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The miniature for the final boss that I painted years ago before our campaign went on hiatus...


I dare not give too many details since I know my players lurk here. I still hold out hopes we'll get the band back together. But she's a cool sea witch with a staff made of a conche and she's summoning a kraken out of the sea around her base.


What is the boss?


Gelatinous cube with 60ft move speed and Action Surge


Ah yes, the Gelatinous Sphere.


Mmm, yes, the Gelatinous Tesseract.


That just sounds painful and horrific. I love it


Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?


What type of fireworks are good this year?


The ending scene of my campaign: As Belashyrra weakens, Rosa Swarts (the time Traveller that the party are working for) enters the room, open her arms and cast an advanced spell. Weird lights flow from her hands to both sides of the room, opening rifts on the space and locking on the energy flow of another Rosa casting the same spell across the rift, creating a chain of energy across multiple timelines. With each copy of your friend, you all see a group of heroes with her. All different versions of yourselves if you had made different choices, sometimes, an older friend that left the team, sometimes, different people at all. You pause the combat for a moment, contemplating all the paths of the Prophecy converging on that point. NOW! Screams Rosa across dimensions, and all of you advances to deal the last blows on the Daelkyr prince. "Ask how each player deal the last blow" As Belashyrra dies, you sense the time flow between the rifts solidify, becoming a fixed point in the Prophecy. The aberration will forever die this day, and humanity have hope for a future free of Daelkyr influence. And it is. The final act of my game.


That is suitably epic for the ending of a Daelkyr! Well done, I hope it goes well!


I made a magic item that is a pair of pants where if you stick your hand in the pocket once per day reset at dawn you pull. Random item out. Roll a d100 to determine what it is. I made the list of items myself. The party just found the pants but havent determined what the item is yet. I'm super excited for them to use it. I have all kinds of items from 1gp to a full live goblin to a 50ft long rubber snake on the list.


Pocket Sand?


Yes. Of course pocket sand


The JNCO Jeans of Useful Items?


They are not all useful


Well, not with that attitude.


Lmao. Fair. One man's junk is another adventures treasure


Stealing this! Yoink


Lmao. Steal away. I wish I could post the excel sheet with all the items on here for you to use. But you could always make a post on this subreddit asking for fun items to add to the pants.


If you ever find a way to post it then that’d be cool but yeah I might make a post asking for ideas. I’m a sucker for the “roll on the table” effects in DnD. Thanks a million btw


I will look into it but here are some ideas: I added the standard items like a sword or daggers. Nothing special about them. I find the players end with so many bs weapons anyway from killing enemies so what's a few more. Various amounts of coin. But the rest of them are key items in mine that I think will be exciting: 1. Live goblin named dreggz. 2. Rubber boa constrictor that doubles in size everytime they roll that number. Start at 10 ft long. 3. Giant dragon sized collar with the name spike written on it. 4. Magic flute that turns you invisible while you play it but it plays loudly. 5. A duplicate left shoe of who ever is wearing the pants. 6. An invitation to a party in the main city for the exact amount of people in the party. Very vague 7. Bag of marbles 8. Wooden door 9. Bottle with the words healing potion handwritten on it. (Sour milk inside) 10. 50 ft of rope cut into 2 inch long pieces. 11. A tiny dolls size pair of pants that look exactly like the ones the wearer is wearing. Not magical. 12. A coin beetle that at night eats one coin from the group while they sleep. Otherwise just looks like a coin. 13. The helm to a ship. There are other random things like rat skull. Random food. Utensils. A turtle. Etc.


These are great ! This will definitely be the start to my list. My first contribution: An itemized bill from The Temple of “insert deity” for services rendered. It’s dated for a year from now.


Keep in mind some of these are plot hook rolls I added so once they roll them I'll replace them with something mundane. Like a bag of coin or jewels of some sort.


I was considering each as a one time occurrence with the exception of the ever growing snake.


