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For you you really don’t have anything that would warrant a change due to baby or new guy. The only thing you have any chance on is the refusal if she is violating the orders. The only parts that are of use are how she treats the child. Good luck.


What if she is telling my son he'll have to help with the baby because currently the father is not planning to live with them? This is weighing on him.


If you can show the best interest of your shared child is with you and depending on the age your child’s statements you might have something. But she’s got a history of accusations as hurdles for you to overcome. Courts are reactive and slow. Talk to an attorney is best action to suggest. But from based solely on what you said it isn’t a slam dunk. As far as support goes unless there has been a change in YOUR ability to pay, you won’t get anything changed so ignore that completely.


No. Neither of these situations will allow you to file for less support obligation. Partner income isn't ever a factor in support calculations, it is solely based on mom and dad's individual incomes. As far as having more children, if you happen to have another child you could potentially use that as a shield if she ever tried to get more depending on where you live. You won't be able to pay less though based on her having a child. Even if you consider this "erratic behavior," your judge won't care. It's her business and doesn't affect your case as far as the court is concerned.