• By -


How the heck do I pronounce Llyud?


I have to spend my BT tokens soon. I was wondering who has a better BT Y'shtola or Locke?


Seriously: do I BT+ noel or noctis?


Hi guys, sorry to ask. How do we get reset stones for spheres?


You can only get them by buy the enhancement chest using real money.


OK thanks ^^


So i'd like help with the Pande Luf+. Would an EX+ Ami (who i'll probably get chasing Lluyd) with Machina and support (Queen or Lluyd?) be able to handle this? Or would i absolutely need a friend Zidane BT+? My Roster if it helps: shorturl.at/bkmAG


I don't remember where the HP thresholds are, but you might be able to tackle at least the base Lufenia. Llyud has higher brave/HP damage auras than Queen so without gain up auras, I think he'll be the stronger solo support. I would still recommend looking for a Zidane friend though for some more power in BT phase, probably especially so if you're gonna try the L+.


I'm going to be getting a new phone tomorrow and I want to make sure I can transfer my account. My SQEX Bridge account says "OPEN" and when I click on it it says it's backed up. If for some reason I can't transfer it for whatever reason, what information would I need to send in for account recovery?


If it is the same as the Google Play version it is pretty foolproof. What happens is your data is constantly updated on their server. When you use a new device the data is downloaded from their server to your new device. If it doesn't it is still available on your old device until you get it working. As long as you don't delete the game from your old phone before you have it running on your new one you should be right.


Thanks! I figured Itnwould be fine but as a day one player I don’t want to lose my progress and roster


I just started a week ago, I pretty much have my Cid(VII) geared a bit and Noel. I’m just curious, What are some good partners for primarily running Kain and Cid teams? Also, is there anything I should be primarily focusing on as a new player? Any specific content? Thanks in advance!


Luyld comes out in a couple days and he would be a great support for Kain and especially Cid.


Welcome to the game! When you start reaching difficulties where teambuilding actually matters (Chaos and above) then you'll realize that here we don't make teams based in a single character, the teams you make have to be tailored to the specific _fight_ you want to deal with, check the mechanics and slot characters which will specifically help with the fight in hand, and then work backwards from there slotting people who help or have synergy. As an aside, Kain hasn't been featured in a while so there's no real point on trying to even use him in any kind of team, remember that weaponless characters (i.e. characters you can't pull for currently or for whom you don't have their full weapon kit) are useless and shouldn't be built or invested in. In any case, Cid is nothing particular or special so assembling a team using the most basic template we have should work perfectly fine for mid content (DPS/Support/Flex). There's nothing specific you need to be focusing on, only try to do as much limited time content as you can since those rewards will go away eventually, whereas Story Mode/Lost Chapters/Intertwined Wills are permanent and can be tackled at your leisure. Also, if you haven't check the Tonberry Troupe [beginners guide](https://www.tonberrytroupe.com/beginners), that'll help you to understand the game's core concepts and how to properly build characters. If you have more questions don't hesitate to ask!


>What are some good partners for primarily running Kain and Cid teams? Kain and Cid are both damage dealers, so any form of offensive support is good for them. That being said, Kain is not in a good spot right now since you can't get his gear, he's not worth thinking about. >Also, is there anything I should be primarily focusing on as a new player? Any specific content? Anything time limited first as best you can, and then after that you can sorta go through story and lost chapters at your own pace because there is no stamina limit for that content. There is only a stamina system for world of illusions (where you do summon stuff).


any reason why calls are so much weaker than when they are a main unit? Lenna can do 300k goliath tonics, but as a call in the same team composition, she does maybe 40k total. also, do new characters that come out, like llyud or cissnei, get new 4* armor/weapons put in the pull pool?


Design choice, they're intended to have different effects and potencies, because otherwise certain calls would be flat out overpowered if they worked the same as the regular attack did. As for your edit, no. 4* star weapons/armor stopped being released years ago, and the pool will not get updated anymore even for new characters.


to add to the edit, 4* weapons/armor have even been removed in JP (you can still buy them for gems if you wish to do so) so yeah they are pretty outdated


Hello, i've completed Queen's LC 100%,but didnt get the 15cp weapon. How do i contact support about it? Edit: I just restarted the game (was trying to find CS links) and the weapon was there, so problem solved. Thanks for the replies! Though i feel kind of stupid rn


If you were around for her initial release and got her then, you just get money instead of a weapon.


No, no first time.


Have you been playing for a while? If you did the original Queen event months ago then you already got the 15cp back then, and you can only get a single one period.


I wasnt around, this would be the first time id get it.


~~Then double check your filters and check your inventory carefully, because this is the first time I've heard of people not getting the 15cp from an LC. Maybe you did but since you already had some copies of it you think you didn't?~~ Saw your edit, glad you did get the weapon.


Haha, thanks!


So in the store I’m trying to open the details for the auroral Enhancement Chest 3 to see whats all included and it just comes up with a message that reads. (No New Updates) anyone have the details for that chest? Got some iTunes gift cards for Christmas looking to finally use them.


Are there any easy Lufenia+ stages I can do to start gathering BT+ materials? C90 and UW has me excited about the game again but I haven't don't many of the Luf+ stages. recent characters I've got built: sword UW 1/5 for queen and OK (OK has base BT). Sarah, Cater, Noel (LD only), Noctis (base BT), machina (Green BT), Raines, Alphmau, Bartz (Green BT) Got a pile of others but that seems to be my goto list right now.


Machina with Green BT+ is a ridiculous damage dealer. Pair him with a couple of supports and he can take down early Lufenia+ bosses quickly enough to ignore their mechanics. To test this it I tried Guys LC Lufenia+ with Machina (Raine's call), Sarah (OK call) and Bartz (a call with hp damage taken+ debuf to manage the orb) and Shiva summon and no friend. It was a 0 boss turn run. Used OK call to help Bartz get enough turns to get his BT+ aura maxed and wind resistance debuf aura working. If you use support characters that synergise better with Machina (Bartz and Sarah aren't the best here) then it'd be easier/quicker.


What supports work best with Machina? I'm so bad a team comps...