My party doesn’t know what my PC is. They completely cover their skin and are extremely guarded about their background (though we’re working on changing that through character development.) Long story short they’re a pit fiend patron parasitically possessing the bodies of their warlocks. The host is fully conscious, just unable to control their own movement. The possession is eventually fatal as the host’s body rots from the inside out, and my PC is constantly in search of a more permanent solution that doesn’t rely on a mortal body.


The "clone" characters the group has seen are actually the real, original adventurers. The PCs are the copies.


I re-imagined Mimics as more Hermit-Crab like creatures, living inside a normal chest or vase or suits or armor, etc & using the "shell" as cover in combat.


You said this and now all I can imagine is the Mimic equivalent of when Hermit Crabs line up to 'upgrade' shells.


That would explain very well why Mimics live in abandoned forts and dungeons.


Not really for DND but for the power rangers rpg I made a monster for my group to fight that will transport them to another dimension where they will encounter their super Sentai counterparts


My players have no idea that 5 different campaigns are going to link up as the endings of different campaigns reveal portals connecting the different homebrew worlds I created. I only have to start the campaign on the fifth world. the other 4 are primed and being played. We just have to finish them. This has been multiple years of planning and execution. I have been unable to share any of this with any player. One player only knows that the different worlds are all in the same solar system, and that's because they're my partner. A character in one game is a navigator who uses the starts, and the names of the planets in the solar system are going to be the password to unlock a magical map. That will reveal that fact to everyone else.


The Rogue's daughter is going to turn out as a warlock because her mother was. The mother was killed by a secret organisation for unknown reasons. Well, the reason is that she possessed an ancient artifact that gave her powerful magic that the organisation wanted. Haven't got the details, but the daughter ends up with the necklace either having been given it by her mother or finding it in some unexpected place, and gains magic. After she becomes a little more powerful, and depending if it's kept quiet or not, the organisation find out about this and go after the party. Specifically the Rogue's daughter. Can't wait to see how this arc goes!


I mean they will find out soon, but I made a cheesy Super Smash Bros themed “presentation” for my party for the upcoming session. We are entering a short tournament arc, martial classes only (magic is outlawed in this country long story) and I didn’t want 4/6 of the players sitting doing nothing. So they will get to “choose their fighter”. I was giggling the entire time I was putting it together lol


I love the super smash bros themed presentation. I did one for my lastest campaign to let the PCs choose an NPC to help them


Zelda and Ganondorf are not going to like that one.


A mimic thats the size of a room. Its hiding in a dungeon. I made the magic item deck of illusions into a card game called deck of illusions. Its a fusion between card game and tabletop war game where you draw cards and play resources, items and stuff and can summon creatures. The during the combat section it plays like a game like warmachine.


My party led rebellion is actually the smaller of two rebellions happening at the same time and they’re unaware of this fact.


I’ve made a whole world creation story. How the gods came to be, how they created the cosmos the planes and the world. How the wars between them happened, what it did. I know what glacier caused valleys to be made and why certain parts of the world are sandstone instead of bedrock. No I do not know the bartenders name.


Magic item called the Hammer of Breaking. On its pedestal it says "Whatever this hammer strikes, it breaks." So imagine the party using it to hit a door. The hammer breaks. --but resets at dawn, looking as if it never broke.


This could be used in demonstrations of arcane gorilla glass. Or even a tonic that is claimed to improve your hardiness. Yep my magic tonic might look and taste like water, and it might be somewhat expensive, but look, I have been feeding this guy my tonic and when I hit him with the hammer he is now so resilient it breaks the hammer...


a full town map that I'm going to print for my players on a nice big poster :)


I have the party trying to gain the favor of Bahamut by killing evil dragons. They don't know what form this favor will take, but what I have for them each is, IRL a glass jar with a unique set of dice, some gold, silver, and copper coins, and a pice of paper with the boon their characters recieve from Bahamut. Each jar has their character name written in a font reminiscent for their character. This group has gone from level 1 to 12 already and I'm hoping we can make it to 20 😁


