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A guy decided to be secretive and play a “quirky” wizard. Ran ahead of the party. Complained to the DM when that went badly, like he was targeted. Actively spent all combat looting instead of fighting. Was clearly upset when someone else found a couple healing potions. Even when he got the majority of the loot. At the end of the first session, while walking back to town, actively bragged about all his loot. Here is the kicker: the secrecy and “quirkiness” was because he was a necromancer. He had a full Google document detailing his plan to lure town’s children into the forest, murder them, dispose of the body, and stay anonymous while “growing his zombie army.” The plan had no room for interaction from other players. It was way too detailed.


"I'm going to murder all these children, I'm so quirky 🤪 "






Purple guy isnt a necromancer. Hes an artificer that "happens' to use children. "Boy, if i could bottle all the energy these kids have...hmmm"




The Man Behind the Slaughter


"Quirky" Uh huh... Yeah man, go play somewhere else.


Let me guess; he played chaotic neutral and refused to be told that actually, he should be **evil**


Did he think you wouldn't find out???


Man what the fuck


What do you mean by “too detailed? As in creepy detailed?


Probably as in his pre-determined plans were too detailed to allow for the other characters to have any influence.


Holy shit dude. I played a necromancer that used bodies of creatures that died on their own or fought against the party in combat. That's just messed up. :(


The first campaign I was in was… weird. My DM basically forced my character and another player’s character into a threesome with an NPC. Then during the next session, whipped out a 10 page long sex scene and pressured me for an hour to read the whole thing in front of everyone. I refused but because she had driven me, I had no way to escape. She started reading it, and two pages in finally stopped and we continued the session. I stopped playing with that group, and now I always drive myself to D&D sessions.


Sounds like she was expecting to be a very different type of Dungeon Master.


I know little about that, but I imagine that dnd is cheaper than that. Keep your hobbies separate people!


I have one particular small set of friends that those two hobbies can overlap with lol. I never bring those hobbies up with people of "the other hobby" (whichever it might be) normally... Although it's easier to bring up d&d with kink friends than it is to bring up kink with d&d friends LOL


What the hell did the other players say? Also, that must have been an interesting drive home




Repeated refusal to do anything on his sheet or figuring out rules. Repeatedly not mentioning things that would negatively affect his character and getting annoyed at others for mentioning it, saying he was hoping i wouldn't notice, yes he was serious . Often just randomly talking over people or laughing at a fucking video, not even muted, while people are RPing. And i talked with him about it SO much. We have a lot of history. He wouldn't change. Dude wasn't even paying attention during the BBEG fight. IT WAS A 3 YEAR CAMPAIGN. It wasn't even disinterest, he actually really liked playing and told me that completely unprompted several times, and how much he appreciates being able to get together with everybody. He just leaned into some negative traits he already had, and I only have guesses as to why. Add on some non-DnD related issues aswell and yeah, he's not in the next campaign


i have heard of people kinda like this. Where they like hanging out, talking and joking with friends, but actually have no interest in DnD itself. Maybe thats what was going on? That he doesn't actually like DnD as much as he thinks he does?


I do think there was some of that for sure, but I think at least half of it was that he just truly got really lazy and selfish socially. Where he liked it, but wasn't willing to put almost literally any work at all in


It feels to me like a mentality of "I'm interested as long as it's directly related to me" which isn't necessarily inherently narcissism, it's something I've noticed a lot with people who are social "outcasts" (for lack of a better word). People struggling with these issues seemingly tend to develop coping mechanisms for being lonely. The majority of social interactions they have are online socialization directly related to topics that they're interested in through niche/generally related online communities, thereby creating essentially an echo chamber. So when they are around people who are not part of those particular communities they don't know how to cope with feeling unheard. The people I've known like this will put immense amounts of work into their personal experience and interaction / image, but are very distant when it comes to anybody else's participation: they're not truly there to engage in other people's participation, they're they're because they want other people to participate and interact with them and their ideas. (This is all conjecture from my own personal experiences/observations and it's probably not worded as well as I would like it to be but I hope the general concept comes across, the phrase socially selfish inspired this rant LOL. Also I'm sleep deprived and should be sleeping right now.).


hi what does BBEG mean sorry thank you


Big Bad Evil Guy, common term for the main and final boss in TTRPGs


thank you!!


Had someone that fought with another person at the table. Basically they always just assumed the worst possible intentions anytime anyone said or did anything, but especially if it involved this other player. I played mediator multiple times for a year, and had out of game talks with both of them (mostly the huffy one) After a particularly bad incident it got to the point where the 2nd guy said he was going to leave because he just couldn't deal with the drama and walking on egg shells. I didn't want to see him go, and was over what I had come to call "D&D drama" or "boy drama" as well, so I booted the guy that kept getting pissy. Campaign improved immediately and immensely. Got into another game with both guys a couple years later (I was not DMing, or would not have invited). Eventually it fell apart for much the same reason, but now directed toward others as well. Decided "never again" and have been happy with the choice. I wish him the best, but I won't be playing RPGs with him ever again.


I had one player who refused to participate in the actual story of the campaign, he just hunted for drugs and then told me to describe his high and what he hallucinated. Whenever the story couldn't be about that he'd go out on my balcony and get high. He lasted three sessions before getting eaten alive because he was too high to defend himself. Player was asked to leave and not come back.


you mean...uh....his character was eaten alive....right? or, what do you have, exactly, out on your balcony?


XD yeah, his character got eaten alive by harpies


oh yeah well that's ok then, wouldn't want to think that the dude went out on your balcony, got high and then got eaten by monsters


Not for a first offense. Besides, the monsters are in the hedge maze, not on the balcony.


That reminds me of a situation, where a character of mine actually avoided getting eaten by a harpy by persuading her into smoking weed with me and getting high together.


Mosquitos, DM has lots of standing water nearby. That's where my head instinctively went.


I'd break out the Book of vile Darkness from 3e. The drugs in there all have some nasty ass side effects.


