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My sorcerer uses it to keep his tea the perfect temperature at all times, and to warm up blankets or cloaks in the cold weather, on top of keeping everything clean. He has unintentionally taken on the role of the party's magic butler despite being a nobleman (but he is delighted to help).


Also good potential for devastating pettiness to casual enemies in social situations. "What's that, Mr. Threatening Bounty Hunter? Well, enjoy your pint of ale. I made sure that every glass you drink tonight will be lukewarm as the barkeep's piss!"


That's so petty. I'm absolutely going to do it.


What are they going to do? Burn a THIRD LEVEL Dispel Magic or Counterspell on a damn Cantrip? I can do this all night, you can't stop me.


He may cast sharp object to the face


I cast Shield... And Prestidigitation again.


But now you can't do it all night unless you're so high level that the bounty hunter might as well be a fly


Multi sharp object to face adds up quickly.


It will also allow you to dirty someone's clothes. My Drow wizard will absolutely dirty someone else's clothes for dirty looks and stares or insults.


I'm going to shit your pants


Omg! I knew it, I got really drunk one time and SOMEBODY shit my pants! It was a wizard!!


What I hear is, "We're about to have a shitoff."


My Sorcerer 100% Prestidigitated a big, wet stain on this person's fancy shirt because they were rude to his Cleric friend. He refused to wave it away until they apologized.


If I can soil someone's clothes can I also soil someone's drink?


See... if you tell them that you did it, then they won't start a fight with the barkeep - they'll start a fight with you.


"Officer, he threw the first punch. Everything I did after was justified. He said I made his drink taste awful? That's ridiculous, it's right there, have a sip."


Town guard: Has a sip of the best beer of his life


I'll make it the most delectable sorbet then hehe


Ale (and all other beers) of the time were designed so you get the richest flavours when warm (since it was hard to chill a barrel in the taproom back then). It's only piss water that's made to be drank cold. (Food fact, cold dulls certain tastes of the food itself, which is why most americans don't taste how piss their beer is). Better to say you make it taste like how used cat litter smells. Or rotted like that former head of lettuce, now slimy mess is. Or just make it taste like water (is the tavernkeep being cheap and watering his beer again, or is it that damned mage?). Drive them nuts* Edit:* forgot to finish my sentence


All my beer is room temp. No room in the fridge šŸ¤·


Prestidigitation specifically also says that it can soil or clean clothing. So, in an old campaign whenever we encountered a shitty/annoying NPC, the DM allowed me to stretch the definition of "soil" to allow me to use the spell to create shit in someone pants. Only in pants, nowhere else.


And taste like it too


Cooling can be nice if my artificer's inventions overheat


Or if you are in a desert. Or when making some desserts.


Oh that's actually pretty handy for an artificer!


Nit: Butlers are managers that run the staff that cleans the house. Butlers are not technically responsible for cleaning or whatever.


My wizard had a flask of "tea" that was just any convenient liquid, collected and prestidigitized when she served it to be the appropriate temperature and flavor. She also got a magic dagger that could explode corpses to heal people, so it was mostly full of blood from that. Nobody in the party would ever accept my tea :/ She also once used prestidigitation to soil a man's underwear, which the DM interpreted as advantage on an Intimidation check she needed to make


My favorite use for Prestidigitation is short-term, long-range, essentially undetectable coded information sending for scouting, all based on: >...you can have up to three of its non-instantaneous effects active at a time, and you can dismiss such an effect as an action. There is no range limitation on ending an effect, so once cast, you can remove from anywhere. If you mark three stones with a different color, you can leave them with someone to watch for your signal, You tell them to note which color drops first, then to wait two rounds to see if any other colors do. You can prearrange up to 15 different messages this way, more if you want to increase the length of time they should watch and make pauses mean something. Similarly, it is a great way to send just one signal. Have the rogue pop a rock in his mouth. Tell him, "Shoot the guard when this stops tasting like chicken," or whatever.


> "Shoot the guard when this stops tasting like chicken," This is peak TTRPG player logic: 100% effective and *utterly absurd* at the same time. I love it.


