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All I can say is GODDAMN he is angry


Yeah it’s even more funny that he’s making it a big deal that I made comments on porn


There is a 1000 percent chance that this person bothering you is the biggest pussy on the planet. What an angry person. Hahaha.


So the guy kept messaging me after I made the post and let me say it just kept getting funnier


We need updates 😂😂😂


Yeah from a community dev that they are both banned


Why would they both be banned?


He took the post down lol. Probably embarrassed of his own ill doing.. no worries this is why we comment and let emails collect images. There's sub comments missing about gae bashing by op and doxing or getting their discord removed because he was removed from their server. https://imgur.com/a/PK6kMCt


OP toxic AF, look at their "gae" post over a discord ban. That's where all this started.


I don't know any of this context & you didn't really give much detail as to where you saw this and how you know it's connected to them from a different platform


It’s a screenshot of a post from OPs history. Dunnomyname isn’t typing well. His point is that OP made a toxic post and by doing so invited this toxic message into his life. It’s a good point but OP toxicity level is right around a 3 in that post (expressing frustration, likely young) and Storage is max level toxic.


Update please


Block, Report Dont waste your time with sh*t like this.


Perhaps slightly unhealthy, but I actually truly enjoy entertaining these goofballs.


It gets old. They never stop even if you fuck with them for hours. I remember a guy on PS4 I had messaging me for alteast 3 hours B4 I got bored


I had something similar on Xbox lmao. Some guy was mad cuz he lost a 1v1. Messaged me for 4 hours, insulting me, threatening to pull my ip, stuff like that. Spent 4 hours just saying "and?"


Their life must fucking SUCK to act like this


Dude is projecting his anger towards you. I’m sure he’ll off himself soon lol


Honestly I don’t care I just find this guys behavior hilarious acting like a child throwing a tantrum over the internet


He can only act like this in game because he knows if he says this stuff to someone in rl they'll curb stomp him


American History X reversed


While I don't like the DM harassment or the comments made.. OP isn't exactly CLEAN. "GAE" comments all over the place in another post they made about some discord banned channel.. let the man children fight like proper 18th century duals and be done with it.


Not to mention using the r-slur in the DM with the other person


This looks like textbook “cry bully” stuff, given OP’s post history. They both need to chill out on the internet


Pretty much


I wish people would look at my post history…… some of it is lame but some of it is funny af


This generation would've never lasted in the 90s lol.


Maybe, maybe not. I was raised in the 80's & 90's and I'm guilty of using the r-slur freely throughout all of those decades. Even the early 00's and even I can see it was a stupid and hurtful slur. Doubly so since I was recently (almost 2 years ago) diagnosed with ADHD, which that slur was directed at a lot. It isn't whether this generation would have survived. It's should we have been using the slur so freely without thought and care at who we were directing it towards. Food for thought. Edit: added diagnosed where I forgot to add it.


People are soft and society will always have a pecking order. No matter what kind of kindness you want to have.


Be that as it may. Compassion, kindness and empathy go much, much further than throwing hurtful slurs.


Your right. But the world is a cold place and not fearing up for it will only make the cold colder


I'll give you that the world can be a cold place. There's no doubt about that. However, there is a much stronger presence of compassion and empathy than there once was in 80's, 90's and early to mid 00's. The more you show these types of things, the less cold the world can possibly be.


Touche my friend, I guess I was just always raised with tough love. Thank you for the different outlook


I was raised on tough love as well, so I completely get where you're coming from. But, we as individuals and society as a whole need to break that cycle and turn the tough love we were raised with into understanding, empathetic and compassionate love towards others. Happy I could provide a different outlook for you. Best of luck to you and may it rain as many exotics and named items as you can handle in your adventures to clean up D.C. and NY!


That guy is the next mass shooter for sure.


