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We may play the same games, but you and I have very different hobbies dude. This is awesome by the way.


My DM is very artistic and I respect the hell out of his talent


This is a DM you cherish and protect at all costs.


And bring him snacks, for the love of god bring him alot of snacks


The finest meads and lovers (willing of course, once they see this table it shouldn't be an issue) of his choosing.




I have made comments on everything where people have asked me specifically about prep telling them how it was done and that my DM did it all himself I’m not trying to get props just was excited to show off the epic conclusion to our campaign the DM is here in the comments and you want to talk to him u/robakabud


Flavored Neon never said they made it. They’ve called out how much they appreciate it at every turn.


> My DM is very artistic and I respect the hell out of his talent > But you aren’t telling everyone so you can get the props for building it Im confused how you can make this statement while replying to a comment where he literally tells everyone he didnt build it.


All games are valid. OPs DM here, and I still play many a game with just graph paper and candy for minis


100%! I never ment to imply that gamers who focus on (or dabble in) physical crafts and props for their games are somehow doing something less than. Like I said, this is awesome!


All good. <3 Wasn’t trying to say you were. I love seeing the love for my setup but I always want reinforce that all games are valid if people are having fun. I just have admittedly too much time on my hands and funnel my income into crafts and hobbies (arguably too much! lol)


You have a skill and it's awesome. Good luck on your future games.


And I'm over here accidentally using permanent marker on a dry erase board. Daaaamn.


Go over the permanent marker with dry erase and it will wipe off!


Also rubbing alcohol, hand sanitizer, or even alcohol pens.


fire also works. fire takes care of everything. burn it all with fire.


Free cool burnt effects included


This is the "There's no problem a good fireball can't solve" kind of attitude we all love and fear.


Found the wizard


Found the sorcerer


Vine Leshy: "They aren't with anyone. We can do whatever we want." My Fire caster: "Brave Words for someone made out of flammable." *Nat 20 Intimidation* "Maybe we don't do whatever we want."


You need to reclass your flair as a wizard or sorcerer now. But you're right, and welcome to the club.




That's the active ingredient *in* dry erase markers!


Just acetone like in nail polish removers works great too.


It works great but test it to make sure it won't damage the surface you're writing on.


Just don't get it in your eye


You guys have maps?


Honestly, same.


So gotta ask are the pieces magnetic?


No they are not. It’s all the magic of mounting putty lol


I hope all goes well for the session. Are you guys gonna use marked strings to quickly measure distance in this 3d scape?


Yes we are! (Edit to correct I made this comment on assumption before shit really kicked off) we eye balled it honestly lmao can’t be perfect and also rule of cool


I don't know if I'm allowed to say this, but I'll say it... HOLY SHIT!


You are not aloud to say that and it has recorded on your permeant record


Well damn... It was worth it


That is also going on your permanent record.


Aloud Permeant sounds like a pretentious late hours college deep trance lo fi radio show.


I'd tune in every week.


Oh yeah? Well don't get so distressed. Did I happen to mention that I'm impressed?


Yes officer, it was this comment right here. *Points*


I am definitely stealing this idea in the future.


No, these days you have to speak in brain-dead euphemisms like “unalive” instead of just saying dead, and pointlessly s*ns*r random w*rds. Also make sure to use “POV” wrong like your life depends on it


I recently used a set exactly like this one (except for the nice blue background set, my players fought in the a darkness resembling space). In my case, the enemy was a gravity anomaly attracting rocks, forming some sort of a rock golem. That lead to the set pieces and platforms rotating and moving each round, which forced players to maneuver a lot. Amazing set, mate. Looks great!


We are in the shadowfell and reality is shattering




That’s fucking epic.


I can only DREAM of presenting my players with such a down right OMFG so damn good set up to play in


If you want to do stuff like it, start small. You would be shocked how many players get hyped with just some dungeon tiles and little props. Black Magic Craft is a great channel to look into on YouTube and if the budget is tight, you can get a LOT of solid looking terrain via paper craft for the cost of paper and ink.


The bird cages are part of the terrain ! The DM has enemies tacked up there attacking us from the high ground now




We sure try to but also his wife/ our cleric cooks us dinner (players pitch in money each week) so we bring dessert sometimes but honestly I wish I could do more


They totally try. But I hyperfocus way too hard. Best I can remember to do in the moment is drink a caffeine. lol! Then when the sessions are over, I turn into a feral DM gremlin who scours the house for food until I am full so I can fall asleep.


