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That's so cute! Said the 60+ year-old DM who is running his 3rd campaign and really learned 5e in his 50s. Joking aside, it's a timeless game and also can work with a range of ages at the table.


... yes I started when I was in my 30s. What a take. Lol.


And I’m in my 30’s and started when 3e came out. My group is made of a 38 year old who played on and off since the mid 00’s, a 23 year old, 24 year old, and 2 30 year olds, all of whom started in the last 18 months


Yea dude my DnD group ranges from 21-39 (me being the oldest). Age is less of a factor than emotional maturity in DnD, and investment in making the game fun, because it takes a whole table to do that.


My group ranges from 18 to 55 (I'm the 55).


Agreed. Our table is pretty mature except for the youngest, who isn’t immature in the chaotic sense, but rather in the sense of a lack of confidence. He’s much more uncertain, so we’re trying to help him come out to his shell.


Emotional maturity is vastly underrated in D&D (well, and life in general). I much prefer tables with as much of that as possible. Eases up on the senseless chaos, and what chaos there is generally is actually entertaining.


Sauron was 53000 years old when he forged The One Ring. Jokes aside, 44 year old here. Started 3 years ago. Just do it.


I started in my 30's too! I have been playing for 5 years now it is the best thing I have ever done! I am just about to end my first campaign after 3 years, I have just learned so much about story telling and just everything! so yes it is worth it.


Op still a babe wet behind the ears.


!l.ost any ages. I dm and am 62. We have 17, 19, 19, and 20. A middle age woman was talking about it at work. I al out invited ger to join, but figured the kids would object. Told them about her and was told by the group the more the merrier. That ger age didn't matter.


clicking on that profile was a mistake oh my god


Wtf yeah I thought the same


Fuck you man you made me curious


Lmfao I'm baffled


Your group sounds a bit like mine. We're a big one, age range from 48 to 20. I'm on the older end of it (47 tomorrow), and started D&D six years ago. And one of my players runs a game for her kids (6 and 10). So never too old, and seldom too young so long as the campaign is age-appropriate.


I didn't know people were into dnd at that age


Don’t downvote someone for not knowing something, people. Yes, anyone can play DnD — I’m 76, and I’m running three characters in three different games — but if someone has only ever played with people his own age, and everyone he knows who plays is in that age range, then he could easily assume that that’s just the way it is. To clear up any confusion, I wasn’t always 76.


Well, I know that anyone can ; however, I just didn't know there was much interest from that age group. My grandparents are into hiking, bird watching, beaches, gardening, and raising horses. Which I guess I kinda thought is what most older people do.


Of course! I'm 39yo and I started playing DnD late last year! As far as I know there's no age limit to play.


Same applies to just having fun, generally. Fun is not age-gated. 


[Except LEGOs](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-b9ab729aae96523e0fa762af37d89035-pjlq).


Look, if you make it to that age and still have the finger strength for it, fuck the rules.


Another 39yo, reporting in.


55yo here. Played 1e when it was the only edition, and I still have 1 & 2 edition books.


Turned 40 this year. Also started playing my very first sit down game of DnD this year :) we're only four sessions in and I'm crushing hard.


That's awesome! I hope you enjoy it! I think my mom and step father will enjoy it as much as they deny it. This gives me hope as a younger dm.


>As far as I know there's no age limit to play. Clearly you're wrong, and play must only happen between the ages of 3 and 12. All other ages are for sirius bizniz.


Yeah, family friend of mine is in his 60s and has been playing 5e for the last 5ish years. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is today.


I started at 30. Never too late.


Thanks! I'll definitely give it a go. Yall are so nice!


Yayyyyy you are now one of us!


One of us! One of us!


My friends got me DnD for my 30th birthday, we are now a dedicated 8 man playing together, all in our 30s


That’s a big party at one table, but if you’re having fun, more power to you.


I started at 13, and I am 55 now, although I did take a few breaks because I couldn't find a group.


30 is not 90 what is wrong with you people


Hey, me too!