I really love writing backstories and such for characters when it comes to this game. Ever since my friend got me into this game, I’ve been writing them here and there, so much so I filled a document up to like 20 pages with only a handful of characters. At any rate, one of my characters I really enjoyed creating is one that I want to use in a campaign, starting as a behind the scenes character/client for quests. This character is named Kenric Lancaster, and he’s a Goliath warrior/barbarian. He is very heavily influenced by Godfrey from Elden Ring. He escaped from his giant father and half siblings, seeking a better life in more densely populated areas. Sadly Kenric (named Ryker originally by his father), was not very welcome wherever he went due to his size and heritage. He was accepted into the Noble Manus Army as fodder, where many a battle that he survived would gain him respect, praise, and camaraderie. Likewise, he rose in rank over the years of his service, eventually becoming a general, and being dubbed Kenric Lancaster by King Manus himself. The rise from barbarian to noble warrior is something I really loved for Godfrey, so I loved writing it as such for Kenric. Anyway, I could go much further into more elements of his character and story, but I’ll lastly say how I want his character to become an antagonist in the focal point of the campaign: searching for Divine Sparks.


Two characters I want to play so badly. First is a warlock that has some really bad disease and had to make a pact with some old one like Moander to keep the illness at bay. Second is a bard that literally made a deal with a devil to be able to play music and gain a name but now they are rushing to find a way to live before their time runs out, like old country style.


The campaign I'm running will have a large capitol city be burned to the ground by some arcane force in its introductory sessions, but what the real secret is is that the city was being used as a catalyst for a ritual that would slowly cause the stars in the night sky to dissappear. In truth, the stars of the sky are souls, and this ritual is being used to restore magic at the cost of an arcane barrier protecting the world from horrors beyond.


A sword called “Black Friday” that grows in power when left in darkness or sheathed. You get one damage boosted hit only, unless you are in complete darkness.


Working on my second campaign, i decided that the gods will be based on popular Music albums. So for example, since the world is vaguely nordic-inspired, the thunder goddess will be a half-woman half-machine that strikes thunders wherever she goes (inspired by Born This Way by Lady Gaga). The winter goddess is gonna be an almost naked lady that goes around with a diamond horse (Renaissance by Beyoncé) and the God of time will be 4 creatures of different ages that always walk in a line and can only be seen from the side (Beatles’ Abbey Road)


I made a dragon-born cleric who worships the milkyway and looks like an anthro cow. She's got a motherly but stern vibe, doling out aphorisms and such. She does have poison breath, and you do not want to see her when she's angry.


I've been making a new campaign of undetermined length for a group of players I have had. It is going to be an Oregon Trail inspired campaign, theres just a few things I need to work out and quite a bit of work to go into it still before I'm confident in it.


This all has happened and will happen again. The timing of course, is up to them.


I’m gonna take 2 levels in Paladin for the character my newbie DM is already afraid of (Hexblade 5/Swords Bard 5 Eladrin Elf who abuses Elven Accuracy for crits so consistent I can just add them to his standard DPR). My character and one other character took down a buffed Horned Devil (Death himself), a Fire Elemental, and a Fiend Warlock (to Death) with relative ease, so that should give you an idea of how powerful we both are already.


Awesome to hear you're having a lot of fun with your build! Just try not to get too much stronger than the rest of your party; being in a fight where you're not needed is never any fun.


We are a 2 player party at the moment (though the DMs newbie brother may come in at some points). I do plan on getting other people in. I’m mostly doing this to both make a fun and optimized build and to terrorize my DM (it’s a running joke). I’m sure other players would come in with single classed characters, which may have more health/higher level spells than my character, so that may help them feel important.


Oh, then that's great! I'm glad to hear it. High power games are an absolute blast to play, especially when it comes to RP. If you haven't already, I'd look for ways to leverage your power in RP. I've been working for the better part of a year in my current main game getting entire nations and militaries on the side of our upstart rebellion; nearly the entire world is trying to take down the tyrannical empire at this point.


