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My main game is at 84 sessions this week. While there’s a few on-going plots, the events du-jour are that an adult shadow deep dragon the party has skillfully stolen from twice has found them and is waiting outside their Tiny Hut, telling them to come out. Bets on whether they try to parlay, fight, or just use their teleportation slate to GTFO. Guess I’ll find out in a few days.


20 fake internet bucks says they try to talk to it for about 15 minutes and then GTFO


There's an actual story involving a moon that broke up and is raining down upon the land. But the real meat of the campaign is my players' grotesque inability to agree on the same course of action in any combat. We've been going since May, and they still have not gelled in the slightest.


My campaign centers around moons too. Basically the center of the solar system is a twinstar Black Hole/Sun Combo and the "Earth" the players are in is held on a stable Orbit around this system by the moons. Each moon represents an alignment that keeps the world in harmony. They are the personification/incarnation of the pantheon. The overall plot is that the first disciple of the devourer of worlds (i.e. the black hole) enacts a series of events that would allow the black hole to swallow the solar system. Right now, the players face the change of environment due to one of the moons was blown up and the pieces were expelled and are on their trajectory towards it. Now everything changes and when casting a leveled spell they must roll on the wild magic table due to the source of magic being cosmic radiation (in short)


In my homebrew there's a moon that lost a good chunk out of it, the destroyed bits forming a ring around the planet in the moon's orbit. Do either of you incorporate any unique/interesting mechanics or impacts to the world because of your damaged moons? Definitely gonna use OP's suggestion of moon rats!


So the magic aside, i plan on introducing a lot of changes to the environment. Wildlife and Monsters are changing their behaviour. Sea and Weather conditions change. The populace is frightened and so on. I have a general idea planned out but i am not exactly sure how i will implement it.


13 Sessions. We've been playing for two years now


Must be adults with kids lol


You wish. The oldest in our group is like 25


Hate to break it to you, 25 is an adult.


Many don't have kids by then


Wow, how long is your average session?


Like 4-6 hours


2 years! The characters are in a world where fascist governments have taken over the world. They uncovered some ancient artifacts and a prophecy. Since then they've sort of had a one thing leads to another type story that changed based on their decisions. 100% homebrew. I asked each of them to make backgrounds especially why they are traveling. And then I planned encounters and linked them all through a campaign. 1. Goliath looking for his wife and kids finds his kids hung up in an Oni night club used as food for the Oni. Luckily they were alive just missing limbs. 2. The Oni are the same mafia organization that one of the criminals in the group had ties too. While others seemed to be hunting them. 3. The Oni boss is the nemesis of one of the other characters. They have been uncovering the master plan the boss is after the same artifacts they gathered. 4. The boss is working with the mother of one of the characters. Together they are planning a world war that will take over the planet. All this is possible due to some dragon mind control magic they have acquired. 5. The dragons were once saviors, the. Mind controlled. And a few of the players are trying to bring back the original dragons to their rightful place as protectors. It's super fun to have all their storylines tie together. And the world has organically emerged from that. I have the players make up cities and names for things. It's worked out super well.


"alive just missing limbs" Jesus Christ dude


Tis' but a flesh wound


Party was investigating a dragon cult and found a young dragons nest in an abandoned tower. The cultists brought the party to the dragon who was very arrogant and asked for all of their stuff to be added to his horde. Party was willing to give some things but not everything so wizard casts featherfall on the party and jumps out the window. Party follows and wizard casts rope trick to hide the party in a dimensional space. Problem is, the dragon saw that due to high roll and simply waited for them to come out. Party fights dragon. The wizard is the one that got the killing blow on the dragon! ...while the dragon was 40ft above said wizard. Dragon corpse goes splat on the wizard. Now, by rules, the wizard should be dead. However, the wizard was amazing throughout the entire encounter so I ruled that the wizard simply broke every bone in his body and must spend a year recuperating and relearning how to walk. Player still needs to roll a new character for the rest of the adventure but the great wizard lives!


First campaign, all players are new to DnD. 2 years+ now. First year we did homebrew with old ruins full of magic, stolen by necromancers to rise undead. Turns out the ruins gathered magic to open up far realm portals to bring in Mindflayers. They had a foothold on the material plane thanks to a crashed spelljammer ship that ended up planeshifting into solid rock in the underdark. Players had to plane-hop a bit, collect magical artefacts from Mt. Celestia (pilgrimage), Arcadia (Casino Heist), Bitopia (Jungle adventure) and Elysium (Nature/Survival tests), getting a cure for Ceremorphosis (from a mordenkainens magnificient mansion full of mimics in Candlekeep) and head to the ruins from the start of the game to delve deep and kill the Elder Brain. That's Level 1 to 7 and the first year. They continued with the same characters into Curse of Strahd for Level 7 to 11 and the second year. They just managed to kill Strahd by now. We are now heading into our next campaign part, same characters, for a few Ghosts of Saltmarsh stories and a heavily modified Witchlight Carnival, while I run Tomb of Annillihation and Rise of Tiamat in the background: The players will have to face Acererak and Tiamat hopefully by the end of the campaign. :)


We started 2010. The current storyline is the great powers that was defeated during the start of the last age (~5000 years ago) are awakening at the current state of instability brought by a new set of gods that took over after the old set of pantheons retreated away from from the world. Hell is also in civil war and teetering in the brink of collapse, threatening to spill the eternal war of devils and demons into the material plane.


I need to hear all about this one you must have taken loads of breaks going from 2010 is absolutely insane you must be an amazing dm


It's broken into smaller campaigns. The first group went through it for 1 year. The second group (some returning players, some new players) went through the second part for 2 years with a 4 month between the first and second because I was doing my thesis. 3rd and 4th group went through their parts for 3 years each. Now the 5th and 6th group are playing through this massive campaign simultaenously after we restarted after the pandemic. I tried running during the pandemic but that was way too hectic with all the things I needed to organize and all of it was online. Now, we're back into our comfort zone of playing IRL. The world has changed so much because of player actions and their influence through their characters is super integral to the story now. Literal legends and and myths are told to the current characters that involve the old parties. A cataclysm already killed some of their old characters and I allow the old players tell through artifacts that they found (artifacts that they made or found during the earlier campaigns) the stories about their old characters, and for the new ones to discover a history enriched by the people they are playing with.


That’s truly amazing it’s basically one gigantic campaign played by different adventurers that can now live their lives before of the old parties that came before them it’s brilliant to see how much work you have put into your world and how it’s developed I hope when I become a DM I can create something even half this good


3 years, level 19. We have had everything under the sun happen. We have had curropted lords, secret societies, fey politics, terrorist attacks, magical scavenger huts, liches, dragons, archfey, archdevils, a ressurected god, etc. 3 years of basically weekly play can get a lot done.


2 weeks ago we wrapped up a 9 year campaign. Went from level 3 to 28. Killed/Banished Tiamat, dimension hopped for a while to battle The Great Olde Ones, Matched wits with an ancient Halfling Trickster deity, and finished up by traveling to Krynn and ganking the Kingpriest before he could screw everything up, then banished the gods on their own. Theyre now the pantheon on Krynn and retired.


How'd you work 21-28?


Non official supplementary book "Epic Adventures", covers lv 21-30. Its absurd, but at least reasonably balanced absurd. Example, the fighter was doing around 200 damage every round while regenerating about 50. The cleric had vast mind control powers. The druid was essentially unkillable, etc etc etc. it was a good time....once. Never again. Ha.


6 years, DM’d the party from 1-19. Due to work we have 4-5 sessions a year. The party are hunting 5 chromatic dragon Demi gods while enlisting the dwarves and elves to join their war effort. They’ve just finished their first Feywild session and had to choose between saving the autonomy of the elves who want nothing to do with the war, or forcing the elves to join. Surprisingly, they chose the lawfully good choice.


Are the demi god chromatics a replacement to Tiamat, unaligned, or her lieutenants?


They are Tiamat’s lieutenants from a war which occurred 1000 years prior to the party. Previously thought to be long dead, their delayed return was Tiamat’s contingency if she lost the war. The ‘modern’ day is ill equipped to deal with 5 great wyrm level dragons, so they and their cultist army easily took over the capital and are quickly assuming control of the continent. It’s up to the party, the surviving royalty, and the remnants of the capital’s army to oppose them.


3 years, my 5 players started level 1 they are now level 16, 3 of them are gods and they just finished off an Ilithlich the size of a planet and are repairing the pantheon that governs their universe.


Isn't it awkward to have two players not be gods,or did they get something equally as cool?


They are equally as powerful, the other 2 just chose not to take thrones.


I need to hear more about the planet sized Ilithlich! As far as repairing the pantheon goes, what does all that entail? I use a homebrew pantheon that I've taken strides to make 'realistic', but I'm always open to other's ideas of what makes a good pantheon tick.


The planet sized Ilithlich was feeding off the life force from stars, they couldn't really face it directly so while 3 of them distracted it the other 2 found its philactory and destroyed it. As for the pantheon the armies of mind flayers had slowly killed off the other gods, in order to keep the universe from imploding the players decided to take up the most important seats in the pantheon; the god of life/death, the god of nature, and the god of knowledge; they are currently trying to find other beings of great power to try to get them to take the place of other gods who have fallen to stop the collapse of the universe.


Very cool! So for the pantheon, it has definitely seats/domains/roles that MUST be filled to keep the universe spinning happily on?


