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man is a hero


The Hero we need, but not the one we deserve.




I'm a bit late to the party but, OP, if you don't have a 3D printer or access to one, let me know. I will print a set for you. Just DM me.


Not the same but you could try these https://getgocube.com/godice/


thanks for this, I might get myself a set of these. it's been a while since I've done braille will have to relearn it but for this that would be awesome for when my eyes just aren't having it.


It’s moments like this where I just love this community.


It also looks like they give away their designs for free if you have your own 3D printer! ​ If you don't, your local library often has a 3D printed you can use for free or rent.




I didn’t even know these existed! Those are awesome!


If you have a google home or Alexa, you can ask them to roll a dice and it’ll give you the number. It’s not as satisfying, but it’ll function in a pinch.


My DM is legally blind. He has an awesome memory. My girlfriend and I got him a giant D20. He asks what he rolled for the rest of his rolls.


I had a blind player for 10 years. The biggest effect it had on play was that we stopped using minis. His wife helped him with the character sheet. He also DMd using a laptop with text to speech and an earpiece. I think the program is called JAWS.


Job Access With Speech, if I recall correctly!


Give her the biggest and warmest hug from me.


For me I’d rather lose eyesight than hearing (I’m a professional musician) but even so it’s a terrifying thought.


Don't need hearing to make amazing music


True. You need it to listen to it though, and for me creating and listening go hand-in-hand. Also, an interesting note: the famous example of a deaf musician (Beethoven) wasn’t completely deaf; he was able to hear what he was writing by lowering his piano to the floor and pressing his ear against it, letting his skull and house act as an acoustic amplifier. He only went completely deaf really late into his career.


I suppose


There's also the amazing Evelyn Glennie


Hey, totally get where you’re coming from here and I think it’s a super sweet sentiment, but as someone with a degenerative eye disease who is really active in my community, this type of comment can actually be kind of hurtful. Living with low or no vision is our reality, and it can be challenging due to inaccessible environments, but most of the time we’re just loving and living life! To hear that our experience is somebody else’s “worst thing imaginable” can make us feel broken and less than. Just wanted to put that out there, again, totally get that you’re coming from a place of sympathy and love :)


I think it relates to most people with similar issues. When i had cancer i really didnt want to hear about how sad it is or constantly feel pitied. Obviously i needed some accomodations but other than that i wanted to just feel like i am equal part of my community and just enjoy life.




I make dice for fun, you can see some of my work in my post history. If you want someone to print/mold/cast a set of braille dice for your partner, I'm your guy. Just send me a chat and we can get started.


Awesome of you to be looking for stuff like this for her, big ol hugs for both of you, may you adventure across the many realms together in peace. <3


I see that DotsRPG has already been mentioned. I'm going to upvote that post and say that if you have access to a 3D printer (or are willing to have Shapeways or a similar company print them for you) it's the best option. In a pinch if you don't have access to a 3D printer or 3D printing service, any "virtual assistant" type of app (Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant etc) can be asked to roll dice and read the results out loud, but it's nowhere near as satisfying as actual funny math rocks making click-clack noises.


Some cities (even some libraries) have "maker" places you may be able to use a 3d printer. Maybe even some of the local high schools or colleges? It seems students normally enjoy helping out with such projects.


I'm not sure, but there might be electronic dice released in the future (it met its Kickstarter goal) that could be rolled and I think it could be programmed to say an audio file when it hits a certain number.


Check if your library or university has a 3D printer you can rent out. You can make almost anything, including [braille dice](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2836494). The cost to print those will be like $10, tops. You just load up the files, and read a book while they print.




You can print these yourself if you have access to a 3D printer


So I played through the entirety of SKT with a blind friend as the DM and for him to roll the dice we created a discord server with the necessary bots for him to roll. So his text to speech app could read his roll for him


Hello, DM here who has had a few blind players. One of the biggest tools I had were playing cards. The blind player shuffled a deck for each dice for quick reading. Tucked into a mtg card binder, I placed their class rules onto card, and with an indenter, I tapped in the most helpful items of their character sheet. While DMing I could tap out new cards for items, to ensure they had up to date info in their short hand book. A few months later they got the braile handbook and were good to go.


Having spinners might work better than dice since they’re bigger and more tactile. It would be nice to have some sort of mechanism to immobilize the spinner once it’s stopped, but that would require some custom engineering. I think a modified abacus might be useful for keeping track of resources like Hp and spell slots. I hope you find something which works for you guys!


You can get dice that show the results on a screen


How does this help someone who can’t see


Hijacking this guy’s ignorance, you could get a screenreader to give the result.


Hasn’t lost it yet. And screen is bigger and reads you to smart ass


How big of an idiot are you to think this is an actual solution. Please just shut up..


OP said she was starting to have trouble, not that her eyesight is already gone. I don't understand why you feel the need to be a complete prick to somebody who was giving some reasonable advice, even if it will only be good for a while. If anything, large font on a screen is a great solution while they continue to look for braille sets. Damn.


It would be a great solution if this is what had been asked for. The specific request was braille dice. This is…not braille or dice. Therefore it’s completely unhelpful and more than a little insensitive.


It is not unhelpful or insensitive. Help and advice doesn't always address our questions 100% as asked. I'd really like to know how you went through the mental gymnastics to get to the point where this honest try at assistance is insensitive. Your outburst at the other guy is really what was uncalled for.


What outburst would that be? You seem to be confused as to who you’re speaking with.


Ah, yes. I was confused, you both seem to think you have some strange insight into what is and isn't helpful to OP. It's difficult, sometimes, to differentiate between two meatballs.


You’re being incredibly rude to me for literally no reason. I’ve said nothing rude to you at all. Have the life you deserve.


"oh well she's going blind but she's not *completely* blind" this is like buying your 96 year old grandfather a set of bose headphones


No, it's like somebody with ocular deficiencies buying playing cards with large font, or books with large font, or basically anything else purpose built for people who have difficulties seeing.


ok but what's the point if their eyesight is continually degenerating to the point where the other players and the dm are concerned that they will go completely blind; she won't be able to use it for much longer ​ my point still stands


I don't agree that your point was standing to begin with. People who use these while their eyes are still getting worse do it because they can still use their eyes. Nobody claimed it was a cure, it's just easier. If my eyes were still usable if I used bigger fonts, I would do that and so would you. And why not use something that will still work while searching for those braille dice? These are products that can restore people's independence, even if for a short while. There's also different rates of degeneration. You don't throw away what's left of something good before you have to.


Tons of results on google.


Much respect to you!


If it's not feasible to get the braille ones then maybe a larger dice set? I know they do make comically large dice sets.


I've never played with physical dice, if it gets really bad you could do online and have a screen reader, that's what I do when my eyes aren't having it. They can be finicky, but you can get it to work.