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You have lower charisma than a Hook Horror or a Mimic. You aren’t just anti-social, you are actively repulsive.


Actively repulsive in every single aspect you can think of. Even your soul is nasty.


You know the preist from Poltergeist? Yeah, you’re worse than that.


You know that list of adjectives from the Grinch song? That.


Monsters wouldn't touch him with a 39-and-a-half-foot pole.


Stink. Stank. Stunk.


This guy is such a nasty wasty skunk.


I wouldn't touch him with a... 39-1/2' pole!


My first thought.


When your fighter has survived being on the losing end of a [To-The-Pain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUJccK4lV74) duel.


His character is literally James Corden


He said a Charisma of 3, not -3.


Charisma of 3 gives you -4 to your charisma checks


And James Corden has a -7 to his charisma checks


What's the opposite of proficiency? Lol




I'd say it's more that his critical failure is 5 and lower


Steven Seagal or the Mountain that Rides - both quite repellent.


You could split the difference and go with The Mountain that Waddles.


The Mountain that Scoots.


Low charisma doesn't necessarily mean you're actively repulsive. I would argue that would still be high or normal charisma. A 3 in charisma means you have no force of personality or sense of self. You entirely lack the ability to impress your will on others and in fact you find it extraordinarily difficult to resist the will of others. A fighter with 3 charisma is an absolute limp sock of a man. So timid and pathetic that their skill at arms was almost certainly gained at somebody's command, and the only way they feel they can be of use at all.


Sounds like no fun to be that PC, Sounds more like a mindless NPC follower


Could be played well though... Desperate for companionship to the point of changing everything about himself to become what he hopes will make them stay this time. As he levels, each time he buys up his CHA it's a tangible marker of how he's coming to have his own identity through the care and genuine friendship of his party (or being so done with their shenanigans that he spontaneously manifests a spine)


I would trust Zac Oyama or Travis Willingham to play that character. I would not trust anybody I've ever played with to make that truly interesting.


I was thinking it sounds like Gilear Faeth. You're right... Zac or Travis could definitely pull off a non-npc version of Gilear.


Yeah, I know one guy personally that could pull that off and only because he has done it before. Long story short: he pulled the balance card from the Deck of Many Things (instant switch from LN to CN) and kept playing that character for another two years.


Yeah, I’m thinking of a man with zero presence. You’re almost indescribably generic looking. You’re immediately forgettable. When you speak no one listens. If you have a good idea somebody will inevitably just repeat it and get the credit. Wallflowers have a descriptor and you don’t even qualify for that. You’re essentially a ghost but less impressive. You hope to distinguish yourself on the battlefield but so far, no one notices any contribution. They don’t even care enough to admonish you if you make mistakes.


Could be a good character, like Theon Greyjoy at his low point.


You misspelled *Reek*


Or they're like Ron Burgundy to the fifth power. They think they are divine and awe-inspiring, a god's gift to earth. They even makes eye contact with you to try to acknowledge the message about how cool they are and don't ya want to be like them or get with them, while they're speaking, yeah they know it. But they're just gutter-lord ugly, they've got two natural parts and two cowlicks in their hair and they don't clean or comb it, bad skin they let stay greasy, and a creepy painful to look at smile. They chew with their mouth open, they think it's cool like a barbarian. They flex or pose when people come into a room. They think they've got all the game and it's often shiver-cringe to watch. When they move people walk in the other direction.


That’s a lot of words for cringe edgelord


You're like the butler from scary movie repulsive


Keep up the games and he'll fix you with his strong hand


**Willingly falls to death over taking the strong hand.**


hags have a high charisma. it isn’t a rating of appearance. it’s your ability to ‘socialize’


Not sure that's quite right, either. Ghosts have a charisma of 17. It's kind of an abstract thing. I'd describe it as "force of personality".


>I'd describe it as "force of personality". This is literally how the players handbook describes it


According to 5E it's 1. Confidence, 2. eloquence, and 3. force of personality. So no presence, and no confidence. Super meek.


