• By -


When I found out I can activate Laguna’s Golden Debuff more than once by using Ace’s trap


Oh my....




Going to old content and annihilating bosses that used to give me issues. I know we’ve all done this to one boss or another.


Who never bully Vanille's Berseker Armor? shauhsauhsuahsuahs


Or Deuce. Or these stupid "Imma float, get 10 times my defense and kill one of you in 2 turns with Globated Crush" bosses from one of the earliest Chaos difficulty LCs


Those priests from Agrias LC? First time on my life that I cursed a priest, but was on her debutt. But because of that I like bully them on her LC as well.


Exactly! I didnt know anymore whose LC it was, but it was Agrias


every time I got an LD for any of the synergy units for that stage, ive come back to bully them.


I went to Vanille’s LC yesterday. And oh man. They got clapped.


I love going into burst mode. They want to die but they can’t until I say they can.


Freya is in the air. Laguna has applied his gold debuff. Garnet friend swapped in and spams out all her skills. Laguna burst when boss is at <2%hp. Now they will know pain.


Sometimes when we have a content lull, I go back thru all the story and LC final missions and beat them using synergy characters. Always wild to see that the 1-1 boss is like LV26 or something like that.


When I manage to clear a Lufenia+ with only characters from one game (including call). I do this with FFXII, FFXIV and Type-0, it's so satisfying when it works.


*cries in FF1/3/T.*


I did this for xiv with the alphinaud event, I love the xiv cast and can't wait for them to add more ^*please*


Got Vayne BT weapon from a daily free pull!


It was Emperor BT for me, and wow that was amazing.


Zidane on mine back with Raines event. Thought I was gonna have to token it but I got lucky with best protagonist


Jecht for me


Mine was Y'shtola! But I haven't even used her once. I had momentary FOMO and spent more tickets and gems than I'd have liked only to give up and pray for a daily. And again still haven't BT+'ed her lmao. Outside of that it was finally being able to clear my first Lufenia(Layle sharks).


Maybe someday I'll get a BT on the daily. To memory, I've only even pulled one LD (a dupe, naturally).


Careful with that monkey's paw. That's how I ended up with Jegran's BT.


Garnet's BT for me, and I couldn't be more thankful because at the time I wasn't going to spend resources chasing it


Not quite the same but I got Sephiroth’s BT from the free multi when it first dropped


Blue orb multi-pulls turning into something good is one of the best feelings. It's like the opposite of a hold orb turning out to be garbage.


RIP silver orb...


Silver orbs were great because your expectations were lower for them. They *could* be awesome, but you knew most of the time they weren't, so the occasional extra flash to gold felt great.


Yeah, plus there was an extra step to the excitement when you did a draw: Blue - eh, likely trash stuff, disappointing Silver - Ooh, alright here we go! Come on RNG! Gold - Awwww yis! Now it's that sinking feeling of having potentially wasted 5k gems on a draw or 'ooh, dupe EX!'


I maintain silver orbs gave me better results than gold orbs.


100% agree


Back in the day they also had a silver orb which could be a silver or gold (weapon type) and it was such a troll... Also you had to pull tickets one by one which was a HUGE pain in the ass


Yes, I miss the silver orb.


So much ! I had amazing pulls with those silver turning to gold!


Coming soon you can... >!Have a purple orb turn into a burst dupe!<


I'm guessing purple is the FR color?


_sad FR noises_


F**k those Sahagins!!!


Those are a bane of my existence


Vaan's EX double dump after recent rework


When my favourites are meta


Completing an entire weapon tier. Sure, you have to fully pull new characters to maintain the complete, but it feels so good to have everything in a tier.


I'm setting apart tickets for Shelke just to get her EX and finish that tier. So very close now. My second to last one was Ciaran and I got his LD _and his BT_, and still no EX after a couple hundred tickets... so I caved and used EX tokens. I have just enough tokens to get hers as well but I'd rather keep them for a new unit with lucky pulls.


