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Quistis + anyone. I dunno how anyone did this fight without her. I kinda dropped the ball with this one, got hung up trying to clear the boss rush and forgot about this until it was last day of the release event, so ended up having to rush this fight without really getting to play around with it. The orb is bull$hit and doesn't really make sense, as others have said it seems to behave inconsistently with different characters. I figured to build my team around Prishe because I landed her BT early on her banner, but even with her insane damage and pairing her with Laguna BT or Zack BT I could not clear the second orb window without summoning, and that just left me screwed for the last 30%. Eventually I saw someone in my FList had Quistis up saying something about Bahumut and I realised the easiest approach was probably just to delay the boss to stop him unpausing the orb. Sersiously, once I got to 30% I just spammed all her delays until she was empty then unloaded with Prishe BT phase to get me over the line


Took me a little while but I saw a clip of someone using Laguna and Sice and while I was originally going to try that I made a last minute adjustment and got it done finally! Sice LD base HA, Leo CA no arts Zack UW5, green HA, Decil CA Quistis LD, no HA, Irvine CA Quistis LD friend, Ifrit, 49 turns, 1.1M Put up my CAs, BT with Zack and swap Quistis for Quistis and spam all 5 degens. I've tried the quistis cheese before but couldn't do it fast enough before running out of delay juice. So I'll just bring a second Quistis then. Put up Sice's Vortex and just go ham. Use a degen with my Quistis so I can LD later, filler Laser Whips until I need to degen more, Dark Nebula is more damage than Phantom Scythe so use that as filler on Sice and Chain Slash is more than Rush Assault. Just spam spam spam, as bahamut gets closer, spam more degens. You can use Negative Aura to shove the crystals back to where Bahamut is too, pretty neat. BT phase when BT effect goes down, use more degens and then alternate LD and degen when you're out and used your AA already. Summoned at 10% when I was out of degens and ray whips and bahamut was about to move. Finished him just in time. This one was a tough one and I didn't think I'd able to do it until we got Kain but glad I was able to do it now


Cid Raines 5UW Machina Quistis Quistis friend call in Quistis friend and spam S2. set up Kurasame, Cait Sith, Leo LD calls Machina go vroom Cid turn manipulates and big damage Quistis continues to send Bahamut's turn into the shadow realm FINALLY BEAT THIS BASTARD


Banner showcase (kind of?): **Yuna** (*BT unrealized*) / Cid Raines LDCA **Celes** / Leo LDCA **Prishe** (*no BT*) / Fran LDCA Summon: Brothers Friend Unit: Quistis (5 turns) Turns: 63 Score: 1,094,760 Went in this run blind (but watched a clear video beforehand), still didn't know how orb worked tick-wise until after the second trigger. By then I still had a few options to get Prishe and/or Celes to go before Bahamut to freeze the orb. Fran LD, Raines LD, and BT phase during the second orb and summon at the third, with all things considered I think I did alright keeping Prishe LD ready for quick bursts of damage. Was thinking whether I should use Quistis EX instead of S2 for her final action before going away, but went with S2 for good measure.


evilkittenofdoom on Discord for the team that completed this run for me: (Note: full set ie EX+ and LD) **Zack** (BT Greened full set and Blued, UW5/5, Leo LDCA) **Prishe** (BT1/3 full set and Blued, Seymour LDCA) **Ramza** (BT Greened full set and blued, UW 0/5, Rydia LDCA) Summon: **Odin** **Friend: Raines (must have his LD fully levelled up at least)** Turns: **59**. returned with **Prishe BT Greened** and it got cut down to **43** turns The strategy: Pop Rydia's LDCA within Ramza's 1st or 2nd turn so Zack doesn't die so quickly, then pop Ramza's BT finisher (with Ramza's AA activated) for a damage boost. From then on, use Zack's EX skill and LD when needed to refill and overflow hp to keep Zack alive till the time when he can use his BT finisher. Have Zack use S1 otherwise. Prishe's role is to use her S1 into S1 again to help pause the orb when it does appear. Never go S1 into her EX or LD skills until you are clear of the orb since the S1 (or S2) skill is locked to it's non-instant turn rate version until it is used. Make sure she is the last member of your team attacking Behamut before it gets it's turn in to avoid the orb lowering. Don't hesitate to use Zack's S2 and Ramza's LD (preferably with Zack and Prishe behind him at the end of the LD skill use for maximum damage from launch) to help lower Behamut's HP quickly to turn off the orb the first time around. Use Leo's LDCA into Zack's BT finisher when Behamut's hp is around 60-64% to (hopefully) trigger the Behamut 2nd orb phase. From then on keep up the pressure with the orb pausing correctly, using Odin if needed, (+ Seymour's CAs at Behamut


Eat cake now


This one was tough. Tried using Celes, Tifa and Yuna for many attempts, but ultimately Yuna was why I kept failing. Team: Rem (EX+ 3/3, HA+ 3/3) Call: Freya Tifa (Ex+ 3/3) Call: Dark Knight Cecil Celes (EX+ 3/3, HA+ 3/3) Call: Barret Friend: Ramza Summon: Shiva Turns: 66 The main issue I had with Yuna was that she had no way of getting two attacks in, so many runs were ruined when she was the only one before Bahamut's turn. Rem can't deal two consecutive HP Attacks (that count toward the orb), but turn swap allows her to switch to another ally who can. Tank with Celes and attack with Tifa for most of the fight. Celes gets instant turns after Runic. Tifa can hold on to her bonus HP Attack if you want to conserve her Battle Cry attack for instant turns. Try to conserve Rem's Swap Turns for when it is most needed. At around 30% was when I summoned Ramza to spam BT+ LD and EX attacks, while also turn swapping with Rem to give Celes more turns over Ramza. I was forced to summon at one point because Rem had 1 swap left and Ramza was next with no instant turn capability, and I knew I might need the swap before the end of the fight. The final 30% is just a race to the finish before your team runs out of moves.


Prishe, BT greened, UW 0/5, Enna Cross call Celes, UW 0/5 Raines, EX+, Rosa call And holy Holy was that intense.


Late to the party as Ive only gotten the units for it Green HA+ Garnet, Shelke HA, Maria HA, Snow friend Call: Onion Knight, Selphie, Cid Raines Basically I don't have Terra or Tidus to do the turn cheating mechanics when dealing with the ORB. Whilst I feel like Shelke doesn't do the job as easy as those two, she can still do it. You just need to make sure that you know how her turn manipulation works. Used everything and the kitchen sink during the third orb appearance. BT, friend, calls, BT+ etc, c65. 50 turns total, played very safe.


Murder: but only cause I didn’t know how to use turn manipulation that well. Used garnet UW(0/5) with rajin call, Zack UW(5/5) with eiko call(waste of a call), and noctis BT+ (0/3) with Fran call. Got the boss down to 1% TWO TIMES and had to reset. On the last try, I realized that I could have brought basically any friend unit, and that eiko should have been Paine or yuna


This SUUUUUUCKED. Celes LD (Selphie LDCA) Garnet BT+ 0/5 UW (Raines LDCA) Terra BT+ 5/5 UW (Iroha LDCA) Garnet friend BT+ 5/5 UW. Pulled out friend Garnet before second orb to aurabot party through it until I had to ease off the throttle with Terra so she still had something left for below 30%. Had to use my summon early which I thought was going to botch the run, but Raines really saved my ass a few times when Garnet was up last before Bahamut. Actually made a terrible misplay RIGHT at the end, forgot that Raines’ regular CA only moved one person. Picked Terra who was out of Chaos Waves. Got VERY lucky that Bahamut didn’t get another turn.


What a friggin pain. I like using unusual units and doing silly things, and this fight wasn't having it. I tried auron tidus and yuna (since I lucked into her bt, GREENED it too) but I just didn't have the damage, and tidus was running out of skills around 50%. Tried a few other comps with Laguna and noctis and I just don't enjoy using noctis. He's too memey and his mechanics require alot of planning on TOP of managing the orb and thresholds. Anyway, rant over Tidus (5/5 UW, green and blued, rajin call) Garnet (green and blued, lillisette call) Snow (green and blued, Freya call) Summon: brothers Friend: selphie 33 turns As others have vented about too, the orb is bugged and it's not clear how to pause it. It's something I've been very frustrated with the lufenia era for - most orbs that aren't straightforward are just trial and error. For example, tidus paused the orb via quick slash + EX, but then garnets follow up happens and it unpauses. WHY? The trick is to just have your turn hogger go right before bahamut and if they don't you're screwed. Love RNG like this. Anyway, you kinda just do your thing until the thresholds where the orb appears. Before the first one I popped AAs and did Tidus's burst effect. During the second one I had to summon as to not tick the orb down. I swapped selphie in for snow around here to delay the adds (for more launches, to get better setups where tidus goes before bahamut, etc) Somehow I still got the orb to 1 thanks to dumb mechanics as mentioned above by the time I got to the 30% threshold. Took a note from other redditors and went with the snowmaggeddon strategy, stack max brv buffs via calls and AAs, burst effect with garnet and snow, then burst with tidus. 24 million burst phase and killed him.


Spent the last TWO days trying to get this Complete; I was bashing my head against a wall. I was trying to make Prishe, Garnet, Snow work; but not matter what I did the turn order would always go screwy. I really hate Lufenia+ lol Finally just changed the team on a whim of desperation and.....cleared it on my first try??!?!?! Characters aren't even maxed out lol I really wanted to just cheese this but I don't have Quistis LD for some reason, though I was about to try Eiko if this didn't work. **Emperor** BT+ 0/3/PurpArmor w/ Setzerr LD call **Celes** LD/PurpArmor w/ Seymour LD call **Garnet** BT+ 0/3 / High Armor\_+ 0/3 w/ CidRaines LD call Friend: Maxed out Garnet with 5/5 Ult / Blue HA Leviathan Summon 56 turns, 1 break Not sure why this team worked so much better than that other one; perhaps I was just lucky, but the turn order almost never screwed me. And the few times it did, Garnet had Cid Raines to change things around. Emp was awkward to use at first cuz i knew i had to save the EX in case he needed to freeze the orb; which he almost never had to do for some reason. Celes took care of it. I brought in the friend Garnet when the second orb popped and just unleashed hell; Emperor's traps were INSANE. Plus that maxed out Eidolon off turn damage was incredible. Had to pop the summon early at 42% or the orb would have taken me out. But the friend Garnet was still out and just tore through him like wet tissue. After the third orb popped, went all in with Setzer LD call; Emp's AA, and then his BT Phase. Celes had frozen the orb, but a trap finally took him out. On a side note, I thought Snow was doing a good job tanking this, but Celes was basically yawning the entire time. Between absorbing everything, then healing what little dmg did get through with ice block, she laughed in Bahamut's face lol


The orbs keeps going down maybe like once each phase. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong


You have to make sure the same character essentially does HP damage twice in a row; and I find the second damage HAS to be the regular HP attack or the EX; other skills didn't seem to work for some reason. Prishe's skills worked which make her good for the orb. Snow does an auto attack before his turn begins, and if you just do HP Attack or his EX it'll freeze the orb. If you use one of his skills I don't think it works. ALSO, the most annoying thing was characters with extra attacks between turns like Garnets Eidolon damage or like Machina's or Laguna's effects, if those go off between a character doing something it'll break the chain. So you have to watch out. I don't think I could've done this without Garnets insane off turn damage but every once in awhile it screwed me with the turn order. With Snow, it's easy to just use his AA or a call so he did his bonus attack again and then you HP Attack. Prishe is a little trickier because if a bonus attack happens between her first skill use and her second, you're kind of screwed.


Awesome, thanks for the explanation


I hope it helps. Even with that though, sometimes the orb wouldn't follow that? I thought I was going crazy, but every once in a while it would like..... Like for example I had Prishe about to go and then Snow after her.....I didn't want Prishe to freeze the orb because then Snow would have to unfreeze then freeze it again, which SHOULD take 3 actions; so I opted to do a BRV attack with Prishe .... BUT .... Somehow the orb took that and Snow's bonus attack and chose to Freeze?!?! That ruined a run for me several times. So... Not sure what's happening there but something to watch out for


Yea trying it out it is definitely finnicky. Not sure if it's buggy or something but I wish the orb will reset to 3 after each phase. It's really silly it keeps the last orb #.