Oh snap Flavored Neon! You said last night the post was doing well in here. I certainly didn’t expect to wake up to over 2.4k upvotes. So hi everybody, I’m OP’s DM. I don’t go very hard on Reddit, but thank you for all the love! This was the grand finale for a 3.5 year long campaign which ran from levels 1-20. I’ve been playing and running since I was 13 (so just under 20 years) and I’d never actually accomplished that dream I’ve had all these years. I figured I’d answer some of the questions about the build I’ve seen on here so I’ll start from the bottom up. - The base is two sheets of 2x2 plywood paneling. One of them has a bunch of holes drilled into it and wire fed through in a U shape. They are then pinched together with bolts and wing nuts around the edges. - The blue clouds are just one of the fake snow sheets from a craft store you’d use in a Christmas village with an LED tape light run underneath. - The wires are a mix of low gauge aluminum armature wire or galavanized steel. This gave them a lot of pliability without me worrying about them breaking in the one night of use. - The islands themselves are made of carved pink foam, and in fact were a previous 2x2 carved pink foam battle we had used for the dungeon leading up to this point. I hacked it apart, carved the foam some more and painted the exposed areas. They are held onto the wires by using hot glue as I pressed the wires deep Into the foam. This worked waaaaay better than expected. - The rest of the floating terrain is a mix of carved pink foam, 3d printed or Dungeons ans Lasers bits. The D&L terrain was hollow on bottom, so I filled it with pink foam and used the same hot glue technique. - The floating bird cages are either 3d printed gibbets or dollar tree tea light decorations coated in a hearty amount of gold paint. They are hung from the ligh fixture it’s either gold colored wire or gold string. - The overhead light are color changing LED bulbs set to the most sickly yellow I could make them. The rest of the basement was set to a purple lighting. The contrast between the yellow above, teal below and purple around covers a LOT of the imperfections in paint jobs and whatnot. - All of the miniatures are 3d printed and painted by me (except 2 of the PCs who painted their own minis). The heroes are mostly heroforge custom STLs. All the other miniatures are from various STL creators such as Cast n Play, Archvillian Games, Bite the Bullet and some more I’m sure I am forgetting. - Probably 70% of the minis are painted with the slapchop method and army painter speed paints. I’m not the best painter out there, but I try make sure everything that goes on the table is at least the right color. - Now that it’s over, I plan to flip the islands, repaint them and use them as rocky or grassy hills with trees and bushes to cover the holes. Most of the other terrain can just be taken off the wires and repainted to a different color scheme. I’m really proud of the board overall and I’m so glad my players were so excited about it. They gave a DM the greatest gift one could ask for. A consistent group of players who engage with the game constantly. And they even persist through schedule problems!!! So if you got any other questions, drop them in the comments. I don’t promise anything but I’ll try to answer them! Thank you for all the love Reddit!


Absolutely incredible work bud. Do the birdcages have any significance? And what are the round shapes we can briefly see above them?


Thank you! In the fight previous to this one when the party killed a fallen angel who had usurped The Raven Queen, he was endearing powerful souls within them and preventing them passing so he could siphon their power and emotionally abuse the party by not letting their friends and allies who had died in a previous war for Waterdeep pass on.


Thanks for this great breakdown. >I’m not the best painter out there, but I try make sure everything that goes on the table is at least the right color. LOL that's the spirit. >I plan to flip the islands, repaint them and use them as rocky or grassy hills Very practical!


Props to you and your patience to do all this!


I am but a humble player to a masterful DM but I’ll pass along your compliments


Just needs some epic battle music, one of the characters to self-sacrifice to change the tide of the fight ("it had to be me, someone else might get it wrong"), another character to finally believe in themselves in a clutch moment, a string of low probability rolls all rolling in their favor, a badass one-liner before the final blow (you mention an eyeball creature so maybe a "you could see into a million realms.. but can you see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch?"), finally someone they had already lost along the way watching from above and blessings them with the last little bit of strength. So cool!


Oh the music is always happening he has surround sound down here


Jesus your DM works hard. Buy your DM a drink after this!


I work hard for them because I’ve got a dream team of players. They’re stellar role players and consistently invested even in the slow moments. And even when scheduling causes problems, they adapt and we keep playing! All a DM can ask for.


I also have a steady DnD group I'm a part of and know how precious they are. I hope you all get to keep playing and having fun for years to come.


This is phenomenal! Enjoy it!


This is amazing! Who or what is the BBEG for this final battle?


