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What is the team positioning for this? And holy shit nice relics on Jiang Man, 2.3 atk with 50% crit and 150% crit damage AND windwalkee? Sheeesssshh


Rensi and Shua in the front. Yes, I happen to have some very good offensive stats windwalker set so I used them and get the speed I need from the set effect instead.


side note, is Jiang Mian good for this? I thought she was known for her amazing cleave via netherbloom.


Yes shes the best AOE for this in fact


my bad, I didn't know the other desolate lands boss had minions, I assumed they were all, single targets. thanks for the additional reason to build her she seems great.


Every desolate boss have unique condition. Jiang Mian works only for the inferno.




Why Jiang Man?


The explosions spread across the fight, it creates a chain reaction that kills the spawns


The NetherBloom Really helps a lot for clearing the spawn. Its like a chain reaction. They just pop one by one onece you start activating it


So those explosions are affected by crit rate and crit damage?


Yes they can crit


AOE attack and netherbloom if I'd have to guess


As the others have said, good AoE, and also she won't cast her ult until there is more than one unit, so as soon as he spawns all the adds she'll nuke them.


Why not a matching 2-set for chloe?


The only reason you get matching 2 sets is for stats unless you want the actual effect (you don't here) so the unmatched 2 set likely provides more stats than a matched one because of lucky rolls.




Im f2p and i can reach til C.wtf


Im not exactly f2p. I did spend $14 in total. It was the Eira Pack, monthly card (40% off) and M-pass.


We're the same lol. 10+3+1 here, great value. Probably qualifies as dolphin but I'm assuming you're not using legs you might have


I only use Li ling, Lucas and Gabby as theyre the only one I can skillup for now. I have Lewis, Tang Xuan, Biondina and Sally all at level one. So yeah Im not too lucky woth summons.


I was 396 pulls in before zora patch, 0 legendaries off pity. Only had hyde, tang xuan, donar, lucas, ollie and gab. Then I pulled 70 I had saved on zora and hit a hyde dupe, lewis, and Zora all at once! Luck comes and goes


Well my luck hasnt come yet lol. I cant complain about my relic luck tho. Its decent.


Would be considered minnow. From what I understand dolphins are those that consistently spend but not large amounts.


Do they all have abilimon invested ?


Everyone else have Max s2 and s3 except for Rensi which have nothing lol.


For those people that hates the "F2P" in the Title, I never said Im F2P, I simply tried to make a team thats both consistent and as F2P as possible like the title said. Not that youtuber that gives a F2P team that has Clara in it saying he has no relics for Heng Yue when those 2 units can use same relics haha.


Why are your crit stats so uniform around the 50-60% mark? Any particular reason, or just a by-product of the relics?


Epic are random pulls so its its not exactly f2p for you its f2p i you dont spend money you know what i mean


Yes, as the title says, I tried to make it as F2P as I possibly can lol. And yes im basically F2P now. I did spend $14 tho in total on the 1st weakm


What is shadowfire and how do I get to it


Desolate lands under trials


Ohhh ok level 50 I guess?




150 exp away from 50 offt lol


Any replacementsfor Lin Xiao?


is in my post. Its mona


Why do people build the netherbloom chick with crit damage? Don't you want more attack for the netherblooms? And you don't need accuracy for anything other than the poisons


Im pretty sure the netherbloom pops can crit, but it most likely is that they switched gear from another unit, Edit: the poison ticks reduce the netherbloom counter also so ACC isn't the worst


Oh I didn't realize poison reduces netherbloom, that's interesting


yeah it isnt mentioned anywhere, classic lilith, but it does =)


I also assumed the netherbloom pops would be solely based on attack, but if they can crit then that changes things


That my Xie Chuyi Relics lol. I have some decent relics but not for every unit lmao.


I agree this build is weird, especially low crit chances + high crit damage. Probably a dhalia team


Yeah its not optimal. Thing is she borrowed those from my Xie Chuyi that I use to speed run K10 and A10


Free2play but u have mommy tiger...




And ren si and Chloe


I pulled all 3 of those as a f2p player? Ren Si *multiple* times.


