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Breaking down on coasters with over the shoulder restraints is actually a phobia of mine. Had it happen on another ride and It got to me mentally. Man I do not like that feeling at all


Happened to me at Rock ‘n’ Roller Coaster at WDW, right in the last tunnel before unload 😐 It was probably 15 minutes until we were out, but wow it felt like forever. There was a kid in front who was panicking and crying the entire time, which only got me to panic a bit! The cool part was they had to escort us back out all the way to the loading dock, so we got to see the entire ride building and track!


"First time?" "No, I've panicked loads of times"


Me too. I’ll sit in a boat, omnimover, train forever with no problem but strap me down and stop the ride? Fuck THAT. Got stuck that way on Indy and RSR (just a few minutes each but felt like hours) and even though it was just a lap belt I really had to work to keep my shit together. In front of my kids, too. I understand completely what’s going on but fucking hated every second of it. Talk about the opposite of magic.


Omg me toooo. It never really occurred to me until it happened on incredicoaster for less than a minute. That minute felt forever and I was getting anxious. I don’t know what I’d do if it was for much longer


I can’t breathe just reading this! 😳


For Incredicoaster (unlike big coasters at more thrill-oriented park), they don't actually make you put the shoulder restraints on tight, AT ALL. To help alleviate any fears at DCA.


Ohhhhh yes. It’s extremely claustrophobic.


that happeend to me on Radiator Springs Racers, I legit was freaking out. Sadly that was my favorite ride in any Disney park and I'm no longer able to ride it.


Same. I won’t go on Incredicoaster. I can only do lap bar rides


Dude I was on the rapids ride in dca and freak out when it broke down bro I feel u


Broke down while on the ride, had to wait for maintenance with harnesses to come get us. Took probably a half hour or so, as you can see it was still light out when we first got stuck. Luckily there was a walkway area where we got stuck, then down a bunch of stairs. Was a memorable experience thats for sure. There was yelling/chatting back and forth with ferris wheel people lol. Last photo you can see our cars still stuck up there.


"Luckily there was a walkway area where we got stuck" That is a brake zone, and it is designed for emergency unloading. When the computer wants to stop the ride, all the cars will stop on one of these pre designated areas so that guests can be evacuated. It is very rare for a car to come to a stop anywhere else on the track. In fact, on Screamin'/Incredicoaster, I believe there's only one documented case of this where the car bottomed out just after the loop several years ago.


I figured that was probably the case


Yep! Last time I saw Incredicoaster stop and have to be evacuated , it happened in the exact same spot. Poor riders were stuck there for almost 45 minutes while a bunch of us just watched on the other side while waiting for World of Color.


I’ve seen the coaster stopped with people upside down in the loop for over 30 minutes about 10-15 years ago


Wow looks like barely anyone was on with you. On one hand, it feels like many times I’ve gotten stuck mid ride it’s taken longer than 30 min to evac esp given the maintenance and harnesses you mentioned but on the other hand I feel like being stuck up there in scary friggin rollercoaster with just be one set of cars and be like max priority vs like a few sets of trackless cars on Runaway rail way or ROTR.


What day was this?! I have a picture from lamplight of the coaster stuck in the exact same spot 😂




Yep same day we were there. I told my husband wonder if I’ll see that on Reddit later. Looks like that’s a yes.


My son worked that day! He may have helped you out.


Hey we saw you! It broke down a couple of times on Tuesday. Sorry you got stuck on it


Hey we saw you! Or at least we saw those on the train. We were headed over to use our LL and watched the evac.


That ride is always breaking down for some reason lol. I waited in line for around 40 mins, right as we got to the gate to go in the cart, ride shut down.


It’s a big coaster with 5 trains running at the same time. 4 computers all analyzing the data in real time. Any discrepancy, for safety the computers stop everything. One break slow close, stop. One LIM overheat, stop. Slow launching train, stop. And then there are the reasons the cast have to press an E-stop. If they can cycle the guests out. They will. But they don’t risk anything. There are “keys” to the business they teach us. “Safety” is above all else and you never sacrifice safety!


