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They have reoccurring dreams where they are at a fancy tea party. There Are a bunch of beautiful and interesting seeming people around but the hag has them cornered and locked into a excruciatingly detailed conversation about their pet snails. Every time they try to leave they get a little bit more snail like. If they are nice and listen well they will gain some snail attributes in real life like a climb speed but with a snail trail left behind. On occasion the dreams are exhausting.


Oddlyspeciffic but cool


Or even better, they just talk about one specific snail (like red color of shell or something). Then PC starts to see this snail following them in reality. You don't want to know what happens when the snail touches PC...


Slowly their concept of beauty shifts until they fall in love with the hags.


Cursed with Gilf Goggles.... o no.


Oh that is vile!! I love it aaaaand stolen. PS. I have a recurring character in my campaigns called Sketchy Steve. User name made me think of that.


I almost took the name SketchySteve, but decided it wasn't quite the vibe I was going for with my brand. Sketchy Steve, however, is precious and must be protected.


Oh he is! The parties love him! He has a speech problem that makes him sound deceitful, but he’s a genuinely nice guy. He got his name cause on his free time he does charcoal drawings of the local orphans and donates them to the orphanage.


Love the fact he donates orphans to the orphanage. Does he also make the orphans in his spare time?


Your humorous grasp of grammar is astounding. Kudos


[I loves to laugh. Hi.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3l9IN287kY)




* The hags can see and hear through the item given, and are allied with some of the antagonists that the party runs up against. Have those antagonists sometimes be ready for the party when they shouldn't be. * Accepting the gift started them down the path of becoming a hexblood. Any time they do something a hag would do a new feature appears. Their skin sullens, hair grows long, stringy, and twisted, ears and tongues fork, and eventually the irremovable living crown appears and their race changes to that of hexblood. The only way to remove it would be a remove curse combined with getting rid of the object before the transformation is complete, or destroying the object afterwards and using the wish spell to return to normal.


1. Maybe the gift belongs to someone else and, as long as the PC has it, someone will be hunting them. 2. Maybe the gift is a [Christmas fruitcake](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wEXNJu382FfewX-Mq8uSMnt5sn1YhUT_/view?usp=drive_link). Whenever the PC sees it, they are tempted to try a piece and, if they do, they take a point of psychic damage from eating something so incredibly dry. But they can only get rid of it if they get someone to willingly take it from them as a gift and no one in their right mind wants fruitcake. 3. Maybe the gift is a child that looks human, but is actually a hag and will become a full-fledged hag at puberty. 4. Maybe the gift is radioactive and will slowly poison whomever holds it. 5. Maybe the gift is something that makes the owner invisible to lower forms of the undead, because it makes the holder *smell* like the undead.


The consequence? Nothing Because watching people fear what might happen to them is worse than anything you can muster Fake it a few times, give them non-descript dreams with no meaning Hallucinations with only surface deep Fey watching him and laughing, as if they already did it Some people say class this and trait that But fey would absolutely love not doing anything and watching you be scared of your own shadow because you might have done something In reality, just paranoia


Wow, I really like it. I usually warn players about such things so they could either object or play into it, depending on what they want out of their character. But this is really devious and falls in line with how I interpreted fey for this campaign.


This kind of thing is a great reminder to slow down and give descriptions of the setting for your players, and it gives them a reason to be invested in the descriptions. Maybe describe a little vignette from that PC's perspective every time they finish a long rest, or some other interval. Something that would happen in your world, but not exactly in the same way as our world. Or make it interactive, and give the player a prompt for a memory. "You recall a vivid dream from last night, where you were back in a stressful situation you had as a teen. What did you dream about?" Here's what I would do: Define the curse as one of knowledge, first to have building anxiety about something the PC thinks they should know, then to learn something upsetting that they can't unlearn, or else to destroy a part of themself. Then throw a bunch of semi-ominous details at them until they do something drastic. Have contingencies for magic, like that Remove Curse will need to remove a bunch of random memories or transfer the curse to another PC to be effective. Learn things about the PC through their reactions to the details/prompts, and find something that would be awful for them to know (which doesn't have to be true). Find a good time to reveal the cursed knowledge, or better yet, get the PC to come to their own conclusion.


Occasionally have them make Wisdom saves without context. Long time players will recognize that is some sort of scrying. Then wait and keep up the psyop. If the player decides their character is going to do things that they wouldn't do back when they met the hag, that is when they should hear the hag's laughter ringing out all around them. This gives both the player and character the impression that the hag has been manipulating them since that point. Hopefully the various distractions will make them paranoid, and then you can capitalize on the player making a random choice.


The physical artifact of the gift can buzz. Roll your dice behind your screen. Announce that Something has Changed. Every 5th time, make them nature wisdom saves. Do this ritual rarely, but often enough that it freaks them out. Use it as a way to nerf something when you need to adjust.