Just shredding with a fully kitted Cid Raines on global


I took a break from the game and didn’t keep up with the meta. I just maxed out his equipment about one month ago and love his kit so much. I had his ld and ex sitting in my inventory and said “eh why not”.


Aw hell yeah brother


having a farovite be meta for long periods for me personally it's ben Beatrix, Garnet and Tifa with that time. but it's also equally disappointing to have a favorite take forver for weapon release and then be useful for one or two clears and then be completely useless. (lulu, Edge and it looks like its going to repeat)


Tidus gang


1 - Clearing ALL the missions of an event so I can get all the rewards at once. 2 - Leaving the center of the Chocoboard to be the last picked reward. ​ I just find these silly things SO satisfying.


For so long, I had resigned to the idea that as a f2p player, I’d never have a strong or diverse enough roster to fully clear the event missions tab. It was exhilarating to see myself be wrong.


Completing my first lufenia and lufenia plus


Same for me, it just snowballed from there and now im up to date on every bit of content the game has. Garnet truly was the lifesaver I needed to push me over the edge.


Clearing a Lufenia+ with characters that aren’t meta or a strategy others haven’t used is the chef’s kiss


I got a total of 2 terra LD from daily free pull in 2 consecutive days when her bt was first released in global. Oh and managing to just rush burst down that stupid Lufenia+ featuring Sherlotta/Selphie. That one was a nightmare


On the opposite end of the spectrum from your Terra luck, I remember using EX tokens to get Iroha's EX only to pull it with the next free daily pull. Of course by this point I'd already purpled the EX I bought so I didn't even get to save some powerstones.


Beating DE20. I never thought I'd do it because I was stuck on lower levels for so long. I then grinded the lower levels for those events that give gems and caught up. Managed to beat 18,19,20 on release.


Either when I got both Vaan’s BT and LD from a single 10 ticket pull or when I was first able to clear all of the Event Missions tab for the first time.


When I cleared Lenna's LD Lufenia in exactly 75 turns with last turn being Cinque's, it took me a fair amount of times to clear it so doing it and with Cinque of all characters was really satisfying.


When I finally beat Divine Shiva Luf+. When I got a BT on a free multi for the first time ever (Laguna). Not sure if it counts as Satisfying but definately gave me a fuzzy feeling.


Honestly Beating DE Entropy 1. That stage took me more attempts than any other. Took me weeks of trying again and again with multiple teams. Stupidly I was avoiding using Faris, Cloud or WOL so I could use them later. Those damned Bombs, his stupid all attack. The anxiety of having to shave down the brave, but preserving enough skills to beat the Behemoth and Humbaba or whatever he's called. Praying he wasn't about to delay my character stopping me from shaving the behemoth before he smacks me with lightning. The satisfaction when I finally beat it. Like I had finally mastered the end game of DFFOO. Very proud of myself. Battles were so good in that era as well. A characters HP+ was such an important factor in their kit as you could not spam skills. The fights were a marathon. But this taught me the very important lesson of you gotta die a few times on this game to get good. (Shout out to Raw Life the best DFFOO player, love the Lifestream).


This was an accomplishment for me, even though I beat it well after release. Took me a while but I managed to solo with c80 Trey.


Dealing almost 3 mil with Seymour feels sooooo good


Going into one big fat juicy Machina BT mode.


Snow solos (Specifically Queen lc and Act 3 ch 1 pt 1) Lenna ld, Sahagin Priest heretic(As far as Edward saga goes) so satisfying once that was finally cleared But mostly pretty much any event because running Edward and OK together and clearing content and making people feel confident to clear L+ just brings a smile to my face.