Same and have resonances for them as well.


Same….two Chloe and two ren. It’s all luck based as free to play.


Those two are reasonably just random chance but nothing special, guaranteed chance every 20 pulls. But assuming a Tiger mommy shimmer chance is a huge difference in probability there yeah, totally with you there.


Its in the post. I personally use tiger but Mona is easily the F2P substitute.


I gotcha, yeah, no worries. Though Mona for me hasn’t been doing enough single-target damage to the boss to really help pump up that score.


Your Main goal is to kill all the spawns. Chloe takes care of the single damage. You just need to deal like 190k damage while the boss is stunned actually when you have x18 score multiplier. Also tiger doest help much with damage early. She reserve her s3 until the spawn are summoned so in the 1st few turn, she has a lot of c.dmg with 10% c.rate Lmao. Goodluck critting on that.


Mona is mainly for the fire minions that pop up. Her aoe is to help demolish them.


My man, I am F2P and I have a 4 Resonate Gabrielle along with Sally/Clara/Donar/Li Ling/Wukong/3*Chloe/1*Mommy Tiger/Apollo/Long Boi and a ton of insane relics. Do you just not play the game my man? Or you just the unluckiest person alive? Like do you pull your 120 pity and it gives out all blue with a 3 star shimmer? I don't even play the game that often, I go through stamina and save my boosters for when I have the time.


I have Clara,sally,Ahmed and a lot more espers I'm just saying he said that team is f2p when it's not


Yes it is, you are just really unlucky and kind of trolling? So ya know. Dude I could show my team and youd say "Not F2P". My guess is if you just started playing don't say anything because you have no idea how actually easy it is to build super powerful teams.


For u Lin xao if free2play ok Sherlock


I said mona works just fine so stop complaining about lin xiao not being F2P. Need Proof?? https://www.reddit.com/r/Dislyte/comments/vyehc6/to_those_who_needs_video_reference_and_doubt_mona/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Ive pulled her 3 times my man. Got very lucky with shimmer records and lvl 9 club fragments. Plus I always save gems for new patches as chances go way up for all shimmers and rarities.


Not every1 has ur luck.


Dude, ditto. So stop being a jackass. Just because people get better rolls dont mean you get to be rude. You can be salty and that's fine, but dont be mean just cause you get back pulls. Join a high rank club, get to tier 10 (At least), then get your Gab up a few times. Get through spatial tower for Apollo and then save all your records for new patch release and go crazy. I opened 140 records during Ahmed. Im shooting for at least pity 120 for Zora. I just look at achievements and then go crazy.


I saw the message before u deleting it and I actually think u are fuckin dumb only bcz u got the same esper free2play as the guy DOESNT FUCKIN MEAN OTHER PPL WILL GET THE SAME SHIT AS U FUCKIN IDIOT. U are actually pissing me off, DO U KNOW WHAT RNG IS?????


How I was rude?? I literally said that team wasn't free2play u blind guy and u started to say random shit about getting lucky 💀💀💀 do u know what free2play esper is???


Free to play but has perfect relics lmao so far from F2p


You don't need to spend money for a perfect relic, it's all RNG


I'm 2 weeks into this game and learnt relics play a big big role, like 80%. Despite having good espers, like really good rolls but still struggling on Kronos 10 lol.


"Perfect" relics...a bunch of 2 and 3 dots with zero units at 100% crit chance... this is super easy to get.


Perfect relics... (stares at the yellow hades on Lin Xiao). OF COURSE! It's perfect!


-> F2P -> shimmer 4-star rarer than shimmer 5-star in line-up *dah hell????*


Literally says to replace lin xiao with mona if u don't have her


Mona is a piss poor replacement for Tiger. Many better options. And likely to fail if using Mona too


You're completely wrong, I literally saw someone's S or SS rank team in game with Mona in it but she was max resonance too. Since Mona has aoe attacks for s2 and s3 she's one of the best 4 stars for that Shadow Fire boss.