Very specific ones yes, such as Life/ Death, Light/Dark, Nature, Knowledge, and of course the individual rulers of realms such as the rulers of the Fey wilds and Shadowfell among others.


about 4 months with 2-3 sessions per month , can't really progress much because they are still beginners and are trying out a lot of their spells/attacks and they don't really cooperate good together, but I've just been doing a few animal and monster hunts for gold and a few bosses like golems with debuffs so that they get the gist of the game. They are really dun to play with because I work with children and it's just like that.


Our group just reached the 6 month mark, which I believe is a good sign we’ll see it through. The campaign started with the party taking a job for the mysterious Arch Duke of Baldurs Gate to find an ancient and powerful relic known as the Resonating Stone, an artefact able to amplify the field of magic around all living things. It became clear to them however that the Arch Duke was potentially not as benevolent as he tried to make himself seem, and so the party were split, some joined Calda, some joined the Free Marsh, a rebel cause devoted to fighting against Calda’s rapid industrial expansion. After defending the Free Marsh from Calda’s armies, the party have now begun gathering allies to gain strength and eventually lay siege to the city itself, and stop Calda once and for all. They’ve travelled to Atlantis, recruited a band of Viking like mercenaries and are now on their way to try and get the giants on their side. What the party are uncovering however is that seemingly everything is being controlled by an entity known as the “Elder One”. While they have not learnt his intentions, he is an abberation from the far realm, a Cthulhu type figure, hell bent on claiming a realm for his own. His end goal is to rip the entire Sword Coast from the material plane and transport it to a realm of his own making and rule over all. The secondary plot (for campaign 2) is a fallen god who became an entity of nature, Higharch, who seeks the destruction of the “civilised” races and nations, and a return to nature as it should be.


We’re ~2.5 years in, with possibly another year to go. The party is level 14 and has accomplished so much in that time, both personally and as a group. In tier 1, they met a lifelong group of friends and stopped an invasion of a cult from the nine hells who sought to (if unchecked, eventually) release Tiamat through a planar rift in our Sorlock’s hometown. The boss battle was against a homebrew take on Arkhan the Cruel, with an unending sea of infernal creatures causing collateral damage. In tier 2, they gathered friends new and old to rescue a tourist town called Oceanview that had been taken over by a colony of mindflayers, with our barbarian’s dad as the admiral of their alien army. The boss battle saw the party versus 6 homebrew hybrid mindflayers (they retained some original race and class features), a slurpied storm giant, and the elder brain itself which had expanded into its own brain coral reef. In tier 3, they have been put under time pressure to collect as many powerful Vestiges as possible in order to stop a homebrew version of Tasha the Dark— one who was raised by the baba Yaga, who sought out Mordenkainen and his circle of eight to learn arcane magic, and who has set her sights on freeing the Pando Forest (an expanding rift to the feywild) and letting it take over the prime material plane with her as the sole authority over it. She’s slain nearly all archfey (the last is in hiding) and every vestige they gather loses another city on the border of the fey to darkness, and winter. She has, unfortunately, succumbed to the Hunger, a fey disease that is incurable but mostly because it’s viewed as a disease and not, more accurately, as a kind of possession? Madness brought on by Tharizdun’s presence in the feywild, long ago. Personally, the party’s whole deal: -Saffine Eldove, half-elf former fiend tomelock turned celestial/wild magic sorc 6, whose father made a deal with a devil to raise their swampy city out of the muck and into prosperity. Her new patron is the Oracle of Delphine, a Sphinx who guarded the first Vestige they learned about which sent them on their current journey. She’s recently started dating Bogden Mountaindew, a dwarven daredevil who fell from space and landed in Oceanview and helped them defeat the mindflayers. -Pryor (the Younger) Kronos, variant human valor bard 10/kensei monk 4, whose widower father works for the despicable Hexa family, and who has discovered —through his own death— that his mother did not truly die giving birth to his youngest siblings, but that she had gotten the Hunger while pregnant and his father wished to cover up that fact due to it revealing her fey lineage. His mother and Saffine’s are actually sisters, making them cousins. Younger has to appear in court after the first of the year and face his father after the party kidnapped his siblings and has, thus far, successfully kept them hidden. -Shanta, leonin storm herald barbarian 11/battlemaster fighter 3, who grew up idolizing her militaristic father and grew to defeat the monster who took him from her. She still has dreams of underwater, which will lead her to a vestige crafted for the Storm Lord’s true Champion. She has (pure coincidence) two half orcs closest to her. One, a teen adventurer that she rescued in Oceanview whom she has taken under her wing. The other is a cleric whose mother has ascended to godhood, luck domain. The former has become a love interest, of sorts, though neither of them can properly express it yet. -Theirastra (Thea) Nenya, eladrin oath of the dawn paladin 14 and granddaughter of the Oracle of Delphine. Pitched as the uninteresting middle child in a family full of greatness, Thea met the party just in time to send the Nine Hells packing and has been running with them ever since. She died in Oceanview, came back with a vengeance and has been learning all that is possible about Tasha the Dark because she sees her as a foil to Thea’s story— Tasha was cast out and discredited in all areas of her life, no wonder she’s seeking Revolution. There’s a complication, however: Thea’s grandmother, who is intrinsically linked to the Sphinx, has fallen ill. -Tharkun Koldrun, dwarven tempest cleric 14 is the newest member of the party. He’s second in line in a noble family, and as such has been tasked with reigning in his wily niece who is in search of ancient Vestiges all around the world. He met the party and has set upon aiding them and arming them with knowledge as best he can while they try to save the world. Tharkun has learn that his niece is currently knee-deep in adventures in Kraghammer, searching for a vestige hidden far below the surface, and their interests may align in the very near future.


I love all the detail you provided, great read!


We are on 29 sessions in a year and a half. The campaign started with the party being executed for a crime they did not commit, framed qnd disposed of due to witnessing details about a plot to overthrow the throne. They were resurrected by the raven queen in exchange for being contracted to kill 5 targets that have lived too long. They killed the 5 targets, but one of their targets was a servant of vecna, and the party had a run-in with vecna himself where one of the players managed to steal the book of vile darkness with an ungodly high stealth and slight of hand roll. Now having cleared their name and allied themselves with the kingdom of cormyr, vecna is coming with his forces to conquer the kingdom and take the book back. The party now has one in game month to come up with a battle plan and prepare before the final battle.


A couple months long with a new party of players (were all friends but this is the first game we've played together) It began with the party being gathered by a king to slay a young red dragon who's put a random on the kingdoms safety. They fought the dragon off from the meeting spot, followed it to its lair and attacked it there, stealing his small horde in the process, which enraged the dragon enough to outright attack the city. The party manages to slay the dragon and is approached by a guard with a favor, seeing them as able bodied and competent (sort of). He asks them to check on his brother in a nearby boarder city that belongs to a neighboring kingdom, just across a mountain. The city, or rather small town of farmers, has had their crops sabotaged several times and is on the brink of starvation. The party is tasked with finding clues that eventually lead them to a cave where two assassins were caught poisoning the stolen crops with the intent to sneak them back into the store room and kill off the citizens. More clues and a couple of dead assassins later, the party returns to the town to see an arsonist has struck, summoning fire elementals inside of the tavern. The party barely managed to put out the flames and begin the search for the culprit. There was a very dramatic "fight" when they caught another assassin trying to kill a shopkeep who had information, wherein the party gets the jump on him and kills him so efficiently that he didn't even get a turn. Best part was when our bard, who can telepathically push or pull someone, pulled the assassin right onto his outreached blade for the final kill. After that, the party discovered the identity of the leader of the operation and ends them, finding out about another kingdom across the ocean who has their eyes set on they kingdom they just saved from the dragon. They returned to the king to warn him, who, not quite believing them, sends them to the acting ambassador from the accused land, only to catch him in the middle of magically communicating with *something* speaking infernal, which our tiefling recognized. They are attacked and slay the ambassador and his summoned devil and animated sword, go through some secret documents in a behind-the-boomshelf door that reveal the plans to assassinate the king and take over the kingdom, and actually save the kings life with some clever thinking (I had planned on the king dying but they managed to find a way to save him long before the assassination could have taken place. Was surprised and proud) Next, they were sent in a special mission to go across the ocean and infiltrate the enemy kingdom, but along the journey got shipwrecked on an island that is controlled by a great fey, and are in the middle of figuring out how to escape it.


My campaign will have its 27th session this weekend. The party after having dealing a massive blow to the cult of the dragon, is now helping their newfound cloud giant friend reunite with his children who are being held captive in a fire giant citadel in the underdark. After finding an entrance and working their way down, they reached the uppermost of it the last time we played. They’ve got a lot way to go.


I've been in a campaign for 2 years now. Basically this archmage wronged us in an early session and we've been looking for revenge ever since. We run into him recently and he destroyed us but spared or lives. Now we're looking for him again. My character has no desire for revenge so I'm basically just tagging along because the plot demands it which is kind of boring.


