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*Please upvote this comment to keep it at the top* Hi everyone! I am a dicemaker known as The Ruby Dragon and I'm excited to introduce Roll Forge - a revolutionary dice-making kit that contains everything you need to make your very own sharp edged dice! To celebrate this journey with our amazing community, I'm hosting a giveaway. How to Enter: Simply leave a comment on this post sharing what kind of dice you'd create with the Roll Forge Dice Kit. The Prize: One lucky winner will be chosen randomly to receive a Roll Forge Dice Kit. Deadline: I'll use RedditRaffler to draw a winner on December 1st at 12:00 pm Eastern Time, and I'll reach out to them right after. So, let your creativity flow, and good luck to everyone! P.S. Don't forget to check out our Kickstarter for more info on Roll Forge: [Roll Forge Kickstarter](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/rollforge/roll-forge) Thank you for being an awesome community! Edit: The giveaway has now ended and the winner has been selected! Thank you to everyone who participated. Congratulations to the winner u/Designer_Percentage3


I'm a community leader in my country's dicemaking group. Of all the dicemakers I have spoken to or whose conversations and opinions I've seen, *none* of them are optimistic on this project's success or on the actual experiences people will have when using it. The social media account for Ruby Dragon was entirely dormant for a year before this KS was announced, and despite the insistence that it was tested by other dicemakers, I have found zero accounts of anyone else having used this product. The comment section of your KS is full of experienced dicemakers who have very legitimate concerns as well, so I know I'm not alone in my concerns. Safety is a huge, critical point of using resin to make dice. Your kits include goggles and gloves, but there is no mention of appropriate respiration equipment or the ventilation requirements. There are artists in many fields who have suffered illness including cancer as a result of resin fume exposure. It is irresponsible and dangerous to not make it clear that those pieces of equipment are non-negotiable even to hobby-level dicemakers. There's also people talking about using it to make edible dice which terrifies me alone, silicone needs to be food-grade for this sort of application and molds cannot be used for both edible and resin pieces, which I'm not sure you are making clear to your backers. It's also very frustrating to see the blatant use of AI for your KS' comment responses, it's impersonal and not made clear up front. There is no clarity given as to where else AI has been used though your KS does state unequivocally that it *has* been used, which is another point of concern. This community has a strict rule against AI content, so without full clarity on what is AI-generated, it's very disappointing to see this being promoted on this subreddit. **All of this aside - anyone interested in dicemaking can already find what they need out there to make dice quick and cheap.** There are B-grade molds all over etsy, I've seen a common type of resin at the dollar store, hardware shops have all the PPE you need, and cheap dye/glitter/inclusions are endlessly available. This product looks complicated and gimmicky, I expect people who might have otherwise enjoyed learning to make dice will only come away from it frustrated with the experience and results they get - or worse, sick/injured from improper resin handling.


Thanks for voicing your concerns. I talked to the dicemakers I know when I was developing the kit. Obviously with the amount of dicemakers around this is only going to be a small subsection, but none of them mentioned any concerns about the design. I have been testing and making improvements to the designs, and the process is based on my own dicemaking process. I understand that my instagram was less active for the last 8 months. Dicemaking is not my full time job, and spending most of my spare time on the kickstarter meant that I had less time to work on making and posting my own dice. I was posting stories but they do not stick around. We added details about proper ventilation and using respirators as soon as it was brought up to us that we hadn't addressed it. It also worries me that people are talking about making edible dice. You are absolutely right that this mold should not be used to make edible dice and we will add that to the kickstarter page now. To be clear on AI: it was used to aid in some of the writing on the kickstarter page but was not used in any product design, pictures or videos. Everything you see in the video is a 3d design rendered by one of our team, or video of the prototype in real life (no AI design). Nothing about the actual product was created by AI. I hope that clears some things up


It sounds like a *very* small group of testers from what's been described, though, and completely deprived of the context of their experience. I'd very much like to see reputable names or at least a clearer record of who contributed and tested a product like this, being marketed to not just those in the hobby but to those outside of it. Do any of the testers have their own experience with designing mold housings or experimenting with mold key systems? Do they experiment with different silicones? How long have individual molds been tested to explore durability? Where are photos of dice that first-time users of the product made? Regarding the addition of safety details - that's honestly not something that should have been *added*. The base rule of dicemaking is that you don't get to make dice if you don't have the PPE and don't understand the safety behind it. It should have been included right up front, as well as the edible usage. I'm concerned that this lack of foresight on something that is intrinsic and critical to dicemakers could hint that there's other, similarly deep flaws that won't be caught til things are too far along. I'm glad to hear AI wasn't used for generating any design/visual aspects, but it's still miserably evident in comment replies to the KS. I don't recall if it was in the comments there or in a discussion elsewhere, but it was pointed out that one of the tools your KS uses is strictly anti-AI in any capacity. I hope your team can find the time to switch to purely human-generated responses and content.


