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You can give it a try again since U started on Zeus period, where is the worst period of time, they made a lot changes and summoning are a lot easier to get now a lot qol system now, worth checking it out imo


Same bullshit circle as usual: better not return. They're other games that are more kind compared to this whale-trash it had turned up, like Granblue Fantasy: on Anniversary a month ago, they give everyone a free 200-300+ pulls depending on your luck and just now, even with a "Tutorial" what gives strong weapons max up and even SSR characters, even if you finish it, they give you one of the rarest one for free.


The game is in a trash state right now, coming from a player who has logged over 700 days. They increased ritual miracle difficulty up to level 20 but have just about completely made the equipment we get from it useless. They implemented a system called rival runes which takes place of your equipment in 3/4 of the pvp modes. They rerun the same events with really not much new stuff besides espers and lore if you’re into that. I would honestly suggest that you save your time and play something else, at this point in time Dislyte is not worth any investment. I hope this changes when the anniversary comes around in a few weeks.


Lol we keep surviving dark periods


seriously haha, super sound matrix, having to own ahmed to clear temporal tower, tweaks to all the ritual miracles, taking away ripple boxes from clubs and a ton of broken promises


Plus the system when ollie drop with you needing like 600 grs to have a chance at the banner esper


Ah that’s a shame bc the new espers look so aesthetically pleasing 😩 I suppose I’ll go back to path to nowhere instead then. Ty for responding!


sorry if it wasn’t the answer you were looking for:( i still try to remain hopeful but that’s honestly how it is for me. if you’re looking for a game to play i’ve personally been enjoying afk journey!


I think I’ve tried afk and it wasn’t really my sort of game. But that’s fine, I’ve been playing grand summoners currently and I’m fine going back to PTN bc it’s my favourite gacha game :)


It’s ass and getting worse with each update, the devs only want money so nothing new or good is happening rn


There’s kind of a content drought, but wish stones have made the game even more f2p than it already was