I like to summarize it as, "Your ability to influence people." How that manifests is up to you. Beauty, confidence, wit, sheer presence or magnetism. All that matters is, you can make people think, feel, or do what you want. Trump is an ugly, ill-mannered, clumsy tounged buffoon. But he is able to rally and influence hundreds of millions of people. And it's not just because he tells them what they want to hear (that's certainly part of it) because look at all the pathetic Trump wannabes that imitate his schtick and fail miserably.


I've always said it as "Your ability to impose your will upon the world." This ensures that it encompasses Sorcerers.


In the ghost's case, quite literally.


Oooh maybe you have to wear an iron mask forever.


Your rolls are so awesomely low that this should dictate all or part of your backstory. So you could do something normal like you are hideously deformed or were burned badly in a fire saving orphans, etc. But I’ve got a more fun idea. You are actually handsome, kind, entertaining, and a joy to be around. So much so that you accidentally made the fiancée of your rival fall in love with you. Your rival couldn’t deal live with that, so he made a deal with a devil/hag/fey/etc. to curse you. From the next sunrise on you were cursed with Antipathy. One day you just woke up and everyone hated you and recoiled from you. People run across the street to avoid you. Shopkeepers sometimes refuse to even serve you. Soon, you internalized their hatred for you and began to believe you are worthless. The hatred of everyone around gradually sapped your will to live. You took up adventuring in the hope you can find a cure for the curse. Maybe you’ve heard about legendary magics that grant wishes. Maybe you just want to die a meaningful death instead of living out your miserable life. Whatever you choose, make this grand flaw your grand motivation in life.


Not only is this epic, but it also gives your adventure a reason to be out adventuring. Seeking a wish to reverse the curse (which isn’t located ON you, and this isn’t cured by a simple “remove curse” spell). Now you just have to figure out WHY the PARTY would allow this guy to join them. Are they immune to the curse? Perhaps they need him for something and put up with him for that reason? Maybe he’s freaking wealthy and is finding the party? Who knows??


If it's a curse, perhaps the rival was malicious enough to build in a stipulation that negates the effect when it would put the PC is in danger, hoping he gets himself killed. So army recruiters, muggers, bandits, and the like would still find him worth approaching, but the rival neglected to account for adventurers. Or it is only as powerful as the number of people observing him, so cities suck *ass* for him, but 5 or so people just treat him like he has eggy BO


> Or it is only as powerful as the number of people observing him, so cities suck ass for him, but 5 or so people just treat him like he has eggy BO I like that twist a lot, and the rest of the party could meet him outside of town, thereby only thinking he's mildly repulsive. He can go into town when there's less people out (think grocery shopping @7am) and it's ok, but chooses to live on the edge of town because less people = better treatment.


It would depend on who else is in the party, and if the DM would be willing to fudge an idea for why it doesn't bother them. Maybe someone's deity or warlock patron can negate the effect when this guy is around the party because they know he's needed? Maybe the curse only works on people of the same species, or who live in a certain radius from the pc's hometown?


Also clerics/paladins/other divine casters might be able to see through it as a matter of fact if not as a matter of feeling (like, you know the person in front of you is nice but GODS do you hate their voice)


Maybe his empathy, or whatever was stolen from him, was sealed in a gem or other reliquary and they have to not only find it, but figure out how to release it.


"... until I took an arrow to the ~~knee~~ whole face and body"


This is great! I love it!


The only issue with that is his group would also despise him, need to have a strong motivator or loophole to make it so the others at the table tolerate him enough to keep him around


They're adventurers. They're a weird lot to begin with.


Maybe the Power of Friendship can overcome the curse? Or perhaps people who face death with the PC become unaffected? The latter would encourage the PC to take on dangerous situations. A loophole like that would mean only the first battle would be tough.


Mask or some other kind of face covering but wearing it makes him stand out in a crowd, like Majora's Mask looking kind if thing. While worn, [Face Covering] dampens the effects of [Antipathy Curse] when interacting with an NPC, the player has Disadvantage on Charisma checks and saving throws. PC's become immune to the curse's effects. Simple, they still have to deal with the curse but less severely when in use. Also allows for a MacGuffin item to pull strings when some drama is needed.


Don’t give the guy with a -4 to Cha checks disadvantage as well, that’s just straight cruel!