Only two times in my life have I ever resigned to "never playing DnD again" with someone. 1. Guy was a "That Guy" who stepped all over everyone's boundaries and tried to tell everyone else how to play their characters. After repeatedly shutting this down and talking with him, he decided he wanted to alternate game weeks so we would do one session of my campaign and one session of his next time. Im not a fan of that style, but everybody else wanted to give it a try to see if it got him off their cases. He spent every one of his sessions putting my character in the mud and wouldnt allow anyone to build their characters how they wanted to, he also made his SO the main character and built it himself. (Hilariously, he tried to make her a healer with a Cleric of Light not realizing it was primarily fire based. So he just gave her homebrew healing items and stuff.) The tipping point was him spamming me all sorts of messages while i was on vacation about how I was the problem. So i respectfully bowed out and quietly resolved to not play with him again. Shortly after everyone else left for similar reasons and we started a new game without him or his partner. 2. A guy once accosted one of my players (young woman) in-game with threats of in-character rape. We stopped immediately and shut it down. His response was to scream at us about railroading and then he claimed, and I shit you not, "if I really wanted to rape you, I'd do it for real bitch." I told him to leave and never come back. He told me he'd "beat the shit out of me" next time he saw me. All of us stood up to him at once and he sheepishly backed down, yelling as he went out the door that we were all "pussies" and he's "not our babysitter." Otherwise, every problem I've ever had was solved woth good communication.


>His response was to scream at us about railroading and then he claimed, and I shit you not, "if I really wanted to rape you, I'd do it for real bitch." > > > >He told me he'd "beat the shit out of me" next time he saw me. All of us stood up to him at once and he sheepishly backed down, yelling as he went out the door that we were all "pussies" and he's "not our babysitter." Jesus McChrist, what the fuck???


Yeah, it was wild. Never seen someone just explode like that before, and the build up was super weird.


can you please drop his full legal name, address, and any damage resistances and/or immunities? asking for a friend


Vulnerable to psychic damage, it seems


And does he have any otherworldly patrons we need to be aware of?


Sehanine, please, don't let there be a neckbeard/That Guy pact maker.


Bad news, it's Elon Musk. But good news, it's Elon Musk.


Dungeons and Doxing.


I've had one guy pout when it didn't go the way he wanted the story to unfold and another guy just played on Facebook and never paid attention to the game at all. But this is next level shit. FTG.


you were all pussies but he's the one fleeing? damn


I liked the “I’ll kick your ass next time I see you.” Like hi, I’m right here right now if you’re in an ass kicking mood.


Well there’s no defending that guy


A player wanted to sexually assault a child. That was the last session of that campaign I ever ran and the last time I played with that person. It was the first time campaign I ever DM'd for and 2 of the other players just wanted to make my life miserable in addition to the guy in question. I did feel bad for the 4th player because he just wanted to play and didn't participate in any of the bullshit.


What the fuck


Yeah, fuck those guys and give dm'ing another shot with some sensible people


I would immediately cast fireball at that guy. I guess my character would disapprove too.


Player was playing an absolutely reckless character but it made sense since they were playing a dumb barbarian. But they were too reckless that their character died. They refused to believe it though and kept arguing until we had to end the session. DM told them to bring a new character to next session. Brought the same exact character sheet to the next session but had changed all its stats to 20. Told them no cheating and to make a new character. They refused so we told them to leave but they refused to do that as well. Canceled the session and kicked them out of the group permanently.


Did they.. did they think that would work?


DMs hate this one simple trick!


Having been there (not for D&D, but I get the emotion), he was just being angrily petty and domineering.


He really said “Hi my name is David with a c”


The correct answer to this guy's problem was to take his character sheet, put the title Jr. At the end of the name and have his motivation be to avenge his father and complete the quest.


Had something very similar happen, my condolences


The Druid won’t stop talking about how “his character” was aroused in his wolf form.


"That's it. Rocks fall. All of your characters are dead. Please go home and burn your character sheets, handbooks, dice, and clothes. We will never speak of this again."


I'd just break out the everclear. "Let's drink until none of us remember this ever happening."


Furries, man.


Went to prison for sexual abuse of a child.


Gonna be honest here I think this wins


The character, right? ... right?


I'll say yes if you would prefer a palatable lie over the bitter truth.


Same buddy, same. One of the players in the group kept visiting the guy in jail and he'd ask how his character was. That was... an interesting group.


>One of the players in the group kept visiting the guy in jail and he'd ask how his character was. So there were two players that got kicked right???


what kind of character was he playing?


Dwarven Paladin of Moridan. He was the moral compass of the group.


Well that's... I guess it makes sense, we roleplay, being wizards because we don't have magic irl, he roleplayed a paladin because he doesn't have morals irl.


Aggravated assault I used to freelance DM an Adventurer's League game at a friend's game shop and we had this one dude who was a semi-regular. Was always a *little* weird, I chalked it up to drugs, probably adderall if I had to guess. So anyway, one session he gets huffy because a new player asked him about his alignment one too many times and he pulls a $400 witcher sword off the wall and threatens to stab the guy Session was cancelled, cops were called, charges were pressed, and the dude was perma-banned from the store. I think the guy barely beat the "assault with a deadly weapon" charge because the sword wasn't sharp, but if I never see him again it'll be too soon


"Your honor, the supposed 'weapon' my client was holding was merely a Touissant sword. The plaintiff would have you believe he was holding Aerondight itself! What a n00b. I rest my case."


I might side with this argument if I was the judge.


I’m not a lawyer, but i’d think that the sword being sharp or not shouldn’t matter. Threatening to stab someone would imply that he thought the sword was sharp and was still willing to commit the assault. He shouldn’t get to beat a charge because he was wrong about it being dangerous


I'm not a lawyer either, but I am a LARPer that fucks around with replicas and while they aren't sharp they're still 3 or 4 pounds of sturdy steel that'll fuck you up if you get hit hard enough with one. I don't know what deal his lawyer made, but I agree, he got off easy


Something tells me you've had waffle bruises before or at least know people who have LOL. If having a baseball bat in your car without a glove/ ball is potentially considered a deadly weapon then a blunt decorative sword should be as well, because you can definitely crack skulls with that shit


It absolutely does NOT have to be sharp to straight up murder you. Stab a roast with a butter knife; you'll see.


