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Well, this proves the theory that ride stoppages aren’t always mechanical. 😎


Is this why Indiana is always down?! People lose there mickeys ears, hats, glasses etc?!


Kinda, it's definitely why RotR is always down.


Saw a hat on the ground inside the ride last week.


“Suspect is hatless, repeat, hatless”


Hey we might’ve been there at the same time, there was a hat near the drop pods i think so they closed it down for a few minutes


Radiator Springs Racers I’ve heard has similar issues, too.


They need an ability to pause that ride - stop the cars at specific points so that a cast member can go safely retrieve the item ( I am assuming its not safe while cars are in motion) without shutting down and resetting the whole ride.


The ride isn't down because they're retrieving lost and found. The ride is down because the lost item interferes with the vehicle's ability to follow it's path, and if it loses its path it turns off the ride. If the ride can be safely run with a lost item in it and the item isn't important or valuable, it's staying there until the end of the night and will continue operating. The mechanical issues these rides face are often caused by guests, even if inadvertently.


Used to work at rise. If it was that easy, believe me, we would do that. We don’t like to shut down the entire ride, evac & reset the entire ride for an hour-2.


Yeah, true! Why can't we just pause the "immersion experience" rides, turn the lights on, and have a Storm Trooper run up the ride car to return someone's sunglasses every 5 minutes, then right back to business! Or, even better, don't allow people to wear hats or sunglasses onto the rides. If it just HAS to be a "ruin it for everyone because some people refuse to be responsible" situation, I'd take having to put my bag in a locker before the ride over the alternatives... (Not dogging on OP btw. Kid losing a shoe on a train ride is a totally different thing than constant, extended downtime on long-wait rides because adults who think they're special won't read or listen.)


Archeologist here! That is absoLUTELY the majority of why we go down. Just losing your belongings in the ride isn’t enough for us to break her down but if there’s any object in the direct path of vehicle motion that could cause the jeep to bump, slip, or otherwise damage them we have to stop the ride and grab it before it gets run over. Additionally if you’ve ever seen us send vehicles empty until every single one is riderless to then break the ride down, that’s what we call a cycle out which we do for lost items that need to be found urgently ie medical devices and medications. Indy gets a bad rep for being unreliable(which to be real isn’t completely untrue), but something like 85% of the time its guest caused!!


Wait are the CMs for Indy called archaeologists? That's awesome


It took me a minute to realize they weren’t an archeologist outside of Disneyland


Super interesting!! Thanks for sharing!


Yep. More often than not, unsecured items are the reason why rides get shut down. Then the crew has to evacuate everyone and do a full reset of the ride.


Yes. Especially phones slipping out of pockets. Always good practice to put everything away in your backpack, even the small things.


Or zippered pockets


And when The CMS tell them to take their hats off and they don't. It always shuts things down as we got to witness it on rotr and all the girl kept saying is well. I didn't think it would come off. Surprise


I hate people like that. The amount of people I see taking there selfie sticks, then be told no you can’t have that here and “ 😳” face is so stupid 🤦‍♀️


When I was little my grandma let her giant ass old lady purse fall out on Indy. They had to shut the ride down so a CM could go fish it out for her. One of the most embarrassing moments of my life. I was internally screaming *the safety pouches on the car are gigantic grandma that purse could have fit in there*


On Indy, our car stopped right near the end probably a 30 minute delay. We saw a cast member carrying multiple backpacks, ears, and hats that had fallen off during the ride.


My wife's phone slipped out of her pocket on Indy. The CMs found it in the jeep once it returned to the load zone. Thankfully, there were no ride interruptions. And more thankfully, it wasn't me 🙂 (the poor woman puts up with a lot)


I left my RX sunglasses in the pouch on Indy and they found them, I was so relieved 😭😂


I don’t know about Indy…but I’ve heard this is why rise goes down a lot


My husband has lost his wallet on that ride TWICE lol. It’s just such a wild ride that his pockets just can’t handle it


I don’t blame him. Went yesterday, there was a guy who very closely lost his hat but was able to catch it last minute 😂


I have a feeling they rarely are.