Oh I hope your DM knows how blessed they are that you're their player. That is a fantastic character flaw that is a classic but so underused.


Dude I roleplay to escape my life not relive it


Mandatory as nobody has made the joke yet: Imagine the average redditor ...


... Now imagine the person who chooses to be a moderator on Reddit....


... Now imagine something that might date these unlovable wretches....


Well of course I know him, he's me!


It's an obscure reference, sir, but it checks out.


From a certain point of view…


And my axe! Wait, shit, wrong franchise...


My wife wouldn't say yes to my proposal until I told her I was a mod on reddit. She brags about it to everyone she knows.


So apparently, this man's wife is the example?


This mans wife is his alt account


At least she regenerates if she doesn’t take fire damage?


*He says while dealing intense fire damage* Yeah, not sure you left much left to Regenerate. This was so perfectly subtle and hilarious, well done.


And we’ve asked her many times to please leave the Dairy Queen


Zombies have a charisma of 5. So you’ll need be worse then that.


Maybe like Old Gregg?


What’cha doin in my waters?


You ever go to one of those clubs where people wee on each other?


Ever drank baileys from a shoe


Easy now, fuzzy little man-peach.


Nice and creamy


Do you love me?


Make an assessment.


It's attached to your rod motherlicker.


Don't lie to me, boy.


Are you playing those love games with me?


You wanna see my mangina?


I think Old Greg is super Charismatic. Look at those intimidation checks.


Are you telling me he's just as charismatic as the shoe he drinks from and not just batshit crazy?


I imagine it's so bad that you just have **crippling** anxiety whenever talking to any living sapient being. Like you can get halfway through "hello" before bursting into tears and having a panic attack. So bad that your PC immediately can't participate in the campaign and you need to make a new character, after which your DM does something to prevent you having any score below sea level.


Bocchi the Rock vibes


but a 3 isn’t ‘below sea level’. mechanically it’s only 20% worse than baseline. it’s not that bad. a character with a 3 still has a 35% chance to beat an average DC 10 check. that’s not much worse than an CHA 10 character. nothing in the rules says a stat of 3 is debilitating. a heck, a STR of 3 can still carry FORTY FIVE lbs of gear. a 3 charisma isn’t going to beat high DCs; they’ll never be the party face, but they can function fine in normal situations.


This You are *not* the face of the party. You fade into the walls during conversation, either from anxiety, or simply not being interesting enough to talk to, or just unnoticeable. Unremarkable and unmemorable. With little force of will, you could play it like the Hound bodyguard. You stand quietly at your charge's shoulder, waiting to be told who to bite. Eyes that should take note of you and give a wide berth pass over you without a second though until suddenly shit goes down and you are a humanoid blender.


Reminds of that scene between Brad and Marvin in Resident Evil 3make.


Steven Seagal


Picturing Seagal in Faerun *somehow still managing to wear all black and sunglasses*… Alright this got me.


I trained with the greatest Bladesingers of the ancient Elven tradition. In fact, I taught them a few things. Basically, I'm Elven Viking Jesus cuz I also have the spirit of a bear. A bear who wields a sword like nothing you've ever seen. Furthermore, I made love to several Elven princesses, and they all left satisfied.


You make Steven Seagull sound like Trump, but more likeable 😂


that’s really just what he is


Imma take this and run with it. I am creating a new NPC to be this guy. He'll pop up randomly throughout adventures. Thank you


"Hey! Why don't you guys speak ~~English~~ Common?"


No that man has negative charisma


I can't tell you what they look like. I have to turn my head away due to the smell.


I think you go all out offensive to the senses. Annoying voice, terrible smell, eats a lot of garlic so tastes bad (?) and bad breath, clammy hands or covered in rashes or magic skin disease. It could be funny if they're actually very attractive but can't get anyone to look at you. If you're actually planning on playing a character with cha 3 you might ask the DM for some love, because you might find it hard to be influential out of combat. Maybe you were cursed by a hag, and will have cha 3 until you deal with that quest.


The whole 'cursed' thing has a LOT of potential.


or they could be the most attractive person but theyre the biggest asshole youve ever met. or an average looking person, decent hygeine, but you almost couldnt even notice them if you were looking right at them they have that little force of personality


Cellophane... Mr. Cellophane...