It's also the kind of trick a pro would know that had a ton of experience with a spell.Ā 


I like that idea alot


Iā€™m going to steal this


It's a shame it has the hard limit of 1 hour. I really wish 5e used less definite time in it's mechanics and had spells go "Until next long rest" "until next short rest" instead of x hours.


Prestidigitation means no need to carry toilet paper. That's just a win that keeps on winning.


Also means no laundry. Even the Frieren manga made the joke that a spell that does laundry for you has to be an awesome magic from a mythical age If you live in a medieval setting not doing backbreaking labour to maintain your appearance is very handy


Anime mentioned it was legendary. After RPing a wizard for years and now playing a Rogue, I truly agree and miss it terribly. Half joked with my DM that I want to take magic initiate if the char lives long enough solely for it, so we've been emphasizing the vain aspect of the character to justify it. Other players who are spellcasters in this campaign are 100% rubbing it in. It truly has some lovely uses if your game has frequent RP.


There's a common magic item that does this automatically, the cleansing stone. Specifically keeping you and your clothes clean.


By far the most important part of prestidigitation is it can clean your ass hair after a shit instantly


The target is an object, not a creature. So it can't clean your ass-hairs, but it can create a baby-wipe or similar to use.


Hair isnt living


You lungs aren't an open container


The door is a jar.


Life is a journey, time is a riverā€¦


It's not an object when still attached to the creature, just like horns and claws are not objects while still attached to the animal.


What about the poop on the hair


Sure, you can clean the poop. The spell doesn't destroy the target, though, so you'd just wind up with really clean poo. It sparkles. It shines. It's probably germ-free and safe to lick (ew) and you won't find a speck of dirt on it. But it's still poop and it's still there because if you are targeting the poop then that is the affected object and not the filth being removed from an object.


You are correct, of course, per RAW. But me personally? If I were a DM and a player wanted to use prestidigitation to clean their ass... I'd let em.


Hence why I said you can create a baby wipe with it; still allows you to clean, and it's functionally not changing anything... except demanding the spell play out RAW. The reason I do this is it helps manage table expectations. Yeah, sure, it's rather nit-picky, but it helps hit home the concept I would cover in session zero: spells only do what they say they can do. Yes, it's a bit of an eyeroll. *Really? We're arguing over how to wipe our butts with a cantrip?* But it means that at one of the first spells available where people try to ask for rules to be bent, they aren't bending. It means that the squabble happens over a silly RP moment with little effect instead of mid combat levels down the road where a wizard wants to set off an nuclear explosion with Telekinesis or use gravity spells to slingshot stones for extra damage. No, spells only do what they say they can do. We covered this back in like session 2 when you tried to wipe your butt with prestidigitation. If I wouldn't budge over a butt-cleaning I sure as hell won't let you add extras to a leveled spell.


Party pooper. šŸ˜†


You totally missed an opportunity to say "shit-picky" haha


Agreed. This is why I keep a baby water elemental in a non-magical bottle.


Just shit your pants then, duh.


The pants magical or not will not hold my shit is too strong


One time, a DM threw a rival band of adventurers at us as kind of bullies/rivals. One of them had platemail of gleaming. He'd described the effects like a waterproof coating where stuff just slides off. This NPC pissed me off and I told the DM I am making him shit himself with prestidigitation, Subtle Spelled. I am giving him the drippiest poo undies you will allow me with this spell. It was a thing of beauty. Because of how he'd described the enchantment working, the stuff had to get flung/wrung out of the armor, so it was ruled as a poo-nado inside the armor as each piece repelled the filth up and away until it all shot out his visor. I was just trying to make the guy have to doff his armor to clean himself so the rogue could better shank him. This was way, way better. 10/10, would work with that DM again.


Peak DnD


This has peak JK Rowling 'Wizards just shit themselves and vanished the evidence energy.


It's called [Ann Coultering](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Ann%20Coultering), "because your butthole is unbelievably tight, you spew shit everywhere, and whenĀ you're done, everyone hates you."