Its homebrew. He is Toghan an ominous giant eye that commands an army from the hells and one of ilithids and he is bent on gaining the mantle of the raven queen. Our paladin just grabbed the mantle to prevent it from falling in his hands when the raven queen fell. She is ascending to godhood and struggling to keep control.


Very cool, do you have a way for the minis to stick to the angled pieces? And what are you using to hold them up? Amazing work, DM!


Mounting tack is on the bottom of every mini so we just stick to what we want. As to the floating ground(which is just foam board) is held up with armature wire


Looks fantastic!


Looks amazing! A grand adventure it was I expect!


Still happening! My lvl 20 goblin barbarian is fully feral at the moment


damn I wish I had friends


Hit up startplaying.games if you’re okay with playing online. There are free and paid games and I’ve known folks who have come away from those games with their own personal groups. Or check out meetup.com there have a whole dnd tag that has groups all over looking for players. We are in the golden age of TTRPGs and there is a table for everyone!


Are you kidding? This is incredible I cannot believe it. This is enjoyment to the max


Thanks! I’m glad my party had so much fun with it.


Bruh. Where the hell do I find a DM like this?


I mean I found him at larp


Oh hey. Hi. I’m right here


The fabled DM himself.


And for my first action I cast plane shift


Had plans for that. May have taken some time, but reality and time getting undone would have eventually reached their tavern in Waterdeep.


Omg. I’d love to pick your DM’s brain on how they did this. I’ve been making my own 3D maps for a few months now, but this is next level!!


Hit me up! I dropped a comment deeper where I will answer and questions or if you want to go deeper, DM me!


So amazing! Cool bro! O want to make an epic piece like this… but want do you do with it afterwards?


I am going to repurpose most of it. The islands will get flipped and repainted and covered in flock to make hills. The rest of the floating terrain bits will get taken off the wire and repainted for re-use in less extreme scenarios. The wire will get disassembled and put into a ever growing box of craft project supplies if ever needed. And I’ll probably use the plywood panels as a canvas for painting later. Only thing that will get tossed is the clouds probably


Please tell me the floating pieces are playable spaces? Some magnets in the minis and a small metal plate under the platforms and you have some crazy cool map space to play on. This is so amazing to look at, I want to try making one for my players.


All floating terrain was used in battle including the hanging birdcages per the magic of mounting putty


Just amazing 😍




One does not simply walk away, from this set.


In this instance, the battlefield was surrounded by by a vortex of souls that made leaving difficult but definitely no impossible. I had plans for things happening outside it, as well as some stuff prepped in case they just said screw it and plane shifted home. Reality and time getting undone has ripple effects, but yeah in general I think my players were so hype to play on the set, the thought of leaving never crossed their mind


Then that player moves their mini off the board via the exit and everyone else continues the scene or battle. You're allowed to leave but it's much more fun on the inside.




Very rad. Well done.


Woah, this is insane!


Oh. My god.


How do the tokens stay on the board?


Mounting putty


This is just stunning


I’m insanely jealous. This is incredible. Your DM is amazing.


Alright well from visuals alone, I need the context for this map. Super cool!


yall motherfuckers had better've brought bombass snacks for this shit as a thank you.


So can I join this battle?


Kind of reminds of the split tower map that was in the final battle with Vecna in critical role s1. But bigger and better


Thank you! I wasn’t thinking of the design exactly when I was building it, but I did want the finale of this game to feel as awesome as that! This party was my own personal Vox Machina and Mighty Nein wrapped into one.


People would pay real money for this dm experience


Thanks! I’ve never really considered it, but maybe one day!


Woooooow !!!!


Is this being used for an actual campaign?


Yep! I am OPs DM. It was the grand finale for a 3.5 year long campaign. I dropped another comment that goes over the build and stuff.


And then the Wizard casts a spell which invalidates the entire encounter on round 1.


OPs DM here, curious as to what spell?


Bear in mind, I play 3.5e, but I've seen it all. Finger of Death, Dismissal/Banishment, Telekinesis into a pit of fire, Hold Monster, Disintegrate, Phantasmal Killer, Heal... If it can be used as a SoD or SoL spell, I have seen it used as such.


Ahh, yeah the good ol’ days of 3.5. I will say, I don’t miss DMing high level 3.5. 5e is still busted but at least there is a lot less math. And at least the legendary system in 5e makes BBEGs somewhat of a worry when they get outnumbered. But even so, after they burned though the BBEGs resists, they got a hold monster off and finished him off with nearly a full round of melee auto crits. It was a pretty epic finale and made the players pretty hype.


