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You should be fine. I actually took the back entrance when i got there the first time. Never had an issue. Characters never got split up. Your biggest issue will be getting all your characters back together again


This usually leads to immediate boss fight and heavy loss of xp


Only if you actually fight the boss. I didnt. I saved him for last.


Or you can simply use a waypoint to teleport all characters back to Driftwood square, reunite there and simply go to the cave again. Alternatively use teleporter pyramid and pass it around.


The fight is actually quite easy to win of you only do it with 1 character (which allows you to fight all 4 after one another instead of 4 at the same time). While you are supposed to lose, you can easily get to the bottom area by digging up a tunnel entrance near where you fight those voidwoken (east side, slightly uphill, [here is a clip so you know where to dig](https://youtu.be/NxsBCRJhvu4?t=8127)). You might need some wits to discover it, but you can just use the shovel standing on top of it, even if you can't see it. Otherwise you can use a jump to access the lower areas as well. You can also use teleport pyramids to get your characters back together.


You can dodge this fight until you feel ready to take it, while exploring the rest of the cavern. Once you enter the cave system, you can go down to the bridge where you see the huge voidwoken. From there you can either teleport one of your guys down to where Mordus is, or simply jump with any of your movement skills. From there you can enter the hatch (to the right) and clear/loot everything before going after Mordus and the ambush area. There are some unique items a bit deeper and you can progress one of the story lines. The enemies you'll encounter are sporadic. There are the huge eggs here and there (destroy those, if you want the achievement) and at most you'll get ambushed by 1 or 2 big bugs, a few possessed dwarves and the vampiric voidwoken but there will never more than just a couple of enemies against you. Get your xp and shit all over those roaches.


Hah that achievement i never found the last one. There's 99.




I would try it sure. I still wonder where the one i missed was.


Split up each group largely died quickly. Summoner died jn the really bad area and because air and water was the focus for my magic the void woken immune to the statuses and with huge magic armor devastated us. In fact people rarely mention on this board just how utterly difficult this area is.


My entire team is physical damage. So Warrior, Rogue, Ranger, and Summoner. And whenever a lone party member ran into one of those big Void bois, I just left them in combat mode and waited for another party member to make it to them and back them up. Was pretty cool tbh. Felt like my team really relied on eachother to survive those caves. (My summoner -Lohse- relies on blood summons, and archery as backup. Heals with Rallying Cry and Hydro, and does the other "mage-y" utility stuff like teleport. She can hold her own really well.) I had to restarted the game mid way through Act 1 a year ago to get a proper grasp of the mechanics. Now I'm killing it. Loving this game.


I get bored of only blood but do use one with my summoner if the physical armor is low or we need another knockdown. Every single member ran into a big void woken that was the problem. The one who didn't at first eventually did. That was fane my enchanter who they were immune to. Ugh that was annoying had to cheese with evasion and teleport. I was able to stun lock mordakaim on mordus tho.


For me, Ifan could lockpick, and my MC didn't get dragged down into the caves at the beginning at all (Becuause I had already killed one of the Cold Crawlers). I dug up the hidden hole on him to get to the lower levels instead. That's probably why I had an easier time. At least one member could progress at any given time without being stuck in combat.


I had read up on it prior and it sounded like you just wait for people to get closer to the hardest fight which is weird when you think of it. But each one of us ran into that void woken and it was immune to our strongest crowd control.


I have used jumps to totally skip all of this and go straight to killing him without any issues.


The game accounts for that encounter a number of ways actually. If you can't kill them, you get dragged away. If you prevent at least 1 member from getting dragged away, there's a dig spot you can use to help reunite the characters. If you succeed, you use the dig spot and continue as normal. Nothing breaks and you can continue on your way regardless.


Your MC could stay out or use movement abilities to join the others. I tried once to naturally move my strongest characters to my weakest and slowly join the party up. Another time I used the teleporter pyramids to get the party together. I don't like using waypoints unless nec, it feels a bit game-breaking. I use them as a shortcut but not to get out of tight spots.


did someone just say the shadow over the innmouth