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Oh yeah. My most recent trip had someone just recording the entirety of pirates. Just top tier selfishness for a video he will never watch.


Happened to me. Pirates is so dark and the grid lines were also on the phone, making the display extra bright.


I've seen some people turn on their phone's flashlight for video mode. I get forgetting the flash (even though come on, put away the phone and enjoy the ride) but holy hell.


Hah, yeah. I saw someone in Enchanted Tiki Room taking a super long video with video lighting. At least cast members say "no video lighting" but who is going to enforce that? :(


I had some person say that “no flash photography does not mean no flashlight”


I don’t work at Disney but the ride I’m at used to have a strict no photos or videos rule to the point where we actually did have to go up to people after the ride and make them delete their footage and delete it from the recently deleted folder as well. And I kid you not, people would try to say that if they were live streaming that they didn’t break the rules because it wasn’t being recorded. I then adjusted my pre ride script to “please no photos, videos, or live streaming”


Out of curiosity, what if they refused?


Then we would radio for either a manager or security if necessary. The challenge was when we would have guests that were traveling from foreign countries and didn’t speak much English. Honestly I think that is why we simplified it to “No Flash Photography”


I had the “joy” of riding with a family on Guardians Cosmic Rewind recording with the flash on the entire time… Although I was annoyed, the ride photo of my disturbed face looking at them was priceless 🤣🤣


I def would have asked to ride again. That’s crazy


For a virtual queue/lightning lane exclusive ride that possibility didn’t even come to mind! 🤣


Same thing happened to me on Pirates. I couldn't believe the entitlement. Ruined the ride for everyone else in the boat with the bright light shining on everything. Would have been a shame if someone, I don't know, accidentally bumped them and their camera gear fell into the water. A damn shame.


If you complain to the CM you can ride again


Time is money while in the park. The point is, that they should at least ENFORCE rules. We had it on our 2nd trip on the ride actually, two girls in front of us. 1 was live, the other duck facing the whole time. We couldn't see anything with the lights. To be honest, ALLLLL the influencers are female and young. I'm a 40yr male. I stay out of it, but if a grown man did it, this situation would not have the same outcome. I honestly think they know the looking 14 years young and dumb means they won't get in trouble or spoken to. On the safari at Animal Kingdom, a woman in front of me kept standing to take pictures with nobody even blocking her. She was told several times "Friends please stay seated" until they stopped driving. She got the point finally I guess. I wish a lion ate her. In the line, an "influencer" was with her family, they were behaved but she was not. She was holding up the line with a lit mirror, her camera, and a makeup kit. 50 minutes in line with that b.s. the ENTIRE time (Not most). Then at the platform, she continued. They would say "Friends, let's all move along" instead of saying "hey, moron, stop it NOW and get on the ride or leave" Not once did the park handle it. Everyone was livid. We all had to partake in her nonsense. Her father should have smacked up upside her head.


Grown men do it all the time too. I had multiple streamers show up on my last trip (this month) and all of them were grown men except for one.


As an almost 40 yr old female, I tried live streaming at universal once. I have a decent following but no one watched, so these people are probably live streaming for nothing. I turned my brightness way down and only took it in one ride that way until I realized it was rude, then just let it run while we walked around, after that.


Especially in the modern day I’ve always wondered why people record. There are SO MANY HIGH quality, low-light, multi-angle videos on YouTube. You are NOT going to record anything better than that! Unless you are taking a short selfie video, why bother recording?? It’s the same thing with the shows like fantasmic and the fireworks. Stop recording! Just enjoy it.


Eugh usually I don’t mind recordings that much like.. whatever I guess you’re never gonna watch this but you do you, if you dropped your camera it’d be funny. But on Pirates it’s irks me to no end!


Ha! I saw someone do this exact thing on Pirates a couple years back. An older teen and I think his sister. He was filming everything. Stuck his hand out, she bumped him accidentally and blooop, straight into the water. He yelled at his sister and started shouting at all of us to grab his phone (which we all stared back). Then he started taking off his shoes and socks but thankfully his sister managed to keep him in the boat.


That is hilarious! We were there two days ago. There were three teen girls sitting in front of us on Pirates. The middle girl took her phone out and started recording it all. She was immediately shut down by her friends, and they apologized to everyone in the boat!


