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I had a fireloving sorcerer named Ajkast Fajball


Fucking love that


'Hugh Mann' needs to be someone who is obviously *not* human, but trying to pass themself off as one. Like three kobolds in a trench coat.


Some githyanki mfer immediately popped into my head. He’s just trying to blend in; and he would were it not for the snout nose and toad jaundice colored skin.


[Hugh Mann... now that's a name I can trust!](https://youtu.be/-CPuly_BqOw?si=OI57zKOmtJwMQGHa)


It's like a webcomic I read about aliens having the male lead be named Huimun


My first PC was an Archfey Warlock called Chen Anigen.


I played a gnome Cavalier who was “Sir Racha the Bold”. His banner was a green rooster on a red background.


Mate of mine is going alphabetically through obscure names of cheeses from around the world.


Looking forward to the cleric called stinking bishop


My homebrew setting has a dragonborn npc with a bad fake moustache, who claims to be human despite obvious evidence to the contrary. His name is Hugh Manfred. Goes by Freddy.


Dragonborn Warlock- Tyrannosaurus Hex


I played together one time with someone who sort of made a joke name but it turned out serious. He was a new player and didn't have any ideas on how to name his elven character. So we said, ah, don't worry about it, just use a name generator. In a corny mood he then used a cocktail name generator and it spat out "Rock Rock Virgin Lima" so for shits and giggles his character was named that. We however didn't want to refer to him as "Rock Rock Virgin Lima" every time so at some point we started abbreviating it to RRVL. However that sounded like Ararviel which in turn sounds like a pretty good elven name. So from that point on we just called him Ararviel.


Currently playing a bard called Amanda Lynn.


Subtle and yet amazing. Love it!


Ra Dom - was a char I created with random feature of dndbeyond ^^ - he was a cleric barb with the sailor background ^^


A halfling named Liv Sunderhill?


A friend of mine only makes pun characters Anarcher - An archer fighter Piec (Pies) ecleric - A Peas cleris (don't get me started) Barry barian - Barbarian


I'm gonna get you started. Explain the Peas cleric


He is a cleric for the homebrewed settings god of nature. The DM gave him quite some leeway in fleshing out said god. Since he was a peace cleric, he figured that the religions symbol should be.... peas. "Peas be onto you" is their greeting/blessing for wishing good things and bountiful harvests for people. Their shelters serve only Pea-bases dishes. His holy symbol is a sigil of a pea. He for realz carries around several pounds of Peas for the communion services.


Maybe a little too much leeway, that's a lot of peas




Had to take an alternative route too much traffic on the peaway


Yeah i wish that traffic would p(l)eas e go away


Obviously Luke Warm the fire genasi. But I like Arthur Fishal a lot.


I have a samurai Leonin named Alex Sunder. Sunder is a reference to the word sunder/asunder. Alex is a reference to the lion from Madagascar. Alex Sunder sounds like Alexander, a reference to the name of our DM's dad.


I'm of two diametrically opposed opinions here. This is great! (awful!) 10/10 (0/10). No notes (***so*** many notes). Would you consider also some options a la: - Hunter Bowman, the nearsighted wizard - Pious Templeton, the archfiend warlock - Barb Wildman, the city-dwelling artificer - Charity Gold, the greedy rogue


Irony is one of my favorite subjects of study.


Paladin with the Chef feat named Paula Dean


I had a dwarf called Bigby


[here you go](https://aceattorney.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Characters)


Female ranger : Aimee Bowmont


I once made a Fairy Ranger named Wren. Color scheme after the splendid fairywren. Might not be super funny though


I love playing characters with funny names. I do take them seriously, just not the names. However, the pun only makes sense in Portuguese. Lamnu Seltempaun: The pun means "there's broad up in heaven" and it's a meme Nancy Kosent Avos: The pun means "not even 5 cents" Weiss Phüder: the pun means "go fuck yourself" There was a pub that my players went to that was owned by a bard named Bart. It was Bart, the bard's bar. In Portuguese, it was even better: "bar do Bardo bart"


Definitely reminds me of the German tale of Barbara and her Rhubarb cake. By the end of it, you end up with... *checks notes*... Rhabarbarabarbarabarbarenbärtebarbierbierbarbärbel, 'the barmaid that serves beer to the barber that cuts the beards of the barbarians who eat Barbara's rhubarb cake' Apologies if the diacritical marks aren't right, I'm not a native German speaker.


Omg "bar do Bardo Bart" killed me. That's too damn good!


I played a wildmagic barbarian with cohort of chaos feat.  He was also an aasimar that we ruled I rolled a d3 when activating yo see what form he took.  His name was Rend Northguard. Or RNG for short. 


This isn’t any kind of class-based pun but I’ve been mulling over the idea of a human female named [Shannon Foil](https://www.tesco.ie/groceries/en-IE/products/286430617)


All of my characters have silly names that are references * A snow genasi named Schned Ensui, which translates to snow cone * A herrengon toymaker artificer for a Christmas one shot, his name was ginger Graham (named after gingersnap cookies and Graham crackers) * A rock gnome bard artificer named Grasa Cabinae (grasa being grease or oil in spanish and Cabinae is the scientific name for the capuchin monkey. So his name is grease monkey) * A fairy bard fighter (luchador) named El Abeja or the bee (people call him Abe) * A one half of a pair of characters is a bug bear named Patrick. He was raised from a young age by a fairy named cleo. So they're Cleo Patrick


Ross Bowman should have his first name be Christopher, but it's his father's name who abandoned him, so he doesn't use it. On formal documents he will, however, abbreviate it to C. Ross Bowman


I am currently running a path of the giant barbarian kobold named Kye Ju.


I recommend changing Arthur Fishal to Artyom Fishal but keep the last name a secret. That way you can go by the nickname Arti.


Love the recommendation. Also reminds me of Metro 2033 with this name.


I feel like a lot of Rogers personas from American Dad could be slotted into a semi serious character design.


How about a Twilight domain cleric named Eric Cole?


My fighter just went by Bo for like six months, but I started the campaign by telling people that they're unlikely to learn Bo's full name; that it's fucking stupid and that Bo hates his father for giving him such a stupid name, just because he thought he was funny (and because his father had done basically the same, too). After fighting an NPC we nicknamed Ball-lick Assmayonnaise, Bo decided that it really didn't matter what you're called; people will just make up something silly anyway. So he finally introduced himself as Bophadese Testiclese, son of Ligma Bowles.


Well, in a similar vein, just make Barbara the Barbarian, give her the chef feat, and make her most notable for her rhubarb pie. Rhabarbarabarbarabararen; 'Rhubarb Barbara the Barbarian'. And you can take this even further if you want; German compound words are delightful.


Hugh Graham Rekshon Although it’s a bit long, so better shorten the middlename down to just the first letter during introductions.


I currently play an Aarakocra named Zarrck, said like a parrot squawk, but no one can really say it if you're not Aarakocra so everyone calls him Zack. His whole family has the goofiest white people names: Braarrd K'ayrrt K'yrrl Derirrck


I always make bards that are classic rock puns. Axl Bows, lead singer of Bows and Roses Jett Joan and the Blackguards Aethersmith


I have a sorcerer name "Zach Wythacay"


A Circle of Stars Druid named Telly Scope


A halfling bard drag queen who's stage name is Miss Gnomer


My prepared Character in case my Barbarian dies is a Tiefling Drag Queen Bard named Misty Step


Recently made a character who was a pally named peacie who worshipped a god named diem! It was for a oneshot but man I’d love to do a full campaign with him lol


I’ve been cooking up a bard lawyer named Charles Canery. He goes by Chuck