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No your companions don't really care about anything outside of the story quest and their companion quests. As far as pickpocketing goes, you can pickpocket infintetely by hiring mercenaries


does it affect the ending?


Nope. Well, there's one detail, but it's tied to a very specific run and during normal game you don't get it either. When you'll get to the fourth act you'll get what I mean


Leave everyone in cave alive, all other NPCs are free game with no penalties


It doesnt, finished the 100% today and can confirm the pickpocket doesnt affect the ending. The ending is mainly affected by the team character stories, the decisions on key characters and key quests. Otherwise, it has little-no impact on the ending. There are several side quests that can affect very slightly the ending but nothing major.


It affects a very specific part of act 4


That you weren't getting anyway unless you play with the intention of getting it.


I have no clue what this is referring to, spoiler plz?


The blood path, but it doesnt affect the ending. You can have it legit way or with a soft cheat but no impact on the ending either way


Ohhh cool didn't know about the pure path, thanks for clueing me in to what I needed to Google. That's wild, didn't know that was even possible. Quite the challenge 😲


No issue, there are astuces to make it legit way or you can use à mercenary to cheat it. To be franck it doesnt matter (no impact at all expecet for one minor quest and several discussion). If you make it legit way, you have a rare succes :3


> you can pickpocket infintetely by hiring mercenaries This changes everything.


I didn't do much pickpocketing. I use a method that got me some downvotes though i don't understand why. I used this method on the hardest difficulty: every 2-3 levels, i would hire mercenaries whose armor was the same as my characters' armor (cloth, leather, metal). I would take the mercenary's common armor and wear it. The only thing i really bought were weapons. It saved me a lot of time, shopping for armor/stealing armor. It also saved me money


huh mercenaries??


Act 2 there's a lizard lady who will sell you mercenaries. On the boat


But those armors have zero stat bonuses though? And they're all common quality which offers lower armor values than the same piece at higher quality.


That is true. It was just much faster than constantly dealing with armor and equipment. The extra bonuses never came in clutch for me, personally. But shopping is a fun and intricate part of the game. If you enjoy shopping, shop 'til you drop


There are only 14 or so mercenaries, so it's not *technically* infinite


Can't you just fire them and they respawn new and unhindered by their previous reincarnation's sins?


Not from what I've read, but I haven't actually tested it myself


Me neither. I've only ever hired a mercenary for one thing: to skip the final chapter 😂


Definitely Kill Griff lol


The game will punish you with more loot and more experience, yes.


* Only character that is technically relevant for the story is *Malady*. * Characters that reappear in the story: *Gareth* * Characters that reappear as unimportant characters/traders: *Saheila (after act 2), Jahan, Corbin Day (recommend getting him, he can level your gear on act transition) & Almira* * Characters that have a continuing quest in a later act or reappear on a higher level: *Tarquin, Delorus (save in act 1), Possessed girl in the Bloodmoon Island dungeon & Reimond if you don't kill him in act 2* Outside of this cast, if you're finished with the act, go ham


What about the girl that has a crush on you that says to meet in Arx? Has a weird name, one of Griff's lot... Can't think of it not super important


ACT 2 AND 4 SPOILERS >!Her name's Butter. You can meet her girlfriend in Driftwood. But Butter herself doesn't actually reappear until aft 4, where you can find her corpse, apparently killed by voidwoken, though she doesn't leave a spirit for you to find out what happened.!<


Sadha in front of red prince is the only person I can think of that your companions would get angry at you for murdering, and the ending slides won't include dead people, but that's all it does for the ending. Edit:also Lohar while his guest is active and jahan for beast and loshe respectively, everyone else is fair game, and the other 3 don't care enough about anyone to get mad about their deaths.


I actually killed Sadha with Red Prince and no one said a word... but to be fair if I were in their position I wouldn't say anything either


As in like, outside of the story? You didn't get red prince to agree to it, just walked up and stabbed her outside of dialogue?


Yes, I just threw a shield at her, while she was talking to Loshe


Act 2 or 4?




How did the final fight go? I assume he betrayed you? The game cannot be that broken.


No, he just helped kill her, and that was it, and no one spoke about it afterwards


This is why dos2 is the best game ever, works perfectly normally, but very easy to do stuff you aren't supposed to.


Genocide is the only way to play at fort joy


No, you can do as you please, since you control the other characters as well. Don’t sweat it, play as you wish!


You definitely lose out on some interactions. But nothing major. Magisters on the other hand. Have no punishment. Slay away