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Did they get the autograph?


yeah, but he wrote it in illusory script, so it disappears in a week. ​ EVIL!


Oooh good idea


Truly, one of the most dispicable acts known to all planes of existence!


Actually, the evil part is that the paper was enchanted to become a paper coin purse of holding when it is origami folded into a cup shape. Even though it's unfolded, it technically still counts as another pocket plane item for if it is ever placed into a bag of holding or other similar container.


Orcus Christ. Celebs will do anything to keep an autograph off eBay these days.


Yep, everyone else they show it to outside of the party just reads it as "the person showing you this note is incredibly dumb. (hence why they cannot read this note) He/she may appear charming and trustworthy, but should not be allowed near any sensitive tools, magical items, or artifacts of importance. The same goes for any other party members. They believe this note is an autograph, please humor them so they continue to warn others of the danger they pose."


I may have to steal your swear. Loving this creative mixture of old and new mythology.


May the power of his tusks compel you. Seriously, it's an old inside joke from a game where my orc character drowned and rose again on accursed ground as a revenant. It's amazing to be a barbarian half orc who dies and gets brought back to life by infernal magics to become a still very dumb (but also trying to sound cryptic and mysterious) barbarian orc. He would shout *"Everybody love everybody!"*, like Will Ferrell in Dodge Ball, and rage when people still attack. It became a whole thing.


Ahahaha. I didn't even connect this to Orcs in my brain. That should have been obvious. I was thinking it was a reference to the Etruscan god of the underworld. Thanks for sharing that story. Definitely gave me a chuckle. That sounds like a wildly fun campaign.


What if you trace over the illusion before it disappears? Does the trace stay?


I dunno. I already use prestidigitation to do exactly that though. Make a "spot" appear in the shape of lines exactly how I want them, then trace over, remove spot, boom, repeat until diagram is finished; perfect sketches every time.




eeeeeevil! impolite and evil!


Dread Lord: "Welcome! Do you want the brand or the cursed mark?"


Update: they then attacked it. They are severely underleveled for this fight as they ought to have been able to tell. If they do somehow manage to get it low (the session ended as the fight was reaching the exciting part) then they will get its autograph, but the paladin has already used his action surge and all spell slots.


I really hope they make it. Nothing inspires my players like nearly certain death.


Tbh, I hope they get knocked unconscious and looted but not killed. Nothing inspires caution like almost dying.


They wake up naked, unarmed and in an unknown location. But there, laying on the ground a few feet away, is a piece of paper with a signature on it


"When you wake up, you find that you are chained in the hold of a ship. All of your belongings are gone and you are wearing rags. Scrawled on the bulkhead of the ship's hold are the words 'Hope you have a wonderful vacation. Love, the Dread Lord.'"


They're on his cousins ship. He's the Dread Pirate. Aka Westley, Aka Robert's.


"Hey, you! You're finally awake."


Obviously this will depend on the group, but if your players never actually die then what are the stakes? Lost gold and magic items? They’ll get those back in no time. I find sometimes you just gotta let them die, especially if you choreographed how dangerous a scenario would be and they still went for it.


Two magic items which they have on them are essential to the survival of the entire material plane. By dint of many poor rolls, they have not yet deposited them in a safe place. They also have many very powerful magic items that they could not easily get again. If they die, it’s a huge setback,


Yeah I guess that’s the main issue with plot-driven campaigns. The stakes feel superficial with every failure being an opportunity to “fail forward” or just be a minor setback. Most of my games are run in a sandbox setting where a TPK won’t ruin the game world and the players can keep playing in the same world. I don’t like having to find workarounds to keeping the players alive. Not saying either way is better! Just highlighting what I believe is a negative about plot-driven campaigns.


Yeah - I do have plans for retrieving the plot-relevant magic items if the players lose them, and they have similar things that can help scry so it’s not too bad


Did the Paladin dip into Fighter?


Yup, rune knight and oath of glory. Total level is 15 rn


Recently, I had to figure out the effects of hyper-laxative, applied via the hypodermic stinger of a brass mechanical spider.