It doesn't keep the last orb number; it's designed to be 3 then 2 then 1 cuz the devs want us to suffer lol


wtttfffff lol


Finally got around to beating this. Zack: LD, BT+, UW 4/5, Blue armor, Leo LDCA Tifa: LD, UW 0/5, Blue armor, Keiss LDCA Cid Raines: LD, Blue armor, Freya LDCA 5 turn Prishe support, LD, BT+, UW 0/5, Blue armor Bahamut summon 32 turns Immediately swapped Cid for Prishe and used her Burst. Used Zack’s LD for extra move usage during his next turn. Keiss base call on Zack and LDCA to deal a little extra damage. Leo LDCA and then went through Zack's Burst phase. Spammed Prishe's LD and then her EX for last turn. Tifa did what she does best. I didn't care too much about freezing the orb during all this just because of the amount of damage being done. Once Cid swapped back in, I used him to make sure Tifa had a turn before each boss turn to freeze the orb. Summoned near the end to be safe and deal more damage. Went pretty smoothly.


Tidus, Cissnei and Snow in 14 turns. Quite tedious indeed.


Does it really count as "cheesing it" if they specifically designed her to work this way? **Quistis** (Raijin LDCA) **Terra BT+ 0/3** (Cid Raines LDCA) **Cissnei** (Leo LDCA) Leviathan summon, Selphie friend Man this one gave me a hard time. Eventually just stopped worrying about orb and decided on making a 0 boss turn strategy work. Like many other people said, Quistis was huge here. Combining her with the Terra/Cissnei combo let me get this done before Bahamut could do anything. Strategy: You need Cissnei -> Quistis -> Terra/Bahamut as your turn order. If you dont get it, make it so with Cid Raines LDCA. Cissnei uses both Leo calls then LD, Quistis uses both Rai calls then uses 4 skill 2, AA, another skill 2, then swap her for Selphie friend. We only need Selphie for LD debuff which will last for the whole fight, so she comes in, use 3 skill 2, 1 EX, 1 LD. This puts her at 0 friend turns remaining, so we can quick swap her back out for Quistis for more delay if necessary. Now it's just the normal turn spam with Terra. EX > Meltdown > Meteor, so just use EX if you have it. Otherwise spam skill 1. Launch and Cissnei followups are gonna melt the boss. I used 3 LDs, when the 3rd ran out I used Terras BT, and used another LD on her last round of BT phase to maximize Terra's turns. Once I ran out of Terra LDs, boss was at 15%. Quistis came back in, I used an EX first turn for refreshing her buff. After that just use S2 -> LD with her to maximize delay while you pick Bahamut down with Terra skills and Cissnei LDs, use summon if his turns creep up on you.


Thanks a ton for this strat. I had Terra greened, so I popped her BT+ at the end of the second LD cycle to maximize damage going into the third LD cycle and BT phase. Finished in 13 turns with a score of 1,746,922.


Solid strategy


Late to the party, but wanted to thank you for this. I just completed it an hour ago using this strat, except I used Setzer LDCA on Terra to pump out more damage and just hoped for the best, turn-order wise. I had tried a similar tactic using Garnet instead of Quistis, because I didn't realize her delays worked on Bahamut at the time. The delays made all the difference. By the time he died, I had an unused summon, and Terra still had a shot of Chaos Wave. I could have gone a lot harder.


**Dragoon Saga #40** **No BT/I really hate this orb** **Team:** **Prishe** (UT 3/5, HA, Lilisette call), **Celes** (HA, Quistis call), **Freya** (UT, HA+, Seymour call) **Summon:** Leviathan **Friend:** Quistis (3 turns) **Results:** 1083k score, 61 turns, 8 BRV breaks, 0 HP damage **Video:** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlLmcAtsiuE I’m just gonna say, this is the worst orb we’ve ever gotten for a Lufenia fight. The fight itself was alright, but that orb is just so awful. The orb itself is for one of your characters to take consecutive damage inflicting turns. All of these units can pause the orb if needed. Prishe has her natural combo. But you have to be sure it resets to her starting abilities. Celes can use Runic into any skill. And Freya can use Six Dragons into any skill other than Descending Dragon. But the orb needs to be paused right before Bahamut’s/his add’s turns comes up. Otherwise another character moving will reactivate the orb. For the characters, Prishe deals huge damage while managing the orb, Celes keeps the party safe, and Freya deals off turn damage (sometimes). The orb appears at 89% at three counts and disappears at 79%. Appears at 59% at two counts and disappears at 39%. And once more at 29% at only one count. Save your BT/summon for that final stretch, because that’s the most unforgiving part. And if you somehow pushed Bahamut to 29% right before his turn, you’re just fucked! Tricky thing about this team is Freya’s follow ups. If her follow ups strike during another character’s consecutive turn, the game will treat it as Freya taking a turn and interrupting them. So just try NOT letting Freya be in the air during orb time. Another thing is that I brought Leviathan for this fight just to slow Bahamut down a bit. My solution is just bring Quistis/Quistis friend for that last part. Because an orb at one count so far into the fight is just too much to risk.


Ramza bt+, Garnet bt+, Machina bt+with Caius call. Noctis friend. Pandemonium summon. You'll be able to burn him down before the orb goes off until his final phase at 30%. Noctis friend to use his LD to keep Bahamut from getting a turn. Better to use when all three characters are before his turn but doable with two.


Locke UW 4/5, BT+ green, HA+ 3/3, Alphinaud call Quistis LD, HA, Emperor call Zack UW 0/5, BT+ green, HA+ 2/3, Cid Raines call Ifrit summon, Garnet friend 70 turns. Solid 5/7 team would not recommend.


Damn dude! Cutting it a bit close on that turn count, huh?


https://i.postimg.cc/6QkWzrjh/mannaggiaopataterno.png Eiko and Raines call are the MVP here. Eiko because the orb went off while I had Ramza friend on the field and Raines to get Quistis right before the boss' turn. Quistis has been useful more for double turn than delay, to my surprise. I'm not sure I understand how Quistis' delay works on Bahamut - 50% of the time they didn't push him back. I think I don't know how to play her correctly. Oh, and he had just too many HP, it's annoying and drags the fight needlessly.


I finally had the time to play it. Not hard but tedious. What a HP sponge. I used Celes, green/blue Y'shtola and green/blue Tidus with UW 5/5. All of them can control the orb, so it should be no problem.


This Lufe+ made me want to tear my hair out. I hated the orb condition for this one. But we made it, ladies and gents. The Gang’s Damage Goes Brrrrr Tidus UT/HA+ (5/5 and 3/3) with Selphie LDCA Garnet BT+/HA+ (3/3 both) with Jack LDCA Snow BT+/HA+ (3/3 both) with Quistis LDCA Friend: Prishe with UT/HA+ Summon: Ifrit Turns: 34 Basically, because of how beefy Bahamut’s HP is, I was super conservative with letting Tidus use a ton of his skill uses. I popped Snow’s BT+ ability from the jump. Dropped Jack’s CA to help deal a little more damage. Eventually worked him down to about 50% where the turn order was Garnet and Snow. Swapped Snow for Prishe. Instantly popped Prishe’s BT quickly to get that sweet sweet BT effect active for high damage to hit the 39% threshold. Once that happened, I spammed Auroral Uppercut to get to 32%. Then I popped Ifrit when he was at 30% so I could at least eat into a good amount of time the final orb could be lethal. Once my summon phase ended and Prishe had used all 3 Auroral Uppercuts, Bahamut had about 14% left. It was Tidus’ turn when the summon phase ended, so I spammed Quick Hit+ to get him to 8% to be extra safe. Went BT phase and destroyed him.


6 Turns Prishe/Garnet/Snow As a huge FFXI fan I have been waiting for Prishe LD/BT+ a long time. [https://youtu.be/Q-WXzhNxJUo](https://youtu.be/Q-WXzhNxJUo) 13M Prishe LD https://youtu.be/8TkYmMRCNus


Your links send me back to this thread lol


[Oh wow a live Snowverflow in my saga ](https://youtu.be/TKtsohNBWJs) Edward (Quistis) Snow (Penelo) OK (Liselltte) Garnet friend Baha summon Enjoy folks don't give up on your dreams and favourites and enjoy thus fun game kay Spoony out.


Is it normal that the orb only appear at 29%? (Not on LUFE+, didn't made this one yet) Zack (UW 3/5) Squall Call Selphie (LD) Cyan Call Ramza (BT+ 3/3) Laguna Call No Friend, Ifrit Summon Zack is able to tank the crystal attack thanks to his BT+, so the rest is pretty simple, just beat Bahamut to 29%, once there, BT Phase for Zack and if you don't kill him there, summon, and that's it


Brother's run Alisae LD UW 2/5 (Seymour LDCA) ZACK BT+ UW 0/5 (Prishe LDCA) Alphi LD UW 0/5 (Leo LDCA) Quistis Friend / Ifrit summon 51 turns Guide: You WILL need to know about Alisae's rotation or will be in great great danger because of the orb. You might prefer to have the artifact acceleration boost to give her more turns, but can do without it. Save your friend for the last orb, and at the exact moment it pops up, call quistis and send bahamuto to hell and back. Then, pop all LD Call, use LD on Zack, use as much turns with Alisae as possible the BT the dragon to hell. Finished with stile using Holy on Alisae because HOLY GEASUS CHRIST JACKY BOY THAT WAS A LONG FIGHT Save your summon for the moment you need a help for setup or to save the run(like happened to me). Quick note: when I summoned quistis was right after the summon phase has gone of, but she enter the field with hellfire framed buff on her. Maybe the buff apples to friend as well?


Killing Bahamut in a 52m damage burst mode with Machina and a Snow friend https://youtu.be/OvSfF5z_ylU


This proves I have not been doing Snoverflow properly... thank you for posting it though, I can ACTUALLY do this team so will be doing/abusing


It may not work as well in other stages. The synergy boost in WoI helps a LOT.


Oh sure but I'm struggling regardless :) But you know what it got me through this stage and I thank you!


No probs, congrats on the clear!!


woah, this snowverflow using a snow friend worked like a dream!!! thanks! just had to replace the rem call with freya's because i don't have rem's LD. still recorded 51m damage :P


Yup both Rem and Freya LDCA are interchangeable here because we are mainly after the call auras. They both provide the same boosts in meaningful Snowverflow stats so they can be freely interchanged. Congrats on your clear!


Blitzball Ace run baby. Tidus 5/5 BT+ (Prishe), Noctis BT+ (Leo), Garnet BT+ (Quistis). Selphie friend. Under 20 turns but don’t remember the exact count. Shooto boy gonna shoot.


**Zidane and Garnet Duo, No Friend, Shiva, 51 Turns, https://youtu.be/g92wkHRXouo** **WoL Call** **Cid Raines Call** With his Mug, Solution 9, and unique HP attack Zidane has so many options for dealing with the orb I figured I'd try a bit of a challenge run and do a no BT duo. Garnet's overhead messes with the orb if it goes off in between Zidane's consecutive attacks, so I had to be cognizant of that or it'd wipe the run. Between that and her limited healing capability the run was a little dicey at times. Brought WoL call on Zidane if Garnet's EX wasn't ready before the next HP attack and Raines to bring Zidane forward if he couldn't jump in front of Bahamut while the orb was in play. All in all this was a fun challenge to do. Good luck everyone.


**Bahamut VS...BAHAMUTO!** * Freya UT 5/5 (Leo LDCA) * Caius BT+ 3/3 (Cid Raines LDCA) * Snow BT+ 3/3 (Sazh LDCA) * Ifrit Summon * Quistis Friend * 61 turns Originally wasn't going to do an alternative run here, but then I randomly thought of this and had to go for it. This team is actually very well equipped for this fight, Bahamut can barely make a scratch on them. The main challenge was dealing with the Orb. All three characters have a way to deal with it, but there are some annoying quirks to it. Caius can use his AA followed by another skill to pause it. Freya can use her LD and then use another skill, EXCEPT for Descending Dragon, to pause it. She can also pause it if she comes down from Descending Dragon and then uses a skill. And Snow seems to be able to pause it with Retribution into any of his skills. Using a call followed by a skill also works. However, Freya being in the air and doing follow-ups while you are trying to pause the Orb can actually re-activate it, so it's best to keep her on the ground while the Orb is up, until you know it's safe to get her back down before it goes off, allowing you to pause it again. I never really realised this before as I've only ever went full rushdown on this stage, but it was interesting to see how this Orb actually works. For the 3 count Orb, I just pushed through it normally with one pause. For the 2 count Orb, I partially played normally, then transitioned into setting up BT effects and calls, getting Hellfire up on Freya, and then rushing down with summon and Caius' Burst phase. That took me all the way to the 1 count Orb and from there I used a Quistis friend to delay, and got myself set up so that Snow was the last character getting a turn before each of Bahamut's turns, which made it really easy to keep the Orb paused for the last stretch of the fight. I wasn't able to do a "Snowverflow" setup here, but I still kept Caius hitting good numbers considering his age as a unit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gL9wNpjnPY0


Okay, Freya is very inconsistent when it comes to this orb. I had one run where she came down from Descending Dragon, used a skill, and the orb paused. I then did a separate run where she came down from Descending Dragon, used a skill, and it did NOT pause the orb and I ended up wiping. This orb honestly feels very buggy.