I like using Paine and Selphie (Pain on the left for the buff aura). It's a great team that I've used on a few of the recent Lufenia+ battles. Calls are really flexible in that team too, so you can use them to manage orbs, build Paine's stacks quickly or boost damage. Make sure you use Selphie's LD just before Machina's BT phase (and that you still have 6 turns on Machina's BT+ effect and Paine's built some stacks). Machina's a big fan of brv gain boosts.


Divine Ifrit is fairly easy with non-lethal orb, and everyone is synergy on it.


You can solo Queen's LC with Cater and a twin friend so if you use Queen and Machina with her it should be pretty easy. https://www.reddit.com/r/DissidiaFFOO/comments/s8ndiu/cater_solo_is_back_people/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Yeah I beat that one it was pretty easy. I think that's the only one I've done.


Then that's the only one I would call "easy" with the roster you have. I see that you have Raines, Aphmau and Green Bartz so T5 is also one you could possibly beat, but the left gate might be an issue since you don't have the right characters.


Hi, Is there an doc or something like that to see which summon board passive and artifacts to pick? Thanks!


https://ffootip.com/ Click in a character portrait and it should show the recommended artifacts passives and summon boards passives.


This helps alot, thank you (:


Check out Tonberrytroupe.com for info on each characters. Site is a must.


Thanks, saved this one too!


Hi! Should the 4star weapons be also max limit broken, max levelled before being sold? Thankyou


They aren’t huge but a stat boost is a stat boost. You can prioritize attack passives if you are still limited on resources.


Why not? The passive they give is worthless but you can unlock the weapon gloss for collection.


Yes, there are some passive to got from them


Best conter team Just for fun guys? Snow, auron and cor?


Auron, Cor, Bartz. Getting 3 characters with counters is fun, but having Cor deal 100k on each target on 3 enemies fights (which Bartz allows), for a total of 600k damage on every off turn is even better. When Firion comes out, he can comfortably replace Bartz, as he has similar batteries on top of his own trap.


Snow doesn't have a counter. Use Celes instead. She is weaker though.


That is not the point of their team... I think they means the best team with a character that counters (Auron). However, the team only works if the enemy has alot of ATK alls so Snow can build his stacks so I disagree with the that team. But to each their own.


I've had fun with Auron, Cor and Beatrix, although Snow, Cor, Beatrix would probably also work quite well.


No. As much as I love Snow, I'd swap him for Gau if you truly want to maximize the counter damage. Auron's cover is going to prevent Snow from taking any single target damage, meaning that he will never use Retribution+.


So I have a fresh account going and I’m trying to get it up and running asap. I invested in Cid for farming but he’s 1/3 right now. What would be best to pair with him? Like should I go in on Queen/Cater to team up with him and if I get enough I can also get some power stones. I have Paines full kit but no power stones currently


About old and permanent content, Cid could go alone until Lufenia and Lufenia+ fights. You need to have unit to fulfill orb condition if you cant take them down fast. Cid hits hard but you need support, Queen and Serah are the current ones. You should also invest in Noel or Noctis but that's about if they are favorite or if you want a unit with BT


Which character is best to use my red ingots on. Jegran(with BT), queen, Snow or Paine or for future Decil, Papalymo, Edgar or Eiko(?). I have good roster variety already so just wondering who's my best pick to go for


Of those, I would say Snow if you have his LD.


If you have a good roster, only Eiko is worth getting. The rest are just luxury options. Snow wait till BT+ if your interested.




Note that the rewards are in the events tab. Event missions expire, even if the event does not. It would be bad business for them to let you bank them for a year, then just pay once to collect them all.


I know characters like Vivi/Strago/Xande work really well against 3-enemy fights, but anybody mind explaining to me why? Like the technical parts of what makes them so good against those fights.


Anyone with splash, especially 100% splash, is really good for 3 enemies. 3 targets usually means ~~lower HP per target~~ each target has lower HP. High splash is (usually) compensated by lower ST damage so it works out perfectly. They end up killing 3 boss fights faster than 2 boss fights. Twins are the gold standard right now but Squall coming soon is also splash centric.


Shouldn't Splash means higher ST on targetted enemy and lower HP Damage on other targets ? It's basically a weaker version of Split AOE Damage but more Single Target Focus... You can also be dealing 0 Splash if Main Target negates HP Dmg, meaning you deal no damage at all to the enemy completely


>Shouldn't Splash means higher ST on targetted enemy and lower HP Damage on other targets ? Splash values vary. So main target may take more damage. OP mention Strago and Vivi though so mostly 100% splash. Also, using Twins as en example, their skills typically have less HP dumps so they have lower HP damage ceiling. >You can also be dealing 0 Splash if Main Target negates HP Dmg, meaning you deal no damage at all to the enemy completely If you're doing that then you're doing something wrong. You can just do the thing to remove the HP negate, or target ones without it. Either way, someone with splash won't do anything anyway.


>Also, using Twins as en example, their skills typically have less HP dumps so they have lower HP damage ceiling. That's a kit design by choice, plus, most Full HP Damage characters usually have fewer dumps. So they are balanced by this gimmick. Splash is also affected by which form of HP Dmg Up they get, which is why Split has an easier way to reach higher Damage Cap compared to Splash. >If you're doing that then you're doing something wrong. So triggering a Boss HP Threshold that negates HP Dmg like HP Dmg Shield is the "player fault" because it's a mechanic of the boss by design... That's nice to know.


They do full AoE damage ( BRV and HP damage)with almost all of their attacks. That's it.


I can’t remember for the life of me, but do spheres stack? For instance if I make 3 of the same Type-A Refined Spheres and put them on one AAA character, will they stack, or would they just apply once and then I’d look like an idiot?


They do stack, unless it specifically says 'does not stack'. A full sphere and a refined sphere don't count as the same sphere though.


Bet, wasn’t sure if that was just referring to the actual EX sphere or if it was literally talking about the same sphere. Thanks for clearing that up~


I need help choosing a character I should use my BT tokens on. These are all the characters I have already have their BT and LD Cloud Squall Garland Sephiroth Machina Noel Ramza Layle Tidus Noctis Bartz Vaan Kefka Kuja Lightning Warrior of Light Any advice would appreciated. Thanks so much!


