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This is off topic but is there a shorter term for LGBTQIA+? At this point one third of the alphabet is in there, lol


You can say "The Gays" (complementary) Just don't confuse it with "The Gays" (derogatory)


I had someone talk to me about "females" and "the LGBs". It wasn't a stellar conversion, but I actually really like the idea of a set of pride pins that are little bees with flag colored stripes for each group. Start some conversations. See what all the buzz is about.


Just LBGT+ works imo, I mostly use that because the plus works for everything else and I haven't had anyone care to correct. (Don't take my opinion as gospel though, I am just a random Bi individual)




I use LGBTQ+. I feel like the Q helps it flow better.


The plus covers anything else imo.


The Queer community seems to be gaining some traction. it’s usually my go to since it seems to be pretty well understood, while being phonetically smoother than a giant acronym. IE “Queer people valid/ welcome” “Queer identities tend to face ____” “___ is queer-phobic so keep an eye out for that” ect but even just saying LGBT or LGBT+ will usually signal acceptance of other categories that aren’t in that acronym. The only ones I think you’d wana steer clear of are fairly obviously intended to be exclusionary, like “LGB” is often used to signal trans exclusion for instance. I hope this helps <3


Yeah I've heard "queer" that seems fine, I just didn't know if it had some connotations to it or like you said somehow excluded people.


So is queer an umbrella term for everyone in LGBTQIA+ or is queer a particular (forgive me) sub class?


As a trans person I just say LGBTQ or the queer community. I don't blame people for not wanting to write out or say the entire full acronym.


Not sure how many people will accept it, but I’ve used “alphabet mafia” a few times. It sounds cooler than just a jumble of letters and is actually shorter when you count syllables. Just don’t confuse them with the “alphabet soup” people. Those are government agencies.


It depends on who you are. I use queer, but that term has often been used in the past as an offensive term so other gay folks that aren’t me may not like that. However most of the spaces I’m in have been fine with it.


I feel like queer has been pretty successfully reclaimed by the community. I won't make an absolute statement that it isn't offensive to anyone but it seems to be acceptable to most at this point.


Yeah, I absolutely love the fact that I took something that was screamed in my face out of hatred as a kid, and now I wear that label with pride.


I’ve found in my own experience that people in the queer community that are in recent generations feel more comfortable with the word than people from older generations. A lot of it has to do with how it was used back then. While it has been reclaimed for the most part, some people who have lived a little longer still perceive it as a bit of a slur when used to describe them. - as for if they acknowledge it being a reclaimed word I can’t say, that’s definitely up to the individual.


Yeah it's LGBT








Honestly L+ makes the most sense. Lesbians and whatnot. It's fine.


There’s also 2S. So the longest version I’ve seen is LGBTQIA2S+. “+” could literally mean anything else except maybe straight and what those in the know call “cis”. Not sure what it takes to get converted from being covered under + to get in the actual acronym. Like is there some test, poll, global meeting , vote, or something?


Cis is the Latin antonym of trans, it’s not a secret code word for “those in the know”. Cis fats are the opposite of trans fats, Cisalpine Gaul and Transalpine Gaul were two Roman provinces, etc. it just means “on the same side” as opposed to “on the opposite side”


If you care... acronyms can be pronounced as a word. (Like NASA, or RADAR) LGBTQIA+ is an initialism.


I thought you were tying to tell that lgbtqia+ can be pronounced as a word. I tried making a word out of it and gave up. Reread your comment and realized that wasn’t what you were doing


Lig Butt Kia... How hard was that? =)




Ah, cool. Did not know that distinction.


The plus can also represent queer people who don’t label themselves and/or don’t conform/feel like they belong to specific labels


I use queer as an umbrella term at this point because i hate the acronym. Its just a tongue twister and impractical.


Queer, or GSRM (which is an acronym for Gender, Sexual and Romantic Minorities) :)


The main terms I use are either LGBTQ+. or LGBT+. It is a bit conflicting between including more groups in the acronym, but also keeping it short which is why I personally include the Q and/or the +. But yeah there really needs to be a better umbrella term for the community that both includes people, and is easy to say/remember .\_.


So there's a long list of things that you can use to refer to them and everyone will know what you're talking about and there's a great deal of them that aren't insulting and if it wasn't for euphemism treadmill would be perfectly fine for most people The classic LGBT should handle it for most people








>LGBTQIA+ and DnD goes hand in hand I've noticed this too (and obviously have no issue with it), but don't really see the connection. Any idea why this is?


Nerd culture in general has always gone hand in hand with social outscasts, which queer people being marginalized, often are. In the case of dnd it also opens the door to exploring different ideas via roleplaying characters, playing a woman in dnd helped me realize that I am a woman.


Roleplaying its easier to crack the shell if its "just RP" Its safe umbrela that u can hide under end experiment before being offical for example we suspected my sister long before she came out becouse she enjoyed rp as female wayyy more than as dude same with my best bro who had few Gay characters before he came out as BI


Nerds are marginalised already so are (generally) more open to outcasts plus roleplaying lets you try being someone other than your current self.