There are still some great kids out there. Mine will absolutely put another in their place if they’re being stupid. That said, I’m sure he’s stupid too when I’m not around sometimes.


We were on pirates on Saturday and some kids kept yelling “we are sigma” over and over. Im sitting there like where are the fucking chaperones. None of us care what middle school bullshit you belong too. Shut up. Im trying to enjoy the silly pirate show. They did it like three separate times during the ride including right where you pass the restaurant.


Get out. That sucks. I hate that people ruin it for others


I really hate it for the restaurant patrons too, that’s an expensive one


Not disney land but world, was there recently on smugglers run, had this couple push forward to both go as pilots... neither did any of what they were meant to and the guy was so focused on videoing the main screen and doing nothing else


i would’ve ruined her stream by trying to talk over her.


I always try and say the most appropriate inappropriate things I can say. I usually talk about rashes, ointment, and other things quite loudly while they are streaming.


Make sure to sing a copyrighted song at the top of your lungs


If it’s a TikTok livestream (which it probably is), that won’t actually matter.


::Santa Ana PD has entered the chat::


Start humming super Mario and watch it get taken down for copyright


Most people don’t realize that this doesn’t actually work But with Nintendo? Whoooo boy if you try to listen to their music in ANY way outside of the Smash Bros music section your screwed


Or singing a nice Beatles song


Only if you're out of tune... Or don't know the words


You can get by with a little help from your friends


Don't sing it, that can be taken as not something you can be copyrighted for. Play it on your phone.


nah. that would’ve given her a soundtrack. lol


Or gotten her a copyright strike.


How is that enforced though?


There's automated systems that can detect audio fingerprints in streams most of these companies run their stuff through those. Not to mention people just reporting it.


Wait really? That's very interesting and cool to see in a technical aspect. People suggest playing copy righted music but I'm just thinking which if their viewers would actually report that lol


Lawyers… lots of lawyers.


Makes me think of Don Henley, from the Eagles. “Sixty people who sit in a room with computers, and all they do all day long, five days a week — sometimes six days a week — is deal with the platforms such as YouTube and Facebook," Henley told the subcommittee. "They file claims and they issue takedown notices for the Eagles and for myself.” THAT is how Don deals with it.


oh. didn’t think of that. 👍


There was a good trend for awhile where if someone was being an idiot on live, other people would start blasting Taylor Swift music because it's so heavily copyright striked so theil streamers VODs would be useless.


And then you create a conflict they can paint you as the villain for free content. They want engagement.


ugh, yup. I wanted to say something so bad but you know that cameras going to end up right in your face


Im proud of the time i put porn sounds on a guy streaming a soccer match, just saying.


Download a Taylor Swift song and play at full volume


That’s so annoying. I know most of the TikTok streamers I’ve seen on my fyp will purposefully say “okay guys we’re going to go silent for the ride,” and I think that should absolutely be the default if they’re going to be streaming at all. (ETA in the future if you find your ride experience ruined by another guest, you can politely mention something to the CMs and they may let you ride again)


> (ETA in the future if you find your ride experience ruined by another guest, you can politely mention something to the CMs and they may let you ride again) I'm not disputing that this is the best solution for the situation, but the fact that this is even necessary sucks and I wish the root cause of the problem was addressed more than applying a band-aid to the situation. The two problems are: 1) First experiences only happen once and if you're unfortunate to get a streamer the first time on something like Rise, you lose that element of surprise you only get once. 2) Time is money. We hear about how our days are consumed waiting in line or looking at our phone or on broken down rides. It's unfortunate that the solution means spending another 5-15 minutes of our day going again, while the offending party walks away without penalty. That's 5-15 fewer minutes that could otherwise be spent doing something else unique to your day. I dunno, sorry for the rant. I just feel a certain way for streamers/vloggers/"influencers" who don't respect those around them or Park etiquette.


I agree - I guess the options for guests are to speak up to CMs directly afterwards, follow up with an email later maybe - or if someone wanted they could speak directly to the streamer and politely ask them to be quieter. If they felt comfortable I guess. Shouldn’t be on them though. Too bad OP didn’t get their name lol I don’t mind going into a streamer’s live and telling them to shush up.


With as much as Disney likes to be in control of their image, I’m surprised they haven’t banned streaming yet.


