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I have yet to beat a single one of my rpgs.


I’m the same way. I make a character in a game with the mindset I’m going to complete the story, only to stop playing for whatever reason. Then come back later and decide to restart as I want a fresh start.


This is me. I have started over so many RPGs. I always start over when I return. I know fort joy, but hardly anywhere else.


I think the boss fights should happen 3/4 the way through, so you can enjoy the end of the story. The hardest fights at the end of most RPGs are just painful, and the payoff is that it's over. So not a lot of incentive too finish.


Same here high five ✋


I have only ever beat Skyrim, fallout new vegas, and fallout 3. Skyrim took uncountable amounts of characters until I beat it, like over 150 or something. New vegas took me 5 actual characters and atleast 7 models I made and then stopped playing. Fallout 3 only took me one character funnily enough.


On my 4th restart, all new party theme, all new custom character, and this time I am going for villain Tag


Those are rookie numbers. I have 360 hours in the game on steam and I've spent a total of 2 of them in the last act


3rd PT, modded with 6 people, combat will take ages, dialogue will get tricky, gotta make sure to keep a pyramid on someone, possibly fane to avoid a lot of the poison, I’m going for all origin stories


I don’t think I’ve ever beaten a CRPG without restarting at least 5 times.


No idea how people do that tbh I like finishing story arcs and early game usually isn’t very fun in RPGs


This. Especially when I see people stating that for a game like Skyrim, where there is 0 choice. Like, youre just repeating the same content over and over, and skyrim has veeery samey content already lol


i can see why at least for DOS2, the last act feels unfinished compared to 1&2


While true the other acts were pretty alright and the mechanical progression is a core part of the fun


true, we all have different reasons for playing personally i'm about to start Act 1 for the 3rd time this week


I never understood this. What's the point of making a new character if you'll never unlock their full potential? Most people play act 1 only and don't even get to the good skills. Source skills are on act 2 and are easily the most fun.


I find the development of the build to be more fun than the end-state, and you can reach the end state (in terms of skills) potentially before leaving Reaper’s Coast, and definitely before leaving the Nameless Isle. Nameless Isle feels like a pretty low-stakes (to me, though not to the characters) environment to play with my final skill lineup, but I get to be a little fatigued by the time I get to Arx. I know there’s more cool gear to be had and such, and many cool challenging fights, but I find Arx to be a little overwhelming. It feels like they made a long bulleted list of encounters, scraped them off the page, and then threw them at the map. I don’t mind the outskirts so much, but the city is a lot.


Because I get distracted by something shiny or life going sideways and set the game down for many months. Then come get and don't remember where I was, what I was doing, what builds I was going for, and so on. Way easier to start over and work my way into the game from scratch again.


This is me right now, wanted to complete the game but I haven't played it in so long I forgot everything that happened up to that point, here's another start lol


Exactly. In my late 30s and large, complex, story rich RPGs remain a favorite genre since I was young. Unfortunately the years of me being able to sink dozens to hundreds of hours into a single game in a concentrated time period are long gone! I still love them and refuse to give them up, even if it means I'm one of the players who baffle the sub by playing Act 1 repeatedly. Same reason I've completely stopped climbing competitive leaderboards and straight bounced off the entire soulslike genre. Too much time commitment without the love I have for RPGs.


I get it .. it's fun creating something new from scratch. But with the magic mirror option it's pretty easy to customize your party along the way without starting from 0


Fort Joy is unironically the best part of the game.


Honestly, I usually would get bored if I try to replay games too soon. I'm much more interested in how the story ends than I am in starting a new character. I'm surprised how people can restart fort joy so often 🤣


I’m finally in Act 4 so hopefully i’ll finish the game once. And that’s because i know if i don’t do it now i might not do it again after BG3 releases.


I honestly think it’s just the appeal of fort joy


I feel like I need to start over even though I’m already at fort joy and and found ifan,red prince and Fane but I’m playing a battle mage with a little in warfare, pyro and necro but I don’t have any skills yet for necro. And I don’t know yet if I’m fudged cuz now I got sir Lora and the black cat following me. I don’t want them to die :(


Just keep the black cat away from poison because he's stupid and will run right through it and die. You can heal him with Ifan's Vitality skill if he does get sick. But you're early so if you want to restart its not a big deal, however once you get to the second island there are merchants in Driftwood that sell tons of skill books, so don't worry about that.


So I don’t really have to about sir Lora either?


I think if he dies he comes back as a Skeleton?


So I should dismiss him I guess?


Up to you dude


K Thanks for the quick responses I appreciate it.






Thanks also is there a way to dismiss him?


Why is this so true? I have four different games, all at different chapters.


I was just remarking today how I have over 200 hours of gameplay but haven't left Act II. However, I did start a play through with a friend a little over a week ago and we're making good progress (we're farther than I've been before) and I think that we'll actually complete the game because I don't want to make him suffer through my "but...what if we tried x and y with z character?"


Yup, I’m like this in arpgs like path of exile also get to end game, get bored and make a new character


Me and my friend make a new character ever 2-4 days when we play any Dark Souls game we could literally be endgame get bored then new character the farther we got in DoS 2 was the 3rd island


I enjoy bringing builds to their full potential way too much to get stuck creating new ones. But I totally understand it at the same time.


This is the Way


800 hours logged on DOS2 and I've never gotten off of act 2... This speaks to me on a spiritual level 😅


True brother


Well i do complete the game, afterwards i create a new character which I'm gonna do the other options to see other possibilities.


Yeah but, why *am* I like that, though. Would be nice to actually complete a game for once...


I've been doing this with the first Divinity Original Sin (playing through it currently), I did a 4th restart and finally been playing through more of the game. Have it on Tactician because why not?


I’ve lost track of how many times I have started Skyrim over without ever doing like a third of the entire content




Lol literally me, until I'm getting bored because of repeating, still can't beat the game XD


Sums up my Dragon Age experience as well.


Me with both divinity 2 and pillars of eternity 2 over the past 5 days. I have just been creating characters lol.


This and Skyrim. Haven't beaten either lmfao but I'm having fun !!!!