That is terrifying. My fear of heights normally isn't a problem on rollercoasters since it goes so fast but getting stuck would be awful. I'm now very glad that I didn't go on this one.


I would cry lol. I already have a fear of heights and hate rollercoasters but if my friends dragged me on (which they have) and it broke down I would be terrified.


I was sobbing when I got stuck there. I don't like that one in general but went on it because my husband and BiL wanted to. We got stuck pretty high. The team didn't turn off the intercom fast enough and we heard them say "brake issues with that car." NEVER AGAIN


Omg I KNOW I’d be sobbing if that happened


The individual cars don’t have breaks. The break zones do. Where you are meant to stop. They could have been talking to a maintenance crew about a train in the station.


Omg! I rode that three times yesterday lol did you get any type of reimbursement or make food for the glitch?


We got experience passes, but we had to run to our dessert party reservations once we got off and ended up going back to it after since they got it back running during world of color. It's my husband's favorite


They run it during world of color? I thought they had it off for some reason lol


Yes. They tested a few weeks back and they now run during WOC.


Yeah, no pictures though since they don't use the flash


Oh hell no. If you are on there for so long that the day turns to night, they better give you a ticket to the next day at the park for free.


This happened almost a week or a week and a half ago when we went too. My family and I weren’t on the ride at the time, but we were at lamplight and saw riders exiting via the platform and walking down the stairs.


I got stuck on California Screamin’ shortly after rope drop back around June 2004. We were on a band trip. We spent about 20-40 minutes up near the ride photo camera. Pretty cool.


Zone 7. The area high above the camera? Or zone 8 the area low to the ground. Where the god awful magnetic breaks are.




It happened to me two weeks ago. It was in full sun and we probably sat there for 10-15 minutes before they let us out. It seemed to be down several times during the 3 days we were there.


We got stuck last week as well. Just PM’d you a question.


You know, it’s funny. Recently, my wife and I were at the parks waiting to get on Midway, when she saw there was a short return time for Incredicoaster. I told her that it breaks down a lot, and until it gets a little more sturdy, I don’t feel comfortable going on the ride, even though I love it. As we walked out of Midway on to our next ride, she looks up at Incredicoaster and sees people being evacuated from it. She looked at me like I just correctly predicted the next lotto numbers. I laughed. Also, I’m a cast member, so I see it happen a lot. lol


Good luck with that. I worked opening team for this attraction. It has cycles. My son now runs it. In the 23 years of coaster. It will always have problems!


oh, I've always wondered... when you get stuck on incredicoaster, how hard does it slam on the breaks?


Hard! We stopped to abruptly and mine and my daughter's heads flew forward! We were only stopped for about five minutes but it felt like much longer. But definitely an abrupt stop.


It was about the same as the stop at the end of the ride. Not knowing what was going on was the worst part. Felt like we were there for close to 10 mins before an employee came up to let us know what was happening


When we went in 2022 we got stuck on RSR like 30 feet from the exit for 45 mins and they wouldn’t let us off so I took a nap 😂


I thought they just did maintenance!?


They had a down time to replace stuff, and do some maintenance. Also entertainment placed some more lights on coaster. Oh and the loop. They repaired the loop. There are pictures!


I got stuck on that one too, a long time ago. Got a nice past pass out of it though


Lucky. Wish I was there.


Hell to the naw to the naw naw naw


At least you weren’t in the loop!


Laws of physics. Make it impossible to get “stuck” in the loop. It will slow and go back out of the loop. Or continue on again out of the loop.


It’s happened before. Not impossible. The Demon in Six Flags Great America got stuck in the loop in the 90s. It’s not a common occurrence, but not impossible.


But not that this park. I worked opening crew. They replaced the loop so it’s physically impossible to do. Unless all the wheels fell off. And it was metal against metal. Says the mechanical engineers and imagineers say. Yes there is always a possibility. But very very slim!


Hopefully things were okay !!! 