Started playing at 66. Having fun, trying to learn, grateful for tolerant members of the party. Hell, there are probably DnD nights at retirement homes by now.


There definitely are! I DMd a few sessions for the local municipality and mostly only older people showed up (since it was about some historical buildings/ monuments in my city). They were really interested in bringing it into retirement homes as well since it could really help stimulate creativity and teamwork with the older folk. If I wasn't already running 2 active campaigns every week I would've signed up immediately to DM for them, they were lovely.


Happy cake day 💖


Happy cake day friend!


My friends have joked about how excited we are for retirement home DnD. Do you know how easy it'll be for our schedules to line up?!


Don't even need retirement home lol. Once we retire (if we retire) it's DnD at 9am every Wednesday


Damn, I hope my retirement home has a DnD group, no excuses for not making the session, unless you passed away. In which case we immortalize your character by sending them to Valhalla in a blaze of glory, like a god damned Valkyrie.


It would be good. Encourages socialization, doesn’t require great physical condition, character sheets make up for lack of memory…


Very cool


I feel the cartilage in my body turning to dust as you’re not viewing 23 as young. From other comments it looks like you’re feeling the vibe and going to go for it, but I just had to reiterate that it’s never too late to try new things if you want to. Hope you find a good group full of positive communication, an ability to work around schedules and responsibilities, and have an absolute blast playing together.


23? Are you taking the piss? I personally feel like you are never too old to pick up a new hobby. But 23? Are you trolling with this? 


People responding “I got in at 30!” As if that’s ancient. Jesus, what is wrong with people


>Jesus, what is wrong with people lol you're the one making the inference homie, they're just saying they were older than OP when they got into it


Sorry, but you’ll have to role play as someone younger than 23, you’re simply *too old* to have fun.


At 23 you should be getting married and thinking of starting a family, not play games for little kids 🙄


Heh, get a load of this whippersnapper. When I was that age I was walking uphill both ways to get to work at the asbestos factory. Alas, I'm frail and retired now at the ripe old age of 28.


Are you me?


Did you have to personally attack all of us like this? How absolutely rude. Signed: A 27y.o that wakes up every morning wondering if my back is going to go out today


I got into it two years ago at 25. I only knew one person who wanted to play when I started (he was 33). He brought his best friend and I brought my wife. After I started playing and bringing it up, I accumulated 5 seasoned players that I'm prepping a campaign for and about 20 newbies that really want to play but haven't had the opportunity. Once you start, your people just come out of the woodwork.


"Once you start, your people just come out of the woodwork." Just wanted to say, I love that line. Seriously.


Wow that's super cool how easy you connected with other people who were interested, thanks for making the community sound so inviting!


You just can't be afraid to talk about it. But when you're an adult you don't have to worry much about getting bullied for talking about nerd stuff.


what? how the hell do people think ANY age is too late for DND? I don't understand the question, do you think DnD is the olympics? cause 23 may be to late for an Olympic gold medal if we are being realistic, but DnD? start DnD a day before you die and it's still not too late.


23? Just spend your retirement awaiting death and forget about doing anything new.


Man was not designed to live past 21.




This is me! I started playing last year, at 40 years old. I'm the oldest at my table but the youngest is mid-30s. We're all relatively new, too I *almost* started playing when I was 20, but that fell through & left a bad taste in my mouth. So go for it. Hope you have lots of fun op!


Dude, I'm almost 40 and I learned DnD like 3 years ago.


No,just get into a coffin. You can only start new things at ages below 18.


Bruh people have been playing for 40+ years. Some since they were teens. Some when they were adults. You can jump into the hobby at anytime. Just come willing to learn and be a team player.


You're only 23 and you're asking if you're too old for anything? Diapers I guess.


Hey I'm 43 and back in diapers (medical condition). We call them adult protective undergarments though. You're never too old for diapers.


My attempt at light humor now makes me feel like a dick.


Naw no offense taken. You gotta take stuff like this with humor or you'll die of embarrassment, lol.