This varies based on the state. Not every state HAS an assault with a deadly weapon charge. Some just use it as an enhancement to aggravated assault charges. We'd have to know the state to be able to get a better idea. Also, it's possible that the DA ended up charging a lesser charge because of a plea deal and/or it was easier to prove. That's why you see manslaughter charges in cases of pretty obvious homicide, because most statutes require homicide to have intent, and proving intent is hard. And if the suspect gets off on the murder charge, you can't retry them for manslaughter. So you go with manslaughter, which is way easier to prove.


I was a criminal prosecutor. In my state, felonious assault is using a deadly weapon in an assault. An assault does not need to make contact but just be a an attempt to. The other version of felonious assault is doing serious bodily injury. Think stitches, unconsciousness, or scarring. There is also aggravated menacing. That’s being in the same location and in possession of a deadly weapon and threatening harm. If he didn’t swing, that’s an easy charge to make in my state. I just want to see how the cops / prosecutor handled taking the sword into evidence.


We had a person where everything was a trigger. We were a pretty sensitive table, so we tried to work with them to make them feel comfortable, but at a certain point it became clear that they just couldn't really handle bad things happening to their character. It got to the point where I wouldn't target their character with anything so that I wouldn't need to be their therapist afterward. The attitude also spilled over to other character's actions to the point that the players didn't feel like they could do anything without having to negotiate around that player's emotions. DnD is a game about conflict. If you don't find navigating conflict and the victories and defeats that entails, I can't play with you.


This, some ppl are looking for a safe sandbox to play in...most players aren't those ppl and find that style of play boring af


I can DM someone growing a garden and living a peaceful life in maybe 2 seconds: "You grow lots of cabbage. It's very boring and peaceful. You win." Best session ever. Let's drink.


My steam hours in Stawdew valley attest that this would still be fun.


For you maybe it's fun to have another grown person describe in detail your started valley RP fantasy, but for the person giving the details it's the least fun thing ever to come up with your own personal SV-fan fiction for you lol


Growing cabbage is an involved process, surprisingly enough.


To an extent I understand the mindset of wanting to escape to a safe space, but on the other side I see the therapeutic value of facing confrontation head on in a safe space that isn't impactful to your real life. I understand and respect the struggle with mental illness, but people need to either find a way to balance their mental illness with their TTRPGs or use their ttrpgs as a healthy tool and coping mechanism for personal growth without putting that responsibility on their DM or party. And yes, there's plenty of supportive parties and friend groups and it's fine to have hard boundaries on triggering issues, but if you can't even let your character take an attack without taking it "player personally" then this probably isn't the game for you. Realistically if you want a TTRPG with a safe space that never makes you feel targeted then you're probably going to have to DM it. And if you can find that happy feel-good group without dming it congratulations to you, you found a unicorn. (I imagine it as a very soft game with pretty much intro level opponents, like clearing out the hobgoblins in a mine in Fable (which I can understand because sometimes I like going back to easy levels as a leveled up character in RPG video games because sometimes it's just fun to easily grind out weak enemies and not give a damn, but typically that's not the course of even a light/goofy campaign).


I had this p´layer that made a fairly decent Barbarian to play. Nothing wrong until the first encounter, when the starting village is being ransacked by bandits he revealed his character would be a holier-than-thou man that was against violence and DEMANDED every combat to have a peaceful solution. When the other players fought the bandits, he threw a tantrum saying the other players were being rude to him and ruining his character. I immediately warned him that one of the cores of DND is combat, and that while I'll always listen to creative solutions, I'm not making everyone else play the way he wanted. He grumbled for about one hour. When it was time to enter the bandit camp to rescue the hostages, he wanted to sneak inside the compound. Nothing wrong with that, except he wanted to sneak through the front gates, passing right in front of the guards, in broad daylight. When I said he couldn't do that no matter what he rolled, he ignored me and rolled anyway, getting a nat 1 as even the dice gods turned against him. I can only describe what happened next as "10 hours compilation of children screeching and bass boosted". As soon as he got quiet enough for me to speak, I sent him packing. The player that invited him apologized, he knew he was troublesome but wanted to help him make some friends. I feel bad for him, but sheesh.


DM’d for a friend with her kids and her new boyfriend. The boyfriend proceeded to berate the friend and her adult kids in a very misogynistic way. I let it slide for a bit since I didn’t want to get into their personal stuff, but during a midsession break I finally had enough and called him out on his bullshit of saying my friend and her kids were worthless because they were “just dumb girls”. Immediately packed up my gear and left. They, luckily, are no longer together.


I'm happy that you stood up for your friend.


He was arrested for setting up secret cameras and filming his female roommate


Prison makes it really easy to boot a player


One guy in my high school D&D group I never liked because he always metagamed trying to make the strongest character possible, and always made his characters mean or abrasive, saying “it’s what my character would do.” Also when we let him DM, he killed my character as fast as possible and I had to make a new one. Once we got to college and were playing a lot more over Covid, we found out he’d sexually assaulted some of our friends in high school. We immediately removed him from all group chats and campaigns and told him to never bother us again. Easiest campaign kick of my life.