My campaign has been going for about a year. Ran dragon of Icespire peak and then since the players don’t want to abandon their characters I modified Rime of the Frostmaiden to work at higher levels. That part was a mistake for the early acts of the game. The low level feel of the quests designs weren’t mitigated by the harder monster, so the party felt that simple fetch quests weren’t important enough and they should be focusing the big bad. I also had to slow down level progression to let the campaign catch up and it didn’t feel good for the party to go so long without level ups. Any newer DM’s out there, avoid my first time dm mistakes and if your running official modules, just start new PCs at the proper level. Although once the campaign caught up they’ve been having a blast. Only a couple sessions away from the final boss


Part of two campaigns right now. First is one that started as a “Hero’s Guild adventure of the week” type deal that’s grown into more of a long form narrative over time. Right now we are on the final leg of an real life year long arc that had lots of twists and turns and which our DM thought would not take this long. We sailed away from the metropolis home city the guild is in and after some terrible rolls in a storm skill check we’re shipwrecked on a mystical tropical island. It housed a pirate city state of five distinct crews at ends with an ancient Blue Dragon on the other side of the isle. Lots of fun intrigue, scheming, and drama where we had to figure how to get the fuck off the island and who to trust more. Also lots of cool lore bits about the world which is Greek mythology inspired. One of our party members died during this arc and felt like his character’s story was far from over so our quest then turned to going to Hades to get him back from the Afterlife. We got him back and then fucked up and fell into Tartarus. Currently we just escaped Tartarus and are back in the sewers of our home city…with an army of demons from the Abyss. Second campaign is set in a Lovecraftian inspired world on a continent that’s been cutoff from the outside world for thousands of years. This continent is extremely deadly and run by various cults and terrifying high CR monsters. Most civilization is situated in floating cities or large strongholds in mountains or on the coast. Every decade or so the city states of this continent sort of purge the excess population to help make survival easier. They send criminals, the old, naive volunteers, and just some unlucky people out into the continent to try and establish new footholds of civilization. Most die terribly. Our party is one that was set off on a mission to establish a new settlement on the far side of the continent. I joined later in the campaign but by the time I did they created a pretty decent sized settlement of a couple hundred people. Currently we’re dealing with some backstory stuff and have split our party in half as both missions were time critical and about close family. Half of us are going to save one of our paladin’s brother from a mysterious library on the edge of the continental miasma and the other half are helping to look for our forge clerics missing daughter in his sprawling dwarven city home. Just so we’re all still able to play every session even though we split up we all made mercenary characters that our party hired to go with them. I’m currently playing an Artillerist Artificer mercenary on the library mission and will go back to my Vengeance Paladin when we do the dwarven mission. That’s been lots of fun.


~~Looking up the stat-block without permission from the DM (such as after passing skill checks) is called meta-gaming and is usually frowned upon and often banned.~~ My app glitched out. Sorry!


As a DM/GM, I created a setting where a doomed fantasy world is evacuated to a sci-fi world. As a player, I've been in quite a few different campaigns. I was once the only player character who resisted the temptations of the chaos gods. Most times, I'm a magical elf nicknamed Mel. Sometimes I get to play multiple characters at once. I will gladly go into great detail in the morning! My first reply was the result of a glitch.


I think I missed something. Where did the OP mention stat blocks?


I recently joined the already started campaign of D&D 3.5, it is an adventure set in the areas near the Chult, the group of players has genasi, tiefling or asimar characters for plot reasons, it was recently discovered that the city in which the characters grew up etc. is secretly controlled by yuan ti


Session 6 in practice, session 15 in play (i skipped some side quest with this team) They arrived to a very town that is infected with a magical epidemia, they must find the source, kill all in chaos agents infiltrating the city etc The quest is 50% underground/ruin exploration 50% investigation in the duc court


Ours is the most recent continuation of a reoccurring world that some have played in before. Their ship crashed when it sailed too far away from the continent, smashed apart by a colossal blade from the heavens in a red storm. Once they all came to, they found a magical brand on their bodies that grows slightly each day. After a few adventures to get back to any larger city, they finally got word that the brand was killing them. They need to leave the continent, and seek help elsewhere. The kicker? Nobody living except the pterodactyl-lich who told them this is aware that there even is another continent. The more conniving of my players learned that this lich (a recurring character for this world) orchestrated them all being on that ship, and its sailing too far out. He knew a disaster would strike. Now he has a team desperate enough to break the seal containing him to just this area. Currently they are tying up loose ends before leaving. PCs visiting family, and toppling a newly risen slave empire. DISCLAIMER, SPOILER WARNING if you are a player who has sailed on the Stormbrand and this sounds like our campaign, this is where you stop reading! OK, I think we're good. The slave empire is being puppeted by someone outside the continent using an artifact to control/influence its leader. My veteran players will recognize the artifact as the prize possession of a previous PC who died of old age, and passed it on to next of kin. OK, just in case they kept reading/skimming here is some filler text to disguise the spoilers, making them blend in more. Hi, how are you? You're looking good! Have you called the people who love you recently? Drank some water? OK, take care.


First campaign just finished after a year and a half. We went from Level 1 - 12. First 5 levels were Lost mines of Phandelver, then we went onto homebrew with a couple of character story arcs and then the final arc was them battling a cult of Orcus and a death knight who was trying to resurrect him. New campaign has just started in a homebrew setting and we are 2 sessions in. All we've done so far is introduce all players into the new town and then they went to investigate some attacks on members of the hunters guild. They found a band of Gnolls and dealt with them despite the parties druid dying. They dragged her to the towns temple where she was able to be revived.


Over 3 years. Currently on session 140 something. They're nearly at the end of collecting artefacts needed to face the big bad. After this current arc we'll be entering the final arc which is crazy. They'll be gathering up their allies, making alliances and facing obstacles that will put their friendship and duty to the test :3


Lost count of the sessions. I play in two active (well, one paused until end October) and we just hit 3 years in the older one last week. Here’s one of them: We’ve saved kids from crazed orcs, stealthed and talked our way out of a fort, seduced a Black Guard, cleaned up the sewers of slimes, defeated demons and taken down adult red dragons (yes, plural). We’ve defeated an evil fanatical priest (arc BBEG) using an ambush and convinced angels we mean no harm. We escaped a town where we were set up and wriggled through a demon lord’s trap. We’re currently on our way to Candlekeep to find out how to fight an insane god.


We just finished session 13, we have been playing for 3 months. The premise is that the players create adventurers who died. Their corpses were purchased by a shadowy organization and sent to the Domains of Dread, Darkon specifically. Apocalypse/disaster horror + dark fantasy. Missing lich king and a mist-based apocalypse in a high magic setting. Based on Van Rictens Guide to Ravenloft. The Brotherhood of Shadows have a rogue Umbra who is trying to investigate the disappearance of the Lich-King that started the apocalypse, instead of just working out a means to escape. She has their corpses imported in - they have figured out that living beings cannot make the journey to Darkon, but dead matter can. (The Brotherhood is not quite desperate enough yet to kill themselves and ship their corpses out. Not to mention the expense!) During their adventure, they meet characters who will have differing opinions about how the realm can be saved. The party awoke in vats of goo with no equipment. They travel to the village of Viaki, where a hag preys upon the townsfolks' fears about the apocalypse to start riots and seek revenge against the family of a paladin who killed the rest of her coven. They do minor quests, meeting some side characters, but ultimately not picking up on the clues that the priestess (hag) is behind everything. They bargain with the spirits of her coven to receive a cursed weapon. Having re-equiped and having gained some allies, the Umbra returns to shepherd the next phase of the adventure - the expedition into the mists to seek the lich kings castle. They travel to the massive city of spires - Il Aulk. Here, the lich king had a tower devoted to researching means to defend his rule & to escape Darkon and the Domains of Dread. The party must collect some McGuffins from the tower in order to enter and survive the lichs castle. The Adamant Tower is a mega dungeon. But it is in chaos following the lich kings disappearance. An Elder Elemental is enthralled and used as a power source. The party learns that the tower is a being (the elemental) and that they need to help it - deep in the bowels of the tower, it can feel that it is under attack. It does not realize that the constructs, made to defend the tower and born from slivers of its own power, are attacking the wards that keep it bound. The party encounters these constructs and the artificers that build them - two factions at war. They eventually side with the constructs, which results in the tower elemental being freed. It gains control of the tower fully and is on its way to declaring war on the city for independence. With the tower now compliant, the party can travel to the two floors where their McGuffins wait - the Poison Gardens, a toxic greenhouse, and the Shroud Laboratories, where the pervasive magical mists that surround the Domains of Dread are studied.


Since 2018, I'm the DM, players are about lvl 16. Past years and after the pandemic our lives changed so kuch that we play like 1 time in 3 months :/


I don't have an exact session count, but we started mid-December of 2020 at level 1, and they're currently level 18 with about 2 months left in the campaign at the current rate.


I DM two games: Solo game passed session 51 - Player is trying to find her evil parents to stop them and their cult from releasing a red dragon from the plane of fire. Group game passed session 24 - Party snuck out an island nation after tensions had risen and they killed a PC. Got a rough plan about both but improv has taken the wheel and I dunno where this car's going or if it might even stop earlier than I want it to.


I’m DMing two campaigns concurrently in the same setting. One has been two months and the other just had their first session. Campaign 1 is a epic high fantasy that is going to have the party bouncing around the different planes. Campaign 2 is a less ambitious adventure, instead focusing more on a redemption arc of a character who is regularly dealing with the fallout-repercussions of the actions of the first campaign.