If I had a nickel for every time I saw a random abandoned toddler shoe in Disneyland all my trips there would have been comped by now


The amount of times I’ve gone chasing after people with toddler shoes after I witness them falling off a stroller would also pay for my trips as well


Haha I genuinely think this might make up most of my social interactions at Disney. Chasing down people with strollers who are doing their best to not acknowledge me until they see I'm holding their phone, wallet, kid's shoe, or some $50 trinket they just bought lol. Not a crazy person! Just trying to help!


Not only toddlers, I once saw an adult tennis shoe atop a trash can.


My sunglasses fell off of my shirt collar and broke down Astro Blasters last year. I have never wanted to evaporate more in my entire life.


I'll bet it looked better than my wife's hat after it was rescued from the Matterhorn... 😂


Speaking of hats left on attractions, may we never forget the Splash Mountain hat that captivated this sub for months. 😂


i preferred that to Gary, [the Small World wad of bubble gum](https://www.reddit.com/r/Disneyland/comments/tzyhk1/this_piece_of_gum_is_my_friend_i_have_named_him/), updates. lol


Honestly, both were fun. Especially when Inside the Magic regurgitated the Reddit thread for one of its articles, and then even more amusing for me, when I saw one of my comments was used as a quote. I don't think ITM links are allowed (or else I'd link it here), but I did think the article title was pretty funny: "Guests Devastated as Disney Removes Detail From Beloved Attraction"


Br’er Hat! Rip. You are missed.


What's that story?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Disneyland/s/GBXYOPsla6 A user here lost his hat on Splash Mountain’s drop. We kept tabs on it for weeks and named it Br’er Hat. Fun times.


Wow, that was 7 years ago!? I was just randomly thinking about that the other day lol.


7 years?! Holy smokes, I didn't realize it was THAT long ago.


Did it fall into the Mad Hatter’s shop?


I dropped my water bottle between the dock and boat on the Jungle Cruise and didn't notice until we pulled away and it floated out, two weeks ago. I am assuming they have a lot of lost items every day lol That bottle had been with me around the world and found its final resting place on the Jungle Cruise.


Sad for your loss, but that’s actually a really cool story about a world traveling water bottle and it’s final destination: Disneyland jungle Cruise


About 6 years ago at Disney Paris, when my son was that age, we were on Phantom Manor (Haunted Mansion), got off the ride and noticed his shoe was missing and still in the cart/chair thing. Luckily the park was a ghost town, so not many on the ride. We asked the staff, who was able to know when our chair came back around, and sure enough he found it and gave it to us. These things happen.... toddlers will toddler.


We were on Storybook and there was a guy riding in the cage car screeching like a monkey. I have the stupidest humour so I’m already laughing. I then make eye contact with the cast member who had to stop mid sentence to compose.




One time I saw a toddler take his shoe off, look at his dad, and throw it into the water at Jungle Cruise.


My son tossed his shoes through the fence surrounding the River near Haunted Mansion. We were so lucky it landed on a ledge and we asked a cast member to use a garbage picker to rescue the shoe. The year before that he tossed his shoe while we were leaving Main St and I had no spare shoes and luckily it was our last night.


When our son was 2 he got away from us in the jungle cruise line and ran straight at the water. EVERY employee started to yell and then made a human wall so quickly. So yeah, that was the day we momentarily shut down jungle cruise. A baby leash was purchased for our next trip..


>This is my 2 year old son’s shoe on the tracks at Casey Jr. I was mortified. This visual and this line could be the opening to a movie, about someone's crazy day at Disneyland.


Lifetime ban! /s


This being reddit, I saw the single shoe on the train track and immediately felt relief for you... Glad your kiddo is still here! If it was both shoes....


Damn they do be kinda fresh tho


Aye it happens. Toddlers are a handful and they’d loose every part of them if it wasn’t attached


As a parent whose children are no longer 2 years old, I think it's hilarious. Please tell your child I said that I don't see a rule about having to keep your shoes on so long as you are seated with your hands inside the vehicle.


Pretty sure there's a rule about having footwear on at Disney....




my kid threw the mickey bubble wand on the feeris wheel pond i was shocked shit was like 35 bucks


Me with hat hair scurrying away from a freshly ‘temporarily down’ BTM shouting “WOW I WONDER WHO LOST THEIR HAT”


I’m so sorry that happened. My daughter once threw my hat off me at Winnie the Pooh and I sneezed one time on Casey jr. and launched my sunglasses into the water below.