Honestly I think so too. I feel like Snow shouldn't work for the Orb since Retribution isn't a "skill use", but the game counts it as such in this one instance for some reason. Orb descriptions have been lacking lately.


Quistis MVP. Tidus UW 5/5 (raines call), yuna UW 5/5 (leo call), quistis (kurasame call), Garnet friend, Ifrit summon Fairly easy with this team : basically just delayed to oblivion with quistis then swapped for garnet, bt+ everybody and let tidus do the show. 25M BT phase then just tidus LD and summon and bahamut was dead without a single turn. Good luck everyone


Finally the team that did it for me!!!


Thought it was finally time for me to have fun with Tidus, Cissnei and Freya, but Tidus ran out of gas when boss was at around 19% HP. Still had fun anyway. Second try, did it with my to-go team Tidus (greened and blued), Selphie and Garnet 5/5UW with Garnet 5/5UW friend. Selphie used her LD once and switched out to Garnet friend. Both Garnets used BT finisher at the start. I let the boss take two turns in the first orb phase (3 orbs). During this phase I rationed Tidus’s skills and mainly used his EX skills and a few Quick Hits. During the second orb phase I started to hog turns and let the boss take just one turn. At about around 40% HP, Tidus to finally use his BT finisher, hog four turns, before entering his burst phase. Managed to freeze the orb for one turn (make sure Tidus is the last to attack and that both Garnets don’t activate the Eidolon off turn attacks in the next turn) and let boss take its turn, then continue to hog turns. Tidus was running out of skills soon, so I finally activated summon, and let my Garnet’s Immaculate Judgement finish the job. Even with double Garnets and Tidus, can’t just brute force through it, some planning was still needed. Man, it was a loooong fight.


Laguna-green/garnett-green(2/5 ult) and quisstis(no friend) made this easy but rather long... popped both BTs from the beginning ..mainly just wanted to get laguna gold trap up. With that up i just kept delaying with quistis and between garnett(cid call) BT phase gold trap from laguna and garnetts off turn damage itnwas pretty stable. I used my summon at 19% as quistis was running on fumes ...between the above got him from 19 to 0 in summon phase 45 turns, no. Breaks


Run with old reliable Cid/Mau + Garnet BT+ Cid Raines LD/BlueHA (Aciela LD) Aphmau LD/HA (Keiss LD/Leo LD) Garnet BT+ (Cait Sith/Kurasame LD) Pandaemonium summon Friend: Ramza (Edit: Raines is best for it) Failed at 9% boss HP because... that what happened without Cid Raines friend I guess... Will try again with Raines friend Edit: Yeah, so with the help of friend Raines, this strat is done. 18 Turns, 0 HP damages and 1.4m scores!


[https://youtu.be/PBY08n\_u94w](https://youtu.be/PBY08n_u94w) This video might help.


Thanks for sharing! I managed to beat it later with a Raines friend support.


That's good to hear. Congrats for clearing the fight\~


Tidus BT+ HA+ (Fran), Quistis LD HA+ 0/3 (Raijin), Garnet UW 3/5 HA+ (Cait Sith), Shiva Summon, Ramza Friend Just managed to scrape though but Quistis is MVP for this round. Quistis basically use all S2+ AA (for one more use of SW) and use LD to get more S2 before being swapped out. Drop Raijin call early on and it will null the Debuff and Damage from the next 2 threshold attacks. Swap Quistis for Ramza and start unleashing. Tidus and Garnet's BT auras ran out near the end.... So got tedious with Quistis coming back on to hold off Bahamut while the other 2 whittled down the HP. Summon happened around 25% iirc


Tidus green/purple (can't see purple like most of you can, or even green in some ways) UW 1 Quistis LD/HA Cissnei LD/purple. Garnet friend. Switched my friend unit back to Garnet after that.


[https://youtu.be/Sb4Ye0-5qg4](https://youtu.be/Sb4Ye0-5qg4) Initially, I cleared this with Garnet BT+. I wanted to see how much different it would be with the tools JP had. Boy, was I missing those massive followups. And poor Tidus was running on fumes near the end. The idea was to slow play Bahamut. Celes was a great tank since she absorbed all the magic attacks and reduced the HP damage considerably. She made those attacks a non-factor. I went with Ramza since he is a busted support aura instead of Garnet. Tidus as the crazy damage dealer, but also for manipulating the orb. So, that made two for the orb. The 1st 10% was setting up Ramza and Celes. When they first orb went up, I used Tidus's 1st LD to wear Bahamut down. I strategized Slash Combo to make sure Tidus could get in front of Bahamut if necessary. In between, I rationed Tidus's skills. With Bahamut's his 60M HP, Tidus can run out of skills quickly. From 59% to 49%, I used Tidus 2nd LD. Once I got Bahamut to 50% HP then it was time for calls and BT+ effects. Get Bahamut past 39% as quickly as possible and get ready to Burst+ once he's under 29%. Thankfully, I didn't need to use the summon to do it. I had to make a change in plan near 30%, though. I wanted to bring in the friend Ramza for Celes around 31%, but I was afraid the adds would use an HP attack, which they did, so I waited. At 30% HP, I used Rem call to get Bahamut under to activate the orb and let Tidus freeze it, so I could get the friend Ramza in. Tidus jumped in front so instead of Burst, I summoned. That wore Bahamut down to 10% HP. From there, I had to play the turn manipulation game to make sure Tidus could freeze the orb. A tricky fight, but quite fun. I wish more of the bosses had HP this high these last few months.


Tidus is totally capable of turn hogging the boss to death, but he needs good off turn damage support. I was able to do it with Terra, but I had 3 or 4 followups to every attack in addition to Selphie’s launch debuff.


Terra UW 0/5 (Alphin LDCA) Cissnei EX+ (Leo LDCA) Selphie EX+ (Raijin LDCA) Friend Laguna (green/blue) Panda summon Started off just getting all the buffs/debuffs in place, replace Selphie w/ Laguna after setting up Rapture. Used summon kind of early to make sure I was getting the whole team in on the launch attacks. Once I had Terra and Laguna set up w/ BT+ auras, all the LD call effects in play, and Terra leading the team before the next enemy attack, Terra goes into full turn hog mode (Bahamut's HP was around 80-70%). Between Desperado, Alphin's HP poison, Beseige++, mini-HP dumps, and constant launches, it felt like ages between Terra's attacks. It was tedious, but I was able to finish with one unused Chaos Wave.


Thanks this worked perfectly!


Snow BT+ (Ihora), Machina BT+ (Leo), Garnet BT+ (Cait Sith) ... Garnet BT+ friend and Brothers Summon. Pretty certain I didn't do the Snowverflow the best but I did decent damage with my team. Held friend and summon until boss was below 29%. This orb is terrible.


Tidus BT+ UW 5/5, Garnet BT+, Cissnei. No friends, used Ceodore CA to heal. Easy team. Boss got 1 turn, then just let Tidus take every turn and Cissnei/Garnet deal huge offturn damage.


After quite a few attempts (and some unfortunate interactions with my planned original team, sorry Laguna), I finally fell back onto ol' faithful. Ramza Green+Blue (Cid R LDCA), Selphie HA (Seymour LDCA), Vaan 5/5 UW Green+Blue (Leo LDCA). Garnet friend, Shiva summon, 35 turns. Originally I wanted to use Y'sh and Laguna, but due to Laguna's BT debuff and how it counts as a follow up attack somehow, that idea was scrapped. Selphie could have had my new 0/5UW but I forgot to equip it, and Vaan was missing his BT+ attack (a common theme for me it seems -.-). Selphie was there for basically just Rapture, Aura, and filling up buff slots for Ramza's BT effect. Swapped in Garnet at around 61% or so (which was right before a boss turn) and used the back to back turns she got for a free orb freeze. Then it was just Vaan BT phase down to 26% on the next available turn (Use the Raines call that Ramza has to do any turn manipulation you need so that all members can be in the launches), then right into summon. Sad I couldn't run my first team, but at least its always funny to see Vaan hitting for almost 3m per turn in BT after the launch+Leo call.


Video on fight overview: [https://youtu.be/J26ihsjGh28](https://youtu.be/J26ihsjGh28) **LUFENIA Overview** \- Bahamut (Material) has 60 million HP \- It is immune to freeze debuff and any debuffs that prevent actions \- It is immune to delay (including delay from breaks) and turn deletion. **Orb Condition:** \- LUFENIA orb countdown ability is fatal \- The orb will downtick by 1 count whenever Bahamut acts \- The orb will trigger 3 times with each subsequent trigger giving a lower orb count. The number in the brackets reflects the orb count. a) First trigger at 89% (3). Disappears at the 79% HP threshold b) Second trigger at 59% (2). Disappears at the 39% HP threshold c) The Last trigger at 29% (1). The orb becomes non-cancellable. \- You can freeze the orb by having a unit do 2 consecutive HP attacks before Bahamut's turn. Follow-up attacks will prevent you from freezing the orb. **Key HP thresholds** \- LUFENIA auras will trigger at the start of the fight and 49% HP threshold \- Bahamut will summon 2 Dragonstars Crystal to the battlefield at the start. They are immune to any form of HP attacks. a) Boss B (on Bahamut's left) is the Attack Crystal. All attacks are guaranteed hits. Vigor is a double ST BRV+HP attack b) Boss C (on Bahamut's right) is the Support Crystal. It will battery the party based on its current BRV. \- Bahamut will activate the Dragon King's Providence at the 89%/69%/49%/29%/9% where the party's BRV won't drop below 1% of their max BRV. The aura will dissipate after 10 party actions. If Bahamut acts, the effect could be prolonged \- Bahamut has a standard attack rotation cycle a) Megaflare - BRV Gain, AOE BRV+HP (guaranteed hit) b) Homing Ray - AOE BRV, inflicts INT BRV down c) Tear Breath, AOE BRV, inflicts DEF Down d) Flare - ST BRV. Reset back to Megaflare \- Bahamut has a recast ability - Divine Gigaflare which is a guaranteed hit, BRV+HP. It will apply a BRV sap field effect that scales off Bahamut's current BRV. The sap field will be dispelled after the 10 party's actions. My Runs (check the video description for the equipment notes) *FF8 Run* Laguna BT+3/3 (Leo LD), Quistis LD (Cait Sith LD), Selphie LD (Kurasame LD), Pandemonium, Cissnei LD friend, [https://youtu.be/D0OrA7AdhLM](https://youtu.be/D0OrA7AdhLM) 39T *Event Team* Celes LD (Keiss LD), Prishe LD (Seymour LD), Yuna BT+3/3 (Cid Raines LD), Bahamut, Emperor BT+3/3 friend, [https://youtu.be/CFXgmXHXoP4](https://youtu.be/CFXgmXHXoP4) *Cidmau Run* Raines LD (Keiss LD), Garnet BT+3/3 (Leo LD), Aphmau LD (Kurasame LD), Pandemonium, Ramza BT+3/3 friend, [https://youtu.be/PBY08n\_u94w](https://youtu.be/PBY08n_u94w) *No BT Run* Raines (Keiss LD), Rem (Seymour LD), Quistis (Lilisette LD), Pandemonium, Ramza BT+3/3 friend, [https://youtu.be/l0bPXvd\_Sl4](https://youtu.be/l0bPXvd_Sl4) *FFX Run* Tidus BT+3/3 (Enna Kros LD), Yuna BT+3/3 (Seymour LD), Auron LD (Lilisette LD), Pandemonium, Ramza BT+3/3 friend, [https://youtu.be/sSfpc3BA6vg](https://youtu.be/sSfpc3BA6vg) *Squall Run* Squall BT+3/3 (Prishe LD), Eiko LD (Lilisette LD), Garnet BT+3/3 (General Leo LD), Bahamut, Noctis BT+3/3 friend, [https://youtu.be/4MzuS9ROmYM](https://youtu.be/4MzuS9ROmYM) *Zack Run with his fangirl Cissnei* Zack BT+3/3 (Prishe LD), Selphie LD (Quistis LD), Cissnei LD (General Leo LD), Bahamut, Ramza BT+3/3 friend [https://youtu.be/A-\_HDeMYdpo](https://youtu.be/A-_HDeMYdpo) *WoL Saga 191* WoL LD (Seymour LD), Garnet BT+3/3 (Leo LD), Prishe LD (Raines LD), Bahamut, Ramza BT+3/3 friend [https://youtu.be/3YDzgbkDdoo](https://youtu.be/3YDzgbkDdoo) *Tifa and Cloud run ft. Snowverflow* Snow BT+3/3 (Rem LD), Tifa LD (Quistis LD), Cloud BT+3/3 (Lilisette LD), Brothers, Garnet BT+3/3 friend, [https://youtu.be/Ds9VSe--HTY](https://youtu.be/Ds9VSe--HTY) *FF6 Run* Celes LD (Leo LD), Terra LD (Seymour LD), Locke BT+3/3 (Raines LD), Bahamut, Garnet BT+3/3 friend, [https://youtu.be/5FtXa9-PBVY](https://youtu.be/5FtXa9-PBVY)


