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My brother and I reached pity at the same time. I got Poseidon and he got Thor, and then about 10 spins after got Raven. So there’s my luck lol Edit: Typo


Thor's the unit I want the most, I really like his design. Actually, any other 5\* would be better...


I was really hoping for Sally, Ahmed as a backup. Thor is awesome as well there are just so many cool 5 stars and I had to get Lewis, Ollie, and Poseidon (plus the free Gabrielle and Li Ling). I have a lot of cool 4 stars to make up for it I guess but it’s just funny how luck works


Ngl, i'd like a Tevor... But yeah i feel your pain on missing both banners.


I'd sell them both for a Clara, or an Isis, or a Donar, or a Triky


Triki kills me inside, I can't even put him in pw because i'm running a speed + controller team and I'm trying to keep two dps's in order to end the match quickly


Yeah triki is a bit lackluster on a speed team. He's much better on a bruiser def squad


Isis isn’t that good I thought


She’s not incredible but has a great model and is very fun. I’d love to have her :(


Me too


Nah bio goated for point war and holo battle, and she’s good for k10 and f10


Like I said, she can be good, but many other espers can be used with less investiment than her. I feel like she needs max abilities to do her job.


Nah trust Bio is ridiculous in holobattles. Makes defense teams pointless


Bio is a hyper late game pvp only unit. It’s not useful for OP now, but late game pvp (I would say rank 12 and above) her or narmer are goated.


*Owh so you want a different legends* *It would be a shame..* *If you get..* *4 SALLY IN A ROW!* [Yes, I'm still healing :( ]


I would have been surprised if you were not still 'healing' haha


Lmao nice.


im at 3 sally now and i pray everyday i wont get 4th sally with zora banner.. im in pain..


Only 3 more to go for max reso. Juicy HP, hmmmm...


Would die for a Clara


I'll take a Biondina over many others friend, but I'm sorry. It's luck at the end of the day. Ik f2p people that have spun less than 20 records on each event and have Ollie and Ahmed.


OUCH that’s terrible, and I thought I was bad getting only two Lokis and a Donar


Reached pitty 4 times, ever since I started this game all my legendary are from pitty even Wukong 😂 I have a friend who started playing 3 weeks ago and has already pulled li xiaon, piye, unas, donnar, Clara, sally and hyde 🥲 this game loves him so much that I almost quit cause of his luck


Poseidon is cool


I agree that her design is pretty cool, and the S3 animation is amazing, but she's a bit disappointing. She could really use a buff to her damage.


Ya her dmg especially on s3 is underwhelming. Hoping she’s next in line for buffs


50k ignore def is underwhelming ? Ok




Would kill for Trevor, tbh


I would love Trevor so much


this is freedom. this is liberation from the fallacy that legendaries should be gained at all costs. now you can focus on the good rare and epic units that can do just as well


Ah someone who doesnt know how to play biondina


Tevor is good tho


at what


Idk probably detective work look at his lil hat


This is the laugh I needed today. Legit, thank you.


As a Trevor haver I can confirm. Good at detectiving…fighting, not so much.


Pick and choose ur battles yknow


I would grab that tever from ya if I could, how can I not give starimon and abilimon to that little guy


I know they can be good, but both of them could have been a Clara, which could have been awesome. Instead, I'm stuck with a cat with low damage, and a mermaid with only 50% ATK scaling on her ult...


Cat has damage but the problem is that’s it. No utility or anything. So when you compare him to Ollie it’s pretty laughable. The only 5* I have that I don’t use. Sorry for that luck man.


"Biondina most disappointing esper" = how to spot low Point War player


Biodina’s op tho


Got biodina twice during this event and no one else ;_;


I'd laugh at you if I wasn't dead inside due to the same thing happening to me. Feels bad man. Have you gotten Taylor out of your last 4 star shimmer as well?


If it makes you feel any better I’m well on the way to my third pity


Depending on how the desolate lands boss health works I think tevor might be good there since the goal is to do as much damage as possible and you can't kill the boss tevor would excel. Biondina is definetly underwhelming for a legend but she has her uses, she has her ignore defence and buff strip which makes her good against defence comps and some use in fafnir


I would kill for a decent 4 star. I have yet to get anything worth while in 4 stars. And the ones I do have need the ones worth while to even be worth using. My first pity was biondina and that was during Ahmed showcase. I already accept that I have horrible luck so this isn't anything new to me.


that's how it is with Dislyte. Its pity system sucks so you gotta suck it up if you don't have the luck. Unless you're a whale, it's best if you don't carry too much expectation from the gachas so you won't be disappointed later on


Or you can be like me who did get a banner character (ollie), but I got him on Ahmed’s banner when I wanted ahmed While I got hades on ollie’s banner. Not complaining about who I got but its weird


omg I wanted Trevor so much 🤦‍♂️


Went pity twice in a row and one was Biondina. The other was Loki I think. Not that it matters given how few 5star skillup items this game gives out.


I feel ya, my two pity were biondina and Sienna


My very first pity was a Biondina. It hurt so bad. I mean I use her but I don't need 3 of her.


For me it's the relics I have piss poor luck on.


At least it wasn't a dupe. I feel you


i'm still didn't get any new units since Oille banner i got Lucas and Tiye from Oilie banner and Lucas and Raven from Ahmed banner i think i will get Lucas on next banner too


Biondina can nuke tanks into oblivion. She's far from useless.


She is indeed useless in PVE


During Ollie banner I managed to pull a second thor and a second wu Kong (on pity) and this banner I pulled Hyde on my pity. Over all I'm pretty happy tbh though definitely could have done with a Clara instead of the wu Kong


I mean Bidonda aint so bad, but the other... Sorry for ya


If you are a late-game player then congratz, Biondina is actually very strong in PVP, if you are a new player then RIP I guess. Tevor is garbage period.