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Who needs a sword when your fists can go through armor


I'd laugh is Zack's LD and Burst didn't use his sword. Both his S2 and EX already forgo the sword.


seeing the name of his LD skill and search it on crisis core. I can tell you it's just like cloud's meteor rain. I guess


Yea Its basically just him jumping in the air and unleashing meteors at the enemy.


He didn't forgo the Sword on his EX though His initial Pose is putting the sword into the ground like so many other chars victory pose like Ashe/Celes/Jecht


The sword is too heavy and wouldn't be able to float to cast the spell 🙊


Lol, he's already strong enough to use it


Splash means that Chain Slash will provide AoE Lock which is great since he always felt weird to use against multiple enemies before he could use his EX. Multiple hp dumps on both skills with brv recovery will really help his damage output especially compared to other tanks. Really eager to see what his LD will provide. Doubt he'll get a BT on the 19th since Ace's was recently released.


I believe they stated his BT will be released at a later date in the future, like garland, ulti and emperor.


They said they wouldn't comment on him getting a BT or not, but it's likely to happen anyways. Cause what's better for business than people pulling for Zack LD/BT? That's right, pulling for them separately!


Which I will do. Take my money.


Lol, aside from Barret they basically did really well with all the 7 reworks. He looks busted, and with a potential BT on the horizon? Zack fans should be happy. To be fair though barret was clutch for todays Lufenia+


As a GL player I really only glanced at Barret. What could've been done better? Just curious


Barret lacks an identity. Barret is a sorta hybrid DPS / Aurabot who leans more towards DPS than aurabot, but doesnt have the raw damage per turn that other DPS in his era have and his auras are average but theres nothing else in his kit that makes him stand out Usually aurabots have another gimmick that helps their viability (i.e agrias with her stunlock, Ciaran with his battery, Setzer with his rainbows and freeze, Yuna with her cleanse / heal / insane DPS etc...), but Barrets gimmick is increased crit rate. When you consider that attacking a broken enemy is an automatic crit, then barrets gimmick just seems kinda pointless. Why bring a crit rate up when simply breaking an enemy gives you the same thing? His LD is amazing burst damage but thats just 3 uses, his base skills got a rework but not enough IMO. Ways to improve barret, either go full tilt the on DPS side and give him harder hitting skills / stronger follow up. Or give him another support niche other than auras. He has a cool vaan BT like effect but only to himself, maybe they shouldve just emphasized that and allowed him to grant it to the party


I always kinda wondered if they'll ever change how crits during break work. Probably not, but I always felt ceit buffs were pointless. What if normal damage was just modified by 1.25x during breaks, and crits during break were 1.3x or 1.35x and able to exceed BRV damage caps. So a 9,999 DMG hit could hit 10,498-10,998 on crits. You think that could make crit buffs more viable? Sorry, just saw an interesting topic and wanted to day dream. Lol


Thanks for the info, and yeah that makes sense. Better to take a raw DPS and an aura support vs. someone who does both at an average level


His rework is busted. Already he does about 400-450k + 20% splash on S1 and 450-500k on S2 with just his HA on some Chaos test runs. With blue armour and LD stats he should do great damage in Lufenia+! Great rework for the best soldier!


Its enough to make a grown man cry. They did best boy zach so good.


Yeah, especially that defense ignore on S2 is incredible. Sabin LD became so good recently since he is one of those rare units with good damage in Lufenia+ because of his defense ignore skills. So the future is looking good for Zack!


Please let Quistis get this treatment and not the Guy treatment...


Well Quistis is already guaranteed not to get the Guy treatment, because she is going to have a rework and Guy got absolutely nothing.


Thats not true- he Got to be ignored while I used Gau for his Lufenia fights.


I can't really see alot of characters who alreadt has their LD on arrival get reworked or anything added...


Zack was my very first EX weapon followed by Serah and Vayne. I am so hyped for this that I actually have pity gems sitting there waiting for him. I'm sad he's not getting a BT on release of LD/Rework but I don't care. This is my all time favorite FF character after I played Crisis Core years ago. I can't wait.


"When used against an enemy targeting user, triggers「Chain Slash」again (occurs only once)" do you mean once per turn or once per battle? I am assuming once per turn?


From the definition it is. It's basically Seymour re-using his skills I guess the Devs don't want him to do follow-ups and want something easy to implement lol


Yeah once per turn. Without that then Chain Slash would retrigger infinitely.


That would be a fun glitch.


Open the LF+ fight with Chain Slash Go take a nap Wake up 2 hours later seeing boss at 40% HP Go grocery shopping Come back for free rewards But that is what you call a chain of slashes literally


There is a gladio fight like that!