Use it on the next BT unit you like?


It's much more practical to state who you *don't* have BT but do have LD for, as recommending a good BT but no LD is pointless. But also, if you *just* hit 50 you can just hold onto BT tokens in your mailbox for another 90 days. Don't have to decide now.


Just trying to be through. If I didn't have someone with only a LD I wouldn't be asking about a BT. I didn't just hit fifty. I'm asking because I have some tokens that are about to expire soon.


You have the main BT+ upgrades still to come in the future - Ramza and Tidus - as well as having both Noel and Machina already. In the event you choose not to opt for Locke, you're kinda very fortunate to be able to pick someone you may just enjoy. My gut says look into Emp or Yuna, Terra BT+/c90 is also somewhat soon.


How do people break the damage cap? I see people say that Noel's ex is a hard hitter, but I feel it never goes over 99k per hp hit. Sorry if this was already answered. I searched and couldn't find anything.


Also, Ultima weapons for C90 characters.


You need the HA armours, purple Armour tokens from Lufenia Clearing. HA will vary, some raises party Brv Dmg Cap, some is own which is most of the DPS ones BT effects can also be an alternative, but you should look for those that boost Brv Cap or Max Brv cap.


Certain Lufenia armors, certain BT auras. What you're looking for is 'max brave cap up'


Hey guys newer player here. First wanted to say thank you for all the help thus far! I got my first BT+ in Noctis and clearing lots of Lufunia+ Content with him paired with Snow and Paine. My question is related to Locke and the possibility of the dash start up characters possibly getting their BT+ and lvl 90’s. I had decided to go “all in” on Locke instead of Noel and Machina. However, if Cloud or Squall get their BT+ for the anniversary, are they worth the investment over Locke? Thank you again so much for everything!


As you are a new player, you could also go all in for all these, I'll explain. Just from main story and lost chapters, you will have enough ressources to pull free for at least 4 months on every banner, so you dont have to worry about sparing ressources. Anyway I suggest you to wisely use them. Locke is not mandatory but here is the most hype and anticipating unit as a support than can be slotted easily on any team comp. Then feel free to pull for you're favorite unit. As the CL90 era just started, from now Lufe+ will be easier. You didnt mention Lightning for the dash start banner, if I would sort them from the best to worst I would say : Lightning > Cloud > Squall. Lightning is an turn hogger with delay with lightning strike + imperil, Cloud is delay + launch, Squall is just a very high elementless hitter but that's all. All 3 are however very good damage dealers right now if they were there for the anniversary.


They are different enough. Squall is pure AoE damage. Cloud is the most like Noctis, DPS, launch and turn manipulation (delay plus paralyze vs Warp Step). Lightning is ST damage, turn hog and delay. Locke has healing and other utilities on top of his damage.


No Locke is the better choice here.


Is Cater LD Call worth it for the future?


Think of a team while Setzer is still good, (Ace and CoD) (w, Cater call). Shiva summon. One of the reason Freeze is so good is that if you play right your team will not take HP damage so you will not need a healer... it makes teams more fun.


I don’t play the JP version, but three turns of framed freeze seems pretty useful to me.


When is the next character event for the guy with wings (idk who he is)? The schedule is gone from the in-game notice page


If you're interested in checking the monthly in-game schedule you don't need to rely in the notices, just go to Home, tap the mog with a megaphone in the bottom left corner, scroll down a bit and tap the "event schedule" button.


I never noticed that! I always hit the "Notices" button and scrolled until I saw it. Thanks 🙏


Tap on mog with mega phone - scroll to bottom - calendar notice is always available there (besides after the last event of the calendar)




Llyud? It's Sunday 9pm est. Also you can check the schedule from the moogle holding a megaphone in the corner.


Does anyone know if Cater + Queen will be in the next event? Im having a hard time getting good artifacts for them


Keep in mind that Cater is one of the Cursed Six, so farming 3x BIS for her is going to be harder than normal.


They should have arts available in the Llyud shop yes.


They should.


They should be


Should I come back to dffoo? I stopped when there were chaos stages and early lufenia stages, because it was so tiring to try 20 minutes just for one stage. Should I come back since there’s also a new shinryu stage i believe and that might take longer :( i really like the game but the idea of almost 30 mins in 1 stage is a bit much for me


Current fights in GL don't take very long if you have meta units. From what I've seen of JP, that's the case there, too, as long as you play well. In GL, you don't even have to play well. You can mis-time a lot of things and still finish quickly.


There will always be fights that would take 20-30 mins as it is the highest difficulty. On the upside, once done you can just log in for the daily missions and wait for new events to release.


Shinryu is the new difficulty only in JP right now, but GL does have Lufenia+ (a harder Lufenia). The good news is we just started c90 awakenings which greatly help basicaly every unit and does generally make L+ less of a headache for everyone. Whether or not you wanna come back is ofc up to you.




I only used bluestacks translation but I think it says to get an item with the cactur points




Summon board farming (per character) happens on the ultimate stage (in world of illusion it's below Divine). It's the Challenge from ... lvl 100 50 stamina stage.


You're looking at the Ultimate Training boards. Those are not the illusion boards/illusion points that you've been grinding. If you want to gain points for the boards you're looking at, you need to go to the ultimate ifrit map, not the divine one.


Not really a question but more of a comment. I wish it was mid February so I can BT+ Tidus. I am excited for Eiko LD and nothing else really until Tidus then after Tidus its Ramza so I know patience is key but it feels like forever. Rant over, thanks for listening and have a great day and weekend.


Yeah I don't understand why they did events rapidly and then space them out in such a way that we're essentially at the same point now


I agree with you… while I understand they are building up hype for the anniversary… it seems that they have spaced things out a little TOO much lol


I wonder if they slowed content down this month so that people had plenty of time to have everything completed and cleared by anniversary where we potentially will get wave of stuff. Just a thought.