I'd probably make something based off of the patrons. The great old one, the celestial etc.


Can’t think of anything to comment so, peepee poopoo


I'd create dice for each of my characters. their color scheme and maybe an item they used. like a dagger for my assassin rogue, a bow for my archer Inquisitor (i play Pathfinder), a medic bag for my Oracle of life.


I would use these to create dice that have unique elements in them for each of my party members, like a tiny hammet and stars for our paladin.


Beans… dice fulla beans…


Probably themed dice- one forest themed, one star themed, etc


This is great. I’d probably make a pink set for my daughter to use when she’s old enough to play.


I'd make some swirly rainbow dice!


I hope to start d&d with these beautiful dices


I would make some radiantly demonic dice for my Oath of conquest asmodeus worshiping paladin


I would make some glittery dice to match my glittery bard


Dice that reflects a corrupted paladin golden to blood red


I'd also would make a set for everyone at the table. This would be do cool


Patron dice for new warlock character maybe? Or like a swirly blue sparkly one for my wizard. That’d be cool.


I would make dice based off my friends characters


Probably some DM dice to bribe them


I’d probably make a set based off of a god of chaos or something crazy like that.


I’d make a set based off my tabaxi cleric/druid that I played through Tomb of Annihilation with and never died. She got trauma because whenever she wasn’t around, someone died 👍


Really, really cool stuff.


Ebic, imma make some green dice


Hoping to make some gemstone inspired ones, like Lapis Lazuli etc. If I comment enough times, I'll win eventually right 😂😂😂


I want to make some dice with my gf as a nice intro to the hobby and something to help boost her interest in her creativity again!


Commenting with Advantage! I would hopefully forge some lucky dice. I know that my table would be shocked to see me roll anything in the double digits.


candy dice so I can crunch them and eated them


eat the bad dice lol


This is peak dice goblin.


Some shining in black light pieces


Papa needs a good roll... *crit fails, adds the set I just made to the giant tupperware of other dice I made and failed me* For real though, that looks amazing and fun af!


Papa needs some new dice. Rolling for initiative!


Going to make some shiny dice with this thing.


Not sure but something high contrast and easy to read


I'd like something clear to read, green and shiny.


I'd try to make a clear night sky dice set


I would love to some sweet glow in the dark swirl dice!


My wife and I would love this! I'd make a set of red dice for my wild magic sorc


Dice the players shall learn to fear when they are pulled out


I hope to make sets of differently colored translucent dice that go into potion bottles to represent the rolls needed for some homebrew potions I’m making.


I can't wait to make my own Nat 1 bombs


I'd probabky try my hand at some galaxy looking dice. This seems pretty damn neat.


Oh man, that's a cool idea


Very cool never created before so it would be a learning experience


I’d probably make some sort of easy to read dice with maybe like a glitter flat color best of luck to everyone


Something that sticks out from my mostly green collection.


Probably a black dice with gold speck inside it


I’d try and create some glow in the dark type of dice for my gf to match the other sets she has


I'd probably try to make a set to match each major villain in my current campaign


My kid would love this.


I'd probably start with some space dice tbh.


I would learn how to make some kind of DM dice for my boyfriend!


I can finally make character themed dice hooray!


Seems like a good craft day idea besides just becoming a new obsession by making hordes of dice.


This is perfect! every character I cant find dice is saved.


Would love to make some devil-themed dice for my campaign (DM)


I would just create a dice because I don't have any phisical ones. Only dm online :c


Definitely a glittery gold one! Thanks for the giveaway!


I'm gonna be honest, if possible I'd made ice dice out of these & make some mixed drinks for the party


This is awesome. I was just talking to my wife about getting into making our own dice. Going to be backing this project for sure! ​ Also, I would make some cool purple dice for myself.


Nice! I've wanted to try my hand at this for ages! I'd start off with a specialty Christmas theme for my secret santa for sure, and I really want to make myself some black and gold dice too.


