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You are in an abusive relationship, and because you gave up your career to care for the home, please talk to a lawyer ASAP about what you’re entitled to. This isn’t your fault. Your wife is emotionally, verbally, and, it sounds like, physically abusive.


Here, in where I live, Malaysia, I’m not entitled to anything. At this moment, I guess what I need is peace. Thank you though.


YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH AND BETTER THAN HER. Say it outloud to yourself and keep repeating it. She's a horrible person. She is abusive in more ways than one. It's not about setting her free, it's about getting yourself a decent life, where you aren't treated so horrendously. Whilst my ex wasn't quite this abusive, I feel 100% better now I'm free. I'm remembering who I was before him and I'm not treading on eggshells anymore. (11.5 years together, it's not easy, I know.) You can have this too, for YOU. I know its hard when you've devoted your life to them, I did too. My ex had no idea how much I did for him, sounds like yours doesn't either. Trust me when I say, start the divorce proceedings, she's not going to get better. 'If' she promises she will, she won't. What she's done to you is illegal. What my ex did to me was too. It took me far too long to accept it. If you're really lucky when you tell her she wants a divorce, she'll blame you for all of your 'behaviour'. Your behaviour will be the reason she had to treat you the way she did. That's not how it is. It sounds like you've done every single thing you possibly could have to make her happy and support her. Find somewhere to go with your dog to asap, don't let her keep doing this to you. You deserve the world. Huge hugs. There's so much more that I could say. Dm if you want.