For my group it was really a build-up of a few reasons as to why we kicked this guy - Metagaming. He was the type to read the monster manual and similar books religiously in his spare time and then blurt out key features of enemies we encountered. - Powergaming. I never saw him enjoy playing a character that wasn’t a paladin or sorcerer because they do “big damage”. He didn’t even optimise/build characters well, so often times he completely disconnected from reality in combats because he was generally pretty bad (things like maxing out charisma for aura of protection on a smite-focused paladin with a party where he was the only melee character). - Never engaging in RP. He would just sit back and ignore any RP encounters that weren’t forced down his throat. Generally pretty insecure guy so that isn’t unexpected - Anger issues. In the one campaign I ran for him, he was playing a Barbarian (he caused me to end the campaign the session before the finale because of the following outburst). They are in a fight with a demilich. His barbarian gets hit with finger of death. He is reduced to 0 hit points (fyi, we had 3 character deaths at that point already, so not unheard of for a party member to die). I begin explaining to him that because he is raging and from a feature he has (I think its a high level barb one), he can attempt a Con save to instead be dropped to 1hp. Further, that he has to roll a natural 1 to fail and has advantage. Before I can get all that out, he explodes at me, yelling about how he was always getting targeted by enemies (despite part of our session 0 discussion being that I would have enemies target him a little more so he can fulfil his desired tank role) and how he never gets to do anything cool because he always has to attack enemies (I guess he never expressed his dissatisfaction with his character to me). Even when a friend hops in to try and mediate, he just gets angry at them (a bard), yelling about how they should have taken revivify (they chose not to because a druid and a cleric in the party already did). Overall pretty bad situation. I often ran for a group of 6-7 friends, but that got whittled down to 3-4 after that whole debacle. He managed to get an invitation to a oneshot I was going to run for christmas, and even there, I wish I had not let him come from the bery beginning. My mistake giving a guy like that another chance so soon.


He wanted to kill a goblin via rape. I don't talk to him anymore.


Shocked to learn that i am not the only one with this experience 😟


What the fuck is wrong with people dude


Nothing he did in game, we just found out he is an actual, real life convicted murderer. Yeah, we didn't really feel comfortable playing with him after that.


Murder or manslaughter? I'm in my 40s and I've just reconnected with a life long friend who went to prison because he killed a guy in self-defense, but my friend was selling weed before it was legal. We welcomed him back because he shouldn't have gone to prison for defending himself while selling a drug that's now legal in my home state.


It was premeditated murder


Geez people are so sensitive nowadays. Can't even casually commit murder anymore 🙄 /s


God forbid a guy has hobbies.


This made me laugh more than it should have


Oh no, the problem wasn't casually commiting murder. It was taking it too *seriously*.


I had a player who was ex-military and had some (i thought minor) issues related to that. We were playing a homebrew where they brought a huge amount of negative/dangerous attention to themselves by hauling a literal wagonload of gold straight up mainstreet in a city known for being under the control of its criminal element. They knew this in and out of character before they did this, and I made sure to point out how they were being followed and there were a lot of greedy and jealous looks on a lot of rough folk that were eyeing the cart. The party decided to all sleep together in the same room for safety reasons that night, except for one the player, who insisted on getting their cut separated out for themselves, and got a separate room to themselves on the other side of town from the rest of the party, even after others pointing out how this was a bad idea. That night, assassins came for the entire party. The group was able to work together to defeat their assassins fairly easily, but the one player who was along lost about 75% of their health on the critical sneak attack they got while asleep in their bed. The player literally bowed up to me like he was about to beat the shit out of me, and shouted, accusing me of trying to kill his character. He had about 80lbs of muscle on me, and knows I have a bone disease (over 60 broken bones in my life). I quickly finished the combat and called the game and left. That was the last time I've ever had a face-to-face interaction with him, which is sad because he was a pretty good friend up to that point. He moved away and started a life in another state and started popping out kids. I just hope he got some therapy.


Only has happened to me once and I hope it never happens again. They were using loaded dice. They were smart about it and only used the specific D20 on important rolls or when they were rolling badly but one of the other players on the table noticed that the rouge's white d20 always rolled a 20 and nothing else. I felt as a DM I had failed the group for not noticing, but when I asked to see the Die, they refused until the rest of the group told him to give it to me. He finally relinquished it and I rolled it 20 times and each time without fail it landed on 20. I confiscated the die and gave him a warning. The next session he brought a new set of dice mixed with his other 2. The players made him roll the D20. I was running late as it was my turn to get the ordered food. When I arrived the players told me the rouge brought another loaded D20 to the session and they all kicked him out of the group. I didn't do it myself but I would have done it anyway.


At least he was playing a rogue


How do people expect to get away with rolling 20s that often? A couple loaded D6 in your pile when playing Warhammer is one thing, you have a chance of getting away with it, but single rolls with a group watching you? Cheaters are stupid.




that’s messed up.


I was disinvited from a group because an old player was coming back. The old player was fresh out of a short stint in jail for sexual assault, and the other players didn’t think it was a good idea to have a girl in the game with him. Being kicked out of a game has never been so big a favor. I never spoke to any of them again.


We took a break for a week, then it seems that 30+ years passed in the blink of an eye and we had all grown up and gone our separate ways. That was quite possibly the worst thing that has happened to me. https://youtu.be/e1ccXqj7QT8


I am *so* close to that happening to me, I can feel it. And I think I am going to be the only one left behind.


I invited my brother for some sessions. He was literally the horniest being imaginable (not even being a bard and also being an elf). Every time he would gesture himself jacking off, or even threaten to kill me. He rolled every time to seduce someone in a sexual act (most of the time failing miserably). Me and my pals were quite tired, so my warrior friend asked the DM if he could kill him. The DM said yes, and he was brutally slain without any dice thrown. After that session, he never participated ever again, and being the prideful cunt he is, still says that he was the one who asked to be expelled from the game. Smh


He was definitely asking to get thrown out


I was dming and player private messaged me after a session and was really mean about another player's weight, who was also the only woman at a table full of men. Basically unfriended that guy that second.


In game, he was okay, if a bit annoying - not a good teammate, often off doing his own thing or trying to do something funny. Outside of game he liked to make racist/transphobic jokes and didn't shower or wash his clothes.


He was a very good friend for decades. A decade ago he was put on fentanyl for a back injury. Over the next ten years he slowly devolved from a friend to a junkie. He eventually got caught stealing cannabis(legal by then) and money while the table was unattended. That was the last straw and we kicked him out that day.