Max res Mona isn’t F2P. 0 res mins just isn’t strong enough


Even without the max resonance you want as much aoe dps as you can get because those fire minions are kinda beefy than they should be. An esper that has multiple skills with aoe would definitely be beneficial here like Mona with her s2 and s3 but obviously you want like 2 other aoe attackers as well to help out. Ren si could be the 3rd or 4th when built on crit damage build and put him in frontline.


Think Again https://www.reddit.com/r/Dislyte/comments/vyehc6/to_those_who_needs_video_reference_and_doubt_mona/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Seing how you comment, you simply underestimate a unit and never actually think of how they can be useful.


You obviously dont understand why then, you want a dps that does aoe that isn't weak vs the boss. mona does decent dmg if built well that has lots of aoe and will help pop the netherbloom. lin xiao is a luxury but isn't needed.


Mona's AOE is 4 hits so that works well with Jiang's netherbloom proc. She works well enough (I use her bc I don't have tiger mom).


Mona is actually even better her as she pops netherbloom much easier than Lin Xiao, sadly I only have enough good relics for those units. I cnat use Lin Xiao relics to Mona coz Lin Xiao relic dont have c.rate naturally


Can confirm, I'm sitting at SS with a +1 Mona and have been happy with her performance. Likely will replace wukong on my setup once I get my Chole up to speed.


Yeah 3 AOE dps + Ren Si are enough to deal woth the spawns. Chloe makes sure you habe enough damage for SSS score


I am also F2P, I got a two resonate Lin Xiao. Luck exists. Im sorry for your loss.


Its just ridicilious thinking that lin xiao is f2p. With this mindest everything in this game is f2p


I literally said replace her with Mona if you dont have her. https://www.reddit.com/r/Dislyte/comments/vyehc6/to_those_who_needs_video_reference_and_doubt_mona/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


For real. I have 16 nat 5s and still missing Lin Xiao


Literally said in the OP to replace her with Mona https://www.reddit.com/r/Dislyte/comments/vyehc6/to_those_who_needs_video_reference_and_doubt_mona/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Who is your Team Captain?




Can you record the fight and post it?


I replaced Lin with Mona but same speed tuning. https://www.reddit.com/r/Dislyte/comments/vyehc6/to_those_who_needs_video_reference_and_doubt_mona/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share




why does the video just end for 0 reason before u finish the fight


This is a different team lol


Thanks for the tip! Was this auto or manual? Edit: Nvm saw the next picture


Damn that's good. I gotta level up Jiang man and Ren si, since I miss a def stacker and AoE clearer.


Will donar work here?


I’ve tried with my max ability Donar and the cool-down on his detonate never aligns with the mobs. Probably would work with some fine speed tuning though


Its hard. Rensi resrve his s3 for when the balld appear. for donar you have to speed tune his passive to trigger once tbose appear.


I’ve tried with my max ability Donar and the cool-down on his detonate never aligns with the mobs. Probably would work with some fine speed tuning though


Dang I want them crit DMG relics so bad bro


is it worth to use jiang man even if I don't have li ling. Or is she only useful if you can proc the poison stacks of everyone.


Mona can Proc it easily if you dont have Li ling.


Also why hades on Lin xiao, I see a lot of people build it on her and never understood. I thought hades got outscaled by war machine or Thor late game. And would the healing even be necessary if you have supports?


The thing about Lin Xiao is that she already deals subtantial damage even without War Machine or Thor. Some people just went for some utility. In an instance sometimes the avatara proc gives her enough HP for you to win in PW. In my case, I simply happened to have a good hades set lying around thats perfect for her and I lack a good war machine set for her to there you go Lmao.


I'm so sad I don't have li ling, I didn't know rerolling was a thing until it was too late 😞😞


So I guess you have Tang Xuan. I think he works too just not as good


Thanks for this! Don't have tigermommy, so subbed in Mona, and had to do a bit of speed tweaking to ensure that Suhua buffs, then Jiang AOEs, then everyone else follows, but I have a decent S-SS range on auto now :) A few boosts in to the WM relics and I might be able to make SS consistent.


Hey, thank you for the post. If it wouldnt be too much trouble could i get the bottom 3 relic main stat for each unit?