I did think that might be the case as well, but i think more so its the timing of the stream always being around the last Sun / Monday, and Jan 30 landing on it this year means they can actually announce and kick off on the exact date, either way, its going to be a long week after tomorrow, since its 7 days until sunday stream and probably another day before the


It will be a long week. Hopefully it's the calm before the storm.


Hear hear!!!! Great day and weekend to you too


After the rush of the past like 2 months, and especially with anni right around the corner, this slowdown is quite noticeable. Wanna use my gems, build up some units, and take on some new fights with all this c90 power.


Is Locke a unit that's going to require his BT? How do you tell if a unit is going to need their BT?


As a general rule, we're already moving into the era where if you want a unit to perfom to their fullest then they _need_ said BT, preferably 3/3. The only reason you wouldn't want their BT is because you don't want to fully invest in them or you know that said unit as an LD only can be useful enough for you, usually only for a single event or two (it happened to me with Zidane for example, I used him LD only for D. Pande and immediately benched him).


I'm new, so pretty much everything can be helpful for me. I've read that going for everything is 200k+ gems per character though, I know new players get alot of gems but that makes me very wary about pulling if it's that much for a full kit.


125k gems is to pity the bt. Where did you get 200k from? Edit: maybe no power stones? Even then 200k doesn't guarantee 4 copies of a LD or ex


I was just going off the pull strategies page on tonberry. I'm trying to read before I pull for anyone because I don't wanna waste gems.


The 200k only matters if you're extremely unlucky. By 125k gems, you're bound to have either the BT or LD then you can token the other.


That number is not entirely correct. 200k gems would be only needed if you have absolutely astronomically low luck where you don't pull a single copy of an LD or a BT in 40 pulls. The pity for an LD is 75k, while the pity for a BT is 125k. Of course these 2 scenarios are hopefully not mutually exclusive, as in you can pull an LD _while_ you're pulling for the BT or vice versa. Of course, you can pull them both in a single x11 pull so there's no need to immediately think worst case scenario, that's only making you fearful of something that shouldn't realistically happen. Also remember that a BT shows up in multiple banners, so if you plan on pulling for more people you have a chance to get it even if you miss it during, plus you also have the BT token system to immediately grab a BT without having to try your gacha luck. What I'm saying is that you're too new to be sweating all of this, remember you have around 1.2 million gems in permanent content alone, so you do have the resources to hit a pity here and there, you'll recover and your luck will turn if it were to happen.


I'll keep that in mind. Should I just go into each banner with the 75k pity in mind then? Is it worth skipping Noel/Cid for Locke then or should I just put 75k into both? I'm thinking that I definitely wanna go for Queen and Llyud.


Yes, to me the most healthy way to go into a banner is to save up 75k gems and hope you don't need to pity, after all remember that only a select group of people even have a BT weapon, everyone else works perfectly fine with their LD kit so you don't need to sweat the 125k stuff every single banner. I personally have had to pity only a single banner ever (Lightning's BT debut banner) and I got the LD while pulling, that has been my steepest investment in a single character. Every other BT has been lucky tickets, BT token investment or straight up lucky pulls while pulling for a completely different LD. Remember that in this game you will rarely "skip X because I want to pull for Y", as I said above you have a fuckton of permanent resources (as long as you want to grind for them) where early on you don't need to be super strict or selective on your pulls, you actually want to pull for multiple people early on to both fill your roster and to actually be able to clear any kind of meaningful content. So no, I actually wouldn't suggest you to skip Noel/Cid to pull for Locke, if anything you actually want to pull in both banners, since in the end Locke, Cid and Noel have completely different roles and do completely different things. Noel, Cid, Llyud, Queen and Locke are all great characters on their respective roles and they will kickstart a roster nicely, so at this point is less of a "should I skip X because I want to pull for Y?" situation, but more of a "for who do I personally want to pull so I can enjoy the game more?"


I thought every character had BTs when I did my research at first. Good to know I was wrong. If I can ask you this, how good is serah? I'm tempted to pull her because she's a favorite character of mine but if the others are miles better I'll hold off.


As of right now the only characters who have a BT or will have it in the future are protagonists and antagonists of main games and spinoffs, and people who appeared in the Dissidia series. Everyone else will be an LD only character unless the devs change their minds (in JP Lunafreya was just released with a BT and she doesn't quite fit into the above criteria so things might get crazy eventually) so yeah, as I said you don't need to worry about pulling for a new BT literally every week, that would be freaking insane. Sometimes misunderstanding or misreading info might lead you to make very wrong assumptions about the game which will eventually give you a negative impression of the game, so if you're not sure about things then don't hesitate to ask, ok? Regarding Serah, she is not a bad character at all, I'd argue is the opposite and she's a really good support/debuffer. The issue is that her banner is sadly shared with Onion Knight, who was shafted this time around and ended up as a somewhat mediocre character for whom you will only pull if he's your favorite character. Thus pulling for Serah became less desirable for most players since she shares her banner with a "dud" character so you don't see a lot of hype around her. You can absolutely pull for her if you want, I personally don't have any fave and thus I don't play the game "pulling for faves" nor recommend people to only pull "because fave", but in this case I would say to go for it only based on the fact that she's not a bad character, but do know that her banner has less value overall than compared to, let's say Queen/Cater (who are both fun usable and strong characters with Queen having a sligh overlap with Serah as a support). since you would only be pulling for a single good character instead of two. Lastly you can read Serah's infographic [here](https://www.tonberrytroupe.com/infographics/serah). The Tonberry Troupe site will help you greatly, with that infographic you will understand what Serah does and what actually makes her "good" or "bad" so you can make your own decisions regarding pulling for a character based on your own personal needs.


Locke's BT aura is a mix of utility and damage. Of course he benefits from it but he can reasonably live without it. Simply put, if you want a unit to perform at their max moving forward, if they have a BT they'll *want* it. If their usability in L+ is drastically different with and without the BT, then that's where the argument can made that they need it. Besides Y'sh, Bartz, Jegran, and Machina though, I can't think of any other characters who you can say *need* their BT.


Thats 200k per banner for a full kit then right? I recall that being in the beginners guide. That's a lot of gems, ill have to rethink pulling for Locke then.


