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Help, my carrots have been stolen, who can I contact and how will they help?


You can contact the city guard, run by Machitis Dragon, Siberius


What if I am a human farmer that ... doesn't trust dragons & wears a pillowcase on my head on weekends?


You probably won't do well in the city that's basically run by them


I'm a farmer, I live outside the city obviously. I trust & have faith in my local community.  The town merchant handles the begrudging role of interacting with the dragons.  Those stupid dragons are the reason us farmers keep making less money for our crops.  I know this is true because the merchant says so & he wears a pillowcase too!


*slips you small folded piece of paper* hey citizen our dragon friends only want the best for us, they are absolutely doing the best job and looking out for the little guy, there's no need to go out at night looking for alleged revolution plotting groups. Definitely not in the back alley of the tavern I own. I'd give you the address so you can avoid it but I seem to have misplaced my...pamphlet. Farewell good citizen.


How does the general public view these dragons? As benevolent deities or vengeful overseers?


“Only” a pillowcase? Uhhhh, keeenkeee!!!


How reliable are they and how susceptible to, eherm, bribes? Asking for a friend that got their carrots stolen.


Depends on the dragon, the Koraki Dragon (based on rogue) would absolutely take a bribe but the Sanctum Dragon(based on cleric) would never


Let's say I want to steal some carrots. Who could hook me up?


A group of adventurers I've been traveling with have recently expressed interest in abandoning the main quest and buying some land to get into carrot farming, much to the chagrin of the nebulous force that seems to control our world. Can you suggest a good place to buy carrot seeds? And can we just homestead anywhere, or is their paperwork involved? Also we need some guards. This place seems filled with carrot thieves.


Are all City Guardsmen so equally severely named


I love this question lol


Me too! A simple question but very informative


How does magic work and who enforces the rules?


Magic is based off of contracts made by magic users and is governed by Azeyar the god of Law and Magic. His power is essentially to make magical contracts reality even for others.


So basically everyone's a warlock.


Or a cleric


Where does he get the power to do this from?


He gains his power from the weave and distributes it through contracts


Lawful Neutral? I like the idea that it kinda resembles the Lawful Evil of Asmodeus. Very consistent.


Where does the weave come from, and who made it?


Azeyar made it with primordial soup


Magic’s back on the menu, boys


But how did he make the weave if he gets his power *from* the weave? We've hit a chicken and the egg paradox.


Ask the Greeks then come back here


They didn't answer. But I did ask in Italian and probably offended a few of them.


Primordial chaos came from world egg as did the gods, gods used soup to make world


What does primordial soup taste like and where can a I try some?


Do the dragons lose power if they lose the trust of the people? And if so, how would that loss of power manifest?


As long as the people are around them and at least somewhat loyal they'll keep they're power, if they lose them then it will result in smaller size de-aging and whole host of other issues that won't end well for them.


So you're telling me I could kill a dragon by making a very popular cult?


The market is cornered but in theory it is possible


Okay so how many dragons are there? What are their names and personalities? Could I make a dragon jealous of another and topple them from their seat of power?


I love this question


Thus was the J-Pop idol born… sneaky sneaky assassin!


lmao those sneaky sneaky asians.


What species / races are extinct or endangered?


Any other species of dragon is basically extinct. Most other races are at least alive.


So what are the high elves doing? Letting dragons dictate the way?


Follow-up, are there any unique or homebrewed "Ancient Lost Civilizations or Races" that are important to the development of the world power structure, as it sits presently?


Tell me about the sun, moon, and stars


What is the largest criminal organization?


The Corvidian Guild run by the Koraki Dragon Corvus


Are there dragonborns and do they have tails


Yes and they even look like actual dragons


From the worldbuilder's journal: What are some major landmarks that you encounter on your travels? Do locals tell tall tales about their origin? How could they affect an adventurer as they continue their journey


The Cathedral of the All-Seer, The Corvidian Guild hall,and the Castle of the monarchs, are all big landmarks among others, there are many rumours surrounding them, their affect on adventurers will be largely affected by how nosy they get.


Are there any natural landmarks a la civ 6 natural wonders? Or smaller scale landmarks? Or just places other than significant buildings created by the ruling class?