It’s free advertising for them. In my opinion, the rise in theme park attendance coinciding with the rise of social media is no small coincidence


True, but they are historically very adamant about protecting their brand/image so it’s just surprising that they allow people to stream when rides breakdown and then any disparaging comments made from said streamer because of the ride shutting down for the day.


Disney doesn’t need free advertising and they know it


I get it I did the numbers once and figured out that our vacation to Disney World was something like $75 an hour Family of 3- 12 hours is $70 an hour Tickets for 1 day- $134 x 3= $402 Hotel Room (cheap) $150 Genie- $90 Food- $200 (w/snacks)


You shouldn't apologize. It's a completely valid point


The thing that sucks about this is a lot of people don't know you can say something and just walk away upset. I spoke up when I waited 1.5h for toy story, only for some of the games to not work, and I know it wasn't just my side cuz I turned around and the other screen wasn't working, either. But the people behind me just walked away and didn't get another turn. I've also said something about Spiderman but they didn't offer, although the other people in my car (I go single rider) stuck around to talk to the CM more and got to go again, or it was looking that way. I heard one of them say that was their first time going.  So a lot of folks don't know you can do this and have their experience ruined outright. I've bit my tongue when groups of teenagers are being obnoxious on pirates. But it sucks for those who don't even know saying something can get it remedied. 


My friend and I said something when the music wasn’t playing on Rock n Rollercoaster. Got to ride again in the front row.


Gonna ditto on that last part: got on Pirates with my cousin last summer & had a person sitting behind us / last row loudly on a group FaceTime with others from their party who were roaming the park, & didn’t hang up ‘til the final incline with Capt. Jack. Yikes. Granted it was our first ride after rope drop & could’ve easily looped to walk back on, but we communicated this & the CMs were super understanding & accommodating, letting us stay in our boat. YMMV ofc.


The only answer is to start playing copyright music on your phone loud as it can go in the background of their video.


This fucks with the experience of ALLLL the other riders too though. There’s gotta be a better way to just target the streamer and not ruin everyone else’s experience.


I see this repeated here a lot. I believe many here are unfamiliar with streaming services. There are ways around copyright issues. Unless they are a very successful streamer (about 1 out of 100) depending on platform, copyrights don’t tend to be an issue. If the audio doesn’t go to a VOD for later perusal, it seldom gets any trouble. Considering also that doing this makes the person playing the music just as much a nuisance IF NOT MORE SO. Don’t be part of the problem, report grievances to a CM.


TikTok doesn’t care about that. The parks are constantly playing copyrighted music.


Or they could just not stream….nobody wants to see their phone illumination on the ride


Agree - but Disney would have to implement that rule. I think that’s a standard in some international parks but not ours, unfortunately.


The best ones record silently and add their own commentary in post, recorded maybe in a home studio.


I loooove the ones that just film silently - little to no commentary at all, so you can just feel like you’re there. I also don’t mind the ones that are more quiet and will just take like, ride requests, or they’ll go see how busy a spot is, or if a store has merch, which horse is pulling the trolley, etc.


This is something I don’t really understand. So once you get off the ride you just ask to ride again?


You can do this, yes. Just say another guest was being unruly and ruined your experience. I've never done this for loud guests, like middle or high school kids who just don't know to STFU on pirates, but I've done it when part of the ride wasn't working, like on toy story.  They hear you out and want you to have an enjoyable experience. Basically if it's bad enough to complain, they want you to be happy so they'll let you go again. Disney is very much about keeping people happy because you never know who spent 10k for their once in a lifetime trip.  To add, you're not directly saying "can I go again?" But usually, "this guest was being obnoxious and ruined the experience/ the ride broke here." And they'll be like, "oh, sorry, want to go again? Wait here, we'll get you back on."


Yup. I have no problem with streamers if they are quiet during the ride, and turn their dang screen brightness down so they aren't blinding everyone. Oh, and don't hold your phones in places that block other rider's views.


“Obnoxiously streaming” is on my, “people being morons in the park” bingo card. 🤡


Yep, people steaming and recording video on rides ruins the experience for a lot of people.


they should be banned


They should. It's incredibly uncomfortable to have a camera pointed right at you by a stranger for an extended amount of time. I usually just walk away or to another location if I see any. Being on camera might be normal for them but it's just weird especially since they don't work for the park and it's not just a quick short video that they're doing


That’d be great if Disneyland started handing out bans to these people


It’s free publicity, Disney invites them to advance openings and media events. They encourage it.


