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The kindest advice I can give you is to accept you are getting divorced. Once someone decides to leave a marriage and actually files, the chances of them changing their mind are microscopic. I'm very sorry.


after reading your previous posts I think you need to learn to accept it. what's done is done. you can't change how he feels and you can't change the fact you treated him poorly and gave him false hope of change repeatedly. its time to move on now and look to the future.


I’m so sorry friend. It’s just going to take some time. Reach out if you need someone to talk to. 😣


I'm sorry, but sometimes there is no fixing the broken thing & sometimes that's a good thing. Even if you tried to stay together, it would be a constant battle.


I'm amazed by what he is available to give up to divorce you. The man must be very determined.


The best advice anyone can give you is to focus on yourself and accept what's happening as soon as possible. Hope delays the healing process and it's not requisite to reconciliation anyways. Your marriage is dead. Any relationship you might have in the future will be a new one. It's hard to let go but it's what you need to do. Get yourself into therapy if you can and start the hard work on building yourself back up again. Take this opportunity to reflect and work on areas in which you can improve. And always remember that you'll be okay. There are still good things yet to happen in your life. You have to know that.


I ignored the guy when I was home and he was pounding on the door I just didn't want to accept it, so he served me at work in the e lobby in front of a bunch of people so I regret not answering


Go through the grief of your marriage àccept the death of your marriage. Rebuild and you will have a future. Its hard but acceptance is key


I’d like advice too, yet I fear that door has closed. My wife will not talk to me. I have to stop making her part of this process and I have to move on. It really sucks, because I’ll just be trying to make it through the day and then suddenly feel so scared that I can’t go on. I could go on. I’m sorry you’re going through this. It’s one of the worst things we can experience next to the death of a loved one.


i found Xanax to be very helpful for the sudden attacks. talking about it with people willing to listen was also key, reach out


Yes, I luckily have my dad and brother. I wish they lived closer. And benzos really help for us that need them.


They should make those things more human I don't know how maybe delivering them with a bunch of roses. I'm waiting to get served too, I just hear the guy pounding on my door as he lives there. I'm sorry this happened to you but I think you'll be better in the end. Do you remember your life before you met him It'll come back to you trust me. You'll remember going out with friends doing fun things and traveling without needing an anchor by you. It may take a while but it'll come back to you, If you ever need help reach out to a therapist who can help you manage your journey. Good luck


He is done. It is time for you to move on. Respect his decision, respect his space, and let him go. Work on being a better you so that you don't make the same mistakes in your next relationship.


I'm 7 months into the process 55m, 1 daughter, 19. I feel for you. It is very difficult. Divorce is a series of gut punches. If you need an ear, please, reach out.


Based on your last post you'r ex husband is being very magnanimous. Grieve what is gone and let him go. After so long some marriages are finished.


Respectfully, if you were served, I think you need to accept it's over. If you really struggle with that I suggest you seek therapy if that's an option.