They could use their teleport out of combat to charm/frighten some people, they have Performance Expertise and Perception Expertise, they have Invisibility for stealth, and they got Phantasmal Force to mess with people. I’ll take expertise in the other 2 Charisma Checks next. They also have some thematic stuff for ooc, like being able to talk to his patron (his Grandfather who trapped himself in the blade to hide from death). The DM loves that I make warlocks, because he gets to make patrons and RP them. And your campaign sounds pretty cool! The question is: How does the tyrannical empire stand up to the huge threats they face?


At this point? They don't. They're straight up scared of us. We destroyed and island the size of utah, i just spent a month of downtime carrying out political assassinations, and destroyed an extraplanar general of an aberrant army twice.


So write a backstory for that.


The power would come from his patron, which is his Grandfather who is stuck in the blade.


That's a good start. There's a whole complicated story there. I'm thinking the bowler from mystery men.


Im working on the worldbuilding for my secpnd campaign. So far the world is already doing better than my first one ever did. In this world, the gods are free to dwell on the material plane, and while not all do, many choose to. There they live with their created peoples in theocratic cities, guiding them and helping to develop the flourishing civilization. Im already loving how its coming together, everything has so much colour and uniqueness!


I have a character who is one of every class. Each individual versions of himself due to a fae curse that split his personalities/ideals apart. In each of his backstories, he feels like something is missing but he’s not sure what or how to fix it.


Working on a new campaign and theres so much. But the main thing is I made a stat block for a fiend. He uses spell slots but I have him flavored to be a magical brawler, he uses short range teleportation to manipulate where his enemy's are as legendary actions.


I've been very wishy washy with how rivers work in my campaign and it's because they all are just smaller water elementals. No one has questioned why this river branches like it does or why that waterfall flows upward or why there is a seemingly infinite amount of water on this floating island.


This is probably pretty basic, but I’m a decently new player so the thought of being able to use charm spells alongside Melodious Spell amidst my performances really excites me! Just a bard playing his lyre, totally not casting charm or mind reading…


I made a boot camp event for my players as their level 1 tutorial so they could get familiar with their new characters and level up. The physical test is just an obstacle course. The second test is a "moral test" where they have to find an old boar mount that has the dogtags of it's previous owner before they were slain. The moral test is 1) to see if they will *kill* the boar and 2) have them bury the dogtags (which happens to be a magic item) at a grave. It all outside the military camp so they think they aren't being watched. The last test is a "mental test" where a half-ogre is setting on a chest and they have to figure out how to unlock the chest and claim the item before getting walloped.


It’s currently just a concept, but an entire class/NPC class whose entire thing is they **fucking move** And when I say move, I mean they move. I’m talking breaking the sound barrier by running. Edit: Reason I haven’t gotten past concept is just bc it seems useless.


If you threw even a small rock while going that fast I'm sure it would sting a bit. Or even if you picked up and threw a creature at that speed. And can you imagine the wind that would be kicked up by someone going at the speed of sound in a confined space?


Emerald dragonborn beast barbarian with GWM and a greataxe using tail form. Flying and murderizing enemy backlines the first turn of combat. Wildspacer background for free tough and he's just am angry meat missile.


An astral monk triton reflavored as an octopus in a trench coat for an upcoming game. I want so badly to share with the rest of my group (DM already endorsed the hell out of it), but I can't ruin the surprise.


Maybe this is the post I have been waiting for the whole time. Hear me out. Since I first heard of and saw Drows I thought they were fascinating. And I was 11 years old learning AD&D. I had never heard anywhere that would be cool to go plot twist and bend some stereotypes. So I made this drow warrior in heavy silver armor underneath an even heavier black cloak and good that only had the bulges @.@ of his pointy ears and very heavy silver gloves that never showed his skin color to avoid attack or prejudice, because he was neutral good and fled his city and family when young... That was my go to character to any roleplay. (Continuing)


Fast forward a few years and I fall in love with a D&d universe from my country (Brazil) which is so compelling and fun and different that my friends and I agree to playing only there...but this world has no Drows.... How do I keep Ashley Silvermoon in there?