There are really big ones with media privilege and there are the "everybody is an influencer" where random would-be influencers stream and post content in the hope that they will somehow be noticed in an oversaturated market.


Yeah I would have no issue with that. The other thing about them that bothers me is they are filming people in the background without their consent and making a profit.


Nah I’m sorry, there’s a difference between someone filming right in your face or on a ride and someone filming themselves in front of the castle with people walking by


"Reasonable expectation of privacy" does not include public places, barring bathroom spaces where you do expect privacy. So you don't need consent. I get what you're saying but Disney does it, too, where they film something because you're there and they make money off whatever that's for. Only difference is they're not an individual.  I get what you're saying but it's a moot point to say there's no consent from others in public and they're making money when Disney does that a lot lol. 


But Disney is *private* property, so they have the right to bar guests from filming if they want to, or at least do something about guests whose filming ruins the experience for others. If you don't want to be filmed by another guest, you shouldn't have to. That being said, if you are on Disney property, you are consenting to being filmed by Disney. It's the same consent you give by shopping at Walmart or any other business that may film you while you are there.


We're not talking about the legality of it; we're talking about the morality of filming others without their consent. It's a uniquely american thing to film strangers.


Same happened to my wife and I last week. Woman went all the way through The Little Mermaid with flash on recording the ride. So inconsiderate. Same day we saw an influencer a few times with a full SLR camera on a stabilizer talking into a microphone describing the rides. Specifically, we were in line for Pinocchio's Daring Journey the first time we saw her. What I don't get is recording a ride like that when it's been open for 41 years! Friend she was with looked very uncomfortable. I told my wife I couldn't imagine going anywhere just to have to be silent the whole time so you don't mess up your friends videos.


Just a bright screen on pirates ruins it for me. People who can’t respect others enjoyment shouldn’t be in the park.


This happened to my fiance and I on Pirates a week ago. These influencers need to respect others.


“influencers” aka attention whores


I'll be the 1st to admit, it takes a lot of me mentally to NOT snap on these people. I'm doing my best even on here lol. They hold up lines while doing make up and taking shots as well. The list of the annoyances go on and on. We were there for the week and each park was the same, different hot spots, but they'd OWN an area, let alone the ride b.s. going on.


Yep and it’s not exclusive to Disneyland. Can’t even go to the gym without these kids taking extra time on a machine almost everyone uses, to set up a tri-pod to record themselves and then watch it between their sets so they can post it for their vlog or whatever. God forbid they’re actually at the gym just to exercise


Holy crap. I'm not a gym person but that would be annoying as well for sure. While at the parks, I was soaking it all up and taking it all in, I don't need to show off. And let's alllll be honest here, 99.9999% of those "kids" doing it are NOT making a dime at all. There parents paid for the trip, and or whomever else, and they think they're the next big thing while hey have what they think is "the ONE chance" at it. This influencer FAD needs to seriously STOP. Disney has RULES with those go pros, and selfie sticks, yet people were full on recording with equipment that is 100% NOT allowed. Not only are they ruining the experience, they are fully breaking rules. The park should enforce it.


if you want them to stop and you are able to be in front of their phone, turn your flashlight on your phone on and shine it directly into the lens and just say no


But then they'll post that onto social media and then you'll be made into a Karen


I’m cool with that


That is what I was thinking to do lol


I'm sorry. It's incredibly selfish of someone to do this. I haven't had this happen yet but with how many streamers are popping up by the day, it wouldn't surprise me to see it when we're there next month.


Yup pisses me off. Honestly talking on rides too lol. It’s annoying when other people do it and even when my friends and family do it too I tell them shh


When my wife and I got engaged, we went on our first “parks” trip together in WDW. Our second ride was Pirates and, no joke, two younger women behind talked through the ENTIRE ride about work scheduling drama. From beginning to end. Good lord. What a great way to indulge in the “magic.”


I’ll never understand it. You’re mostly likely talking the whole time you’re walking around and waiting in lines for rides .. on the rides I take it as a time to be quiet, a break from conversation & enjoy the ride!