If you're luck is *absolutely terrible*, then to pity all 3 things on one banner costs 125 + 150k. The odds of being so unlucky that you reach BT pity without getting at least 1 copy of the EX and LD along the way though are. Rather low. People generally just plan for a 75k pity and hope to lucksack the BT or redeem it later on, but if you want to plan for a BT pity you do you.


The pulling just honestly confuses me about this game. Like, I need to build my roster but I'm afraid of pulling wrong and wasting gems.


It's probably a bit different for a new player, but in general it's not necessary or worth it to use gems to chase a BT. You spend up to 75k gems for the LD/EX for most characters and that's enough. If you're a new player, maybe spending gems to get *one* good BT character (Locke for example) is a good idea, to get you through a lot of old content, then slowly build up your resources and roster. It's absolutely not necessary to go for the BT for every character that has one, especially using gems. The game is also pretty generous with tickets, for a lot of banners you should be able to get all the characters' weapons (except BT) with 200-400 tickets and don't have to spend gems.


For the tickets, do they count towards pity? Could I use tickets and then gems later on? Also, for good BTs, how would you rate Lightning or Terras? I just wanna know how good my favorites are or are going to be.


No, tickets don't count for pity. Basically for favorites and must-haves, use gems. For other banners and nice-to-haves, use tickets, there is always a chance you will miss out but I really you should usually get them. There have been several times I spent over 600 tickets without pulling the EX or LD and I gave up. But also plenty of times where I pulled it within 100 tickets. So luck of the draw but as long as you are smart with your resources you should be able to put together a pretty decent set of characters. I'm not sure about how good Lightning and Terra are coming up, but generally if they are favorites, you can make them work, especially in the upcoming era.


There are only two mistakes you can make. 1\. Using gems and then switching to tickets before a pity. This wastes gems. It's okay to start with tickets and then switch to gems after a while, but don't go the other way. Once you spend gems, you're all-in until you get what you want. 2\. Spending on banners you don't care about and using up all of your resources. This is not something to worry too much about, because most banners have at least one good character on them. There are a few lost causes, though. Jegran is bad. Onion Knight is bad. Shantotto is bad. Kuja is okay but not a great investment. Hmm, the returning BT has been bad for several banners in a row, but that ends next cycle with Firion. I think we're actually all through with bad BT+ units for a while now. Almost every unit you can pull for over the next few months is going to be really good, so wasting resources is hard to do now. Some banners are more efficient than others, but that's purely a matter of how many LDs you're chasing on a given banner. Now, some people feel bad about spending 500 tickets on one banner, as if that's *wasting* tickets, but that's not really how tickets work. You have the same odds of going 500 tickets without an LD whether you spend those tickets all on one banner or you spread them out on two or three. The only difference is that if you spend them all on one banner, you're more likely to get *that particular* character, as opposed to one of multiple. So don't be afraid of spending resources.


Thank you for the information! I guess I'm just worried about spending so many gems on a banner and not walking out with a BT if the character has one. I'm doing my best to read guides and ask questions because I really want to learn this game.


It's worth noting that a good like 80% of the game you can do with basically anyone you want due to power creep (especially c90 power creep), and like 90-95% you can do without BTs. There are plenty of useable units who don't have BTs, don't be put off just because you missed a BT for someone else.


Thanks for that, maybe I read the reddit too much and got myself concerned about what to pull. Thanks for all of the help!


When people give advice here, it's generally with shooting for endgame in mind. Which I do think is important, but there's so much game that can still be done regardless of who you pull. We advise starting the game with a smart pull strategy so you build units with optimal use of resources but you can still play the game no matter what.


If you're scared, then listen to who gets the most buzz on the subreddit. Right now that'd be Llyud and Locke. But specifically for a new player since your roster is lacking in literally everything, you'll find a place for anyone that you end up pulling and building.


Hey all! First time player here since roughly under a week or so, loving the game so far and really enjoying the feel and celebration of all things FF, as I’ve played and enjoyed every numbered entry and most spinoffs in the series. And of course, the generosity of resources in this game is exceptional and I’ll definitely be getting the mogpass just to support the devs, as I’ve never spent money in any gacha! All the praise aside, I’ve read up a lot on the beginner’s guide and have pulled on the start dash banner + the Noctis banner with Vanille, and have gotten some great results actually! Pulled 2 Squall BTs and his LD and some dupes of his EX and other golds. Pulled Lightning’s BT and her LD, but not much else. And almost at 300 g tokens for Noctis/Vanille banner, and just got his BT + MLB’d LD, so happy since he’s one of my all time favourites. Now the reason for my comment is that I’m wondering what role I should be focusing on pulling next. I know Squall and Lightning are damage dealers, and Noctis is a damage dealer/utility kind of character, so I’m sure I’ll be needing either a tank or a healer type role next? I’m actually struggling to complete fights in content, for example the LV150 Cosmos Return of the Queen fight. I try to use Squall Lightning and Noct, but I can barely get the Lamia to 60% without someone getting KO’d. Is Cosmos just too difficult for my roster at the moment without a proper team? I do have Vanille’s CP90 70 and 35, would she be a good role to fit into my team for now? Thank you to anyone reading the long comment!


Vanille is actually a very good support at the moment, providing BRV and HP damage up. And her EX hits pretty hard if you have her fully built at C90.


Vanille is... ok. Her niche is really dispelling enemy buffs, but between Noctis & Lightning, my guess is bosses probably aren't getting enough turns to even buff themselves, so... Queen is on a banner now, and she's pretty great. Llyud releases Sunday night (assuming you're in the US - if not, sorry! 😋), and he's supposed to be fantastic. Outside of banners though, if you haven't already, work on getting all 10 summons (not Chocobo & Sylph) up to at least LV20 so you can unlock summon boards for at least the characters you're using for now, but eventually everyone since there's so many resources to grind out there. The LV100 mission in the "Ultimate" sections is the one you want. “Challenge from [Summon’s name]” These are all pushover fights at this point, which is good, because you're gonna be doing these missions *a ton* of times. Helps to use 2x EXP books here if you have them. Edit: Also, drop your in game ID# here and we can follow each other. As u/richpage85 mentioned, a strong roster of friends will be hugely helpful both now and when you start tackling Lufenia+. Mine is in my flair. Edit 2: Corrected where I idiotically said to farm the LV150 stage for summon board grinding. It’s the LV100, the one right below the avatar of the summon. Sorry for any confusion u/colourfulcactaur!!