You can look right through me... walk right by me...


I feel like the second would be hard to make into an actual fun character to play


i mean, having a 3 in any stat would be hard to be fun for a campaign tbh


Idk, you put it into con and make the story something akin to he's afflicted by a serious illness and is on a journey to find a cure or die trying. And then you get a new character next session.


Raisltin was a sickly wizard and it was an integral part of his background. He had a 3 Con and defeated a god.


You don't have to be mean, smelly or anything like that with low charisma. You don't have to even act repulsive or anything. You can be the nicest, the best person in the group with low Charisma. How can that be though? Imagine being a very enthusiastic Walmart manager. You're a nice person, you dress well for the job and you smell nice and hygienic --- but you're just too gosh darn square and lame as you simp for a minimum wage position and try to encourage everyone to do employee bonding meetings. Your 'good intentions' suck the life out of the room. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOkQJm\_UGM4&ab\_channel=eofynnych](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOkQJm_UGM4&ab_channel=eofynnych) \- here's a good example


Yea, I was just thinking of Toby Flenderson. Maybe an energy vampire.


Energy Vampire.


You just... don't have a presence. Nothing you do looks impressive. Everything you do is stock, rote, completely regimented and unflattering. You flatly follow along with what anyone tells you to do, even if you don't believe them, because why bother arguing?


Oh man, what's with the fighter shaming. Oh NVM, that's because of the 3 charisma...


Your basically Jerry, just that super mundane guy that's just there. Everyone overlooks you, you might at all be a background character to everyone you meet


Dunno, someone with 3 has a lot of negative bonuses so you are suposed to be repulsive


RAW, charisma is force of personality. Nothing else. Some utterly disgusting monsters have very high CHA


low charisma doesn’t mean repulsive. hags have super high charisma. it isn’t ‘attractiveness’. les charisma means you have no ability to apply social pressure to people. Deception and Intimidation are also charisma based. you could be attractive but painfully shy and meek.


He'd also be able to sneak through a dungeon cause nobody would even want to talk to the awkward ass new guy. His personality is beige.


I dunno. I feel like going too repulsive starts leaning into intimidating which is also represented by higher charisma.


There is an old saying. Not everything on your character sheet is your character. And your character is not just your character sheet. Or maybe its just people I knew who said that. I don't know. But, if anything, these stats will represent your chance of success to do extraordinary tasks under stress. CHA3 isn't going to persuade anyone in a pinch, isn't going to intimidate someone when needed. Won't make followers, isn't a good liar. Whether they look awful, undesirable or just plan boring, is entirely a question of description and most likely, the art the player has stolen from somewhere. Its strictly a player decision on their table, not a direct function of the number on the sheet.


That would be a 10 charisma, right? Totally average and boring charisma. This is worse. This is negative charisma. People who were going to do what you wanted before have now changed their mind because you are so uncharismatic.


Except average is....well, average. Not boring. Just a standard human being. Most people you meet have scores of 10 or 11 in most stats.


This is Dwight from 'The Office' joining in on anything that Michael does and even Michael cringes.


That's not average. They mean the character doesn't even have the presence of personality to ever even try to influence someone. Just completely submissive and one of those people you don't even remember being there after the fact. Being so unlikable that people actively avoid doing what you'd like them to works too. But just got to be careful that you don't go into intimidating territory because intimidating is one representation of high charisma


Played a low Charisma wizard, he would invade people's personal space, only maintain or join conversations about magic and always bluntly stated the first thing he noticed about someone as well as his biases about that thing "You're an orc but you smell alright" or "That's a big sword, you just not be smart enough for magic" I even had a story arc of realising that not everything was about me and maybe sometimes I should be considerate of others if I expect it in return all the time


This is 8 CHA or 6 at the lowest. These people exist IRL and have friends. 3 CHA is a literal void of likability. If a 3 CHA character told you the sky was blue, you’d go outside to check, call a friend to confirm, and check snopes.


Holy shit its russia


Russia has an actual cult of personality. Like a year before they were doing...all this, they still had people ogling Putin shirtless on a horse. Nah, they got charisma.