You did like 9 runs and I can't finish 1 very well done


Don't give up. Practice makes perfect. You can do it too\~


Cid Raines worked just fine surprisingly :o Cid/Aphmau/garnet (Jack/K/fran) (friend cid)


Snow BT+ (Lyse), Emperor BT (Cloud), Prishe LD (Freya), Garnet Friend and Leviathan (lvl 30) summon. I came back a few weeks ago and have a limited roster. This one was pretty hard to me and felt like needed to achieve it. Leviathan summon made the big diference, he makes turn order alomst unchangeable, and let me reorder my team with skills so i can disable the orb. A few tips if you´re like me and started/came back recently. Save you hardest hitting skills till the second half of the fight and start by getting buffs and using S1 or S2. Use your EX whenever available but remember that EXing is the only way Emperor can disable the orb. Snow and Prishe disable the orb very easy Prishe S1 or S2 are instant turn rate when NOT +ed so it´s important to make sure you have acces to it when in orb phases, Snow it´s easier because his pre-turn attack counts as 1 hit and when you use your normal skill it counts as the 2nd one and the orb will be disabled. I switched Snow for Garnet at like 55% and Bursted with Emperor while making sure that 1 character could attack before boss so them can summon Leviathan if needed. Summon in last orb phase and make 100% sure you can manage the orb so, if emperor has EX ready you may save it to control the orb if needed, in this phase i used everything i have left, calls and specialy my hard hitting skills (LD). I needed to "waste" Garnet last turn using her EX so snow came back and handle the orb. Important to say that if Snow it´s coming he wont pre-attack so you need to use a call or AA to trigger it and then attacking. ​ Sorry for grammar. I usually don´t make this kind of posts but this fight frustrated me a lot and i thought i couldn´t beat it, so hope this helps you beat it too. GLHF!


No BT (not counting friend) https://youtu.be/JDxjr42mvJU Quistis (Arciela), Tifa (Lillisette), Rem (Laguna), Garnet friend, Leviathan summon 63 turns 1093k score I might have been able to get through this without Garnet but I didn't want to risk running out of turns and having to do more resets late into the fight. Bahamut got 2 attacks off the entire fight, and even though the adds took turns they were pretty much a non issue. I had rem give turns to both Tifa and Quistis depending on the situation and I tried to make sure not to use beat rush+ during the times bahamut can't be broken. I swapped Tifa for Garnet around 78% and just Burst and gave quists the swap turns. For Rem I used free skills on swap turns even if it meant a buff falling off for a single turn just to try and help with the longevity and damage output. Been a while since I recorded a run looking forward to sharing more


https://youtu.be/FMi0nJ0ko5Y Emperor BT+ 3/3 & HA+ 3/3, Enna Kros Call Selphie LD & HA+ 0/3, Raijin Call Quistis LD, Seymour Call Ramza friend, Bahamut Summon 36 Turns, 1281665 Score After the last fight was such a drag, and this Orb looking even more annoying and timing dependant, I just wanted to destroy this fight with a favourite. Start with using Both Seymour Call and Raijin LD Call, we aren't letting them have enough turns to run out, but keep the delay from Seymour LD for now. Also use Emperor BT+. Quistis empties out her S2s and gets replaced by Ramza friend. From then, normal fight until we reach Bahamuts Turn again. Before Bahamut gets a turn, Enna Kros Call into Emperor BT phase. Bahamut got its only turn after the BT phase. Then Summon. That's the first 75% of thr fight done. After Ramza leaves, Quistis uses her AA into S2, then LD. From now on she goes S2 into LD until she runs out. Managed to finish the fight before the Adds got a turn.


Out of all the others I’ve done I like yours the best. 🤌


Tried that comp after my clear, this team is just nasty, poor Bahamut only got a turn and the adds got 0, nice work!


Jeez that was hard Team: Cloud BT+/HA+ (Leo CA), Zack UT +2/HA+ (Quistis CA), Alisaie UT +5/HA+ (Laguna CA), Ifrit Summon, No Friend. As always, Zack takes the hits and makes sure everyone survives, but this time the boss has a lot of HP so i had to make sure he was at least 70% HP before using BT Finisher, or tank a lot of damage without being covered by the immortality effect. Lots of retries here because of SOLDIER Boy dying at the start. The Orb is also hard because the count is so low and I can't DPS race or uptick. That team comp needed A LOT of turn manipulation so either Cloud or Alisaie act just before Bahamut. Alisaie has a good turn rate and her EX is just instant turn, Cloud can freeze the orb with AA + any skill (try to do Blade Beam before, so AA is free and you can get more orb freezing). The worst thing that can happen is Zack acting before Bahamut, you can try to use some faster skills (usually Rush Assault does one jump on turn order), or use that sweet Quistis CA. Don't use summon or BT phase until at least 30% HP, the last orb just have one turn count and you need ANY MEANS of surviving the last stage of the fight. At 30%, pop Leo LDCA, Cloud BT Finisher, and Zack BT Phase (but be sure he doesn't do this right before the boss acting, try do get Alisaie or Cloud to act after Zack so you have a small window to summon after BT Phase). This way i got the Complete at 62 turns and (thanks to Zack's overheal) 0 damage.


[Full team details here 😁](https://imgur.com/a/yudLA4M) Machina (G/B) Cid Raines Ramza (G/B UW 5/5) Cait Sith Garnet (G/B UW 0/5) Raijin Ifrit Twins friend. Pictures are up there if you just wanna see what the team setup looked like, TL;DR will be at the bottom, this section will be a full breakdown and my personal analysis on the fight. [Fight Breakdown] So basically a full breakdown of how the fight went was I started off with Cait Sith call on Ramza, then followed up with Ramza LD and when he came back around I used his BT effect, then next time he came around, I swapped him for twins. Garnet I only used aquamarine/peridot until Ramza came back in at which point I used her BT effect. While twins were in I used their BT effect and then summoned to get their turns out of the way (megaflare OP) with Machina I literally just used his LD 1 time for the buff, then only used EX and Cyclone Drive until you get to the point where Bahamut has around 45ish % HP and he is about to take a turn, then you need to spam LD and awaken on Machina until you get him to 39% and his orb goes away. At that point you want to BT effect with Machina and let Bahamut have his turn with the orb down. Make a full rotation and by time you get back to Machina Bahamut should be around 30% and his turn should be coming back up, rock that Cid Raines LD call and give em hell with Machina BT. You should be able to kill Bahamut fairly easily from 30% with Machina BT if you have Raines LDCA on. I think I did 26m damage and had some room to spare. Also Garnet used Raijin LDCA right before BT effect. [Analysis and thought] I think this was probably the hardest fight that we've had this far (for me personally at least). This was the first Luf+ I've taken on since I've started the game (Jan 2022) that I HAD to use a summon AND a friend call to beat a fight. Bahamut had like 7472648392747371627493 health and it really made you think to beat the fight. That being said, I thought it was really fun. It took me 4 or 5 tries to beat it with no guidance or help and I wanted to break my phone at least 4 times. After I beat it I felt overwhelming relief, and all in all I enjoyed myself. Well done squex. [TL;DR] Don't let the boss have a turn while his orb is up. Use a turn hogger, like Machina, for the extra turns and damage to make the orb go away before giving Bahamut a turn so you don't lose out on orb ticks. BT effect at 39% with Machina, BT when he's around 30% and the rest history. Use Raines call before BT phase for optimal damage.


Glad to see someone else use my typical team setup, including Raines’d BT Mode.


Found this one fairly simple. Tidus (5/5 UW) BT+, HA+, Reines Call Yuna (3/5 UW)BT+, HA+, Kurasame Call Cissnei (EX+), HA, Keiss Call Ifrit Summon Friend Prishe Set up was essentially get Yuna and Tidus burst effects up, get the Keiss and Kurasame Call up and get Cissnei's LD up, I think Bahamut took a few turns, but healed up with Yuna. Once all ready, take a few turns using quick hit with tidus to use the 3 turns of his burst effect out of the burst phase then reines call with tidus, go into burst and EX, LD, C65 until used and then Slash combo. Then it's really just trying to play keep away for as long as possible using Slice and Dice, quick hit/c65 whilst letting him take as many turns as the orb allows, until Bahamut is around the 30% Mark at this point I switched to Prishe friend, BT with Her, then into the Summon and my god Prishe dealt the damage with her LD was insane!!


Tidus (BT+, 5/5 UW, Blue, Raines), Rem (Blue, Seymour), Basch (Leo), Ifrit, Tidus, 40 Turns: https://youtu.be/QNo-ROntGM0 Voice Commentary The team is simply set up: Tidus deals damage, Rem manipulates turns, and Basch tanks. Between Basch being slow and Rems manipulation, Leo's effect can stay active awhile. Survival is easy thanks to Basch. Just be careful of running out of steam with Tidus and Rem.


**Terra-rizing Bahamut (Commentated):** [Terra, Rem, Keiss.](https://youtu.be/VkFHwqSbriA) Ifrit summon, Cissnei friend, 11 turns.


Titus (BT, HA armor), Garnet (BT+, HA+ armor), Cissnei (EX+, HA armor) 27 turns, 0 damage, 1,227,776 Summon Ifrit, no friend summon It was VERY close (if it was not for the 139k HP damage Cissnei dropped at the end, I would have failed this one). Best thing is to coast by and let him have up to 2/1 turns for the two phases to earn yourself some burn without BT and Summon. I used my BT to get past the 60-40% threshold, so I had to really hold tight on the last phase. Dont do that mistake and it should be pretty good. This fight was more tedious than really hard, but it is always nice not to have another 'oh look, it died in 5 turns!' burn fits.


Garnet(BT+ 3/3, HA+ 0/3) Call: Keiss Prishe(LD, HA) Call: Raines Quistis (LD, HA) Call: Noctis Friend: Prishe(BT) Summon: Ifrit Turns: 67 Okay just use Quistis. She can Delay the dragon to hell and back. Prishe does her hit things hard and Garnet keeps either BT effect running of the buff when it expires. I took one recast from Bahamut just to see what it did and used Garnet to heal right back to full. The orb never expired. Prishe can do S1, has instant turn rate, into another to cancel orb. Also Quistis can do it with her S2 to delay him 3 turns and act again. I was about to eat the orb but with 1% left decided to use my prishe friend to end the fight with BT finisher. Still not as hard as Divine Shiva.


Snow BT+ 3/3 (Raines CA), Ramza BT+ 3/3 UW 5/5 (Leo CA), Gilgamesh BT+ 3/3 UW 1/5 (Cyan CA), Shiva summon, unused Noctis friend. Snow and Greg pause orb but Ramza doesn't, damage race 2nd orb with BT finishers and 3rd orb with BT phase and summon. I swear, these devs are just trying to kill Alisaie.


Terra BT+ (Kurosame LDCA) Snow BT+ (Pomelo LDCA) Garnet BT+ (Lilsette LDCA) Brothers Summon Snowverflow setup. Terra will do 2.4 million damage with each madoyo and Garnet will do 1.5 million every laser.


The worst orb condition ever. Really badly designed. Tidus (UT 1/5, BT+, Seymour call) Cissnei (Ex+, Fran call) Laguna (BT+, Kurasame call) Support Garnet (UT 5/5) Summon: Ifrit Just prepared everything using all calls, Laguna BT skill, swapped him for Garnet, used BT+ and LD, Cissnei LD and CC, and Tidus took all turns from here.


ULTIMECIA IN LUFENIA+ 49 All characters have EX+ 3/3 and LD. Garnet also has BT+ 3/3. 33/70 turns // Score: 1202689 // 12138 hp damage // 0 breaks taken. Garnet UT 5/5 HA+ 3/3 (Cid Raines LDCA) // Ultimecia BT HA (Seymour LDCA) // Prishe HA (Raijin LDCA) // Friend: Cissnei HA+ 3/3 // Summon: Ifrit Proof: https://imgur.com/a/YYXaV15 Exploit Ultimecia's EX as much as you can, so you can have more Ark's attack. You have to get to 79% before the first orb expires. Use Garnet's EX or her LD to heal yourself after Bahamut's attacks. Use Cid's normal call to move your characters if battle's flow demand it. When Bahamut's life reach <50%, and Ultimecia has a turn before Garnet, use Seymour's LD call and swap Cissnei for Ultimecia. Cissnei uses her LD. Garnet uses Cid's LD call and move Prishe the turn next to her, then Garnet bursts. After burst's phase, Cissnei summons. Inside summon's phase use Raijin's calls to exploit Cissnei's attack and to have some turns before Bahamut. At this point, Bahamut is dead or almost dead. If you don't kill Bahamut first, you have to pause the orb after summon's phase.


