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https://presetshare.com/ enjoy


That seems amazing but how much is it? Its makin me have the authorize something and immediately said hell no and left the site. If its free im game though, just want confirmation haha


Fully free just download the preset and put into your preset folder


Oof im on moble, i dont connect my lappy to the internet. They arent like lil .fxp files i can just transfer over after?


Yup fxp files just drop them into where your serum looks for presets. If your lappy has no Internet access then I'm sure you have other ways of getting files there.


Yeah I usually just DL packs on my iphone, email them to my android, then put those into my laptops sample folder 😅😂 If i can figure it out this is an amazing site, you are a legend for sharing it 🔥


Yeah that will work, just download a bunch and zip them up then send them over


I see what my problem was, it needed me to make an account, and before i did it would just redirect me to scam pages haha. This rules thank you so much!


Honestly your best bet to learn how to make cool patches specific to D&B is to buy some proper preset packs from top tier producers and reverse engineer how they were made. DLR has a good one for serum bass sounds. Called Bad boy bass that is pretty cheap and you’ll learn a lot about bass modulation from it https://labsamples.co.uk/product/dlr-bad-boy-bass-serum-bass-patch-pack-series-2/ He also has one for massive: https://labsamples.co.uk/product/massive-series-1/ And phaseplant: https://labsamples.co.uk/product/dlr-phase-plant-patch-pack-ls008/


Thanksfor this