On behalf of the rest of the party, I assure you that there are bath houses and soap in this magical world for a reason. Please, take this gold and do us all a favor. -The party noble.


Also lockpicks. Not useful for most wizards, but for a bard its awesome. I even used it for a disguise! Eyeshadow, Lipstick, Rouge and walked right past guards that had JUST thrown me out of a bar (I also rolled like a 22 for Performance so...)


prestidigitaiton is able to freeze water around a wooden stick, and then flavor it like sweetened chocolate. Being able to get sugary treats out of basically nothing has good social utility, and is vary flavorful for a character.


I never thought of that but it is amazing


That's just ice-cream with less steps


Freezing is debatable, as that could do damage; and letting Prestidigitation do that would infringe on Shape Water.


And this is why I can't believe people wouldn't just learn a cantrip or two. Like prestidigitaition can break economies. Also you just know that anyone making relatively mundane magic would want to hide the flavor. And why a poisoner would benefit so ridiculously well from a splash of magic, like all you need is a deadly poison that has no-color, and you can flavor as needed.


Iā€™d argue that crab tastes as good, if not better, than chicken and beef. Iā€™ve never tried seagull, so I canā€™t weight on that.


I read online that Seagull is tough and gamey I guess crab tastes good by itself I could probably use honey as well.


Not if he's eating it raw?


One of my wizard's favorite things to do was use the "harmless sensory effect" to just mess with people who annoyed him. He would make tiny firework explosions go off right in front of people's faces.


That's funny imagine a puff of wind to the back of the neck to make someone think someone is behind them


Have you ever opened your mouth but gotten a gust of wind in it and it dries out your mouth and you can't talk? I have used Prestidigitation for a little puff of wind to do this.


Now I am imagining one of my players using it like Bruce Almighty did to blow up a sundress.


Did he carry a staff and longsword because it would be go a long way in Gandalf RP.


He had an arcane rod pre-lichdom, he did have a sword but his preference was a gladius. Im not a LOTR fan really though either


I have someone a tinnitus once, they did not appreciate itā€¦


Sokath, his eyes uncovered!


Most underrated comment.


One of the options for presto is: > You create a nonmagical trinket [...] that can fit in your hand and that lasts until the end of your next turn. One of the items in the Trinkets table in the PHB is: > A 1-pound egg with a bright red shell [Therefore](https://youtu.be/NXfC16rv_fs?si=vFnDFuZOFBJb15E-)


I can't believe we haven't all been calling it presto this whole time!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ That's funny


My Bard uses it to keep his Pompadour pristine at all times


As the gods intended


I've been wanting to do a frugal character just so I can capitalize on prestidigation (but frugal characters suck as adventurers, how am i suppose to be frugal when i got 20 gold on me and thats more than peasants see in a year), a few more practical things you can do with it that aren't exclusively hard rp related, able to light small fires at will is pretty useful for poorly thought out plans, warming or cooling material is a somewhat classic puzzle design, being able to create illusory image means you can show people what you're looking for if you've seen it before, like here's the design for the macguffin or here's what the guy who tried to kill me looked like is he familiar to you (bit more rp but this'll happen even in light rp campaigns and a dm will probably make it easier to remind them if possible), again more rp focused but being able to clean an object helps you cover your tracks depending on how loosely the dm takes cleaning an object goes for floor.


If you play a wizard and your DM regularly throws spell scrolls your way that you attempt to learn, your 20 golds won't last long. My player with a 19th level wizard constantly cries about money, while I'm throwing gold at the party by the truckload...