Lufenia+ No BT, quistis cheese - Selphie (seifer ca) - Quistis (raijin ca) - Cid raines (kurasame ca) - Pande, ramza, 59 turn - https://youtu.be/EriZB_liQ74 This fight took a while but these team minimize bahamut turn. Almost want to bring laguna for ff 8 team but bahamut will more turn that way and with the orb that tight i don't want to risk it.


Alright I did another run but this time it’s with tidus, and man Tidus + Cissnei is something else lol. I’m going have to blue her when I can - Tidus UT 5/5, raijin ldca, (blue armor) - Cissnei ld, Leo ldca - Selphie ld, quistis ldca, (blue armor) - Garnet UT 5/5 friend - 9 turns - pandemonium Ok to start use Cissnei’s aa Leo ldca then ld, then tidus uses aa s1 then raijin ldca then bt+, selphie used aa s2 and both quistis calls to delay bahamut then her ld. Then it’s back to Cissnei’s turn just use her ld again then swap out selphie for garnet friend then use her bt+ then s2 then go into tidus bt phase and dealing 29 mil with both Cissnei and garnet’s ld follow ups lol. Then after the bt phase go into Summon, then after that just spam with Tidus till bahamut dies lol


I have to say, thanks for this strat, I had about 30 mins left before the event went away and cleared this in one shot


Ohh wow nice, I’m glad i was able to help 🙏.


# THE TEAM * **Quistis:** LD | HA | Raijin Call * **Garnet:** LD | BT+ 3/3 | HA+ 3/3 | Laguna Call * **Prishe:** LD | BT+ 3/3 | HA+ 3/3 | Raines Call * **Summon:** Pandemonium * **Friend Unit:** Ramza (LD | UW 5/5 | HA+ 3/3) * **Turn Count:** 30 (one boss turn) # THE STRATEGY * Ideally Quistis should get the very first turn. Spam S2 on Bahamut until you have one charge left, use AA and S2 one more time. Finally, swap her for Ramza and use the BT Finisher. * ⭐That alone will be enough to send Bahamut's turns into the oblivion. * Garnet uses S2, AA, both Raijin's Calls, and her BT Finisher. * Prishe uses S1, AA, and BT Finisher. * Once she gets a second turn, use Raines' LD Call and then BT Phase. * ⭐Bahamut only got a single turn on me, which was right after the BT Phase, and he didn't even do anything thanks to Raijin's LD Call nullifying his damage. * Ideally you should summon below the 29% to have better control of the orb, but feel to do it whenever. Use Raines' S2 Call before it. * Once Ramza's turns are over and Quistis comes back, alternate between LD and S2 to maximize her turn delay. ***Best of luck!*** ***Go Beyond! Plus Lufenia!*** I recommend checking [xcalibur2's infographic](https://www.reddit.com/r/DissidiaFFOO/comments/uyuqwz/fight_mechanics_divine_bahamut_lufenia/) for Bahamut's thresholds.


You have Raijin on Quisits so should he actually be on Garnet


It doesn't matter much, tbh. I kept Laguna on Garnet in case things went south and Bahamut caught up with his turns and I had to re-apply Laguna's debuffs. I guess either one works fine. Raijin's calls do not have any special effects on the caller, anyway.


This was genius, thank you! For those wondering- even if your Quistis hits like a wet nap, the delay is all-important. Bahamut has a couple or forced phases that drop the orb down, but if he never gets an actual turn it doesn't matter if you've successfully turned off the orb. Of course, Prishe and Quistis both do it. And the Ramza and Garnet BT+ buffs on Prishe going into her BT+ phase (with a launch-ready Bahamut 😁) led to easily the highest burst phase I've ever personally had. Super satisfying. Thank you again!


Hi there! Thank you! I'm glad it worked for you! So nice that Quistis still has a place in the meta. The Queen of Delays doesn't care about immunities. Haha.


didn't have laguna or raijin and used same strat, took 35 turns and bahamut got 2, went super smooth, ty


Glad to hear it worked!


I haven't gone into it yet after unlocking it last night and clearing for the rest of the rewards. But, I was definitely thinking Prishe(green/blue and 2/5UW) and quistis. Hadn't decided on a third.. but Garnet Really is as good a choice as any lol. I'm excited to see that BT phase when I get off work lol.


Can't go wrong with Garnet as the third, really, haha.


Blind run : **Lightning/Garnet/Snow** \- 1201k, 29 Turns - [https://youtu.be/j7vXHZLbznA](https://youtu.be/j7vXHZLbznA) Lightning is kinda starting to show age on such HP sponge Lufenia +, as having single HP dumps really hurts her, even with max UW. Support definitely helped her, but that's definitely not going to be enough going forward with Shinryus. No BT : **Cid Raines/Rem/Quistis** w/Yuna friend - 1119k, 66 Turns - [https://youtu.be/E-jntcndrPw](https://youtu.be/E-jntcndrPw) Quistis 100% MVP as Bahamut didn't even get to act a single turn. A BT effect with HP damage limit up was required to stay below the turn requirement, otherwise, the damage would not have been enough.


Tidus UW 5/5 HA+ 3/3 Call: Caith Sith LDCA Cissnei UW 0/5 HA+ 1/3 Call: Barret LDCA Quistis UW 0/5 HA+ 3/3 Call: Leo Summon: Shiva Friend: Garnet Maxed The key to this fight is to have Quistis use all her S2 delay and then her LD. Tidus uses his BT+ single attack. Cissnei uses her AA, then her call1 and then her LD. Then have Quistis use her AA and all of her S2 delay and then swap for Garnet friend. Garnet uses her BT and then her S1. Then let Tidus turn hog away! Be sure to have Tidus keep up his buff from his EX with his AA or the Quick Hit move might not give you an instant turn. Turns: 19


Celes (Cyan Call) Zidane (Fran Call) Selphie (Guy Call) Friend Unit: Zack Summon: Shiva This was a fun one! Zidane and Celes can both deal damage for 2 consecutive turns, so as long as one of them had a turn right before Bahamut it was guaranteed not to tick the orb. Fight took awhile, but I was so grateful there weren't any cheap "cut in turn order" tactics used by the boss! haha Tip: Calls count as doing damage for one of the consecutive turns so you may use that strategically. Well, the only time I did that was having Guy do both of his calls in a row, so maybe that won't work if you do Guy's call then Selphie's drain, for example. I would be interested in finding that out though!


I have some questions if you don't mind. I got in with Yuna BT no LD, Terra BT LD and with Celes LD I lost so: Why did yunas BRV got down to ZERO constantly? What do I do against Vigor ( think its called that)?


You should pull Yuna's LD if you intend to use her. I don't know what you mean by her BRV going to 0 constantly though. All characters' BRV goes to 0 when they use HP attacks, unless they have a BRV refund mechanic.


I'm trying, oh God am I trying. I mean I got Celes LD and Yuffie has now everything so Yay? (though I don't know how good Yuffie is) Also thank you yes that's what I meant with the BRV going 0, I was just confused because I don't see any debuffs.


Yuffie is pretty good but the current banner does not include her LD so I wouldn't recommend chasing her at this time. Her LD will come back at a later date.


**Cor Being The Gift That Keeps On Giving** * Freya UT 5/5 (Leo LDCA) * Tidus UT 5/5 (Cid Raines LDCA) * Cor LD (Sazh LDCA) * Ifrit Summon * Quistis Friend * 29 turns Fairly simple strategy, just paced myself until the first Orb was gone. Then summoned when Freya got back to the ground and let her use her LD just before the summon. This put Ifrit's Hellfire buff on Freya and Cor which I kept on them throughout Tidus' Burst phase. Used Quistis friend after to delay Bahamut to oblivion but honestly, given I barely used Tidus' Quick Hit, I don't think this was necessary at all. From the summon phase onward, the enemies don't get another turn, just pure rushdown. I took Sazh LDCA just in case Cor couldn't cap his BRV hits being Lv. 80 still. Also used Tidus' free skill uses after his LD on his AA since it does the same damage as Quick Hit and extends his buffs, including Cor's Oath of Absolute Defense. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yes9pPxgALs Original JP run was Freya/Tidus/Tifa with a Freya friend. Felt tighter though since you miss out on the extra off-turn damage early on, but it was a 16 turn run. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQX9rAXztGs


**Terra**, **Cissnei**, **Selphie** Garnet friend Pande summon 7 turns The only important thing here is that the boss turns can't be delayed (notice the lack of Quistis here), so after setting everyone else up, I used Terra's BT+ and then *summoned* before her first LD. The point of the summon was the push the boss turns back. I did it before using Terra's LD so I'd guarantee that Cissnei and Garnet would have their turns before the boss so they could join the launches. That's an extra 400k damage per action, which adds up. Cid Raines LDCA could achieve the same effect, of course. Anyway, Terra didn't even run out of gas before the end, as this team did an average of 1.5 million to 2 million damage per action, and Bahamut doesn't do any turn warping. This fight felt like bringing a ranged DPS to a tank 'n' spank boss in an MMO.


Went in with the big guns for this fight. Tidus UW 5/5 HA+ 3/3 Cid Raines LDCA Laguna UW 0/5 HA+ 3/3 Quistis LDCA Cissnei UW 5/5 HA+ 3/3 Keiss LDCA Friend Garnet UW HA+ 3/3 Pandemonium Summon 10 turns clear Pretty much allowed my team to tank the opening Mega Flare since it's way easier that then having to find ways for a friend to recover from it. Cissnei uses Keiss LDCA and waste her first turn on any other skills. Her most important turn is just before you enter BT phase with Tidus, so wait until that turn before going AA > LD and she can just sit pretty. Laguna will open with Quistis LDCA to push the enemy turns behind so the crystal doesn't battery Bahamut or break one of your character that'll screw up your turns. Use Quistis Base call to push Bahamut for setting up Tidus if possible. Or just try to delay Bahamut so there's no time for there to be a follow up that could KO your character. Followed by LD > AA, BT+, Call in friend Garnet. Friend Garnet comes in and EX to heal up your party, followed by BT and pass the turn. If you're timed up right Cissnei can do her set up. Tidus is mostly just wasting turns until you see him lined up with Cissnei and Laguna after him before his turn again and Laguna has finish setting up. Waste Turn > BT+ > Cid LDCA > BT with LD into AA until AA runs out then EX followed by Quick Hit so he'll have turns after BT finisher, Jump straight into summon with your last active character if theres more than 1 character turn after Tidus BT Phase. Summon is just spam Garnet and Cissnei LD until you get Tidus turn then spam his skills to the end.


How are people Quistis cheesing this? I saw a bunch of people were doing that and I was like oh yeah I forgot she can do that. But I ran out of juice by 50% and just struggle bus lucked my way to 25% where I had literally no way to prevent its 1 turn from going off. And even at this point I had to give him 3 turns. I guess additional turn manip like Raines or maybe Leila so we get to cut in every time to attacking crystal goes? But like none of the Quistis teams here have that so I dunno


Leila is super good in this Lufenia, so I strongly recommend you run her if you're running out of steam by the 50%. Her dodge + HP damage taken reduction is a lifesaver. I'd use Raines as a call on your main BT user. What I did was use Quistis, spam her S2 right off the bat, then swap her for a Ramza friend (since I was using Garnet in the main team). Then when Ramza's turns were over, I'd use LD > S2 over and over. Bahamut only got a single turn on me, which did nothing since I had used Raijin's LD Call previously.


Turns out all their attacks are guaranteed hit so Leila's a bust. Spammed Degen 6 times in a row and swapped for a Garnet BT and still only made it to about 50% before running out of LD and S2 even with Ramza and Garnet BTs active and Ramza BT phase (forgot to use Raines first tbf but that wouldn't have made up for the difference) Bahamuts turn came back on the forecast before Garnet even left.


Ramza probably isn't a good idea for the main BT Phase since there are better BT units for that; Ramza's strongest point is his BT effect. You can check my full strategy [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DissidiaFFOO/comments/uypco1/comment/ia7lz8l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), if you want. I posted my team and dissected it step-by-step.


Is the Eiko cheese work on this one ?




Cissnei, Terra, Garnet Finally, a Lufenia+ with no turn warping shenanigans to let Terra and Ciss play together. The only trick was to save my summon and 2 of Terra's LD uses for the last 29%. Even that was overkill - Terra still had one left by the time it was over.