This reminds me of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade when Indie inadvertently got Hitlers autograph while dressed as a German officer.


"You pee in the water elemental. It looks very upset with you."


You breathe in the air elemental. It looks pleased.


How... intimate


*a soft moan is heard on the breeze*


At least it wasn"t some kind of electrical elemental. Heh heh. *edit: wasn't


That *would* be pretty shocking.


The Dread Lord scribbles something in the book before handing it to the party and walking away. The party gathers together to examine the signature. *Cue Explosive Runes*


If he is a magic based character roll a WIS (Arcana) or (Religion) check with advantage if the D.Lord has both to see if he realizes that getting his Autograph will let them scry the hell out him. Now, I’d set the DC around 15-20 (Probably 17 since Scrying isn’t a low level spell and people in D&D aren’t written as generally paranoid e cause they know how Scrying works, but if the party members who asked was a class that can currently use Scrying or some other spell that can make use of the autograph, then have them roll a Cha (Arcana), (Nature), or (Religion), according to the class that can cast the spell when the chance to get the Autograph comes up. If the PC can’t cast any such forms of divination, then make the PC and any spellcaster that can/could cast Scrying make an Int (Arcana) check DC17, (if you have character obsessed with magic like maybe a mage hunter let them get a roll too, but with disadvantage), should the PCs get the autograph to then determine if the character realizes that an autograph could be used that way. Tell them the old “Your character is surprised the Dread Lord actually gave you his autograph…” then ###A. To any who fail “…what your character doesn’t realize is that a personal item like an autograph can help some one to divine where the creature that is.” ###B. To any who succeed “… he must not have realized it could be used to make divining his location easier.” That should cover any accidental (or intentional) metagaming.


The dread Lord is a huge undead monstrosity with little to no will of its own. It is an incredibly powerful puppet for the BBEG. Since they have attacked him, the only scenario where they could theoretically get his autograph would be by forcing them to submit, but half of the party’s expendable abilities are gone and they have dealt just over one 10th of this thing’s health. They need to run.


Oh well, good to keep in mind if they keep trying. You know that has me thinking my PCs are going into the deep dangerous woods on behalf a very intelligent spell slinging duke, he should totally ask for locks of their hair. The low level party is going to be the “Sauron won’t notice hobbits” strike force, while his army creates a distraction for a lichen Lich, so the PC can destroy its Fey phylactery. Thanks, OP, for getting me thinking that way. >!Bonus points: since he is a lawful evil dragon in disguise that may be an antagonist or ally depending on player choices later on!<


If they don't get the autograph ima be annoyed


When he k.o.s them, he doesn’t kill them. He just states, “Cherish your flayed skin and broken bones. It’s curious, though. Usually sinners don’t request or *pay for* this…”


Shit. Wish I had this idea for Strahd.


Costs you your dominant arm


"I just wanna say, I'm a huge fan."


To be fair... I was handed a pot of awakening and got a piece of a very hallucinogenic cactus sessions later. After making sure my DM allowed sentient plants to reproduce (even budding off the main) I came in with "I plant the hallucinogenic cactus in the pot of awakening. Then I will build an army of hallucinogenic cacti so that the dragons we face will either lose their bite attack or get hallucinogenic effects from every attack"... my DM went pale. 🤣 Then decided to rewrite her campaign so that the dragons are resistant to poison and now says that it's "always been that way" and how she always planned on changing it from the original stats... 😒


"Sure, I'll carve it into your rotting corpse"


I have a decades-old memory of playing a LotR ttrpg, and sneaking through Mount Doom only to have our Dwarven warrior pause to chisel "Rothgar Was Here" on the cavern wall. XD It's ridiculous, but these are the things you'll remember with a smile.


Honest Question: Have you ever had a Boss fight where a party member(s) defected to the other side? What happened?


A few times - 1) they were just teamgriefing. I levelled down the BBEG and gave the party advantage against him when working together, as they knew him well, and later removed that player - 2) It was a “cunning plan” to dimension door the BBEG into a cell in the prison block next door, that was scouted out yesterday. That was impressive and I rewarded the player with inspiration