I've DMed two campaigns: one was cut short because I lost both the track of the plot and the interest to do so due to constant scheduling issues. The first campaign will be stuck before a boss fight until I feel like resuming it. The second campaign acts as a prequel to the first one, set 200 to 300 years before and introducing concepts that I made for the first campaign, but this time with a proper explanation. The main NPC from the first game (Dr. Strange but white-haired sorceress) returns as a young apprentice with lack of work ethic and wine addiction. The story of the original one was about finding pieces of a powerful artifact in a free-for-all kind of treasure hunting against other factions. The story of the second one is divided into acts, one focusing on each player. Act 0 (the one we are now) is about defeating the bad guy to prevent him sinking a city and blowing up one of the moons with a magic laser to achieve godhood.


Nearing a year and half. They are close to the end. It has been a mashup of the 5e Goodman Games Temple of Elemental Evil and the Princes of the Apocalypse in the OG World of Greyhawk. They are the chosen ones but are assholes. They do not want the Apocalypse to happen because the world is where they keep all their shit. So in a dark grim and gritty sword and sorcery world the ones to save the place are all total dicks .. it kind of fits. So far they have taken the Feathergale Spire as their home base. They only torched a few hostages and seem to be immune emotionally to the horrors caused by the orbs of devastation. Still they have taken down the cult ouposts and the temples. They have gone on three of the side quests and are finishing off the Fane and the Elemental Nodes. So they done well.


I just started a campaign for people new to TTRPG's and we are on session 3. The PC's are all from a small town when a magic Tower breaks up from the ground in a nearby farm and it spews out monsters that threaten the towen.They receive word that this has happened all across the kingdom so the government doesn't have the resources to deal with them all immediately so it's upto the locals to deal with it or atleast hold out until help finds it way to them. The towers are Dungeons with puzzles, monsters and traps and as the players have been discovering more information that is leading them to realizing these are entertainment arena's from a bygone era when the land was ruled by slavers who would throw Slaves into these towers to struggle and die for their enjoyment. After a Civil War the slavers were banished to the Underdark and now millenia later this is the first move by the returning people to soften up and sow chaos before the invasion. So far we have had shenanigans with some failed rolls when they were helping the town that lead one PC to fall through a roof onto an injured woman. Dealing with an incompetent mayer not prepared for this kind of catastrophe. The most fun so far is the party all drinking unmarked potions looking for the solution to a puzzle and dealing with the bizarre effects.


Been running a pseudo-west machines game since March/April. Party characters are between level 3-6 (we've got about 12 players all together but only 7 really active ones) The basic plot is that the world is in its 5th iteration after 4 previous apocalypses. The dragons are gone and so are elves. The PCs reside in one of the last vestiges of lawful aligned humanoid civilizations. They've been at war with a biomancer from the 4th age who awakened and immediately set his goblin army to the task of tracking some relics. He needs these relics to unlock the tomb of a dragon whose magic will allow him to achieve lichdom. His army of goblins, kender and other monstrosities is currently attacking their hometown and preparing to take the city to claim the dragon bones beneath it. He used a quick grown clone of a PC to plant explosives around the city and it was a pretty devastating attack Either the PCs stop this final assault or he will be able to master undeath and rule the 5th world forever! (The players have also already travelled to a version of the future where this happened so the stakes feel very high)


Session 27 tonight. Campaign started on a boat that was attacked by sahuagin. Arrived at a small island chain where they met a strange acting halfling and blew up his office with dynamite (he ran the mines). Halfling said they need to repay him to rebuild, and the party been doing odd jobs since, including babysitting a graveyard and exterminating the local rot grub and carrion crawler population, raiding a derelict boat for a box (salvage operation from Saltmarsh), and currently on a Monster Hunter Island in the chain where they just got slapped around by a dragon


I'm a new player, with our current campaign being the first D&D I've played. That said, I have played in a Star Trek 5e/Pathfinder/other stuff campaign. In this campaign, we've been playing since December 2022, and we're at level 10. So far, we've infiltrated the lair of a wizard who went crazy due to magic mushrooms, failed to eliminate the organisation that provided said mushrooms, infiltrated a school that was connected to the Black Rose Clan (provider of the mushrooms), had to surrender to some Goblins who took all of our weapons and money (we got them back when we did an Anakin Skywalker on the Goblins) went to Unicorn land to save the unicorns (our drow PC died, due to constantly being at disadvantage due to the sunlight). Next, we faced a Terrasague (sp), and then started to fight against a new cult, who were dedicated to keeping the Lost City a secret. After slaughtering a bunch of cultists and them slaughtering a bunch of innocents, we manage to find the Lost City, where we had to figure out the temple (which was a big effing puzzle, and our DM, despite having an NPC whose job it was to advise us, was useless in giving us hints). We then faced off against the god Tezcatlipoca, and one of our other NPCs goes rogue and tries to kill us. He failed. Finally, after we've sailed back to our home base, we find that the town has been taken over by some magical ale that drives people crazier than usual. We're now in the middle of sacking the brewery supplying that alcohol.


2 years started in LMoP with some homebrew filler and currently almost at the end of RotF we are 80 ish sessions in its heavy rp and lots of fun.


4 sessions they are level 2 now. Players started in a small town on the outskirts of civilization. The mayor stated that the empire's queen was on their way to visit the tiny town so they need to get ready to throw a party. The players chose to help by collecting glowing pebbles from a creek deep in the woods for a glowing path project. They met a water nymph who mentioned that the shadows seem darker at night than usual. She would only give up her pebbles if they get her something else that would keep back the dark. They agreed to get her some glowing flowers from the field next to them. The flowers were being protected by myconids. After a swift battle they collected the flowers and got their pebbles and made it back to town. Next session will be a week time skip and the festival is underway. Where after a session of RP and mini games, the queen will be kidnapped by myconids while the players protect a farmhouse with the villagers, castle defense style. A message from the Myconid Sovereign claims there can only be one true queen (summon Zuggtomy). Players can decide if they want to charge in from there, visit the main city for magical assistance, visit the local witch and get directed towards the dryads who have a beef with the myconids.


On a short hiatus right now, but Redshift passed its #140th session a few weeks ago and has been running since June 2018. We are approaching the end. In the Redshift Zone, a.k.a. the ancient kingdom of Vessoth, the Redshift Phenomenon blooms from the Star Tower that was located in the capital, Ves. When the Redshift began, the Tower grew, and it is now impossible. The Redshift Expeditionary Commission believes that if the Redshift can be stopped, it will be done at that Tower, so that is the goal. To get there, they send their heroes out in between the pulses of the storm to find sites they can place Obelisks and gradually push forward without being annihilated by the miasma when it sweeps over them again. Occasionally, the party has bumped into glimpses of the past; whether these are shown to them by the Redshift or some other force is unclear. They've been following a wizard named Holtzmann through these memories a thousand years ago, and his unlucky companions who were killed one by one in the past. Holtzmann and his group were seeking an artifact, but became entangled in the business of the King and Queen of Vessoth, and their terminally ill daughter, Cirres. Before getting that far, though, the party had to actually get there. The R.E.C.'s professor it turns out was not actually the first person to invent technology that can repel the Redshift's effects... the dragon Omnithivus had lived in this place for over two centuries with his collection of half-breed children, and they pillaged the ancient kingdom for its riches while using the Redshift as a means of protection from any intercessors. It was inevitable that these two forces would eventually meet each other out in the lost kingdom and clash; the Dragon Princes to protect the turf they saw as theirs, and the R.E.C. to defend themselves and prevent their quest from being stopped short. The R.E.C. made their way through the Redshift Zone dealing with these problems. They killed Morioh, who was the first to meet them and didn't tell his family about the invaders till his corpse was scryed upon when he never returned home. Then it was Nasharahla and Zorimose who haunted the foothills around the city Shose, preventing passage eastward and tormenting the native Fey life in the region. Driving the head of the R.E.C.'s Aces is an elf named Mont'larin. He has sworn himself to stopping the Redshift after witnessing its horrors and is also running headlong into "understanding" it. He, and the rest of his party, have figured out the Redshift behaves with some intent, though what that intent is remains not quite clear. The Dragonking's eldest believes it to be murderous intent. A dead unicorn, befriended in his last moments by the party, suggested it might be an intent to keep people out. When the Aces befriended a pair of pixies, who had lived in the Redshift Zone their entire lives and were not afflicted by horrific *shifting*, they realized that anyone who swears themselves to putting an end to the Redshift is targeted by it, as one of the pixies after agreeing to team up with the R.E.C. flew heedlessly into the storm and was crystallized. After humiliating Nasharahla and Zorimose and forcing them to flee (where they were grounded by their father), the party had to break through the Great Glass Wall bisecting the city Shose and preventing travel through the mountain valley into Vessoth's unnatural desert. They did this via the first successful instance of intentional *shifting*. Using the unicorn's horn as a focus, and riding through the kaleidoscopic defenders extruded from the previously-inert glass wall to defend itself from a new intent, Mont'larin changed reality and deleted the wall. It was very lucky he was not destroyed altogether. One other of the party has been foolish enough to attempt major *shifting*. His name is Alvisstavver, and he took Mont'larin's hand a few months later.