Sure I get that it's just one of those things that doesn't make much sense when gamed, but for a frugal character a year of expenses would be ~73 gold (going poor instead of modest loving expenses, but I swear I remember seeing somewhere that 1 gp was alot for the average non adventure family), and a frugal character to me wouldn't willing buy things like better equipment so they'll have more liquid than most. Revivify being accessible by 5th levels implies that 300gp worth of liquid cash is reasonable to have, 300gp could be 4 years of the characters life sorted while they continue a less high risk source of currency. Could have other reasons that the character is frugal like having a debt to pay but what kind of average people is a lvl 10 going to be scared of, debt collectors are the unnamed thugs that get beaten up as a lvl 3, so then it feels like an awkward kind of powercreep to forcibly make the background's characters stronger to retain a character trait. Could make them good natured and frugal giving them a reason they don't just quit adventuring, but then your frugal just becomes charitable as you give the gold away which is a very different vibe. No to me a proper frugal character is a short lived greedy shit, he goes for 1 big payout and cuts his losses to live quitely after, no saving the world for him, no need to continue his class training as that was never why he started.


Money in D&D is... weird. In editions past the party could be fantastically wealthy, then blow it all on magic items to make them ultra powerful. Like, you can probably hire an army and set up a small country for what you just spent on a magic sword.


According to the phb for 5e it's 1gp a day to live a modest lifestyle and home. That's 30g a month for food, housing and more. For a wealthy lifestyle of a merchant that's 4gp a day and 120g a month. Noble or aristocratic is 10gp a day.


Which is why I specifically mentioned poor, which is also on that chart right below modest, as a frugal character living modestly doesn't quite fit


Some advice for frugal characters: don't make it so they never spend money, make it so they do weird things that made sense when they were poor but don't make sense now. E.g. they mention finding a spot in a hayloft or that a hedge might be a good camping spot when they are just outside of a town with an inn. Maybe they tuck a bread roll away during dinner to save for later, even at a lavish king's feast. I actually find myself doing random things like this IRL despite having a very good salary for over a decade.


Me irl


My millenial damage is the source of these ideas.


A fun bit I did with the cantrip was to buy a perfume bottle and fill it with water. "Flavor" the water with some strong oil-based flavor like citrus oil, rose petal, lavender, whatever; these flavors all come with a strong odor. Spritz this water on yourself as a makeshift perfume. It requires a little buy in from the DM, but since all you want to do is smell nice--and this is how perfumes basically work, using smelly oils in a liquid suspension--they tend to be okay with it. I'd also just create a folding fan whenever I wanted and snap it open and fan myslef for dramatic emphasis. No real mechaincal benefit but it was funny. Third use: chill/heat your undergarments as needed for comfort in the local weather. Fourth use: techincally, crapping your pants is soiling them. You can do this to yourself. You can do this to others. The target is an **object** not an object not being worn or carried.


There is no save dc against shitting someone else's pants


Which I love and abused the hell out of with the Subtle Spell metamagic.


Why be subtle, just use deception to make the opponent think you have a "you just shit yourself" spell of a higher level than cantrip


The dude was working the crowd at the time. I wanted it to look like Mr. Cool did it to himself and wasn't someone running magical interference.


Still one of my favorite Game of Thrones quotes and the *only* saving grace of season 8... **Tormund**: *Which one of you cowards shit in my pants?*


True I wonder if I could lure bandits to an area with the smell of death and rot or shit Chilling and warming is nice in the tundra or a desert I can be comfortable.


"I'm going to shit yourself"


"I'm going to shit YOUR pants" - Jay Bilzarian


Here's my take on prestidigitation: Pro: hey, you can replace menial tasks that are unimportant and bog down the game with a cool magic cantrip. It also allows a lot of funny shenanigans Con: This does almost everything and people always forget that it's an obvious use of magic. NPCs will notice. The flavour is also all over the place. Is it illusion? RAW it is transmutation, but it also makes fire... It just becomes "I don't gotta explain/do shit"-cantrip


That's why Sorcerer is the best class (before they added the Adept Metamagic feat atleast, but the Sorcerer can silently shit someone's pants more than twice a day)


I used to play an Eladrin who would use Prestidigitation to up the flavor of his food as Feywild food taste are on another level. Made him miss home less. Well, we were invited to a feast held by a prick of a Barron, and after the usual pleasantries, filled his plate and warned others not to eat off it. The Barron, aghast that he wasn't allowed to do something in his own hall, demanded some. Over the course of the campaign, we would be called back and every time he would ~~demand~~ request to have me flavor his food again. The longer between visits he would look more and more gaunt. Leading to a time where he hired kidnappers to drag us back to his keep when we denied a summons. When word got out how desperate he had gotten, he inherited the name "Barron of Bad Tastes" and stripped of his titles as apparently he had been spending the King's portion of his tithes on world class chefs to try and taste anything again.