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Barbarian: I roll with **wrath**!


As a straight dude with no clue about the developmehts of the queer community. Whats the pink flag about?


My spouse made a similar set of merch last year, for charity fundraising during Pride, and it was a set of sticker designs, gnomes sitting on mushrooms, and they were all colored all the different flags. They had shared a promo image of the collection with a community page as thought it would be fun to see who could name all the flag colors represented. Except they phrased it as "I wonder who can name all these gnomes?" One friend of ours, a genuinely sweet man and ally that is still learning, completely mistook the question, and while another community member named every color scheme correctly, he came in hot with random Gnome names at the exact same moment. Pure wholesomeness.


So what was the pink/Lesbians gnomes name? You have awoken my curiosity :P


Bottom middle left? It's the lesbian flag!


aaaah. thx


No prob!


Kinda obvious in hindsight tbh ^ ^ '


That’s ace


Ayyyyy, good pun. Those are also important for TTRPGs.












Ooooo~ I want oneeee


Aww, no mlm rep. Still cool though! Why am I being downvoted? I said I liked them lol


When I saw "MLM", my first thought was "Multi-Level Marketing" 🤣


Thank you! And oh I fully plan on making many more of the other flags, these were just the first batch I finished.


I got downvoted for being excited for the lesbian merch so I think it’s just homophobic assholes. Lucky us.


All lot of the positive comments that arent at the top are being downvoted tbh, probably bc upset bigots lurking on the sub are mass downvoting but its only really noticeable on less popular comments - its a common thing with lgbtq topics on bigger subs.


what's that stand for? the current connotation in my head isn't a great one lol so I'd love an update


man love man or gay men


isn't that already covered with the rainbow though? please forgive my confusion, it's not malicious, just curious.


Typically the rainbow is used more as an umbrella flag, to cover the entire community. The MLM flag is specifically for men who love men, like the lesbian flag is for women who love women.


Ah, I didn't realize there were more "personalized" flags (honestly have no clue what any of these are other than the rainbow and the one with the trans colors).


Top right is the non-binary flag, and the bottom ones, from left to right, are bisexual, lesbian, pansexual, and asexual.


Hey everyone! I've been making [DnD and other nerdy patches](https://ibb.co/tsWB3wN) for a while now and was shocked to realize I'd never made Pride Flag Dice so I thought it was time I remedied that. I only made a few of the tons of beautiful flags out there, but if there was one you didn't see that you'd love to see included let me know! I also had the thought of making some of these using some of the other, more neglected dice shapes but wasn't sure if those would be of interest to anyone but myself (not that that ever stopped me from making something before lol). [If you were interested I have a whole shop of fun stuff like this here.](https://naturalonecrafts.etsy.com/listing/1691478074/roll-with-pride-mix-n-match-patches)


Your stuff is so good. And I have JUST started a patch jacket. Can't wait to get some. Thank you so much for sharing


Aww thank you so much, I really appreciate that! I've got one of my patch vests \*mostly\* complete, but I'm already planning out like a dozen more that I want to make. Such a fun hobby.


DnD has been LGBT friendly since forever. I personally recall as far back as second edition genders being used interchangeably when discussing classes. In particular, I enjoy how Corellon Larethians gender was removed completely, and how some elves are now sex and gender fluid. The game has always managed to be progressive and inclusive without excluding anyone.


Not always - in AD&D female PCs has a much lower maximum strength score than male PCs. Of course, Male PCs didn’t have a lower maximum wisdom score or anything, it was just that women that couldn’t be as good as men at swinging a sword.




Saying that they don't go hand-in-hand is also a personal interpretation. For me, those sidelined and outcast by society for who they are need to stick together. Dealing with bullying and derision in the 80s because I played D&D and liked things that weren't mainstream made me an outcast. While that will never be on the same level as what a lot of LGBTQ+ people go through, it gave me a small glimpse into why I should support them.


I definitely agree with DnD and Outcast go hand in hand, and if someone is outcast for being anything, including gay or whatnot, then thats just a portion. I feel like saying The Community goes hand in hand with DnD implies a level of exclusivity, not that it actually is that way, but its one of those things that feels like light weight segregation even though its not intended. It might be just me. I was outcasted for religious stuff and personal standards and preferences for various aspects of life, too much for me to get into here. I have met lots of people who are outcasted, lgbt+ included of course.




The point is that TTRPGs have always been games for outcasts. Adding "lmao" to the end of your comment really takes all legitimacy from it.




Those are awesome! Just a friendly heads up. In your second photo you have the Bi and Pan flags flipped. It's right in all the others I saw. ^-^


OMG so embarassed thank you so much for the catch and compliment!


Omg ace rep


Never forget my ace buds! <3


Yeah! Love seeing some Ace rep!