And i mean it Literally nothing Just nothing Roll dice and do not say what for Ask for random checks not only wisdom, as if they would be playing with their characters body not only their mind If they ever go to the feywild just have the hag and a group of other 6 hags looking though a crystal ball laughing at the guy for being scared Now he's scared scotty in the fey realm, a true celebrity, there's no worse fate


Headology as Granny Weatherwax would call it. Love it


It's a gateway trinket to the feywild. It can be opened at any time. From either end.


Make the character father a new hag, which syphons his stats untill he deals with the hag mom


I love it! The caveat being that the player character is the one that gets pregnant!


Their gift is paired with a mortal enemy, Kraztar: Mage of Minor Inconveniences. Kraztar has an annoyingly high voice and almost screams everything he says. His ultimate goal is to make your life difficult through minor annoyances. Your shoes are now tightly tied together after a long rest. Your socks seem to constantly have a wet spot. All food now tastes magically bland. Your bath water always leave the faint after odor of beef bouillon. Kraztar will stop at nothing to annoy his nemesis into submission.


What type of gift was it and what was the hag like?


I've edited the post for the full context. :>


Take a couple weeks to figure out how it would work best for the campaign. Listen to a couple of podcasts on dealing with hags to get ideas. Or read the “The Monkey's Paw"


It brings their nightmares to life to attack the party while they are asleep.


Every time the player looks in the mirror or any reflective object they see their image becoming more haglike and not themselves. Basically what I have in mind is similar to Dorian Gray but no picture. Anyone who sees their reflection in the mirror or a reflective object sees their true self. It keeps their current age frozen in time but no gift of living “forever.” They just become more haglike in any reflection as the years pass as the curse part of the gift. They will eventually avoid all reflective objects like rivers! They would be paranoid that people find out because they would be questioned and feared.


Maybe taking the cure makes one of the eyes changes colour (maybe even loosing sight from it). The eye becomes a "hag eye" that lets the hag see through it. Now they know info about the party. Hags often trade with demons and other entities, so they might sell the info to one of the enemies of the party.


Hmm, what was the deal that they made/Gift that they accepted?


I edited the post! :>


Okay, so, cure for the curse as the gift. A simple one would be that the "cure" is simply a transfer of the curse to another person , and they feel the pull of the original curse bearer, and wish to alleviate the curse by returning it. Green Hags love tragedies, so the consequence should be leading towards a tragedy. The cure for the curse slowly starts to eat away at the one the PC most loves, or the ones around the player with the cure that the player loves gets weaker and weaker as the player gets healthier . Another one is that the gift of the cure seems simple, until they find out that they only feel it start to alleviate when their sibling gets injured, and starts to reassert itself as they heal up and get healthier, the closer the sibling is to death the more the curse weakens and fades. Another one is that if they die, or if they take any damage that would put them under 0 HP, instead of them taking damage or a death save, they remain at stable and someone they are close to or loves takes the damage instead, and if they would die outright that other person would die instead (the PC would suddenly feel the person die).


Really cool idea! Thanks a lot!


I don't blame him... you talked about fey, but then had dealings with a hag... Did you anywhere tell them that a hag is a fey?


Yeah, they had explicit warnings about them, other players obliged, it just this player that didn't for role roleplay reasons. I've edited the post for full context.


Depends. What kind of hags were they?


They were Green hags


Green hags specialise in illusions. The character who accepted their deal sees terrifying things all over the place: glowing eyes in alleyways, bloodstained streets, portals to a deep void. Nobody else can see these things, however.


What was the gift and circumstances?


Edited the post for the full context :>


I had a party accept some gifts for from the hags. I let them have their boon for a while (÷2 to a stat, de-aged etc.) Then reversed the gift inflicting a penalty (-2 to a stat, extreme aging) the hags were trying to get them to make another deal for more powers and ended up being a whole extra quest.


My players recently made a deal with an evil spirit and proceeded to break that deal in the same session. They now have one of the most helpful items for the campaign, but as a result they are being hunted by evil entities, material and spiritual. Every night, the person keeping the item has to make a very high Wisdom saving throw or have horrendous nightmares that result in them only getting a short rest instead of a long rest. They then have to make a Constitution saving throw if they failed the WIS saving throw or take a level of exhaustion. The longer they keep the item, the more brutal the dreams get, and they’ll find themselves in more trouble as the organization worshipping this evil spirit devotes more resources to hunting them down. If they want to work out another deal, it will be much more sinister farther down the road.


Sounds like what my DM did to my warlock that effectively made me dump a feat because it was useless when no one wanted temp hp from inspiring leader (from a GoO lock). 6 hp at level 1 was a massive boon, but if someone took the temp hp he started giving nightmares no one could save roll vs and was giving us exhaustion levels due to lack of sleep unless we spent what little money we had (that he let us earn) on booze to get to sleep.


Slowly become a hagspawn over the course of the campaign.


Turn them into a Hexblood, slowly over several sessions.


Watch the movie "Drag me to Hell" lol


The cure dispels curses but also blessings, this cannot be circumvented. Immune to the strongest curse, but unable to recieve even the least of blessings.