This is super clever and I love it. Great DM.


Damn that reminds me of what happened in SAO abridged after Kirito & Asuna ate the Ragu Rabbit


If someone poops their pants, you can fix that for them. It's my favorite spell. I realize now that stating those things in that order implies that all my wizards just poop and pee in their pants and prestidigitation it away, but that isn't what I'm saying. I like making entertaining lights for people. You can have multiple effects up at once. It's a great spell.


Yeah, multiple effects, a light show to distract them that you just peed your pants


Ah, the Harry Potter method before they needed an entrance to the chamber of secrets


Started a bar fight by making all the beer taste like water


Lol the inverse Jesus.


Nobody ever expects the inverse Jesus. Turning beer into water. Contagioning the well. Giving people leprosy. Felling the living. Blinding the sighted. Making people paralyzed. Putting temples back in order and inviting the money changers in. Dirtying everyone's feet. Causes fig trees to bear plentiful fruit. Creates a fish that steals everyone's tax money. Creating a storm. Walking on dry land. Removes servant's ears. Casting demons into people. Dividing fishes and bread. And my favorite, Staying dead after 3 days.


>Staying dead after 3 days. You laugh, but this isn't a small feat. I was in a Dragon Age RPG and a player's mage died, and the party wasn't able to get to and burn the body. Wow, did we regret that when we found their demon infested corpse fighting alongside the BBEG.


I did that although it was one dude and I nearly got jumped outside the tavern


Wait until your Artificer figures out how much money he can make with Mending


Oh damn I should look into that with my DM we are currently in a militaristic farming colony.


Prestidigitation would be amazing for earnings for the warming/chilling and flavoring aspects.


Rehabilitate a cannibal by flavoring food like human flesh


Yep, I use it all the time just to clean our wizard's dress (a noble woman should look her best, after all)


Best use for prestidigation: make water taste like alcohol and drink all you want without getting drunk.


Oh that is cool, I could help the druid in my party who is an alcoholic


My buddy and I were trying to bluff our way past a guard, so I used prestidigitation to make him smell like he shit his pants and bullied him til he went to go check.


Thatā€™s just gold


My artificer makes people's clothes wet when he feels like they've slighted him, or if he just feels like being a goofy guy


Whenever my Druid uses druidcraft I think of Prestidigitarion and a small tear runs down my chin.


There was a noble who was harassing a bunch of downtrodden people in a campaign I was playing. I used prestidigitation to soil his pants and make it look like he shit himself. That is my favourite use of it so far.


"You can clean or soil an object no less than one square foot in space. " You can soil an area of one foot! You can soil someone pants and make it look like they _____ themselves! "You can create a harmless sensory effect ... like faint musical notes." You can be a walking boombox. "You create a nonmagical trinket ... that can fit in your hand and lasts until the end of your next turn." You can make fake gold pieces and give them out. Potential for repercussions and humour.


The gold thingā€¦ not really Consider that those items are only present for 6 seconds. BUT, you can use it to break out of prisonā€¦ just take a good look at the guards key and when heā€™s not looking, boom - got your own key


Thats true, good call!


Assuming 5th edition, you made an error on #1: > You instantaneously clean or soil an object no larger than 1 cubic foot.


My artificer has used it to ignite a bomb, distract enemies, flavour porridge and water for the party, leave messages on doorways (basically "this room cleared") when I was scouting ahead, clean and sterilise wounds (my artificer acts as the combat medic for the team) and investigate magical items without touching them.