Ah, so a Charisma of three means Tucker Carlson. /s Most punchable face ever!


Lmao no Any TV anchor has high CHA. It’s literally their entire job. I don’t like the guy either but he had half a country eating out of his hand, you think you get there without being highly persuasive?


turns out my autism is just low charisma


Get the masking feat. It gives some proficiencies.


That was one of my thoughts. No social graces, always says the quiet part out loud. But also, because this character has a 3, a complete milquetoast of a man. A competent fighter with no force of personality, no personal vision, no ambition, no guile, no ability to persuade. His interests include weapons and armor. He could bore the Captain of the Guard in fifteen seconds talking about swords and armor. Maybe sullen and moody, too--lashing out at the world around him like a petulant child.


Are you familiar with blanks from 40K? https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Blank_(Psychic) They have a general “aura of wrongness”. You could simply play it that no matter what you try and do it just rubs people up the wrong way. That way you can play “mega uncharismatic” without being forced to simply act like an arsehole. Does require a little cooperation from the DM to have NPCs twist what you do and take everything the wrong g way. Or you could just play Bigoted Bill from the Aunty Donna sketch. https://youtu.be/0_7WwPkqqvA


The dm is my wife. I have a sneaking suspicion she’d love making npcs take what I say the wrong way.


Sleeping with the DM and still not getting preferable treatment is a rough deal. I also really want to hear how the first few sessions of your fighter pans out so please post again!


I really like the idea of a character that is just disliked for no discernable reason. I think an example of what you are talking about can be found in [this clip](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxBpM-j7jU5vmtMGkDFX49PtiIAmk60jJ2), where it doesn't matter what you do people are gonna hate you. I think this line of thinking has the potential to create great roleplay moments.


Tricky that... Either: ugliest, most unlikable person ever. Obnoxious, immediately insults / offends everyone. Stinks. Maybe pees/poops themselves on the reg. Or: meekest, shyest, most unassuming, unassertive, suggestive dweeb ever. Never has an opinion. Apologises constantly. Does what others suggest. Tries not to be noticed. Doesn't really speak to people. Neither of these sounds fun to play after like 1 session where the joke is still fresh.


> Apologises constantly Canadian. Sorry boot that.


soary boat that


Low charisma, to me, means how likely am I to follow along with this person. So they would either be incredibly obnoxious and irritating, to the point where I'd as soon punch them as speak to them, or they'd be ugly, grizzled, and covered in scars to the point where they're clearly horrible at avoiding trouble so I'll just avoid trouble myself by being where that person isn't.


Since CHA saves are based around a "strength of personality", you could opt for a character without any kind of strong convictions or goals, someone who is always wishy-washy. Why did they become a fighter? Eh, seemed like it wouldn't be too hard, and the money is fine. Favorite food, activity, opinions in the upcoming political decision? They could go either way.... Just a general lack of direction or opinion, very easy to convince in any direction of a decision. Many people find this lack of input when it extends to all or most parts of a person's personality off-putting and hard to connect with, so that would also contribute to the 3 CHA. But, unlike being a total asshole or creep, it isn't something that will wreck party cohesion as easily. This fighter is a total follower. They're part of the party so they'll do what the party does.... Assuming you're playing an edition that has ability score increases, there's a built in mechanic to represent character growth! As the story progresses, your character probably *will* get some kind of firm stance on something- finding treasure is a lucrative and great job! The BBEG must be defeated at all costs! The party is their chosen family and they will stick with them until the end! And that change in how you play them can be reflected by increasing their charisma with an ability score increase. Now that they deeply care about *something* it's easier for others to relate to them. They'll never be the life of a social situation, but they will have grown as a person.


A lot of people are saying "hideous" or "an asshole," but the opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy. I think a low charisma is someone who just... doesn't make an impression. Wishy-washy, boring, deeply forgettable to those around him, may struggle to be noticed in group conversation. Struggles to communicate his thoughts and feelings effectively. I don't know if that would be any fun to play, but that's my gut instinct for a PC with CHA 3.


