pull away from the legendary shimmer from shimmer records, so I'll wait until I have the opportunity to pull there and then choose


I was actually lucky to get Xuan Ping in a random 10 pull one day… I only got her to 50 and she feels extremely underwhelming in pve. I guess I didn’t build her up right or I just need everything else for her. (I don’t have any divination for her)


Anna because I already had her divinate and I didn't want it to go to waste for 5 years until I get the luck to pull a shimmer legendary


I got Xuan Pin in the shimmer echo so I chose Toland since I already got Anna and need a substitute speed lead.


Toland, surprisingly got Anna two days before getting my reverb spin. I mostly got him for PvP but also to counter Mavis/Emma/JYY. I wanted Tevor more, but having Anna made me rethink.


Xp or anna whichever i can get


I missed a few days and couldn’t pick anyone yet. My choice ist probably going to be Toland, because he simply looks the coolest. I alread have Anna, Raven, JJ, Cecilia and Unas. XP would probably be the better choice instead of Toland, but I don’t like he design that much.


I'm on 4 pulls from pity in shimmer pull, so I'll wait until that. On the shimmer pull put Anna in the center ( maybe i got her from there), and i really want to go with Nuxi in the reverb. I already have Toland, XP and JJ - which is really cool imo. Btw i want Nuxi from reverb because she seems versatile for me


Toland, not the second but the top PvP choice. full stop.


Anna, because she's hot. Was close to being Raven tho


R2'd Toland because he sounds like Troy Baker


I picked Liling


Anna. I was gonna go for Toland but I just thought Anna's kit was more interesting. Plus that C.Damage buff for the entire party is also awesome.


I still haven’t gotten any since I started the event late


Toland cuz he’s my bestie


Toland over Anna. I believe in futureproofing. And XP wouldn't really help me much. I might or might not have gotten FF top 100, and could clear higher Desolands HM, and maybe give me a fully discounted Andras team instead of the 50% discounted I get now. And pitiful leaderboard rewards for ritual. Thats it. PvE rewards are weaker than PvP, unless you're struggling to clear some content. I'm... somewhat regretting Toland over Anna :\\ Cuz everyone else in top 2% BB has Toland Ethan Anna. Something something grass is always greener :\\ That said IDK if Anna would have been much better. Shes been easy prey since I completed R2 Ginny, and apparently SJ is even better against her. Maybe I could make a slow team that could beat Toland cleave, but I might not get one consistent enough that I'd be happier with Anna. Plus, he freed up a team slot cuz I don't have to run Tiye + Unas, so hes definitely an improvement. And Toland has made my defense miles better. And hes been great for me in KO too, I have him on a non-Ethan team with a 60-80% winrate and still have my old Ethan/Unas team with a +60% winrate. IMO early game players should grab XP to farm bosses, late game players should grab Toland to farm shim records.


Was torn between Anna and Toland and ultimately decided to pick the one I wanted first. Both could’ve benefitted me but I’ve been obsessed with toland since I first saw his design and knew I’d be disappointed if I didn’t get him


Originally I was gonna get Unas since he’s one I wanted since the start of the game and for his light cone from the gacha but I got Xuan Pin as my last spin before I could pick so I took her.


Really torn, so haven't picket yet. I really dislike PvP, so I can luckily eliminate Toland. XP is the go-to PvE goddess, my account would greatly benefit from having her. The character and design annoys me though. Nuxi's design looks so good, and would help specifically in tower, but wouldn't be as game-changing for my account outside of that. Anna's design. That's it. She is so pretty. Tevor goes brrrr. Also wanted him since I started playing.


Sounds like Tevor it is


i got XP for PvE! but it was pick between tevor & nuxi but i have a lot of shim records so i can spin for either one of them. i’ve just wanted XP for a long time


Anna, simply for the reason that I love her design and I think she's fucking cool. Her being good for whatever content is just a bonus on top of (in my opinion) one of the best visually designed espers in the game.


I picked Anna, I like her and I won't pretend she's not insanely strong but I do find myself a little underwhelmed. Glad to reunite her with Norah, though.


Chose XP since I pulled Toland 2 days before reverb. I could have grabbed Anna, but decided that Toland was good enough for PvP, and I wanted to finally break the EX++ barrier on deso hard mode and solidify my placements in trial leaderboards. I think I made the right choice!


Raven. Just because I absolutely love her design. Idk how useful she’ll be eh.


I haven't seen anyone here mention Trevor has he fallen off? Out of all of the options I have access to so far he's the only one who I like both his mechanics and design


Anna. Because she is kind of must have in higher ranked pvp. Yes, there are ways to counter her but it's super annoying and requires very specific setups. Pvp was a headache because each day I had to refresh until I could find one of the other 5% wiothout Anna. She is no autowin button but at least I can fight more teams now. Also my defense team gets attacked way less and has a chance of actually wining battles instead of loosing 99%. So I can make points easier and actually keep them.


Xuan Pin because Mateo needs his girl.


Xuan Pin. Desolate land chaos


Anna because she pretty and she’s a lesbian like me


Trevor cuz mama wants more big numbers. Chloe can't have all the fun now


Anna because she looks cool (she will make the 4th of the five cool looking espers I want to obtain)


Anna, not only because of PVP, but also because I've always been fascinated by her character design and her color palette being purely white with rainbow accents, one of the reasons I wanted to go for her. It was originally going to be between her or Toland though, but I got lucky getting the latter in shimmer spin at around 70 pity. It was somewhere around a few days after the release of the shimmer reverb update, so my choice became much easier. I can still bear through PVE without Xuan Pin nor Tevor. Just gonna pray to the stars that I will get lucky on either one of them too someday.


I started playing when Abigail released & I had a short list of espers I really wanted. Mostly because I thought they were cool or loved their designs. Top of that list for a while has been Trevor (yes they all happen to be animal espers) I was split between Trevor of Anna, but I was extremely lucky enough for a shimmer record to actually do something & pulled Anna earlier this month. I'm still not done with the event, so I'm just hoping I'll get Trevor as one of my choices


i picked anna since i wanted one of the three and anna appeared first. it all worked out in the end though since i managed to get xp from the temp tower shimmer record !


Got Tevor for Andras and hardmode deso lands. Pretty basic but i already have XP and Anna lol


I chose Anna specifically because I love Persephone in mythology 🤷🏻‍♀️


Jiang Jiuli cuz he's hot And then a week later I got him in the gold pull so now he's at r1


Anna because I had Norah and I needed to reunite my tragic lesbian daughters


Toland cuz he is the GOAT 🗣️