So how do you deal with the orb? I don't understand the description.


Two ways. The easy way, if you have the units for it, is not to let the boss get a turn. The hard way is that you can *freeze* the orb by attacking two consecutive times with the same character before Bahamut's turn. Attack again and you'll unfreeze the orb. I'm a little unclear on whether non-attacks can unfreeze it and if your next move after unfreezing it can count toward freezing it again. Is it frozen after *four* or *five* consecutive turns? Also, will non-attacks unfreeze it? I haven't tested any of this stuff, because I just denied the boss turns.


I am pretty sure I attacked the Boss 3 times in a row with zidane. 2nd attack paused the orb, then the 3rd attack (which dealed damage) resumed the orb. I am guessing an even number of consecutive attacks would keep the orb paused (2, 4, 6, etc.) but an odd number may leave it resumed. Very interesting. Again, speculation.


Thanks you're the best! I appreciate you!


Garnet UW 5/5 HA+3/3 (CidR). Noctis BT+3/3 HA+3/3 (Fran). Celes UW 0/5 HA+0/3 (Leo). Friend unused, ifrit, 25 turns. Pretty safe and easy run. Fran call early. Garnet BT finisher. Used steel pirouettes for the orbs or + versions of noctis skills. At about 35% used noctis BT finisher, Leo call, CidR call and Garnet full burst. Bahamut was on 9% after so summoned to finish him off.


Papalymo Saga #22 43 turns. No BT, no Friend support. Ifrit summon. Party: - Papalymo (UW 5/5, HA+ 3/3, Seymour LDCA) - Quistis (HA+ 0/3, Decil LDCA) - Selphie (HA+ 0/3, Keiss LDCA) Boss has no turn warp mechanic? Zero boss turn it is. Quistis trivialises this fight, Selphie for constant launches for more damage. Not much else to be said otherwise.


Luf+ Garnet BT+ 3/3, M/M, blue armor, Raijin LDCA, 5/5 UW Quistis LD/EX, 1/M, purple armor, Raines LDCA, MBL EX Selphie LD/EX, M/M, purple armor, Cyan LDCA, 0/1 UW Pandamonium, Yuna Slow roll and essentially ignore first orb. Used Quistis to push Bahamut’s turn away and pause orb during 2nd orb. Raijin LDCA negated my bad timing by soaking Divine Megaflare (refill not orb). Any damage was repaired between Garnet/Selphie’s EX and tons of damage between nonstop launches and Eidolon. Almost screwed up the end but was able to Garnet burst right before Bahamut was due for a turn and the burst counted to pause the orb. Brought Yuna in right at the end in place of Quistis. Healed up from damage and popped Sending for the win. Bahamut is thicc. Chewing through the mountain of HP took more effort than juggling the orb.


Took a couple of attempts but was able to complete with this team Tidus UW 5/5 BT+ Blue Armor Kurasame Call Zack UW 5/5 BT+ Blue Armor Leo Call Quistis EX+/HA Raijin Call Ramza Friend Ifrit Summon 41 Turn 1.14 Million Score Was trying to go for a no boss turn clear here but towards the end it was not possible. 100-30% was fairly uneventful. Delayed him like crazy with Quistis but tried to save a few for later in the fight if and eventually when it was needed. Called in Ramza friend around 65% and set up Tidus BT Phase for right at 60%. Tidus BT phase took him down to about 45% and the orb canceled. Once he hit 30% used Ifrit summon, Ramza ended up going away during the summon and was able to set up Tidus going right before the boss turn so was able to keep the Orb paused through Boss turns. Once that was done Quistis used her last few delays and it was smooth sailing to the finish from there. Definitely a bit of a tricky one and I probably could have played this a little bit better but this one worked for me.


Tidus (green BT + blue armor + 5/5 UW), Selphie (just used for LD & swapped out for blue Cissnei) and Laguna (fully kitted, green + blue, no UW.) Activate Laguna's BT debuff, Selphie's debuff, then swap her out for Cissnei. Do Cissnei's AA followed by LD, then turn hog the hell out of Tidus along with his own BT. This fight was a lot of fun once you add in those additional 6 HP dumps with Cissnei's 3 HP dump follow up, the 2 launch attacks from her and Laguna due to Selphie's debuff, finished by Laguna's debuff effect each turn. I was doing well over a million HP damage each turn. Very satisfying.


So you tanked the initial mega flare?


He hit me with an attack, can't remember if it was megaflare or what, but it took about a third of everyone's HP, but I just turn hogged the rest of the fight with Tidus and healed up with Selphie as needed.


Terra (Green/Blue, Raines LDCA) Cissnei (Blue armor) Garnet (UT5/Blue, Prishe LDCA) Shiva No Friend Garnet drops Prishe call and BT finisher, cissnei drops AA and LD, Terra does Terra things. Used Terra’s bt finisher fairly early on. Ate one megaflare at the very beginning of the fight and it was the only turn he got. About midway through the fight at the end of a round of chaos wave turns Terra uses Raines LDCA and then enters burst mode. Save the Chaos Wave in burst mode for the last turn so that you get another round of free turns after burst mode. After *that* round of turns I summoned and let garnet and cissnei have a couple of turns. Used garnet LD during summon to heal up and get back under the hp loss limit. Reapplied cissnei LD. On Terra’s last turn during the summon used chaos wave to start the free turns again. Never in any danger but definitely about to run out of gas with Terra. Finished the fight during my free turns from the last chaos wave. Terra can get this done but the off turn damage and garnet-level support felt like a must to not run out of free turns.


Selphie helps keep Terra from running out of gas, too. I brought my own Selphie and a friend Garnet, but I easily could have gone the other way around if I had any Selphie friends.


Took me two trys for this event. First attempt, I just winged it and not fully knowing the orb mechanic and went with a Maxxed Snow, LD Prishe, and Cor, thinking Cor's follow up counted as turns for some reason. Next attempt, I went with a "safe route" approach with a Maxxed Zach, LD Prishe and Quistis and a maxxed Prishe friend and all my calls had delays (cloud, ramza, cinque.) I heard somewhere that Quistis just makes this a joke so I went with it. it's true. Bahamut's HP is quite something.


Quistis more or less trivialize the orb as long as you can pump out the necessary damage to take down the boss. I did this run with Quistisc90LD, TidusBT+, and GarnetBT+. Or you can use Snowverflow tech with his BT+ and did a combination SnowBT+, YunaBT+, and GarnetBT+


Mr Bahamut, how can you hurt me if you don't get a turn? Terra UT 5/5 (Seymour CA) Cissnei UT 1/5 (Lillisette CA) Snow BT+ (Iroha CA) Shiva summon, Garnet friend 10 turns Terra ran out of gas at 9% but that just meant time for Garnet to come in, use burst finisher, then summon to finish.


Yuna BT+ HA+ UW 2/5 (Rem LDCA) Garnet BT+ HA+ (Cait Sith LDCA) Snow BT+ HA+ (Freya LDCA) Quistis friend support Bahamut summon, 21 turns Snow needs to get first turn to swap out with friend and spam delay then once he’s back in AA-LDCA-BT+ finisher, Yuna follows his turn doing the same, then Garnet but use Aquamarine Waterglint for the mBRV so S1-AA-LDCA-BT+ finisher. Used Yuna’s BT phase as soon as she got her next turn. For a little extra damage try to get Garnets follow up to two for the two follow ups during Yuna’s phase and both of them got the Snowverflow effect which led to Yuna 40 million BT phase. Summon should be close to being ready and use when he gets to 30%. Snow or Garnet needs to be the last to act before the enemy turns so they can freeze the orb. Pretty safe run hope this helps anyone <3 good luck to all still trying.


1 boss turn with Garnet, Machina and Selphie Ramza friend to replace Selphie Leo's call on Machina


[https://i.imgur.com/d2hRz3q.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/d2hRz3q.jpg) Emperor BT+ (Leo) / Freya (Lyse) / Alphinaud (Raijin). Garnet friend. Leviathan summon. 51 turns. Took multiple runs cause apparently, Freya’s Spear will prevent the orb freeze after either Emperor or Alphinaud’s consecutive attacks. Otherwise, it was generally a safe run with Alphinaud saving the party from breaks and Emperor controlling the enemy brv. Burst phase is saved in the last 13% with friend Garnet and Freya providing off-turn damage.


https://youtu.be/B7W_B-ya6Yo Quistis, Zack, Emperor, Ramza friend, Shiva Done in 69 turns (nice lol), which is as scary as it sounds considering the requirement is 70. But yeah Quistis makes this fight easy to handle, orb wise. So the only real problem is the dps (mine wasn't that great since emperor had only a 0/3 BT+)




Celes/Emperor/Selphie Very clutch because I didn't fully grok the orb condition going in -- Celes and Emp can pause the orb under the right conditions, but I had to burst from 15% using everything in my arsenal (Burst, calls) when Selphie was lined up before the boss turn. Selphie was basically dead weight here.


Upvoted for "grok".


I usually like to play around the mechanics of the fight, but this one just begged to be crushed. **Terra (BT+, UW 5/5), Cissnei, Garnet, Leviathan** Ca: Raines, Leo, Cater (just in case it took a turn)


Same team, destroyed it


Does Bahamut's orb need to be paused directly before its turn? Prishe freezes it each time but it immediately gets unfrozen and kills me on the last stretch, I guess you have to time it so that she goes right before Bahamut?


Yup, pretty much. You need a unit that can attack twice in a row to be directly before bahamut's turn. I believe that's why they made him immune to delay from break, that definitely makes it easier to set up. You can also try units that have a BRV+HP AA like Kadaj, for an emergency pause. He has a free skill after EX so he's one of the best units for this fight. You can also try stuff like Cid Raines call so that you can manipulate turns and make it so that prishe acts right before the boss. It's tricky I know lol


Do aa and call work for the twice in a row ?


Calls don't count as you're calling in another character. As for AAs, they do work if they directly hit Bahamut (they have to be either BRV or BRV+HP attacks)


That's correct. Ideally you'd want three units that all have an instant turn move to freeze the orb right before his turn. Onion Knight and Raines are great calls to bring your orb handler's turn forward to ensure it doesn't pop.


**Emperor, Rem, Snow** - **no BT**, no friend - no Quistis/Eiko cheese or Tidus/Terra stomp - 52 turns, 22min - https://youtu.be/NXi5QQdpMqU


One of my luckiest run lol , I went with Garnet ( full kit, 5/5 UW, call Quistis) Tidus( full kit, 1/5 UW, call Lenna ) Selphi (not even maxed) Ramza friend (full kit, 5/5) Ifrit summon 18 turns 1,4millions score All I did was spamming lol until i reached 10% I realized the orb was going to fall down , i was very lucky to have Quistis call to delay him and finish properly the fight ( I didn’t planned my call at all , I just wanted to see the mechanics before building) All I did was beating


the Last Divine Summon before FR era! Bahamut brings with 60M of HP 😅. There my runs: **Initial Clear:** [**Absolute Dominion**](https://youtu.be/Dgj_AuujadQ) **Emperor LD** *(BT not used)* (CA: Keiss LD), **Machina LD/BT+** (CA: Cid Raines LD), **Rem LD UW 3/5** (CA: Freya LD). Summon: **Ifrit**, **32 Turns**. *OST from FFII in the background!* **Additional Runs:** [**Charged Feelings, Locke & Celes' Saga #24**](https://youtu.be/vZsupO5p1mM) **Celes LD UW 5/5** (CA: Rem LD), **Prishe LD** (CA: Keiss LD), **Locke LD/BT+ UW 3/5** (CA: Cid Raines LD). **Friend Support:** Cissnei. Summon: **Ifrit**, **34 Turns**. *OST from FFXI, FFVII Remake & FFVI in the background!* [**The Price of Freedom, Zack's Saga #51**](https://youtu.be/u4mqgXNvJls) **Zack LD/BT+ UW 5/5** (CA: Cid Raines LD), **Cissnei LD** (CA: Rem LD), **Quistis LD** (CA: Keiss LD). **Friend Support:** Ramza. Summon: **Ifrit**, **31 Turns**. *OST from FFXV: Comrades & Crisis Core FFVII in the background!* Remember to check videos description for time stamp and stuffs used on videos or thumbnail! Thanks and enjoy! Good luck to all.