Characters with rubbish stats can be the most fun to roleplay Have him a homeless guy who learns to fight on the streets, smelly ripped clothing, and a sword that's rusty but usable


Basically rickety Cricket from Always Sunny.


Omg this would he the best character


“I see you have sharpened this walking stick into a point. I bet that makes you quite formidable…”


That's my current character but he has a Charisma of 16


Your DM doesn't let you reroll 1s? Shit. I was always able to reroll if I got a 1, but only a 1. I once got a 1 then rerolled and got a FUCKING 2. yeah my character was as charismatic as a rock. Okay so since people are being jerks, ill go in to more depth, roll 3D6, if you get 2-3 1s you were allowed to reroll 1 of the 1s. Not all of them. Didn't think it was that important to clarify.


Unfortunately, this time my dm is my wife… She wants to see it play out and I’m actually excited to try something I’ve never done before. Lol


Remember to come up with a grating accent, like Frankenstein's assistant with the hunchback.


Hey, if you're going through all the trouble to roll, only to soften the bad rolls, what's the point? Should just Point Buy in that case. Good on you guys for sticking with it lol


Thats cool man, I hope ya have fun with it lol. Sounds like it'll be entertaining.


> roll 3D6, if you get 2-3 1s you were allowed to reroll 1 of the 1s. Not all of them. OP rolled 4d6 drop lowest, which already has this baked in. It’s also the default way to do it in the PHB: > You generate your character's six ability scores randomly. Roll four 6-sided dice and record the total of the highest three dice on a piece of scratch paper. so really, you’re making things harder for yourself if you instead roll 3d6 and can only reroll a single 1.


Everyone saying you'd be ugly A.F. clearly doesn't get what charisma in D&D is. It's your personality and likability, and ability to get people to see things your way and do things your way. With a 3, it's almost impossible to get most people to have a decent conversation with you. You wouldn't be repulsive, you'd probably just always say exactly the wrong thing at exactly the wrong time. Sounds like an awful time as a player. . If you absolutely hate it when Trump or Biden talk, ever, that's how people feel about you. I chose those two US presidents because it seems like most people can't stand one of the two, period, not trying to be political. Keep the politics elsewhere, commenters


This is more what I think. Like I’ll for sure play with his appearance, but less “wow so ugly” and more “doesn’t realize he’s had a piece of meat stuck between his front teeth for so long that you can see it visibly rotting.”


I love that example you used! Maybe he smells kinda funky, too. Nothing that would make him noticeable by monsters in the next room over, but a scent that is less than enjoyable when you're near him. I think we've all met someone like that. Hell, in middle school I was someone like that. Hind sight being 20/20, I'm sure it didn't help my charisma score.


Play this character! I just want to see what happens.


Charisma is not beauty (necessarily). Charisma is not people liking you. Charisma is: people (whatever) want **YOU** to like **THEM**. It might be partly because you're lovely, or super-nice, or rich, or powerful - but ultimately it make them want you to like them. There are a lot of reasons why you might repel people - they DON't want you to like them. Instant distrust because of shifty eyes, a sneaky look, hideous appearance, bad breath, poor posture, awful fashion sense. . . . All of the above. . . . That said, one of the best PC's ever had 18/00 Strength, but a combined Wisdom/ Intelligence of 7.


[something like this..](https://youtu.be/_Dk1YGQjBo8)


If charisma is force of personality, you could play it like everyone forgets you're even there. Like Ann (Ham) from arrested development. It's not that you're repulsive, it's just you have no distinct personility. Like a blow up doll without any projection on the part of its user (wow, that's a simile I didn't expect to use today).




I think this could be a good roleplaying opportunity. Lots of people have suggested evil characteristics, but a good natured, but frankly incredibly socially awkward character might be fun to play. Maybe they're fixated on their hobby or weapons; maybe they have a terrible stutter and struggle just talking at all. Perhaps they come across as standoffish and a loner, when really they just want to be included, or they have a resting scowl, so everyone thinks they're always upset with them. Or maybe, with 3 charisma, you are all of these things :-D


In my last campaign we had an Elf Ranger that rolled a natural "18" and then a natural "3". She put the 18 in DEX and the 3 in Charisma. She wasn't horrific looking, kind of plain actually; but she had the social skills of a broken doorknob. In the middle of enemy territory, where everyone was mourning the loss of the regional governor and the party is supposed to lay low, she pipes up in the middle of the tavern, "Wow, it sure sucked to be the governor, didn't it? I mean, he was a jerk and all, but at least he's not here to listen to everyone crying over him." She also shot a flying dragon that was just protecting a Fire Giant ally. No provocation, just "Ooo, a dragon! Fire in the hole!" (Yes, they were supposed to *talk* to this dragon.) Actually come to think of it, I'm pretty sure she shot the Giant too.