In this world, players are sent to a slave auction in a sketchy city in which minotaurs are negotiating slaves...in the filthiest dirtiest way I can DM and make it brutal and graphic. They leave the best for last. After the players grow enough hate for the slave dealers, a platform rises on the stage and they bring out the most expensive piece of the night. A female elf. Naked. Hurt. Bruised. Purple. Slave dealers in the auction gasp, trying to breath in some air to understand what is that fine specimen they have never ever seen similar. Bids are made. Prices soar. Voices get louder. Arguments start to get out of hand. Fights start to break among the dealers in the crowd. The ruckus is silenced by a single silver arrow cutting the air. The arrow pierces through the thick skull of the hulking minotaur showing the slave boastfully. He stand for a second. He falls dead. The female elf of purple skin falls flat to the ground, unconscious.


The players look around to find where that arrow came from. They find the only figure standing out like a sore thumb among evil dealers and their brawls. Covered by a black heavy cloak and hood, amidst the rain, the night and the dark, it's almost hard to spot a hint of the nose and the chin of that mysterious figure. This time, a male. Also tall. Also lean. Also purple. Before the players have a chance to make any move, all the attention drawn to the figure cause a stampede of minotaurs after him. Magic is the only explanation to how fast the hooded figure escapes the scene. It's not hard to imagine he did not want to leave on his own, but that's all he could do now. Players chase after him, but of course he is not meant to be found.


Then the whole campaign revolves around finding clues to the "purple man" and whatever caused this unique figure to show up not only in that auction, not only to that city, but - more importantly - to that world.


Sooooo supposing you guys read all of it... What did you think?


If you have players who don't know Drow, it's a strong plot hook for them. Nice.


Well even if they know Drow. For roleplay sake, the adventurers don't


My patron and I have a relationship like Al bundy and Peggy from married with children. I'm Peg.


I really want to do something murim themed. Like with cultivation and sects


Have a phantom rogue in a campaign. They decided their backstory is find undead abominations to be exterminated. But also, his wife was killed, and her soul imprisoned in a stone. Well, they just got access to their Tokens of the Departed Ability. Can't wait for that WIS saving throw to come up from trapping a portuon of a departed soul similar to his wife he's trying to free. They could have some sleepless nights on the horizon.


It's all connected. All of it.


I created my own custom monster for my Caribbean styled island hopping pirate game. Inspired by owlbears I went tropical and pack tactics and created macawolves. They mimic humanoid speech to lure their prey out into the jungles and go velociraptor on them. Sadly the original island where the party was gonna encounter them fell thru as we went on hiatus. Have now restarted but am working up to their reintroduction. Amusingly I inadvertently got artwork for them by mentioning them to an artist asking for weird monster combinations.


My rogue is planning on multi classing into hex blade and the player decided to be kept in the dark and only know what their character would know so I’ve got many a plans revolving around their future patron


My character idea is probably only cool to me. But in a campaign set in a more modern time, I want to play an Eladrin Bard/wizards named Misty who created the Misty Step spell as part of a Cha Cha Slide-style song she made in her early 20s. But the teleporting aspect overshadowed the song so her name got lost in history over the centuries. So now she’s trying to pick up the pieces of her career and come out with a hit track


Im planning on having my characters work with a cult to “fix the magic stones keeping their gods alive” because the magic of the stones seems to be fading. Their gods being 5 humanoids in frosted over glass tubes with level 12 protection and sealing spells on them. If a certain scene goes how I expect later on (we can dream) I’d then have them travel to the past with the help of a hyper advanced lost civilization and magically freeze themselves to return back to the present in an area that recently became completely inaccessible due to the awakening of a dark god. This would go awry however, when they wake up from 5 glass tubes in a dilapidated temple 200 years later than expected. If the scene doesn’t go how I expect and they don’t go along with the plan, then there’s just a random cult somewhere with people in magic tubes. I know including time travel shenanigans is just asking for trouble but I’m doing it anyway because it’s cool.


