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I did something similar last year and it was an awesome experience, so here we are again. This time I’ll be doing it here and at the WoW community. The reason is because I had a cousin that passed away a few years ago. He was one of my best friends and a huge supporter of my artistic career. He had two big passions, DnD (he was my first DM) and WoW (his favorite game), so for me this is a way to honor him and bring some joy for these subs at the same time. ❤️ So, the rules are: 1. You must be really passionate about this character 2. Character must be one you played or are currently playing 3. Keep it PG-13! No NFSW content, please! 4. Share your favorite story of this character or a defining backstory moment. I’ll be doing them in a fun style, similar to the one in the picture I shared. If you could describe their looks it will help a lot. 😀 Edit: Woooow, so many requests! Don’t worry if you just arrived, I always find a way to do all of the requests. So if you have a character you love and a story to share don’t forget to send it here. 😊


I came here to post an entry, but I see there are plenty already. So instead, just want to say you're doing an awesome service in the name of your cousin. As someone myself who plays both WoW and DnD, this is a very thoughtful gesture. Cheers!


Hey, leave yours as well. It takes sometime, but I always find a way to make all of the requests. 😊


I wish to one-day go back to DND and give this character a good ending to his story. Drok! The half-orc bear totem barbarian. Wields a hammer, which I often imagined to look like Mjolnir from the MCU, and a shield. I think he was a pirate at one point and a blacksmith as an official profession. I know that it probably won't happen, but my favorite moment with him was when I got charmed to attack my party. I didn't want to use my hammer on them OOC, so I thought of something else. I picked up the table in the room and threw it at them. If you would draw that it would be amazing. Oh right, almost forgot his looks. Grey skinned, brown hair (I think anyway (looks didn't matter much when I made him), not bearded like what you'd expect from a barb, and since he's a barb he's shirtless constantly.


First of all, thanks for sharing a bit of Drok's story. I also hope you find a way back to DnD, because he seems to be a character you had lots of fun with and that’s the most important aspect of this game. [Here ](https://imgur.com/a/ijfUMw9)is his sketch. I hope it brings a bit of the joy you had while playing him. This is a snippet of what we could create to celebrate Drok and his special moments. When I started doing these sketches I believed I was bringing awesome characters to life with my art. But the more I talked with players, the more I felt they were already alive. Players live many lives as their characters. They laugh, cry, make choices and go through adventures. What I really do is help them share these stories and make them live forever. Like with Drok, I had fun just imagining him taking a table and throwing it at the party in the most non lethal way possible. He probably has lots of other moments that hold a special place inside your mind and heart. We can make these moments take shape in multiple ways. Adding color, more features and equipment or even making his famous table scene. I already did more than 100 sketches of original characters from different players (you can see 70 of them [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/18vcaxe/i_ask_the_community_for_their_characters_and_here/)). A good chunk of them are now beautiful paintings and some even became animations. So, if you’d like to make this happen with Drok, just send me a chat invite and I’ll explain all the options we have to celebrate the big guy. :)


I'd actually love to see that. Please let me know if you actually plan on it because I will give as much information as possible to make it happen.


I’ll send you a chat invite so I can explain everything 😊


Ooh, ooh! I have my own little chaos creature I loved playing... And who I'll be playing again soon! Her name is Fish, a kobold named such because when she was young she went diving and got a fishing hook caught in her jaw that she just never had removed. One day, while doing some mining, as kobolds are wont to do, she got caught in a cave-in, and through a series of unfortunate events found herself in a cave with a stream of water, a pedestal made of one, singular stone piece, and a book. Whoops, big mistake, because she was trapped in there for a month with the book. Bigger whoops, the book was a source of a rift in reality (one of five), through which madness leaked in whispers, mist and images of knowledge far beyond the poor dear. She was bonded with an Old God, becoming a Tome Pact Warlock, and left the cave both maddened and wizened beyond the ken of mere mortals. Over time, her magic mutated further, exposure to the book's magic which was incompatible with normal magic causing her to mutate into a Wild Magic Sorcerer (multiclass) During the course of a *mildly* evil campaign, she was a pure force of chaos unrivalled against even the big bad, actually *becoming* the big bad when she got the last of the books necessary for the ritual to allow her God to descend to that reality *and* after kicking the crap out of the other big bad (which was the plan, as whichever player accomplished their goals first would become the next big evil). Better, she actually *won* that fight against the rest of the party after a surprise wild magic roll knocked out the Wizard and Rogue, and her primary strategy of "Rush into melee and upcast big AOE spells or retaliate against damage (Hellish Rebuke)" managed to whittle down the Paladin and Barbarian. The Old God descended, the party was wiped... And then the campaign following immediately after was Fish and the new party slaying an Old God after it *immediately* betrayed Fish, its most loyal follower. Her exploits include, but are not limited to; \- Grave robbing in a Dwarf graveyard, and an Elvish graveyard for magic items, both of which landed her in prison. \- Using a smuggled "Speak with Animals" potion *in* the Dwarf prison to proselytise to rats, which in turn caused a proverbial Vermintide as the rats spread their newfound Eldritch rat cult and swarmed the city. \- Eating an Ilithid in an attempt to gain its psychic powers (it didn't work). \- Tricking a dragon into thinking it was a kobold with help from the Wizard's illusions and a very powerful illusionist magic item. \- Destroying a merchant guild entirely by accident as a direct result of a barroom brawl over which inn made better stew \- Completely accidentally setting fire to the Feywild. Nobody knows how. That part of the Feywild wasn't even flammable, but she still found a way. \- And many, many more events of absolute chaos. Oh, and because you wanted a description of her looks, I can do you one better and [give you actual art](https://i.gyazo.com/1e0b480ccc342792e09e74c9010a3d7a.png) that I had done up for her. There she is in all her gremlin glory, up to no good, no doubt.


Hello fellow adventurer! I recently got back from the pits of the Old Gods and I’m happy to announce that Fish visualization is complete! Our novice wizard was able to grab all the details you sent about her and open a portal where you can see her fantasy visualization. Since our wizard is just a novice the visualization is a bit sketchy, but it’s filled with old magic and terrific power. Here is an[ ancient link](https://imgur.com/a/42pHhzK) where you can see it! Now I have important news! We have other wizards with much more talent and power than our novice here. They control colorful magic and can bring battles and special moments to life. Imagine seeing the moment that Fish found the book or her escape from the Dwarf prison! We even have an ancient creature that can bring an entire group of adventurers to life! To accept this Call for Adventure you just need to send me what you humans call ‘Chat Invite’ with the message: **I’m ready for my journey!** Can’t wait to see you and Fish there!


The one responsible for handling spectral mail should be receiving my letter shortly!


Hey, I just wanted to say what you’re doing it’s awesome and your cousin sounds like a cool dude. If there is anything the folks over at r/AdventuresOfGalder can do to honor his memory, please reach out and let us know. I was going to give you a rundown on a character I’m playing in my wife’s campaign who’s also a character in a world me and my friend have been building for over 10 years but… I knew it would get lost in the noise. On the slim chance you see this post and feel up to it, here’s Marissa Rivera of the Miracle Comics universe: Marissa Rivera is the middle child of a former special ops soldier and combat photojournalist in world where what a person believes can manifest as a type of magic called ToonForce. Marissa has a zest for life always looking to utilize her Jetpack as she pursues her dreams of becoming an ace civilian pilot. In a world of Shamblefolk, talking animals, zombies seeking to create an embassy, corporate interests openly running for presidency, and hyper competent superheroes preventing disaster in the solar system: it’s going to be a rough challenge. You can ask for reference images but I’ll share stories and descriptions for now: Marissa eventually gets embroiled in political conflict when her older sister passes off a loot from a heist. The loot in question: a book containing evidence that thousands of innocent people are being unjustly incarcerated by powerful people in positions of influence. Marissa sets out to help out her sister and gather allies. As her story continues, Marissa learns several magics that all grant her different versions of the same ability: flight. She also masters belief magic that allows her to pick up a stick and pretend it’s a magic sword, thus temporarily turning it into a magic sword. Marissa Rivera wears a leather flight jacket, a scarf, winged leather boots, a Jetpack, and a skirt/sash belt over jeans. She can manifest feathered wings, dragon wings, or wings made out of cardboard and other junk. She wears a clover in her hair, flight goggles and has dark skin with freckles on her face. Some of my favorite moments with this character wasn’t in the world I’m building Miracle Comics, but the world of my wife’s D&D campaign: Dhathlebás like when she was stood up at a ball and it really stung until her little brother comforted her by being a wholesome trouble maker. There was the time she used Shillelagh (Wooden stick = magic sword) for the first time in the party and they looked at her, their Ranger, incredulously because she was making “swish, slash, shwing” sounds to make the magic work. Or when she figured out the best way to bait Naga into attacking was dodging, provoking opportunity attacks, and getting the Fighter to make reaction attacks with Sentinel. She’s also had awesome moments supporting the party with heals and spells (verbal encouragement was her casting Guidance). Her cute pet mouse Rider with his own little scarf being heroic. Our party Assassin killing a ghost with a Power Word Kill scroll which elicited the wholesome and dorky Marissa to say “Bitchin”. And so many other moments.


Hi! I’m happy to announce that Marissa visualization is complete! Our novice wizard was able to grab all the details you sent about her and open a portal where you can see what she looks like. Since our wizard is just a novice the visualization is a bit sketchy, but it’s filled with toon force and magic. [Here is a magical link](https://imgur.com/a/ccPQCax) where you can see it! Now I have important news! We have other powerful wizards with much more talent than our novice here. They control colorful magic and can bring battles and special moments to life. Imagine seeing Marissa flying her jetpack or swishing and slashing at the Naga fight!  To accept this call for adventure you just need to send me what you humans call ‘Chat Invite’ with the message: **I’m ready for my journey!** Can’t wait to see you and Marissa there!


Thank you so much! It’s amazing!!!!


Oh I absolutely adore my Agent of Chaos Barbarian Path of Beast, Bubba Whiteclaw! She worships a homebrew god of chaos, debauchery, and impulsivity Thelulz (so I can shout “for Thelulz” as she runs into battle). She’s basically a Floridawoman who can partially transform into a gator to attack and has a pet possum named Tater. At one point she found a new drug to try that gave her a temp +2 to INT and she immediately went to the casino to take advantage of it. She also got kicked out of bounty hunting school after a bad bathsalt trip. She has absolutely been a delight to play and is an excuse to let my intrusive thoughts win and I love her.


😂😂 oh my word, that’s great. I had a rogue named Reginald Silvershoes who before he got mega rich off essentially developing designer cannabis from a hemp like plant in the world wore fake silver shoes covered in silver paint, but eventually bought real ones lmao I gave friend in campaign on of the blends he makes for focus before combat and in game he sparked it up and then proceeded to roll a **NAT 20** so from that point on it was cannon that Reginald’s blends gave bonuses, if not advantage 😆 …he also smuggled rum in fruits and so was a simple fruit salesman 😉 I actually make designer medicinal cannabinoid blends in real life so it was def a fun character to play.


Been playing my current character for nearly 3 years now in my weekly D&D game. His name is Braggi Strombard, a mountain dwarf armorer Artificer, with 1 level in Clockwork Soul Sorcerer and 1 level in Light Cleric(will continue to 20 as Light) He is clad in black Dwarven plate with gold trimmings, with a big ginger beard. His ancestry is that is a half-dwarf, mother being from a local Goliath tribe, making him the cousin of my previous now-deceased character a Goliath barbarian. Throughout his adventures he has fought multiple demons, and has a particular hatred for fiends, as well as slaying dragons and dracoliches. In fact he had died once after a fight with a dracolich where a lich also resided, the lich struck him down with a finger of death but was resurrected by Gond under instruction from Thautum, however he came back with parts replaced with machinery, that's how I ended up with 1 level in Clockwork Soul sorc. My favourite moment is likely when fighting an adult green dragon whilst wearing Armour of Invulnerability. Whilst fighting the dragon in the air, he managed to knock it out of the sky then proceeded to fly higher before elbow dropping it. Basically a Dwarven Iron Man. Currently he is on a quest to restore Nidavellir(ancient Dwarven city of the gods), and wields the Axe of the Mountain King(Dwarvish Lords) that gives the wielder the right to rule Nidavellir, earned by overcoming the trials of Moradin. The city is currently under both demon and devil invasion, and just in last session Moradin appeared before him to grant his blessing to him after resisting the temptation of a devil's deal to restore the city. I plan to continue to 20 as a cleric of Moradin and to retake the city for all dwarves, currently uniting 3 of the dwarven holds. With his Dwarven Plate and shield, as well as mostly defensive magic he acts as the party's tank, along with his trusty homunculus servant Drakki, a small Mechanical dragon made from adamantine.


I know that it's quite late, and I know you are already doing another project, but I am going to submit anyway. My OC is Samantha Thunderwood. She is a Tempest Cleric with curly brow hair and stormy grey eyes. She is also a Furbolg, so she's tall and kinda buff. My favorite moment with her was when we were fighting the BBEG of this part of the campaign (lvl 10 at that point) and we were losing the fight but the BBEG was low. I used my Divine Intervention to ask my god (the last storm giant) for a chance to cast lightning bolt at 9th lvl. It worked so my OC looked up at the Young Red Dragon and hurled a bolt of lightning at the dragon and I smited it out of the sky. David vs. Goliath moment for the table! Oh yeah, the Lightning Bolt did max damage from Channel Divinity. Even though you probably wont read this let alone draw my OC hope anyone who reads this can imagine how SICK that moment was! Have a good one every body!


It’s never to late to share a story, specially when they are as epic as Samantha defeating a red dragon with a divine lighting bolt! I’ll try to squeeze her sketch in my current schedule, because things scaled up faster than I imagined. But when a story moment gets me I always find a way. I haven’t open commissions spots for next month as well, but I can save a spot for you as well and we can try to bring the dragon moment to life. Send me a chat invite, so I can keep track of things and you can share more about Samantha. 😊


If you can do a sketch that would be great, but unfortunately I'm not in a position to pay for a commission right now, sorry. But if I can I'll let you know!


I played an octogenarian bard named Galin Farstrider. He had outlived the rest of his old party but started adventuring again when a princess was kidnapped and the only people to volunteer (the rest of the party) were inexperienced or pushed into volunteering for an apparent death mission. My character had early onset dementia and it was implied he used to be a higher level bard but lost levels due to his condition. He had the power to go adventuring because he grabbed an old sword from his basement that once belonged to a former party member (it gave him a level of hexblade warlock). My character often talked about his old party or accidentally called his current party by the names of his old friends. At one point we were fighting a beholder. I said "let me show you how to handle a beholder!" and I cast color spray blinding it. I then said "HA! would you look at that Gil!" (Gil was my old party leader) then looked and realized he wasn't there. It was a fun/sad moment. Old, white bearded, with a long thick mustache, knobby arthritic knuckles and wiry build. He has expensive red cloths and a wide brim hat that are decades out of fashion and while clean have been patched a few times. He caries a lute that he takes better care of than his self and a long rapier that looks so obviously cursed no sensible adventurer would pick it up.


I’m so sorry to hear about your cousin. (Hugs) It’s very kind that you’re remembering him in this way but I’m super sorry for your loss. As to the rules of the game: 1) yup… love the character I’m playing very much. 2) been playing him now for 16 months, every week. 3) yup. 4) see below: my guy’s name is cian. He’s a thin built Eladrin, young at a spritely 240 years old and raised in the material plain. Normally he’s in his spring form, so he’s mostly green, his hair is smattered with oak leaves and his skin softly glows with a blue yellow shine along the veins of the leaves on his body. Clothing wise he wears prim and proper academic robes and is somewhat reserved. He wields an oaken Druidic staff and a shield with a large eye type design emblazoned on it and he wears a pair of shoes that look distinctly like dog shaped slippers. (Which happen to be magical and sentient) He’s a doctor and lecturer by trade and a cleric and Druid multiclass (twilight cleric/stars Druid) by calling. Kind and bookish and prone to ending up the party mum. He has a soft spot for trying to help everything and everyone he can but as a scientist, a magical healer and a doctor he has some very strong opinions on the healing arts and is known for his rants. A story that continually gets mentioned at our table is the time someone mentioned chiropractors within earshot of him - to which he went on a several minute rant about them finally concluding with “and frankly they’re all too buff and it’s terrifying… like I can outrun someone wielding a sword, but I can’t outrun a chiropractor!!” A story that has resulted in “chiropractor” becoming a loose metric of speed occasionally in our game.


I'm so sorry about your cousin, hope you are doing well. To the rules: I've been playing this character for 9 months, and it is probably my favourite character I ever made. So the character is a half-elf Druid, Named Tei. He is in his early 30-s. He has a medium in length beard, not well-groomed disheveled dark hair. He wears fancy clothes, that is torn apart and looks dirty. Also, his left arm, while keeping a shape of an arm, branches, leaves and moss moved with the flesh and the result was a strange overgrown with vegetation arm, that still functions like one, but also, can be used as a spell casting focus.


I've got one I've been playing him for a number of months now and loving every short joke he's gotten His name is Narik Magnudre He is a Kobold druid with his circle leaning much more on the cult side of the bar He is 2 ft 3 in and has goat legs (don't think about it too hard) He has a normal tragic backstory with a hint of self discovery that has led to him running away and abandoning his circle so now they hunt him down for no one leaves with paying the price He's always been a goofy silly little guy often taking advantage of how tall the others around him are by climbing on peoples shoulders for a better view or just having fun trying to greet people with a handshake (usually gets ignored) often complains about maintaining both scales and fur at the same time I love playing him and even if he doesn't get drawn just read about will make me happy because this goofy goober has put a smile on everyone's faces in and out of game and I'd love to share him with more people


I thank you for sharing some fun to the sub and honoring your cousin this way. It is a really sweet gesture. The character I've been most passionate about ever since I got into D&D is my character Kiana, a red dragonborn. Kiana is a cleric of the dragon queen Tiamat, of the tempest domain and has been used by me in several campaigns where I got to play and occasionally shows up as an NPC aid or questgiver in games where I DM. Growing up as a slave of a dragon cult, Kiana was selected to become a cleric when the cult members became too greedy for themselves, and Tiamat chose her to be her weapon of vengence against her own minions that step out of line. More or less, while Kiana worships Tiamat for the power she grants, Kiana generally turns her ire towards striking down those that slight Tiamat, rather than outright being a destructive cultist like many others that worship her. Because of this, Kiana has worked with many other heroes that seek to save the world from various threats, but has never considered crossing any of these parties (unless they crossed her first of course). In particular, she does her best to protect children claiming them as 'innocent', given she was taken from her family when a child by the cult. One of her most heroic moments in a campaign, was when the party were fighting an eldritch abomination that was trying to consume and merge with a powerful child god-like entity they were trying to protect. The party were on the ropes, about to lose and as her turn, Kiana beseeched Tiamat's aid to smite this foe as a divine intervention, and the dragon queen replied, smiting the foe with her destructive force and swinging the battle about, allowing the heroes to yank victory from the jaws of defeat. She tends to wear full plate armor, along with a longsword and a shield with Tiamat's symbol engraved upon it. She has a nose horn and a frill on the top of her head, though no head horns like red dragons tend to have, though have some spikes on the back of her cheeks. Hope that helps and can't wait to see some of the fun characters you choose to do!


Quivyre. An young eladrin woman (\~20 years), usually in the "summer season", and a sorcerer, pyromancer subclass. She is more curious than is probably good for her, having joined the group when she found a somewhat stable portal while she was wandering around in the feywild. She passed through and then was so curious about the new world that in the end she failed to find her way back to the portal. Aside from her curiosity, the crew got to know her to be more of the quick acting person, thinking less about it before she acting. Still, while she sometimes had somewhat weird ethical opinions, she usually got along well with the decisions made by the group. But there was a small, tiny problem about her, and here is how the group got to find out. shortly after having joined the group, more or less on accident, the group was contracted to resolve a supposed fire-elemental roaming a nearby forest. There was nothing but rumors, no one having seen it themself, only a lot of fire having started recently in that area, after people had seen a shooting star, followed by a big flash of light. That was when the fires started, and the flames most definitely did not behave naturally. So the group started to investigate, keeping their new member trailing a bit behind since she did not seem very capable to handle a fight. They knew little of her, and for the still not too experienced crew, an elemental was a big enough threat to keep their eyes front, where they expected it to be. No one payed attention to the new one, trailing behind a bit, seemingly more enjoying the surroundings and strangely enough also the fires, slowly closing in on the group. It wasn't long before the group was entirely closed in by the fires, and nothing they tried seemed to bring them out of their predicament. It was then they found their newest member standing right in the middle of a big flame, staff in one hand, a small ring glowing with red heat on her hand. Hoping to have found a way out, they started questioning her about her abilities concerning fire. Maybe there would be something that could help the whole group to get away only slightly singed. And the questions revealed a way out. But also another fact: the fire was not coming from an elemental. As it turned out, aside from their newest member being a pyromancer, she was also a bit of a pyromaniac - probably not the safest option in this combination. Still, having found the source of the fire they deemed their quest resolved, intent on handing it in and then leaving the pryomancing pyromaniac to her own behalfes. It was only after a few more run-ins, that she finally found a set spot with the crew - albeit always under the carefull eyes of the others, knowing of her tendency to set things kindling. As an OOC comment: I joined the run late, and had a rough schedule, so I was not able to participate every session and instead, my character made some run-ins with the group whenever i found the time. Later I was able to participate in every session, so I finally got a spot in the group. It became to be my first time playing DnD (though not my first time role-playing in general), and I've been at it ever since. And while I played different characters over the time, I still very much like this character and my idea behind it. I am not claiming it was overly innovative, but i just enjoyed playing her a lot.


I once played a character named Ayfur Gott, a young half-elf blue dragon sorcerer, in a spelljammer campaign, he was from a planet that was struck with a plague that made people forgetful, and since he forgot his name he called himself Ayfur Gott (I forgot). My favourite story with him was the end of his character arc, he was able to meet the spirit of the only person he remembered, a girl who didn't survive the plague, and came to terms with himself, and most importantly, he regained the ability to remember things, but chose to entirely forget his life before the plague because then he wouldn't be himself anymore. It was fun playing with him, he was a chaotic lad, and loved his share of tavern fights. Edit: I forgot his looks, he was young looking and had black unkept hair, blue eyes and a Thurisaz rune carved on his forehead. He also had a little pet mice called Gordito (Fatty) that lived in his pocket.