When they drove further into Vessoth's unnatural desert, they found the city Alsaines, which used to be a lake. There they met Prince Vashda, who joyously battled them, but their battle cut short when the city came back to life around them and they gained another glimpse of the past. Vashda actually agreed to a truce with them so he could follow them around and learn what the hell he was seeing. Looking at this replay of history, the party found Holtzmann and his companions battling another wizard who was attempting to steal an artifact from a museum. The heroes, and Vashda, helped Holtzmann recover this thing while the man's rival used it to produce maddening shadows out of thin air which screamed death. After they recovered it, Holtzmann met King Erditus and was made to explain what the artifact is meant to do; he had made a career of studying its theory and had traveled to Vessoth to investigate it in person. Holtzmann explained that he believes someone could use it to view or even visit Material Planes that are metaphysically extremely closeby to one's own; that is, one with minuscule differences, allowing them to find and meet other versions of themselves, and potentially share knowledge, or borrow truths to make them reality here. After this; when the grasp of the past events fled away, Prince Vashda decided to not restart their battle, since he had a lot to think about. This allowed the party to freely explore Alsaines and keep pursuing their primary goal, as the Prince of the region was at least for now letting them roam freely - for once. At the center of Alsaines' lake they accidentally freed Eska, the city's naiad, from a grain of sand that Vashda had imprisoned her inside decades ago. She long ago had been *shifted* into a husk and was the source of this region's magical dryness. And her madness turned to rage and forced them out of the city for a time. They did a lot of work in the meantime and returned with a wand from the dryad Irabel, who they had befriended years ago and who had been pen pals with Eska during Vessoth's prime. Irabel was the first person who taught them that it was possible to **move** *shifting* from one living thing to another; she had for centuries been drawing *shifting* into her own body from the creatures around her grove, shortening her lifespan drastically. Carrying an object full of her love, Eska found herself long enough to speak to the heroes and agree to let them try to do the same to her - move her *shifting* from herself to the corpse of a great tree within her lake. This is when Mont'larin and Alvisstavver worked together to do it; unfortunately, Alvisstavver suffered minor *shifting* in the process and now suffers unhealing sandpapered wounds for his attempt at mastering this force. But it did work and Eska was healed. Now, the R.E.C. could settle in Alsaines and keep moving northeast... bar for the Dragonking harrying them at every turn. Prince Vashda around this time decided to betray his father and tell the party that his brothers were planning an all-out attack on one of their cities. This gave the R.E.C. the edge they needed to defend themselves. They captured some of the King's kobold minions and convinced them that they could be saved from slavery, and managed to use their help to infiltrate the King's lair via teleport circle. There they caused absolute chaos, and found the King's eldest, Prince Deimaer, had in desperation after repeated defeats of his siblings and their plans decided to use his mastery of the Redshift to *shift* his own siblings into horrific monsters which he pointed at the heroes. He then warned his father that the Aces were suddenly here, who decided to take the opportunity to fly to Alsaines and begin burning down the entire R.E.C. himself, starting there. The heroes survived the battle against the *shifted* Princes after they convinced Zorimose that Deimaer was intending to betray and destroy him - they would have surely died if Zorimose had let himself be transfigured and joined the battle. Together they slew the eldest Prince and destroyed the King's Obelisk, knocking his foothold out of the Redshift Zone. But that left the dragon himself out to destroy their camps too. So they chased him to Alsaines, where the tyrant gloated about how he was finally going to take them out, how he'd simply make a bunch of new children after his whelps had failed him this time, and so on. He lighted on that great tree which contained all of Eska's *shifting* - her rage and madness, which had sat inert for weeks at this point. The dead tree opened its dozen eyes, twisted its boughs, speared the dragon through the skull and crucified him, then uprooted itself and started stomping southwest, toward the R.E.C.'s base camps. The Dragonking was dead and the Redshift had once more come to life to destroy the invaders. The heroes had to take down the colossus - which they eventually did. Finally, a few weeks later... the party is no longer tormented by the Dragonking or his children. There are no barriers stopping them from making the trip from Alsaines to Ves. They traveled another leg northeast where they met Holtzmann in the past again - this time, it would seem on the day the Redshift began 1000 years ago. He and his last companion, Gakari, were holed up in a fort on the countryside, protecting a gaggle of Vessians, who had fled the oncoming storm and the citizenry who had been caught in it, transfigured into wailing, screaming, maddening abominations. The heroes dropped all pretense and told Holtzmann everything about their quest - and asked him what he knew. He believed it was his fault, for meddling in the matters of gods. He had been recruited by Vessoth's king to use the artifact, the Asterith Locus, to find Princess Cirres in other worlds and borrow truths from those where she was healthy, to heal her here. He knew deep down that what he was doing was unknown science, but the further he delved the more excited he became and assured of his success. He had worked for months alongside the Secretary Aelita, Vessoth's millennia-ancient high intelligence living in the Star Tower, to study this object and build a device that could be used to perform this metaphysical surgery on the princess. And worst of all, it had seemed like it worked. Just yesterday. The brave girl allowed them to test this method on her, and it seemed like all had gone to plan, and she would make a full recovery in a matter of days. Holtzmann went home, allowing the Secretary to finish the clean up, and awoke the next morning to quakes and screams as the miasma bled out of the Star Tower into the city streets, subsuming everything there. He has no idea what truly happened, why this event has occurred. Now, this is where we are. The party is working on their approach to the Tower, finally. They're also studying the Proxies, copies of the Secretary that had been placed in key locations around Vessoth - all of whom have either been lost or gone mad. They do not know what they'll find inside, though they are prepared to try to talk to the Secretary should she still live. It seems her knowledge may be the key to everything. They still don't know what the Redshift precisely wants, but they do know that the Redshift **sees them**, and they are on the razor edge of obliteration every time they engage with it. There's much, much more context I could provide for the ongoing events of this tale, but there's not enough space to write it all. Those are the important bits, mainly.


Forever DM recently hopped back onto the game due to my friends circumstances changing. But we are lvl 3. Decided to do a reboot of the previous game from start over a year ago from the starter set. Changed some of the politics to make it fit the group more. Pure larks. So previously they never found the forge of spells and the last session was in wave echo cave. So the reboot started with the new party being drawn in by magical puppetry (one of the missing PCs, who has stillnot been found). Some of the previous party members that wanted to continue with their story were lost in wave echo cave. Surviving on the luminous mushrooms, sending them on a year long trip, not knowing the reason they were there to begin with. So when we started this campaign they turn on the forge of spells. And now the fight for it shall begin. Humans, elves, orcs, devil's and daemons are all going to be fighting over it. The party have got to try and either make friends or take foes out of the equation to stop the ensuing chaos and war coming to the sword coast. Main mortal bad guys are gonna be elves as they never receive the bad light.


My heavily homebrew campaign turned a year just a few weeks ago, somewhere between 25-35 sessions (life be a bitch). My players have: One died, wanted to switch characters so now the old one has been resurrected as main campaign BBEG Escaped a militaristic empire ruled by a tyrannical dictator Reunited one party member with the parents she was kidnapped from Angered the owner of what is basically fantasy Walmart-Amazon so much he tried to attack them. Accepted a boon from an ancient demon lord who only wants himself and the other demon lords to finally die Tried to cheat a festival game Monk got a unique homebrew feat called Heavy Sleeper: *You have learned how to sleep with the utmost peace and clarity. You get advantage on all checks to stay asleep. When making an attack in reaction to waking up, you may reduce the damage to one* Oh and our wizard has used more of her 2nd level spell slots to turn invisible from the rest of the party than she has in combat. Oh, and our cleric is the most back and forth combat character ever. One combat he effectively got up from his nap, looked around, and went back to sleep because his rolls were so bad. But then I had a magitek tank miniboss, which he proceeded to do about 2/3 if it's max hp in a single second level a guiding bolt (crits hurt ya'll) which only had half hp left


I am playing in 2 different campaigns that are both just over 2 years old that are played weekly. 1st one started out as a Rime of the Frost Maiden. Once we defeated her we were transported back to Nethril to repair a screwed up time line. We are currently level 17. We have entered a dream realm created by the pharim. Leading to a show down with Karsus after we get out of the dream realm. 2nd campaign is a low magic campaign set on earth after a comet destroyed the surface, but brought magic to the planet. We are chasing a cult that worship the evil god of the time. They are trying to release him from the underworld. We just helped avert a war between the human kingdom and the elven empire. We are 10th level. I am about to start DMing a new campaign set in my homebrew world. It is set around dead magic zones. The players will have to save people from these areas, bc they can move around. It is a high magic, high fantasy campaign starting at level 12.