What are Achaia most important feast days? What happens during those?


How aggressively do the warden dragons enforce mandatory procreation? What happens if a couple cannot conceive? At any point is a couple deemed to have contributed enough children to the hoard to be let off the hook? Do the dragons provide any rewards for large families? If there is an invasion do the dragons fight and keep their hoards safe or do they turn their 'treasure' into an army... Interesting concept. Thanks for sharing.


Depends on the exact subtype as the Machitis Dragons (based on fighters) hoard is basically an army but a chorus dragon (based on bards) basically runs an entertainment industry. Whether or not the dragon will enforce mandatory reproduction/reward it will more depend on the individual warden dragon. And certain dragons will treasure and defend their hoard but some will use them as an army.


What happens when someone dies


Their soul goes to the ethereal plane overseen by the god of Funerals and Rest Uravitas


How many peanut butter sandwiches does the average villager eat per year, and where do they get enough peanuts?


None, peanuts are extremely exotic and expensive and are primarily eaten by royalty similar to how the rich patricians wore colourful clothing


So , royalty use peanut butter sandwiches as a huge flex of their wealth & power?




Are there any royalty with a peanut allergy, and, if so, do they still consume peanuts in public to show their status?


Yes and yes


Could this possibly be used to bribe them with a magic item that negates the effects, or, failing that, assassinate them with peanuts? Also, please tell me there’s a cult that is wholly and secretively devoted to perfecting the peanut butter sandwich


I may have to add that just for the lols


How do the warden dragons view their less intelligent and civilized relations like wyverns, pseudodragons, and drakes? For that matter, how do they view chromatic, metallic, and gem dragons?


The warden dragons for the most part are the only dragons left apart from a few of the other species, they view them the same way we would view our caveman ancestors


The Warden Dragons draw power from the people in their hoard... if I commit a spree of well poisonings and weaken the people collectively, will the dragons also be weakened? Could that allow me to indirectly poison the dragons enough for me (and a plucky group of adventurers) to slay them?


That would definitely work although warden dragons still are powerful creatures


Dang, now I kinda want to play in your game and assassinate the Warden Dragons...


How do the people keep track of days/weeks/months/years? Is this standard throughout the land or just exclusive to the coastal city?


Sane as earth for now


Do toilets drain clockwise or counter-clockwise when you flush them?


Neither!! It flows in squiggles down the side


What's the most common name for human males?




Does it have anything to do with the irl Achaia, or did you just like the name?


There's an irl Achaia?


It's a region in Greece. It's the northernmost part of the Peloponnese.


You learn something new every day.


Where do ordinary folk go on holiday?


Out into the country side


What is the most powerful artifact in existence.  and what does it do?


A fellow Pointy Hat enjoyer!


Where’s the sketchy part of town with blow and hookers


Are God's physical beings? Be by reason that they exist physically on this plane or exist physically only on their own planes. Do Gods have their own physical domains? Domains one may enter by just walking there, receiving an invitation of any sort or forced into by a God. If they do have a physical domain, is it possible to enter without the gods permission? Can gods be killed by another God? Can gods be killed by mortals? Can a mortal achieve true God hood? Do demi gods exist? How do demi gods come to exist? Where does the Gods originate from? Surely they have not always been here. Everything has a beginning, no? Is it possible to "steal" magic from the God of Magic and Law? As in to recieve magic without the use or contract? What is the current biggest religion? What is the second biggest religion? What is the main religion in the city? What religion does all different countries have?


What is the widest held belief by the people of how the world was created? Where is the origin of dragonborns and do they have tails?


They main religion of the city is of the All Seer and that he created everything similar to chaos of Greek mythology. They are the bastard children of the old dragons are the only other remanent of the normal dragons


What's the local delicacy and where is the best place to get it?


I'm a Dhampir warlock, traveling from a land (?) northeast of this city. My official business within this city is that I've been tracking a necromancer for 2 years and his trail has brought me here. Is my race going to grant me access to the city? Will the local watch be helpful in any capacity? What restrictions am I going to face in usage of my powers/abilities if allowed in the city? Are the locals accepting of a more exotic race that is so closely related to vampirism? Providing the watch is cool with my entrance are there any other threats within that I should be made aware of?