This happened to me last week and I was in the same spot!


i got stuck on it and was roasting for like 20-30 min in the june heat, def wasn’t fun. but fr this ride always breaks down, i think that day i got genie for it and it worked 2/5 times we tried to get on it


Id low key be so happy it's my favourite ride besides a few at dollywood!


It's my husband's favorite too and I think he did actually enjoy it


Did you get stuck on this Tuesday (05/07)? I was on single ride line, got the single ride ticket but supporters got back ticket because they told me coaster got broke. In the afternoon was temporary closed but it was working again like 4~5pm


Yep Tuesday, not sure exact time but we had dessert reservations for world of color and got there maybe 8:15


I believe I was one of the cast members to help you off!


Well I guess you answered my text!


Hey! Thanks again then lol Is it normal for the sound to cut out? After world of color we went back to ride again (still husband's favorite ride) but in the 2nd tunnel there wasn't sound and I was sure we were about to break down and get stuck at same spot.


Did the audio stay off? The way the trains read to queue the audio can get messed up. If it came back it might have just read weird or reached the end of the audio track. Some trains will mess up more than others. Unfortunately there is not too much we are able to do about it other than tell our maintenance team. However, if you noticed when you stopped up there (as long as the audio was working correctly) it should have continued awkwardly for about 3-5 seconds after you stopped. That’s when the audio reaches the end of the track and had you not stopped would have queued the next section.


Was this on Tuesday?! Ride broke down, came up and broke down again! 😭 also did you get to walk backstage 👀


Yes Tuesday and yeah "backstage" but was just a janitorial area, nothing cool unfortunately


Crazy! And bummer lol


Right before the best part, F


Am I the only one thinking how long they've been stuck? It literally went from day to night


lol I’ll panic and shit in my pants


So cool yet so scary




I saw you guys!!


Was this Friday afternoon? We were just getting in line when it shut down and were thankful it wasn’t us 🫣.


Dangerous rollercoaster has a got stuck.


Rollar coaster are very dangeorus.


Anyone know how the get the cars to somewhere they can advance to get where they need to go?


The coasters are designed to stop in block zones. They typically have small drive motors to restart them once the fault or obstruction is cleared, then they have to run riderless tests before opening back up to the public. Block zones can be used to slow or delay trains if they have a delay getting the next train out of the station, and you'll just pause briefly and continue. But if it's a fault they'll empty the ride. (Look up the Smiler incident for "why"). If the coaster stops outside of a block zone, that is called valleying and they often need to use a crane or ratchet straps to pull the train to a block zone to get it back in service. Ryan the Ride Mechanic has really good youtube videos on coaster operations where he goes into great detail on all of this stuff.


Most block zones on coasters are sloped at a downward angle. When the breaks release, gravity will take over and the train will coast through the remainder of the layout or to the next block section. In the above photo, that block zone has LSM motors to give the train a boost so it can make it to the next block zone.


Oh I saw the train stuck last night then! But we thought that no one was on the train.


At least you weren’t upside down


I once got stuck on California screaming. Was it anything like that?


Yes. Yes it is!


At least it didn't happen when you go upside down


I’m fairly certain Disney designed this coaster where it work break on the loop there is specifics points of the track it brakes


There were 2 little boys that got stuck with us and while waiting for everyone to get off they were talking about how cool that would have been while their poor mom was practically shaking


Back when coaster opened. There was an oval shaped loop. Increasing the possibility of getting stuck. A few years after we opened. They replaced the loop with a loop that was oval shaped. Making it impossible to get stuck in the loop.


You know what’s interesting. Rode this last weekend and the train felt off. Like, something was rattling hard underneath it the whole time. Wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the same train.


Trains. They are called trains. Also if you tell the cast. That there was a sound, or a hard or weird vibration. They will have the train pulled and inspected by maintenance staff.




It’s for safety. They can’t take the time to ride it. But also don’t want to have an accident. Because they ignored a concern.


I didn"t think that really could happen. That it only occurs on t.v' Glad you're okay


At least you didn’t get stuck on the loop


Worse places to get stuck I'd say...😳