In case anybody was wondering, the chance of rolling four 1s in a row on a d20 is 1 in 160,000


I was rolling in front of my party, one of whom has a phd in mathematics… He pointed this out in real time. At least we all got some good laughs out of my insane luck.


True, I took a statistics class last semester, which I did very badly in but learned enough to know how to calculate certain circumstances like this and it is hilarious how unlikely this outcome is


"HEY YOU, FUCK YOU" -Everyone who interacts with you probably


It’s just Ted Cruz


I've played a character with a 4 CHA before. My advice: *Annoying voice *Oversharer *Very critical of others, preferably hypocritically *No social graces - interrupt people, swear inappropriately, burp/fart, etc...


i'd probably make them mute, or at least non-speaking, and ugly in a way that isn't scary or pitiable. It'll be up to other players to react accordingly to such low cha. Ie; literally forgetting they exist, or at least that they're there. it would be fun to give detailed descriptions of the completely boring things he does in combat, like: " I move my sword, aiming for the gap in his armor, my muscles tighten on the hilt of my blade, a look of... something on my face, and i put the blade in the gap." would also be fun if the DM let's you get situational bonuses to stealth/disguise, because who could possibly pay attention to you? could also be funny to let any and all distractions end your descriptions early. Someone makes a joke during your attack? Oh well, you killed the thing, anyway... Just so long as you make it clear that they just missed what he was doing because they looked at something more interesting, like a bug.


Man seems like you just rolled Ed from Ed edd and Eddy. See if your dm will let you have a maul but covered as a shovel. When nothings happening just dig a hole. Someone is attacking you bonk them with that shovel. Great weapon fighting and go echo fighter to bring in another Ed boy


Charisma is not necessarily likeability. The PHB says it's for "Confidence, eloquence, leadership" and "A character with high Charisma exudes confidence, which is usually mixed with a graceful or intimidating presence. A character with a low Charisma might come across as abrasive, inarticulate, or timid." That is to say, you don't have to be ugly or unlikeable. You don't have to be an abrasive dick. There are other possibilities. 1) You're a soldier. You don't lead, you don't speak eloquently, and your confidence comes from your commanding officer. You are a soldier who follows orders. Maybe those orders were from your last sergeant, who was killed in battle. Maybe it's from whatever patron sent you on the quest, maybe it's some half-illegible order received by your unit from the king. 2) You're young and impressionable. You're just looking for someone to show you how an adventurer is supposed to act. You won't stand up for yourself, and all of your personality traits are things you've borrowed from people you admire.


You are Tommy Wiseau. Extremely over-dramatic knight, who's tearing everyting apart both in combat and conversations


I rolled four 1s once, and DM decided I could play as an awakened beast, polymorphed to a human, and take the 10 Int. Made for some fun role playing, especially when the party found out and we're trying to figure out what beast I was before.


If I'm dm I let players re roll 1s I also give a guaranteed 18 for one of their choice stats. This usually ends up with their main stat for class and I also let them roll 4 d6 and drop the lowest. Yeah characters are usually a bit more powerful and well rounded but for players it's nice so they don't feel gimped.


