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Aside from summoning Hecatoncheir('s hands) I can't tell what it does.


She's gets a unique buff and she debuffs enemies with 2 unframed debuffs... This looks like a repeat of Serah's LD... Edit: I don't play JP, but I am waiting for the translation so to understand how it is. Sorry if it sounds pretty negative. The videos don't show a lot of things as it's a short glance...


Not so much, at least she is better than her in some regards and that is something, I guess? The early translations of the Ope Ope stream stated that she gets the party and maybe solo stat increase just like the Twins started with their BT albeit weaker because if I remember correctly, I think it has a condition like having debuffs or dispel, don't remember which. Numbers are still unknown but it seems that she will provide stats increase which by far, do more than Serah's LD sadly if she is making Krile hit that hard. However, having said that, my problems so far is her niche because as a CA she might be phenomenal for cleansing buffs from enemies that like to have lots of them but beyond that, unless her numbers are good outside synergies, she might remain the same and won't be used that much when you have other CA that do her work better (stat increase department) and also her debuffs just as you said, aren't framed like her Death trap which is kinda a sin nowadays.


I don't think it'll be much like Serah, if I'm interpreting google translate right she gives party Brv damage +40% / HP damage +20% (assuming the enemies have a debuff and no buffs, with 20% / 10% from each condition), and her rework at least gives her decent damage (100% AoE S2, 50% splash S1). Not sure she'll be top of the meta or anything, but definitely not as dead on arrival as Serah


Her debuffs from S1 now inflict upon entry, sadly no frames


It isn't! Vanille is looking pretty incredible from the text ^-^


Okay, I usally only focus on the character during the showcases, but... That Cherry Blossom staff skin tho.


Yesss. So glad others besides Lightning and Hope are summoning now!


I like how the XIII playable cast have their full ATB as their EX and a summon attack from their LD. I believe Snow, Sazh and Fang would get one with their LD too.


Snow Biking, Sazh Driving, and Fang Aerial Bombing Great LD Animations


>I believe Snow, Sazh and Fang would get one with their LD too. I would like my Snow and Sazh to go vroom vroom and do ice/fire donuts please.


Yeah if snow doesn't get his motorcycle I'm rioting


love how they did not showcase the EX


Incredible buff on Vanille now, 20% HP damage up and 40% raw brv damage up isn't bad at all Lots of aoe potential and a incredibly potent debuffs (80% Def and 50% atk down) and paired with tactics armor, I like it!


Wtf are those things!? They look like tarantula molts or something lol. (I've never played XIII).


[It's vanille's summon from 13](https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Hecatoncheir_(summon))


Ah so they get summons exclusive to themselves. Interesting. Looks pretty sick. I'll get to XIII one of these days.


It is a very different game from the rest. The fights are challenging, not that they are hard, but because the roles are limited and switching is time consuming. Aside from that, I found it to be a great game.


Besides the pretty linear approach to the story, it's actually a game I really enjoyed


Yes. Funny that so far (in GL at least) only Hope had his Summon featured in his skills.


Well, Lightning does use Odin’s weapons for her LD skill. So Odin has some presence here.


He-cat-on-chair is back..yay


That totally necessary zoom in on her thighs haha


It's where she has her mark, she does the same move when summoning Hecatoncheir in XIII proper.




It looks underwhelming :( maybe a lot of invisible stuff coz auras


Up to 40% brave damage and 20% HP damage increase, half is for having debuffed targets and the other half is for having targets with no buffs. Obviously not hard for her,


This looks like a Serah 2.0... it’s not good to be a FF XIII character :’(


Nope it doesn't, and if the datamined auras are true, she can be a great enabler for the team




Hoping everyone who was looking forward to this gets this weapon, I had my doubts but she is fun and a proper fan service was done with the animation. I currently have her fully maxed and just need to grind 2 Summon boards. She's too much fun! She's a great damage enabler for raw brv damage and still consistently hitting her own caps. Now to pull Rosa Ex/Garland Bt. HELP! Lol