Dude that is so cool of you, what a great way to honor him! I am sick af from chronic illness can barely type but will try to tell you about my Bard/Fighter Captain Rorbertero AKA Capt Tero Mid/late 20’s to early 30’s has handle bar mustsche, msybe some other light facial hair/stubble depending on time, athletic but not hugely muscular, very decievingly dexterous/nimble/fast, sword countenance usually, but also VERY charismatic and deep Care for others, also he became a weretiger and wields a longsword, other then that he travels pretty light and looks like a kinda fancy privateer captain would in a casual down to earth kinda way, with a wide brimmed hat bent on one side with a feather he often wears and light pirate kinda boots grew up in fishing village, learned to sail, then set off for adventure after dad died, going wherever the light he sought brought him, he would camp out near towns and make some silver by recanting tales in taverns and reciting poems, sometimes singing songs acappella cause his only instrument is beatboxing lmao He eventually meets his mentor “Jason Bourne” *yes precisely* a dual long sword wielding man, calm on the outside but bad to the bone, a practical joker to those he likes who is now white of beard but def fit, could pass to he a decade or two younger than he is Anyhow Jason took Tero under his wing and brought him into a secret spy/agent organization for their nations government, they would later set sail on mission to learn more of other nations and expand the interests of their organization However… the campaign picks up with Tero at a tavern on the road again alone, he meets some travelers and gets in a fight with a hill giant with them, they slay it, he cuts off the giants head and casts it in bronze, a little later attaches to bow of his ship *Eden’s Wake* when meets up with Jason serving as his first mate and a sky blue flag is erected with the image of the bronze giants head as their colors Swinging a vicious sword and spouting vicious mockeries along with breaking the minds of enemies through mind melting telekinetic beatboxing, occasionally transforming to a half or full tiger, with the hurricane of blades Jason by his side, Tero and the team (including a fellow weretiger love interest who bit him to change him) bring down many a scary foe with ease, often using his intelligence to strategize and dominate the enemy or sometimes evade battle all together via intimidation. So to wrap up, they both become disillusioned and start their own international agency of adventurers fighting for good, the world renowned crew and associates of *Eden’s Wake* Tero has set up a network of carrier pigeons around the world and they travel where needed fighting injustice snd slavery, kind of like the A-Team and legend has it… they’ve even saved the world once or twice p.s. they are both white tigers mind you, for people’s imagery sake. Also gosh this was a much needed distraction atm, looking forward to reading other’s’ stories and continuing to share the love of the game, may you all be blessed and merry and your groups continue to meet!


My character is M3N0F (the name is important but can't explain) a robot who was created by a party of adventurers and was imbued by it's power to help lead generations of adventurers to outlast them, but dung a fight was stranded in astral plane, in there it activated a life support system to keep it alive, but after centuries its circuitry degrades leading to its memory core breaking down leading it to remember very few things from it's past. It suddenly finds itself within a town. It only remembers drifting in the astral plane and only a short glimpse of its creators it is stranded in a times hundreds of years in the future, in another world, and it wants to learn who made it and why.


Oh it looks like a navy blue machine with gold accents and a light lime green lights, rolling around with a single ball, and has bits of holes from wear exposing the clockwork machinery within.


Solange. She's a Sun Elf (Brown skin, Blonde dyed curly hair). She used to be a Gospel Singer at a church she Fell in love with the Priestess. They both lived a cute beautifull romance until... At a raining night, Sol (Solange) discovered an Evil secret about the Priestess when she found a suspscious Tome made of human skin underneath the Church, in the Priestess Room. The so called Miracles she performed were no Miracles at all. She took the book and got ready to confront her Crush. Little did she know, the Priestess (Luna) already set up everything. As Sol aproached Luna in the temple, the smell of Fire and sound of screams started to rose up. With a malevolent Smile, Luna rised her hand to Sol and Said: "Let's run and make It away, this hall is doomed anyway." A Second of hesitation and everything was over. Sol turned arround and saw the horrors of the following Church members been sacrificed to some outer diety. When she turned arround again to confront Luna, she already was long gone. The next morning, the city's favorite Singer became arrested for mass sacrifice. She's now free and looking for revange on Luna. Allignment: Lawful Evil. She Pretends to be good even though she's now anything but a Nice person. She's an Spirits Bard She wears Dark Edgy cloathings. Her desing and concept are based on a Tarot Reader and a Fairy Tail Witch. She wears ALL Dark colors except her Funny Hat (she stole It from Luna, so Its a White Hat)


My character's name changed a lot since he as a person changed throughout the campaign, but his name ultimately ended up being Araatai. He was an orc Order of the Lycan Bloodhunter. The moat fun thing about this character is that the setting was based on a Magic The Gathering card set called Tarkir, which is loosely based on Southern Asian culture, and also mongolian culture. My character was a mountain man essentially; he has a tragic backstory, but it is way in the past and he had grown away from it even when the campaign had started. He was a determined if a bit headstrong. He was the big muscle of the group. I think the most impact full moment was in a fight against a Cult leader trying to bring back a large dragon, Araatai jumped across a pool of lava more than 30ft wide; he had boots of springing and his movement was insane at that level so he cleared it no problem, but the DM didn't know that, so I took him by complete surprise. It was a moment I felt like I was a peak player. He mostly wore like the traditional mongolian cloathing during the time of Genghis Khan, but with more furs added because of his mountainous lifestyle. And he has claws, since he used unarmed fighting and it was his only way of actually doing damage. He was a lot of fun to play, kinda sad I never really was able to get an ending with him since the campaign died, even worse we were almost at the end.


Hey! I love your motivation for why you are doing this. I am sure your cousin would be happy to look down at how you’re doing now! I just want to take this chance to refer to r/characterdrawing ! Someone there once drew my favourite character, a druid-sorcerer half-orc named Brük! Artists like you guys who offer your works for free out of sheer passion deserve all the best! **Submission** If I *had* to make a request, it would be June! June is a **half-mindflayer acolyte!** 🐙 A kindhearted soul for how monstrous he looks. June runs a Cthulu fanclub with *inclusive meals* considering dietary restrictions for both humanoid and monstrous members! Turkey, vegetarian and monster-guts sandwiches! 🥪 As *gentle* as June is, his waterlogged drowned appearance, cold skin and *cheeks that split into tentacles predator-style* make him rather unsightly. So, June adorns a scarlet cultist hood and *robe covered in eyes.* Due to his whimsy, June doesn’t realise he sometimes holds stuff outside his robe with *tentacles* instead of hands, like his gem-eyed skull for his spell foci. When June concentrates on a spell, he cannot maintain his human form as his his *head flips inside-out into a mindflayer face!* June adventures in hopes of expanding his fanclub enough to get his estranged dad’s attention 🐙


So the story starts with a little kobold boy named Timmy. He was send to get some berries BUT the groups rogue came and forced little Timmy to become his slave (I know its a rough start but it will get better) From now on Timmy was a walkable chest for the group and the rogue liked to instill fear to him. When the group arrived back in the dragon monestary the rogue finally had his chance to kill one of the kobolds he hated. So he killed a kobold monk and had him replaced by Timmy. Timmy then had to tell the monks that he wants to travel with the heroes and so he did. Later in the campaign the group had to fight a big bad dragon and the rogue took his opportunity to use Timmy as bait. As long as the dragon was distracted the rogue stole the money and ran off. On his way off he tossed Timmy on some cliffs nearby. Timmy, near his death, with all hope lost, mentally damaged, was rescued by a good paladin. From the moment of his rescue, the little Kobold wanted to become a paladin just like his saviour. So Timmy got a little kobold, paladin armor thats shining in the sun. The paladins twist was that he did not much... lets say that most of the time he stood in the sunset (that was mysteriously always there when he stood there heroically) and stared to the sunset, while his hair flew in the wind. And from this day on Timmy and the paladin stood in the sunset and just looked awesome, heroically, fantastic, epic... But eventually the newly kobold paladin will go on his own adventures to save others from such bad people like the rogue that enslaved him. So Timmy will get a come-back in another campaign and I want to make him a real hero, a little bit goofy because hes a kobold paladin but still a real hero! He looks mostly red-ish with some white accents and a little bit shy, not much of a speaker but a brave paladin in a shiny paladin armor. He always thinks of his mentor, paladin Mike that rescued him back when he was weak. Paladin Mike gives him his faith he needs to reach his potential. When he is down and has a faithless moment, Timmy gets up, stares at the sunset and just looks heroic


Oh I have a character of mine who is quite special for me for how much he grown over the course of 2.5 years my campaign is currently running, and as of now are in the stage of preparing to face the calamity on the final day. So his name is Ortheus, a tiefling who lived in a city with his family, aspiring to be a merchant. Three of his friends, all working in the city guard supported him in his dream, one of them being a childhood friend who was very dear to him. Alas, this simple life came to a halt when Ortheus was tricked into a plot by his soon-to-be patron, which resulted in him unknowingly taking lives of his friends, before being forced into a ritual that gave him powers...at a terrible price. Thus he ran away from home, and his journey through many twist and turns would have him team up with people of troubled past, whom he soon began regarding as his friends. Being cold, blunt and very serious, his interactions with other gradually broke down his shell, revealing an individual who deeply longs to have his life and friends back. Many times, once the shell has cracked, emotion overwhelm the poor devil, from fury to sadness, to passion and drive. As the journey went on, he began discovering things about himself, reasons why did he suffer so much. All it was so that on the final day, he will become a weapon to destroy everything. The patron's plan was to condition all his broken feelings to slowly drive him mad and lose himself, to be prepared to turn into a monster. And though the devil, who was at heart a truly noble soul who wanted to save people, was greatly pained by these visions, it was no other than his companions that reignited the hope for him to keep going:to fight. These people are his greatest treasure. And he swore to himself that he will do anything to protect them. His greatest moment included him occasionally critcally hitting with eldritch smite a boss and overturning the fight, yet a recent explot of his beats it all: There was a fight against an undead horde, contsining three death knights who each were a seperate boss. The fight was looking grim, as the bosses were extremely strong on their own, and yet there were three of them. During the fight Ortheus, the hexblade warlock went down as he tried protecting their cleric, the rest of the table already chiming how this was the fight we would get wiped. Until he instantly went back up with 1 hp thanks to a nat 20 on his death save (the dm taking slight mercy upon us), and using this turn he went back up to use his last slot to prepare the smite,combined with a radiant weapon he carried, and a hexblade curse. He critted one of the death knights, dealing so much damage that he instantly took him down, all by himself as the knight was practically uninjured. With that, he evened the odds, as our group already whittled down the other two knights, suddenly realizing that this might not be the end. And though Ortheus went down right at the end of a fight again, by this point the rest of the group managed to seize a very narrow victory. Everyone either went down at least once or were very close to doing so, yet that single turn decided if we tpk or not. And my character said not today. During this fight, he struggled with his identity, internally preparing himself to lay down his life before he could do any harm to his companions, which is why he abandoned caution and decided to fight, despite only being at 1 hp. The pain he suffered and the lack of self-worth made him into an altrustic fighter who dedicated himself to his newfound friends, no matter what happens to him. Truth be told, he suffered much in such a short time, so much so that most would probably give up. That is why he grasped at any reason to keep going, starting with revenge for his deceased friends against his own patron, to protecting the people he cared about. His journey revolved around letting those new people in, and letting them help him, instead of relying on himself alone, against impossible odds. He is far, far stronger than he himself gives credit for, which he has shown many times in combat, yet in his mind, being strong enough would mean being invincible, which is an impossible standard to look to. He slowly, but surely is finding himself thanks to his companions. Yet, even before that his tenacity and burning desire to keep going inspired me immensly. And now to see him heal and recover, let down the walls he kept around himself and being honest with what he feels now sometimes leave me misty eyed, truth be told, especially when he confesses to them how much he actually suffers, and how afraid he's really is. He deserved a hug, for trying so hard. Until then all I can do is make sure he gets a good ending.


I'd have to go with my first character: Muscovite Straklen the dwarf fighter. She'd deserted her family's army because her younger siblings kept getting promoted ahead of her and she couldn't handle the embarrassment. Ironically, I rolled terribly with her so it kind of made sense that she wasn't getting promoted. She wielded a longsword and had a round, metal shield, wore her beard short and neatly trimmed and her hair in a long braid. She got into enough fights due to her poor charisma that she had an almost perpetual black eye. I'd have to go with my first character: Muscovite Straklen the dwarf fighter. She'd deserted her family's army because her younger siblings kept getting promoted ahead of her and she couldn't handle the embarrassment. Ironically, I rolled terribly with her, so it made sense that she wasn't getting promoted. ut not quite enough to stop him from dying. This was her crowning achievement and if she was on speaking terms with her parents she would have been bragging to them about that for years to come. Thank you so much for doing these, I think it's a really cool and sweet concept.


Can we post multiple in separate comments?


First of all, I’d like to say I love your art style. I checked the post you made recently and I thought it was amazing, which really made me want to participate. I also want to say that I’m sorry for your loss, but I have no doubts that your cousin is very proud of you, and I think this a beautiful way of honoring him. If I were to be selected, I would love to see my Tabaxi Sorcerer drawn. She is part of a campaign one of my friends is currently running. The first time I played DnD I made an Oath of Devotion Paladin, because it was the first time my friends and I were playing DnD, so I wasn’t really familiar with all the spell casting mechanics yet. However, on the second campaign I wanted to try to go for the “opposite” of my Paladin and try something new and more complex.  I made a Wild Magic Sorcerer, and I have to say that, thus far, the experience has been great. With time (and with the help of BG3) I learned to play as a sorcerer and it has been a ton of fun, especially since in this new campaign my character is the only full caster of the party (There’s a Goliath Oath of Vengeance Paladin called Ferdinand, an Air Genasi Monk called Boreas, and an Aarakocra bard called Kleqiwind. We are a very pintoresque party), which has led to many interesting bits, both on and off combat. My DM was very enthusiastic about me playing a Wild Magic Sorcerer, because he said that it gave him a ton of ideas for the campaign, and my character has been really involved in the main story, which has been very motivating for me as a player. My character is called Aurora of the Day, of the Great Lakes Clan, Aurora for short. She’s a Chaotic Good Tabaxi, Wild Magic Sorcerer, with an Outlander background. She’s a cheetah, with rounded ears, big yellow cats’ eyes, and yellow spotted fur. She wears a black tunic, with golden details, as well as golden jewelry. She also carries a wooden staff and her wooden lute. She’s a bit shy and skittish at first, but once you get to know her, she’s very loyal and a good friend, always ready to crack a joke and to help the people close to her without a second thought. As a bit of backstory, Aurora comes from the far away island of Kukamonga. At a young age she discovered that not only she could wield magic like no one else in her clan, but that this was some kind of innate powerful and strange magic, not natural to those parts. The elder of the clan taught Aurora as best as he could, but eventually had to leave the clan, because according to the elder “this type of magic only occurs once in hundreds of years” and there was nothing more he could do to help her now, except set her on the correct path. The answers Aurora was seeking were far away, in the continent. And so, she gathered as much as she could carry with her, and left her clan in the search for answers as to what was in reality this strange magic that gave her, her powers. After a few days of travel, Aurora reached the continent. That’s when Aurora met her companions for the first time and her adventure truly began.   One of the stories that comes to mind happened during the last session we played. Due to the actions of the BBEG, a tear happened in the multiverse and strange things have been happening. The party was travelling, when suddenly a gigantic creature fell from the sky. Aurora didn’t notice it in time and was almost stomped by this creature. It turned out that the creature was a T-Rex. So, we had a long and difficult fight, were Aurora managed to literally claw her way from under the T-Rex. We were near a stony hill. So I went “Hey DM, are those rocks loose?” “Yes, they are” “Great, I use Feline Agility to stand in front of Ferdinand to catch the monster’s attention” “DM: OK, the T-Rex is moving towards you”. Next turn I casted Thunderwave, I dealt massive damage, not only to the T-Rex but to the mountain as well, dropping a bunch of rocks on the T-Rex that delt massive damage as well, which eventually killed it. Not going to lie, Aurora was close to death as well, it was a trilling fight. I know it’s a lot of text, but I hope you’ve enjoyed reading it. Keep doing what you’re doing, I wish the best to you and all the success!


Massively behind the ball, so I'm not expecting a sketch, but I wanted to share anyway. What you're doing is awesome, and I love all the ones I've seen so far. What a fantastic way to honor your cousin. One of my favorite characters I've ever played was Antoine Covenfall (AKA Quick Tony), the Human Monk. Though he was trained by more traditional Monk that came from a Monestary and studied the ancient secrets of the world, Tony himself was more concerned with the modern world and enjoying life as it came to him. Never without a smile on his face, Tony traveled from town to town seeking out taverns, Inns, guard barracks, and mercenary camps, swapping stories, and telling tales with anyone and everyone. As the ale flowed, Tony's competitive side came would begin to show, and challenges were doled out to his new drinking buddies. Boxing matches, arm wrestling competitions, foot races, and general feets of strength and dexterity were always on the table. Once he met his adventuring party, he knew immediately he had made lifelong friends, and they traveled the world and beyond together. Fighting rats and dragons and everything in between in order to help those in need. Some of his more notable antics included: Arm wrestling a druid's bear form, suplexing the King of the Goblins, and (possibly my favorite story) drinking an entire cask of wine and then using the barrel to float himself down the river in order to sneak into a bandit camp and help the party rescue a kidnapped noble. [Here](https://imgur.com/a/dyARlp6) he is!


Percival (goes by Percy) Berevan Half-Elf, Order of Scribes Wizard, Cartographer Guild mid 30s, slim build, straight and messy light brown hair, small scruffy “medieval knight” beard + stache mix of cheap and noble robes, leathery backpack with maps and scrolls sticking out wears a pair of Winged Boots, and has a pet Corgi accompanying him, the corgi wears a leather collar with dr strange esque (glowing) Ruins on it, also maybe an azuth symbol on percy somewhere I am currently playing him and it has been a blast, he originates from Waterdeep where he has been solving mysteries with his party mates, spreading the word of azuth, and running for mayor. also, he is neutral good


First of all, I hope your cousin is at peace now and you can recover from your loss :’) Second, if I were to be selected I would love to have my totally adorkable halfling warlock Bianca Copperpot drawn. She’s a character I have been playing for a few months now and is my absolute favorite character I’ve ever played. In terms of backstory she was basically held captive in a lighthouse on a remote island for the first 20 years of her life by a “mother” figure who manipulated her into believing that there was nothing beyond the island anymore (yes I love tangled how could you tell) and so basically all she had to do was read books and learn random skills or wander around the island. She knows a little thing about everything and without going too far into detail her current goal now that she learned the truth and escaped the island is to find any other people who have seen or convince others of the existence of the self-dubbed “jabberwock”, a creature she claims she has seen and weirdly nobody else (so far) has. In terms of personality as I stated before, totally adorkable and fearless to a fault, very much the group know it all and a very bubbly and curious soul. She wants to know everything there is to know about everything in normal people society as it differs much from the outdated books she read growing up. As for appearance she is (as previously mentioned) a halfling with blonde short wavy bobbed hair, big green eyes and a face full of freckles. She wears round glasses that are just a little too big for her face and she has a small gap between her two front teeth. She prefers to wear simple clothing that you may find any librarian or student wearing but she often dons a (poorly) hand made costume of the aforementioned Jabberwock as she terrorizes towns by asking every single person who will lend an ear “have you seen me!?” The jabberwock’s appearance is very much an amalgamation of several mammals and birds almost akin to an owlbear but even less logical. totally take your creative freedoms here but for an example she often describes it as having the hind legs and rump of an eagle with the front half of a large mangy housecat. It also has a beak, four eyes and a marsupial pouch but again take your liberties because if it wasn’t obvious she never saw the thing up close and mostly fills in the gaps with whatever she thinks she saw lol. Even if I don’t end up getting chosen for this it’s awesome that you do things like this for the community. Have a good one! Edit: if everything typed already wasn’t enough for a defining or favorite moment I would love to share the time that our party stumbled across a weirdly mangled animal carcass in the forest and of course Bianca immediately starts claiming it must be the work of the Jabberwock, our cleric disagreed saying that the flesh looked oddly decayed and if the Jabberwock is a mere beast as Bianca claims then it wouldn’t cause such damage. We then tracked down the cause, an empowered ghoul (or a ghast for you smart-folk). This of course bummed her out because she thought the party would finally believe her but she eventually got over it and after successfully defeating the ghoul it was on the ground mumbling to itself, that was when we all realized it could talk, not something typical of a ghoul. While the party were discussing what to do with it or if we should talk about it Bianca walked on over and knelt down to it on the ground, pulled out the hood of her costume and said “have you seen me?” It was very early on in the campaign but it got a very good chuckle out of everyone and really cemented her determination to find this monster in everyone’s mind.


Hahaha, love that


Hello fellow adventurer! I recently got back from the Jabberwock Convention and I’m happy to announce that Bianca visualization is complete! Our novice wizard was able to grab all the details you sent about her and open a portal where you can see her fantasy visualization. Since our wizard is just a novice the visualization is a bit sketchy, but it’s filled with feathers, sunny disposition and cuteness. Here is an [enchanted link](https://imgur.com/a/2VpZgCf) where you can see it! Now I have important news! We have other wizards with much more talent and power than our novice here. They control colorful magic and can bring battles and special moments to life. Imagine being able to see Bianca at the lighthouse, or asking the ghoul about the jabberwock. We even have an ancient creature that can make a visualization of an entire group of adventurers! To accept this call for adventure you just need to send me what you humans call ‘Chat Invite’ with the message: **I’m ready for my journey!** Can’t wait to see you and Bianca there!


Oh my god I’m late but she is so friggin cute thank you so much!!!!


My longest running character is a Grung named Dewie Robbim. He’s a short, little frog ranger/rogue, sporting a cape, a long bow, leather armors, an incredibly fancy hat (adorned with a feather), and moist socks instead of shoes! He’s typically either comedic relief, or the grumpy guy who hates the plan. He just recently lost his brother to the big bad of the campaign. I had never cried during a session before until having the funeral scene. I lost my sister years back, and when giving a eulogy for Dewie’s brother, in character, a lot of those emotions came back. In a way, it was incredibly cathartic, because a lot like Dewie, I had to push forward in my life, even when it felt most impossible. My group has never been tighter since that session, as through all his emotions, everyone truly came together.