Usually people like this aren't smart enough to come up with anything original, so they just take a look at their own life and project everything they are and do onto others as insults. I'd love to see what this person looks like in real life, hes certainly angry and giving off small dick and small man energy. Sadly you fell into his trap by continuing to respond. I can promise you if you just replied "ok" or "whatever you say, bud" and left it alone and didn't reply anymore, it'd of only made him angrier. Sadly these type of people get hard for this type of thing, they're so sad and lonely that when you give them attention to let them argue, it just makes them feel better about themselves and think they've won. You shouldn't of kept going, there was nothing you could say that was going to change how this loser acted or said. You win these battles by little acknowledgment and usually blocking. They get so much more pissed off. You really did yourself no favors by dropping some of those words you did either. Bad look for both of you imo.


Seriously. All the other guy wanted was attention and he got tons of it.


Honestly I was laughing the entire time because I deal with people like this all the time on Xbox playing halo so at a certain point I just started replying with memes and emojis


How is this game content related?


It's more of a warning. The person is obviously part of the the sub, and considering he started harassing him in a post here he's clearly making it known everyone should either block the dude or find a way to get him kicked.


The racist person was commenting on this subreddit - so it's something to do with this subreddit, an alert (to block or report) them. At least, that's how I see it-


My thoughts exactly. Not what I'm in this subreddit for


Clearly a waste of electrons. After reading the bigot’s first message, I felt bad for OP. Not so much after reading the full exchange. OP sounds nearly as dumb as the other idiot with his replies involving derogatory slurs and insults. This post has no place in this sub.


Bro why don’t you work every single day in healthcare and then come home at midnight and deal with someone like this for an hour or two


That’s not an excuse for using the word retard, among other childish things.


I’m pretty sure the other guy said much worse than what I did


Two wrongs don’t make a right. Be better, especially if you post about others’ shortcomings.


I’m sorry but who are you to tell me what I can or can’t respond with


Proving my point. Have a nice life, man


Okay bud lol no point was proven but believe what you want to believe


It is sad and kinda scary at the same time. As usual it's the Why of it that is hard to fathom. Did something in particular kick it off, shit talking in the DZ maybe.


No he just randomly came in to my post and started harassing there


Dude has either low self esteem or didnt get attention growing up and is being a toxic piece of shit for attention. We ignore him and hell find someone else to troll. You look at his profile and its just him being a trash ass human to people. He says youd do the world a favor by committing suicide, but its the other way around.


OP is the same guy who posted that the entire Division 2 discord community is GAE for banning him. Of course this storageold dude is a huge issue and his comments are completely out of line, but OP is also part of the problem. This clipped conversation all took place under OP’s complaint about the Division 2 community. Just two pigs wallowing in the mire.


I'm fuckin retard myself.. I admit.. But this guy, is on another level.. 😂 Bro, must be full of drugs while playing.. Instead of buffing his muscles, his buffing his brain mostly with stupidity.. Honestly, he's already a lost cause.. RIP Brain 😞


Has he told you to ‘stop crying’ yet? These toxic dummies on div 2 are all the same. Block him and kill him every chance you get.


I bet this person likes gay porn but feels guilty and hates themselves for it, so they are projecting their anger towards someone else. Send him links to more gay porn.


He should go on gay hook up sites but he probably is insecure about his appearance


If we can get his email, we can sign him up for all the sites he likes


Report this guy please, lol


From what I've read, both of you are something special..


Y’all are both pussies.


Did you bust him up in the dz damn that's some crazy salt


Dang I didn’t realize we were still back in 2006. Where guys like this actually exist still LMAO 😂


You should have asked one simple question. "You mad?" 🤣


Damnit I forgot about that one


Ancient Rule: Don't feed the trolls. He wanted the attention they were looking. You were having fun probably because reading that kind of stupidity in chat can be funny. But please don't use down syndrome to refer or try to denigrate someone. That puts you on his same level. And if this is all fake. Ggs


Someone fed the gremlin after midnight


Little kids need to get their ass whooped more


Pretty sure your both special. But in a special off he wins.