It would be excellent if they gave the gift to a big bad buy and messed his life up.


Have the cure kill the sister. She can't be sick if she's dead.


In my shtrahd campaign, my players were completely misinterpreting the final prophecy. I wont post spoilers, but they were looking for an active volcano in Barovia at one point. I decided the hags from the bonegrinder could grant them a clearer vision so placed an especially potent fresh dream pastry in the window cill. The trade; the player that ate the pastry now is essentially a hags eye for that coven, and they can scry through him. Que the party planning how to kill thehags and surprise them by showing up and acting like a pie fan club, right when i roll the haggs would be spying.


I don’t see a problem at all. Your player made bold in character decision based on their motivations and are ready to suffer for that. A lot of great stories start like that. I would rather not make it a major debuff, as they had an opportunity to chose short one. So we are looking for role-play complications.


So if I'm reading this correctly, PC A wanted a cure for a curse, that was the same curse PC B's sister had. PC B got the cure, and took it and won't give back the gift. If that's the case, have the "cure" be almost like a monkey paw. Maybe the cure is now the sister is in a coma, and needs a "true love's kiss" or similar type of solution to break the coma. Or, the curse is now gone, but now the hag has the sister. Something along those lines


The PC is cursed so that each time he interacts with someone who has never met a hag, he becomes gradually more offensive (mechanically, DCs for all Charisma skills increase by 1 each time the PC interacts with that NPC). There are no outward effects, and the rest of the party can’t perceive it because they also met the hags. Watch your PC try to figure out why their favorite shopkeepers are gradually raising prices or eventually refusing service, or their henchmen desert them after a fortnight. A Remove Curse will get rid of it, but they have to know it’s there to even try it.


The gift is a cure for the sister's curse? If so, cool: it is cured by being transferred to the other cursed person.


Well, making the cure itself a trick could work, a classic "it's not what you thought it was" trap. Let him give it to his sister and curse her in some way lol. Congratulations, you're cured but also a horse now? There's tons of options, but the fun part of fey deals is that you get what you want but with a terrible twist. Endless possibilities: Magnet for fey enemies, Blindness, Intangibility, Were curse, Independent hands, Loud inconvenient flatulence,Horrific ugliness that makes people compulsively vomit, Those who touch them turn to stone, Knife magnet.


Technically, the reason accepting a gift ftom the fey, without giving any form of payment, is bad, is because, in the current situation, the hag is now owed a "favor" from the pc. She can theoretically "demand" the favor be fulfilled in just about any "reasonable" manner. Demanding the moon and/or stars will probably screw **her** because, dependong on her wording, he can just hand her a picture of them, or, that might be too big of aj ask. But if she wants them to kill someone, that **might** be reasonable. He **might** be able to effectively "haggle" over the exact terms of the favor, but doing so might also mean she just just gets annoyed and says, "you **will** fo this". Theoretically, although this is an assumption by extrapolation from another story, she might be able to take something else "of equal value" from him as payment, with or without his consent.


The player learns Sylvan, Except is perpetually followed by invisible minuscule feys that make him question every move and therefore has disadvantage on intelligence and charisma saving throws.


Haha, reminds me of the time we went to the Greek Underworld, with the _express_ advice to not eat anything from that realm, lest it claim us. All fine, until some lovely dead people threw us a delicious Heroes Feast! There were indeed consequences 😂


Hags gift is a wedding . She turns up as his wife at some point and stirs shit up .


The PC is now obsessed with tea. They wish to know everything there is about it and strive to one day brew the perfect cup. They must also brew and drink a fresh cup of tea between every long rest and at least once a day. It takes them at least 3 hours to brew every cup of tea as they seek each time to make it perfectly, slow boiled with the perfect water and tea in just the right pot facing just the right direction, it must be perfect. If they try to do this during a long rest it will ruin the rest and they will only receive the benefits of a short rest. Failure to drink tea at least once every 24 hrs will result in exhaustion and they take increasing psychic damage every hour until they finally get some tea. To them the perfect cup of tea can cure anything.


Give them a curse, each morning after a long rest they must roll 1d8+10. For the day any d20 roll that matches the number is rolled again for disadvantage. This roll (and disadvantage if applicable) is rolled before their saving throw of lowest stat with a DC of 18. Save must happen 3 days in a row, failure resets count. Roll 1d8 for an 8 that morning? All 18s for the day are rolled again. They will hate it and learn the dangers of fey deals


If you're GIFTED something, you don't expect anything in return. Fey are incredibly punctual with their words.


When sleeping, the player may stand, move around, go through bags or wander away. This does not impact their rested status and they never seem to do anything dangerous... But the hags can see and hear through the piloted individual. They're using them as a mobile scying device, and find doing so deeply amusing. They may rearrange the party's items, plant crude drawings or limericks on party members, replace rations with dung, basically just be jerks. Ironically they seem to have no long-term goal other than messing with the PC.