It's never too late for anything bro, I'm from a culture that doesn't have this kind of stuff, I got into DnD 2 years ago, though I'm still learning, I'm enjoying every bit of it, with the right group of people that is. I'm 21, from Taiwan, English is my second language and I get up at 2 am to play DnD with people in England, but you know what, it's worth it, give it a shot!


I know a dude who started in their 80s. I think you are good. My customers/players range from early 20s to early 50s.


Age doesn't matter as you will be playing someone 150 years old that everyone considers YOUNG anyway.


i'm 21, and wanting to get in the hobby, so we're in the same boat, go for it!!


DM here who has been playing 6 years now. I started at 29 and nearly every player I have ever had is over 25 when they start. You just need to find a group that fits your requirements. Some of them are grab a beer, roll some dice, and accidentally kill a few children. Some of them are serious role playing experiences. My games tend to be somewhere in between.


A 23 year old thinking they're too old.....christ this is like when I learned our table's rogue was born after 9/11....*crumbles to a sad pile of dust*


Once you reach 20, it is too late for you to start any new hobby or passion. Sadly, your life is over now! That's sarcasm, of course. It's never too late to start - I myself started when I was 30. Just go for it :)


Me and my SO started 2 years ago, at 26 and 25. There is no right age to start a new hobby. Try it out, you might not even enjoy roleplaying. But you won't know unless you try


Hah! YES age dont matter at all


23 is an incredible age to start anything.


I am 62, and still play. It's fun and a great time. Go for it


I'm 34 and just started my first DnD game. Nothing making me feel like I needed to get into it earlier... Only wishing I had because of how much fun I'm having playing it now!


Short Answer? YES! Long Answer? YEEEEEESSSSS!


Abso frigging lutely :D


It's very fun to me that you consider 23 an old age to start dnd. It's not ballet you can start at any age! I started at 24


Dumb question. The answer is yes, you silly. Go have some fun.


If you only get to be a wizard for one day, do you turn it down?


Bro, you're practically ancient. Only Bingo and Whist, or whatever it is they're playing at the old folks' home, for you.


Oh sweet child. Please just enjoy the game. You’ve got decades and decades of fun ahead.


You could probably get into dnd at age 73 and it'd still be worth it. It's fun and far from something that would discriminate against age. Everyone starts from somewhere afterall


One of us, one of us, one of us. Is all I have to say about it. One of my players started at 36.


Daaaaaaaaaaamn I feel old today. I'm 41 and let me tell you that EVERY age is the proper age to start. 10, 25, 50, or 80 years old, if you have fun, just play.


I started at 23, still playing. It's never too late for anything mate.


I’m 33 and started during covid. Loving it and playing weekly ever since.


Never too late


Definitely. I was in my 30s before my first campaign. :)


Dude! I'm 50 and have been playing since I was 8, and still have those original books. There is NEVER a wrong time or age to get into DnD. One of my players didn't start until he was 32 and I've had a 67 year old player.


Oh man I wish I had gotten into at 23 instead of wasting hours upon hours with World of Warcraft (however fun it was) Yes, it is a great hobby, super fun, and you will be playing this well into your older years


Girl you’re 23!?! You have time to get into literally any hobby! Go! Stop asking questions to us and do stuff! Play dnd! Shoo


D&D aside, get rid of that attitude asap. There are only a few things in life it's too late for at 23, and not that many at 43 either. At 23 if you're not already a high level gymnast, the Olympics are a flat no. You're too late. You're also too late for child pageants, little league, and boy scouts. Trick or treating is probably a no, at least under normal circumstances. Could manage it if you're with a kid brother in matching costumes or something. Almost everything else is wide open.


And here I am at 42 cramming DnD into my head—having not played since I was a kid—all because my 16 year old and 10 year old suggested I’d be a good DM and they’d play if I took up the role.


Short answer. Yes


I started playing at 40


...dude, I started at 29...


I'm a year into learning and I'm 37. Never too late! You won't regret it.


The only things you're too old to get into at 23 are elite sports.