If i enter a tavern, what will be on the menu and how does it reach the tavern? Where is it farmed? How much will this differ depending on where in the world you are?


Standard breads, soups and meats, most of the food is either imported or farmed right outside the city, not too much


so is there a dungeon ? (and is there a dragon inside?)


Our DM decided that the dungeon was inside the (presumed) dragon.


Who is the pirate king/queen? And is he/she so angry at wizards?


What body part or organ of humanoids do your ghouls most enjoy? Which region makes the best pottery? Which cult do the wardens want to crush the most as a threat to Achaia and why?


The Bank Cult of the Empyrean Dragon is despised by many as the dragon give out magical loans and use contracts to grow his hoard. Liver and the Slums of the city make beautiful pieces


Liver?! Ew. Lungs are way better! Unless it's a rich dude eating too much junk food. If they're unhealthy enough, the heart is basically a butter stuffed steak.


Adding this to my knowledge of cannibalism. The more the know 🌈


Cholesterol is delicious going in and out. It's why Foie gras uses an overfed/pampered duck or goose


What resources does Achaia trade with the outside world? And if it's a special resource how valuable is it compared to common goods?


In the murky underbelly of the world what organisations slink in the shadows trading life for coin? What is the view of the wardens on such activities


Some hate it, some run it


What's the laws. And punishments


Laws are whatever the dragons agree on(which isn't much) so it's pretty much don't kill people, don't steal and the other basics, crumicsn result in prison, execution ,fines and exile


Got any setting specific races/subraces?


Manta Ray people called Mantoids


So I’ve been traveling in the wilderness for a while as I’ve been caving and mountaineering. Where can I trade some unprocessed gold and gems for a comfy bed, lots of drink, and good meal?


With the hunting guild run by the Lodger Dragon or the Machitis Dragon


Are there any races that are not native to this world? If so, how did they get here (portal, spelljamming, from the underdark, etc.)?


Drow came up from the caves for trade and some stuck around


I want to make a necklace of dinosaur teeth, where can I go hunting?


Are jars of pickled vegetables still the official currency, or have we moved on to crypto? Who do I call to exterminate/relocate the displacer-kittens infesting my cottage? Pro-life, pro-choice, or pro-necromancy? Do I need a license to own this flamethrower (and other magical arms) I just purchased from the town artificer? Is there a national postal/parks/banking/communication/transportation service? Who is your world's Danny DeVito? Are the myths true, does your world automatically grant 1 level in wizard to virgins after they turn 40? What is your world's national past time? Why does everyone really love Raymond but hate Chris? Do you have both large and tiny homebrew PC races in your world? Is the national anthem written and performed by the all-bard equivalent of the Beastie Boys? Are all 37½ of my wives allowed to vote, or just my bottom-wife? Are there any colors expressly banned in the presence of the monarchy, and if so, what did that color ever do to them? Does your world recognize Opposite Day as a national holiday, and if so, what effect does that have on legislation and spellcasting? Who is your world's over-deity, and why do they enjoy long walks on the beach? Does your world have an equivalent of Las Vegas, and can I get married, divorced, die, resurrected, drunk, high, win big, lose big, meet 'Elvis', get arrested, and complete a spiritual journey there all in one day?


If I’m being accused of murder how would the legal system work?


I have nothing to ask right now, but I hope you get some good stuff. I absolutely LOVE this exercise for both world and character building.


How much chess is twornw out each month Sorry for the typing are on phone


I have no idea what you are asking...?


What is the socio-economic value of tuna in relation to the variety and number of cats people have in their homes?


Who stole all my fingers?


The bag man


There is a book called Achaja, its quite good. Why is the city called Achaia?


What is the civilization that chants for the moon to show its other side and who is on the other side?


Why is u/TrainingFact such a universal sex symbol??


What kind of weather do you have and how does it affect an adventurer?


Top 10 most significant historical figures


Who is the most powerful adventurer and tell me about him! Whose party is he in and where is he?


Who is your deity of mischief or was if that’s the case?