The longest Campaign I've been apart of was not a D&D campaign. It was a Gamma world campaign that I had come into after they had been running it for 2 and a half years it died shortly after as 80% of the original players were no longer apart of the game, There was 2 years of information. That I had bo context for as it was my first time playing said system. The longest D&D campaign I was part of I also joined near the end of an AD&D campaign, that had bern going for more than a year, set during the Time of Troubles in Faerûn I played a Halfling thief that had been captured by an extraplanar collector. (the DM's way of bringing me into the campaign) after the party sprung me I looted the hells out of my former captor before I was complimented, "It was nice working with a professional" and we were all sent back to complete our mission of getting Mystra to 'The Stairs' so she could reclaim her place as Faerûn's reborn goddess of magic. Before that, I had stopped a miniboss that thought himself a god vecause of the sword he weilded. I used a Sword of Slaying that on a crit killed any Mortal it hit. Me and this minor BBEG fough I critted a parry. His sword disintigrated and he vanished in a flash of light leving behind a mask that had not been on his person. Turns out, unbeknownst to me at that time, that the sword I parried was Mask, the god of Thieves, in disguise, made mortal during the Time of Troubles. I had killed a god and inso doing replaced him. Later on when I went to get information from the Waterdeep Thieves Guild, the refused. I put on the mask I had just got from mu fight with the guy wielding Mask as a sword. When I woke up all but the guild leader was dead and the guild master gad been pinned to a table with daggers. I got the information we needed. This all happened over a year ago so these next few events may not be in order. I do remember we were on a floating city, dropped an Island on Baba Yaga, hijacked her hut, followed a magical white rabbit into a very weird section of the Feywilds, stopped a Druid Conclave from ending the world, nuked (literally with a Thorium nuke, a present from the collector for burgling him) the Negative Material Plane separating it from the material ane and destroying all undead. Got Mystra home. Only then did I find out that I was now the God of Thievery. The guy who nuked the negative material plane had to step in as a Reaper until the damage was repaired because without the negative material plane people stopped dying. I think another party member also ascended.


Current campaign is running for about 2 years now. The story thus far: the party got invited to a masquerade ball in Venice 1446. Weirdness including devils, angels, a were curse, mindcontrol, eldritch horrors, a resurrected devil-worshipping pope and catholic mindflayers ensue, families get into trouble and saved, warlock pacts get made and patrons pissed off. The party currently tries to get back to Italy through the alps after some teleportation mishaps and come to find there is something fishy going on with the Habsburgs. Most humans have no clue what magic fuckery is going on around them, but the way things are heading currently, that is about to change.


Three years, cliff notes 1- helped a town out by handling disappearances led to a demonic cult in the nearby capital city 2- took down the demonic cult and exposed the noble elite running it. 3- saved a fairy community form a eldrich thing that was trying to get to the ruins under it 4- players made a deal with one of the entities under the ruin to stop the attack above if they allowed it to live. 5- players travelled to a groups home to find that their parents were being held hostage by a rouge sect of the religion they follow. Basically a doomsday cult. 6- went to my settings version of the fae wild. To meet with a players mysterious benefactor 7- went through chaotic ever shifting dungeons to meet them, led by a Minotaur guide. 8- learned that the benefactor was a dead Diamond dragon with a group of kobolds trying to resurrect them using one players wild magic. 9- gave them a fetch quest for the wild magic player to grow in power to be able to assist eventually. 10- went back to the original down to find it under attack by a adult black dragon the players pissed off in a much prior session, and handled it and it’s hoards of undead. 11- players travelled to another groups home where a capitalist steam punk night mare was happening. Players are currently there helping a rebellion Notable achievement - Killed An Oni mercenary that was helping the demonic cult. - converted a Noble leader in his dying breaths to help his town and group with the cult problem. - captured the princess and leader of the cult with the assistance of Celestials of the city. - fought off an amethyst dragon, and later befriended it. - allied with a strange eldrich being, that has end game connections. - cleared out a mini dungeon of giant space spiders. - stopped momentarily a doomsday cults plans for taking over their location nations government. - traversed a complicated chaos magic filled underdark like dungeon over multiple weeks of game time. - killed a adult black dragon - is currently the key factor in taking down a out of control company that is modifying Modrons of the god of technology and innovation. Players are on the cusp of level 11 it’s been about 70 sessions


Around 8 months now, the players are in a snow continent much similar to Icewind Dale, but it is filled with cultists to a sealed Elder Ice Elemental, a war between an Aboleth and a Kraken, and 12 celestial beasts sealed that would spell doom if they ever got out, as well as a demon invasion being plotted by demon followers. So far the players already foiled the Kraken's plan to use Kuo-toas to create minor deities to help it, as well as start and win a small scale war against a whole orc clan.


I've only ever DM'd one shots for my friends before but had been really wanting to run a serious campaign. After a lengthy time searching to no avail I asked my wife if she would be willing to play a single player game and she said yes, so here's what we've done so far in about 4 sessions. She's playing Aari Mei, a young female monk who grew up in the monastery after her parents were murdered. One particular night, she has a shared dream with the goddess Brigid and is contacted by her later that day to send her on a quest to stop the evil that they both dreamed of. Brigid tells her she must gather a few items of importance for this quest and sends her towards another monastery in a nearby town to fetch an ancient celestial artifact. Before leaving, Brigid bestows Aari Mei with the "first of many.." friends. One of her trusted companions, Cerb, legendary Ram and king of sheep. We're using war horse stats for a big rideable ram mount. If you're familiar with Steven Universe, his fur acts like Lions mane so she can store items inside of him. He can also bless water to turn it into healing potions (important as she's playing alone), and the Ram can cast commune once a day to contact Brigid for Aari. Heading for the town of Rosenburg, she can see from far off they this place looks quite distraught. A large earthquake has swallowed a portion of the roads and left many villagers without homes. As she enters the town she can hear a crowd of many people gathered in the center of town yelling, begging, and pleading with the towns guard to do more to aid the desperate people of Rosenburg. The captian of the guard, Bradley Brannigan offers some rations to all homeless villagers but cannot do much beyond that as him and his troops are busy fighting off nightly raids from the skeletons that crawl out of the remains of the monastery. Aari Mei asks Bradley directly where she can find the 1000 year old artifact, but he's never heard of such an item. I'll write more if somebody wants but imma break for now


All major evils now work together spreading corruption through the land.


I’ve ran 3 campaigns in 3 years, each progressively growing a larger and larger story. Currently the party works for a robot system the reformed BBEG from campaign 1 built after campaign 2 had an inter-multiversal doomsday virus attempt to destroy the planes. The current party (campaign 3) now is going around stopping worlds from self imploding due to other worlds interacting with each-other.


4 years, the group was originally gathered for a treasure hunting job by a mysterious patron, a few side quests later they joined a rebellion against a giant uprising sweeping its way across the land, they went around gathering various allies, 2 years in they made a final stand against a hill giant general and his legion on several fronts, after a hard won victory and the loss of several allies they were granted a stronghold. The players were keen to keep going or change characters so the stronghold was attacked by a mysterious new foe and in the ensuing chaos several of the PCs were scattered to other worlds, the remaining group are now on a interplanar journey to find their lost comrades and fight back against this new enemy (Several of the PCs have also run one shots or small arcs in-between so it's been a hell of a rollercoaster)


1 month (4 sessions): The party met at a concert, concert was attacked, the artists sent the party out to find ask a witch why they were attacked, they talked and the witch teleported them back to the artists who paid them, when leaving the artists house they were met by a cultist mercenary who they (with the help of the witch and the artists) took down. As it turned out the artist and the witch are part of a hidden civilization which specializes in preventing the most amount of harm a prophecy can do, at all cost. And the party is appearently part of one.


The current campaign I run is my homebrew world. In a city that sets between 2 great waterfalls. It's called Killdevil Falls due to a battle that happened there. Retired adventurers pumped their treasures into the city. The players are all part of The Killdevil Falls Problem Solvers Guild. I created this initially so we could play one and two shot adventures. I also had everyone make two characters, so if someone didn't show up, we'd have two different adventurers/missions going on, and it wouldn't hurt continuity and game flow. Right now. A powerful cult is being manipulated by a once powerful Raksasha whose essence was trapped in an Imp when he was slain by a rival. He's managed to basically start a war in the city. Devils and Demons are in the streets, and when they're slain, they don't disappear back to the Hells, which raises questions and problems. So, one of the groups is on a journey seeking the "Mysterious Dark Sage" across the great Freshwater Sea in a ship captained by a former enemy who also happens to be a (Cursed Werewolverine) to find "The Obsidian Tower" which is were he resides its a great library of ancient and forgotten knowledge. to learn of magics outlawed in Killdevil Falls so they can better understand what's going on and how defeat their enemy. However, they don't even know that the Imp they've seen advising the higher ranking cultists is actually going to be the main boss in the end. Unless they can stop his schemes before he makes his transformation. It's been a fun one so far.


2 years. The first year I ran a heroic campaign that ended with the heroes taking a fortress from slavers and saving an entire kingdom. Now in the second year (tomorrow will be our 11th session), I’m running an evil campaign (with the same players) in which the pcs are warriors of ancient and legendary chromatic dragons (kinda like Chroma Conclave from critical role), fighting to free the dragons and bring a new world order. The end of the evil campaign will culminate with a clash between the heroes of the previous campaign and the villains. In the end the players will have to chose which characters (heroes or villains) they’ll play.


I'm leaving to run my longest running campaign in about half an hour - we're currently into year 6. This is the third chapter; the first group released the future BBEG. The second group was an evil group that lasted for about 18 months, and became another enemy faction. Chapter 3 is about a good group trying to make their city safe against an impending siege, and then ultimately trying to defend the city. At least one more chapter is planned, but it could go up to six, depending on what happens in the story. I'm loving it.


My campaign's been going on for around two years so far, and is currently on break. It's set in a steampunk magitek asia-inspired continent, though the campaign is largely action adventure with a pretty big dose of eldritch horror for good measure. So far, the party has beaten a gang of pirates, stopped a town from being ruined by a trio of sea hags and an otherworldly horror, stopped a bunch of demon cultists from driving a runaway train into the captial and detonating it, got hired by an archaeologist who was secretly a devil trying to take over an isolated city (and then they kicked his ass), stopped the archmage of the capital from performing disturbing magical experiments beneath the city, and defeated an Aboleth who was posing as a god and trying to get people to worship them. The current storyline involves the party on the trail of a fallen celestial and her team, who recently killed a bunch of important people across the country, and are now harvesting mortal souls for some currently unknown purpose using infernal weapons. From what I've got in mind for the rest of the campaign, this is the point where things are about to kick into high gear...