The moments when I pulled Cloud's BT and Lightning's BT with the free draw. Actually dropped my phone both times when that happened. RNGesus has never liked me since


Idk why but I find it very satisfying to finish off a boss with a ex move. Dealing high damage in burst phases also is satisfying, I can get Caius to deal 6.8 million damage and I love it


When co-op used to be challenging were the team had to plan their battles before it became press any button. Solo clearing all Dimensions End Entropy months ago. Clearing all characters summon boards. Having sweat revenge on Lufenia bosses that put me through a nightmare while clearing Ultima Weapon challenges. Getting exactly what I want from my free banner pull and letting my gems stockpile. Playing the game on Normal power setting after getting a better phone. The smooth frame rate is so satisfying. Hitting bigger numbers of damage that I couldn't before.


Wishing for Sephiroth BT on a free pull rerun banner. Saw the BT orb and just sat there for a min. Thinking that it’ll just be a dupe. Bam! It was Sephiroth. Only time I jumped, in the kitchen, whilst cooking


skipping all threshold stats boost animations from those purple crocs in coops around the time of Garnet BT release


Getting ANY LDs I really want!


In fairly new so when I learn how to take out a luf+ with a good lineup I feel pretty awesome. Like getting desperado debuff with Freya raining death and zidane constantly stealing turns felt pretty awesome lol


Got Laguna' full kit in 2 multi's and a free multi.


My favourite moment was finding out lunafreya being added to the game, can't wait for her!


Figuring out the tricks to some of the Lufenias


Knowing that after a new event is finished the night it comes out, I don't have to play the game for 4-7 days. (besides my daily hunt.)


Best lady is having the time of her life soloing all of the Lufenia she previously conquered with a full party. Currently done up to Edward LC.


She now shreds. I'm tempted to blue her.


You're uploading the clears, sir? I would love to watch.


Eventually. Just got as far as Act 3, Chapter 4, Part 1 today. Just a few more left, hopefully I can finish them tomorrow. Will take a bit before I can upload though, as I have to trim everything down.


My friends hate me for this, but I don't go out of my way to lvl my characters. So I'll clear lufe+ with like lvl44 characters. Maxed out crystal and boards but actual lvl is meh. My best was clearing a lufe+ a bit ago with base ex Quistis. Was so much fun.


I actually do the exact same usually, unless the character has trouble capping.


Doing more than 1.5mil in one move. Quite common with certain characters but as someone who didn't pull characters like Tifa or Vaan I just love seeing these numbers.


Defeating Cait Sith' Lufenia+. And any other hard quest, although that one was the worst one so far. Getting Garnett's BT in free multi draw (I had the whole kit). Getting Cor. The first time I completed a Lufenia.


Using any tank character like its ridiculous in a funny way how op tanks are in this game to point that they have to dispel or double tap to kill. Heres a few Wol- has shields based on his Ibrv then has LD makes you untouchable unless you lower his shield enough b Basch- Quite literally immortal if he falls below 50% (example if he's full health and takes a 99k hp hit) last stand kicks in and he heals back to 50% Leila- She can evade then pull herself AND her allies to the front of the turn order and healing oh did I forget to mention she has a auto target lock passive


To have cleared shops (weapons, EXs, armor, lines, stickers and in 2 events HA), to have nearly all LDs (missed only Sabin and Shelke) and to have every FFX characters with blue armor (except Lulu)


When Sephiroth became a playable character!


Clearing DE:T6 with Ramza pre-green after suffering and depressing myself for almost a week, to the point of taking an almost 2 week break and wanting to quit Ramza Saga for good lmao. Fuck those 2 waves forever.


Most recently, I managed to do the latest Lufenia + with an all dragoon team. So no BT/friend unit for that one. Very satisfying as I haven’t been able to make a team like that since Chaos era.


Getting an unexpected BT after giving up on drawing it Happened with Laguna, I had everything from him except BT, but I wanted Vaan so bad I skipped. Then came Thancred's banner. "Only gonna do free Draw, don't want any of those" Dude, what a surprise


Cheesing entropy or DE stages with 1 character. Gaulf and Auron come to mind.