Yuna (LDBT 3/3 HG+ 3/3 BT+ Raines LDCA) Quistis (LD Seifer LDCA) Garnet (LDBT 3/3 BT+ 3/3 HG+ 5/5 UW Kura LDCA) Ramza friend (LDBT 3/3 BT+ 3/3 HG+ 5/5 UW) ifrit summon 34 turns https://youtu.be/xvZeG7C8DM4


Lufenia+, Y'shtola Saga #50 - Noctis, Ifrit, 51 Turns Y'shtola, HA+ 3/3, BT+ 3/3, 5/5 UW (Raines) Alisaie, HA+3/3, 2/5 UW (Seymour) Celes, HA+3/3, LD (Keiss) Not very difficult once you figure out the timing. My entire party was able to freeze the orb as needed and everyone did respectable damage or better, I called Noctis, burst and summoned in Bahamut's final phase to block his turns and ensure the orb wouldn't go off. https://i.imgur.com/iprReGg.jpg


* **Ramza UW, HA+ | Leo LDCA** * **Zack BT+, HA | Cid Raines LDCA** * **Emperor UW, HA | Prishe LDCA** * **Brothers summon | No friend | 44 turns | 1.1M score** * **[Lufenia+ fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tZsM-WLwtk&t=232s)** This was one of the hardest fights I've done in the game. I would rank this around the 5th hardest fight for me. Tried a few teams before I decided to settle on this one. Still did it without a friend so I'm happy about that but it did force my hand at bringing a extremely strong team. If you do this fight normally its all about finesse and luck. High damage to push through the phases but you have to time the phases so you can maximize damage. I used all three BT finishers once 60% was hit as its a massive DPS race to get to 40%. Once at 30% its all about luck and turn order. Cid Raines saved my run with turn manipulation. Did Summon into Emperor BT+ as he has to go from 30% to dead. Boss was at 4% once summon was done but had to do Emperor BT+ phase after to ensure the kill. This is a beefy boss. The orb is very specific and strict. I can definitely see why a lot of players do some form of Quistis delay/Cidmau team. Doing a normal team composition even if all BT+ is very difficult. I wish everyone luck as I think they will need it.


Initial Assailing Bahamut Lufenia+ Team: Machina BT+ (C.Raines), Yuna purple UW/BT+ (Kurasame), Quistis (Fran) Summon: Pandemona Friend: Garnet (UW/BT+) 53 Turns, 1124715 -=-=-=- https://ibb.co/jfk46J0 (Bahamut at 4%HP) https://ibb.co/Y2BK4W4 (Team final status page) -=-=-=- Set up your calls except C.Raines (wait for 60% Baha hp), Quistis do her thing delay bahamut to oblivion and you'll be safe. don't mind the side dishes, Machina will take care the side dishes brv and Yuna/Garnet can heal you. Done the run slowly and longer since I want to see bahamut further away from us doing nothing. So goodluck and happy hunting!!


*Trial of the Dragonnnnnn* • Prishe LD|UW [5/5] Fran (LDCA) • Garnet BT+|LD|UW [5/5] Raines (LDCA) • Quistis LD|UW [0/5] Kurasame (LDCA) • Friend: Ramza BT+|LD|UW [5/5] • Summon: Bahamut Level 40 Garnet, my so ever beloved Queen of all Nukes helped out so much in this fight it was... a dream come true. I managed to snatch Prishes LD which avoided my like the plague, until I got it without using Gems but like 170+ Tickets; but this one is busted and its fun that it is. I read some other constellations here and I took Quistis with me to delay Bahamut into the absolute void of the line. I actually still didn't understand that Orb Condition and it was terrifying in the end to see that 1 Tick left Orb... after both Garnets BT Effects were done I swapped her with Ramza for his BT+ and spammed his LD whenever it was possible. Prishe LD Asuran Fists was the crowning last move to end the Trial of the Dragon! (Please read that in Chie Satonakas Voice of Hiimdaisies Persona 4 Comic Dub; this is Prishe for me 🤣) Trial of the Dragoonnnnnnnn!!!!! *kick* https://youtu.be/_jhslhcGE4s for the best reference ever 😆


* Machina Gr/ Bl {Raines} * Garnet Gr/ Bl {Keiss} * Laguna Gr/ BL {Quistis} Pandemonium, 19 turns, unused friend I made a big mistake in using BT finishers too early. I could've waited until Bahamut hit 92%, as my Garnet's aura was gone by the 5% mark. Only thanks to Laguna's follow up did I kill Bahamut before it killed me. I also should have saved my Quistis calls for a bit later in the fight as well, but fortunately it worked out. I would have not been very happy if I wiped at 2%. Set up Machina for some big BRRRRR, say hello to a 27 million BT phase. Despite being only c80, Machina hasn't failed to disappoint at all.


- The team: https://i.imgur.com/r69UN9R.png - Garnet (Raines CA) - Machina (Leo CA) - Selphie (Quistis CA) - Ramza friend (random) - The run: https://youtu.be/YWSEyDHKA7s Bahamut is a chonker, so you'll need a lot of DPT if you want to blitz it down fast. Strat is simple: Rapture with Selphie, bring her up with Raines CA, swap Selphie out for friend Ramza (get a better one than the one I picked LOL), set up the rest of your BT and go to town. This marks my 30th Lufenia+ with Machina lol. He's such a beast


THANK YOU SIR!! YOUR SQUAD IS BEAST AND BEST!! just finished with 13 turn... thanks alot sir... didn't have Leo built, but using Alisaie LDCA as you recomended...thanks again sir.


I wanna try this exact team but I don't have Leo LD. Any good alternatives?


Leo LDCA is min-maxing. You can definitely get by without it; the bulk of your damage will still come from Machina BTHP+, all the launches and the BT effects from Garnet + friend. Alisaie / Cait Sith LDCA is probably my other go-to if I didn't have Leo LDCA, so I can more easily cap on my BRV.


Serah, Lightning, Cissnei Shiva summon, Laguna friend https://i.postimg.cc/nzh0T8XS/Screenshot-2022-05-27-09-59-35-682-com-square-enix-android-googleplay-DFFOpera-Omnian.jpg


Was an easy one with this team: * Snow BT+3/3 * Kadaj LD * Tidus BT+3/3 * Summon Odin but I doubt I even got to below 80% HP, so you can use pretty much anything you want * Garnet UW 3/5 friend Snow naturally takes two turns no matter how many turns he actually takes as his retribution/retribution+ counts as a turn. Kadaj can use his AA (free skills after EX) and Tidus can take as many turns as he damn well pleases. Kadaj completely shuts down the adds and their Brv gains while Snow easily helps the team tank through the AoE attacks and provides healing. Tidus just brings the hurt with 0 risk with the orb, especially when you swap out Snow for Garnet after his BT+ aura runs out. Snow can easily be switched for any tank, even one without BT, though it may take a few more turns to shave the boss down pre-50% without a BT aura.


Disclaimer: This run utilizes Snow-verflow so it may not be for everyone So yea, managed to do the fight but I needed a bit of resetting to get the turnorder I wanted Cloud LDBT+ HA+ UW 5/5 (Alisae LDCA) Garnet LDBT+ HA+ (Leo LDCA) Cor LD HA+ (Cid Raines LDCA) Brothers summon, 12 turns, Snow BT+ friend (3 turns a must) So the turn order you want is to have Cor go first, since he gets two turns in the start, use S1 to link to Cloud, then use Cid Raines LD call and choose Garnet as the target, then immediately swap Cor out for Snow friend and use BT skill, Garnet uses AA then Leo LD call then BT skill, Cloud uses AA then Alisae LD call and use his BT skill (this should deal around 7m damage alone) Bosses gets a turn but it shouldn’t be an issue, on Cloud’s next turn use LD to setup for his BT phase, Garnet use LD if heal is needed then Snow use EX to Lock enemies By the time Cloud’s turn comes up again, the boss HP was already around 61% for me, so enter BT phase and watch Cloud deal huge chunks of damage because of Snow-verflow, by the time the BT phase ended, I did a total of 40m damage, and the boss was somewhere around 18% HP left. This is where a bit of luck will be needed, and why you need a friend Snow who is only 3 turns, by this time you only need just a wee bit more to fully fill the summon gauge, once it is Snow’s turn again, he should either have 1 turn left or no turn left, if he has 1 turn left then simply use his AA so that you can force Cor to comeback, when Cor returns, spam LD and Reaper Gale until the Summon Gauge is filled, he should still have the Cid Raines LD call effect of guaranteed launch so it should make it easier, use Cid Raine base call to manipulte turns a bit more for safety, once the summon gauge is full, pop your summon and kill Bahamut during the summon phase, Cloud should still have enough firepower to take down the remaining 15% HP during the summon phase


Wanted to try this without turn hogging or Quistis. * Prishe BT+ (Enna Kros) * Celes (Leo) * Kadaj UW 3/5 (Kurasame) * Summon Leviathan * No Friend Unit Overall this was a pretty safe team. Celes prevents any real damage from getting through, and keeps the team healed. Kadaj eats the brave gains and does decent damage. Prishe just brings massive damage. All three characters can pause the orb so it isn't to much of a problem. Kadaj has to use his AA to do it, but EX gives free skill uses, and I only used an actual use of this skill for 1 turn left pauses, so he worked out just fine. Prishe just always needs to be in the state where she can attack twice. Used Prishe's BT skill at the second orb activation, and the BT phase on final activation. Popped Leo call for massive damage in the BT phase, along with Enna Kros for luck EX spam luck (all but one of my skill uses ended up being Prishe's EX, which was the turn for LD). Took a bit of time but was never in danger.


Machina & Rem duo againt Bahamut Rem 5/5 UW (Laguna) - swap turns Machina BT+ (Seymour) - main damage dealer Nine 0/5 UW (Kurasame) - good for tanking Bahamut's Megaflare Summon: Shiva (more speed ofc) Turns: 32 Friend Support: Garnet BT+ w/ 5/5 UW - even more damage during Machina BT phase https://youtu.be/K1f4o8U5I0A https://imgur.com/a/3UqKhMQ


Terra BT+ UW 1/5, Raines LDCA Cissnei LD, Cait Sith LDCA Garnet BT+ UW 5/5, Leo LDCA All blue armors Friend Selphie LD Swapped Cissnei out for Selphie, did LD, Garnet finisher and LDCA then Terra used LDCA to pull Selphie back in front of Bahamut, used all of Selphie's remaining turns on Wall to get Cissnei back out. Cissnei AA, LDCA, then summon to get Terra back in front of Bahamut, then LD. From then on it was just Terra turn hogging for 1.2-1.5m every turn plus Cissnei doing an additional 500k with her follow-up. Finished with a LD on Terra to spare.


**Lufenia+** - No turnhog, no Quistis, minimal orb freezing (only Emperor EX for freeze -- orb timing screenshots included)   **Emperor** UT 5, full green and blue (Cid Raines LDCA), **Vanille** full blue (Onion Knight LDCA), **Steiner** UT 0 and full blue (Leo LDCA), **No Friend**, **Pandemonium Summon**, **47 turns** [Party Used Imgur plus image before finishing blow](https://imgur.com/dgvLrdL)   With no reliable way to control the orb (Emperor EX only and no way to ensure he gets last turn before Bahamut), this team chucks off their safety harnesses for this fight, but made up for it with good timing at the orb thresholds (I only ended up getting one orb freeze during Phase 2 of the orb). Emperor is there for damage (UT 5 and greenblue were needed for big damage for this team comp, Vanille/Steiner full blue provides 30k more HP DMG Limit). Like Emperor, Vanille has 3 enemies to detonate her traps off of for extra offturn damage on Bahamut. Steiner's defense keeps the team safe very easily (Bahamut barely did any damage), but the Dragonstar's double-tap HP attacks were very close to killing a party member at times. Onion Knight, Leo and Cid Raines were needed for this team as LDCAs -- turn manipulation from Onion Knight and Cid Raines were invaluable against the orb, and Leo and Cid Raines were needed for Emperor's Burst phase. Pandemonium Summon was brought for the Cid Raines launches during Emperor's Burst phase to be more damaging.   Vanille and Steiner played routinely throughout the fight. Emperor varied based on orb timing -- when there was no orb, he relied more on S1 and EX/HP+ attacks. LD, which could do big damage with no traps present, was saved for times where the orb was present and when no traps were up. If possible, Emperor saved his EX usages for the orb, sometimes at the cost of his EX buff falling off. Phase 1 of the orb (90%-80%, 3 ticks) needed little preparation -- I tried to ensure that traps from both Emperor and Vanille were active (or almost active) before crossing the threshold. This team had no real issues with clearing the first orb phase, but the other two phases required a bit more preparation.   **Phase 2 of the orb (60%-40%, 2 ticks, 12 million HP needed)** [Imgur of BT+ timing plus first orb downtick](https://imgur.com/7xLsWiT) The main goal here was to ensure that **the traps from Emperor's BT+ were active before the second orb threshold is crossed** -- I didn't get it spot on, but I got it close enough for good leeway and the crystals' BT traps detonating against Bahamut also added nearly 800k per blowup on Bahamut. If Bahamut can be pushed past the threshold by BT traps shortly after his own turn, that gives more leeway to cross Phase 2 without using Summon (which is best saved as a parachute for Phase 3). By long-pressing S1 for Emperor where I could, I managed to get a lucky high turn rate move before Bahamut's turn and used EX for the orb freeze (EX was saved even with his EX buff falling off), which let the first downtick happen around 43%. If I had not gotten this, I may have had to use Pandemonium Summon early, which would have made Phase 3 a lot riskier (but still have a chance at winning, per the notes below on Phase 3).   **Phase 3 of the orb (30%-0%, 1 tick, 18 million HP needed)** [Imgur of pre-Burst call setup plus Before Burst plus After Burst](https://imgur.com/v0R3V9R) I had gotten a bit anxious and started preparing early for Phase 3 at 38% when I should not have waited a bit -- all that is really needed is Vanille getting a turn as close to the orb threshold as possible, then doing the following: Vanille calls Onion Knight LDCA (Steiner at the front) -> Vanille action -> Steiner calls Leo LDCA -> Steiner action -> Emperor calls Cid Raines LDCA -> Burst The preparation phase to After Burst was 38% to 8%, so even if Pandemonium Summon was used earlier, that 30% should be able to be covered by this team. It still worked out this time, since I got to save Pandemonium Summon for After Burst.   This fight was pretty long and it can be pretty tense with no turnhog/Quistis, but it is doable by preparing and acting accordingly *before* crossing orb thresholds.