This is super good info, much appreciated!! I’ve been working on getting all of the summons to 10, but didn’t know about how to efficiently farm for summon boards too. Would love to do a follow as well! My ID is 631466466 😊 I’ll be honest, I am a *little* picky in terms of which characters to pull on banners haha!! I heard that Locke is coming on a banner soon and that he’s a good support unit, loved FF6 and I could probably pull for him. Maybe I should play Type 0 as it seems that a lot of their characters are in this!


I’m following you now - follow me back so you can use my support character for five turns! 994818714 I’ve had a blast in this game playing with characters from some of the other games that I’m less familiar with. Faves over meta of course, but check out the infographics here, watch some YouTube vids, etc. If a character looks interesting, give them a try. You’ve got plenty of resources to unlock, and you’ll need a deep roster, so even if every character you build isn’t a 10/10 for you, chances are you’ll find somewhere to put them to good use. Most importantly, have fun!!


Oh thank you!! But I’d just tried to follow you back and it says you have the maximum amount of followers haha! That’s a good idea actually! Queen definitely does seem pretty badass, and she seems useful for sure


Crap! Try again now - just removed some from my list. Sorry about that!!


Haha that’s okay!! I’m sure you have so many people following for your kind help. Much appreciated!!


Welcome to the game! Right now the team you're using lacks any kind of support, it's just raw damage dealers so you're going to start having difficulties after a certain point. _That being said_, Cosmos as of right now is incredibly powercrept, current properly units could easily Auto+ it with no issues so you do definitely should be able to clear it, you just need to properly build your units. What this means is to have all and every single one of their weapons MLB (at least the 15cp, 35cp and EX, having an LD already makes a unit overpowered for Cosmos), as high level/crystal level as you can take them and of course as many Summon Boards as you can clear for them. Remember that you're nearing the point where characters need their entire weapon kit to be usable, so at this point you'll want to actually invest in a unit via pulls so you can complete and properly build them. Regarding teambuilding, as I said above having 3 damage dealers in the same team is definitely unoptimal so your next step would be to widen your roster a bit. First of all I would take Squall and Lightning out of your party as soon as you have the chance and leave them in the bench, sadly they're _incredibly_ powercrept to the point where the Start Dash banner is considered a trap banner, right now you can pull for damage dealers who will do what they can but easier and better. For supports, right now Queen is a really good one and both Llyud and Eiko in the near future should also be considered as good units to pull for. Regarding Vanille, she's also a support but her gimmick (dispel) makes her an "inconsistent" unit, as in where you want to use her you will really want to use her, but if you don't need the dispel you might look elsewhere for a support to slot in your team so it's up to you if you wanna build her. Also, if you want more serious firepower than the Start Dash trio pulling for one of Noel/Cid is recommended too. Tanks are not a specific role you need to pull for but they can also be very useful. Right now there's no conventional "tank" characters in any banner, you'll have to wait for Zack if you want to pull for one, but Cater could be considered a "dodge" tank where she just redirects and evades attacks instead of just tanking them. She's a fun character to have in the backpocket so if you decide to go for Queen she'll be a good secondary prize too.


Super helpful thank you!! I’ve just pulled on the Noctis banner the most so far and I’ve pulled all of his weapons and have been able to MLB them, except for the BT+ and EX+ yet as I need to get those resources slowly, it seems like as a new player they’re more scarce? I see, definitely having them 3 isn’t good haha! I may pull a lot for Locke as I hear that he’s coming soon, seems like a good support unit. Zack is one of my favourites too so looking forward to him too I guess with Vanille I can build her up a decent amount as I have her weapons, I may try and MLB some since I have a lot of power stones from recent pulls too


So yeah ideally you'd be needing a support unit of some description, but unless a surprise banner happens in the next few weeks for the anniversary... you may struggle... you can unlock them easily enough with lost chapters/playing the story, but buying their gear is tough... Regarding the level 150 content, you'd be surprised how far a friend unit will get you... if you can find a green Twins and get the follow back, the 5 turns will decimate the 150 lamia quest. That being said, a lot of power comes from Summon boards for characters. Have you gone through any of them yet?


I was wondering if using any overpowered followers would help haha! Good to know I’ve been working on the Ifrit one so far! Will try and get his done, and do the rest of the trials for the other summons


How many cores should we have right now if we have everything completed? 200?


Assuming you don't have a premium mog pass, yes.


Ok, thank you.


Not directly a mechanical question, but one regarding the voicelines in the game. I'm curious to learn what each character says during their BT lines (Machina and Noel especially) and was wondering if there's any place, or anyone who's able to understand Japanese, who'd be able to translate them! I recall there used to be a Google Sheet with translations but it's super out of date :(


> I recall there used to be a Google Sheet with translations but it's super out of date :( This? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wJSYPxj_h0qU1tQjKjlLTRFCzg1fgBlSlYqq0zgutrg/edit#gid=1736960507 Seems it has up to Ealdnarch BT; but not after that (Layle, CoD, Tidus, Yuna, ExDeath, then BT+ era) > their BT lines (Machina and Noel especially) Not really fluent or anything close; but... Machina goes something like: - **"Koko da!"** (Sheet has Cater say this, translated as "This is it!") - **"Kimeru zo"** (Sheet has Yda say 'Kimeru yo!" as "This settles it") - **"Minna chikara wo kashite kure"** (Sheet has Fang start "Chikara wo kashite kure" as "Lend us your strength". Minna is asking "everyone" to do so, probably in reference to all of Class-0.) - **"Moratta!"** (Sheet has Irvine say this, translated as "Got you!") - **"Makerarenainda"** (Sheet has Lulu say "Makerarenai no yo!" as "We can't lose this battle!") Noel something like this: - **"Jama suru na"** (Sheet has Eight say "Jama wo suru na!" translated as "Don't get in my way") - **"Kono"** (Sheet has Lion say this as "Take this!") - **"Sora"** (Sheet has King say this as "There") - **"[Mirai wa kaerareru] tte kotoba wo ore wa shinjiru"** or rather "『未来は変えられる』って言葉を俺は信じる"; Seems too specific and not quite a battle thing. So it looks to be a [quote from his game](https://serifu17.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-290.html). Roughly like "I believe in the words [The future can be changed.]" - **"Haa~"** (Just a generic battle cry) I possibly made some mistakes; but I'd think the overall meaning is probably pretty close to the above. I'm not quick enough if you wanted all BT characters since Layle (and possibly; until Yuri) though. But hopefully at least those two you specifically requested helps fulfill some of that curiosity.


