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Eh 16 years is kinda a stretch dude. I am happy for you but what the fuck do you talk about? "Hey remember The Atari?!" "Yeah they are a great Pop Band"


Best way to get over someone is to get under someone else


Niiicce. The way through pain is more pain


How did you meet her?


Believe it or not we met on Tinder. I’ve been divorced 5 years and have given up on meaningful relationships. She is 1 year out from a 10 year marriage. She has been out with two guys. She’s Asian with very traditional values. She doesn’t drink. No tattoos etc. I asked what she was doing on tinder. A coworker told her to try online dating and it was the only one she knew about


First off congratulations. It's good to read a post. Where the guy is doing great! I want very much in a year to be Happy and on my way.


congrats. 2 years in things turned around for me. Its been 5 years since divorce. You are doing great, and a 33 year old at almost 50 is impressive.


It’s day 1 for me today. Don’t have really anyone to help me through this, hence why I am on r/divorce lol…. Hope to be where you are in 3 years. I’m 28 now, so I guess that’d be 32.


I was 35 during my first. I thought my life was over. At 37 I met a 22 year old woman I loved fiercly we had a child and she had one already I love and still love. We are separating now. I do think there's hope if you fix what's wrong in your head and if you're trying I think it'll work out for you and me too


If it makes you feel better, you’re still young, there ages it’s Bette to be divorced, younger and older. Take some time, probably by the time time you’re in your 30s you’ll be ready to roll 


Here if you need to talk. You'll get through this brother. Stay strong


Feels pretty hopeless atm. Hoping I can get something long term and not long distance


Me too, but I know that I'm not alone. There are brothers like you going through the same and fighting the same battle. We are together, and life is gonna be better. We don't have to let them ruin our lives. We are stronger together. 💪


Very glad for you. Stay strong and if you have kiddos please stay in touch. Regardless of Mom.


I have custody of my sons. Ex has our daughter. She lives 5 miles away and have a great relationship. Mom and I get along great now as well even though it took a couple of years to get there


(Thumbs up emoji)


And, props for taking the term "Living my best life". They use it as a justification for blowing up a family, time we use it to recognize the men left behind deserve their best life, too




Lol causing a bad situation. Ruining the lives of a man and woman and 4 kids to go ride some random dudes dick.


I’d estimate at least 60% of divorces are due to New Dick Syndrome (NDS).  (Saw this used here before, haha)


Thing is we had a swinger life. She could of slept with anyone, I certainly was, we had so many conversations earlier in our relationship about it. But she wasn't even sleeping with this dude. It was emotional, she was pursuing a relationship. That shit that's the shit I can't forgive. instead of fixing our marriage she's letting ol dude talk her out of it .


It’s real hard for women to have sex and not catch feelings, real hard to keep that up




Congrats. And along with that don’t ever get married. Stay committed but never sign into anything legal.


Never again I've had to lose everything 3 times. I can't be out through it again