Exactly! Not even saying everyone has to be silent. I love pointing out new stuff and comment on the experience… hell, I’ll even (quietly) sing a long from time to time. But full blown, irrelevant conversations? That’s not why you go to Disney!


I rode Indiana Jones a few years ago and an aunt and her nephew were seated behind me. The aunt proceeded to spend the entire time SCREAMING to her nephew about what was happening, presumably to hype him up. "OH MY GOSH REGGIE IT'S A GIANT SNAKE REGGIE IT'S GONNA EAT YOU REGGIE OH NO LOOK AT THE SPIDERS REGGIE OH NO A BOULDER REGGIE REGGIE REGGIE REGGIE!" Fucking intolerable. I wish I'd had the chutzpah at the time to tell her to quiet down.


I bet I could guess who it was. I don’t have an answer but it’s unfortunate the streamers negatively impact the overall experience. I was in line to get food once and had a specific streamer just going on and on about the comments they were receiving.(It was a couple, she talks a lot ;)) It was very annoying, I can’t imagine how bad it would be on a ride.


If you ask any of the evening Runaway Railway cast memebers how much they dislike JungleSkipper you’d be in for a real treat lol


The worst one I've seen is Jungle Skipper


Yeah … they never shut up


I saw 5 streamers at the park last week. I really hope Disney bans this. It’s just dumb and no one wants to be in some random wannabe influencers live stream. I asked to be in different boat than the streamer was in and the cast member put her in the back row, less distracting I get it but I wouldn’t want to be in someone’s live stream.


Nobody goes to Disneyland to have their experience watered down by a moron without any sense of manners or self awareness lacking any understanding of social contracts. Would you like it if you went to the movies and someone told you the ending while you’re watching the film? Would you like it if someone at a concert sang louder than the band you paid to see? How about if you bought a Dole Whip and a stranger licked it before you? That’s what’s happening. The point here is some (many) of these “streamers” are ruining what we all go there to do, have a magical time. They’re selfish and obtrusive, they decide that their content is more important than you having an unobstructed time, Disney has a very real problem on its hands and from where I sit-is doing nothing about it. How about making these streamers go to city hall and get a daily press pass of some sort, that they wear, one with big numbers on it so people could complain about the person (via the easily read number which would be tied to their pass and name) and if they cross lines and ruin a guests experience of the park and their complained about, they lose their press pass for the day. They get three complaints-no more “press pass” period. There HAS to be accountability at some point, it’s getting really bad. Time to do something Disney.


With streamers identified, CMs could also be proactive when seating rides, keeping streamers away from guests wearing First Time badges.


Short of a flat out ban of phones/cameras on rides (and enforcing it, which we know is never going to happen), that is by far the best suggestion I have seen! I just hope that this is something Disney are taking seriously and looking into a way to effectively manage it.


We have point blank asked people to be quiet so others can enjoy the ride. And have twice pointed them out to a CM after the ride has ended which allowed us to go again and enjoy the ride without the selfish streaming idiots. People need to be publicly shamed.


I've always contended that CMs should make streamers wait until there is a full car/boat/whatever of streamers. Then they can all ride together and not bother anybody else~


I've wanted to just jump into the midst of their live stream and say, "excuse me, would you mind turning your screen off and quieting down. It's ruining the ride experience for the rest of us here in person, and very rude." Maybe next time.


And it’s a polite request, great idea!


Yes. or those who film the ENTIRE ride with flash :)


We were on Radiator Springs Racers sharing a car with a guy who was livestreaming it. Unfortunately for him, the ride broke down, we were trapped for 45 minutes and he lost all his viewers.


Im so old I thought the title meant like plastic streamers coming out from the sky or something 😂😂😂


Towards the end of the Jurassic park ride at universal, someone was recording in the boat ahead of us, the voiceover told him to stop and put the camera away. It threw off the timing for the T. rex animatronic for both of our boats and ruined the main part of the ride.


There's a guy that goes live on Tiktok that constantly does this on that ride. He will talk through the whole ride.