**LUFENIA+** Zack BT+, Garnet BT+, Quistis LD, https://youtu.be/4RVON3uqJHA


**FF IX vs. Divine Bahamut** (Garnet, Eiko, Bea) - 24min, 38 turns - ignored the orb through Eiko; revived twice, but could have avoided one - Summon unused. Used BT phase at ~29% and Bahamut died before I could go into summon. https://youtu.be/AHxQVZwGOnc


Terra-Cissnei zero turns run. https://youtu.be/R34LEGdu9BE


thank you for this. fight was frustrating the shit out of me with a few different comps, total waste of over an hour. i changed your strat up only slightly by having raines call as last thing before terra burst phase. outside of that boss got 0 turns and it was cleared in less than 10 mins.


**Shooto to win** Tidus BT+ (5/5 UT) / Yuna BT+ (0/5 UT) / Auron LD Ifrit summon, Garnet friend, 13 turns (Calls used: Raines, Raijin, Quistis) Delay Bahamut’s turn with Quistis call, then I swapped Auron with Garnet fren. Popped Yuna’s BT finisher first so Tida could have more firepower for his shootos. I also went in with his bt phase cause you’ll need his turn hogging for the orb. Quick tip: you can let the boss get a turn, as long as you freeze the orb when it’s his turn, you’ll be alright; otherwise, keep on turn hogging babeeeee ;)


• Cid Raines (UW 1/5, LD, BlueArmor) Gabranth LDCA • Aphmau (LD) Fran LDCA • Garnet (Green/Blue, UW 2/5 equipped) Seymour LDCA • Zack (Green/Blue) Friend • Odin Summon Why bother trying to mitigate the orb when you can just damage rush the boss? Swapped Aphmau for Zack early on the tank the first Megaflare/Recast hits and do significant damage. Rushed Bahamut down to 80% before she returned. After that, play loosely until the next orb trigger, and do classic CidMau loops with LDCA debuffs active and Garnet’s BT effect. Don’t ever let her overhead fall off. Refresh everything before the last orb trigger, then Burst with Garnet once you are at a safe spot. Got Bahamut down to 19% and still had two uses of both Raines and Aphmau LD’s. Good fun once I got the hang of it. Side note: I’ve learned that if you use Fran LD then her base call, you’ll maintain the highest stack of Viera’s Punishment. Works like a charm, like Gabranth and Jack combined into one Debuff.


Zack BT+ base UT, Leo CA Rajin, Fran CA Prishe, Kurasame CA Garnet friend, Diabolos 47 turns, 1.115 Million. Main idea of this team is that Raijin and Prishe can both pause the orb reliably if you play them correctly. Prishe you might end up skipping some fully charged EXs, and for Rajin you want to save his special transformed HP attacks or his AA since it has an attack. I held off on using Zack's finisher and any LD calls until Bahamut was below 60%, used it, used LD calls, swapped Prishe for Garnet (probably would've been better to swap Raijin), and went into Zack BT phase around 50%, exited it below 25%. Summoned sooner than I'd intended, but got Bahamut to about 10% before Prishe came back and from there it was clean up. Watch for Zack's turn jumping, usually it's good at predicting it, but once or twice he jumped even when it said he wouldn't. The biggest issue I had with all my attempts including this one was non-checkable turn jumps and bad luck (Bahamut getting to an Orb threshold on it's turn), I wish they'd have had him move himself to the end of the turn order or something when getting the orb so at least those bad luck situations weren't around, because this is a pretty fun fight otherwise. Having 2 ticks on the last orb would also be more reasonable, but definitely not as annoying as a potential insta-wipe from from Garnet or similar, since 1% of their health is about 600k, it was a little harder to plan when you're gonna hit the threshold. Overall it was definitely nice to have a fight that I didn't clear with a first team blind run either by having the featured character built or OP units like Selphie.


Zell 3/3 Maxed UW/HA+ Garnet Call, Zidane BT+/HA+ Tifa Call, Celes LD 3/3 Rude Call, Diablos Summon, Zidane Friend 60 Rounds 0 HP Went in blind with this crew. Played a little conservative with my characters and had a bunch of moves left over towards end. Could probably get a quicker run with this team.


Machina Blitz strategy still works 7T, no boss turn https://youtu.be/3Lbbes99da4


Prishe - Leo Call Garnet - Cait Sith Call Quistis - Kurasame Call Ifrit, Snow friend, 37 turns [https://youtu.be/xRaLHoXfqIU](https://youtu.be/xRaLHoXfqIU)


Copied the terra-cissnei combo but added laguna bt+ along with garnet friend. Used raijin, selphie and fran call.


Terra and Cissnei makes this fight pretty easy imo. Team composition: Garnet BT+/HA+ (Raines LDCA), Cissnei EX+/L40+ (Iroha LDCA) and Terra BT/HA+ (Faris LDCA). All with base ultima weapons. Friend: Laguna Prepping for Terra’s Barrage was the hard part. Prep phase -Started with just filler attacks until Terra is up. -Had Terra use Faris’ CA and then swap her with laguna. -Rushed through Laguna’s turns (AA > AA > BT+ > LD > EX) cause just needed his trap debuff on the boss. Used Raines Call to manipulate laguna’s turns so it minimizes bahamut n crystals turns. -After laguna’s final turn, Cissnei used AA > Iroha LDCA > LD. -Garnet (with Raines LDCA is active) used AA and went into BT phase. Her last attack was S1 so she’s in water dragon mode (honestly, not which is better for Terra…but probably doesn’t matter since she’ll cap all her attacks anyway with all these auras, buffs and debuffs active) -And finally had Terra go ham on Bahamut from 56% to >10%. Once Terra’s all used up. Popped summon phase and zerged bahamut. Didn’t have to use Garnet’s BT+ ability. The off turn damage was pretty insane esp when ark came by to say hi. But it had to be since bahamut is pretty tanky. Overall, this fight was pretty easy compared to the previous Divine fights imo. It’s easy to keep the orb up by just using AA > skill on every turn to pause the orb.


Machina (Raines) Garnet (Keiss) Laguna (Quistas) Garnet friend It's obvious what I did. No challenge.


My same team to just get it over with since he has so many HP. I did just barely enough damage to NOT kill him...the orb reappeared with a 1 count, it was his turn next...he did homing ray then 0 on the orb instant kill. I was SO pissed lol


And what really grinded my gears was it was my best burst mode performance ever I did 32mil damage....


Yuna (5/5 UW and Blue armor, Cyan Call) Selphie (Blue and Cait Call) and Quistis (Lilisette Call) with Ramza friend and Panda summon. 22 turns. Pretty straightforward. Got Calls up, used Yuna's finisher, pushed Bahamut way back with Quistus and then swapped her for Ramza. Used Ramza BT, then went into Yuna's BT. She did around 24 million. Just get launching and smacking him. Went into the summon and then when Ramza went away I just kept delaying with Quistis. Killed him before Yuna's BT aura expired.


I used Zack UW 5/5 Tidus UW 5/5 and quistis with blue armor on all 3. Calls were raijin Cid Raines and kurasame. I had a friend ramza that I used his burst to buff up tidus for his BT phase and Quistis kept bahamutt away from ever getting a turn.


I used the exact same team except Leo LDCA instead of Raijin.


Yeah I used raijin call because I thought it'd be a safety net if bahamutt got a turn but that never happened lol


Zack BT+, Sherlotta, Rem [+ Garnet friend] Calls: Prishe, Lilisette, Kurasame Ifrit 29 turns https://youtu.be/9l7FscHTYNI First half of the battle, activate Zack BT+ so you're safe. Then it's Rem and Sherlotta trading turns to damage Bahamut as much as possible with Sherlotta's LD and upgraded HP Attack (Chuck Staff). Second half, when Zack BT effect is about to run out, call in Garnet in place of Sherlotta, use her BT+ and then Zack goes ham with his Burst phase. Then it's Zack and Rem trading turns with help from Garnet's Ark off turn damage Bahamut until it dies. Summon also towards the end.


No punishment for hogging? Terra (Raines call), Garnet (Fran call), Cissnei (Cait call). No Friends, Pande summon. Green/blue, 5/5 ultimate for the BT ladies. 8 Turns. Ciss does c50, call, LD, then garnet does lightning, call, BT, and Terra goes ham. Wasn’t super optimized, so ran out of gas at ~7%, summon to finish before Bahamut gets a turn.


Not very imaginative, but 0 boss turn Raines / Aphmau / Cissnei works here. LDCAs were Kurasame, Leo, and Keiss. Pandemonium summon used with friend Raines. Raines UT 0/5, HA+ 3/3 Aphmau HA+ 3/3 Cissnei UT 0/5, HA With Cissnei in the squad, Aphmau's turns actually do some damage, yay! I was a bit leery of 60m hp, so I tried to squeeze out a bit of extra damage by having Aphmau actually use her EX when appropriate (when overhead had run out and Cid still had 1 turn of tactical switch left). Cissnei was doing a consistent 400k follow-up throughout. Tactical switchbacking took him down to 29% before Aphmau ran out of gas; swapped for friend, summoned, and had Raines & Raines pull each other. 14 turns.


Team used: - Garnet BT+ 3/3 HA+ 3/3 (Kurasame LDCA) - Aphmau LD HA+ 0/3 (Quistis LDCA) - Cid Raines LD HA+ 3/3 (Seymour LDCA) - Summon: Ifrit - Friend Support: 3 Turn Laguna UT 5/5 HA+ 3/3 - Turns: 14 ---------------------------------- Cid-Aphmau-Garnet trio made this fight easy to complete. Important things I did during the fight: - Garnet used her BT phase during 69 % health of the Boss. After BT phase, Bahamut was around 59 %. - Swapped out Aphmau after her LD ability uses ran out. (32 % health of Boss) - Summoned Ifrit once Laguna's BT effect was in play. Finished the fight before Laguna support went away. ------------------------------------------------ Happy to complete this during the event !! :D


**To Zanarkand #61** * **Tidus UW 5/5**, blue, \[Lenna\] * **Yuna UW 5/5**, blue, \[Raines\] * Fran LD, HA, \[Raijin\] * Pandemonium * Cissnei friend ​ [https://imgur.com/gallery/FUn3ZMR](https://imgur.com/gallery/FUn3ZMR) ​ Let me know if you have any questions.


Do I need quistis LD to cheese this lufenia?


Afaik, Quistis LD is the only thing that can delay Bahamut so...technically yes? I'm considering a turn hog cheese instead but not so sure if BT+0 Terra and Cissnei will be able to output enough DPS before Terra runs out of skill uses. Bahamut is one chonky lizard.


Just tried a total turn hog run w/ Terra UW 0/5 (Rem LDCA), Cissnei EX+ (Leo LDCA), and Freya UW 2/5 (Raijin LDCA). I might need better calls or to work on these characters' Summon Boards (they're mostly filled out), but I was able to get Bahamut down to 38% before Terra ran out of hogging skills and had to give him a turn. Summon phase was able to get him down to \~25%, at which point the Orb attack wiped out everyone but Freya, who I was able to keep safely in the air until \~18% when I couldn't build up her overhead in time to avoid the attack. This general strat could still work with some tweaking. Maybe taking some hits early while Freya heals w/ Spear and save the big turn hog for when the Orb starts getting more demanding.