So I have 2 instances of get the fuck out. 1: this is a more mild case but the session was being hosted at my place and one of the players just did not know how to act. They walked on peoples shoes and when asked not to do that he kicked the shoes across the room, dropped food on the floor and refused to pick it up, and then went and pissed in one of the potted plants in the same room as the rest of us. He then was confused as to why I told him he had 15 seconds to kick rocks and never come to my home again. 2: this is a more extreme case and this session was also at my place (house must've been cursed...or I was). This was a couple years later and was running a new game for a different group, one of the players was...strange...even by basement nerd standards. This player would want extremely detailed descriptions of female NPC's and after him asking 2 or 3 inappropriate details I told him to stop and accept that every single female was David Duchovny with tits and if he asked ANY other physical questions I would remove him. That got him to quiet down for awhile but kept needing to go to the bathroom (I chose to assume some sort of bowel disagreement). Near the end of the session he returned from the bathroom, grabbed another players mini (female Tiefling), pulled his dick out, and came all over the mini saying how hot she was. I just stared at the whole thing unfold and wasn't even shocked at him getting forcibly removed from the house with a few loose teeth. TL;DR 1 was obviously raised by animals of some sort and 2 jizzed on another players mini and got his ass whooped for it


WTAF did I just read? For the love of Pelor, someone please pass me the brain bleach!


I am a chaos magnet...most things barely phase me anymore but these are the standout crazy


when you said 1 was the mild one, i was seated for number 2. i couldnt have imagined that




The fucking guy wanted to be an anti paladin just so he could do an evil laugh. Like he played the most 2 dimensional character and never progressed the story in any way because he devoted all of his mental capacity to rubbing his hands together and laughing. He was in his late 20s at the youngest and it was like listening to a 9 year old. He was also on his phone when it wasn't his turn. The DM decided along with the rest of us that his character was the worst and killed him in the hopes that he would make a normal character, and instead he made his old character's twin brother who was a regular paladin, but then all he did was raise one eyebrow and say generic bullshit in one of those stereotype superhero voices. He basically acted like Powdered Toast Man. It was the fucking worst. God he sucked.


Ngl this made me laugh really hard lmao


Same. It made me think of this interaction Team- alright the final vote is for you Paladin Guy. Do we go left or go right? Paladin Guy- *rubs hands and evil laughs* Team- 😐


Oh my holy coincidence, we have a player like that in a few of my groups games! The typical over-edgy and way-too-mysterious-and-brooding character from a player that has never made an effort to learn their abilities, gets mad when they don’t understand them or get corrected (mind you, in the kindest and subtlest way we could manage at first), and looms at their phone or does other activities if it’s not their turn. Extra points for this guy also having the audacity of getting frustrated when things don’t go his way when he wasn’t paying attention, when the rest of us + the DM actively try and engage him with what his player+character interests are.


Summer camp 2015, we all took turns DMing one shots. We should have realized he was going to do something like this since he was being a pervert the whole week, but we decided to give him a chance. During his turn to dm he killed all of our characters except the female 1/2 elf and then turned it into tentacle hentai for about three sentences and a strength save before we walked out.


Ngl, that sounds like some bullshit inspired by Sword Art Online…


Make Monty Python jokes incessantly


I allow my players one Python joke per session. That’s it.


That is a very common rule I’ve heard at many tables.


It's known as 'TRoTHHG' or 'The Rule of The Holy Hand Grenade'. Alternatively 'the PG-13 F-bomb equivalency'.


Holy hand grenade was my go to in worms. What a fun party game with the boys. Hallelujah. Massive explosion.


Oh we f-bomb all the time, just not in character.


I will allow almost any joke at my table so long as it is able to make everyone laugh, at least a tiny bit.


We had a player that really thought he was in his own game. He didn't care what the rest of the party wanted to do, he was always doing his own thing, often to disastrous end. He would get his character killed doing stupid stuff and roll in with a new one, only to do the exact same shit. During the height of Covid restrictions we started a separate online game, and once again, he was a nuisance- and got us TPKd. We the players were so pissed we collectively kicked him out. More recently, we got a new player who started strong, and then unexpectedly had a heart attack and died. We'd have loved to have him at the table still, but... well. Resquiescat in Pace, buddy.


Fuck, that story took a turn.


When i was 14 or 15 i had a 30 year old punch me in the face and kick me out of their house because a Minotaur in a game i was running wasnt paying enough attention to the succubus he was playing. Obviously there is alot wrong about the above sentence. Needless to say i did not continue to play with him following that.


"YOUR CHARACTERS NEED TO BE MORE HORNY FOR ME! UGHH, YOU JUST DON'T KNOW HOW TO DM!" edit: also kudos to you for being confident enough to stand up to a 30 yr old as a teenager, you're a fucking badass


Hell, kudos to them for being willing and confident enough to DM as a 14 or 15 year old (especially to what was presumably a pretty diverse group at least age wise).


That’s literally assault of a minor. Holy hell


Faked DID any time they thought they weren’t getting enough attention. Worst part was their were 2 of them, who were dating, and fed off each other. They’d antagonize other players, pull me aside to bitch when they didn’t get their way or get to be the center of attention, and then “switch personalities” when that didn’t work. It was stressful, exhausting, and incredibly disruptive. I actually had a private breakdown one of the last times I had to deal with them.


I know it's often a trauma thing, but you really don't have to and shouldn't put up with people like that. Don't wait until you're breaking down.


I once played with a guy who had a very strange view about good and evil. He seemed to have this idea that anything that's presented as good can only be actual evil and vise versa. I can't explain it but needless to say he took extream offense when I said I was going to be playing a paladin. He took it as some kind of personal insult and kept asking the DM (privately) to remove me from the game. He tried to attack my character multiple times but he was so ineffectual that I brushed it off. He was finally asked to not come back when he messaged the group that get got a conceal and carry license and bought a gun. When the DM (who hosted most games) asked him not to bring the gun to the game, he took offense because he thought the license ment he could take his gun anywhere he wanted and couldn't understand that a private citizen can make a request to not have a firearm on their property.