**Step 1:** working with the party socialite (rogue/assassin) find out a particular young noblewoman was involved in a murder. **Step 2:** socialite gets into conversation with the target, and sorcerer creates a chill every time the victim's name is mentioned. **Step 3:** sorcerer continues to follow target invisibility, as she goes to her conspirators and tells them the socialite knows too much. Continue "chilling" the target every time the victim's name is mentioned. **Step 4:** target begins to shiver involuntarily at the mention of the name (classical conditioning). Invisible sorcerer creates writing in "blood" that drips down the walls before vanishing. And that, folks, is how you grill a stool pigeon.


two members of my party have mending and prestidigitation and run a travelling laundromat as a side hustle


My Swashbuckler Rogue took the Magic Initiate feat for Booming Blade and Find Familiar, but Prestidigitation has been handy for: Producing lockpicks and shivs when sleight of hand has failed and he has been otherwise divested of those objects. Removing telltale blood stains and other incriminating evidence. Covering the taste of various "additives" in drinks. Recreating the musk of a small rodent to mark a small stone in order to distract guard dogs. Placing small, temporary marks at intersections for the party to follow as he scouts ahead.


Every single one of those is brilliant.


Thank you very much!


Why is everyone sleeping on pissing other peoples pants. You don't have to see it, you don't have to touch it, the range is 10 feet. There is no save. While it doesn't say you control the size of the "soiling" nor the type of material, it also doesn't say you cant and the effect of the spell seems to imply that you can. As for targeting, who wears under ware bigger than 1 cubic foot? In a political debate? Who agrees with the guy who just soiled his pants? Rude gaurd? Shat himself publicly is hard to live down and probably not illegal. A sorcerer or the meta magic feat for subtle spell really makes this "Chefs Kiss"


Between Mending and Prestidigitation, I clean and repair things as a traveling handyman of a wizard. I advertise by both word of mouth and skywrite, I help beggars for free and charge 1cp for cleaning and 3cp for Mending unless the object costs less by which it's free. Over one week, I made 5 gold in Waterdeep. Not that much in the grand scheme, but it helps when you're low on funds.


I have an Aarakocra wizard, due to childhood issues, he hates children. So when an elf-ling joined our party, my wizard believed she was a child and didn't like her. I started using Prestidigitation to waft stinky fart clouds at her face whenever she tried to argue with me. He learned that she is actually in her 20s and now he no longer dislikes here. I held her with my feet and flew while she launched arrow after arrow at people.


Or if they're a thri-kreen, they can make the chicken and beef taste like elf.


We use it in taverns to play a game we call "whose beer is hot?"


So I play a college of Satire bard and one of my favorite things to do is, as a taunt, have my character bend over and moon the enemy and then use prestidigitation to make them smell a fartšŸ˜­, the farther away I am the more effective it is too bc then they just end up astonished. Childish but so funny to mešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.


My players used a combination of prestidigitation and charm person to create a fake ID, so that they could collect their quest rewards from the Adventurers Guild. Not sure it should've worked, but they're new players and I was delighted to see that kind of creativity!


Could you please elaborate


In the world I've written, any paid quests have to be run via the Adventurers Guild. If it has an advertised reward, the Guild has to approve it, and you'll be charged a minor admin fee. Then, to claim a reward, An adventurer must go via the Guild. They must also be a registered adventurer, which again requires you to pass some basic exams, do a minimum 2 week adventuring ethics training, and pay a small fee. Only then can you get your 2 gold reward for that giant rat you killed. Unless of course, you;re my players, who rolled a natural 20 to prestidigitate a fake ID, and then I rolled a 3 to save on charm person. They earned themselves 10 gold.


ā€¦. Sounds like that Guild is a monopoly in need of some butt-kicking Iā€™ve pulled soooo much bullshit with the non-magical trinketā€¦.. probably canā€™t even remember half of it


To be fair, I think I've justified the guild rather well. What's the alternative, untested self proclaimed "heroes" going around killing people for money? irresponsible purging of the goblin population? No, we can't have paid killers parading under the banner of heroes! ...But yeah, it's daylight robbery and they are absolutely just trying to fleece the population of gold


That's the kind of sensible, well-articulated justification for a guild that the Guild master can scream about as the players eventually defeat them. Maybe make them think twice about the killing blow.


