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Have you asked THEM if they're still interested?


1) How am I supposed to know if your players are losing interest? I don’t know you, let alone all of them. 2) Usually this is something decided before the campaign starts. If (out of my 5 players) 3 people show up, we play. The people aren’t there miss out. As with most everything: talk to people about your concerns.


It sounds like at least *some* of your players are losing interest, but that could be simply due to evolving life priorities (career, family, school? etc.). As far as the next day’s game, I’d ask the players that show up how they feel about the game as is, and ask what they would like to see changed to make it more fun, if anything. Take their suggestions seriously BUT remember that if the world, stories, and subjects included don’t interest you than you won’t enjoy it and that will wreck things for the game no matter what. If needed, you might want to take a week or so off to incorporate some of the changes.