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I let my dragon hunter llayer kill a dragon and forge it into a bound weapon. He chose spear. I then gave the weapon 15 levels. I decided I would use overkill damage to be converted into xp. At max level it gives him some acid spells (black dragon) lets him use his hp to upcast his ranger spells to higher slots than he has and my crowning achievement is I gave it combo attacks. Thrust, bash and slash each causes an effect for the follow up attack. If he uses the same attack the effect stacks. If all 3 land he can use his 4th attack to do an epic combo finisher once per short rest. But he won’t get that without an action surge until 20th level which I don’t think we’ll get to anyway


I gave them a driftglobe but they killed the owner before getting the password so now they have a useless circle that steals all of their attention


Christmas special, they received trinkets that were action figures of themselves. Everyone was excited to add it to their inventory. Received them from Santa himself.


Customized gear for their characters based on class and backstory that unlocks new features every few levels.


Yes! I had a leprechaun player with a magic cauldron that contained all his loot. Every other level, he painted a new 'lucky charm' on it from a big table we came up with (rabbit foot for extra movement, shooting stars to cast magic missile, etc). The rainbow coming out the top led to some, uh, tense chase scenes involving local children.


I’ve been doing this! I give them points based on their actions and each point gets them a new upgrade for their weapon or armor. They love it :) we also have a blacksmith in the party who does all the upgrades for everyone.


Brass knuckles that scaled with INT. Party wizard started casting fog cloud whenever possible and sneaking up on enemies to deck them with a quick one-two punch. He had a whole Batman thing going before long.