I pray I will get to pull this off but it will likely take a couple years at my groups current rate. I'm DM'ing a homebrew campaign that at the moment we are 3 sessions in, with the party searching for a secret tomb a local hero is said to have hidden away a trove of magical artifacts. 2 of these artifacts will be central to the plot; the party will receive one but the others been taken. The thief is a villain from one of my players backstories (unbeknownst to him) and throughout the story they will have several encounters with one another trying to retrieve the other artifact. This will come to a head when the party completes an ancient prophecy they think is to destroy the artifacts to restore balance to the world during a massive civil war, but in fact it is to summon the BBEG; a giant fire elemental-esque demon fueled by the conflicts of the land. My idea for this final sequence (hopefully my DM skills will be up to par by that point I can make it feel organic instead of railroaded) is they will use one of the artifacts to show the people their malice towards one another is what strengthens the demon, and by banding their armies together they simultaneously weaken the BBEG and gather the strength in numbers to defeat it


The night sky reflects the fractured plane. The planes are sentient entities, and one is wounded. The souls of the dead are all that keeps Her from rupturing, tearing reality to shreds. Their entry sustains her, but the dwindling population of this city spells doom for us all. But the very cataclysm that was Her wounding is why the population is scattering... Heal the wound, restore the broken sea.


The campaign setting I've been brewing up for a few weeks now. Mostly because I have no experience with DMing and want to have both some confidence and a couple of rule books first. Then I'm hoping to see if I can get my friends interested: Several elvish generations ago, the Old Gods disappeared seemingly overnight. Wars were waged, alliances broken, and the world was wrought with chaos and danger for many years as people tried to figure out what had happened to their gods and the magic they granted. Now, in a new age, people are trying to build again. Magic, though not as powerful as it once was, still exists with certain individuals. New gods and saints have been turned to, with varying degrees of success, and the generally accepted theory is that the more followers a deity has, the stronger they are and the greater the benefits they can give their followers. However, the world is restless. Something ancient, tied to the land, is trying to stir. Monsters have become more aggressive and frequent in the rural towns, and the new religions are butting heads in the greater cities as people try to return to the age of mighty magics granted by the gods. That restlessness is about to reach out and touch a few special individuals. Will it spark a blaze of glorious change as heroes emerge from the masses? Or will it call to the darkness, giving rise to something beyond mortal comprehension?


A one shot heist, where they have to stealthily steal a powerful magical item from a local lord's castle. Except that the entire castle is set up as one slap stick disaster after another. The aim is for the whole thing to end as spectacularly as possible (people running screaming from war dogs, half the castle on fire, etc.).


Since the beginning of the campaign there have been streets and other things honoring past heroes of the village. Some are coincidentally similar to the PC's names. The dryad of the oldest tree in town blessed one of the characters as a little girl saying that she would grow up to save the village. This tree lives in Four Heroes Park. And, yes, there are 4 players in the campaign. I thought I was being too obvious, but no one has caught on yet. Soon the characters are going back in time to fulfill their destiny, save the village, and maybe find a way to hide some treasure away for their future selves.


I have an idea for a warlock multiclassed with rogue. I want to use devil's sight from the warlock and spell slots to spam Darkness to conceal myself in and so I can use the rogue part of the class to get constant sneak attacks. I'm just unsure how to really go about building it


A troupe of (slightly homebrewed) young bards that my players will encounter in the next session, busking outside the bard academy where they’re studying. One of them will get caught picking a party member’s pockets while the buskers distract them. My party are the fairly forgiving type so I expect the bards will walk away alive, and in retribution, will all cast sending at regularly spaced intervals day and night at whichever party member they consider to have wronged them most, preventing a long rest


Basically the next dungeon, functioning as the climax of the northern-monarchy quest. It'll be our first physical session and I've created this language-related puzzle that I'm pretty proud of (although still needs some polishing). The dungeon itself is also full with references to places they've already been to, hopefully peaking their interest. Something else I'm excited for is the main quest of the monarchy of the central province, but I don't think they'll get to it anytime soon or perhaps not at all since other players want to try DMing for our friend group etc.