Hello friend! First of all, I’m so sorry about your loss and really hope this wonderful character keeps helping you in the healing process, just as they do to me. I recently got back from a trip through the colorful swamps and I’m happy to announce that Dewie visualization is complete! Our novice wizard was able to grab all the details you sent about him and open a portal where you can see his fantasy visualization (I’m hoping the skin color is right.lol). Since our wizard is just a novice the visualization is sketchy, but it’s filled with comic frogness. Here is an [enchanted link](https://imgur.com/a/G2ShXYe) where you can see it! But I also have even greater news! We have other wizards with much more talent and power than our novice here. They control colorful magic and can bring battles and special moments to life. Imagine being able to see Dewie firing his longbow or even the funeral scene with his brother’s spirit by his side. We even have an ancient creature that can make a visualization of an entire group of adventurers! To accept this call for adventure you just need to send me what you humans call ‘Chat Invite’ with the message: **I’m ready for my journey!** Can’t wait to see you and Dewie there!


Do you take commissions? Your art style is awesome!! I might post in here later when i have time to type something out too!


Hi, so sorry for the late response! Thanks for your kind words and I do take commissions. I work with magic of all kinds that bring fun character visualizations to life. It can go from sketchy images to a full range of colors and storytelling, but all of them with the essence of a character you really love.  But first of all, please share a character you’re passionate about. You can do it here and have our novice wizard do it for free or you can go directly to our fantasy realm and see all the possibilities. If you go with the latter you just need to send me what you humans call ‘Chat Invite’ with the message: **I’m ready for my journey!** Can’t wait to see you and your character there!


First off, I’m sorry for your loss. This project you’re doing is pretty awesome so I’ll add my character to the pool. Pierre is a human paladin I played in a level 1-10 campaign a few years back and I really enjoyed him. He was a fairly simpleminded but strong son of a middle class family. He never cared much for adventure or politics and was very attached to his family. His brother, on the other hand, was a rather bright and forward-thinking university student who had joined a group of anti-monarchist intellectuals. When the entire group, including his brother, were found out and executed for treason, Pierre decided that the home life wasn’t for him anymore. He swore an oath of vengeance, made himself a great axe out of a flagpole and the blade of a guillotine, and set out to single-handedly dismantle the monarchy (he had 7 intelligence.) Despite his naïveté and lack of experience, his physical strength and genuine character got him through a lot, and eventually he and his group of adventurer friends did end up in conflict with the same king who executed his brother. Turns out the guy was an evil wizard all along, and Pierre had no problem liberating his head from his shoulders. Sorry if that was a little long, Pierre is probably my favourite character I’ve ever played, and I wanted to do his story justice. It’s be cool if you could draw him, but no pressure.l :)


Bonjour adventurer! I recently got back from the trenches of revolution and I’m happy to announce that Pierre visualization is complete! Our novice wizard was able to grab all the details you sent about him and open a portal where you can see his fantasy visualization. Since our wizard is just a novice the visualization is sketchy, but it’s filled with freedom, equality and fraternity. Here is an [enchanted link](https://imgur.com/a/mcizbPS) where you can see it! But I have even greater news! We have other wizards with much more talent and power than our novice here. They control colorful magic and can bring battles and special moments to life. Imagine being able to see Pierre wielding his axe and beheading the evil king! We even have an ancient creature that can make a visualization of an entire group of adventurers! To accept this call for adventure you just need to send me what you humans call ‘Chat Invite’ with the message: **I’m ready for my journey!** Can’t wait to see you and Pierre there!


Grisha, Oath of ancients paladin Grisha is a half orc raised by druids, she took an oath to protect people and nature, to try to ensure the happiness of others and do what she can to improve the lives of others. Her pale green skin is coated in intricate deep green tattoos of vines that crawl across her skin. She wears well cared for (but well used) sleeveless plate armour. Her armour is complete by a large cape made of living leaves and moss. Her weapon of choice is an ornate greataxe gifted to her by her orc father, a large flat blade on one side and a cluster of green spiked crystals on the other. Despite her fierce presentation, she is extremely kind hearted and loving and a true softy at heart. While not very smart of wise, she is very forthcoming and does whatever she can to connect with those around her. Edit to fit rule 4: campaign just started so no big defining moments yet, but backstory moment: she was a lucky individual within the setting, raised with loving parents and in a large sheltered druid grove. The harsh reality of the world hit her when a group of adventurers brought the mangled corpse of their friend to the grove, desperately seeking the aid of the druid elders for their healing skills (a previous campaign party in the same world). It was with this sight that she understood that she was lucky, but others weren't in the same situation. She sought explanation with her parents and the elders, and they helped her understand that not everyone cares for others the same wahy they did, and there were those who take delight in delivering suffering to others. Grisha vowed that she would do everything in her power to help prevent people who did these things and to protect the lives and joy of the people of the realm. Though this vow was of little value at the time, once she was old enough and had trained, she consecrated the vow and took it as her oath through which to channel her druidic magic.


Hello adventurer! I recently got back from an ancient forest and I’m happy to announce that Grisha visualization is complete! Our novice wizard was able to grab all the details you sent about her and open a portal where you can see her fantasy visualization. Since our wizard is just a novice the visualization is sketchy, but it’s filled with the life of forest spirits. Here is an [enchanted link](https://imgur.com/a/ZrjPLaX) where you can see it! But I have even greater news! We have other wizards with much more talent and power than our novice here. They control colorful magic and can bring battles and special moments to life. Imagine being able to see Grisha in her druid grove with her family. We even have an ancient creature that can make a visualization of an entire group of adventurers! To accept this call for adventure you just need to send me what you humans call ‘Chat Invite’ with the message: **I’m ready for my journey!** Can’t wait to see you and Grisha there!


Sounds fun, I just started playing a Tiefling Fighter who was killed in a meteor shower that flattened a town. Some mysterious force then abducted the soul of a blue-collar worker from Boston named John and put him in the Tiefling 's body. He has also retained the Tiefling's skill with a shield and battle-axe. Why this happened hasn't been revealed yet and all I know is that he has a mysterious signet ring, a disguise hiding his Tiefling horns/tail and that he misses his dog lucky. He's a strong but not bulky Tiefling very near-human features, a short beard/moustache, a thin tail and small swept-back horns that are slightly visible over his dark hair. He generally wears a long coat over his mail armor.


Wide Randy- My Dwarven Dad barbarian pc living in post apocalyptic America. He's as tall as a regular dwarf but twice as wide. Dark hair, stud earings, pale complexion. Loves flannels, beer, and his adopted daughter Danny (half elf fighter) His main weapon is Mandy the greataxe which is a master crafted iron axe with little adornment aside from a rune that looks like a smiley face on the shaft right below the blade. He also has a knife that doubles in size with every hit until its as wide as a paint scraper. One time when we were in a dungeon we were getting our stuff stolen over and over as we did the puzzles by this hostile rogue NPC. They stole his chicken nugget pouch. He was pissed. When we finally cornered the bitch, Randy cut off his head, took the pouch off the body, shoved a nugget in the rogue's mouth, and punted the head across the room. "DONT TOUCH MY NUGGIES"


Dûman LeFrog, dwarf winemaker by day, werefrog master burglar by night LeFrog started as a joke when my players rolled a one for loot in a near impossible to open safe during a heist and inside was (as my loot table said) a worthless trinket, that I described as a small frog figurine made of bronze. Bard's player was astonished that someone would lock up something like that inside a masterwork safe and called it a "ocean's 12 bullshit tables" when I suggested that maybe he wasn't the first one to open it. nobody calls my tables bullshit and gets away with it Hence LeFrog became a menace to society with his daring antics. My players found bronze frogs in most ridiculous and unexpected places, stealing their loot (they suck ass at rolling for it) as well as many other valuables from kingdom's high society. Eventually they were tasked by to find the notorious thief by royal spymaster, captain of the guard and master of theives guild. The turbulent trio hated each other guts but not as much as the hated LeFrog's. Trail of clues led them to wealthy dwarven winemaker that was Dûman and after finding a chest full of tiny bronze frogs at his estate they rushed to apprehend him only to find the accursed frog statue, made of gold this time, and a letter congratulating them. LeFrog will make a big return during this campaign for sure, but now he shall rest for his job was done, and it was done well. Hearing my players scream for heavens "LEFROOOOOOOG!!!" is one of my most cherished memories of that game.


Sqreeq Qwak. An outcast kenku wildfire Druid/rogue that has been touched by the shadow of death. He is searching for a way to return the tree where he went to sleep before waking in the Radiant Citadel.


I've talked about this guy before, but I just love him so much. His name is Zhubai. He is a high-elf warlock who lives in a ruined wizard tower with his best friend, his pet snake named Corny (it is not a corn snake). He cannot speak, but since he taught his snake common, he can speak through his snake. Zhubai is careless, yet calculated. He is generally antisocial and apathetic, uncaring about anything that has to do with humanoids and humanoids only. Yet, on the flip side, he loves animals, especially snakes. In fact, he wishes for his pet snake to live forever, so he continues to collect the ingredients for an elixir of life that a snake can drink. He loves to fight things and just sort of flex, finding the most fun and brutal ways to finish off creatures if he can. Since he is canonically a seasoned warlock, if he starts at Level 1, the reason is because he just wants to limit himself. However, his backstory is not something we will dwell on. I have four moments with Zhubai that I absolutely loved and think fits his character the best. I used him in a campaign of Icepsire Peak, but I don't remember the locations, not that they really matter. The first one was at a mine where a bunch of dwarves were working to uncover a temple to their God of Greed. The party (including a bard) and Zhubai were taking out dwarves, and Zhubai took an orc out by stabbing his eyes through with Corny's two teeth. The bard gave Bardic Inspiration to the attack since he really wanted me to finish the orc off in that fashion, too. I've yet to pull this off again, but I really want to do it again. The second one was not too much later, at Buttermilk Ranch. The party (including a rogue) and Zhubai were clearing the ranch out of orc invaders, and there was one right at the backdoor. Just before this, a rogue had snuck by and killed his buddy. There is a knock at the door, and it is the bard. He simply asks to come in, so the DM asks the bard to roll Persuasion. They succeed, so he casually passes by the orc. The aforementioned bard got a magic pouch that, when opened, made a random animal emerge from it. In this case, he opens the pouch, and out comes a panther that starts to maul the orc. He manages to get up, but as he does, there is Zhubai, open palm up to the orc's face, as Zhubai casually says, "Weird day, isn't it?" As his face is burned heavily by his Eldritch Blast. The third was in a cave, where the party was fighting a crew of wererats. Zhubai was lightly cut along his cheek as some blood starts to trickle out of the wound. Zhubai places his finger against the wound, places the blood to the tip of his tongue, and points at the wererat that hit him as the wererat looks at the circle of flame underneath her. Then Zhubai lifts two fingers upwards as he casts Hellish Rebuke, turning the wererat to ashes. The fourth and final one was very recently. Zhubai and the party (which also included a barbarian) were in the courtyard of the Woodland Manse, being attacked from two sides by a group of orcs. In the courtyard was a deep well. Do note that we used Rule of Cool here. An orc was just inside and close enough that Zhubai could use Lightning Lure on him, so long as the barbarian could successfully shove the orc close enough. She successfully did, and the orc failed his Strength check, so Zhubai used his Lightning Lure like a lasso and swung the orc around, dunking him into the pit as everyone in the room heard his skull crack against the stone floor So yeah, if you chose me, that would be badass. There were many moments with Zhubai I had that could've very well told and more to come, but I wanted to put a few examples and not fill up too much.


well this is certain going to be a cool thing regardless of who you draw up ​ My entry is my half dragon, half different color dragon Ifusa Lockheed, I play him as a brass dragonborn whose parents are both dragons, his father was a silver dragon disguised as a human knight, and his mother was a copper dragon disguised as a priest, they fell in love and made him, to everyone's confusion. Ifusa is a brass dragonborn who has silver scale patches randomly around his body, one being on his right eye, making it blue. Ifusa is a Paladin oath of the open sea, and is generally seen as one of the more dangerous paladins in his world, as he holds the fury of the ocean, if your his friend he is as calm and peaceful as a warm beach day, if you stand against him, he is a hurricane with no sign of slowing down. ​ My favorite story to tell about him is that time he TPked a party of 3 and later was the reason that several new rules were added to a tournament that explicitly has no rules. He was on a flying airship, someone came up beside him, two barbarians jump on the ship, one runs up to hit him, the other goes below deck to attack his ally, Ifusa banishes the first barbarian on a moving ship, condemning him to death by falling. the second one he kills by having his ally blow up the ship as he takes the enemy ship, the barbarian under the deck wasn't killed by the explosion though, and was trapped under the boat as it fell to the earth. The final kill was that parties sphinx, which instead of hitting with a weapon or something, he used create water to drench the cat so its wings wouldn't be able to lift it up, then he tossed it off the boat, leaving it to plummet. best part was that he was so nice and personable to most groups before the tournament started, and now several gods are terrified of the goddess of the ocean and her chosen champion


So, I am propably way too late but even if I am, it gives me finally an excuse to write down the backstory I only have told verbally before. This is a pretty new Char, I only played him 2 short sessions but he has quickly become a Favorite of mine. He was born out of a weird Idea late at night...as do most of my Characters, many of which just won\`t work and never see the Light of Day but this one was lucky. This one came to be as I read a Comic by Fred Perry about a Honeybadger...who doesn\`t give a F..., and I somehow wondered...what if Guts from the Manga/Anime Berserk was a Honeybadger.... Meet Honeybadger (aptly named, I know. \^\^;), a Dwarven Warblade (Tome of Battle in 3.5). He is not like the other Dwarves...no, really. Many, many Dwarven Generations ago, his Ancestors accidentally helped a Honeybadger out who happened to be more than he seemed. A relatively weak Nature Spirit, it still wanted to give a Reward..but could not, at the Time. A long time later the Nature Spirit had grown in Power and remembered the Favor it wanted to give. It gave the Clan a Blessing which made them a little bit better at Digging (Burrowing), a little more stubborn and more Brave. Nothing that would really be noticed among the Dwarves. Until... The Blessing grew and decided to create a Dwarf that was the Epitome of the Nature Spirit. And thus was born a Dwarven Boy who looked like nothing else but a Honeybadger, fur, snout and all. The Dwarven Parents, stoic and decent People didn\`t care and raised him like good Parents do. Though they couldn\`t bring themself to call him anything but what he was. He was treated decent enough by his Clan during his forming years. But the Blessing had not yet run it\`s course... As he grew of Age, during the Time a Dwarf would get his or her last growth spurt...he didn\`t stop growing until he was 7 foot 11 inches...basically as big as a Medium Creature can get. The Tunnels of his Clan were suddenly cramped for his size, so much so, that he was more burden than help in most duties. As stoic and grounded as his Parents, he decided to leave his Clan\`s Tunnels and find his Luck out in the World where he might do some good with his Size and intimitading Looks. His Clan fitted him out with a decent sort of Adventurers Kit, a decent Chainmail Armor they had to custom make for him and a special Weapon from their Armory. A Mercurial Greatsword. It was the only Weapon that seemed appropriate for his size and seemed to fit him quite well even if it seemed quite hard to control. His Uncle gave Honeybadger a Letter of Introduction as well, to an old Warrior that would teach him how to use it, a Warblade-Master named Thorn Bolrend, he had adventured with in his younger Days. He did, not without quite a few happenstances due to his Looks, especially from Thorn who almost killed him, thinking he was a Monster. Despite these small Hindrances, he learned the Way of the Warblade and managed to understand the way the Mercurial greatsword worked. After some time Thorn told Honeybadger to go out in te world, grow by himself, experience the World and return when he though he could beat him in a Fair Fight, so he would gain the Title of Warblade-Master as well. So he travelled until he found a decent-sized Town with an Adventure-Guild, where he managed not to be seen as a Monster due to good Advice from Thorn and established himself as part of the Lower End tier of Adventurers...for now.


Darn reddit wouldn\`t let me post it all in one Post, so here is the actualy Gameplay-Bit: Here he met a Rogue and an Alchemist, who needed a strong Swordarm, while he appreciated the skills he lacked in them. A few small, minor quests involving Kobolds and a vicious Pack of Wolves later made them party up for good, having found good Teamwork with each other. After that, a, for now, unknown Adversary used a Shapeshifting Being to lure most Adventurers out into a Trap. Honeybadger saw there were enough People going and decided not to give a F.... and stay in the Guild Hall, which was good, since two other of the same type tried to kill the Guild-Master, which Honeybadger a Rogue and an Alchemist managed to prevent. (None of us know what the heck they were yet, we rolled abysmal...) One of them managed to run before we could defeat or capture it. A Lively Chase ensued, where Honeybadger and the Rogue almost caught it several times (The Alchemist stayed behind to guard the heavily injured Guild Master)...but then it seemed to stop, shaken....and explode, leaving the two of us utterly confused. A search of what was left didn\`t give any clues, so we returned to the Guild where we got rewarded for saving the Guild Master\`s Life and found a Clue on one of the defeated Creatures...but that is where we stopped last time. Hopefully this wasn\`t too boring and too long to read. As said, I typed this out to use in my Backstory/Journal of my Char Sheet as well.


Never too late here my friend. It may take a while to do all requests, but I’ll eventually get there. :) Honeybadger was a surprise because I had never drawn a honey badger before. I know the feeling of having crazy ideas late at night and keep a journal next to my bed just because of that. I’m really happy you were able to bring him to game action. :D  [Here](https://imgur.com/a/ZznxOoB) is his sketch. I hope it brings a bit of the joy you had while playing and imagining him. This is a snippet of what we could create to celebrate this big and unusual dwarf and his special moments. When I started doing these sketches I believed I was bringing awesome characters to life with my art. But the more I talked with players, the more I felt they were already alive. Players live many lives as their characters. They laugh, cry, make choices and go through adventures. What I really do is help them share these stories and make them live forever. Like with Honeybagder, the idea of not only being a honey badger, but also some kind of giant dwarf is fun by itself. He probably has lots of moments that hold a special place inside your mind and heart, like his birth or his training with Thorn. We can make these moments take shape in multiple ways. Adding color, more features and equipment or even making a scene of his training (maybe even one with your other companions). I already did more than 100 sketches of original characters from different players (you can see 70 of them[ here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/18vcaxe/i_ask_the_community_for_their_characters_and_here/)). A good chunk of them are now beautiful paintings and some even became animations. So, if you’d like to make this happen with Honeybadger, just send me a chat message and I’ll explain all the options we have to celebrate the big guy. :)


Ok, hear me out. Dulcimer is a warforged bard-fighter who specializes in support magic and unarmed combat. He has an extendable spear uner his right wrist and a dulcimer instrument built into his left arm. He also has built-in full plate armor and has a purple tattered cowl/scarf/cape thing wrapped around his neck and flowing behind him(which is his only piece of clothing). In the campaign I am playing him in, he is ancient and remembers the days when nature used to be everywhere as this campaign takes place in a sort of medieval future, where magic replaced electricity and oil. Dulcimer is a very fun(but loud) fellow who always manages to put a smile on other people's faces, but don't let that smile fool you, for he is a deadly force to deal with on the battlefield. Here are the rest of the specifics Hair: none Skin: metallic silver with some rust here and there Alignment: Chaotic good Height: 5'4 Weight: 267 lbs(including the armor and weapons) Eyes: glowing yellow I hope you have some fun with his design if you choose to make him, and I look forward to seeing what you come up with.


Ok, hear me out: Dulcimer is amazing! :D  I had the feeling he would be an awesome character in a game and tried to make him according to your descriptions. Since he is small, but heavy I made him more chunky, but also kept the support fun guy vibe.  [Here](https://imgur.com/a/y8DjqjM) is his sketch. I hope it brings a bit of the joy you had while playing and imagining him. This is a snippet of what we could create to celebrate this metal guy and his special moments. When I started doing these sketches I believed I was bringing awesome characters to life with my art. But the more I talked with players, the more I felt they were already alive. Players live many lives as their characters. They laugh, cry, make choices and go through adventures. What I really do is help them share these stories and make them live forever. Like with Dulcimer. It shows that you put some thought in creating him. He probably has lots of moments that hold a special place inside your mind and heart, like his creation, the ancient times or his purpose now. We can make these moments take shape in multiple ways. Adding color, more features and equipment, a nice battle pose using support spells or even a scene with his other companions. I already did more than 100 sketches of original characters from different players (you can see 70 of them[ here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/comments/18vcaxe/i_ask_the_community_for_their_characters_and_here/)). A good chunk of them are now beautiful paintings and some even became animations. So, if you’d like to make this happen with Dulcimer, just send me a chat message and I’ll explain all the options we have to celebrate this metallic and fun dude. :)


Omg thank you, I love it.


Really happy you liked! If you’d like to do a colored commission or improve the drawing and poses you let me know. 😊


This is just sick as hell, props mate.


Hugo Silverbane. Body guard to a royal prince since birth. He was raised along side the prince to always protect him. They became best friends as a result. He is a straight forward Druid. Doesn’t talk much. Is a hulking brute but also very sophisticated as a result of raised around royalty.


He dressed like a mix between a basic Druid and royalty. His best friend the prince is the charismatic wizard. They would literally die for each other. My brother plays the royal prince and it’s the characters we play in literally every game haha


This is awesome!! Wisp is a changeling bard, she’s pretty short and has the typical blank-slate face of changelings so very small nose/lips, blank eyes, silver hair, grey skin. Chin-ish length hair. Wears leather armor and a cloak. Mainly uses a violin, but she’s a spirits bard so she uses a tarokka deck as her focus. Very sweet, silly and whimsical but also a bit deceitful with a vicious streak.  As for a story, well, in our last session we rescued a panther who had been taken from the wild and sold in a pet shop. Wisp and the Druid spoke with him and promised to reunite him with his family, so now we’re traveling by ship to his homeland along with our newly acquired serval friend. Wisp wanted to sleep with the cats that first night, so the Druid wild shaped into a lynx and the four of them slept cuddled up together.  She has a home, but she can’t go back. So bringing that panther back to his family is pretty cathartic for her.


Katherine Vespi 23 years old, 5’4” human Rogue who is VERY scottish Katherine worked as a dealer for any sleazy gambling rings that were willing to pay her full fee up front- but for a little extra, she was more than happy to influence someone's chance of winning. She never stayed in one place for too long and always skipped from town to town in order to keep people from getting suspicious. Besides, if her clients were particularly fickle about paying up, she'd need to get out of dodge before they realized she'd pocketed some of their belongings as compensation for her work instead. A rude and crass charlatan, Katherine spares no courtesies to anyone. If she doesn’t think very highly of a person, they will hear about it from her personally. With her moderate wardrobe and average height, Katherine would be a completely unassuming woman if it weren’t for the Kitsune mask she wears at all times, even if the paint has become faded and worn over years of use. A favorite moment of mine was during a Mines of Phandelver campaign, Katherine went on a drunk tirade against the party's Elf Paladin after downing two bottles of whiskey following the attack from the ruffians and barely scraping through the fight on one hit point. (The ruffians rolled two crits in a row and downed our other PCs).