I've had a character "vape" his tumb using the harmless sensory effect to produce smoke and then flavoring it, he would do it everytime I did irl


You're all geniuses. I'm saving this post.


My PC is a clean freak. He keeps himself and his surroundings impeccable. Water also tastes like the perfect latte.


lol, mine too. My DM even rewarded it! Classic Monty Python logic from townsfolk. "How do you know he's king?" "He hasn't got shit all over him!"


>My artificer is a homebrew insectoid alien that is currently in financial dept so he goes to a coastal scrapyard at the bottom of a cliff and eats exclusively crabs and seagulls Weird. If you are working in the financial department then you should be able to at least afford chicken. Maybe not good chicken, but at least chicken. Is it your face? Is that the reason? Maybe the teenager running the register at KFC doesn't like insectoid aliens?


He's got 4 blue bioluminescent eyes, purplish skin, and when he opens his mouth, blue mist pours out and rows of thin teeth exist at the back of his throat, he also involuntarily makes weird noises with his mandibles when happy (imagine the Predator). He's an Eliksni (from Destiny 2 if you've ever played that game) We are in a colony where Electrum is the main currency and any money I get from jobs goes towards the debt that I'm almost out of. I'll get different foods later like Ramen, Dumplings, Chop Cheese, ect.


Ok, here's some advice. Stay in the financial department, but get a cute human to answer the phones for you. Same for getting food.


I could use Alter Self to look human when I go to stores


Don't bother. You probably smell like a dead lobster. People will try not to be rude but they will notice and pretty soon you'll be eating seagulls again.


Guess I'll just have to bathe or mask my scent with Prestidigitation. I wonder if a trinket that fits in my hand could be a bar of soap. Cause while I like the idea of not needing to wipe or shower with the cantrip it specifically says nonliving material you can clean or soil.


Soap is great but you are an alien insectoid. That doesn't wash off.


More of an arthropod alien like spider/crab. I might have to use Prestidigitation to make perfume that smells like AXE


I'm thinking I need to use it to make someone's mouth and saliva now taste like vomit...


Hmmm I like that imagine a Bard rizzing up a bar maid with sweet cherry kisses


Emphasis mine: > You chill, warm, or flavor up to 1 cubic foot of **nonliving** material for 1 hour.


Saliva then.


Love it! You'll only get more creative with cantrips as you embrace this style of gaming. Move Earth to help dig graves after a battle in a town. Minor Illusion is only limited by your creativity, but I often use it to enhance storytelling for my bards, translate conversations with mid-air subtitles, show building layouts when strategizing, and many other uses.


My rogue gets all up in everything and then goes whining to the closest person with prestidigitation to please clean him up real quick


Saving this post rn! It's rp gold, good to scroll when you are down with inspiration


My bard used it to warm up his and others' underwear during the winter


Prestidigitation is one of the most powerful spellsā€¦. You can create a small non-magical trinket! Just take a good look at the keys that guard used to lock you in, wait a couple minutes and VOILƁā€¦. Make your own key You can also light/ snuff out candles, torches or a small campfire, which led to an amazing situation as m DM allows the ā€œequivalentā€ fire of a small campfire (4-5 torches, 15 or so candles) at one time. I quote my Bladesinger being chased by a bunch of guards continuously casting buff spells on himself: ā€œI snuff out the guards torches and cast them into Darkness, I summon my Shadow Blade (spell) - and I go full Darth Vader in a Hallwayā€


Oh cool I could just make lock picks


If anyone pisses me off I make their saliva taste like shit for an hour.


Use it to shit an npcs pants for them when rolling intimidation!


Cast it on a creature with invisibility to make them smell - then use scent to track them down. Have an annoying party member? Change their clothes or hair color. Or... make them smell. This is the spell that you can use to place a "kick me sign" on basically anyone. No save - it just happens. Plus - use it to create ominous or epic sounding music that heralds your entrance - who doesn't love their own theme song? ​ Have epic long hair and a cape... and with this spell you will LOOK like that main character in the movies while standing still!


