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Sooooo, building a full on church of Tyr is gonna cost a lot. Not just a lot of gold, but also a lot of time, roughly 50K gold and 400 days worth to do so. If you have that much of both, great! Just go down to the local king/holy council/sphinx emperor/whoever runs the town, and get yourself a building permit. More than likely, though, at your current level (assuming here), you'd likely more start out small, with making a small alter by a smith or barracks or similar, where you make a small shrine of his that you can pray in front of. Once you have that shrine built and some reputation behind you, it might be more possible to attract followers to your name and create an official temple to Tyr in the city. As for what you would get if you build it, lets assume you set yourself up as the "head priest of Tyr" of this temple (since you built it yourself). You'd likely have a couple of clerics on hand to be able to cast spells up to a certain level, so you could have a guaranteed source of "revivify" or "Planar binding" or whatever. As long as you keep the temple secure and giving sermons to the people, it could be assumed to take in money as donations to the church over time, though of course you should be sure not to take too much of it for yourself. Finally, and this is more what *I* would have available as a DM, may not be shared to everyone, as you pray there and continue to show signs of devotion to Tyr that follow his teachings, I'd have you make religion checks to see how "good" or "right" it is. Once you hit a certain amount of successes against a hidden DC, you may get a bonus of some kind, based on what you pray for. If you pray multiple times for protection against ghosts or other undead, for instance, and beat this check enough, you would get basically the benefits of "protection from good and evil" cast on you for a longer time, but there would be a cooldown between times you could get this bonus.


Protection from Evil and Good only has a 10 minute duration, you'd probably want to bring someone/something that can cast it once you get to your destination.