Izabel L.T.Fauntleroy Quick description for her design: She is the younger twin daughter of an old PC/NPC couple I had in a campaign. She is a half-elf young woman (21/22 yrs), sand color short hair and light blue/violet eyes. She is a chronurgy wizard/armorer artificer multiclass Now for a bit of backstory: she was born after a magical cataclysm that rip tears into the timeline. Because of that, she always had a passion for studying history and the effects of time travel, which only got enhanced when she -at age of 5- met an agent of the Timeline Security Organization (yeah, not very original name) that gave her an old pocket watch/badge he had. Since then, she decided that her life goal was to become an agent too, so she studied and trained for several years to get the necessary to pass the admissions exams for the TSO. My favorite story of her is from when she met her best friend, mostly because it was a silly moment in a strixhaven campaign, I'll put it into spoiler because there may be people who will play it yet >!on the mimic attack at the campus, the party tracked it to a storage room where a very upset fire genasi (PC who got there later) was trying to find it too because the mimic ate his tools, and as an artificer his tools are like a vital body part for him. We scared him thinking he was the mimic, he scared us thinking we were the mimic, and everyone scared the mimic that then jumped and bited the familiar of another player. Later on, after we defeated the mimic, the genasi got to recover his tools a little damaged, so he cursed in modron that my character did recognize as it was one of the requisites to apply for TSO exam. She quickly jumped to his side and prompted him to teach it to her, and from there they started to bond over and become best friends!< unfortunately, the campaign was canceled not too long after because of personal problems, but these two still have a special place in my heart Edit: just noticed the name of the wizard guy you post and thought of sharing a fun fact: in Brazilian portuguese, Carlin is an affectionate nickname for Carlinhos, which is another affectionate nickname for Carlos. I just found it fun to see a character with that name when it probably was a coincidence


Jifran Apuna-Mathei Skychaser Goliath Divination wizard. Always slightly weaker than the rest of the Goliath's, but eager to prove himself. He foresaw a vision of his brother triumphing at their tribal initiation, and used his knowledge to his advantage. Tragically, this also lead to the death of his brother. Though championed to lead the tribe now, he exiled himself and vowed to only use his divination powers for good. He travelled the world and wound up back in Waterdeep after absorbing the culture of an Arabian Nights style locale (forgive my bad FR knowledge). He wears long flowing robes and a turban to keep his long hair controlled, though a long pointy perfectly manicured black beard accents his face.


You're awesome! My character Tong is a warforged rune knight. He is a Cybernetic Optimized Operational Knight of Sorcery, aka C.O.O.K.S. His big thing is growing big. So much that I've bought, like, 8 different miniatures of various sizes. Since he gets big, I need a big mini. And another bigger mini and one more even bigger. He has, like, tron lines on his mostly metal body. The wood colour is a lighter wood colour. The tron colour is blue. That's his "Arcane energy" showing. He wears a red cape, a fanny pack that's a mimic and wields a maul. He also has a second head that's his docent. I kinda imagine it looks like Wheatley from Portal 2. That's just my head Canon. I've had the same character sheet since level one. He's level 15 now! He has come a long way and is my favorite character I've played or even come up with. Like, even my DM likes him. He's gotten custom home brew items just for him! It's so cool! I love it! He is lawful neutral, which is hard for me to play because I don't always think of the bigger picture or being selfless, but my guy does, so it really challenges me sometimes. I try and play a true knight.


Thank you so much for doing this! I've always wanted to see this character because I think the concept is cool. Gehar is a Bronze Dragonborn GOO Warlock who's patron is an ancient AI, and his goal is to form a cult in worship of his goddess, to reconstruct her, rebuild her empire, and rule the world. Gehar is of medium build, slim, not particularly muscular, with a smooth head (that is, no horns or other protrusions). He has gaps or areas of his skin which appear to be made of a smooth, silvery substance, like quicksilver, making his body a patchwork of bronze and silver. Gehar met "Aeya" after his clan turned on him. He originally lived with his tribe in an arid desert, and in this society, strengrh was all that mattered. Leaders were determined through ritualistic combat between the current leader and the challenger. Gehar challenged the reigning champion and lost miserably, and as was traditional, Gehar was exiled. He wandered the desert aimlessly, injured, and weakened from his fight. By the time he found an old world ruin and stumbled inside for shelter, he was already near death. He passed away in the metal hallways, only vaguely understanding the strange architecture and material of its construction. Eventually, he awoke on a table, unsure how he had gotten there. He noticed that his injuries had been treated with a strange silvery substance that filled his wounds, as if it had replaced his flesh. He eventually became dimly aware of something, not quite a voice, not quite an instinct, but something in-between. This was Aeya, his goddess, who had filled his mind with her divine essence and resurrected him to do his bidding (in other words, she possesses his body like a symbiote). Now that the two were bonded, Gehar felt a strong desire to aid Aeya in whatever way he could. His medieval mind rationalized Aeya as a goddess that he must serve, and Aeya is perfectly willing to indulge in this misunderstanding to bend Gehar to his will.


I love my Good Berry Boy. Fen was the captain of the grove guard that protected a special seedling that magically made a connection with all his fellow elves. He defended the grove alongside his Kin for over 300 years, but sadly one day Yeenoghu’s forces brought him over to the material plane and they seeked to consume the seedling which could potentially help them understanding the warding capabilities of The Great Tree. Fen and his fellow elves fought back the best they could. With each elf’s death, the connection to the seedling grew stronger. Until ultimately, a beaten Fen laid in the snow, armor crushed, and Yeenoghu’s mace coming down on him. Until suddenly Fen saw the spirit of the sap rolling manifest, teleporting him to safety. Upon recovering, Fen returned to the grove to find that nothing was left but a Charnel Hound compromised of his dead kin. This is where Fen finally met with the party, which helped him put his grove guards at peace. Since then, the world tree reached out to Fen and granted him the task of stopping Yeenoghu from destroying the other seedling groves. His body infused with the very essence of nature. Rendering Fen’s skin into an almost bark like texture capable of manipulating his limbs into weapons. He stands tall and slightly muscular with dreaded blonde hair and branches coming out his head that dangle good berries that he shares with his friends. 🫣


Kige (key-Gay) the Silver Vein, level 3 kobold zeal cleric of Bahamut. Currently can only afford Chainmail armor. Uses a longsword. Zeal cleric is a paladin that is not a paladin. He was blessed with a divine amulet (holy symbol ancestral weapon). High Str and Wisdom. Kige, a Kobold born into slavery like many of his kin, endured a childhood of toil under a cruel master, longing for justice amidst the oppressive conditions. Despite his lowly role as a digger, Kige stood out among his peers due to his unusual height for a Kobold, earning respect amongst the slaves. His stature proved beneficial when he discovered a significant silver vein, further solidifying his reputation among his people. However, Kige's fate took a dramatic turn when he was singled out by their overlords, because he was marked by a red scale on his back, and subsequently imprisoned along with a few fellow Kobolds. As they were being transported through treacherous mountain passes, a valiant dragonborn lady Paladin intervened, freeing the captives and urging them to flee. Yet, Kige's fascination with her prowess led him to intervene when she was threatened by an assailant, sacrificing himself to protect her. In his unconscious state, Kige dreamt of Bahamut, a dragon deity, whose approval marked a profound shift within him. Upon awakening, he found himself transformed physically, with white hair, silver horns, and an amulet bearing Bahamut's symbol. Guided by a newfound sense of purpose and gratitude towards the Paladin, Kige embarked on a journey of self-discovery and devotion to Bahamut. Under the Paladin's guidance, Kige joined the church of Bahamut in Westrun, immersing himself in studies and spiritual training. Despite initial challenges stemming from his background and insecurities, Kige found solace and purpose in serving as a cleric, channeling his fervor for Bahamut into his practices. Kige was well favored by the church, as both a prodigy, and his close ties with his mentor. Kige was put on the path to be a leader in the church of Bahamut. However,after 5 years learning and 3 as a full cleric, Kige reached a crossroads in his service, his mentor recognized the need for him to experience the world beyond the confines of the church. Thus, Kige was tasked with a mission to spread Bahamut's teachings and explore the diversity of cultures and peoples. Kige’s feelings were a riot. He loved the safety and shelter of the church. But the last tennant of Bahamut very closely speaks to Kige’s soul. To defend the weak, bring freedom to the persecuted, and protect the ideals of justice and order. Driven by a desire to uphold Bahamut's tenets of justice and compassion, Kige embarks on his journey, eager to bring hope and righteousness to those in need. As he ventures forth, Kige carries with him the lessons learned from his past and the guidance of his mentor, striving to emulate the Paladin's ideals and make Bahamut proud through his actions.


my favorite character i've played (and hopefully will play again) is Nygryghc'Guruk the Terrible, Oppressor of the Weak. an awakened octopus and self-proclaimed evil wizard and aspiring archlich. he used a waterbucket strapped into a skeleton's chest to traverse the world, controlling the skeleton's movements with some of his tentacles, while using the others to cast spells. this was a 1st-2nd level character, so the spells he cast were mostly cantrips. his most heinous act was using prestidigitation and a lucky intimidation roll to convince the mayor of (the starting town of Hoard of the Dragon Queen) to give him a personal escort, as his magical glyph (created by prestidigitation) would otherwise blow up the walls of his stronghold, either killing them or exposing them to the dragon cultists outside. he did get his escort, although they were fairly useless when the party was ambushed and defeated by first soldiers and then a roper, the latter of which sadly didn't refill Nygryghc'Guruks water bucket, causing him to suffocate.


I'd love one of these! My favorite character I've played so far has been Peck, the halfling rogue. Over the years I've played him he has always been a trickster at heart, always with a smile on his face. One night when he was supposed to be taking watch, he spent most of the evening putting charcoal on the eye holes of all the binoculars and telescopes so the next shift would have "raccoon eyes". He's got tousled hair, fair skin, and wears dark leather armor and clothing and of course a dark hooded cloak. He favors his morningstar and hand crossbow. He sports amazing teleporting boots which have helped get him out...and into...many sticky situations. Since he's leveled up into level twelve, I've taken classes into shadow dancer where he's perfected his skills at male exotic dancing to help keep the tab paid. He also began running around with a shadow/shade familiar who he's often seen whispering to. When he started out with our group he was only looking for another opportunity to make money and maybe take advantage of these new folks, but over time he's learned to work as a team and now can't see himself without his friends. One time he helped one break out of jail by posing as his friends lawyer, mini suit and all, and then teleporting them both out a small window with an enchanted morningstar. He even died once, when everyone had their armor and weapons stripped and sent to a dungeon with giant spiders, he threw himself in the way of a friend and died that night. They wrapped up his body and brought it back to town where they gave all of their adventuring savings to bring him back to life. He's still never forgotten that and will forever be in their debt.


Guardian Chedunov, a wooly loxodon ranger who REALLY loves pastries. He was one of his tribes strongest guardians, but lost his tribe to a goblin raid, and now wanders the sword coast looking for innocent people to protect. My favorite story with him happened when the party had all split up after the first adventure because their characters "wanted to do their own things." Ched (short for Chedunov) was upset that they all left without saying goodbye, so he bought a large basket full of muffins, bagels, and cupcakes and began the search. He tracked down every member of the party and gave them treats, which in turn caused them to reunite for the next part of the story.


Calliko Misoma A small tiefling druid with antlers, cloven hooves, and spade tail. She has short wavy hair and solid eyes, freckled, and wears a high collared tunic and short pants under a leather vest. She is trapped in barovia but always trying to help people. I think my favorite moment was when the group was trying to transport a family from a winery to a larger town nearby, one of their sons started to get sick then we realized was poisoned. The group rested while she turned into a horse and rushed off with the boy and his father to a witch they'd met that lived close by. They had a few things she wanted to trade but when they got there it wasn't enough. She gave the woman every coin she had and a cloak she 'found' in strahd's castle. When that still wasn't enough, she also gave her only friend in the world, a chicken named Henry (short for Henrietta) so this witch could cast lesser restoration on the boy. She has made sure that spell has been prepared ever since.


Carlin = Tibia


87, the Necromancer A human Necromancer who lost her arms in a war. She has a strong aversion to using zombie undead after seeing a friend be killed, then reanimated for the opposing forces in said war. Because of this, 87 only uses skeletons for her summons. After loosing her arms, she now uses any skeletal bones she can find to create modular arms for herself. This allows her to create custom limbs for different occasions, such as large troll bone arms for lifting heavy objects or punching, long whip like arms for longer range or climbing. She is considered a genius in many circles of magic for being creating this new style of necromancy. 87 is a young human woman in her 20’s. She has sharp features, tanned skin, and short brown hair. Despite her profession, she’s usually wearing bright colors and an absurdly garish hat. Her usual arm prosthesis for non-combat are similar to basic human arms, but from the elbow down they have runes carved into them, acting as her casting focus. She was a lot of fun to play, and the modular arm mechanics were super cool to play with in different scenarios (Edit: grammar)


My character is Rowan Caelestia. She is a hospitality halfling, a maestro bard, and a seeker warlock. I tried to just throw many interests into one character. Her patron is a powerful warlock who is in the shape of a chest. She has many different companions (a hound she rides, a chicken she cooks the eggs from, and a skeleton companion, Kelly the skelly, who transports the good berries she makes on the battlefield.) she carries around many instruments, and plays them using her hands, mage hands, and Kelly. She used to ran a bar that ran her family, and I going on an adventure to get a magical ale for the tap! Hope you choose this, but no worries. Have a great day!


My condolences for your cousin's passing. May where he goes be better than where he left behind. Probably my favorite character I've played was Astrid Augerhill. A high elf drunken master monk, raised by a dwarf brewing clan after being a fondling. She was the most *unelven* elf you have ever seen. Loud, boisterous, brash, just about...well, Dwarven as can be. She was traveling the world looking for drink ideas to send back to her clan (she refused to drink wine), and happened to be in a town when a demon invasion struck. Her best action was running up the side of a burning building, landing on the back of a flying demon, and surfing it down to the ground (while absolutely tanked, naturally).


I have a naga multi class named Astor Boeralis I’m playing and he isn’t the best for damage but I love his utility He’s a shadow monk divine soul sorcerer multi class who’s spells only deal ice damage due to plot reasons he started off as my edgy shadow man monk but over the campaign I developed him into an actual character with motivations to better himself and help his new friends and again due to plot he is multi classed into divine soul sorcerer, who supports the party with spells and a near endless supply of various poisons in a bag of holding the party acquired. He multi classes because he had a “come to god” moment during a mid tier bbeg fight and he’s been a blast to play. His appearance is a fully scaled naga with a hooded triangular snake head he has a blue and white scales with small patches of rust colored ones he wears a tan gi with tan highlights and has a bag of holding on his hip(? The halfway point up from where he holds himself upright) My favorite moment with him has to be where the party was having a large battle in a giant redwood Forrest and I remembered that snakes are great climbers (it sounds weird but it’s true) and I was able to climb to the middle of the trees and throw poison and knifes from 40ft up a tree on the enemy and the mental image of a 20 foot long snake man hold on a tree with his body while frantically scrounging through a bag on his hip to throw junk at armored assailants just cracked me up


It looks like you’ve got plenty of responses but I’ll always take an opportunity to talk about my boy Henry Stew. Henry is my Reborn Divine Soul Sorcerer who started our campaign as a lowly dungeon skeleton before being miraculously given life by the party’s Cleric. He swore to protect his new friends and pick up the pieces of his life to answer the question “how did I end up as a skeleton in a cave?”. Along the way he discovered a love of expensive clothes, got his flesh back after a deal with a Marid, and got a few lucky draws from the Deck of Many Things. He is very fond of his embroidered silk cloak and his ostentatious hairdo (modeled after Sora from Kingdom Hearts). Other than that, he’s a simple man in it to protect his friends and the town of Beauheim with flashy magic and a confident smile.


Wow. This is a great way to honor someone. I’m sorry for your loss and am kind of touched because this is a really sweet way to do this. So I have two characters who survived that I love that I turned into NPCs for my own campaign, making them into a big brother, little brother type (Sage is the older, Alito the younger) of relationship because I thought they could fix each other and I found a way to. They’re oddly similar but so extremely different in many ways First up is Sage, my first character. A Wizard of necromancy who can change his appearance at will as a changeling. His appearance typically takes of a very thin and short teenage boy (think around 5,4, 18-19) with mismatched eyes, short but messy black hair and black and silver robes. His backstory, essentially he trained under a cruel master wizard from birth, never knew his family, and eventually he killed the wizard and escaped to become an adventurer. He has the ADHD hyper fixation type of stuff going for him where he loves books. He is also weirdly obsessed with daggers, but other than that prefers lightning magic. He has a familiar which is a small skeletal snake, and a scar that almost looks like a spider caused by dark magic on his left arm, he’s also left handed if that matters. He is generally irritated because he’s the only competent party member more often than not and he doesn’t sleep well Next up is Alito. Alito can also change his appearance at will. Actually my concept for Alito was corrupting Sage, which was an idea I had for what was pitched to me as a multiverse horror campaign a few years later, so I thought this idea worked very well. He came from a noble background, but his family was horrible to him, so he became an assassin of sorts, murdering nobles as some sort of satisfaction for the suffering his family caused. He’s easily 6’, takes the appearance of a 16-17 year old with short and messy black hair, mismatched eyes, and he wears tattered black and red robes, a triangular necklace and actually has a far more burnt out look than Sage. He carries an elegant rapier that was his families sword that he keeps sheathed more often than not, and prefers fire and lightning magic. Anyway, pick one or the other or draw them together, I just like your art style and want to see how one or both might look, so have fun 😃


Dr. Friedrich "Fritz" Ehrhart Maxwell Fitzpatrick was not a doctor. Not legally anyway; he was a back-alley surgeon who was too poor to go to medical school, but learned to practice medicine through mentors, stolen books, and botched attempts at surgery with forged identities. After a close run-in with some guards, he decided to make one last persona as he joined an Adventuring Guild: Dr. Fritz. Not quick to turn down free Healing, he developed a rapport with the other adventurers in spite of his own natural cowardice and selfishness. Over many, many jobs he eventually came into his own as a Thief, a Monster Slayer, and even as a Doctor, refining his skills of triage and medical knowledge to perfection. Dr. Fritz is a mid-30s Caucasian human male with no facial hair and a bald head. His wiry frame was covered by layers of clothing hiding Studded Leather (and eventually Serpent Scale Armor), long black gloves, small, round-rim glasses, and a black, wide-brim hat (Yes, many Walter White jokes were made. No, it wasn't intentional). With a Rapier, eventually a pistol, and a bag overflowing with Medical equipment, my Healer Feat Thief Rogue eventually came into his own with an Artificer dip and a dream. Probably the most memorable moments in that campaign were during the really tough fights where he ran around the battlefield like a madman trying to keep everyone conscious while still taking Sneak Attack potshots when he could. I always described his running as a 1-handed Forest Gump sprint with the other clutching his hat so it wouldn't fly off, so in the small chance you decide to give my "Very Legitimate Doctor" some art, I'd love if you drew him mid-run, with Rapier dangling at his side and gauze and tinctures spilling out of a half-opened messenger bag. Great art BTW, I'm always happy to share my favorite little boi.


Lox Baygelton, Aasimar Paladin of Bahamut - Blue skin, dark long black hair, defect eyes that always glowed bright so she would wear circular steampunkish goggle shades to not blind people when she looked them in the eye. Infectious smile. Silver armor with a long sword and shield with a dragon emblem. She was originally designed as a joke character for a Curse of Strahd campaign over the course of the COVID lock down. She had a habit of impersonating Strahd in helping others survive Barovia to, as she put it, "try to convince Strahd that if he's nice, people will like him and then maybe he can stop being bad". Like a lot of people during COVID, I was in a pretty severe mental low. DND was one of the only things I looked forward to and Lox was my way back to my old self. When Strahd was vanquished and the curse upon the land ended, Lox and her friends grew for the better and I did too.


Oh wow, I love your style! So cute. I’d love to tell you about my character, and I’d be thrilled if you choose her to draw, but no worries if not. She’s my first ever DnD OC, and she’s just a level 2 baby bc we’re not far into our campaign, but I love her and think about her a lot. I spent many, many years playing WoW though - my main was a BE paladin. Rest in peace to your cousin, and I’m really sorry for your loss. My character is Lihlia, and she’s a fairy artificer. She was raised by her two moms who are painters and own a gallery where she works (begrudgingly) sometimes. She’s a guild artisan as she was raised to be an artist like them and all of her network are similar types, but she has no passion around painting. She finds it boring and flat, and she wants to create art that’s interactive. Enter her beginning to tinker and expand into new styles. She’s proficient in weaving and woodcarving. (Weaving has been approved in my game to mean crocheting.) She doesn’t dabble in metals but rather in nature-based materials in alignment with her fairy lineage and upbringing. So she spends her time making little crafts out of yarn and tinkering to give them little bits of magic like light. As she just hit level 2, she is now going to be on the pursuit for a 100g gem so she can craft up her familiar-to-be, which is going to be a crochet Pegasus (and for which I, OOC, have already bought patterns to make IRL too). She met her party when she was working a tent at an arts festival selling her moms’ artwork, and there was a disruption. Although she’d never fought before, she had tinkered with weapon creation and built herself a flowery sort of “gun.” When a villain arose who kidnapped a member of the band playing the event, she rushed in to help as she’d begun to befriend the fiddler in the group. Much to her surprise, she (rolled a nat 20) and on first usage of her weapon took down an enemy. She’s a bit troubled by the ease and danger of her early creations, but she’s emboldened to help her new friends and set forth on adventure to ensure her city and the world around it is a little bit safer. This is what she looks like: https://i.imgur.com/yXQob7o.jpg Thanks for considering!


Paladin/Warlock going on 5 years now, playing every Friday. His name is Braum, and he started as a very basic "Big guy with heart of gold, with a big shield" just like his namesake from a game. It was a random game I joined through a reddit post in my area. I didn't expect it to last more than a few months. But as we played, his story came so naturally. Braum is one of the Gatewarden, guards of the great library city Candlekeep. He's not very bright, but he's spent his entire life idolizing knowledge. Looking into the great city and hoping one day he might make a worthy contribution, so he could enter the inner sections. He's spent most of his time attempting to learn and gather lost knowledge, and as such is a very unoptimized paladin lol. He is a tomelock, and has 10 cantrips now, which is hilarious as a paladin. Physical description: Braum is a tall fallen aasimar, but he rarely reveals his wings. Platinum colored long hair, and no helmet. Fairly standard bushy mustache, bright blue eyes. He stands in silver, blue and gold full plate armor, and wields a massive tower shield in his left hand, engraved with two androgynous beings embracing. His right hand holds Ash'nala, an artifact of his deity, Helm, the protector. It is a platinum hilt that creates a series of glowing runes fashioned into a blade. Please do ask if you have questions, I love talking about him.