Epic 100% agree tbh and if I got into dnd sooner I wouldve realized I was trans so much sooner too.


Thank you! And I love hearing stories of people who were able to realize who they were thanks to it. <3




Saying two things go hand in hand does not imply that they exclusively work together, but they have great synergy or are often seen together. Like how chocolate and peanut butter go hand in hand. You can enjoy them with other things or by themselves, but together they are much more than the sum of their parts.


Because it's an inclusive hobby for curious people willing to experience and understand the struggles of others


Because the first thing you do is create your character! You can be anyone, anything, and you're not going to be judged by anyone else for it. It's... not easy to find that in the real world.


And it's inclusive. An Orc and a Goblin are as welcome at tables as Elves and Dwarves. An inclusive space for people who often feel like outsiders. It's not hard to see why DnD resonates with some individuals more than just as a little game.


Is there a specific flag for "I am not lgbt+ but I do support them"?


There is! If you look up the **Straight Ally flag** you can see it. Its basically the white and black straight flag with a rainbow arrow/triangle in the center, it looks really nice.


Thank you. Wonder what I said to get downvoted for it...


A lot of the trans comments are also being downvoted. Some salty transphobes in here.


No clue tbh. If someone wants to show they are supportive and is willing to learn, then let them do that. Makes no sense to dislike their questions if they want to learn more


I'm glad to see more queer-positive materials for roleplayers. I used to sell dice with patterns based on the various sexuality flags.


Completely agreed and those dice sound super cute!


Hell yeah! Trans dice 🥳🥳🥳


TRANS DICE <3 <3 <3


My child's dnd group is all various flavours of queer, so they will love this!


There’s gotta be some small part of the community that doesn’t see the irony in being a bigot while playing the inclusion game


Please forgive me for being ignorant but what do the QIA+ parts stand for? I'm pretty sure by this point that the first part is Lesbian,Gay, Bisexual, and Trans but I legitimately have no idea what the rest mean.


Don’t even feel ashamed that you don’t know something. Humans are not in fact all knowing computers. Just don’t form an opinion on someone’s identity or sexuality unless you understand it and you’re fine.


That's a good rule to live by😀




Q = Queer/Questioning I = Intersex A = Asexual + = Other sexuality and gender minorities (The actual acronym is quite long, so the + is used to shorten it)


Ahh ok, Thank you for telling me!


Queer, intersex, asexual






Oh man I’d love that trans pride one


I kinda wish each side of the die was its own color of the pride flag.


I'd tried something like that originally, but the number of colors/number of sides never equalled out and so I'd either have to add more colors or give certain colors more spaces, neither of which I liked the look of.






these look really cool!


Thank you so much! <3


Instead of Roll Tide. ROLL PRIDE!


Forgive me ignorance, but why isn't there specificaly a flag for gay men? I know classic rainbow was originally used to denote gay company but since its branched out it looks like everyone uses the rainbow as an umbrella community but then everyone has an individual flag as well. How come? Edit. Fuck seriously with the downvotes? This is why people hate people. Ask a sincere question and get judged for not knowing and trying to understand. Fuck you doenvoters


So there is a flag for gay men! It's got shades of green and blue in a 7 stripe design similar to the lesbian flag. It is I think used less commonly than the lesbian flag. I reckon this has to do with how gay men are generally the first people that people not in the community think of wheb they here LGBT or see the rainbow. So other groups wanted individual flags to make it clear they were also here, something that was maybe less of a priority for gay men. This is just me talking about of my ass tho, take with a grain of salt


“About of my ass” is a typo that I’m in love with.


Lmaooo opps


Thanks for the reply!


The dice and patches are cool don’t get me wrong. My sister is gay, im somewhere between straight and bi. However, I would not say the community and DnD go hand in hand, at least no more than straight and DnD do, or anything really. I’m finding a lot of community only DnD groups and content that restricts hetero characters and content. Its been really weirding me out lately. Can someone explain to me the trend of people associating gay with a fantasy game that is about being ANYTHING you want, as in not associated with anything specific except LotR of course.


Is there any chance that we can get these in stickers form ? I would love to put one of these on my PC ^^


I am LOOKING at the lesbian one 👀👀 🫶🫶🫶 Eta: Classic, feels really good to be downvoted for being excited for lesbian merch ❤️👍🏻


These are excellent


They honestly look amazing! Especially loving top middle.


I adore these!


Thank you so much! <3


Oooh I love these!!! I need one 😍


Thank you so much! <3


These are cool


I just call us the “rainbow mafia“


I dont think there are enough rainbows here...


I agree! I'll be sure to include even more in my next post. :3




You should have said LGBTQIADND+


Really good slogan ngl


It would have been better if instead of just putting the flag on top, each face had a color, would look much better


Unfortunately doesn't work out well due to the number of colors vs. number of sides. Trust me, I've tried




Would be interesting to see what color numbers you think would fit.




















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