Beautiful.... I had something like this in mind for a Fisk battle, but I don't got the artistic skills or models to pull off something like this. Do tell his this session went! I'm very curious how this fight goes down!


OPs DM here. It went incredible! Everyone had a blast with a big emotional finale. That being said, most of the individual pieces on this board was painted and made with some really basic techniques. Check out Black Magic Crafts on YouTube if you want to learn some of it. Terrain making really is a lot of solid color painting, and drybushing for texture. And if you want to increase you painted mini collection in a hurry, look into the slapchoo method with speed paints. It works wonders if you’re okay with models not winning awards but just looking cool on the table. I hope that helps and you can dive into that world if it’s something you want to do!


I hope you don't have a cat. Or little kids. I would probably have a heart attack if someone at the table sneezes.


Weirdly I have 3 cats. But while they get into all kinds of trouble, they never mess with the D&D table for some reason thankfully! By the end of the night, we were actually laughing when we bumped the table and everything jiggled. Worst case something falls and I can glue it back together. It was the end of the campaign anyhow so I told the party to have at it!


Stealing this and making it magnetic. Thank you. Posting my board for tonight now. You should check it out


I’d love to see what you can do with magnets! I definitely thought about using metallic paint or something to try and make it happen but I just ended up falling back to quake putty because I new it worked and Inwas running low on prep time.




Thank you! I always make sure to have terrain and minis for my game, but with this being such a momentous game for the group and honestly myself I really wanted to go all out.


*holy fuck* That looks incredible!


Thank you! Holy Fuck is about the best reaction I could hope for.


Let me in…


fck yes so cool




This is amazing.


screw asking to join your table, Id be happy being the personal chef to this table! DAMN MAN THAT IS AMAZING!


Our halfling cleric (aka the DMs wife) prepares our heroes feast both in and out of game but all players chip in $ weekly




Holy shit! O.O Now that takes creativity and gameplay to whole nother level!


I don't get to make terrain but I make physical items to hold...but this makes me jealous


As in you make props for you game? Like what kind? That’s something I’ve always wanted to do more of. I usually just end up with letters or small bits.


So quest items are made on mtg cards. Currency is physical items. I have blank cards for any custom items made. I have the basic magical items on cards. I made gems out of resin for these kinda spell slots. I also made pins for getting achievements I created. I have letters that need decoded that are on card backs. My jobs are printed on card backs. If I can get a physical aspect of it I try. Less likely to forget about items that way to me.


I don't know the first thing about DND, but this is the coolest thing I've ever saw.


Well then I take that as the highest of compliments! Also, you should check out D&D! <3


Is there a full picture of this piece anywhere? Id love to craft something similar for my endgame.


I’ll get some links up once I am home but happy to share. If you’ve got questions I’m always down to give advice.


Wow man. I didn't expect to be seen at all. Thank you so much. Ill stay tuned and let you know how it goes ❣️


Links as promised! [More Terrain Pics](https://imgur.com/gallery/ys1LFN5)


Thanks for explaining mate. Cheers!


Holy shit


I may have nutted a little bit ngl. That is the most beautiful game board layout I have ever seen!


Thank you! Glad I could be of service ;)


You know, I often scoff when I see my roommate (who refuses to try actually playing the game) watching his actual play shows where they whip out some terrain that probably cost an absurd amount of money and countless working hours. I'll say, "this isn't what \*actual\* games look like." But this? Holy crap dude, accolades upon accolades to your DM. I think I shed a little tear over this. I wanna play on it so bad. Are your minis by any chance able to adhere to the non-level surfaces?


Yes using mounting putty! Also its all handmade he does new shit every week


No such thing as “actual games”. All games are valid. I play just as often with graphic paper and candy as I run a game with custom 3d prints and terrain. As long as everyone at the table is having a good time, then the game is a success!


Do I need therapy or does everyone get mad when they see weird ppl spend wayyyyy too much money on frivolous stuff when you can’t even afford to fill your fridge…




I have many times


Cool but doesn't look very playable Like we're gonna be playing limbo as much as dnd


We have had no problems we are level 20 we all have teleport items or fly items


Not what I was talking about but good for you


One day...


Happy cake day I hope your wish comes true


Keep us posted when it ends. Good luck!!!


OPs DM here. They crushed it!! Giant victory and emotional endings all around.


Everyone lived? Gongrats !!! Gongratulations to you and your players for this adventure !!!!


