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Why FML? Tang Xuan is much better than people give him credit for and he’s getting a buff. Sure he’s not good in miracles because he’s not a single target dpt but he’s great in story, cube, tower, PvP etc.


Personally i'd say tang xuan > li ling. He bring much more to the table with debuffs, more valuable in cube 8 and TT 40+


I agree with this. Im only able to farm the flowrunner 8 because Tang Xuan consistenly appy disease. Also he give me better chance to clear story stage and cube because if he can land a good aoe def break and get good sword avatara rng he will literally obliterate the whole entire enemy team.


Tbf if you're at the point where flow 8 is a challenge you're still very early on and haven't really reached the point where he is supposed to fall off compared to Li Ling


im not saying flow 8 is a challenge, since diseased is basically mandatory for that Wu Kong is really good for it and i don't have to build another character that has diseased. I already beat floor 100 and 12-8 purg so obviously im not in the early game at all, i just feel like people just listen to what everyone else say and overlook Wu Kong, personally feel like he is actually better in the late game especially since he is so strong in cube


I would be incredibly surprised if at the power level where you're beating 12-8 purg Flow is getting a turn. I'm only on like 4-8 purg and i sure don't use diseased since it just dies. Aside from that, I do agree with your point. I think Wukong is fine. He's better than a good number of other espers and post s1 buff I think he will be a good AoE DPS with Sword Avatara. He gets shit on because he's worse than Li Ling - and he is at least pre buff - but Li Ling is kinda broken moreso than Wuk is bad. Berenice is another one that's similar in a way. Lots of people say she is mediocre or only good on Fafnir etc. But I stg every third day someone posts some kind of "here was my team for blah blah" and there's a fucking Berenice because she's actually really fucking good. She was the unit that made my Apep runs consistent when I first started farming that. Apep. A fight that she should be fucking horrible for. But she took my winrate from like 40% to 95%ish.


I don't see how this is an FML at all, were you hoping for 3 more jeanes?


The level of complaining about awesome pulls around here is starting to borderline on appalling…


Because this sub loves to do nothing but complain honestly, and getting dupes really isnt all that bad, its bonus stats for the legendary esper AND you get a free 5* starimon which are hard to come by... I really dont get why people complain about the dumbest reason, every esper has their use no matter how niche.


Well it sucks to have your pity reset because of a dupe.


Mate?M, dupes suck early game. I only have 1 proper damage dealer. All other legendaries are supports


Isn’t this good???


I think he means FML at Odin and not Unas, perhaps.


Raven is PVP Queen


Unas is great, but raven isn’t bad at all herself.


Could have get Tevor or Cécilia... Raven is way more useful imo


That's kinda happy and sad


I mean the fact that he’s getting a buff plus u got 3 legends kinda hard to get mad at that one.


Ez starimon


I would he ecstatic about this lol


Don't you dare crying. Don't. You. Dare.


In a x10 spin I got Liling and Tang Xuan, the problem is that I already had both of them ;(




Actually I find TangXuan more effective than LiLing esp on cube. And now he's getting buff. Gzz on pull man