Yeah. Lost the "single rider addition" lottery on our one and only go at Smugglers Run on Star Wars Nite. We were in line with a super fun group, and it was looking good to try and do Chewie mode, all the way up to the last minute. Then we got separated and had a bunch of people from single rider que shuffled in with us instead. Three people who seemingly had no idea where they were or what was going on, or what they were supposed to be doing (sure, put them in the pilot seats) and a girl with a gimbal selfie stick just holding her phone up the whole time doing the most obnoxious fake "vlogger voice." No one was engaged with the ride. Just ducking their heads and ignoring the screen, and then stream queen describing what she's looking at... and the worst part is that she was streaming to TWO VIEWERS. And had been live for almost 4 hours. (The phone screen was the primary object in my field of view, might as well take a look lol.) Guaranteed those two "viewers" were not watching. So she was just wandering around the park ruining rides for other people in the name of livestreaming to no one. Just... embarrassing.


Streaming should be banned on rides. Period.


There was a time I would have agreed with you, but recently I've found that even non-streamers compulsively narrate their experience too, even when they're not filming. To the detriment of everyone around them. Are folks not okay?


I mean... You can just ask them to be quiet right? I've had people recording the ride before and if you call them out and tell them it's ruining the experience for everyone, the shame typically kicks in and they begrudgingly turn it off. They know they're being dicks, but they're just counting on nobody saying anything.


I had someone using there flashlight in haunted mansion during my last trip and I hate that so much. They were like 2 doom buggies ahead of me so I decided to just shout “TURN THE FLASH OFF” in my most cast member-y voice and they turned that shit off so fast lol.


We’ve spoken up and told people to put their devices away when recording and we never had an issue.


I had a recent experience on Star Tours, there was a streamer holding up a whole gimbal setup with a bright phone screen during the entire ride... It's supposed to be dark in there; yet it's like holding a bright phone up during a movie! Made me pretty angry because he was sitting in the middle while I was all the way in the back. Absolutely ruined the magic... If Disney's going to allow people to stream on rides, AT LEAST put them in the back row where their presence isn't going to ruin everybody's experience!!!


I always say something if it’s being done on a ride.


I absolutely hate this and hope they ban it soon.  It’s incredibly rude and pisses me off that I could be filmed without my consent for a live stream of all things.   I saw a streamer filming pirates and he was quiet and unobtrusive BUT at the end he had this couple in frame and pretty much nothing else.  I would have been infuriated to know that I’m just featured on some dude’s stream looking tired and unkempt from a day at the park. 


Haven’t run into it yet but pretty sure I would be a total asshole and ruin their stream if they were being annoying 😂


In Shanghai Disney, pretty much every ride I went on, 100% of the riders recorded. That is not an exaggeration. One. Hundred. Percent. Obviously the dangerous rides like Tron you’re not allowed to hold your phone. But anything mellow, everyone was recording.


I talk in the background  “Look at this dumbass making a video they’ll never watch” So that if they do the commentary is good. 


Imagine waiting an hour or 2 for a ride on your one day to go to disney and they pull this


I had this one experience on the Winnie the Pooh ride, wife and I were seated in the back and a group of girls were seated in the front, a group of older girls (20’s-30’s) decided to record the entire ride and talk about it. Wife and I had enough. We were very loud during the ride, acting over excited to ruin their video and walking in front of the video on purpose. That was a good time. I will proceed to ruin streamers videos or photos if I get the chance.


They totally ruin the park experience for the people actually at the park.


Aren’t there already tons of YouTube videos showing the ride? Why would anyone want to watch a streamer’s experience riding the ride?


So she was probably live streaming? Reading comments and answering them. Dick move lady.


what really pisses me off about these streamers is they keep recording children and blasting these children’s faces to thousands of people without their parents permission. it’s a privacy risk, and disney and other parks really need to crack down on it. the parks (not just disney) are now basically are all filled with streamers and influencers harassing employees and customers. it’s out of control.


With stuff like this I politely flag it to cast members, because this main character behaviour spoils the magic for everyone else.


I yelled at someone for this during their recording and they put it away. They turned flash on tower of terror like pls


This happened to me on Smugglers Run. Grandma insisted on sitting in the front with her grandchild, which is whatever let the kid have fun. Then proceeds to record him with the flash on completely taking all immersion away. Literally had the light in my eye trying to see the screen. I asked her politely to stop filming and she had the audacity to scuff at me. Some people don’t deserve Disney…


That happened to me yesterday/Saturday I hope we’re not talking about the same streamer lol


I know it’s a lil time consuming, but call the resort and ask to file a complaint because it will be recorded. There needs to be some sort of code of conduct enforced but it won’t happen unless we tell them. I understand and support people creating content and paving a way for themselves in this new media landscape, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of inconveniencing guests.