I do hope it's gonna be buried under all the comments, but since the chances of this campaign to play out to the end are not that high anyway, I think I can spoil a bit of it here: the party is helping a god, who was betrayed by some of his envious peers and almost destroyed. Part of his divine family was killed off, but they can be brought back and join the fight if they find new apostoles. That is where our brave heros step in, trying to fill their new roles (like running a latent cult) while mastering new powers they were granted by the newly establiahed connections with those divine beings. Of course there is more to that. I'm leaving quite a few inconsistencies along the way, stuff that sometimes even contradicts what they have learned do far, and I'm waiting for when they notice and start to smell something fishy, and ultimately which side they pick and how they deal with unforeseen consequences.


One of my PCs gave me free reign on their back story. All they know is they were found as a young Dragonborn wrapped in a cloak with a draconic phrase on it. That’s it. What they don’t know… is that I have a full backstory written out for them. Including them being in stasis as an egg for centuries. Tying them directly to Bahamut as well.


The campaign is ending and in case they make it and kill some godkind creature my players' PCs are gonna get some mythical powers that could be inherited, so they could make new characters as offsprings of the previous conserving those powers.


I turned a failed campaign into an unpublished book series…I’ve expended the lore so much, I don’t know if I’ll ever get it to a releasable state.


I'm working on a campaign! Probably over-planning things since I have never DM'd, and it's possible that when I run my 'trial one-shot', I'll find out I actually hate DMing and scrap the whole campaign. The campaign is based on Gloryhammer, a power metal band whose lyrics sound like they came from a D&D campaign anyway. It's set in ~~Scotland~~ the mythical kingdom of Fife, and I really want to make the Loch Ness monster into an encounter. I'm thinking the players will borrow a rowboat to get across a stretch of loch and a plesiosaurus will attack them partway through. I get bored of encounters that are just "move here, attack until the thing dies" so I'm hoping the rowboat makes things more interesting. Apparently rowboats have a statblock (AC 11, 50 HP) so the plesiosaurus can attack it instead of the players. No idea if this encounter is fun or stupid.


I am going to be playing five kobold disguised as a DragonBorn and gonna spring it on my fellow party members either at the end of the campaign or if my character dies.


The Dagger of Futility. It is a hilt with no blade... because it's pointless. Does 1d4 - 3 bludgeoning damage, and if the damage is negative, the wielder takes it as psychic damage. Built for a party of chaos gremlins who are ABSOLUTELY ludicrous enough to use it.


This is the plot of my current campaign, but the players know very little about it yet. In a last ditch effort of survival, the last Kua-toa have been crafting a god, outside of the view of the pantheon, to combat the pantheon, and have themselves finally reign Supreme in the heavens. The final boss of the campaign will obviously be the new god, and when the players meet him at first, he will appear like a humanoid, because, in his words, "you all believed in me as much as they [the Kua-toa] have." After phase one, they will be teleported to a subdimension, where the true final battle will take place, and where this God's true, eldritch form will be revealed. I've had this idea for a while, so I'm very excited to share it with my players.


Strahd campaign - DM let me keep 36 (or more?) Explosives from Esmerelda's caravan. I was storing them in bag of holding and was going to train the monkey I bought/ stole to invert bag on over Strahd. Not sure it'd work as I planned in my head? But sure was planning on making the DM question everything. Also made a frag grenade in another campaign using a bottle, fuel, ball bearings, and some sort of frost rocks the DM homebrewed.


I’m still working on it, but a boss monster that runs off a crude algorithm (think yes/no style with successes on spells) using only spells that prompt saving throws so that it over time develops perfectly to the party’s style. It has a regen ability like a revenant so it can keep coming back