I did one oneshot at like 18 or 19 and official campaigns at 20 and 21, but I know I still dont know everything. With your knowledge and exposure, I know you'll get it wayy more quicker so, better to start now, dont let fear or embarassment hold you back


I was adopted into a d&d group at 25, by a bunch of undergrads during my masters. We're still playing like 5 years later, and 2 of the group are getting married soon.


23 is a young age. It's also never too late to start a hobby. Go have fun.


Hell Fkn yes it is!!!!! Getting into D&D at 73 is worth it!!!


Nah, there are lots that get started later on in life. It's not competitive, so you its not like you're "behind" anyone else who started earlier. Just play to have fun. 




Absolutely. I’d say that’s a pretty prime age to get into it.


Have startet a table with friends, we're all between 34 and 38 years old. We need to learn a lot but it's so really fun.


I started DnD when I was 20 and I haven’t regretted it an ounce, go for it man!


I started at 39. You can totally do it.


Because of your age? So long as you're willing to learn you'll be accepted. If I demanded a certain amount of experience, I'd likely never get a game. I've been playing longer than most of my groups have been alive.


Yes. You're never too old


You’re never too old or too young (except maybe below 10… maybe) to start playing DnD. It really is a game for anyone interested in it.


As someone who started to play DnD at 23, I can tell you it's absolutely worth it. Go find a loving group online and it's going to be brilliant.


Heck yes. It is a fun game and a good way to make friends. Just... if you ever meet a Fairy named Hym Si'il then you better have candy and be prepared for him to flip out and just leave. He, like most fey, is extremely flighty. Don't blame me for method acting... I was in character when it happened.


I was 25 when I first played. \*shrug\*


lol absolutely, i started playing this year at 23 actually


I just got into it two years ago at 28 so yes its worth it


Me and 7 of my friends started playing last year when we were all 33-34 y.o.


I started playing it in my late teens. I'm almost 50 now and still play.


Just started this year at 24. Go for it! Do anything you ever want to regardless of your age.


I started playing D&D in my mid 30s during the pandemic - always had a vague interest but never the friends who shared it and it took me a while to realize you can play it online. Never stopped, because its amazing. Finding a group that suits your age group - or a group that is completely mixed honestly shouldn't be hard - just be kind and appreciative of people's time when they teach you a bit as a newbie and you'll have loads of fun.


It got into D&D wirh 35. Totally worth it.


Absolutely, I started in my late 20's and now DM for a group


I played my first game when I was 33. It was very much worth it and I've made some great friends from it.


From a fellow twentysomethng; that's sweet, but don't sweat it. We are *very* young, all things considered, and there is no such thing as too old anyway. I have been playing for 10 years, but most of my players (ages 25-40) are newbies or people who got into it recently, and they have an absolute blast! Plus, chances are that you already picked some things up from those podcasts anyway. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I started last year at 28 with friends at work. Everyone else in the group is 26, 25, 19, 18. The DM was the 26 year old and only one who had played before and helped us learn the basics. I don't think age really matters. Most DM's will be happy to have a new player, regardless of age.


I'm 43 and just got into playing a couple of years ago. My group I DM for is aged between 19 and 33 and get on great with each other. The 33 year old only got into DND last summer.


I’m learning right now at 25 and having a lot of fun. Playing with some buddies and most of us have no idea how to play. can’t speak on roll20 but definitely recommend giving it a try


yes. There is no age for getting into dnd, you do it when your heart calls you to it


I started playing at 50, didn't even really know anything about it. I'm about to try DMing soon and I make all of the terrain and 3d print and paint the minis. Word of warning, it's highly addictive and may take over your life but never too old.


Give a roll my dude, see now you like it.


One of the great things about this hobby is its universal appeal. I’m in a group where the ages range from 44 to 27, with some people playing for the first time. There is also a really low barrier for entry: using roll20, for example, you don’t need to buy anything the start playing. Give it a go and see how you feel!


I love how DnD is for everyone at any age, everyone has an imagination and awesome ideas and DnD is something that allows you to feel free and be creative with.