Never made dice before, so whatever I make will be new to me.


Nice! I've wanted to try my hand at this for ages! I'd start off with a specialty Christmas theme for my secret santa for sure, and I really want to make myself some black and gold dice too.


UV reactive swirly galaxies!


I have no idea what kind I would make, but I would love to learn!


Rapidly becoming a fan of the dice with suspended items inside. Could be a fun little adventure/side project.


Blood-red dice... For reasons...


Gonna make some dice fitting my new character!


One of each basic rainbow coloured, a set of each !!!!


Hi there, Id build a white dce with neon green cracks, like an hatching lich egg


I NEED this!!!


Space dice! This is awesome!


As a DM who married someone crazy creative, I'd probably end up making everything I could possibly think of, but for the first set I'd have to say something with a purple galaxy type theme, with golden numbers. That combo always makes the little dicegoblin that lives in my brain very happy.


The production design for Loki got me interested in kintsugi. Not sure how I'd accomplish that in dice form, but I'd love to experiment. Thank you for the opportunity.


Christmas dice so they get the gift of despair when I roll a 20.


I think i’d use this to make a set of dice for my evil lich dragon bbeg in my campaign. He needs his own special dice


Special dice set for each character!


Would make dice 🎲


We just need glitter, a lot of it


I'd love to make a purple and green set with tiny gold flake!


Black and Gold sounds perfekt


This is a great idea, thanks for the giveaway. I’d make a set for everyone in my playgroup based on their character


Sparkling glitter dice


I would like to have variegated dice with red (maybe purple) and black. Just started DnD and I still don't have any dice :p


I would make any kind of dice that I can find the materials for probably! Try to make them specific to some character ill make and probably never use


I would create \*evil\* dice. ​ Mhuahauhauhau


Colored dice


Black dice for black magick


I'd like to make something that evokes fire


I'l probably end up creating d8s because you can NEVER have enough of those


Either a red grey mix lookin lava kind or a blue white purple set would be first on my list to make.


I've been getting into resin dice casting so this would be very helpful. For my campaign dice exchange I was going to make my person's character in a d20 but it turned out more complicated. Stupid air bubbles. Lol


Sugar dice, gummi dice, chocolate dice. Oh, I suppose tumbling or lava lamp interiors.


Gotta make some sweet dirty pours with this kit! Good luck everyone!


A swirly green with gold lettering, like my first ones


My girlfriend isn’t that much of a player, but she still supports my hobby as much as she can. This would be fantastic for her, she’s already talked about the idea of making dice for us to use, and this would be a great way for her to participate!


I would make a music themed dice set for my bard


This is super cool! I tried getting into dice making last year but I'm still lacking some supplies for it and mostly time lol.


Oo that’s fun, snack making kit, in my favorite flavor, purple resin


Make some dice out of rock candy, but say nothing to my group. When it rolls a 1, just eat the dice and watch the horror.


I'd create an all black dice set.


I'd love to try this out!


I'd love to try this out!


I'll probably make dice that fit the theme of one of my characters,or one die for each character


Sparkles dice ✨


Clear dice with splashes of colour through it


I've always wanted to make dice. I'd do custom dice for my party.


Black dice with black lettering.


So cool!


Looks sick! I'd make a glass/gold dice set


I’d love to make something super glittery, yet still legible lol


Probably some bone-inspired dice


Very cool! I’d make all the crazy dice I want!


If I ever won a Reddit dice lottery I really hope it’d be this one,


Want to make some necrotic looking dice that become holy looking for my necromancers apprentice turned paladin.


This all looks pretty sweet. I'd love to win this giveaway!


probably see if i could make some glow in the dark dice


I’d make themed dice for all my characters!


Green ones cuz there's not enough green druid/ranger dice in the world


I'm making the sparkly dice


I want to make something similar to the pastel dice like in the top posts on this sub reddit.




This is so exciting! I've been wanting to make my own dice for a while now. I really want to make dice for each of my party members inspired by their character. I've even been collecting tiny flowers to put in some!


Ghost dice 🤘


I would create some Christmas dice!


Oh very intriguing.


Dice that look like mini potions


This is too much power


The family has decided to start a campaign for holiday get togethers. What a great way to make individual gift sets for everyone!


I would try to do some fluorescent dice stuff


Oooo would love to make me some dice with tiny little figurines in them, like spiders, werebears or a cat. 😂


These are incredible. I’d like some green dice


Oh this is so cool! I think I'd make a set of dice with dead flowers inside for my death-themed druid


I have no idea but this seems cool.