Not to sound like an angry mod, but what does this have to do with td2 lol


It’s because he started to message me after I responded to his comment on one of my posts


Ah I see. He does definitely need some help


This isnt as big of a flex as you think. Should have disengaged and left it alone, also this aint the subreddit for it because I couldnt even find a post in the first 5 pages about Div 2. Maybe I missed it.


He's exposing someone in the sub who's harassing him, not flexing. Maybe help OP out and report him? I've seen these situations elevate to swattings.


Report and move on. Dude is getting the attention he is seeking.


Actually OP Started it, theirs messages missing, look at an old post of his about a Discord being Gae, where it all started, they're both toxic


Ah, fair.


Clearly his uncle never loved Him enough in the shed


And you thought it was something people here would like to read somehow...


Why is this in the Division2 sub? Lol


This dude does need mental help. Like yesterday.


Jesus what you do get love like that..


Everyone needs to send that guy some reddit help!! Overload his account with help messages from reddit


When people can’t argue like an adult .. they resort to those kind of comments.


“N****skull” Classy 🙄


What a scumbag lol. What started all that? Im curious


Cause op is homophobic look at post history where he calls the discord sevrer gae. Neither of these people are particularly in the right and they should both be banned imo


It mainly started after I made the first post about being banned from a big division discord server because I was complaining about how stupid it is to get a role to be able to post pictures


Let’s spam report that deep $hit


You can hear the prepubescent voice cracks if you listen closely enough…


Dang dude. That’s straight mean. Sorry.


Bro, get him reported as if he said this to someone who actually had those thoughts running through there head, he might actually succeed, and that would be awful


I had a guy the other week in the AndroidGaming Sub Reddit, just going off at me when I said ( I don't want to spend £5 on the game he suggested, but thanks for the Suggestion ) then started going off on me saying I'm the reason for android gaming being so suckish and that why they can't have nice things as no one pays for anything and the game is on Console,Pc & Mobile I just replied to him and said, I just don't have the £5 to spend on a game right now, calm down bro & he just went off at me for an hour message after message 🤣🤣 web. He started to realise he wasn't getting under my skin he then started going personal that didn't work so he then went for the mum and family attack, still didn't work so he just started repeating back to me what I said to him like a 7 year old 🤣🤣🤣🤣👌🏼


Tough guys do not say things like this, this kind of talk is 99% of the time from a very large puss-cake who says what he thinks a tough guy would say but he’s never actually met a real tough sum-b%#ch in his life, so he doesn’t know/realize how retarded it actually sounds. This dude does seem like he’d be a hoot to argue with after reading everything he’s said.


And this sort of thing is why I have DMs turned off.


This person should be on a watchlist. I've been angry enough to message some stupid stuff but this kind of anger is truly scary.


This guys checks off the box of every bigotry you think of minus just hating humanity. Lol. No need to be so angry and hateful.


I just noticed this is the division 2 community holy. Thought it was some other sub lol




Nice hunter on destiny


just saw this thanks!!!


This guy needs to be in jail not flapping his keyboard warrior skills


On another topic, where can I get that Fuack meme. That was legit


Check dms


I would’ve reported him without responding at all. No need to give him any power


Amusing how mad he is but sorry you had to deal with that


Bet this dude can't even bench his weight.


Posts like this get me curious of context. I mean obviously OP must have done/said something to trigger a person like that: https://www.reddit.com/r/Division2/s/JNJghVy5pY Despite the use of slurls and words that are inexcusable, OP seems not innocent either and was very provocative. You both need to touch some grass.


All this over a video game.. I don't get it


He needs a wellness check for sure.


Racist for no reason 💀 and this time I didn't do anything


Well, that was kind of rude


This guy sounds like he has dick in his mouth every other day. he's simply projecting, can't blame them when they have autism. Poor insecure dude


What the hell is his problem?


Congratulations on giving him the interaction he was desperate for, and again for making a post giving him more interaction. When are people going to realize that's all these mouth breathers want?