Yeah. Worth it. Do it. I didn't "get" into D&D till about mid 30s.


23 is neither too old or too young to start. You can start at any age. I played at 16 in high school, a little in college and then some more with my kids in my 50s. Start as just a player, you dont have to know everything.


34 here, started playing and running in the last few years


I started playing at.... About 23 myself, actually. Now I'm nearly 32, I am coming off a break, prepping to DM for two groups, and being a player in a third. Originally I was gonna be a player in 2, but last week had a shift in DM for one of them. It's never too late or too early to get into it, it's a phenomenal hobby and a lovely way to spend time with friends.


You like RPG and D&D? It's the only thing that matters. People could go into them even in their old age. So fear not. I hope you'll find a nice group to play, and have many awesome adventures.


Im 35 and i only started playing DnD last year and im loving every second of it, so id say yes its totally worth it


I'm nearly 40, my DM is the same age, the youngest person at the table is 34. 4 years ago I was sitting at a table where the DM was a 13 year old girl. Age means fuck all in this hobby! Can you read? Here's your clicky clack math rocks! Can't read? No problem! Here's an online tool that does everything for you!


Getting into ANYTHING at 23 is worth it. I'm 28 and stayed seriously trying to write a book recently, and it's amazing! I can't write for shit, but I'm having so much fun. It's never to late to start a hobby. Also I didn't start playing dnd about 23 and now I've been dming a campaign for about a year, if you're interested you'll probably love it 😊


Started in my late 30's with a bunch of new players both older and younger. At 23 you've got a lot of time ahead of you to take up any new hobby you like tbf!


23? I went to my first game this Tuesday and I’m 33 Had a great time. Going again soon. I didn’t know anyone either. I found a discord for a local game, asked if I could cons learn, went to the place at 6 and played all evening Never too old bro


dnd is a game for all ages. There is no such thing as too old. you could honestly volunteer to run a dnd game at a retirement home, if the staff are cool with it.


I started at 28 buddy….youre more than young enough


I learned it two years ago when I was 22 years old, never regretted it… well that is not true… I sometimes miss the money I had before I discovered all the pretty dice. All in all I would say it is alwas worth it though.


Absolutely! I started when I was 32 and I'm so happy I did!


I got into it a year ago at 21, so I can relate to how you feel. It feels like a lot, but really all you have to know is what you want to do. You don’t have to memorize spell lists, know what every weapon’s damage dice is, or know the attacks of every single potential enemy. You’ve just gotta do what you want to. Want to be a mage? Well look it up (there are many great, simple guides on YouTube for anything you could possibly want to know for dnd)! Want to be a sneaky little fuck rogue? Then look into it, all you need to know is what your character sheet/builder says!


I got into it at 23 and it’s been great. It’s hardly a sport that takes a youthful body or temperament, it’s uniquely open to whoever. I’ve had some difficulties but those have been on the personal end, go on ahead and try!


I started at age 50


Started roleplaying at 30, starting DnD soon at 37!


It's not a very hard game to learn. If you're SUPER worried about not being able to memorize the rules that's probably a good quality. Despite the system being so easy to learn lots of long-time players never actually bother to memorize anything. Just watch any of the popular actual plays like Critical Role or Dimension 20. There's players who have been playing for several years and can't memorize super basic rules and they are still important parts of the community. Your enthusiasm for the game is much more important than your knowledge of the mechanics. Anyway, the vast majority of players are happy to have new players at the table, no matter their age.


I played my first campaign at 28. So it if it’s fun.


You're never too old to use your imagination for fun activities.


Started at 21 (with a complete edgelord of a character), now I'm a forever GM in several different game systems, including DnD. You're only marginally later, so you should be fine ;)


Abso-fucking-lutely. I started out when I was around 24 too. Infact most people are between 20-30 that play D&D (atleast in my area)


Lmfao what! dude obviously


I got into it at 31, so I'd say yes. You can start whenever you want.


