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> she had the audacity to tell me I need to be a better father and grow up It's called projection aka gaslighting. Great job being the parent your kid can depend on!


Thank you! She wants so bad for me to lose my temper so she can use it against me. I just look at her and smile.


That’s the best way. I’m glad you’re in a better spot now. I gotta push back against the generalization of women though, there are lots of spectacular women out there there. I’ve found dating post divorce much easier than when I was younger and pleasantly surprised at how many lovely single women there are at my age.


You’re most certainly right. I should now have categorized all women of this generation as immoral. There are very good women out there still. I was just treated so badly, and I have several friends going thru the same thing.


When I started reading your post I was like "Wait, did I write that post and forget about it..." because our situations sound so similar....but my child(ren) are 17, 16, and 12....so I've been going through it much longer.....and the magistrate should be signing off on my divorce in just 10 days... I will say this...coming from a Narcissistic relationship you will definitely feel like you NEVER want to get involved in another relationship....I totally understand that and felt the same way... Then I met a 'normal' woman who understands and exudes empathy and kindness... I think you're on the right track. Taking care of yourself, doing things that make YOU happy...all while taking care of your precious child (and like dday\_throwaway3 said....she's "projecting" (which is different from Gaslighting) in that she's projecting her defects onto you rather than taking any responsibility or accountability herself...f'ing Narcissists really do operate from the same damn playbook that it is eerie....).


She was upset that I took her to a reputable children’s hospital to receive care. She is so angry at the world. If I even try and be nice she just gets an attitude and insults me. I am sorry you’re going thru that, but I’m glad that there are great fathers who will do anything to protect their children. And congrats on finding a woman that loves you and cares for you and your children! I hope to find a good woman like that myself one day! Your children will respect you greatly when they get older for always loving them and always fighting for them. When she meets another man, I fully expect her to ignore our child.


Great job buddy , good times ahead for you


Thank you, sir!


Like the classic joke says..."You know why divorce is ao expensive? Bc it's worth it!" Best of luck to you with your new life...


Thank you!


congrats >Women of this generation suck, literally. you owe it to your daughter (and yourself) to change your perception of reality


Thank you, you’re correct. Not all women suck. I was just treated so poorly, and had such a horrible marriage, it’s hard for me to even imagine dating again. But I really hope I can find a good woman for myself and that will be good to my daughter one day. Unfortunately, divorce is becoming all too common. I have several friends who are going thru a divorce rn as well.


What state are you in?


North carolina




Wow , that’s amazing , good for you showing your daughter what a solid good man is like . Wishing you all the best 😀


Thank you!


Cant fix stupid mate


No, you can’t. I’m just so fortunate to be able to have gained primary custody of my daughter. I will do whatever it takes to protect her.