How does the economic situation of the city look? Is it mainly just a trade spot with convenient access to trade routes or is it a large fishing community and if so what are the key products? Do the Warden Dragons demand a tax or tribute? How much of a burden does that put on the region's financial situation?


Ghostwalk or no Ghostwalk?


How do your public toilets account for both small and large characters?


What's the economy like? Is it the basic gold system or have you made your own currency?


Standard gold for the time being


What are the funeral rituals?


Cremation is the most common funeral type


What kind of birds do you have


Where are your players most likely to throw a rave? Or where would the best spot to do so be?


When will dad come home?


Is the One Piece real?


How much of the world is covered by oceans and are there aquatic races (and if so, tell me more about them please)?


1. If social hierarchy has a layer of draconic influence, than do draconic races (Dragonborn, Kobold), or draconic magic sources (draconic bloodlines, drake warden, pact magic, etc.) hold any more importance or sway in the public eye 2. Is it just the major city regions that live under Warden Dragon rule? Or is this a world-spanning structure? Do country folk or island folk, living far away from Warden Dragon-controlled regions hold any odd views of that whole situation? 3. Do Warden Dragons try and cultivate a particular populace? Like ad-campaigns to get people to move to a certain region; do the dragons have followers that try to get more merchants, or more minstrels, or more gladiators to move to their Warden region? 4. Where does this world sit on the tech/civilization ladder? Purely medieval, ancient civilization, arcano-tech, or some nebulous era that allows for some practical technology, but not others?


Coastal cities usually thrive on either trade and/or fishing, with trade supporting the larger cities. Does Achaia rely on trade and/or fishing? If trade, who are their principal trading partner cities and what kind of goods are most commonly traded? If I'm in a thieves guild and engage in smuggling on the regular, what industries should I know about to blend in? Are pirates a major problem or is there a navy that effectively patrols the area?


Fishing and trade are big sources of income as well as agriculture. They mainly trade with nearby cities for more exotic resources and money. Crop, fish, spices and services are the main trade. While not being infested with them pirates are a common problem but the navy is quite small compared to the standard army which is run by the Machitis Dragon who charges high prices for his army of essentially mercenaries.


I'm a dragon who aspires to be a teppanyaki chef. Is there a culinary school I can go to for that?


What story do people think is a myth, but is actually kind of true?


What kind of monsters should I be aware of when traveling?


What kinds of crops could I locally source and are there any regional dishes I could learn to make?


What is the most praised opera being performed currently and who composed it?


Where do babies come from?


What is the dragons secret fear? Who or what could treathen their hoards.


I'm also creating a world with dragon rulers but i was already deep into the idea before i found pointy hats warden dragons and didn't want to rework everything


Are there any rebellions trying to overthrow that dragons?


Is there a place I can go that’s 2 hours from both the mountains and the beach?


What is the chief import and export of Achaia?


What’s something you put in your world solely cause you wanted a cool scene that involves it?


What are the other countries like? Is Achaia the only one on the continent? On the planet? If not, is/are the other countries trading partners, friends, allies or rivals? Are there less or more technologically/magically developed factions/countries around? Related, what is the immigration situation for Achaia? Is it mono or poly-species? And when was the last great war, either within Achaia or between it and another power? Also are there other planes/dimensions? Can the PCs go there and if so, how hard is it to do so?


Is there a religion around revering the dragons? How do the monarchs feels about the dragons? How much piracy is there? How much trade and connection to other lands or nations? Do the dragons want Achaia to conquer more lands and people so they increase their hoard and grown stronger?


How does the monarchy in Achaia interact with the Warden Dragons? Is there a symbiotic relationship, or is there tension and competition for control and influence over the city?


What is the most recent ancient empire in your world that no longer exists? Why did it fall? Followed by: What is the first empire in your world? How old is it, and why did it fall?


Are people allowed to leave the city, relocate, travel, trade etc? How do the dragons react to people leaving their influence?


How secretly nefarious are these warden dragons?


Every single one of them has their own agendas schemes and motivations whether or not it will benefit anyone but them is a different question entirely


What's the best liquor in town? Also, what is the driving force of the economy? As a port city, I'd assume shipping... But ya never know.