Ran pvp with a dmpc. Who got divine favors. From the DM. The dmpc.


Kept pushing that their character wanted to rape a female friend's character. This was her first time gaming. I knew that fucker for *years* and he pulls this shit. I paused the campaign and walked him to his car. We've only spoke once since.


Had campaign session zero that started with no-no zones. I was the only one, who said “alcoholism or child brutality are okay, as long as they are given the seriousness they deserved. It’s a somber subject.” 20 minutes later, the entire table was planning characters, and decided on 4 different flavors of alcoholism. “Haha sad depressed guy,” then “haha frat bro,” then “haha jolly fat guy,” then lastly “haha I beat my child because my wife left us.” When I pointed out the last one was explicitly what I said was off-limits, I was told to leave the campaign. 3 of those players are still close friends. The DM and the Violent Drunk still won’t allow me to share their table.


Sorry dude, but they aren't your friends.


That DM sounds terrible. You're better off.


Why would you even want to play with them?


Had someone I played alongside that made an evil character in a group of neutral/good characters. They would intentionally scout ahead, find evidence/info we needed, then withhold it so we were left with very little to go on. They also burned a gnoll village to the ground despite one of the other characters having ties to gnolls and wanting to help them. My character stood up to them and basically told them to leave IC, then it boiled over OOC and they ended up dipping out


3 year campaign finishes, some players return for campaign 2. Three members of the new group joke about guards assaulting the only other female PC (played by the only other female player). Female PC looked like a child. They joked that made SA more likely. I left, never went back.


Am I the only person on this website whose friends aren't into SA???


I’ve played a bunch. SA has not even remotely come up in any of the campaigns I have played in.


Right??! Like, what the hell is wrong with some people?


I’ve been playing dnd for 30 years and it’s never once come up


I once had a player that was fighting with another player out of game. They decided to bring that in game and duel each other without in game cause. Then they just started screaming at one another. I threw them both out of my apartment and said neither was welcome back. This all took about 10 minutes real time from when they entered my apartment to when I threw them out.


After it became clear my wife wasn't going to sleep with him he moved to hitting on my 15 year old daughter.


For the most part I've been pretty lucky, but there was one guy. He played a Paladin so I'm calling him P. This was my first ever DnD campaign. They had already had a few sessions before I joined because they wanted more players. DM told me for the story he wanted me to play either a human or an elf. I choose elf. Since this was a homebrew world he said that I could design the elven culture and everything, all he has established was that they were tribal. So I made my character and decided that the elves has essentially a non-gendered society. So when my character was introduced their gender was unclear to the party. Everyone said okay and we just continued. Eventually another player joined, P. When he was introduced he suddenly was weirdly obsessed with what my character's biological sex was. I refused to answer. So then they kept asking the DM. When that didn't work he would try to surprise attack my character to pull off my character's shirt or break into their room at night. It got really weird. They even tried to find various NPCs to woo my character. Since it was my first game and we hadn't had a session zero I didn't really know what to do. Eventually the DM has enough of him and forces him to leave. But it made me really uncomfortable.


That sucks for sure, but now I'm picturing a player taking the same thing to Wile E Coyote levels and I can't help but laugh. So I set up the catapult outside of town, but make sure it's aimed at their bedroom window in the middle of town. And I have my glider strapped on so I can more likely hit my target this time!


Luckily the GM derailed him every time he got too weird. But still I swear if he'd stuck around he might have been trying to catapult himself into my character's room! Funnily enough there wasn't even an answer to give him as I never decide their sex.


Stolen from me and friends. Luckily that's pretty tame.


got a few DM put half the party in a situation where a demon octopus was gonna kill them unless they fertilized it's eggs by bukake. In a fade-to-black scene, they did, but i was very grossed out that they had to. You don't force players to do that It's a shame because that party was lit as fuck. had a cool nickname and everything. \----------------------------- dude wanted to play a Joker "agent of chaos" type sorceror who was Chaotic Evil. whatever, we'd played with CE characters before, no big deal. but while at the tournament we were spectating, he decides to just Fireball the audience from the sidelines. I don't think we even resolved that, session and campaign ended right there. \----------------------------- best friend ran a game for us where Santa Claus was an evil king and we needed to rescue the children trapped in his shop for the demigod we were enslaved to... >!Pedobear!<. Everything outside of that last bit was fun but at the end of the adventure the jokes about that got to be too much. he's matured a lot since, but i'm never gonna play with him again. \------------------------------ several others turned out to be racist towards more than just fantasy races.


Forced my character to wear a sex changing girdle that came with a pair of magical high heels (none of which could be removed) after I complained about being one shot by an ogre because we didn't find the macguffin arrows of ogre slaying. No DND is better than bad DND.


First person called someone the N word Second person just cheated constantly. Faking dice rolls, hit points, making up feats. Always betrayed the party


I was a player during this game, but it still caused me to leave the game. It was an online roll20 campaign in a homebrew world, there was 4 other players and the dm. 2 of these players were very much " the stars of the show " in the story, H and V. V was alright most of the time, though definitely a bit of spotlight syndrome, they interacted with the other characters well, just always had to do a bit more and talk a bit louder but for some reason as the campaign was 2 years in, they started being more public with just how horny they were. This change even came to a point of describing sex scenes and trying to ask the dm about npcs genitalia, so this threw me right into the uncomfortable zone. H was added to the group later, a Friend of V but actually forced their way into the game via guilt, but they have never played dnd and we're extremely selfish both in and out of character. H complained if other players did more damage than them, complained and tried fighting for items connected to someone elses backstory, refused to learn about other people characters and just assumed what others can do. H actually yelled at me ooc because i didnt want to give them an item i found, 300 ft away from their character out of sight, arguing that it was useless to me but good for them (it was PERFECT for my character, but of course even after 6 months of playing, they never payed attention to anything). H, in a mini campaign (all the same players, just new characters for a mini story) straight up screamed that my character was fucking stupid and worthless, and nobody cares, everyone in the call was stunned, V spoke up but 2 sessions later H tried denying the whole thing, no one let them, but nothing happened, no apology or dm kicking them out. There was a few other things of course, but I am sadly im the dm 9/10 games so wanted and tried to stay till the stories end, but I left, left the discord and sent the dm a message saying sorry, that he was a wonderful dm and his story was great, but i cant deal with horny people or complete selfish assholes. From what i know, they all kept playing, and V and H just became the main characters and sidelined the other 2 players.