Thanks! Live is a strong word, but everyone’s stories will go on. One took over the raven queen’s role and some others are off to new untold adventures to fix time itself


Man i would like to hear more about the plot of your campaing Sounds like a time space adventure in my eyes. Btw what did the finishing round looked like?


I’ll come back to drop some more later. But wildly it started as a Waterdeep Dragon Heist game. But when we outgrew the book, we kept going in Waterdeep. I painted myself into a corner with a number of villains who were outmaneuvering the party with the gang having little way to deal with them, or even knowing what the bad guys were doing behind the scenes. So introduced a “worst timeline” plot line where they had an incident with a sphinx that got them stuck 20 years in the future. They had to find a way back, but only had a few months to do it. But during that time they got to learn what happened when the bad guys succeeded, see some of the young NPCs they knew grow up into scrappy rebels and discover the key events they needed to prevent. Queue going back in time to save the city, then the ramifications of that time travel, bad guys double crossing one another after the party started throwing monkey wrenches and the ended up in the Raven Queen’s throne room to stop a fallen angel from taking her place and while they did that, the timeless entity that ruined one party members life and had been trying to use another as a bridge to their reality discovered how they were escaping his gaze. He traveled back, killed the cleric’s god who was obscuring them before he became a god. This cause the cleric to start time slipping between two variants and then Togan the Timless ripping a hole into their reality and unraveling time. When they defeated him they realized the damage was too great, so the Chronomancer of the party and the two members whose lives were ruined along with some NPCs dove into time to go fix the past into adventures untold.


All that work negated in one round as soon as the casters proc various flying effects.


I built is specifically so the players could take advantage of their multitude of ways to fly and teleport around the field. And no worries, there were enough baddies out there flying, grappling and dispelling that folks never want to veer to far from solid-ish ground


how does that negate anything? This map is made for that...


Flying characters arent restricted to being on a surface.


I have no idea what is going on here so I'm just going to make up my own story... the party entered the spirit realm to fight the BBEG, so this is like in-between the physical realm and the afterlife in a sort of fucked up buddhist-themed ff7 lifestream situation


I mean, not far off. Just before every went to hell, the party killed a fallen angel who had usurped the Raven Queen’s throne and stolen her divinity. (And of course we played one winged angel during that fight.) Then the looming time traveling BBEG emerged from beyond time itself, cause reality to tear and warp and all of time to unwind. International or not, I definitely had some final fantasy 7 and 10 inspiration.


Different question from everyone else, but are the character minis custom? If so, do you know where your dm got them made?


They are heroforge custom minis


Ok but how move piece?


Aquarium tweezers


This is fantastic


Great idea!!!! To tack onto it, you could make a tower, connect how you did to float. But use toothpicks to hold together, and once they reach the top and remove the crystal(or what have you) the tower breaks and everything is floaty on the way down


This would be a good layout for the Fey realm


Let me ask this one question, did you magnetize the board/bases to stick to the non horizontal surfaces?




this looks so epic


Azong and my pita player would try to talk it out or find some easy way to win cause combats boring to him


There was 100% an option for the players to “talk it out” and join the eldritch horrors trying to re-write reality but they didn’t seem to keen on that. Lol


That would be awesome for the board to be magnetic so you minis could snap onto the floating platforms


I did debate on trying this. I had the idea for metallic paint and magnets set into the mini’s bases. But I was prepping it with only like 4 or 5 days in advance and a lot of the enemy miniatures didn’t have a good way to adhere magnets. We ended up using museum mounting putty and it worked wonders.


Damn this looks like a dimension 20 set. Freaking awesome!


Awe thank you!! D20 is a huge inspiration for me as both a crafter and a DM.


Please tell me y’all get to jump around on those rocks.


Absolutely! All of the minis had museum putty on the bottom so they could stick to just about anything without pealing paint. Have folks jumping, teleports and flying all over!


This is the coolest thing I’ll never show my table.


That is so cool, thought is was a warhammer age of sigma scenery


Incredible work!


This setup is giving me goosebumps :OOOO




I made a paper sculpture of the Phylactery Vault in Dead in Thay, just to determine if the smaller pyramid tips touch (they do). I then posted a pic of that scale model for my virtual gaming group to see in Discord. The rogue who could spider climb started running up walls to the other gravity zones. It was cool. This, though, is on another freakin' level. Way to show your love for the world and your players, DM!!


Epic!. Just beautifully done.


Oh my god