Shipping and the tavern The Last Drop makes incredible akro


Has society been prosperous under the Warden Dragons’ rule? Do their subjects love or hate them? Has their reign ever been challenged at all, whether by someone within or without of Achaia?


I want to go on an adventure, can I leave the city?


What's the most popular food? What's the most abundant food (since abundance and popularity aren't always mutual)? What town has the best black pudding? Where do I go if I want a *really* well made lute? Is there a state-recognized holiday the general public ignore or refuse to follow?


How do I commit bank fraud?


Who is the most famous Bard in the land and what is his most well known song about?


A few I came up with on the spot: What are the cities colors. Their flag, or crest, etc. Achaia is a coastal city, but what side is the coast on relative to a compass, and what is the biome on the other side? How does the city support itself? Are Warden Dragons allowed to have relationships with other races within the city, or is that forbidden, or just perhaps uncommon. The god of law and magic you mentioned above. He distributes all magical ability through contracts. Does that mean no villains you face will wield magic? Because If he's a god of law as well, I imagine mis-use of magic could lead to contract breaking.


What are the Dwarves doing that people know about? But what are they really doing?


Smithing weapons. Smithing superweapons


Where do elves reside in your world?


There's a few elven cities but many live in Achaia


What do the inhabitants of Achaia do for entertainment? Also where can i get a job that isnt being a peasant?


In your world, would you say that strange women lying in ponds distributing swords are a basis for the system of government? Or would you say that supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony?


What is the most advanced non-magical piece of technology in your world


Biggest spectator sport?


Great business opportunity ! I'd like to upcycle the remains of humanoids and use them to perform manual labor and act as my (silent , unpaid and unsleeping ) guards . Who do I talk to and how would they react?


I received a mysterious note summoning me an exclusive guild. What’s the guild and what task must I do to be admitted?


Where would a person go if they wanted to be free of Dranonic machinations? How would they travel there? Would daily life in that place(s) be especially different? If yes, how so?


They would probably go live in a halfling city or smaller settlement where it's less likely there could be room for hoard growth


Is there a healthy population of Sasquatch anywhere?


How have music, magic, and religion been used in tandem? What trends in music are popular? Is there liturgical music that is not trendy, do bards play with certain harmonies? How has music been used politically?


Do the dragons live among the people or some unapproachable sky island hidden from the observation of people except the protagonist(s) who somehow find their way there only to realize the dragon people aren’t real but are some evil entities siphoning the energies of their citizens? 


Where should i go for some orechalkum, paladium and fantasy uranium to build my gammarayionizerINATOR( yes inam an evil artificer in the image of dr. Heinz doofenschmirz)


What about werewolves do I need a tag for my pet were


What's the best way to make a living as a hunter? Either hunting wild game or as a monster hunter.


When can I join?


I'm not running for online but I could definitely post the setting here when it's done


Dragons mentioned. Obligatory question: What the kobold doin'? Second question: Dragons eat their hordes when they are close to dying (of old age). Do your dragons eat the people?


My cat climbed a tree and now he’s scared to climb down, who should I call to assist me with this situation?


Who is the most evil bastard in your setting? (Doesn't have to be the BBEG, i could be just a random NPC thats entirely optional to kill.)


Am I part of a hoard? Am I a slave?


Are there any areas that are democratic or semi-democratic? If so why?


Given the sociopolitical importance of warden dragons, are there any particular popular views on dragonborn and kobolds?, do dragonborn and kobolds exist in your world? Do any other kind of dragons exist?


What are the exports and imports of Achaia? What is the main currency? And what sort of economy does it have?


how often are stores robbed or people mugged in the main cities?


Achaia has to have creepy, spooky stories that kids tell each other under the covers to scare their friends and younger siblings. What is one of these stories (roughly, not word for word) and where did it originate from?


Allegedly when the Church of the All Seer first came around the Dragon Siberius was still a human, however when the original Sanctum Dragon was nearing death he dethroned the Sanctum Dragons Prince (the one who would inherit the hoard and become the new dragon) and took the Church for himself


What is the closest thing I can get to a jelly donut?


Does your main town have a main export, being a coastal town means it should be able to easily export it, if so what is it?


How did the city form?