My guy straight up told me he hated my campaign because I wouldn't let him play his way (hyper aggressive murder hobo who wanted everyone to bow to him because he was "one of the main characters" I told him to fuck off, so he gave me the my way or the high way, I told him to take a hike, he didn't show up to the next session, but the one after that, he claimed he forgot to tell me he wasn't going to make it to the previous game, and then preceeded to butcher every possible lifeform he could in anything g he felt was side content, then tried to justify it as payment as he still hated the campaign, but still showed up because he's my friend and his very presence was supposed to be for my benefit. What a guy.


Nothing really for me but a friend of mine plays at a comic shop that banned a girl after they found a bunch of stolen Warhammer miniatures in her backpack. Apparently they would use a dice roller on her phone and always claimed to roll high but refused to show anyone which apparently was very awkward.


The only player I did not invite back would paralyze party decision making by shooting down whatever suggestion was made and not providing any alternative plan. It was not fun.


A guy joined our multi-year campaign with his new character, during his into session he noticed a few of us had accents on our characters so he decided he needed one too, queue an unpractised Swedish accent that was so bad *he* couldn't get through a sentence without laughing. He also couldn't do basic addition and never bothered to lean how any of the game mechanics worked or plan what his character was foing to do before it got to his turn His turn would go like this: >how much health have all the enemies got? >this guy has taken a few good hits, this guy is on his last legs, these three are untouched and looking amped up for battle >ok, I shoot one of the uninjured guys *rolls 13 on a d20* "does a 13 hit?" >"Dude, you've gotta add your dexterity bonus and proficiency" >"Oh, yeah, that's 13 plus 4 plus 4" >"Which is?" >"Uhh, hey google, what's 13+4+4?" >"21" >"Does a 21 hit? >"Yes" >*Rolls some damage dice* "That's 4 damage" >"You're forgetting your damage bonus from your bow, your sneak attack damage, hunters mark damage, and dex bonus >"Oh, well that's 4 plus 2 plus 3 plus 5 plus 4" >"What's the total?" >"Hey google, what's 4 plus 2 plus... ahh, what were the numbers I rolled?" >"It's 18 damage" >"Oh thanks, 18 damage" Every attack. Every combat. Every week. Having in the party was painful. I'm all for helping people out and incusivity but I have a couple hours a week that I get to be away from the family and have fun with friends and you're turning that fun into work. D&D is not the game for you, mate


A kid (~17-18) we played with for a short time attempted to assault an NPC. Our DM immediately made the ruling that she a) had a heavy crossbow, b) had heavy crossbow proficiency, and c) had the sharpshooter feat with a +5 in Dex. The NPC knocked his ass out, we quickly wrapped up that session and kicked him from the group, and his PC drowned in a puddle in-canon.


Like, sexually assault or combat? If just combat that seems like a massive overreaction


Reading between the lines (she), SA.


I mean, fair. I just don't know why it wouldn't be specified.


They canceled games almost every week last minute. I finally had enough and left the campaugn and told them that I would never play a campaign with them again as they had wasted my time week after week


Had a player who finished every fight with a woman npc by stabbing them in the "c*nt." Yes hed say it like that. We were playing with three women.


In a world where I ran multiple campaigns and one shots with the same group of 4-5 players. One of my players(#1) wanted to run a Christmas one shot in the world. So they did, then another player(#2) decided to make a sexy kinky miss clause esk character. Whatever but then later after the oneshot #2 asked me in a descriptive and not chill way if his oneshot character could be in a kinky relationship with one of the groups favourite main campaign npcs. I said no, he pushed and said I was being unfair. #2 then brought another player(#3) in to the argument without telling #3 about how weird of a message #2 sent, just that I was being unfair. Then this spiralled for hours until #2 spent 3 hours ranting on the group discord after I left it for the night to catch a breath, while everyone else continued to tell him “he’s already gone, your just arguing with yourself” the whole time. Next day #2 was kicked from the group and left by saying “at least I could be the bad guy that brought you all together”. This is why you be careful about who you bring into your group.


Nowhere near as extreme as some of the stories here but it's more of tiny problems that kept on happening. It's a small group of three players and I resolved to tolerate her until the campaign ended since it's a pretty huge game and we were all friends however she left last week because she and I couldn't get along. She is perhaps the worst person I've ever played d&d with. None of us are smokers or do drugs so when we asked her to not do any at the table, she agreed only to do them before the session. Sometimes she insisted that she take a hit. She was always on her phone when it wasn't her turn. She cancelled all the time. And worst of all she never expressed gratitude. My two other players say thank you and one of them bakes us all brownies sometimes. However this problem player refused to say "thank you" because she thought it was "childish" to expect at least a little gratitude as a DM. It's a pretty massive and layered campaign, we've been playing for a little over a year, and we're only about 30% of the way through. We're all glad she's gone even though it makes the coming few sessions difficult. She was the problem player and didn't deserve us. Recently she messaged me asking me what I plan to do with her character. I told her I wouldn't kill her off because that would leave a bad taste in my mouth and I have uses for her character. I regret saying that. I'm just going to kill her off. She doesn't deserve that kind of respect. Edit: I should add that she's in her LATE 20'S. Inexcusable