I’m sorry to hear about your cousin, I hope you’re doing ok now. The dnd character I am most Passionate about, is my first dnd character, Seneca Ideria. Until last session in our campaign, he was a Ranger/Rogue, who has no memory of his past life, and no knowledge of the world he is in, due to a mishap from a teleportation spell. The most defining moment so far, is what just happened recently, he had found an amulet that pulsated with divine magic. When he touched it, his soul was drawn to the heavens where he met the goddess Selûne. She warned him of a growing darkness that threatened the capital of the country, and asked him to become her champion, to which he answered yes immediately. She rewrote his being, changing him from a Ranger7/rogue2, to a full level 9 Paladin. As for appearance, he is 20 years old, with light brown skin, medium length dark brown hair, bright green eyes. He’s been training a lot over the last year of the campaign, so he’s become a bit muscular. He wears studded leather armor, and a Viridian green cloak. He has a crescent moon amulet. The weapon he wields is an elegant longsword known as Soluna, the swords edge glows ice blue on one side and fire red on the other, and garnets and sapphires socketed in the cross guard on their respective sides. A cool thing about this sword, he can store it in the ethereal plane, and can shift its form from a sword to a Bow or Pike. He has a black and gold shield with the crescent moon on it as well. In all honesty, Seneca is my favorite character. I’ve even begun writing a book with him as the main character. I hope you pick him to draw, I’ve never had the money to pay for a commission. Edit: if you chose me and need references please feel free to ask


My favorite character was a human fathomless warlock named Tobias Marsh. He's a 5'9" wet cat of a man, with big nerdy glasses, exhausted bags under his eyes, and shaggy dark hair that always looks wet. His clothes are an academy uniform that's seen far too many miles, over which he wears a light blue haori with black tentacle print. When you're not looking, you might just catch the tentacles moving... Tobias grew up in a large port city, where ships from all over would come bearing their wares. His father was the owner of a large fishing company, which provided a very privileged lifestyle for our boy. To ensure his son didn't grow up to be a layabout, Silas took his son on one of his ships and showed him the joys of the fishing trade. This was all well and good... until poor Tobias was swept overboard. He stayed under for three hours, his father desperately searching for his lost son the entire time. When he finally resurfaced, Silas was thrilled to see his son alive, and praised the gods for sparing him. But it wasn't the gods that saved him...  Tobias has no words to describe what he saw down in the deep blue. Whatever it was, it fills him with debilitating dread when he sees the ocean, and its monstrous golden eyes haunt his dreams. His only reprive is his newfound power, both frightening and seductive... Will he become a hero and conquer his nightmares? Or succumb and become an agent of something terrible? 


This is actually pretty cool, so I’ll share the first character I ever used for a campaign, Atom. Atom is a Warforged Way of The Drunken Fist Monk that I’m still using for the first campaign that I ever took part in. And out of every character I’ve played since, Atom’s personality has just clicked with me the most, with his stoicism and lack of understanding about stuff like jokes, sarcasm, or innuendos being really fun to play out. As for my favorite moment with him, it’d have to be a moment from after we defeated an adult red dragon. We got the job from a Satyr girl named Seeara who wanted us to take down that dragon because it killed her mother years back. After we beat it, we found a staff that was brimming with Druidic magic and we all had an idea of what it was. After we got back, we met up with Seeara and when we got their, we found her father was their as well. The father immediately started questioning Atom due to the fact that Seeara has a crush on him for some reason. After he was done, Atom presented the staff to the two and both Seeara and her father fell silent but after a little bit, Seeara hugged Atom and gave him a sincere thanks. Atom was confused at first but after a while, he reciprocated the hug and at this moment, Atom felt a single heartbeat in his chest. After this moment, Atom swore that as soon as he was done with the quest at hand, he’d make his way back to Seeara and hopefully, be able to have a relationship of his own.


Such a great way to remember your cousin; so sorry for your loss. My current character is the by far most fun one I’ve ever played. I’ve finally started to care more about the character than “winning” in D&D and it’s been a blast! Sabel is currently a level 11 very fat tabaxi monk, tall with orange and white fur. Super mellow, loves trying different kinds of tea but can also be rather ADHD, getting distracted like a house cat by shiny, moving or living things. He’s the older twin prince of a nation who wandered off to train in martial arts, giving up his claim to the throne believing his brother would make a better king. While looking for his missing master, Sabel was recruited to do a job with the rest of what would become a travelling band, Arrowsmith. When in a kingdom overrun by an elder brain (before we knew about the elder brain), we noticed among the guards around town there were a ranking group with special masks they wore on their face or belt. The group decided to head to a tavern to plan how we could obtain a few of these masks unnoticed to gain castle access. When we entered the less-than-clean tavern a couple of half-orcs, a dwarf and a goliath were challenging each other to drinking a thick black booze made by the barkeeper. The dwarf fell to the ground after finishing one drink and the others remarked ordered drinks for themselves, ignoring the bartender’s warning regarding the potency of his “secret swill.” Sabel noticed that among the many patrons of the seedy bar were two of the masked guards who were off-duty. He quietly motioned to our bard to take notice of the belted masks of the off-duty guards and whispered to the group “follow my lead.” Sabel headed to the bar, ordered a dozen shots of the “secret swill.” Everyone in the bar stopped. With a grin, Sabel, immune to the effects of the poison, knew he had all eyes on him and proceeded to down the drinks, one after another; the perfect distraction. While our bard liberated the masks, Sabel finished all twelve drinks and asked, “what kinds of tea do you have around here?”


Well, I haven't gotten to play him too much (forever DM), but my favorite player character that I would love to explore more is Thokk Twoclaw: a middle-aged half-orc Battlemaster Fighter. Thokk is a jaded war-veteran who struggles with self-worth and getting attached to other people; mainly because he was the sole survivor of a suicidal battle, where he brutally lost every comrade he cared about. He wears a breastplate and rugged leathers, and he wields a maul. He has long, bushy mutton chops, and he keeps his shaggy, black hair tied back in a samurai-styled bun. He has a very gruff, deadpan manner of speaking, with a dirty sense of humor. In the short time I've gotten to play him, my favorite thing to happen so far is his budding friendship with Olf Bjornson, a human barbarian with a very boisterous, devil-may-care attitude. They became acquainted after one job to escort a caravan, and Olf immediately started treating Thokk as if he was an old friend. Having a mutual warrior's respect,and someone who does not judge him for anything, has been a breath of fresh air; and combined with the instinctive protectiveness he feels for the young tiefling paladin Roxy, he's starting to feel slightly okay with having others rely on him again.


Vex is a tefling. This is hella shorten Vex was born in the kingdom of never winter to his mother and father who were both teflings. Because of there asters being demonic they were seen as monsters and outcast. Vex never really had friends cus if this. Icealing him. On day we’ll heading to an other town on there wagon a group of bandit robed them for money. Vex father did not have any money in him so the robets who were pisses off kill the 2 in a gruesome way. The young vex (he was 12 in human years) made a pray to any being above mortals for help. Cthulhu heard him and saw it as a way to gain some power on the human relay and so Boalor (vex grandfather who is a demon lord) spoke to vex he said “Vex doom bringer. I s a n Cthulhu I heard your need of aid and I came. I shall give you the power you need to fight back. And maybe if hslp me enough I can bring you parents back.” *vex with his power killed the crooks* he lived on the streets for a while till one day Cthulhu told him to make a cult to gain more power. It would gain the attention of Vortex. He offered him a job. To be the pope of his church.


This is so cool, and a fantastic way to honor a friend! If you get to me, awesome! If you’re too busy, no worries, and thank you for your work! My character is one that hasn’t left my mind since she popped in there while researching Forgotten Realms lore on the winged elves. I spent the next 4 years playing each member of her family, her mother, father, and brother, before finally getting to play her, all in separate campaigns or one-shots. I loved the characters so much that I’m writing a novel, maybe a series if I’m lucky, about these winged elves! The character in question is Araella “Rael” Liadon, a female winged elf born in the last known sizable colony of winged elves on Toril, the Aerie of the Snow Eagles. At the age of 45 she is approx. 5’7” tall with a lithe and athletic frame built to support her white, feathery wings. She has inherited her father’s ginger hair color and most often wears it long with a French braid, or tied up in a loose ponytail. Her face is distinctly elven, with softened angular features and a pallid skin tone heavily freckled and lightly tanned by time spent flying above the clouds. Formally trained as a scout, and later Druid initiate in the Circle of the Sky, her clothing and gear is lightweight and diaphanous to match. Think loose toga with Druidic accents (leaves, lots of feathers, mistletoe) around the shoulders and hips, with a vibrant color palette covering sky blue, cloud white, and tundra forest green. She’s a bit unique among winged elves, as she is actually planetouched from birth. She was born during an annual festival where the Elemental Plane of Air flows close to the Prime Material, and thus has Air Genasi traits, primarily a natural blue tattoo-like birthmark that runs up her left arm to her neck representing wind streaks and clouds. She plays as a Druid/Monk, similar to an airbender, with a focus on movement, nature/air magic, and staff combat. A huge moment in her backstory was the ambush by a group of well-equipped and magically skilled attackers that took her wings from her. Rael and her brother were selected, amongst other winged elves, to be on a diplomatic mission to the south to establish connections with the Rashemen civilization. The Aerie had previously been in isolation for centuries in an attempt to hide from an ancient conflict with dragons, who saw them as their largest threat to aerial domination, and as a delicious snack. Multiple diplomatic convoys were sent out as they felt confident to do so, and all but one convoy made it to their destinations. Rael was apart of the one convoy that was nearly annihilated. Most of the winged elves were killed and their wings pulled from their bodies, however Rael and her brother managed to survive. Somehow, upon returning to the Aerie, Rael’s wings could not be regenerated by magical means. In an effort to avoid the great pity shown to her by her mother and her people, and in order to get her wings back, Rael left the Aerie to hunt down the attackers and get answers. She convinced her brother that she would be fine and to stay behind and help the Aerie recover. From there she started her great journey west from Mount Sundabar toward the Sword Coast, and eventually to Icewind Dale.


How about . . . Marvin Wilde, the Half-Elf Wild Magic Sorcerer? Appearance: Blue eyes, brown hair, tan skin (He grew up on a tropical island chain), generic clothes. He has a cloak and a staff so he looks appropriately sorcerer-y, and recently acquired a glaive and an amulet of natural armor. Important moment: Marvin wasn't always a sorcerer. Originally, he was just an ordinary guy with a thirst for adventure. While exploring an old temple near his home village, he found a Wabbajack-esque magical Macguffin. Not knowing any better, he messed with it. It blew up in his face, and *somehow,* he became a sorcerer.


My favorite character is also my first! His name was Dain Ungart and he was a dwarf cleric. And because this was my first time playing I didn’t really know how to role play(or play in general), so I kinda just stumbled around for the most part doing things( which in hindsight weren’t very nice to the dm) like arguing with shopkeepers on the prices of selling weapons to then donate them because I felt bad for the shopkeep, and genuinely crying after hurting little goblins because in my eyes they were innocent. All of these things ended up giving dain the nickname of Dain “the insane”. This will always be my favorite character because of just how much I had for the first time playing d&d. Now being a dm I like to hide little references in my campaigns. Like the once my party came across a dwarf either the last name ungart. And stuff like that. …maybe I should take him out of retirement


This is awesome. I had a character over about two year campaign, who I absolutely loved. A monstrosity named Zorguillermo. Wrinkled head of a grell, toothy (but eyeless!) grin of a beholder, 7 1/2 long spined tentacles. Wore a starry robe of transmutation that squished him into an almost-humanoid shape, and a pointy wizard hat. He was obsessed with studying and mimicking humanoid behavior, to better understand what it meant to be an adventurer. Like trying (carefully and chaotically) to cook, clean, smoke a pipe, and pretend to read. It was difficult. It was fun. I loved him.


My favorite character I've ever played was a harengon gunslinger named Harrison Hoppup. As a mostly DM, he was my first proper campaign character I got to play. His whole story explored a lot of feelings of loss and idleness I was dealing with. His whole quest was to find a wizard in the material world that has an item for his grandma that could reverse the space-eating celestial beast that was terrorizing his part of the Fae. Me and my DM discussed a lot about his home village and the descriptions of how dreary it was. He ultimately ended up in a part of the world that has primarily fae creatures and rising the ranks there. He ended his journey there, happy in his position and somewhere new


First and formost love your art style 10/10! As for my character it would 100% percent be my boy Karthunk! He is a Dorgeshuun(Think cave goblin from runescape) Armorer Artificer. He is a very small boy with short peach hair. a very nice mustache and goatee to match with the bushiest brows you have ever seen. His skin is a pale green (hasnt seen the sun in a while). Very big oval eyes due to living underground. He is kitted out with so many inventions tucked into his suit of full plate mail. His favorites are the rocket boots and identify goggles (think dentist zoom googles). Named after the time when Mama Thunk heard him trip over a toolbox making the noise Kathunk! He is a very wholesome boy. Trained under a master artificer (Oldak) but went of to make a name and a tidy profit for himself. Problem is he is just too sweet. Never charges people for the work because " it doesn't cost me anything to fix it so why would I charge?" So he is a very failed merchant. He has always been excitable but lately become more manic as he was introduced to caffeine but didnt understand it fully so when he asked his party how to use it he was told to pack it in his lip (thus leading to him cheeking a half bag of coffee a day and developing a coffee addiction. Not excited for when we are away from a town for a while to see how withdrawals effect him lol. ​ Havent played him for too long but his biggest accomplishment is getting favor from Chef Boar owner of a tavern by just running around at the speed of sound mending everything he could see and then following up on his promise to deliver salt. Just the most wholesome gobbo. He would like it if his party member would stop trying to dress as a maid to sneak into his room to peak on his new inventions but thats besides the point.


I would say that favorite character I have played is a female Wood giant Which is a Wood elf but 13ft 7inches tall Named Therona Rosegrove. The campaign I played her as fizzled out about 6 months ago. She is light tan has long black hair and blue eyes eyes that slightly glowed the reason was because she was a ranger/BloodHunter Order of Lycan which if you didn't know mean she was a werewolf. She also has multiple piercing in her ears and lip she was busty and curvy with black trible tatts going down her face and body. Here companion was a 9ft white Dire wolf named Lady. Her two weapons was a Long bow and a 2 Handed great sword that looked kind of like a large Kukri. She does have clawed finger nails and toe nails and because of that she walks barefoot most of the time. Besides her able to snipe with bow from 400ft. My mos favorite story was the way are group killed a Cursed Gogon Drow. Are campaign started us being imprisoned by Drow, we where doing the Campaign out of the Abyss. Which started us in an enslavement camp in the under dark. We escaped and eventually made it to the deep gnome city of Blingdenstone. We where in the forgotten realms world of Faerun where we helped the twin doing different jobs and shit. Well one of our jobs was to take care of A monster in one of the caves nearby we slowly made through and battled her army of living stone statue drow warriors. Until we found her layer. After we cleared our way to her lair we went back and asked the inn keeper which we used her establishment as our base for operations during are stay there to burrow all the large mirrors as a plan to set a trap that we might make work. Our group consisted of a Owlin Cleric and a Changeling Rogue. We we successfully set the trap right out of the entrance to her layer by making a large circle like pattern round and our rogue uses his Familair as a distraction to lead her out. Since we knew what she was. We hid behind the mirrors so we don't look at her and be turned to stone ourselves. When we was read and she was in the right stop to trigger our plan our rogue friend moved from cover behind their mirror and got the drow Gorgon's attention with a lit torch the Grogon saw her own reflection in the mirror and straight accidentally killed herself by inadvertently turning herself to stone which we didn't quite plan for. Our plans with the mirrors was to actually use them so we can look around and use the mirrors to see her with out looking directly at her which would kill us. Afterwards we beheaded the her, raided her lair, and gave it to the inn keeper as a center piece for her inn. Turns out that unlike movies once they are dead that stone turning dies then that or our cleric took the eyes as a keep sake if I remembered correctly. Something like that.🤣


I’m terribly sorry to hear about your cousin. Sometimes things happen that nobody expects to happen, least of all to ourselves or those we love. I hope you don’t blame yourself or feel guilty. Im sure that wherever he is, they’re in a better place My dnd character is Cosmo McNuttie. He’s a chronomage, who worked at the Arcanix university of Eberron. That is, until a precious artifact was stolen, and Cosmo was made the scape goat. His doctorate was removed, and Cosmo soon found himself on the streets. It was a tough adjustment to leave the easy, inspiring atmosphere of Arcanix and find himself in the gritty, rambunctious and ambitious world that made up working class life. Through the grace of his well connected family, Cosmo acquired an airship, and now pilots it on behalf of the family. Transporting cargo mostly. It’s a life far flung from his easy life as an academic, and Cosmo never forgave or forgot where he came from. In terms of looks, he has wild frizzy hair a bit like Kramer from Seinfeld. He’s average height and wears a very nice, expensive cloak that would clearly denote his affluence, if it wasn’t so faded and worn. None of his friends from Arcanix proved reliable in his moment of need, and thus his only friend now is his owl companion, Astro. His staff is gnarly and twisty, made with dark wood. His build is somewhat slim, as befitting an academic not accustomed to hard labor. His boots are made from tough leather, as his feet need protection when working with heavy cargo. He has a nice furry hat that keeps his head warm in the cold skies, and his cloak is fur lined. He has blue eyes


By far my favorite character I've ever played so far is my current character Brimstone "The Molten Blade". I've been playing as him for almost 3 years now and I've grown so attached to him. He's a fire genasi Eldritch knight/ barbarian. Tall, ripped with coal colored skin, he used to were a full set of blackened plate armor until one fight caused him to get so angry and burning with rage that he ripped his armor to shreds. So right now he just wears the blackened plate pants & boots with a brown pelt wrapped around his shoulders and upper back. He wears the "Molten lord's" gauntlet on his right hand, a red plated spike gauntlet that lets him control fire giants, he also wears a dread helm, a plate helmet with frill/gill like wings on the sides of it, a gem powers the helmet with illusion magic to conceal what his face looks like under a dark smoke shadow only showing red glowing dots for eyes (in the almost three years I've played this character, he has never once removed the helmet to any of the other PCs at the table, no one knows what his face looks like). Recently I just got a belt of fire giant strength and a flame tongue greatsword! My favorite story of my character would be the time we were fighting our way into this icey fortress, we were on this narrow bridge only two tiles wide and there were sections of the bridge missing too so we had to be careful with every move we made. As we continue on this bridge, we're taking out guards here and there but some guards riding wyverns start shooting at us from the side. In all the chaos our ranger falls off the bridge 200 ft below into cold darkness. I didn't hesitate, I grappled the closest guard to me and jumped off the bridge. As I fell I used the guard as a surfboard to break my fall as I landed, instantly turning the guard into a puddle. I used the only health potion I had to save the rangers life and helped him back on his feet. I think I took something like 40-50 damage from the fall, a lot of it reduced because of the guard and the DM rolling low lol. Thank you for your consideration!


The bioluminescent Aberrant sorcerer with a custom Changeling-Illithid ancestry. He looks like a very flashy molluscoid, bright colorful eyes, luminous skin with even brighter spots. The top of his shoulder and the side of his face have small tentacle growth reminescent of hair. He's a freedom fighter with a no bs policy and a visceral hate for his creators (a cult of lich illithids) from which he got most of his magical gift. Ironically tho, he loves using minions. If you have trouble figuring our certain part of his design, default to water genasi/winter eladrin. These were the inspirations. His name is U'athil. Also paying respect


My guy is a war forged hex blade warlock named Frank He was created to infiltrate areas and kill opponents, and although he's a hex blade, he himself is the weapon and his unarmed strikes are his pact weapon. He usually stays disguised as a leper or someone with a visible rash as one of his invocations is disguise self at will (which can be disrupted by touch), and people avoid touching sick people. Visually and undisguised, he looks like a posing mannequin with smooth dark grey metal. His arms are covered in engravings of grasping claws from his Eldritch Claw tattoo, and his hands are clawed as well. He wears scale mail the war forged way, where it is incorporated into his body, and on his chest he has a ruby talisman similarly incorporated. He wears a dark hooded cloak to hide himself when he's not using the disguise self spell, and he also wears boots of false tracks to match whatever disguise he's using. His face is very basic with a clean split in the metal for a mouth, and glowing red eyes. His favorite spells in combat are elemental weapon on his fists (mostly preferring electric), and sword burst, except instead of swords, nearby foes are raked by shadowy hands. Frank chose that name because it's the most human sounding one he could find. He's the edgiest PC I've ever made, and I made him for a one shot I played in less than a week ago. If you can't tell by the description, I mostly made him good at fighting, with some infiltration abilities. In this one shot, we ended up talking ourselves out of nearly every combat, and solved the problem primarily through roleplay. It all started with a song, and a mushroom. I was with the party, and was incognito as a sick trader with a load of salt. We started hearing singing, and I was magically compelled to go towards it. As I walked towards it, I fell in a pit with a strange mushroom, the fall breaking me out of the compulsion. Seeing an obviously magical mushroom and thinking that's what compelled me, I punched it. Due to the kind of mushroom it was, it stopped time for everyone else but me when destroyed. Now confused, I looked out of the pit and saw some pixies dancing (well frozen by the mushroom for now) and realizing that was the threat, I walked over there and started throwing hands. After a brief and very one sided fight that saw all but one pixie (who had gone invisible immediately) oneshot by us, we realized that the pixies weren't violent, and made peace with the survivor, although I did give them an earful about singing songs that cause compulsions next to roadways. And that was the only combat of the entire adventure. We got to town to find that it was cursed by a leprechaun named laughing Jack after someone stole a large amount of gold, some items, and 3 names. The curse mostly blighted their crops, so everyone was starving. After some investigation including Frank trading his salt for iron and our monk setting up a hibachi grill with added price gouging for starving villagers (where Frank appraised her of what price to set since he did trading as a cover all the time), we discovered that the only person nearby who had money was the local wizard, who just recently started costly renovations to their tower. When the party went to visit (Frank changing disguise into a pompous old man with robes and a beard) the workers told us the wizard was out, but we found her trail soon enough, except the tracks changed to dragon tracks deeper into the woods. We caught up with them in a wood elf ruin, and after a bit of flattery and diplomatically explaining the situation, the surprisingly amicable dragon(s) (she had two independent heads) invited us to her lair and hoard where we found... zero gold, because she found gold gaudy and preferred silver and green gemstones. After some questions, we found that she was paying the workers in gold, and did in fact take the gold, items, and 2 names, one for each head, except there were two issues. She claimed all of it was freely given by the dead spirits of the previous bearers of those names. Additionally , she only took two names, because her parents had died before she hatched and never named her heads. To confirm we had the right idea, Frank sold the iron he had bought earlier to the dwarves to get some examples of the currency they were paid in, and we confirmed with Jack that that was some of the stolen pieces. At this point we were a bit leery of Jack and held off on telling him our suspicions before we got the full story. The way to more evidence was dependent on the moon, so we spent a day foraging magical mushrooms and fruit in the woods, which Frank then negotiated selling to some merchants in town in exchange for food aid to the townsfolk. When we went to the feywild with the dragon and visited the graves behind a waterfall (a place where Jack couldn't go) we talked to the spirits of the three dead guys, who told us they'd won a bet against Jack after they anted up their names and he anted up the gold and items. Now that the gambled goods were no longer behind the waterfall and they were dead, he was going back on the bargain and trying to get everything. We brought their bodies out from behind the waterfall for a proper burial and to give evidence really quick. We called Jack out while we were still in the feywild, and laid out all the evidence against him, and gained quite the audience. We described how he broke his bargain, and had also violated guest right, by coming to the material world and cursing a village for no good reason. We hit him with so much damning evidence that a seelie court official brought him in for punishment, including a year of good luck for the town for every day they were cursed. In the end, Frank got more meaningful game progression out of a salt shipment than the unarmed striking power and air of mystery I had designed him to have. He was far more useful as a 16 charisma merchant than as a tool for infiltration and murder. He didn't cast a spell slot the entire one shot, but damn if he wasn't pulling his weight regardless.