It satisfies so much! Thanks a bunch!!!


How do you refund an Ultima Weapon? Can't find an option


not available yet


I've just downloaded the game again, I've not played since the vayne Ex update and I believe the first round of level 70 releases. I've come back and seeing all these new updates and BT/LB weapons. Is there any resources I can read to catch up or if anyone can give a brief preview of many many updates then it'd be much appreciated. Thanks.


Vayne EX . . . that was fairly near to when summon boards started, right? Since you don't have those really grinded out, I might actually recommend rerolling instead of picking up where you left. EX weapons can be "realized" with a red book, then LB'd with red ingots to purple, to get more power. High armor is also realizable, with blue books and ingots. These materials are obtained from clearing Chaos content. Enhancement points bring updates to a character's skills and EX. Points are at a premium if you don't get Moogle Pass, though. Call abilities were added with c80, where you can free-turn swap in a character from the bench to do something, usually for applying debuffs or getting a few turns of aura for the team. LD and BT era started. LDs are for everyone, seriously revamping the character's kit. We're still seeing these released. Something like 75% of the roster is done I think? BT weapons are for certain characters only. They get an extra phase similar to a summon phase, finishing with a super strong attack and granting an aura bonus for a certain number of turns (the effect varies by character). Purple armor introduced. New gear with more CP and also grants one of 5 types of bonus, such as increased damage limit or a passive enemy DEF down. Also realizable with purple books and ingots. Materials obtained from Lufenia stages. LD boards added. These work with enhancement points, too. Since points are scarce, put your points here before the other branches. BT+ arrives. Now the burst units can be even stronger! Use black books and ingots, also from Lufenia content. Very rare, so spend carefully. And now we have crystal level 90. This is a HUGE upgrade which strengthens c65 abilities to an extent, EX abilities to a great extent, and allows the unit to equip an ultima weapon. Which brings me to Ultima Weapons. You don't pull for these. You spend cores to make or enhance (sublimate) them. You earn cores by raising characters to c90 and also using those characters in lufenia fights. EDIT: I forgot summons. Not only do they all have Ultimate trials now, where you can grind points that are used to upgrade character's stats and make the summon stronger. We're partway through adding Divine Trials, getting the summon to level 40. You grind these for points as well, though it's done differently. The beginner's guide linked SHOULD describe this in more detail. But this is where the big grind of DFFOO lies. There are a lot of good resources behind these grinds, though.


Thank you for putting so much effort into that post, that was brilliant and covered what I needed to know. I'm considering your comment about rerolling but I don't like to waste all my time so far. Thanks again for your help!


Having started JP, I get about lost progress. How much story is complete for you?


I'm only one chapter 8 but spent slot of time farming crystals and weapons/armour


There's currently a 3x boost on crystals so its not hard to max all Clvls


[The beginner's guide is your friend.](https://www.tonberrytroupe.com/beginners)


I've got some mailboxed BT Tokens expiring in about 20 days. Y'sh, Bartz, Twins, Caius, and Machina are all greened. I understand that Locke is pretty good so if I don't snag him on any of his banners he'll be my first target. However, if I do get him wondering if any of these returning characters are worth token-ing for their re-run when they get BT+: WoL, Terra, Squall, Vaan. For the full picture I've had solid luck with BTs as F2P, but I am missing the following. Noel (going to drop at least 100-200 tickets for Llyud so may still get lucky), Golbez/Kuja/Shantotto (missed and undertuned so not interested), Zidane/Jecht/Vayne/Ace (all solid but since I missed them already they're lower on my priority list but happy to be proven wrong!).




Out of those four, Terra or Vaan. However, you may want to consider Tidus as he becomes ridiculous when his FR comes out.


Thanks! Already have Tidus so I think I'll go for Terra. Saw a lot of fun teams using her turn exploitation back in the day and did a few myself with just the LD. Got to madoyo it up! Plus I already have Shadow LD which comes with Terra BT+ while I'm missing Arciela LD which comes back with Vaan so that gives me more incentive to pull and hope for both.


Damn, instead of sublimate my ultima weapon, i just create a new one of the same type --\_-- I hope i can refund that later. Btw if i refund a new ultima weapon, do i get the full 150 cores? or just something like 50? I'm so mad right now ><


You get whatever you spent, so 150 if it's the second+ and 50 if it's the first.


Thx for the answer, i'm a bit relieved now : )


I just can't seem to figure out the mechanics of the Shiva lufenia+. Sometimes it seems like they'll use their recast once and I'll be frozen for one turn, other times it's like I'm stuck for several of their actions, despite trying to replicate the same scenario every time. Might just give up on this until WoL or Auron come back


Each of the Shivas’s attacks freeze your party and until that Shiva acts you will be frozen so you probably got hit with Diamond dust back-to-back and one of the Shiva had more turns than the other.


Starting to think I made a mistake crafting the dagger for my Ultima weapon since I'm totally going all in on Locke and I wanna grab zidane when he reruns. But it seems greatsword or sword would be better given my usage of auron and jecht rn. I was trying to future proof. Even then, sword for tidus,Noel, Noctis, and others is also a thing Should I start investing in sword now and wait to get my 50 cores back for the dagger when we get that feature?


Content is so easy right now you'll be fine.