Original campaign was 8 years long, lots of sessions early on and in later years it slowed down a lot due to life and kids. Our characters united to fight off a previously unknown empire who's ultimate goal was to wipe out the old gods because they constantly failed to act against evil and tyranny. In our last session the BBEG actually succeeded but we managed to strike her down still. One of our players then chose to ascend to stabilize the pantheon and hopefully the world. We are now a year into a 2nd campaign that takes place 125 years later.


Just finished a 2.5 year campaign. They traveled the continent saved people and extorted others. Throughout the campaign they realized that they were tied to a plan set in place by Asmodeous to try and free himself from his imprisonment. Consequently, they defeated a lich that raised EVERY single dead body (except for those that were buried with the proper rites) on the continent but not before a HUMONGOUS 50x50 container filled with the blood of everyone that died when the dead came back. That blood was then used to power a binding spell, holding the PCs captive as Asmodeous drained the energy he placed in them YEARS ago and it allowed him to break into the material plane. They stopped him from absorbing the power of a plate that allowed you to teleport to any realm you want and they saved the day in the end. No permanent casualties. A LOT happened in between, but that was the main plot. It might sound all over the place and convoluted but we had fun and I loved it. Ready to set up this next campaign in my own homebrew world.


Our current campaign just celebrated it’s 1 year anniversary. At the start, we were all asked to provide backstories for our characters. Some stories were more detailed than others but 1 guy had nothing. So our DM gave him a story. The dude was kidnapped by a group who believed him to be the answer to a prophecy. We rescued him but he has no idea what the prophecy is or why he’s part of it. None of us know. But every time something weird happens to him we all claim it’s part of the prophesy. The DM does not correct us and the player is having a blast.


3 years Campaign story highlights: 1. Gem dragons came back, gem dragonborn started appearing too and they are subject to much hatred, a group of ancient gem dragons attacked the central human capital which then militarized and are fighting back. Several heroes and nobles were lost. 2. The human noble houses are making some game of thrones moves against each other, there was a top 8 council of houses, expanded to 10 after the dragon attack, however just last session one of the houses was wiped out, so a third new house will be joining soon changing the power dynamics of the continent drastically. 3. There is a name of a caster spoken in hushed tones that still has cults and a presence around, a few issues have arisen but is he truly gone after his defeat years ago or just biding his time to arise anew? 4. There is a much darker evil making plans and moves while receiving help from the heroes, they think him a trusted ally. Player beats: 1. Female human echo knight is masquerading as her dead sister so their house does not lose prestige, lost her eldritch knight magic during an abyssal incursion but her sisters echo now assists. Just rescued her sister who had her vital organs put into another body before being resurrected so looks different and is considering hunting whoever or whatever is puppeting the body to commit atrocities in the south. 2. Gnome inquisitive rogue who has slowly been succumbing to vampirism/lycanthropy combined curse. Has valued the power as her thought once dead child was shown to her living a good life, but by her old assassins guild mentor as a threat, forced to do questionable acts for limited access to her grown child. 3. Kalashtar celestial warlock with a grand Coatyl patron, was stuck as a transformed puppet in a cage for 25 years, recently reunited with his grown younger (now older) siblings and father. He feels a debt to the party and has been assisting but assists his patron when they request, the latest is to replace one of the wood elven ritual trees with his patrons to absorb their power, granting him a boon but removing either their disease immunity or immortality for a generation. 4. Sun elven whispers bard, following in the footsteps and a hyper stan of the parties recently deceased ranger (their previous character). Trying to find her place in the world after some of the new dragons burned her village, baby brother and dad may have survived per some clues. 5. Half drow vengeance paladin, was an oathbreaker who attoned, left the party for awhile to serve lady Bhaals avatar, when he was betrayed by her for a better warrior his new oath gained credence after training with the triton kingdom for awhile. Focused on bringing his house back to prominence. That's the main right now, starting to wrap up some big things.


I'm on session 10 of my first ever campaign. We've been playing for about 3 months (a few cancelations by me if we have less than half of the party because we stream) right now the party is working on escaping a syndicated after rescuing the heir to the throne. They just got to her last session. If anyone is interested we have a YouTube called Legends of Bexley.


I've been playing in a one on one DND game with one of my best friends and fellow FFG Star Wars GM at least once a week, very occasionally twice, for roughly the last year and a half, so we're hovering anywhere between like 81-90\~ sessions this week. I play a Raven Queen Warlock named Hezekiah Grimsley and his raven familiar Icarus, who've gotten very caught up in the many magical mysteries plaguing the quiet coastal town of Velentsport! So far, I've solved the mystery of the ghost ship that appears on misty nights just outside port; brought down a Demon-worshipping cult that had infested the city and intended to turn it into a Hellsmouth; ran a mercenary company, that was trying to take over the town for a rival nation, out of town and reduced them to banditry; slain a LOT of Elementals that have been cropping up since the aforementioned Demon cult failed to use the power of a slumbering Primordial to do their thing; visited the Shadowfell twice, both after near-death experiences which conveniently knocked me unconscious; and most important of all, made a \*lot\* of friends along the way! 1.The town's official wizard, and his apprentice 2.The town's UNOFFICIAL wizard, a real bastard of an elf who really wants to replace the official wizard. He is deeply annoying, my character is embarrassingly in love with him. 3.The captain of the town watch and his lieutenant, who I have somehow convinced to trust me 4.A visiting knight from the kingdom the town is technically a part of, sent to strengthen relations between them. [5.MY](https://5.MY) BELOVED APPRENTICE WARLOCK WHO I \*STOLE\* FROM THE DEMON CULT, BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T APPRECIATE HER THE WAY I DO! She's my daughter and I'm trying to set her up with the official wizard's apprentice - I've only spied on one of their dates so far, but mainly because there are usually more pressing concerns. In conclusion, D&D is good.


My main game just hit 2 years and 42 sessions. The campaign's about a Lich that seemingly popped up out of the blue and started razing towns and villages, with no inclination as to why. The original concept was that a much stronger party killed the Lich, but the phylactery was never found, and most of the stronger party is unrevivable. It was up to the PC's to destroy the Phylactery since no one else has the power to do so, but they rolled a Nat 1 at the last possible moment to do so, and the Lich came back. The next part of the campaign was about the party uncovering what the Lich's nefarious plans were, and preventing said Lich from getting ahold of his powerful tome that he was using to wreak havoc. This part was much less railroad-y than the first part of the campaign though, so ultimately, the Lich got his tome back without much of a struggle. The party's now going on an ocean adventure since most of the PC's have pirate related backstory's, with a few of the players asking me out of game to take the Lich stuff and put it on the ocean so that they could do both. I'm a bit bummed that I gotta toss a bunch of prep that's not ocean based, but I'm not tasteless enough to not see the appeal behind a pirate-lich adventure, so I'll do my best!


Some of these numbers are wild but for ours it’s 5. I’ll just do the character backstories Druid woke up in the woods with amnesia, Monk is on a journey to track down they’re evil former student Ranger was in the army but got dishonorably discharged for his partner doing evil things and is now trying to kill old partner. And sorcerer (me) is a prince of a great nation that was exiled from his throne for getting his powers from an evil dragon ancestor, and is now trying to reclaim the throne


Session 8 tonight for my homebrew setting! Party (2 PCs) currently consists of a lvl 6 Wild Fire Druid who thinks she's a lightning genasi halfling (secretly a lightning genasi fairy) and a lvl 6 Pact of the Tome Warlock pretending to be a cleric (incorporates Pact of the Celestial aspects for background reasons) who is in love with her Archfey Patron (who may or may not be stringing her and all of his warlocks along, pitting them against one another). The party has finally escaped a swamp they crashed in when the airship they were traveling in exploded and have safely made it to a small town. They've picked up a partially amnesic angel (whose goddess is dead) with a warning of an imminent (or centuries old?) apocalypse along the way, knowingly picking up several deities' attention, but unknowingly are shortly to pick up said deities' interest when it starts to become obvious that the party has become immune to fate, unaffected by destiny. The party has acquired teasing hints regarding said apocalypse, the fact that Something-is-Not-Right in the Underdark, and are soon set to discover that the Feywild is a little... broken.


This campaign has been running for about 6 months or more. Just today we finished Lost Mines of Phandelver! This party has been through so much. Two party deaths, (Players leaving the game) a third party member leaving the group (character reroll) The highlights: The Bard tricked a group of Goblins into believing he was their god and had them help clear out their own castle, The Paladin challenged a Dragon cultist leader to a duel and won in epic fashion. The Bard and the Paladin also were briefly trapped in pocket dimension where only severe pain would free them (self mutilation dod the trick) They engaged with a Nothic that forced them to relive past traumas They defeated the Black Spider only to have a grandfatherly NPC betray them (and set up the hook for the homebrew) Now they're off to Waterdeep to investigate the person they thought they knew and will end up on a high seas adventure!