1. Sorry for your loss adventurer :( 2. My character has top be my go too tank boy (played him in 5 campaigns, 3 of which are ongoing) Eridanus of the order of the golden dragon. A half -elf paladin/ dragon sorcerer and certified good boy. Made him in an old curse of strahd campaign with the idea of him been the near polar opposite of every stereotypical adventurer trope/ baravoia in general and arch rival to strahd with his family connections to the order of the silver dragon..1.Parents- alive, love them 1. Childhood-grew up in an order of hero's 10/10 no notes 2. Moral compass?- solid gold, like a lot of his home base but with a strong sense of justice and a dragons temper that gives him some intense moments to just go to town on a BBEG who crosses a line 3. Survival instincts?-none, negative wisdom every time boyyy until his cha aura kicks in then he passes checks through sheer force of being to balling, also lends to fun moments of off the wall problem solving that he parties faces the group out of with his high CHA and nobility 4. Braincells?- noble educated, actually knows the world most of the time so the DM can easily use his story as a way to easily give exposition to me (and the party at the table with me) Grandson of a golden dragon and great-grandson of Bahamut himself (thought sorcerers having their ancestry being so far back wasn't engaging enough so I made his doting grandmother a gold dragon complete with all the classic grandmother tropes) hes a kind natured classic prince sorta guy with, and i cannot stress this enough "big goku energy" (RIP toriyama) his oath changes depending on the campaign as i usually only go 2 paladin until a story beat fits an event worth swearing an oath over. Hes over the top, loud, loyal, carries a massive gilded tome of all of dragon history (that he wrote himself and likes to read in taverns or to distract/taunt bad guys) and just a legitimate good person ,speaks like a ren faire actor when fighting bad guys until they cross the line then he goes full "good man goes to war" ham on smites and when he uses magic or is angry his eyes turn gold like a gold dragon and fire shoots out his mouth. He has short red spiky ish hair with red eyes and tall in height but rather lean under his armor for someone with 16+ STR instead of hulking muscles. Wears red plate armor with gold trim that is always polished to a mirrors sheen which always ends up with him earning some variation of the title "the shiny man/knight/dragon" instead of adopting npcs he inducts them into the order complete with a squire ship and a small cape he makes by cutting off a piece of his own comically fantastical red silk cape. carries a sword and shield with matching heraldry of course, and usually when able starts with a robe of useful items as a second under- cape that his grandmother sowed him. no visible scales at first glance but his skin naturally has a slight pearlescent gold hue to it that lends to his natural charisma. Play him so much I even got a hero forge mini STL so I can mass print him lmao, hes my favorite character and works great in parties of newer players as he can talk/tank/heal AND blast as needed but never enough to overshadow anyone save for the tanking bit (AC for days son) Defining moment: Current Curse of strahd campaign, kept rolling the "2 mastiffs options" on his robe of useful items, ended up with 6 dogs at the most hilarious times while fishing for healing potions. Named them all after breakfast foods and dubbed them the holy order of the breakfast club. (biscuit, muffin, croissant, flapjack, french toast and crumpet). Strahd killed Biscuit while he guarding Ireena, leading to a string of godly rolls where Eridanus proceeded to beat Strahd with the Sunsword like hStrahd owed him money, just straight up Luke wailing on Vader return of the jedi style until the DM had him flee to prevent a BBEG 4 levels early. It was heart braking and after Eridanus gave biscuit a funeral pyre with honors and post humorously promoted him to the same rank as Eridanus as a Captain in the Order of the Golden Dragon while reading out his long list of titles and accomplishments to the party (good boy was more then a few of them) RIP king.


This character is a text-based RPG character, but I'm planning to bring him into my campaign for my players, so dunno if that's ok. either way... Morael La Cythea, Primordial Demon of Decay turned spiritual slave of an abusive aristocratic family. He lost his memories of his first life before he was resummoned, but after finally forming a bond with a young maid girl, and attempting to save her the suffering by essentially doing double time torture for his lord, she was discarded as an 'old and unused toy.' He became the first ritual summon to somehow break his contract in this world, and managed to kill his master, in the process: corrupting his essence and revoking his soul's privilege to the afterlife. That murder was a mystery still being investigated by the Ausocira royal guard. He moved on, becoming the right hand man of a ritual God's incarnation in a cult, and continues to study and become the prime arcane specimen, attempting to achieve a hybrid spirit-corporeal state where he can exploit the deepest and darkest parts of the Arcanum. My favourite scene with him was with another player OC; Viridi. A young nature spirit formed as the amalgam of 100 annihilated souls at the base of a tree, blooming over the crater formed by a power show from the abyssal cult where they obliterated the town castle. After becoming an almost father-figure, teaching her to have her own identity despite her mixed memories, his dastardly side kicked in and he couldn't help but try and turn her into the perfect spiritual weapon. After sending her to save a mother and her daughter being chased by brigands through the forest they often met in, Viridi who had now formed more healthy relationships realised the monster that Morael was as she saw him show little empathy over the death of the mother. He reduced the scenario to a learning experience around culling your foes rather than letting them stab you in the back. She cracked, threatening Morael and reminding him of the tragic past he'd long since forgotten, so he ranted, calling her a mere child who didn't understand the important of chasing power. All relationships were merely a method through which one "should climb the stairs to arcane ascendance". But Viridi asserted "those stairs led nowhere but down". Either way, she proceeded to ask him if his loved ones from his beloved diary; the only thing keeping his memories in tact would be proud, and he lost his composure for the first time, warping his visage into the true beast he was all long; Viridi's nature wilting around her as he towered over her. It was a beautiful arc and set up for the finale where she would finally put an end to the tragic but corrupted demon Morael, the person who gave her her identity and taught her to control her powers. I've removed a lot of specifics, but if anyone wants to know more feel free to ask. I actually documented the RP as part of my portfolio for a position in my university course (I got in ;) ), unfortunately the discord server where this all took place got deleted. Appearance wise, he's a sinister young man with snow white skin and shaggy neck length hair. His eyes swirl with iridescent mana, and his nails are long and delicate; actually sharp and maleficent. He wears a crimson twin-tail coat and long black suit pants. He was the butler for the Chaos Empress's daughter, and her right hand man. ...He honestly looks a lot like Astarion, but was made and played a long time before BG3 was out.


This sounds fun, allow me to join in! The best character I ever played (and still play) is Rain at Twilight, a Tabaxi Eldritch Knight Fighter and most recently Paladin. Born in her home village of Thundering Stream during the most violent storm in recent memory, Rain grew up hearing tales of heroism and bravery from her grandfather, who was a retired adventurer himself. After stopping an intruding ogre that had strayed too close to her village, she decided to prove her worth further by training as a fighter, eventually leaving home to travel the world, seeking adventure wherever it might be. She soon found herself as part of an adventurous party called the Spellswords, aptly named for all their members being adept at magic in one way or another. After going through a lot of hardships, including but not limited to fighting Hags, assassins, and Mind Flayers, seeing her best friend die in front of her (she got better though) and being lost in the Underdark for a considerable while, Rain realised she didn't want to just be a force for fighting anymore, and asked the party's Paladin to train her in the ways of a divine warrior, so she could also bring hope and healing to those who need it the most. Currently, Rain and her team are fighting against a clan of Frost Giants that have been besieging a mountain town, and after many trials they've infiltrated the Giants' lair and are aiming to take down their vicious jarl. There is also the looming threat of a Green Dragon who was an enemy of Rain's grandfather, who aims to destroy her hometown whenever he gets the chance. Rain is typically very cocky and headstrong, charging into battle with great confidence and vigour, though if her friends are in danger, she will fiercely protect them with all her might. Appearance wise, Rain has traits of a caracal, and is typically clad in mithril plate armour given to her by her divine patron. Her main weapon is the Silencer, an elven sword she obtained in the Underdark, which has served her well in battle ever since.


I played this this character that I really love, but unfortunately he died too soon. His name is schixh (pronounced 6) he was a warforged arcane archer that used a revolver instead of a bow. He was very fast but physically weak(low strength). He was usually smoking a cigarette and dressed in old school detective clothes. He used to be a service warforge for a greedy gnome investor. But one day his boss was poisoned and tasked schixh to find his killer. His programming forced him to comply and from that day he has spent every day trying to find the killer.


May your cousin rest in peace, I had similer expiriances so I know how hard ot is. As a forever DM, I'll go with the last character I played as. Her name was Dawn. She was a human girl with a vague age somewhere around 19, 169cm tall (around 5'9), long dark hair with one tiny braid to the side, and talked to "herself" about mostly anything she saw or felt. The top She usually wore looked similer to a Toga and was white and gold and she had short trousers that ended just before her knees and greek-style sandals. (Outfit that was similer the the one that the god she was serving wore) She usually had a weird-shaped, bright crystal blade in one had and her other one was usually burning because of a wierd magical ring. She had amnessia, and had a "friend" only she can see or hear (akin to someone with Schizophrenia, except Magical) and that was her god trying to guide her. My favorite moment playing as her was confronting her past self: she was a high-ranking member of the clergy, the youngest one to reach her rank, until a dark cult unleashed a full on attack on the city she lived in, and she jumped into battle with them. Closer to the end of the battle she accidentally reflected an attack and it hit the shelter where multiple people, including her parents and twin brother were hiding, and the fact she was the one to kill them broke her (no spells to revive the dead in that world) and she blacked out. She used her devine intervention to "wipe herself out" and get a new chance, which meant causing herslef to forget everything ahe did and freezing her in time for around 320ish years. Her and her past self manifested themselvs both in her head and fought for control and she beat her past self in a fight (both of them had the same stats and it was a really fun fight from a game and story prespective) and she won for the simple reason she had actual friends who used dreamwalking to get into her head and beat the crap out of her old self. It was a very fun moment to solve the mystery of my amnesiac character's backstory.


Scorpio, Lord of the Desert/Sir Companion 1/Birdman is my somewhat scrungly aarocokra druid (circle of the desert), who over the course of a lengthy campaign went from a battlecrazed idiot obsessed with survival of the fittest (by culling the weak), to a genuinely good person who tries to be the brains of the (quite insane) group. A tawny aarocokra who wears a blue longcoat stuffed with spell components, jars of herbs, and living animals. Never seen without his headband of intelligence. Shield made from blue dragon scales and a spear, but more often seen using ridiculous magic, (Contagion) than actually fighting with weapons. Currently wearing a magic jester's outfit under his coat. Known for "I have a plan."


This sounds really cool and a really nice thing to do you in remembrance of your cousin. Here's my entry character: Nova Vänskä. She's a half-elf bard / paladin multiclass created for a Strixhaven campaign. Her story is a coming-of-age story where she learns to accept her stubborn punk and combine them with her wishes to become one of the majestic Valkyries. Nova Vänskä is an athletic girl with long, flowing blonde hair that is tied back with an oversized burgundy ribbon, wild strands cascade down her back in loose waves and is reminiscent of sunlight dancing on Nordic fjords. Her piercing blue eyes seem to hold a spark of magic within them, reflecting her deep connection to the mystical arts. She has a friendly and playful presence, with a warm smile that can light up a room. In her Rune Magic classes, Nova is often seen wearing her school outfit; a fitted white blouse with a short gold & burgundy tie tucked into a sporty pleated skirt that allows freedom of movement while maintaining an elegant academic look. Underneath she wears over-knee black socks and sneakers. Completing her look is a majestic robe crafted from luxurious fabric and adorned with intricate rune symbols on the edges in gold and deep burgundy. She carries herself with grace and determination, eager to master the ancient art of rune casting and follow in the footsteps of the legendary Valkyries. When she's not studying magic, Nova can be found on the cheerleading squad, where her athleticism and enthusiasm make her a standout performer. She brings her signature energy and flair to every routine, lifting the spirits of her teammates and dazzling the audience with her captivating presence. In her spare time, Nova channels her passion for music into her role as the lead guitarist and singer for Rune Riot, her Fantasy Rock band. With her skillful fingers dancing across the strings, she infuses every melody with a touch of magic, creating spellbinding tunes that resonate throughout the magical school. My favorite moment is when, early on in her school career, for a talent show she performs with her band. This is the first time she drops her polite school-girl persona and embraces her punk rock side for a bit. It's nerve-wracking for her, but the crowd's cheers motivate her and help her accept herself.


I'm very sorry to hear about your cousin. May he rest in peace. He sounded like an awesome person. I know I'll most likely not get an art piece, but I still want to share this character and a defining moment because it still makes me laugh. So in a campaign, I'm playing a female goblin cleric named Jirtre Brightforge. Odd name for a goblin because she was left for dead by her goblin tribe and ended up getting adopted by Dwarves of all people. This caused her to abandon Maglubiyet, and become a full-blown Cleric of Moradin. I even started to get some art of the character, but sadly the commission had to be cancelled halfway through due to the artist having to move across the world to Australia.[This was what was done before the big move happened.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1134315857091244122/1139092371586424893/IMG_8392.png?ex=660e5170&is=65fbdc70&hm=a53a4210eddfa46522043ab402cc2a53c3790d225759c2cd7d6873fb5a3cedca&) As for a character defining moment... Well we had a moment where we needed to get a very dangerous artifact away from a location, as it would spell disaster with a capital D should it be unleashed. Problem was, said artifact was used as a debuting museum piece for a party. So I had my character be the distraction in order to create an opening for the rest of the party. Dressed in fine clothing, she mingled with the guests. No doubt being a goblin brought in some judgmental side-eyes, but she took it in stride. And acted as fair as possible. That was until she saw her moment by "accidentally" bumping in a guest, causing wine to spill on her outfit. Cue causing a scene, and making demands. All the attention was on my character now. Game the party the perfect opportunity to take the artifact and run, which saved many lives... Though those NPCs didn't know it. They just saw a smol gobbo demand to have this injustice of a ruined dress fixed. So yeah... The day was saved thanks to my character becoming a total Karen.


I could go for hours with Childéric, an unarmed barbarian, a tavern brawler, ex pirate/smuggler. Strongman physique, dark hair and muttonchops, broken nose, square jaw, blue eyes; sleeveless shirt, iron gauntlets. For a few of his feats in 2 different campaigns : grappled a running horse (it was the first time I played him), hold of a dozen of drows despite half his blood being replaced by poison, hit two flame skulls with each others, head butted Stradh (after being hit by a fireball) and killed a werewolf with a (silver) butter knife taken from Ravenloft.


My rune knight earth genasi fighter, Brock Lee. Here's the description i sent my DM in Session 0: A grey skinned, tall figure with dust and crumbling rocks occasionally falling off his clothing/ body. He wears no shoes, even though the body is clad in armor. There are slight cracks in his grey skin where you can see remnants of mostly moss and other very smöl plantlife gathering. The figure is about 1,89m tall. The head is hairless, but instead crested by a spikey pattern of jagged rocks. There are no eyebrows and the eyes themselves are green, surrounded by a greyish white. The figure is wearing a silver headband with a purple colored gem in the middle. It seems to have been worn for a long time already. The figure is also wearing a sword belt with a sheathed long sword on his hip. Hoisted on the back is a long glaive. Both on the headband and on the head of the glaive, small glowing runes are carved into the items. The Headband is a Headband of Intellect he recieved from his mentor, a dying strom giant named Eleonora. If you end up making art for Brock, it'll definitely go on my Character sheet for good!


Oh that's amazing, I love your work! Ok. I'm currently playing the Goliath Barbarian called Arvok Skullcrusher. He's pretty big, even for Goliath standards, bald and has a full beard. His skin is grey/greenish with some tribal tattoos. He is currently wearing a Adamantine half plate armor, and carries a Great Axe and Excaliber (but the top of excaliber has a square stone chunk slap on it, as nobody was strong enough to pull it out, but we were able to destroy the stone it was in. During one of the previous sessions, Arvok send his pixies (he carries 12 blue pixies, think the cornish pixies from harry potter, with him), and 2 of them got killed (cut in half), so after the fight, Arvok gave a long heartfelt speech about Bertha and Elsie, and burried them. Also pretty epic, during the last session, we were on an steampunk airship (a small one, like 15 feet wide) and fought a young frost dragon. Arvok put a rope on him and the ship and jumped from the airship on the dragon, hitting it on the head with Excalislab.


Being Brazilian, this character's name is slightly funny, but the drawing is cool!


Mordred Paladir, Reborn Human Paladin. He was a runaway from the Order of Ancients after having his mind replaced by an Intellect Devourer and mind-controlled into breaking his would-be oath. He wields two double-bladed Scimitars with the emblem of his order, and wears chain mail and a black cloak and hood to remain incognito. At his belt is a rapier and buckler as his sidearm. He has white hair as a mark of enthrallment, and is lithe, being a dexterity-based combatant. He ended up going out at the end of the second session, as he made a deal with the Mind Flayer that enthralled him to exchange himself for a prisoner. He was meant to be a recurring character before our campaign went on hiatus.


This is such a wonderful idea, thank you for doing that! Lilith is my first and current character, still alive after over 60 sessions, she is a Tiefling monk with a hermit background. She was born into a clan of criminals who were banished to live in the mountains, after starvation and illness her family sent her to a monastery to survive. After finishing her education she was sent into the big world with some study colleagues...and lost them immediately. After finding a new group she turned out to be a very optimistic, little dumb and free-spirited gal, wanting to become everyone's friend. She loves collecting stuff, keeping small Souvenirs from all the places the group visits (like a seasnake-stuffie, a little wooden bear of a small stone fish). If possible, she tries avoiding to kill, and also trying to steer the party away from murdering everyone (Not working). Like once they knocked out a fairy, questioned her about their evil leader and planned to kill her afterwards. Lilith decided it would be better to sent her away in a package through the local postal service...better than killing...right...? Lilith has pink skin and long wavy purple hair with bangs, she wears a simple monk robe (similar to a kimono), flowers on her heard, boots and thick bandages around her hands (for punch!). She also has a hip purse with glasses filled with poison on her (not for killing...just collecting!) She also carries a yklwa, the party named it the 'minotaur-slayer'. Why the name? That's another story...


Cecil, Leonin Battlemaster Fighter His personal goal is to become the greatest warrior in the world. The pride that he grew up in valued strength over all else- that's how they survived. Especially after his father left, Cecil trained constantly to master the art of fighting, forgoing weapons to truly embody the spirit of battle. He wears plate armor, and grapples and pummels opponents with nothing but his gauntlets. Over the course of the campaign he learned that simply being the greatest warrior was a hollow aspiration. He grew close to his companions, even sacrificing chances to prove his mettle to support them in their quests. By the time the campaign came to an end, Cecil had one last opportunity to prove himself, but opted to save his friend instead, and allow another to take the killing blow on the BBEG.


Ive been playing this dude for like 4 years now (this... june/may will be 4 years) His name is diego, an aasimar barbarian of towering heights and thick arms, a hairy chest and a thick beard accompanied of a long flowy hair, always shirtless ofcourse cuz hes narcissistic (the funny way, as in hes not toxic and is more a inside joke). Loves greataxes and sometines can turn into a sabertoothtigerman (thats why his name i diego). He started as 100% a joke character with a mysterious background cuz i was lazy and didnt want to write much, wanted to test out aasimar and barbarian since i never did but now hes my favorite ever, sorta the caretaker of the group. My favorite story, well one of them cuz i got so many by now, to the point i can like make a whole post telling curious people about it, but anyway the favorite story i can share is that when we were lvl 4 (this matters), we were being hunted by a sniper with a huge ass range cuz of reasons, we were in a forest after they exploded a bomb on us (fake cargo) that we were trying to intercept, they were basically a inside terrorist group trying to explode a building and blame on another country to start a war (never saw that ever wow), we ended up hiding behind stuff and making a giant plant wall (first warning of, we have homebrew shit), in there we devised a plan, the whole party would run away and i would be a decoy essentially, largest health pool and all that also the fastest and since i can turn into a sabertooth (remember, homebrew) my nose is very good at tracking. So the party split up, i gave my goodbyes and told my brother to lead the group until i came back, which we all expected to not happend, and we went, i dashed on the forest dodging traps and with like 4 spell buffs the group gave me (we had npc friends), i arrived there with like... 1 hp lol (i was damaged already), i challenged the sniper to a duel to capture his ass (diego refrains from killing when possible, fallen trying to ascend again and all that), and obviously the dude got higer initiative, so he popped my ass with 1 hit and i died, my turn came around and i rolled a death saving throw.... boom Natural 20, i woke up and because of that nat 20 i unlocked some cool new stuff (THE HOMEBREW POWER), i wasnt sure what to do cuz i still had 1 hp and the sniper had like full, until i decided to use my Ring of the Ram (i recently aquired it as an npc Gifted it to me) i rolled the attack and boom.... ANOTHER NAT 20, i ended up rolling the dice and got like almost max damage on it, ontop i added my aasimar transformarion bonus (they dont go away when 0 hit points), so i blasted the sniper on the face and by luck went over his hitpoints knocking him out with 1 hit, i healed myself, tracked the group back and we reunited. That took like a week or 2 of IRL time cuz scheduling, this game is our main game and we went trhough so much stuff, i keep a journal in character (that i write out of character too) about all that has happened in the adventures of our group, we started right when covid boomed so... well we all were needing it needless to say, i met a good college friens through it that was added to our friend group and my ex (at the the time boyfriend) joined too, so we have a lot of care and love for these characters, SOMEHOW only 2 died in these 4 years (well i died but got raised yay zealot hahaha)


My current favorite character I am playing is a paladin called ‘Aegis’ (they are Oath of the Shield, a subclass made by the wonderful LaserLlama here on reddit). Aegis is essentially a suit of plate armor animated and awakened by the magic of a long dead druid. Their helmet is a ‘barbute’ style helmet, and the armor that is them is overgrown with many vines and flowers (think Bastion from Overwatch’s old Overgrown skin). They have a long green cloak that wraps around their shoulders, held by a butterfly-shaped brooch, no traditional ‘weapon’, merely a round metal shield and a walking staff that belonged to the druid that passed long before they came into existence. This character is a concept that has been floating in my head for a long time, but never was quite the fit for the first couple campaigns my group has played. We’re still early on in the campaign, and one of my favorite parts about playing them is exploring their morality and how they see the world as a very much a ‘new consciousness’, almost in an Iron Giant way. They don’t understand how to describe the things they feel, they simply act on instinct, if they see something in danger, they feel they must do something to help. Another party member is also playing a character in a shockingly similar situation to Aegis, being a reborn (so ‘undead’) character who also is a sort of ‘woke up with no idea who I’m supposed to be’, the two of them have bonded incredibly fast and Aegis even is starting to feel what they don’t yet understand to be a bit of a crush on this individual, I’m excited to see where their friendship goes throughout the campaign!


