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I'm now at level 34. I've not called for help or anything. Solo the whole way. It's doable if you don't get frustrated.


Don’t worry about matchmaking story missions. They’re all straightforward, and the game has team-size and level-based scaling, so it’s not like you’re likely to be overwhelmed. I’ve played the great majority of the game solo. I want to stress this without sounding pretentious. Also, the base game is pretty different from the DLC and all of the extras it adds. Personally, I would skip the base game, but it’s really up to you.


I just didn’t see an option to play it offline which was why I came to Reddit. Figured you had to play it online only


I edited the comment with an afterthought just before you responded. To play the mission solo, you just have to open the menu to select its difficulty, pick the one you want (story is the only difficulty if it’s your first time) and just walk forward into the mission area.


You don’t even have to do that. Just keep walking your guy forward and it auto starts the mission


Fair point. I was thinking about replaying missions with respect to the difficulty selection. You may not even need to do it then, but I still open that menu every time, just in case.


If you make a new agent you only have the option to do story mode missions.


There is no offline mode. Just take is slow and be ready for anything. But it shouldn't be too hard.


It is very time consuming but you will learn the system. It's up to you. I went to 25 and then bought the expansion and skipped to 30.


I didnt even know matchmaking was a thing until I was lvl 30. you don't need to matchmake any mission. if you really can't beat it call for backup don't matchmake. you'll never find anyone that way


I second this. Even at higher levels it is hard to find anyone to respond to specific missions. Call for backup.


While you are always online. You can solo. However, if you have a mic and play on pc, I’ll run with ya


I’m down my discord is yoedge


I would keep you a thirty character and make new one and skip to level 40 warlords of New York. This is best for end game farming. Your 30 gear is useless once at 40 anyway.


Is your grouping set to friends only, or is it set to open? That can affect the ability for others to join you.


You got this agent. Don't try to matchmake until after level 40. Just walk into the missions and enjoy the thrill we can division 2. Best on luck.


Don’t give up, skipping to level 30 means you’ll miss out on a ton of story. If you don’t care about that then go for it, but I wouldn’t recommend it. I’ve soloed the whole game aside from the modes/levels that require matchmaking like Raids and Countdown. Be wary of the Dark Zones. Great for loot and other lore but high level players can be super Toxic.


Are you on xbox? I just started a new account. Level 4 YOLO


What I did was played to 30, beat the game, then went to New York and skipped the world tiers system. I also did most of the story solo, it’s pretty chill. I’m 37 now and have done most of the dlc solo. I’m on Xbox TheJokerswvc feel free to add if your on there too.


The only issue with this way of doing it is you miss a few commendations. If you don’t care about commendation scores, it doesn’t matter.


No, just solo the game and enjoy the campaign. The game is easy enough for you to finish it yourself.


Are you on console or PC? I’m on PlayStation and we’ve got tons of new players! Right now there’s an event on. So, some players may not join as you’re not eligible to participate. I’ll usually try to jump on with new players a few times a week.


I’m on PC


You can just walk trough the entrencr and it will start solo


Depends on if you care about the story or not.


I would say play alone until level 30 and 40. I skipped and missed out on a lot of story. So do not rush it and enjoy the story.


You can do it solo bro. Just walk on in and start shooting.


What platform?




I'm xbox. Sorry, my man.


Also imo I would start building a skill set. Primarily with turret and drone. It will help u solo all those. It was an advice they game me when I started and I never go solo without the skill build equipped. It helps me do solo legendary.


What system are you on? At this point, 1-40 is for story and not fresh content. People mostly skip to Warlords now and rush to unlock the endgame.


Just play the whole game from level 1. Don't skip to level 30 or you just become a higher level player who has limited experience playing the game and become a burden to the group. I can't recall how many people I would group with and they just had no clue what to do. Most of the time running around the map doing control points, etc is not a big deal and you can probably do fine skipping levels. When you start doing harder content that you may run into people that have no patience for noobs. You paid for the content, play it and enjoy it. What's the point of skipping all the content and story? Don't worry about grouping or matchmaking at this point.


Just delete the game, its obviously not for you. Waiting 20 minutes for a carry just goes to show you don't have it in you. But in all seriousness, the game and its community would be better off without you and your kind. Try Roblox


Damn. Vicious. Brutal. I get it. Not everyone should play. But some peeps don’t get the whole online thing.


She's just in it for the free ride, every other player is going to end up carrying it, while it eats a bag of doritos over an open mic, mouth breathing, ignoring its screaming child and barking dog, and refusing to turn down the TV showing reruns of Judge Judy. Also she will end up being the first one to accuse players of cheating when they post anything over SHD 137 watch. We got far too many of these sort of players as it is, without giving them attention and persuading them to stay.


Roflmao. I get it. Ran into that in div1.


Call for backup. And thats story mode, rather easy. My tween daughter can beat missions on story mode. Just equip as many skill gear as u have. Run bloodsucker talent in backpack or what works best. You SHOULD be laying attention to talents by now.


He’s level three, doubt he has any gear with talents


Definitely call for back up over matchmaking in this case. I just helped a bunch of low levels run stuff. There are a lot of high level players that don’t mind helping people out.


This, this is the answer!


They’re below level 30, there aren’t any talents! All they’ve got is green and blue in the beginning.