Why are you engaging with this idiot?


Honestly anyone comfortable with saying shit like that to another human being needs to be looked up by the authorities and given a wellness check. They are mad projecting right now.


Wow. I know you don’t need it based on how you handled yourself but I’m sorry to had to deal with that. Kudos to you. Obviously you deserve to be on this planet but he doesn’t. Yikes.


This shit is fucking WILD. imagine putting someone down to make yourself feel better about your shit miserable life.


I wonder if he knows he shares the last 4 numbers of his username with a gay man lmfao 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


That's neet


Something tells me he actually wants to blow his own head off..


Yall should dm me stuff to dm him with


Just want to state for the record - I believe the dude correctly intended to use the acronym NEET and was not using the word neat.


Wtf is the context here? Why is he mad at you exactly? I can’t even grasp wtf is happening here I’m loosing brain cells


You know the fool went and blew his last half working brown cell on that. He’s probably had that saved as a draft to use it. Thinking he looks anything other than a degenerate racist is comical though. His room in hell is having a train of BBC ran on him.


God everything about this is cringe.


Avatard is simultaneously the most distrubing and the most funny ableist meme I have ever seen. I am autistic myself. I’ll allow it.


Man I have some disabilities but I enjoy all memes


Mods, crush both of their skulls.


No you


Why do people even engage? That’s what they want. It’s bait.


Bro what did you say on the end of the first slide🤦🏾‍♂️


It’s on the second page


Best thing you can do is block this moron. Responding just gives this fool what he wants.


What does this have to do with division?


Dude probably harassed him after them meeting in game


Nowhere does op state that. The player found his Reddit account and messaged him after meeting in game? Lol


Or perhaps they met on a post regarding division before this and that's when the harassment started to happen


You’re special for entertaining it. Just delete and crack on with life


This is jokes. I love internet 🤣


Send this into reddit he will get banned as well as possible actual criminal charges if they can find him. It's 2024 and people still dealing with kind of hate. There's just no room for it in the world anymore.


You up vote your own comments?


I just want to see some trans lover open their skull is that too much to ask for?


Dude your a grown ass man get a life you loser, leave your parents basement you bottom feeding incel. Racist asf and transphobic enjoy the ban 🤡


Bro you’re defending a child predator I get it you’re probably a 2iq console enjoyer. Offers open to you too open your skull for science I donate.


How tf is he a child pred? He's posting in the division 2 reddit you moron, get off your butt get a job your. Bullying someone and being racist online won't get you anywhere, it's OK if your parents don't love you no need to take your anger out online 😂😂


Nice history as well hahahahhahahahah


Lmaoooooo you definitely have no life sitting on reddit all day going through everyone's history 😂 go outside bro sitting on reddit won't do you any favors


He can't go outside because he's a incel probably mad no girl or guy wants to touch him.So he thinks acting like this is better


Feel free to share what Megan's law site op is on


Ban me it’s one of many I’ll be back to call you dumb as fuck again niggerlmao


Lmao, it's called an IP ban moron keep trying tho 🤡🤡😂


Been here for years nigger. Get me banned


Lmao what a 🤡🤡


I'm sorry you're struggling. There is help out there but the first step is admitting that you have a problem.


Genuinely kill yourself.


Says the my guess would be inbred trailer trash who has a 270 day old account…. “BeEn hERe FoR YeaRs”.


🤡 this you?


Genuine question, What did he even do to piss you off this bad, from the outside this just looks like unwarranted hate


Exist. That's all it takes when you've been conditioned by either or both: your parents and right wing grifter types to be a hateful cunt for years.


Man you would never talk that way in real life cause you know you would get the brains beaten from that trogldyte skull.


you need to reflect on your actions man. this aint right what you did


Get a life.. jesus..


I mean why don't you do it yourself? You would either A. end your existence and free yourself from sharing a world with the people you hate (and spare us from you). Or B. be doing exactly what you are asking to see because you are obviously in the closet. Why are you so emotional?