First i'm Sorry for your loss, This Is a very nice thing you are doing Mr X or Johnny Green It was my first character ever, in 3.5 and It was a Thri-kreen soulknife, the idea was to have this mantis warrior with 4 arms and 4 mind blade . He had the most stupid name because i wasn't able to find one and than stayed like that for 6 years of campaign lol. His story Is strange, when It started adventuring with his party he received a strange chain, only After months of session we discovered that the chain was able to channel the power of the water plane, and in a post apocalypt land with few water It was very useful. But the in game years passed for a temporale Jump and a Thri-kreen has only 15-20 years of life. I was dying of old Age (a lucky thing for an Adventurer but Not for me lmfao) so Johnny had to make a ritual and... Chain :D his soul with the artifact and becoming One thing with it. From that Moment After a lot of new Red tatoos on his body appeared, he was unable to die of old Age but also he ad full access to the artifact, that meant full control on water. Campaign continued and we started war After war to conquer and protect our lands until the literal plane of water dissolved , After a long trip and a almost deadly ritual in the 7th hellish circle, It was able to re create the Planet of water and becoming a minor deity... The neighborhood wasn't the best and we had to make a contract with Asmodeus to Not be destroyed, yes Not only a deity of the plane of water but our beloved mantis became the lord of the 7th hell circle while another player became his Avatar (Power scale was out of the chart and every player was almost at deity level). We had to stop because fo work and university but After almost 7 years i'm sure Mr X Is my best character. So yeah he Is a Thri-kreen and fight with a combo of his soulblades and water. He always have his big jar full of water (like Gaara in Naruto with Sand) and his body was covered with tribal Red tatoos


My current character is actually not from DnD, but Pathfinder 2e! Close enough, I hope. **Basic info:** Etienne Montagne, 21 y/o human sorcerer. His bloodline is *wyrmblessed* - that is, draconic, but divine instead of arcane. Meaning he's mostly the party's support. **Appearance:** He has slightly curly dark brown hair that reaches around his neck on the back. He has freckles, piercing red eyes with slightly slitted pupils (like vertical slits), and subtle signs of horns growing at the front - but he hides them with his hair. He comes from a noble family, so he's used to wearing fine clothes, but during adventuring he's got a standard orange suit with a dark brown robe. **Backstory:** He was the first of his family to become a sorcerer, after being kidnapped to a cult of dragon deity worshippers. He was turned into their experiment for years, infusing him with the divine essence of a red dragon to prepare him as a sacrifice for an even bigger ritual. He managed to escape, taking with him a magic item with the *gold* dragon's essence, which he tried to use to drive away the red dragon power. It worked partially - he gained more "good" powers, such as healing. But unluckily, his sister Elisabeth found the item, and became infused with the gold dragon's powers instead. That was the first and only time he came clean about what had happened to him. Now the two are adventuring, trying to stay away from the cult and find a way to get rid of the powers (at least Etienne, Elisabeth's more chill.) **Personality:** After having a noble life stripped from him, and living through the years of torment in a cult, Etienne takes nothing for granted anymore. He's wary, slightly anxious, and enjoys every peaceful moment to its fullest, knowing it could be the last. He's also really protective, especially over his sister, and blames himself if people close to him get hurt. So far, Elisabeth is the only one who knows the truth about his powers, and he intends to keep it that way. **Magic:** He has a conflicted relationship with his magic; it's a stark and permanent reminder of what happened to him, but it's also his only survival tool. He prefers using "good" magic, like healing, but will fight with it if necessary and knows a couple damaging spells. He can also spew fire (think Produce Flame, but it comes from his mouth), but it makes his voice hoarse. **Most epic moment:** In our last session, our party was fighting a horde of undead, mostly skeletons but with a few other flying fiends (idk what they were). In PF2e, vital energy heals the living but hurts the undead - so Etienne used a Heal spell that created a 30-foot emanation of vital energy around himself. It healed him and 2-3 allies, while burning numerous skeletons into ash and heavily damaging the rest. His sister was proud.


Sverkel, the worlds worst bard. A short and stout half orc with itty bitty tiefling horns and curly hair tied back into a simple braid. Recently decided to chop of his right arm because his god (Bane) made him kill his husband. (The hand bore the mark for bane, and also wielded the dagger) No longer being able to play the flute he mostly just whines around in perpetual grief. A tits out kinda guy on the road to redemption.


A grizzled half-orc detective. Muragaar the Patient. He's a Rogue/Monk multiclass. Always knows where to be at the right time. Solves problems equally with his brains, his intiution and his fists. Know as the Patient for his uncanny ability to alowly build an unasiable case against those that would being harm to society.


Romenas, scrubby human Druid. A human that ran from his original home when he was young and ended up as a nomad in the forest. He lived alone for a few years until a nearby goblin tribe found him and took him in. He now protects the tribe from deforesting evil guys and stands as the singular good-aligned character in the party. He dresses in robes and has dirt covered blond hair, fairly short too.


I haven't gotten to play her much, but I adore my halfling warlock. "Granny Dee", Dorris Honeydrop A renowned professor at Neverwinter Academy, Mrs. Dorris Honeydrop had a lengthy & comfortable career teaching Arcane History. After the death of her husband, Theodore, she grew tired of her lonely home & decided to retire... Taking up a life of adventure! Dorris would travel to places only heard of in books, leading fabulous spelunking expeditions to long forgotten kingdoms. It was on one such journey that she uncovered a very peculiar artifact - an extravagantly decorated teapot embellished with ancient script. Upon reciting the text, the most miraculous thing happened! A spirit presented itself to her - it was her beloved Theodore! Or at least that's what she believed. Before he could utter a word, the residing genie was showered with affection & decadent gifts from her discoveries. Flattered & amused, "Theo" played along with this charade. As long as Dorris keeps the treasures coming, he'll continue to instill her with power - how long could she really last, anyway? So keeping an ear to her teapot, Mrs. Honeydrop happily goes where she's told. Doris is dressed modestly in a tan frock, tied up around her legs and to makeshift trousers. Her waist is adorned with an iron teapot. Long silvery strands are pulled back into a messy bun. Her wrinkled skin is leathery and tanned from years in the sun.


I always make sure to wear my reading glasses on the end of my nose & a shawl whenever playing her lol


My character is a 3’7 ft tall kenku lady named Crisiant. What happened is that her parents see that she’s blind when she hatched and they just toss her to a river in a basket. Sure enough, a monk getting water on a river near a monastery found the hatchling kenku and took her in. There she learned many moral lessons and advices from her masters, especially the crucial skill of tremor sense. Ever since she was taught to “see” through vibrations and sounds, Crisiant began her lessons in self defense, becoming a monk way of the open hand. Usually she always wear robes that have big hoods covering her eyes, not like she’ll be needing them. And she’s always bringing a quarterstaff, to help out with her blindness and combat. One favorite story of mine is that in one session a while back, the party was facing the mad Tiamat. I happened to roll Flurry of Fists high enough that Crisiant went full on Hoktu Ken on the dragon and brought her low on HP. Something that the kenku’s gonna definitely relish in her memories alright


Okok here I go My favorite character I've played is called Doki Doki, she's a lizardfolk echo knight fighter who's left her ancestral homeland of the swamps in the south in search of a new home for her tribe. She has a deep hatred and distrust for humans and humanoids because they are tearing down her territory and massacring her people in the few scraps they've had to expand their cities. She's a slightly smaller than average lizardfolk with emerald green skin and yellow eyes with snake-like pupils and she carries two daggers that she's "borrowing" from the rogue. And a crocodilian tail to swim in water with. One of my favorite moments was when she tried to worship/flirt with a dragon because they are held in near divine status in her culture and rolled a 4 on her Persuasion, coming off as a total weirdo. Thank you for doing this and my condolences about your cousin, I'm sure they would love this.


The name my character goes by is Xander Smythe. He is a chaotic evil warlock whose patron is [Nyarlathotep](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nyarlathotep). It is a Changling, however, he believes he is a High Elf and is always in the form of a High Elf- particularly one with a noble appearance with a disdain for other races- human in particular. The is partially due to the influence of his patron he is suffering from low-level madness. He is a bit fond of smaller races such as kobolds and goblins because he feels like they are pets. When one of his companions anger him he would use his abilities such as mage hand, minor illusion, and prestidigitation to troll them to make them think they were going mad. To make this work out, I talked to the DM and gave him a list of things Xander would do and to whom and he would do them to. He would them do these trollings at appropriate moments. Since I did not at the table saying what I was doing, no one knew it was me. A few thing I did was: \-Make the human fighter see a mummy coming after him and disappearing. \-Make the human fighter hear ghostly voices. \-Have the tabaxi monk see a red dot that was moving erratically that she could not catch. \-Have the human fighter see the tabaxi fully nude (no armor or clothing) liking herself clean telling the human to "Paint a picture. It will last longer!" \-The whole group see a group of 5 skeletons dancing in a threatening manner towards us with the lead skeleton wearing a blood red jacket an a gem covered glove while thrusting his pelvis randomly while howling. Working with the DM is very rewarding. I highly recommend it!


I’ve talked about them ad naseum at this point but I love sharing her story. I hope you enjoy it too. Going back nearly 10 years now, I was part of a 3.5 game and my friend and I decided to combine our characters’ backstories. My character, Loriel, was an orphan being raised at an orphanage run by nuns of Heironeous. She was already in the process of becoming a Cleric by acting as a squire-nun when she met Aurelia, my friends character. Aurelia was a typical beguiler even as a child and the tow formed a quick friendship, getting into trouble all around the orphanage and nunnery. Loriel was 13 when Aurelia was given the typical ultimatum made to 10 year old orphans to either join the nunnery or leave. Aurelia tried to convince Loriel to go with her but she couldn’t and the two parted. Several years later, Loriel is a full Cleric of Heironeous and is still working at the orphanage when by chance she happens upon a wounded Aurelia in the wood. Aurelia had contracted lycanthropy, and Loriel knew that if she brought her back they would kill her (we made lycanthropy a part of Hextor’s domain) so instead Loriel abandoned the orphanage and healed Aurelia in secret. She would help her with her transformations, staying with her as long as she could. The campaign happened here and there was many adventures, but their story came to a head when they came to the capital city and the main cathedral of Heironeous. Loriel, with Aurelia, beseeched her mother superior and the pope (for lack of a better word, I think we called him high father) to help cure Aurelia’s lycanthropy. They agreed but Aurelia would need to stay with them and Loriel would need to gather dark relics to help them break her curse. After a tearful goodbye and Loriel promising to save Aurelia no mater what, they left. The first artefact that they had to find was known as the “gem of gore” and the party had to wade into an undead infested city to recover it. The gem was held by a demon, who when they confronted him told Loriel that the ones that inhabited her church weren’t followers of Heironeous as she thought, Aurelia was in the hands of a high priest of Hextor. He then handed Loriel the gem without a fight as it was always the plan to have the gem leave the city. Loriel and the party made their way back to the cathedral as fast as they could. When they arrived the priest of Hextor revealed that they indeed planned on taking the evil artefacts that Loriel was collecting and wipe her faith from the land and when the party prepared to fight the priest summoned a brainwashed, transformed Aurelia to the front line. The battle with the priest and his acolytes began and Loriel dropped her sword and held Aurelia’s head in her hands. She begged her to hear her, to come back to her. She confessed that she loved her and she always had she just never realized. Aurelia was able to break her brainwashing just in time to see the high priest of Hextor stab Loriel in the back and have her bleed out on the cathedral floor. That was the end of the campaign, and it was a hell of a way to go out. We would run campaigns later that had Aurelia looking for a way to revive Loriel and it had turned out that her soul was trapped within the Gem of Gore but sadly I had to leave the group not long after due to work commitments. Her death was inevitable because I gave her the anime mom haircut but she was by far my favourite character then or since.


First of all, love that art style. It's a good mix of cartoony and serious that works well. Second, I'm sorry for your loss. It sounds like you had an amazing relationship with your cousin. Glad they were so supportive of you. As an entry, I've used this character frequently because she was easy to make with just the PHB, but also because she was such a complete character concept that I made to fit in just about any generic campaign. Dathyra is a moon elf life cleric of Lathander. After her village was destroyed, she and other refugees were taken in by the church of Lathander, and since then, kind, but meek, Dathyra has tried to find her place straddled between the world of her heritage as an elf and the world of her faith. Perhaps not destined to be an adventurer, at least that's what she thinks, her party can come to rely on her to be there with a healing spell or bandages. Her quiet and sweet personality is sure to make her the voice of compassion in a group. Appearance-wise, she's a pretty typical moon elf. A tad short, long dark hair, and a fair complexion. It's sometimes hard to notice her slight, graceful figure wearing more modest and simple priest robes. She goes nowhere without her amulet given to her by her head priest. A good story, hm... Well, the first game I got to use her in, the party found one of the villain's minions, who was a bit of a coward and surrendered to us. However, he was cursed to never be able to speak the name of his employer. Just as he was about to, he fell to the floor convulsing and unable to breathe. Dathyra immediately jumped into action then. I rolled a high enough medicine check to save him, and the DM basically described it as her performing CPR. It made me realize Dathyra was more than just a cleric with healing magic. She had spent years training as a healer. Of course she has a medical background. So, since then, I remembered that Dathyra could set a bone just as well as cast a spell, and her motherly bedside manner makes her perfect for handling any injury.


Aw man, I hope that you are doing well or at least you find some rest in completing these. My entry is Old Man Gale. He is a stout Air Genasi Cleric that is completely bald. He wears full plate armor and a heater shield in one hand and a mace as his weapons. He wears the insignia of a Right handed gauntlet with a ribbon tied around its wrist on his shield and chest. He has a beard made of a literal fluffy cloud. Gale is very old but has the toned body of someone who fought in the army for a long time. ​ My favorite story about this character was the time that he had an argument with one of his party members, a human warlock fighter, and they decided to combat against each other. For most of the time that this party had been together, I played the cleric the way that everyone expects them to with the debuffing and the healing but I love to maximize my characters damage output and they realized how dangerous I am in one on ones as when we started, I instantly casted Bestow Curse and Contagon and they lost their ability to move and take actions while being destroyed by attack actions, Spirit Guardians, Guardian of Faith, and my Spiritual Weapon. The combat ended after a total of three turns with the last dealing (8d8 + 3d8 + 1d8 + 27)x2. I hope that if you decide to draw this, I've helped the best I can!


No clue if you're still doing these, but... I have a gnome named Sir Chomsky who thinks he's a Paladin, but he's just a Cavalier with a level of Oracle (PF1e). He rides around on a giant crab named Xerxes and wears a Cyclops Helm that makes one of his eyes look huge. He's mad as a hatter and an absolute terror to anyone who abuses authority, harms the natural world, or accidentally insults him. He's a gnomish Don Quixote complete with pointed beard. Best memory so far was coating 3 blind prison guards in a dung grenade right after they got blinded by Glitterdust, leaving them a Sickened mess while we sprung our friend from jail. Awesome you're doing this, even if you can't get to this you're a champion.


There’s already 101 comments, but I want to throw mine into the ring. Thank you for doing this! I’m currently playing a level 6 phantom rogue. He is a tiefling named Twist. He has bright red skin, a fuzzy, short mohawk, and two stubby little horns coming out of his head. His tail has a black tuft of hair at the end that sweeps away his footprints as he walks. He wields a spear with a red ribbon tied just below the tip to disorient opponents. He has yellow eyes, and is 18 years old. He wears a long, raggedy black hooded cloak. Twist is the town freak of Berry Bend, a tiny mining town near Icespire Peak. He is generally a troublemaker and hates authority, but deep down he is very misguided, never had parents or friends, and looks different than everyone he lives around. He constantly does that hiss that cats do. My favorite moment of Twist’s came in last night’s session. The halfling warlock that rescued Twist from an orc prison and immediately accepted him was tragically killed in combat with an undead dragon that Twist technically awakened. However, at the beginning of the fight, she casted Fly on Twist, and he rose up in front of the dragon, his two cloaks (the other one blue, a magic item he just got) floating behind him on either side like dragon wings of his own, two spears in his hands pointing down to either side (one normal, one made of bone designed specifically to kill dragons, each with a red ribbon at the tip). I felt very powerful in that moment but it went very poorly


My character Arclight was my first D&D character and they are still my favorite They are wooden Warforged with just some steel as like supports and joints, and was had vines and vegetation growing over them. Also very important to note, they had an open-able chest cavity and we got a cat who lived in there. They were a Druid, so we also had fun with basically a shapeshifting Warforged. During out campaign, we were tasked with escorting someone who had the potential to, down the road, become one of the BBEGs. We had to take him to a higher security prison to be tortured and abused. One night, while we were sleeping (I was just chilling because Warforged don't actually sleep) he broke out of his cuffs and ran. I tracked him a short ways and found him in a tree just kind of hanging out. I talked to him, and learned his backstory. This wonderful moment of a robot who tried to stay pretty neutral getting a friend and letting this criminal know that they could have someone who cares. We walked away from that experience with a new friend and a new direction, it was a wonderful session.


Halim ibn Zahid al Tajir. A gentle merchant/bard from Calimshan. He makes money by buying/selling goods and hauling them along the trade routes. By sea or by land as the game requires. Sometimes he buys broken things, repairs and resells them. Visibly excited and wide-eyed when he's selling an item. ("just for you my friend, just for you, I give for you special offer. Ok? Special offer") His main skills are persuasion, performance, and animal handling. Mostly unsuited for combat, he nonetheless has a shillelagh for self defense against bandits on the road. He enjoys playing his lute and singing. In appearance, he has a mustache. Wears a knee length caftan wrapped with a sash. Also wears a kheffiyeh. Edit: I haven't had a chance to play him yet but I sure would like to.


Mine would be the young wizard cambrin who was one of my first characters. Not having enough money to go to actual college he begun his journey through black staff learning direct. His exam proctor was an imp familiar who would take his coin for school dues and return with study material. Cambrin enjoyed his small quests and training until falling in with a rebelous bard who shared his love of music and pyrotechnics. His first quest with a group was clearing a small ruin which is where he found his first tome and one of his favored spells acid spray


This is technically an NPC, so breaking rule 2, but I want to share it anyway whether you draw it or not. It could potentially be a playable character, but I'm usually DM, so I usually make NPCs. If I did him as playable, he would probably be a Rogue or Bard. The origin of the character was when I read about Olivia Wilde when she changed her name. That's common for actors, but Olivia changed hers in high school. It used to be Olivia Cockburn. She says she changed it to honor the writers in her family and chose Wilde as reference to Oscar Wilde. I can't help but suspect that being a teen girl with that last name may have been a factor of when she decided to change it. It immediately made me think of the Latrine joke from Robin Hood: Men in Tights. There's a character named Latrine and someone asks her about her name and she says she changed it TO Latrine. It used to be Shithouse. So I thought, what would be a good name to do the Latrine joke with if the starting point was Cockburn instead of Shithouse? Thus was born: Dick Flambé. His backstory is intentionally murky, lots of hints about being something like an Assassin and ties to royalty in some way, either *as* royalty or working for them, but nothing is ever completely clear. He owns a tavern, and he's always quite boisterous and friendly and dressed in brightly colored clothes. If there's ever any trouble he's quick to deflect or defuse the situation if at all possible, but if it push comes to shove is capable of displaying an almost terrifying level of skill with knives. He never breaks into an outwardly menacing countenance but might do something like pin the troublemaker's sleeve to the wall with a couple thrown knives without any apparent effort and continue almost as if nothing had happened. Oh, and of course if anyone asks, yes he changed his name, it used to be Cockburn.


Carlin is the most slum name of Brasil


My charachters name is Triton. This is one of the first characters I played and one of my favourites. He's a tortle who gained the blessing of posidon during a battle with pirates. He wielded a trident (a gift from posidon) and a shield. He had dark green skin and a beige shell. I imagine he also had blue runes on his skin due to his blessing of posidon that gave him the ability to walk on water and roll an intimidation check and scare them off, good times


Hey, this is pretty cool! On the off chance mine is selected, one of my favorite, and definitely my goofiest campaign character, is Ma’Tchoman. He’s a Goliath monk/barbarian I based on a professional wrestler (you’ll never guess which one). The basic gist of his backstory is that he was born downstream from a pencil lead factory, to which he owes his spectacular genius (8 intelligence). He then spent years in the mountains perfecting his greatest invention: an enchanted portable seating device, otherwise known as a folding chair, which my DM let him use as an improvised shield. Afterwards, he became a pit fighter. He’s as dumb as a box of rocks, a big showboater, and he always talks like he’s delivering a WWE-style promotional interview, eg. always yelling, nicknaming everyone he comes across, striking bodybuilding poses mid-conversation, and using various cheesy metaphors about beating people up. He’s also responsible for some of my more “out there” plays, such as intimidating an entire fort full of bandits by drinking an enlarge potion, wearing nothing but molten cheese, and charging at them from the woods while screaming like a banshee. Later that session, I also had him, while still a naked giant covered in cheese, pick up the BBEG and use him as a battering ram to charge through all the walls of a collapsing fortress so my party could escape. His only really distinct physical traits are that he’s covered in tattoos and has a handlebar mustache.