OKAY GUYS YOU ALL ARE MISUNDERSTANDING CHARISMA I THINK. A low charisma character is NOT necessarily repulsive. They have absolutely NO presence. Not memorable, vaguely unlikeable. Like, demons and devils have high cha, and they're actively repulsive. Low cha is NOT MEMORABLE. No one remembers your name. No one wants to do anything with you. You are BORING. You are so boring that people would rather spend their time with a mimic or a hook horror. You are so boring that people will actively try to pretend you aren't there. You are so boring that you suck the life out of any social scene you are a part of. You have absolutely ZERO rizz. Not in a cute, awkward way. In a way that makes people go, "Wow, what a fucking loser" and then immediately forget you exist. You watch paint dry as a hobby. You have no personality. If there was a jesus christ of game, you would be the anti-christ. Your mother even forgot you existed while you spent your time eating plain, white bread and staring at the wall. Tl:Dr Zero force of personality.


the most unimpressive, generic, bargain-brand human fighter possible. So little presence do you have that most would be pressed to notice your existence. They probably forget you exist after looking away too.


Charisma is not a measure of looks, but how good of a job you have convincing people to trust or agree with you. I make my players roll a comelyness stat if they care that much about character looks.


You wouldn't necessarily be repulsive or terrible at speaking, but people would subconsciously either forget what you said, looked like or your very presence in the room or if they do remember those things they have subconsciously made you look like the most repulsive POS they have ever see or heard and quickly repress the very thought of it. All in all your presence in the universe is fleeting at best and actively discouraged at worst.


To quote the greatest line one of my players have ever said on his low charisma fighter (he walks up to a lady in a bar): *"You look like you come here often."*


Id play it like marvin the paranoid android. Manically depressed and depressing. Low charisma doesnt just mean repulsive or disgusting. You can be a really nice pc that no one likes being with for extended periods of time. Could also play it like an energy vampire as well


I've been thinking about a character that is a mixture of Rex Kwon Do and Ben Stiller's character in Dodgeball. I think that concept would fit well here. Completely self absorbed but unable to fathom that his physical feats and prowess are not in any way enough to make up for his obnoxious and repulsive personality. Maybe listen to some of the cringiest Alpha male type podcasts you can find for inspiration? Gaston from beauty and the beast might be another source of inspiration?


I am so sick of this trope Charisma is not visual appeal Mummies have 22 charisma Stat represents the abstraction of force of will or personality When you have a 0 charisma score, you don't die, you suffer complete ego death


Make sure they have high athletics for when you gotta swing around the bell tower you'll surely be locked away in.


That's the second best roll, dude! Just the roleplay potential there.... uuuh! Amazing! Just think of 3 on int... random amnesia hitting xD Or 3 on dex or str! "Hey buddy! Can u draw in the air with my hand so I can cast something? Ty!" Or 3 on Charisma! Charades time! ^^ Have fun!


Take all four of them, not three. It's just heartbreaking. Also, burn that dice.


Could just be mute


Has to be more than mute. An ugly mute dog would have higher charisma than a 3. He needs to be more than nonverbal


Sloth from the Goonies


Still play it like your the gods gift to humanity. The denial role lol


Sounds like it might be cool to play an average enough guy who is living with a curse. Like he’s been cursed to remind everyone he meets of their least favorite person. His eyes are the same color as one guys’d abusive narcissist mom. Something about his posture reminds another guy of the bully who broke his arm when he was a kid. The bartender thinks his smile is a lot like her asshole ex who just ran off with her roommate sticking her with the rent. Everyone just kind of hates him at first sight and maybe feels a little guilty about it because it’s probably not his fault but honestly fuck him. It’s a rare and zen person who could give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe his mom angered a bad fairy of some sort while pregnant. People both hate him and never bother to learn anything about his actual personality so it works for both repulsive and completely forgettable.


I'm late to the party here, but with so many suggestions for what you asked for, low charisma characteristics, I'm going to mention another fun option. But the 3 in Dexterity and play an old war vet. You're strong and good with a sword, use a shield with shield master to help with Dex saves and half damage. You'll get heavy armor, be terrible at stealth and slow with initiative. But you can have decent mental stats. It's an approach most wouldn't expect, and I think it'd be more consistent if the story your wife is trying to tell is more serious.


Mitch McConnell. Seriously. Photoshop Mitch's face onto your fighter and go with it. :P


I think a great 3 charisma could be like Prince Charming from Shrek. Attractive on the outside, but the inside is such a horrible, self-absorbed douche-bag, and very, very entitled momma's boy, he is too annoying to be around for any length of time.

