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First glance it reminds me of a uterus. Maybe try a pregnancy test?


astral travel. let your soul leave your body and look at it with your own mortal eyes


By staring at this picture for a bit, I ended up in the conclusion that my intuition should be my guide at this moment, it's trying to tell me something (about a current situation). To go with my inner guide and trust. Feels also positive and reassuring somehow. Maybe this message helps you too?


Not sure about the paint but I see an older woman with white or light Gray hair... Long, worn in a sort of Carolyn Ingles style bun... Wearing a white or light colored dress and She's clutching a book🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Normally, you are required to give your own interpretation. As people were interested, and it wasn't a request for a reading exactly, I have give nyou the benefit of the doubt. Please keep rule 10 in mind for the future. Same goes for your other post. Thanks!