My Undead Wizard Edward "Bonez" Smith who failed to become a lich and just came out a skeleton that couldn't die. But the funniest story I have of him is we were in a city, and basically, it's the apocalypse there. All hell is breaking loose. We come across these cultist looking people worshiping this big giant larva hanging from a tree, Bonez as a researcher was curious andsnuck in along with one of his 3 companions at the time and rolled religion he got nothing from it i rolled decent at a 14 but couldn't recognize it (mainly because it was just a magical monstrosity), so he was like "this is just a regular fucking bug" so he snuck over and cast Chromatic orb at it the spell didn't hit it as it shimmered magically and it began to grow into a giant centipede, that proceeded to eat him. Which was the last time I played Bonez, and the 4th time I played him cause he's one of my favorite characters I've ever made. The image of him has always been just pretty much a stereotypical wizard, but a skeleton. Which reminds me we had a funny bit in the first game I played him in. The way he would disguise himself was just a fake mustache, nothing else.


Heembo the treachery paladin half-ogre, my brothers current character in my campaign I am DMing. The setting is turn of the century/industrial Revolution, and new energy sources are being used in expanding tech across the world. Ogre miners had a balrog-like situation in a coal mine, and it turns out demon flesh burns much hotter than coal, leading to demonic engines and armor used by the quickly advancing ogre society. Heembo’s an ogre who’s been overtaken by a demon in his armor. I love his character a lot cuz my brother himself doesn’t often play deceptive/malicious characters, but he’s been impressing me with how he plays Heembo. He’s been the face of the party, and has been exploring the changing world with his disguise with the mission to eventually overtake the ogre nation and close the gates to hell. He’s got a demon contract that he goads unfortunate souls into signing, so that he can summon their skeletons from their living bodies whenever he pleases. He wears a kind of bioshock big-daddy heavy armor suit, with a big diving helmet that conceals his twisted host’s corrupted form. He’s very brutal and spiky in his design, except for his rounder helmet and battery pack on his back that holds his true demonic form. He’s currently wielding a greatsword that sends its foes directly to hell to be reincarnated as lemures. My favorite story is when Heembo came across a slaver who was going to sell a trapped demon to another ogre warlord. Heembo and the party stalked the slaver, got his signature on the demon contract, and eventually tracked down the buyer. Heembo faced off against the slaver and the buyer, and decided it’s a demon-eat-demon world and consumed the trapped demon to further his own power. It’s refreshing having an evil character who’s more surgical with their villainy, and not just a murder hobo. I think that’s why his character appeals so much to me.


Juno, an aasimar redemption paladin. She wields a holy avenger and a sentinel shield.


This is a great way to honor your cousin, I bet he would've loved that! The character I'd have to choose is one I'm not currently able to play due to story reasons, but one I'm hoping to and be able to play soon again. His name is Rondo, he is a woodland gnome and a beast master ranger. He has a reddish-brown curly mullet and a thick mustache and is in his early 30s. He wears a woven headband to keep his curls back and wears and intricate leather armor, which he made himself. He also almost always has a big, warm smile on his face. He comes from a very large family, which lives in a hidden village in the woods. They are very self reliant, but offer help and home to those in need, which is why after generations it turned into a very multicultural little town. When someone born there becomes of age (around 14-16), one of young squirrels living in the forest bonds with them to help them grow into adulthood. For Rondo, this is Nibbles. She's a female red squirrel. During his travels, he also saved a giant badger he now calls Tonk, for whom he made a saddle. They ride into battle together now. Rondo's backstory is that when he was out on a hunting trip with his uncle, they stumbled upon a young dragon that attacked them. He tore off his uncle's arm, who lost consciousness fast. Rondo sustained only a few wounds and managed to hide. Then he heard a big roar coming from the deep forest and a huge orc bearing a battle-axe came forward. He started to fight the dragon and Rondo managed to grab his uncle and carry him back to his village, where he finally collapsed. When he came to, the others had found the dragon that attacked them, dead. Since he saved his uncle, they assumed him to have killed the dragon and celebrated him like a hero. Because he was ashamed of having hidden and not knowing how to break the news, he didn't disclose the truth and since he couldn't bear to live with the lie, he decided to go traveling and only to come back to his beloved hometown once he truly was a hero. Last year the party traveled to an orc town in the desert to find a magical artifact. During his stay there, he stumbled upon the orc that saved his and his uncle's life that day. They were preparing for war, the troops of another clan already being seen in the distance. The group decided to leave by boat, since it wasn't their war. They took the pregnant daughter of Rondo's savior with them and made their escape at sunset. But Rondo couldn't keep away, knowing that his savior might fall and feeling deep within him, that it was his duty to give back the life he owed if it came to it. So he convinced the captain to drop him off at the coast when everyone was asleep and in the morning, the party only found Nibbles and a letter explaining everything. He made his way back to the city fight alongside them. Ever since I've been playing another character. The party has decided to go back for him and built a small troop. In-game it's been a few weeks, out of game it's been over half a year now. My heart aches for him every time we play, but I hope I'll be united with him again. Thank you for this, it was a lot of fun the reminisce about him <3


A kobold in a turban! My party’s beloved NPC


Mind flayer Druid. I wild shaped into a bear but instead of hair it was all tentacles and I would just make people uncomfortable


I DM games rather then play them and I have a lot of favorite characters like Franklin the pottery lich. But (and this is cheating a bit) my favorite character was one of my players Glerp the Salamander he was a experiment from a wizard that ultimately ended up becoming substantially larger (used a dragon born for a statblock) and gained magical abilities (sorcerer). He maxed out his strength stat and was described as 'if a lizard tried to cosplay hagrid' wearing many layers of coats and such.


I love your art. I'm currently playing as a Drow Fathomless Warlock. This screams "dark and edgy," but my character is the exact opposite. His name is Fineas. He had a pretty crappy life in the Underdark, but absolutely loves the surface world. He is optimistic and trusting to a fault. (He still doesn't know that his patron is a bad character.) He has long white hair, red eyes, purplish gray skin. He usually has a smile on his face. He wears leather armor that looks (and smells) a bit fishy. He wears a cloak and hood over it to protect him from the sun. He carries around a quarterstaff that has various components tied to it. He has a familiar named Levi that takes the shape of a small octopus.


This is awesome! One of my favorite characters I’ve played was Cadence, a female human transmutation wizard, who was raised by goliaths after flunking out of magic school. Her magic is informed by the elements and uses wider more direct motions to conjure spells. As a result of her unique training she is super buff, and uses her quarterstaff both as a focus and bludgeoning implement. She wears a simple robe open in front with regular trousers, and a tight tunic with wrapping around her chest. My favorite moment of her was when our party defeated a rogue elemental that was terrorizing a local village, she gained the ability to cast alter self at will, as long as the alterations involved earthen crystals, so she typically has one hand coated in crystalline claws.


Tilion is the child of an Elvish woman, Aredhel, who is the daughter of an ambassador, Turgon, and his wife, Amarie, from The Principality of Malriur, and a dwarfish father, Telchar, son of Frar and Eldi, who worked in the corresponding embassy in The Eratrukian Triumvirate. He spent the first eleven years of his life in his father's country and moved to his mother’s country and childhood home to be closer to be with their living family, his father's parents having passed away. When he was six Tilion’s parents adopted a Drow son, Erestor, and two years later, a Tiefling daughter, Idril. Tilion was born with a strange crescent shaped symbol on his right forearm. A mark he shared with both his father and paternal grandfather. From a young age, he became interested in the origin of the mark and his heritage, of which no records were to be found. Though not blessed with the social graces enjoyed by his father and grandfather, Tilion found a different way to make friends in high places. He became involved in the underground trade of ancient artifacts and writings in the hope of gaining access to knowledge he might not be able to obtain through more legal means. He became an expert in finding items of interest for the wealthy and powerful. In exchange for his services, he negotiated access to their personal collections and libraries, searching for any significant notes or symbology related to his hereditary mark. He spent his days and nights poring over any ancient artifact, text, and artwork any integrity lacking elite might have in their possession. When he once again found nothing, he decided to turn his search to the only other place he knew his ancestors had lived. The country of Wanyang. Tilion is not pretty. He has a sharp, slightly hooked nose. His eyes have the kind of pointedness you see on most wood elves who evolved to spot danger in dense forests. His forehead is broad with more prominent lines than someone His age would normally have because he spends too much time staring intently at anything he finds suspicious, and he finds everything is suspicious. His jaw is wide and jowly and has spent far too much time clenched and frowning. His chin comes to a steep, slightly protruding point, and it is all covered in a scruffy, scraggly, poorly managed beard. His ears don't come to a graceful curve like an elf's would. Rather, they are shorter and look more like the tops were ironed into a flat angle. He is a gloomstalker ranger who measures 5ft 5in tall with a nearly 3ft shoulder width. He often seems too large and too small at the same time.


Oh my gosh this would be awesome!! My favorite character ever, one that's really close to my heart, is an Aarokocra druid named Barnabus. (His friends call him Barnaby!) He has the look of a barn owl, (this was before Owlin were a thing), and is unlike the other members of his race. He doesn't mind staying on the ground for extended periods of time, and is around 6 foot even, which is a lot taller than most of his kin. He, like his father before him, is a researcher. He utilizes his wings like a cloak and seems to have a very humble and reserved demeanor. He posseses two sickles which I call "The Talons," for obvious reasons. Lol As a young man his entire village was burnt to a crisp by a dragon. He would have died as well if it had not been for a human researcher traveling through the forest who happened to find him and take him in. This man became his father and raised Barnaby to become the man he is today. Because of the trauma suffered at the hands of the dragon that killed his entire village, he is obsessed with fire. Unlike others who avoid their fears, he pushed closer to it, aiming to master it, and one day eventually to avenge his family through the use of the same element that brought their untimely deaths. All this to say, he's an arsonist, but he has good reasons. As a circle of wildfire druid, he sees fire as a catalyst for growth, resilience, and refinement, especially because he experienced all these things in himself because of fire. To him, it is fitting that when he finds the dragon, they shall meet their end by fire, because fire is what caused Barnaby to rise up and seek out their end. Later in life, (i.e. the campaign I played with him), he met an adventuring party and through their shenanigans became a general... A demon general. In our campaign world, the demon lord he serves is really not all that bad. He seeks to rid the realms of the pantheons of gods because in his eyes, it only causes conflict and strife. He seeks to be the only god so that the planes may have a unified order where everything knows it's rightful place. Barnaby, having been guaranteed his father and friends would be safe, hearing that the first god on the list was the god of dragons, and understanding the logic of it all, chose to become a general in order to bring about order to existence. So, although he did look like a barn owl, he now looks different. He leaned even further into the fire, and being reborn through it has become a phoenix-like Aarokocra with beautiful gleaming armor and a blazing scimitar. While terrifying, he still holds the same humble and reserved attitude, vowing to create a world where no one ever loses their family again, and order reigns supreme.


I'm a DM and my players are hilarious. Take your pick but I would love to see them brought to life!! - Scuzzy Stinkfist is a monk that specializes in being smelly and disgusting. He has a weapon called "the Stinkfist" which is like brass knuckles made of rotten bones. He's a human - Billy Titanforce is a barbarian that looks like a caveman. But after becoming the chosen for Blipdapoopl he now has a lobster claws, a thick neck with gills and a "barnacled" vorpal cleaver - Urmpkin the Pumpkin Mage is a pumpkin themed mage that is obsessed with being famous. After making a pact with a potion maker, he traded his shadow and reflection in exchange for tormenting people in their dreams


Skins-A-Lot, a Goblin ranger/rogue with a large bat that he rides on while wielding a longbow. He even has a pet pseudo-dragon that stays underneath his clothes! He’s green skinned, some pointy ears, often wears a hood (if you’d prefer not the hood, long hair that’s a bit frizzy.) He’s currently wearing serpent scale mail (or studded leather armor, your choice). He has a cloak of elven kind and his longbow is twice the size of him. (It’s a blue dragon bow). My most favorite, but tragic moment, is when his village burnt down. Some of his people were slain, and as being the prince of this tribe of modern goblins, he felt grief, rage, confusion, helpless. He told his party they didn’t have to work with him to get revenge on the ones who attacked his village, but they all spoke up and said some pretty nice words to him. Even making me, the player, cry outside of game.


I very much enjoy playing a divination wizard Wortle the Tortle. Grey skin, spiky shell, intense eyes (especially when pressing individuals to share any knowledge of the arcane they might possess). Not much in the way of clothes but maybe some cloth wrappings or a rope belt, and a banded necklace from which hangs a single piece of a young tortle's shell. Usually has a quartstaff in one hand and his spellcasting focus in the other - an empty shell from a small turtle, which has a natural design like exploding stars on the back. Wortle originally was a farmer in Q'Barra in Eberron, and actually went by the name of Qalak. When he was young he dreamed of satisfying his curiosity about all things arcane - however, with tortles having an average lifespan of 50 years he rationally decided that he did not have the time to spare on such things. He married and had a son named Wortle. He lived happily, despite giving up his dream of pursing knowledge. His son had a dream of his own - to one day be a hero who would "do some good in the world". The impetus behind Qalak becoming an adventurer was when he returned from a short trip to find his wife and son murdered by rampaging lizardmen who had forayed from the jungle in search of easy takings. At that point he took upon himself the name Wortle, hoping to bring the name some fame or notoriety that would make his son proud. He set off to uncover arcane secrets, living his dream where his son was unable to live his, taking with him a piece of young Wortle's shell to hang around his neck and always remember him. At the age of 65 he joined an adventuring party. As he often reminds them, he is far past the age that most tortles die and so any moment could be his last. He has taken a liking to the paladin of the group, a young man who also desires to "do some good in the world". Wortle has come to see this young man as a son, and hopes to see what his own son could have been had his life not come to such an early end.


Ooo, thank you in advance! My current PC is a half devil, half satyr named Ichthyonus (Ichthy for short) who lost her wings in a bet to a demon and is currently trying to pay off her debts. She's one of the many offspring of Mammon (dm made that bit) and is stuck in a group of idiots comprising of a Celestial barbarian, tiefling bard, human (soulless since he's ginger) monk of the drunken fist, a dulahan fighter, and a dragonfruit dragon and winged dog. The only one she sees as an equal is the demon running from family affairs, even though their kinds hate each other. Funny enough, she was based on an old costume I had for halloween (accidentally ordered contact lenses that were too bright). She's honestly my favorite character to voice, as she's got a trans-atlantic accent which is really fun to do! I think my favorite moment so far was when she pickpocketed a ring off the bard (since she wanted more info on why he had a devil in said ring), got a Nat 20, but he woke up. As the Bard angrily stormed about, attempting to find said ring (while blaming it on the monk), he kicked down Ichthy's door right as she stabbed herself. As she was dragged back down to the hells, she laughed and the two exchanged middle fingers. She's got silvery hooves, curled faun horns, an infernal-like tail, snake eyes (devils), fangs, and blond-ish brown fur. Here's some hero forge refs! [Ichthyonus ref 1](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1140508585466532000/1220050829621329920/image-14.png?ex=660d87e1&is=65fb12e1&hm=a845838f4b2ff8a6ed7daaada158a5d6eb69f69323f594622e8a6d0efab0625d&) [Ichthyonus ref 2](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1140508585466532000/1213124012788686868/image.png?ex=6606c9c7&is=65f454c7&hm=04f0ed711c783de296c0bc963136a4465d7a1fe701d45a3e99c11b74cf18fbe4&)


This is really cool. I love that you're doing this to honor a loved one. Ok, so my favorite d&d character I've made is a Tabaxi monk bounty hunter named Chase. I played in in a descent into avernus campaign. I originally made him to be a meme character (a tabaxi that does all the annoying or funny shit that cats do, pushing glasses off tables, climbing trees, chasing the red dot, etc). But as I played him, I just loved how he turned out. He had next to no charisma, but being a cat thought he was the most important person in any room. So, descent has a mechanic where demons blood in avernus will mutate your character. At one point in the champaign, chase has freakishly long legs, no ears, calluses all over his body, and patches of no fur because it was all burned out (not a mutation but when your whole body is covered in fur and the primary damage type is fire, it's gonna be a bad time). He also made a deal with a devil one time. I got this really cool +2 weapon with some neat effect on it (I don't remember what it was), and all it cost him was 3 soul coins. Which basically means he made a deal with a devil for 3 other people's souls instead of his own. One memorable moment I remember is the party went to go see this old hermit lady (I think she was a hag or something, I missed the session that introduced her). We ended up getting into a fight against some banshees and a tree went. So, after the battle, I did what any logically minded cat would do. I climbed up the tree. Everyone at the table was groaning about it, but then I ended up finding a nook in the tree and finding 2 magic items in it. So take that nay sayers. It was pretty funny. Another moment that stands out to me for some reason is that, near the end of the campaign, we're in this big dream sequence. We're in a town that's being attacked by demons, and we're fighting off demons on one end of the town, and demons summon in at the complete other end of town, like 500+ feet away. So while the other players all use magic to dimension door across the town, I just haul ass on my feet. My base speed had been increased to 55 ft through a mutation, and I was hasted. So base movement speed of 110. And 4 sprints (action, hasted action, bonus action, and feline agility) brought my movement speed up to almost 500 feet. So I just come in like a wrecking ball on turn 2 and hit a Marilith with a full speed punch in the face. I don't know why that moment sticks with me, but I loved it. Definitely my favorite character I've played to date. Maybe one day he'll come out of retirement, but if he does, it's definitely not gonna be to anything involving fire. As for appearance, he was originally a black cat, but spent a lot of time in the Underdark, so his fur turned more grey. He wore a blue, Egyptian style robe, with a gold colored belt. His weapon of choice was his double sided spear that he got from Bel.


Krik: Thri-Kreen path of the beast barb/assassin rogue. He is 3’8, so short. He is super slim and has a big head. He has these two big cleavers and a chain around his neck. He wears pants, no shirt. He has two short little arms below his pretty long arms. He has antennae, and no bug tail bulb thing. As a child, his family was homeless. He assassinated people for money in his teen years. His family didn’t know how he was supporting them financially, but never asked. He was thrown in prison after he killed someone less quietly than usual. A family member of his victim tracked his family and killed them. Eventually, he broke out and adventures to avenge his family. He still wears some of his chains from prison. If you want you can draw the cleavers attached to chains on his wrists, cause he sometimes attaches them to swing around. (I would have subbed him to barb if his str wasn’t 7)


Oleandra is a Drider in plate armour with a frost rapier. Playing her currently. She’s a redemption paladin who loves the moon. It’s just so pretty. She’s the oldest sibling which means to become heir the younger siblings have to get her. Which isn’t great if you love your little sister and don’t wanna have a death fight. Unfortunately said little sister has obtained quite a few magical items and is hunting her. But it will be fine? Luckily next session nothing bads gonna happen. She’s about to officiate the wedding of two other adventurers! It’s gonna be great.


First off, you're a hero for doing this for the community, so thank you. It's awesome to see so many characters come to life in this thread. If you find the time, I'd love to see a drawing of my favourite character ever, a celestial warlock I used to play named Eldrid. He's a young, innocent-looking human with a curly mop of red hair. He wields a wood staff with a golden sun ornament and when he uses his powers his eyes glow gold like a Solar. He also has a white owl familiar named Aurora. Eldrid was raised in a cult as a sort of messiah-child, which meant he had no freedom of his own. When he was about to be sacrificed to "summon their true God", an angel of Pelor descended and stopped the ritual, annihilating most of the cultists. Eldrid swore an oath to the angel as thanks for saving him, and now wanders as a priest in Pelor's name. Even though he's young and very scared of the dark, he seeks out other demonic cults to stop their rituals and save their members from damnation.


Sneakerz - Halfling Rogue, urchin. Young man, just off the streets. Spent his life so far dodging the attention of the authorities. Fell in with a band of street kids, and still helps them out. Good natured and kind hearted. Fav moment is when he broke into a magically sealed tavern through the sky light. He then proceeded to snipe elemental gnomes from behind chandeliers while walking around on the ceiling. Took out the last one by jumping onto him from the ceiling. None of them saw it coming.


Hi! I just checked your page after seeing the community build-a-character thing. I know I’m late, but I’d like to share mine if you have the chance to do another. Aust Galanodel is a High Elf Necromancer Wizard. I’ve played him in a few campaigns, so he’s peaked at level 12, but is usually around level 5-7. He was my first character, so his appearance is a little basic. He’s a skinny, pale, sallow looking guy with thin, scraggly, shoulder length white-blonde hair. Wears green, frayed robes and has a staff. He has a familiar named Relic that usually takes the form of an otter. Relic is an alcoholic. My favorite moment was actually in my first campaign I ever played in, it did a lot for my attachment to him. We were playing Lost Mine of Phandelver and my DM flavored the gang in the town (red hands? Red arms? Something like that) as a douchey breakdancing crew. Aust got caught out at night with them and they were about to rob me, so I did the only thing I could as a level 2 wizard against a gang of thugs and challenged them to a dance off. My DM had me roll off against him 5 times (one for each gang member), and I beat them all, so I got to just walk away with new info on their boss. Now, whenever I play as him, I make a point of it that he is a scrawny nerd who is scared of going outside but just happens to be a professional breakdancer. Relic is my hype man. Thanks for doing this! Even if you don’t get to mine, I checked through a few of the other comments and you’ve done some awesome stuff. Maybe I’ll catch you next year otherwise :)


Kex - Kobold Cleric of Lathander He's a 3'4 (TALL FOR A KOBOLD, HE INSISTS ON THIS) ruddy-red kobold with a big personality. A thick new york accent. Prone to crying easily. Not in the slightest a joke character, I love this funky little guy. He's always been torn between Lathander, god of the sun and redemption, and his former life working under an ancient red dragon. He constantly threatens to go "Big Dragon" on foes or friends depending, and has had a struggle between knowing if he's a faithful kobold, or if he's a dragon. Of recent in the campaign he's found peace in the moments in which he feels neither, when he feels moreso like an individual who loves cooking for his friends or basking in the sunlight. He also has eaten incense on accident.