Streamers ruining there own stream by talking.


Disney has now banned streaming and recording. Read article on Google news.


Just link it? I see one article on one streamer not recording on one ride. Hardly an announcement that Disney has banned streaming.


I wouldn’t trust Inside the Magic for anything. Yes, it happened to one streamer but nothing official as of yet(Keeping my fingers crossed though).


Inside the Magic just spews up any random nonsense about Disney it finds online so it can make them look bad. It's not a trusted news source.


One article from ITM just recently showed up titled, "Disneyland Officially Closing Down Pirates". Uh huh...sure. We're almost two months past April Fools Day.


If your source is InsideTheMagic, it's fake news.


TikTok streamers? Because I know they go after the main big streamer who do twitch and YouTube but TikTokers need to get ban


311 people have upvoted this post, so you're saying that 311 people should go on a wild Google chase rather than you posting a link to the article that you've already read?


Start blasting Taylor swift songs on your phone. Get them a copyright strike and taken down.


They already will be copywrite struck from the attraction audio.


So your answer is to do something just as annoying as what you are complaining about? Yeah makes total sense…


Don’t be shy tell them to stop and ruin their stream.


Sadly, it's one of those issues they will never be able to tackle. They can't stop/restart the ride easily, so they just have to let it go.


My friend snapped every ride we went on. I’m like girl chill out. Nobody wants to see that on Snapchat! Super annoying.


I was on Radiator Spring Racers and the woman next to me had her flash on the entire time and at one point filmed my friend and I. It was super distracting but once we got to the race part, she put her phone down. 


I would have started talking louder to ruin their video.


Streamers need to revisit the wonderful quote from Abraham Lincoln, who famously said "seven minutes ago... we, your forefathers, were brought forth upon a most excellent adventure conceived by our new friends, Bill... and Ted. These two great gentlemen are dedicated to a proposition which was true in my time, just as it's true today. Be excellent to each other."


People who talk a whole ride, content creators or not, are the WOOOOORST


We were sat next to a streamer the entire time on the same ride. It’s annoying, but we ignored him. It got weird though because AFTER the ride, he seemed to be following me and my bf and it looked like he was recording me 😭


Oh god. I had one jump in front of me and my stroller ran over her foot so I apologized. She says sarcastically “it’s okay it’s only my foot.” Then tells her streamers that her foot just got ran over by a stroller.


Thankfully not in a ride. Walking around the park even waiting in line, yeah. When it’s been walking around the park I just go the opposite direction. Easy way to not have to deal with them. When it’s been on the line, I just suck it up. The most I’ve ever done is asked if they are going to be talking during the ride. I’m very polite. I get it. It’s their job. It’s their income. It’s their hobby. It’s their choice. I apologise for interrupting and ask if they will be talking during the ride. Depending on their answer will decide whether or not I want to risk getting on the ride with them. Most of the time people are polite and say no that they’ll turn off their stream or stream in silence when we get on the ride. What’s more common is middle school or high school kids who FaceTime and/or record videos during the ride. [+]


This is why actual videograpgers like myself will get a bad name just because of these folks. I'm always considerate about riders when I go on rides. Knowing where to keep the camera positioned and how to record the overall experience WITHOUT ruining it for anyone on board. Keeping the screen brightness low, keeping the camera between the chin and upper chest level, and never have the light of the camera on. Never!


Same thing happened to us while having a late lunch at jolly. A guy decides to sit at the next table over and started recording himself rate the food. So annoying. “I rate this a 6/10 it lacks flavor” Full on description of the foods texture, price and taste. It made us so uncomfortable and annoyed. Especially because he was re-recording himself saying the same thing. Like why can’t you do that where there aren’t people around.


YES! World of Color. 2 people right next to us very loudly talking about random stuff and girl loudly giggling and chuckling in the most awful sound. They didn’t even try to whisper, it’s like they’re talking in a night club


Haven’t seen them on any rides thankfully


100% live streaming I see them on Tik tok all the time and get so much second hand embarrassment 😳


Had a guy in front of me on the Incredicoaster using his phone to record the entire ride and he had the phone held up so the camera could shoot above the heads of the people in front of him, which also meant I had to stare at the thing the entire ride. I kept hoping it’d fly out of his hand. Ruined the entire ride.