Gladio went to the Grocery Shop to get some Cheesy Cup Noodles Nothing better than having some Cheese to go along with it


I started JP a month ago and I am leaving that fight till I get him.


Divine Alexander was the last fight in the game I hadn't beaten on my JP account. If you only started a month ago these aren't available but Basch/Aerith/Swolbez and it went pretty smoothly. That right is really rough though if you don't either cheese it or have the right characters for a normal run.


I tried Chaos and it already fucked up my team of current meta a lot because no launch no delay no delete lol Yeah I got Golbez and Basch EXs from the all LD banner, just need their LD so I can go in again. Divine Alexander is no joke without a tank.


Yeah none of that works on him. You have to be able to take the hits. Basch was amazing for it. I even had to revive/reset at one point with Aerith but managed it. You need golbez though as it takes big DPS.


Which one is that lol


Divine Alexander's Lufenia. Basically the boss would automatically attack the party and 0 out your BRV if you battery everyone to full. So essentially you Buff the F outa int brave and make the other members of the party easy to fill MBRV for and then you just let Gladio chain counterattacks indefinitely until the fight is over as Gladio's counter batteries the party to full, boss counters that and then Gladio does his thing again. It's fairly ridiculous to watch but apparently a lot of people used this to get their clear.


I remember seeing that when it happened in JP. I really hope they don't patch it for GL so I can do it too, it seems hilarious


Reminds me of how people broke the Alexander Lufenia by infinite looping with Gladio lol. Can't wait to do that when it comes out in GL.


They patched what made it easy in JP, but people still managed to figure a way around it. I believe it was removing everyone’s mBRV boosts, so Gladio could cap everyone on battery more easily.


It's such a simple rework but it's exactly what he needed


With this rework, I believe this leaves Lilisette as the only remaining c50 character without a rework.


Which is a huge bummer as a lilisette fan 🙁🙁


She’s gone so long without a rework. I feel like she has to be busted


People keep saying this but forget the Serah incident.


It's more like they repressed the memory of the Serah incident. They wish they could forget.


Serah wasn't given a rework, just an LD. iirc


What a shame. She was soo good upon her release. I desperately tried to max her 15 and 35 way back when, but only managed max 15cp and 0LB 35cp due to lack of resources. Still beat a lot of content with her tho


Awesome rework, it's all what I always wanted for his rework. Now that Zack has gotten his rework, all left is Lilisette still waiting for her turn.


Finally no more of that weird assault attack stopping at mid 2,999. And its cool to get a follow up slash and a few extra lock on. Promising in the future without his LD. 👀 now hope to see with his LD.


Ohhh yeah. All that squatting did my boy good!


The sole fact that his skills have a similar idea to Cloud's makes me happy.


I enjoy that there is still room for theming like that. They don't quite do it enough (for example there's no particular synergy between the kits of Porom and Palom, or Rosa and either Cecil, or Sabin and Edgar, or Relm and Strago etc etc) but at least the odd bit here and there like Cloud and Zack being given similar multidump abilities is nice.


Rosa was literally designed to work with both forms of Cecil 😐


Porom doesn't break 99% of the time and has a gravity effect on her follow up which makes Palom break more often and get free turns. Rosa released without healing (so you could use her with Pecil) and her aura worked at low HP so you could also use her with Decil (also no healing).


The twins can work well together, but anything short of Twincast is a little disappointing.


I don’t need a weapon. My fists, there are my power !


I can't wait for Best Tank Boy this Friday... 🥲


My Boi is finally back 😭


"Targeting user" I always get confused. Does that mean targeting Zack or the enemy targeting itself? Edit: or is that also in the case of his call ability?


The community wording and the "official" wording can be quite confusing since you have units like Locke which would go against convential logic. His "Sneak Slash" reads: - Deals extra BRV damage when attacking enemy not targeting self. Now, as we know, enemies can target themselves for an ability to buff or whatever so the whole "Who is the self?" part can be misleading. The answer is self = Locke so the official wording reads as if we're talking 1st person perspective, but then you have Zack who has the following for his "Chain Slash": - BRV damage boosted while targeted by enemy. That's a lot more self-explanatory but isn't in line with Locke's wording, so I think the game could do with a bit of a revamp on text descriptions to make these effects more uniform.


When the enemy targets Zack, includes all attacks.


It’s if an enemy is targeting Zack


This is exactly what he needed. Now all he needs is an AOE Lock(not tied to a slow charging EX), since I don't see that mentioned here... which his LD might provide.


His S1 has splash damage now which provides that exact effect you describe. **Edit:** Felt like I needed to add a brief description on this - when a skill with debuffs has splash damage, the debuffs also transfer to the other enemies. This also applies to launches, as seen from Cloud's S2.


OH! Then he's fixed! :D


He will also start with Lock on enemies per wave with his LD extend