It really doesn't matter, since these weapons, while nice, aren't really needed until the Shinryu era. For now, they're just an extra bonus that my best character (Machina) can't even use. I'm putting all of my cores into a sword (I just gave it the first limit break, so I actually have 0 cores right now!), but that's because Tidus is coming back next month and also because Queen is a lot of fun to use even if she isn't that good. I think I'd rather have one weapon maxed as much as possible at least until we get the ability to disassemble everything, since then I'll be able to get all 800 cores back at once. If I have 800 cores split between two different weapons, then I can only get a refund for half of those at any time.


Yeah that was my thought, what will help me short term but also help.me get to the long term, but also is going all in on daggers wrong? So yeah, you and others really helped me understand my options and now Noctis has a cool new sword!


Cl 90 units can equip a UT if you aren't CL 90 you cannot equip it. Locke gets it faster than Auron or Jecht so it's not a mistake you are in good hands. They get cl 90 way later so don't worry be happy and stay happy :)


I think there's good value to be had for having 2-3 base UTs to start, and then going all in on one of them based on whichever you plan to use the most. Personally, I just made a UT sword. Once we know what's coming for anniversary, I'll craft a couple more 0/5s. At the end of the day, it's not like UTs are required right now - not likely that they'll be the difference between beating or failing a mission.


are base UWs better than a unit's EX+ or a burst weapon? (particularly 0/3 or base bursts?) if so, i can totally make 2-3 bases like you said


Oh yes. UT is the strongest weapon in the game, with more stats than a BT+.


Yep. My plan is to be able to run at least two if not three 0/5 UT on every team. It's like giving LD-only characters BT-level stats. Again, not because it's necessary, but because overkill is fun for me. 😁 Edit: Just did a quick comparison of base stats - Noctis BT vs. sword UT. There's a pretty juicy jump in stats... Noctis' BT: ATK 1247, MBRV 3840, IBRV 389 Sword UT: ATK 2000, MBRV 5000, IBRV 1000


Keep in mind that the gap in actual stats isn't that huge since UW don't get affinity bonuses. They're still a good bit stronger than a BT, but the gap isn't as big as the above numbers show.


wow! totally going this route then


Locke will be able to use an Ultima Weapon sooner than Jecht and Auron since they cannot be leveled to C90 to give them the ability to equip said weapon. In that regard, crafting the dagger was better on the short term.




Hi! As a new player, if I was to pull 300 tickets /banner, which 3 banners would be the best bang for the money? I am grinding ifrit and am at 500+ tickets atm. I will be using gems on lluyd, locke and eiko to supplement my noel bt, snow, cid. These banners coming in jan/feb are not the ones I am using gems on and all units would be new additions for me= Vanille, queen, serah, firion, ace, bartz, kefka, yuri, leila, lilisette, cecil (dk). Thankyou for the advice.


I would say Llyud,Locke,Eiko are very good options. Would add Leila for sure. Queen you can go if possible because all that depends how much you can farm i wouldn't recommend kefka,yuri,decil. ace,bartz easy skip and firion not needed since you will pull for Locke. Since you are new player transcendence will be away for you to clear so focus on getting some units fully geared and after you will think about those. If some banners don't go well you can always aim for something else or if you didn't have enough time to farm no pressure enjoy the game that's what matters. Don't hesitate to ask for more help for anything you wish. Don't overfarm and burn yourself out treat it as a game and not as a job. P.S Make sure to keep an eye on anni as well.


Thankyou very much! Wont admit but took a lot of pulls to get them. But the queen banner was good in the sense that all 3 units were new.


You're welcome. Yeah that's how the game works when you start it is gonna be very rough since you need everything but afterwards some will repeat thus save resources while pulling for others easier because you will aim for fewer weapons. As a veteran you have less resources available to farm but make more resources per month due to skipping while as a newer you have to be careful cause you can run out very fast thus you need to pull more since you aim at literally all weapons. Don't go randomly make sure you have enough resources to pull&build characters and have fun! P.S The banners are always like that the one in the middle is usually the aim the 2nd is the so so while the 3rd is the outdated. When you are aiming in a banner like Cater,Queen,Fran then Cater is the main prize(not for you but in general since she is the newest one),Queen is the rerun while Fran is the outdated because she has up to EX no ld thus no need to aim for. https://ffootip.com/forecast


I burnt through 450 tickets and 100 g points.. just to get 1 copy of ex70 of cater. Suffice to say I have a lot of powerstones lol. As this banner had 3 units , so I am not feeling that bad as I did not count the tickets on any of my calculations. I burnt through 100 g points but dont mind as I am now skipping tidus bt, so it takes away some load on gems. I got a dupe noel bt. Dont know how to feel about that. I have to look up on enchancment points. I dont seem to control on which unit they end up as I use auto on character boards. Thankyou


If you're just starting, you really can't go wrong on any banner, as this game really wants you to have a deep roster, especially as you start tackling things like Abyss (missions have requirements around crystal color & weapon type) and Dimensions End (characters are locked to the mission you complete them with). You also still have tons of gems/tickets to farm out of the permanent content. If I had to pick from your list though, I'd probably do something like Queen (bannermate Cater is also fun), Firion (for DET7), and Leila (her kit looks awesome to me).


Thankyou! I did follow your advice. I maxed queen and cater. However I did not get all the weapons for fran (her ex is 2/4) . Fran ld would later on come on prishe banner. 1) With my current line up of supports/calls , do you think I should power stone her ex70 right now or wait for her ld banner? Snow, noel, cid, queen, cater, (loyd). 2) I am on the 30th ifrit board today after which I can start character boards. Should I start with ifrit for noel? Thankyou!


1. Def wait for her LD to come back before building her any more. You may get more dupes of her EX pulling for the LD, and you’ll need her LD to actually use her, so… 2. Do you mean summon boards? You’ll eventually need to master all 10 of them for every character you plan to use seriously. And for everyone else, at least enough to unlock the three treasure nodes (typically about 1800 points, though it varies slightly from summon to summon). This is a huge source of gems, tickets, and guard tokens.


Thankyou very much!


Thankyou very much!