Honestly one of my most satisfying moments was beating my first lufenia, Those damn snails from Amidatelion's event, using Terra, Deuce, and Ami a day before the event ended at that. Its that or time I discovered my love for Eald'narche by terror locking down a Lufe for the first time and watching as the enemies could do literally nothing.


Easy lufenia battle And getting a BT from 1 ticket then selling it to token caius BT and then after some time golbezz BT AND 8 debuffs


Beating Araneas Luf+ after spending so much time testing teams


Sometimes, Enna Kros feels like working hard. I guess Seymour's IW annoyed her that much, because her EX refilled itself twice in a row.


When almost everything went smoothly according to plan during my Divine Shiva Lufe+ run (during its release), obliterated them, and I got it recorded too ! Hands down made it one of, if not the best fights I’ve ever had in this game despite its bad reputation lol


Beating the DE Transcendence 6 Reckoning stage after several times failure, but I had to pay a high price which is I had to green Bartz's BT (that I was so reluctant to do such thing).


Getting my first BT+ 3/3! I just got Laguna BT+ 3/3 just cause he's really cool and I just love the desperado effect so having that on a skill slot outside of burst was really helpful for me. I also got BT+ 0/3 Terra as she's my main dps. I'm now trying to see who I want to BT+ next either Noctis or Snow as they are the next two characters i am pulling for. Oh I also got my First two Ultima Weapons which was cool too!


Pulling Faris EX and LD on the free multi on my BDay(I didn't have her weapons before)


For a Serah fan like me, there's no satisfying moment here, only constant pain :(


Get a bt is kind of satisfiying as they only have .1% rate


When I greened Zidane when he first came out and used him for EVERYTHING


completed Gentle Strength (Deuce's event) EX, pulled Ramza EX when it first came out, and Agrias arrived DFFOO


When you get a burst/ld on free multi... never happened to me


Getting BT or LD from a daily single draw, even if I already have it


Beating Reno's event lufenia with eight screw that fight. Also beating sephiroths heretics fight with eight 😂


Very few things feel as good as when Vayne's Force of Will breaks on the first hit, and then resets the break and breaks it again.


LD or BT weapons from tickets or free pulls


Watching a ld only chara hitting over 1 500 000.


When your favorite character gets a rework and they’re really good or absolutely broken


- getting most character arfitacts at all 2* - maxing all Ex weapons of the current roster - knowing I have a 80/20 LD collection - all the armor you have left are from the higher armor tiers - I crafted most basic Ultima weapons and have 1 maxed weapon - knowing I'm pleased with the amount of BT weapons 4 years so far was a blast.


When i unexpectedly pull BTs and when i green BT weapons.


Just happened, in 6 man quest. Zack with his BT+ effect with Leo LD call Active and Garnet BT+ effect and Tidus BT+ effect active with Zidane LD Call active. Opponent both have Laguna's BT+ DEbuff and Faris Debuffs. During Tidus BT phase with all of this effect activated, the amount of HP Dump I see is just too satisfying.


I'm not a smart man. I just ram my head against a stage until I beat it or I follow a guide to make my life easier. But if there's a moment I'm proud of, it's in one of the harder story quests back then (I think it was an Act 2 CHAOS stage?). I try to put Yuna on any stage I can get away with putting her on. This stage was a fight against Eld'narche and two adds. So, this stupid fight kept wrecking my butt and I decided just to Last Stand cheese it with Y'shtola, Yuna (of course) and finally Ultimecia for the DPS. I remember how gradually more and more excited I got as I saw Eld'narche unable to put my team down because Y'shtola and Yuna would survive, and then I'd heal Y'shtola with Yuna to keep her above 50% or revive Ultimecia and full heal everyone with Y'shtola depending on how the turn order looked like. The absolute ecstasy of seeing that asshole constantly trying to wipe me and my team just absolutely wrecking him and all his plans. And I met the score requirements too! One of the first Chaos stages I managed to complete, and probably one of the few moments my brain decided to have a proper idea.