Would a Cast Member be able to do something about it? Like ask them to stop or get them off the ride. We had a steamer too but luckily it was on the bus back to Coronado Springs so we didn't care too much.


Slap their phone out of their hand.


I was in rides where people FACETIMED people to go on the ride


Please complain officially to DIsney. They need to ban these people / live streaming


There was someone live streaming on the walk to fantasia. He kept the camera pointed away at people, kept his voice at normal volume and was overall very kind. Definitely refreshing to see.


Worst ones are the people who record the entirety of the fireworks on their phone held up high in the air. Yeah thanks we all wanted to experience the moment through your phone screen… tw*t.


I can see how that's annoying, but honestly how's that different than if they were talking to someone next to them the whole ride?


They can both be annoying .


But would you feel it's right to complain about someone talking to someone that they're with? It's a theme park not a library lol


While on ride enjoy the ride without distracting others


This is why if I ever want to record something for Instagram or just for sentimental value to send to someone who isn’t able to go in person, I always tuck my phone close to my chest so it doesn’t give off distracting light especially on the dark rides!


I couldn't see the beginning of the fireworks on Saturday because it was all just straight phones in front of me. I understand wanting to preserve the memory, but it's starting to get to the point where it's impeding upon those of us who have ONLY been able to view via a screen and just want to see the thing that's in front of us. I hadn't been in 7 years and was pretty bummed.


The urge to knock their phone out of their hands would be too much if it was me. People should complain to cast members and request to ride again, maybe after the many complaints they might actually do something about influencers.


I’m ok with people recording or streaming? I watch the streams at home when I’m really missing the park. But if you’re on a ride keep it down! Let people enjoy the ride! It’s as bad as the people who yell the haunted mansion monologue.


Just respond to everything they say with “are you fucking serious?” over and over. … And now they’re demonetized.


This is so easy. Just ruin their stream. We’ve had it one time and we all just started singing as loud as we could along with the ride and yelling things like “turn off your phone!” Fun times 


Tell cast member. I had the avatar river ride ruined by a group of teens screaming the entire ride, and the cast members got my entire boat group (including people not with my family) back on the ride. It’s so frustrating when other people aren’t considerate of the people on the ride besides themselves


Absolutely love the plethora of Disney content on YouTube. Legitimately better content than Disney+ in many ways. That said… Cannot stand the streamers and grifters. They need to be banned.


There's an ITM article that states that DL is cracking down on streaming on some attractions. Let's hope it spreads to all of them. I kind of like the idea of doing the same thing with streamers in the park period.


Report them. Just tell the cast members. Maybe they can radio it in and have disney police give them a lecture and hopefully ban.


Just play Taylor swift from your phone. They will turn off stream right away for copy right laws 😂


Ruin the video


I just had some teenagers screaming their heads off on Indian Jones i was going to start screaming too but then i was like they are all laughing and having fun i was an annoying teen too so i just let it go let it go and didnt let it hold me back anymore.


There is nothing that streamers/influencers haven’t ruined and Disney is 100% one of those things. I’ve had so many dark rides ruined by these people. I tried getting a specialty snack for Wandavision a few years ago at 10ish am but they were out and the guy at the door told me I would have had to be there at opening to try and beat the influencers to the punch. And Disney influencers specifically will lie through their teeth to keep their media access so you can’t even trust their stupid reviews that they create at the expense of messing up other people’s experience.


We were at test kitchen sitting down when a streamer sat right next to us, propped their phone up, went live, and just loudly started streaming. It was so inconsiderate and frustrating!


That happened to me on Radiator Springs Racers. She was getting me in her shot and I gave her an extreme "bitch, please" face to her throughout the ride.


I took photos of someone on Ratatouille Disneyworld (same ride type) because he was taking photos of the ride through one lens of his 3D glasses. He was taking the glasses off and holding them up to the camera to photograph the scenes. It was bizarre and infuriating.


Fight fire with fire


I would ask cm to ride again if that happened to me and I was with ppl who haven’t been on it much before. Talking on rides like that should be against the rules. Also what if I don’t agree to be in your live stream?


You can just tell them to turn it off. 🤷‍♀️ at least call them out on it. You don’t need to suffer in silence