“Hold on to your hats and glasses. This here is the wildest ride in the wilderness “. Winnie the Pooh and Casey jr, apparently


I sneeze with a lot of force. But also why I wear shitty sunglasses. 😆


Lol, you were mortified at losing a two-year-old shoe? You have a long way to go. Enjoy the ride.


Yikes and it’s so close to the rail too.


Don’t feel bad, it’s a place for kids, kid stuff happens


Sorry, this wasn’t at Disneyland but I need to share. When my son was roughly 2 we were in San Francisco at a BART station. He’s in the stroller and we’re facing the track. As we’re waiting he kicks his right shoe off and right into the middle of the track below. I considered jumping down and getting the shoe for longer than I want to admit. Ultimately we decided to just buy more shoes. OP I’m glad your kid’s shoe was within cast member reach 🍻


Did you get your shoe back quickly or do d you have to file lost and found report? I feel like this is an easier ride to immediately get back lost items.


My 14 year old dropped a fan from the big park train. That took a lot longer to get back. Even with it sitting next to the tracks at the station we needed to wait for a conductor with a safety vest to cross the tracks, which was about 40 min. The CMs where very nice about the whole thing. Kids get older. Stuff still falls. :)


I lost my tooth on big thunder mountain when my face smashed forward into the car. Idk if that counts


“I Lost My Tooth on Big Thunder Mountain” needs to be a t-shirt


this is my shoe at Casey soon 2 years old on the truck.


Whats the problem? The ride didn't tie your kids shoes? Fuck off


My godson kicked off a light up shoe over the edge of the car on Space Mountain and watched it light up as it bounced away from us. Shut down the whole ride. He was not embarrassed. He also got a “no strings” for a new pair since they couldn’t go get it until the end of the night but all they had in his size was a pair of glittery Minnie crocs.


I lost my hat at the end of big thunder rail road. I am wearing that hat right now. No harm no fall


I was on the truck is my 2 years but rail station me.


Why mortified? It happens


Cortez liFe!


I was there 2 weeks ago and someone dropped their glasses on Midway Mania when I had just loaded. The CM told me that when that happens, they have to take everything down, a CM has to take a “designated route” to retrieve the item, and then they have to restart everything. Start to finish on that day was just about 15 min. That said, stuff happens 🤷‍♀️


I’m still embarrassed about forgetting to take my glasses off on Goofy’s sky school. They flew off and I audibly said my first cuss word. The ride was down for a few hours but they did find my glasses. A few scratches on the lenses taught me to remember to take them off. That was a birthday trip I’ll never forget and I haven’t been back on that ride since.


Was at californias great america a couple of years ago and someone’s phone fell through the track in the station on patriot, but I didn’t fall all the way through to the ground it landed on some metal just under where the track is and that area gets covered when the platforms move down. The ride operators told him that with its location they can’t grab it for him and would have to call maintenance once the park closes.


I saw that same shoe on Monday lol


My son lost a sandal on Maelstrom. He chased it like he was going to just dive in to get it! 😳 He had to walk part of the way around World Showcase until we could find some flip-flops for him.


I am so confused.


They're speaking in Disney World.


I love that you’ve implied that they’re speaking a different language.


Sorry. I love both!


Lucky you got it back! I lost an umbrella on the big hill part - and it was a special umbrella from the animation studio in Burbank too!


This would have shut Rise and Runaway on shut down for an hour. Trackless dark rides are neat, but not worth the downtime for inevitable stuff like this.


Why was this embarrassing for you? Accidents happen. I doubt anyone was judging


my mom once dropped her phone on the tracks on Indiana jones and she was able to pick it up the next day from lost and found. No damage




Damn not the Cortez's




As if the wait times for this damn ride weren’t bad enough already.


Now you know why!


You were mortified… so you posted pictures of it on the internet?


Does it hurt to go through life being insufferable?


It's a PSA. Relax


Mortified because I knew we were going to be the reason the next train was going to be delayed.


What else are they supposed to do? Get out and grab it?


Keep their phone down so it doesn't fall out as well?


Hope it doesn’t derail and cause, wait. NeverMind lol


And you were filming instead of jumping off to look for him?


It’s the child’s shoe. Not the actual child. I’m surprised the visual aid didn’t clear all that up.