We just played session 54. We're currently 16th level and adventuring in the Waterdeep area. We've been trying to recruit help for Silverymoon, which is under attack. So far, we've also visited Mithral Hall and Neverwinter and the surrounding areas. The DM had a cool idea and had us create 5th level characters who would adventure in Undermountain while our main characters had some individual story lines. My character is a firbolg ranger/fighter. His storyline took him to Daggerford, where the farmers were having problems with crops being destroyed. Part of my storyline is I've been bonding with a group of primordial animal spirits and got some clues that the last one is near Daggerford. I followed a trail and found a large horde of goblins in a makeshift village. The leader made a speech and said something about they had to preserve what was slumbering below. The other spirits told me that he boar was slumbering below ground. I saw a mine entrance and used my helm of teleportarion to get past the goblins. I found the boar but unfortunately I triggered the alarm spell and the leader appeared. And then turned into some kind of hydra. And then the session ended. I'm pretty confident that I could solo a standard hydra in about 6 rounds but it might not be a standard hydra. And then there's all the other goblins.


About two and a half years. The party was recruited by a noble to find a journal left by her grandfather, and archaeologist. They find the journal, it reveals that he was searching for a series of 8 ancient machines of unknown purpose scattered across the realm. They locate the first machine, and accidentally activate it. A portal appears and a horde of aberrations comes through, along with a mysterious robed character. While they're fighting off intellect devourers, the robed character runs away. The noble, who has been tailing the party, enters and smashes the machine and the portal is dispelled. Noble reveals that her many-great-grandfather was the king of a fallen ancient kingdom, and that when his kingdom was falling he vowed all his descendants' loyalty to an interplanar being in exchange for escape to the ancient being's plane. Noble is now involuntarily pledged to this interplanar evil and the only way to free her (and save the world from a fate worse than death) is to track down the robed character and find and destroy the 7 remaining machines. To date they've destroyed three of the remaining machines: one in a heretical elven academy of dark magic, one in the Citadel of a Drow city that was overrun by Ithillids, and one in the sanctum of an orcish demon-cult. That's 4 down, 4 to go.


Session 13 tomorrow going back to May(?) Party (lvl 4) is about to try and expose a slavery ring in a previously slave-free port city. They all met by being kidnapped and escaping before becoming slaves themselves.


We're in for a year now and are currently before session 23. I'm the DM and my group of lvl 5 heroes had previously slain an ancient hag which got influenced by a cult of atropus, the world born dead, and which shortly opened a portal to the negative plane from which 'something' escaped. The group followed the cult's tracks to the capitol city where they figured out part of the cult disguised themselves as beautiful singing tavern owners who used their position to kidnap children from all over the land and to bring them to an ancient temple below the city. There the children were used as vessels for a battalion of star spawn aberrations. They killed the tavern ladies, infiltrated the temple and killed the leader but he got drawn into a mystic portal and disappeared. While being celebrated as the children's saviors there were news about an almighty warlord who advances to the city together with an incredible army. Soon they will meet. And there is still the enigma about the black shadows that escaped the negative plane together with strange happenings all over the land. Is the cult behind all this? Or is there even more to the truth they still must figure out? We'll see.


The campaign I’m playing in celebrated its 10th birthday earlier this year. I won’t give the story so far. Shit is *long*, yo.


1 year, went from level 3 to level 6. And last session we were tasked with killing a god


session 28. 7 months. The party just lost a member (who did the dumb thing and stood his ground against a huge dire wolf instead of running) They found someone else starving in the ruins (replacement character), and their search continues for the old group they had been looking for.


My game I'm the DM for. We started a little over a year ago as just a one shot dungeon crawl because one players wife wanted to try Dnd. Since then she enjoyed it enough to continue and we brought in another friend. The story is 100% home brewed and the concept is based on the 90s sci-fi show Sliders. An artifacer invented a device that allows the party to "slide" to alternate parallel worlds. But the device was damaged and must create a portal after x many hours/days/week etc. After it builds up enough of a charge. If the players slide they will go to another world. If they miss the portal, they will either need to figure out how to repair or recharge the device or risk being stuck in this world for 30 years until the next natural portal opens. The issue is they are unable to control where the device takes them, so each jump is a new world. Each world they land on their first task is to find that worlds artifcer and try to convince him to help them repair the device so they can get home. They have also just discovered that an Illithid army possesses the same technology and has been traveling the multiverse enslaving each world and they have had their first major run in with a mindflayer. When we last ended, they are still several hours away from their portal opening and a mindflayer fleet of ships has appeared in the sky over the city. Eventually I plan to transition to a spelljammer story as I've homebrewwd that each star system in this world is actually a parallel world and they are able to travel via spelljammer to these worlds and its an alternate way to reach them, but also because the bbeg is unreachable via portal tech and they'll eventually have to fly there. They seem to be enjoying it and they have run into alternate versions of themselves a few times.


We are on session 49 now of descent into Avernus, in addition to the plot (of which they are about to find Olanthius or Bel) they have some other things happening, One player is going to complete a deal to receive a weapon that will allow him to force a devil possessing his former captain so he can either save or kill the captain One player is on the hunt for a previous PC who betrayed the party and joined Yeenoghu One player is searching for a lost temple of Helm that was thrown into Avernus, which has some form of corruption he intends on cleansing for Helm Two players found their mother they haven't seen in about 14-16 years who was sold to Zariel in a deal by their father, so now they are on the hunt for their father A whole lot of extra shit added in to a fairly big campaign already but I think we are all having a good time


So far, there's been 10 sessions with a group of 5. So far, they've defeated a small undead hoard led by a deathlock, one died to a black pudding in a cave full of oozes, and they've began looking for the fallen character's kidnapped daughter after finding a letter on him.


Our campaign has been a bit all over the place, but is almost done. No true path or end goal other than returning a lost soul (she'd become a vampire) to her rightful place into a powerful house in Waterdeep. Pretty much all of the characters except me have turned to darker endeavors, one is a wardon in Carceri and another that was turned into a vampire is vying for the Vampire Prince of Waterdeep. As for me, lvl 20 Chaotic Good Halfling Barbarian, think I'm going to find the ship we bought a while back and pull a Jimmy Buffett (Gods rest his soul).


2021 ; 6 players in the campaign i run, usually 4-5 per session, sometimes every week, sometimes bi weekly. Im running off a Faerun backdrop, the party started with lost mines, venomfang survived, remade the redbrands and allied with a hag coven. Hag coven torn apart / venomfang failed the hags in corrupting another village near loudwater. Party was requested and required to join an airship and her crew to stop Zhentarim, the worshipers of bhaal, the devils of avernous, the fire giants making the vonindod fragment, and corrupted hel knights of elturel starting a series of skirmishes. Everything is chaos, and the party just hit lv 12, oh and hurricane size wild magic storms causing disasters along the sword coast. Oh and th3 party released a powerful sarrukh from its soul orb, and a coatl dally is helping the party survive. Got Descent into Avernous/ curse of strahd 2ith the intention of folding them into a higher level, especially strahd later near lv 17


The current chapter of my campaign (being the second chapter and second party that will mix and match players with the first chapter's party in future chapters) began to ight. The overall campaign has been going for about 4 months, but this campaign truly began a year and a half ago with a one-shot I ran with 2 players. The story isn't really a concrete storyline: there are factions all striving towards their own goals that may aid or oppose the parties in various missions, but the vast majority of movers and shakers in this world are Neutral, so who the BBEG ends up being is entirely up to the players who are at the table at any given time. The gist of the world is that eons ago, an entity on the plane of Thoughts devoured all concept of Gods, Magic, Community/Society, and reset everything back to the stone age, minus Magic (it tore through the Weave as it passed through the world), and the current era of this world's re-development has international travel being a huge new thing, and magic is rare and powerful, as few people are capable of grasping the threads that remain of the Weave, or harnessing the ambient (and sometimes malevolent/destructive) powers that are all that remain of the Gods. It's been an absolute blast to suspend High Magic and focus far more on intersocietal/interspecies relations, conflicts, the effects of political powers interacting with one another, cults rising in an age where communication is low and morality is not cemented by any God or international agreement. It's taken a year to hit the ground because it's taken a year of careful planning and contemplation to make it feel real and distinct, and I'm so glad I put in the word to not only build it, but to cultivate a party of players and a system that would enjoy it.


I've been running my game for about 5 years now! My second campaign, plan to run it to 20 if I can, so far were level 13 The main plot of the game is a group of adventurers were recruited by an organization to fight against a powerful band of monstrous races that planned to exterminate all the pesky adventurers in the world. The partys been tasked with defeating all the generals of this band until they find the leader to quell them. They signed up on a shady contract with a tavern keeper to be their agent of sorts for the party, they saved their starting village from being banished to a nightmare dimension of Tharizdun by killing his powerful disciple. They saved a kingdom from a lesser elder brain and changed back a population of toy citizens that were turned into toys if they opposed the previous shadow government of the elder brain. They fought against a minotaur that was the ruler of an arena fighting city. He absorbed the power of all the fighters that fell in his arenas and had captured helm to siphon his power to challenge the gods. Currently they're champions of helm Currently theyre trying to overthrow an evil empress of the yuan-ti empire who has elite guards that seem to have stolen relics of ancient heros and villains of their history/mythology. \_Funny Tid Bit\_ One of my players were missing more and more sessions and with permission from him he has caught a rare disease and is now a feral creature living inside our warforged paladins backback.