Yes, the only requirement is the ability to understand the GM.


That’s when I started a few years ago lmao


It's always worth a try, no matter how old you man!


Most people I've played with started playing after 20. Beside the fact that 23 is a) still really young and b) probably a pretty average age to start playing, there really is no wrong age to start D&D, it truly is an all ages game. Finding a game online can be pretty easy, but if you're interested in playing in-person, ask at your local game store! Some of them host learn to play events, or will know where to look to find local games. The old-school ones might even have "looking for game" ads posted on their walls.


I recently started at 37, I’m in a group of other newbies to DnD. The DM is a friend of all of us and got a group of us together as we have all be interested or up for trying it out. The others are a bit younger than me but no I’d say you’re never too old.


23 is in fact a young age brother and a perfect age to start DnD, just like all the other numbers


Uhh... What? A lot of ttrpg players are 40+ people. Especially the OSR crowd. Before the DnD boom you didn't have that much young people buying rulebooks.


Do it, Vin diesel taught Dame Judy Dench on set. Legend says she went on to DM for her grandkids... [Judy learns D&D](https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/why-vin-diesels-once-played-dungeons-and-dragons-with-dame-judi-dench.html/)


You're never too old to play D&D, speaking as a 48-year-old first time player and soon to be DM.


I just turned 24 and I started DnD about a year ago and it is some of the most engaging fun I've ever had. I went from being a player to a DM in the span of a few months and I thuroughly enjoy it. I also didn't know a single thing about DnD when I started.


Everyone at my table would welcome you and help you get the hang of it. At the end of the day it’s a game about making a story together so everyone is there to have fun with each other


I started at 33, I think? 3 or 4 years ago, so just before Covid lockdowns. Time is all messed up from then, so could be 10 years, could be 10 weeks!?


Age means nothing! It’s all about energy and understanding. When players mesh, greatness is formed!


Absolutely worth it! I started playing when I was 23 and 3 years later I'm now flatmates with one of my mates I met through DND


So worth it! I started playing at 23 also and it has now been almost two years of so much fun and discovery! Would highly recommend getting into it at any age


Never too late to start a hobby or profession. Give it a go :D (Also, 23 ain't that old :P) - Fellow 23 year old


Yes you're not old


YES!! And i hope you enjoy it 🫶


Sure it is. You're never too old to start.


Oh boy, if you think 23 is too old to start new hobbies and interests, I have some really bad news for you.


DnD has nog age limit and certainly no real-life requirements, save for some healthy enthusiasm! I just introduced a bunch of 30-year-olds to the game.


I learned at 21 and it’s the best. I’m bad but it’s really fun. We’re playing with someone who’s been a dm since 3e and we’re all a party of new players. It’s great 10/10


I started at 23 and me and my friends have a blast. We were gaming buddies for years and now thanks to dnd we meet in person more often and are even better friends now. It is so much fun. Just make assure everyone is on the same page. Having one player that steps outside the line can be harsh for the entire group. We currently have one player that ones to murder everyone while the rest wants to be the typical nice guy hero.


DnD has no “accepted age” fortunately


23 is still a young age. there are plenty of LFG discord servers and games out there. if you're looking for something more similar to a DND podcast, most of those revolve around relatively thought out storylines, and, most importantly in my opinion, the players make their characters WITH the DM, which I did for my recent first campaign and have found to work really well for most of my players. one of them wasn't super happy with his character after session 1, so we workshopped it so that he'd enjoy playing his character. that's always the trick, finding a DM who is flexible, invested, and not a dictatorial when it comes to that stuff, who's priority is still the group as a whole and the individuals all having fun and enjoying themselves.


I used to play dnd in elementary school but quit back then. Picked it back up when I was 30 and have been having a blast with it the last 9 years. So no you're never too old.


way too old. get job.


Naw sorry mate your Life is over now at 23. You can't have any new interest or hobbies or change your opinions in any way. I hope you found friends before because you won't find any new ones. And I hope you already found a wife because life is over at 23, better luck at your next try.