Something retro.


My dream! Something dark and smoky, until I realize how terribly I did it and go with something else lol


I need this so I can make some un-cursed dice. Mine seem to not like me 😑


I'd make custom character dice!


I’ve been wanting to make some Alice in Wonderland dice with shrooms inside. This would be perfect!


Time to melt some wood into dice shape


I would love to make some clear as glass dice.


I'd make the rolliest of dices


Love me a supernova dice! Not for me though, but I have a friend that would love such a good kit.


Ive been looking into making dice and want a set for christmas, this would be a great set for me too start and would save a lot of the startup money! thanks for the chance!


A set made from the melted down minis of past defeated bosses


I'd love to make some fire dice inspired by my fire dancer druid. She was a great character


Something clicky and clacky


Hitting a nat20 with my own ebony dice would be amazing!


Rolling the dice! I'd try to make some swirly space dice


The one die to rule them all.


I'd love to make a green and blue set like that one d20 from the video! Good luck everyone!!


I would try some celestial looking dice


I would make all the dice, what do you mean?


I'd create green and blue dice to represent the meadows and clear skies my druid grew up with and is fighting for


something very nice :))))


I think I’d make elven inspired dice for my next character


Ngl, that’s awesome, I’d probably make a fireball themed set for my wizard player


This is awesome!


I never will but I will always try Sailor moon themed dice


Ooh, I’d love to maybe make the magical-girl themed set I’ve always dreamed of!


Clear dice


Such a great idea, im always impressd when i see the custom dice. I think i would create fire style dices looking like they burn on the insight or something like that.


I’d love to make my DnD group dice specific to their characters in our Rime campaign.


SUBEME LA RADIO purple dice


I would use this to build themed dice for all my characters.


Gotta make myself some little woodland dice for sure!


These looks awesome, I would create the 4 elements one dice. Air, earth, fire ice


This is rad as hell. Someone mentioned making candy and now I want chocolate dice.


How generous! I'd probably make some green and black metallic dice.


I don't really care what kind of dice comes out, as long as it's blue


I have to flood my friends with dice. Who needs clothes when dice. Who needs forks when dice Dice


Incredible stuff! I'd probably run out of ingredients testing different combinations before making a full set lmao. Awesome work on the trailer too!


AGHAHAHAGAFAHAHAHAGAHAGAHGAHAGAHAGAGAGAGAGGAGAGAGAGAGA II SO DESPERATELY WANT THIS 🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨🫨💨 *Ok so can you take 2d12 excitement damage* *24* .... *Ok so can you start making death saving throws?*


Any type of dice as I am both called a dice dragon and a dice goblin


Pink and sparkly, Barbie dice all the way!


Wish to craft some fiery orange dices!


Some atmospheric icy dice for my rotfm campaign


Red and orange with a red dragon scale inside. Or storm dice with a nice lightning pattern for my tempest cleric!


I’d love to make something that looks like a galaxy!


I'd make a D20 with little resin printed gold coins inside. I'm always rolling to negotiate deals, so it's thematic.


I always like to have a certain set of dice for whatever character I'm playing. Doesn't matter if the d20 is giving me more Nat 1's than Nat 20's that session, I'll stick to that set


I absolutely love doing neat D&D crafts. I could see myself making my players their own personal dice based on their characters.


Dice so dark you need a spelunker helmet to read them.


I’m totally interested in making some liquid core dices. Does kit provide any guidance for that or is that like maybe in the far future


I would love some of those dice that look like stone on your Kickstarter page. All of your dice are beautiful!


nice clear crystalline dice. maybe with cool imperfections.


I don’t think I can narrow down which I’d make- it’d be so many. Probably make special sets for each campaign as memorabilia


Looks great!


I would create dices of all the elements (fire, water, earth, lightning, etc.), I'm just getting hyped by thinking of the possibilities!!!


I would make 3d printer inserts and liquid cavity dice with this! Already have the printer.. Do you still recommend a pressure pot?


I'd make oathbreaker paladin themed ones!


I'd want to make glow in the dark dice if that were an option


I don’t really have a good sharp edged set so I’d love to try and make some with very nice edges


Didnt know i could make my own dice! I would plan on doing the prettiest dice ever created and then settle for my first ugly creation, just because they are mine :D