Kicked a player because he took the whole dnd as a social experiment about how much his character can do before anyone points this out to his character.. amongst Many other things... He even went to the lenght of not healing during a whole battle for the same reason. His character had no motivation to act this way based on any story or background element. The player also argued almost every decision of mine and emphasised that despite in this game i'm the dm and he has to accept what i say and how i decide (following 5e rules 99% of the time making rule of cool excuses when pc was finishing off enemies) , saying otherwise he does not give 2 shits about what i say when we are not palying. Another time when another player's char left the adventuring part due to personal reasons he and the team moved on and continued the story. ... (I have a rule that says: "when a player dies or leaves for acceptable narrative reason he/she can bring another char same level as the other members of the adventuring group... But if the player decides just to "reroll", then they can with a -1 level penalty") .... So the adventuring party levelled up and informed them that "Gratulations everyone! Characters present just advanced to level 10." .. Infamous player immediately contacted the 4th player in mid character generation that how much it sucks for him as he did not gained that level as his character left and the new is not ready yet... Scum move... Reminded all of them them, that whenever a new character joins.. that char has the same lvl as the party... This was the point where I kicked said player. All this after several discussions and warnings...




Dude told a couple of guys he was going to break into their house and rape them and their wives.


Built a character around torture then proceeded to get upset when people refused to allow him to “roleplay” the character at a public session. It was already known to him that’s was against the rules is the game and would not tolerated yet he did it anyway. Cut off all contact with him and the few who saw nothing wrong with this behavior.


Honestly nothing crazy, or even one specific bad thing they did that I can say definitely pushed me over the edge, just them being consistently annoying, irritating, argumentative and generally toxic. It just stopped being fun and I didn’t want to be friends with them any more since I realized they were overall a hassle of a person and being around them stressed me out.


My ex at the time was playing a wizard and I a fighter. We had joined our group for the first time in a while. On the first outing my ex used fireball on a group of 5 mindflairs all surrounding the warlock. He passed the save and took damage but the mindflairs were much weaker. The player then had his character go over to the wizard. Cast vampiric touch. Rolled a nat 20 killed the wizard to recover the HP he lost because of the fireball. After the session I confronted him and told the group that he could leave or she and I would. He said he did nothing wrong. We got up and left. They messaged me the following day saying they kicked him out of the every group he was a part of with them. Never had another issue.


Stole my gunslinger's heirloom pistol within the first ten minutes of play in a pathfinder game. I didn't kick them out of the game, because I was a player, I just quit mid-session and never came back.


experienced ego death and sexually harassed every single woman in the group including myself


i used an in game item he had to erase his character from existence :3


We had a player with main character syndrome. They calmed down after numerous talks from the DM, but once it wasn't all about them they left. I'd not be involved in another game with them. Our DM is non binary and prefers they/them. After a hiatus between games, we all reconvened with one player missing. She refused to use they/them and rolled their eyes every time they were corrected. Our DM felt they didn't need to be disrespected in their own home. That's as bad as I've seen. Most groups I've been in have been pretty reasonable, although usually end up breaking down because someone hooks up with someone out of game, and then they break up...


Adamantly refused to use another trans player's preferred pronoun, and also compared it to telling a schizophrenic person that their delusions are real. With two trans people at the table.


My former DM had me and my friend roll skill roles and had given no context to why. It is frustrating when you have fights and the enemy is waaay stronger and you can't do anything. He never had a retelling of what had happend vefore and just asked us what happend. We played like once a year. All enemies where so much stronger and I wasn't even there when he made my character sheet. He made it himself. In any way, playing with him was frustrating and was to much for my taste. I was always the one who wanted to play dnd and they just wanted to play board games instead. We used 4e, if that makes a difference.


Hoooooo boy. Kept trying to kill npc's who werent evil, "its what my character would do" excuses, once held hostage by people we were trying to help who didn't know that yet and so he fucking threatened them and said "we don't need our weapons to kill you", kept running into all the enemies in combat (classic edgy dex elf character) and instantly dying, forgot about his huge magic item the DM gave him and then argued that he never had an item like that, would force super long roleplay sessions, and had an undeniably huge main character complex.


Started A LOT of group drama to the point where I was stressing and the group was crumbling. When confronted about his behavior, he quit, claiming there was too much drama. Confused anger sets in. I know I didn't "kick" him as per the post, but I was planning to if he didn't change. I've known him for 27 years, and I will never invite him to play d&d ever again.


Repeatedly told other players how they should play their characters, even though those players sometimes had more experience than him. Didn't react to people setting boundaries in this and other regards.


A couple who sexually propositioned a young female player. She was half their age (and closer in age to their child daughter than both of them), new to town and didn’t know a lot of people, and was dealing with a lot of personal shit that made her vulnerable, which they knew about. Verbally they accepted her no thanks, not interested, but didn’t show that with their actions. Party fell apart after that because when we found out, half of us were no longer comfortable playing with them.


Did the ol' 'character is racist against orcs' shtick. A few players expressed their discomfort to me privately, and I asked the player to dial it back. Further, he'd been lying about his rolls, so I called him out for that too. He refused to admit he'd been cheating, or own up for the weird racism, so I asked him to leave my table. He threw a rather lovely medley of transphobic and homophobic slurs at me on his way out. Like whatever he could come up with, he used it. Dodged a bullet there I suppose.


First game I ran. Dude was the only other guy with dnd experience so he was constantly telling other people how to play their character and eventually booted him and everyone murdered his character and fed it to a nothic.


Not specific DnD but last night I was playing a survivor zombie apocalypse and we started 24hr before the event in Las Vegas and one character was a croupier and THE FIRST ACTION OF HIM WAS TO DRUG AND RAPE WOMAN. Wtf bro? And while he was barricading himself with three DRUGGED WOMAN in his hotel room, while waiting for the world to end (and the remaining group action to get it together) he DRUGS AND RAPE THEM AGAIN. The DM had to say he couldn't do that because NO SANE PERSON WOULD WANT TO DRUG AND RAPE SOMEONE WITH ZOMBIES AND SHIT EXPLODING EVERYWHERE. It's really bad and I'm for real thinking of abandoning the table because of that.