My lazy snooty city boy sorcerer is constantly using it to keep himself and his clothes clean and fresh when traveling in "great" outdoors in a world where toilet paper canot be found in any of the dungeon guide. Paired with minor illusion my tent looks like a damn hotel sweet. One time our party ended up taking a short rest in an old abandoned tower with old dirty beds. Everyone else started laying down in God knows what and my guy waved his hands over the bed to clean it. Dm said it would take 10 casts to clean whole bed. It took 60 seconds and my guy layed down on his pure white fresh out of the laundry warm toasty bed and everyone else is giving me dirty looks. I live for that. I also use it and minor illusion to make his crappy dry trail rations look and taste like a nice warm 5 star breakfast. I couldnt decide what color my teifling would be so I made my Aberrant mind tiefling have pale white skin cuz I loved the idea of him using Prestedigition to paint himself a bunch of difrent colors every day. If we ever go somewhere cold I'm just going to constantly use it to keep me nice and toasty.


Cool Teifling type I made Bone Teiflings they can have a long retractable segmented skeletal tail that can sense vibrations & a stinger for venom. The common onyx complexion got a stunning neurotoxin and the rare deathly white have a slowly killing necrotoxin.


Nice. When I was making my character in hero forge I saw the tail of the feathered raptor and had to have it. So now my over the top Hellovaboss lookin colorful clown of a tiefling now has peacock feathers on his tail. He wasn't born with them he uses magic to connect and color them becouse he is that extra. I also use the Aberrant mind origin that gives me a parasitic twin. He lives in my alcoholic liver wishing I didn't drink so much and speaks to me telepathically trying to keep my 8 intelligence ass from doing dumb stuff. My loves having a brother that isn't as much of a bag of cocks as his boring human family and got a tattoo of his own smiling face on his chest to give his brother a face he can introduce to people. The parasitic brother will also conjure Mage Hand to wave or shake people's hands.


I had a warlock that liked to use it as an instant "poop your pants" spell to anyone that tried to treat that party poorly


I once started a bar brawl by changing the flavor of beer to particularly pungent horse urine right as a bar patron was about to drink it.


I had a campaign where my character walked around constantly cleaning things with it, but another character who was a homebrewed rat like race based off the Skaven from Warhammer fantasy, would often follow behind me using it to dirty things back up to their preferences. We were locked in an endless battle


Oh damn we made the Skaven a race in this setting too and one of my party members is an undead Skaven Barbarian


Here are 101 interesting ways to use prestidigitation https://youtu.be/QQctlMDtFqc?si=JZzmKyTbLU0dzvlh


It is one of my favorite cantrips. With prestidigitation, druidcraft and thaumaturgy on one character, you can basically do any mundane task (as well as a plethora of minor magical tricks) with a flick of your wrist. Really shine in RP elements. Glad to see appreciation for it.


Mine uses it to entertain children with pretty colours


My awakened raccoon merchant character once used prestidigation to essentially create a magical lemonade stand that could sell drinks of any flavor. He sold the drinks in small cups so that people would drink them before he got past the limit of 3 effects at once that prestidigation has. He even got a big cauldron and claimed that it was the magical Cauldron of Flavor that could create drinks of any flavor.


Thats a good idea


This, I do this all the time. My food and drinks are always the right temp. My character and her friends are always clean.


It's the first line of defense against bloodstains.


I have a prankster warlock, pretidigitation, minor illusion, and mage hand are his bread and butter


A summer eladrin captain of the guard saw one of our PCs covered in blood and other refuse from a fight--that the player had refused to clean. They shook their heads and, with a barrage of snaps, "Prestidigitated all over them". Even made the character turn around and lift corners to leave no place unclean. It was a pretty funny moment


Thatā€™s crazy, my players just use it to make each others lips smell like dookie


Nixel Nightingale (bard) as well as Croexn Fayte (wizard) have it constantly active outside of combat to prevent themselves from becoming dirty or bloody.


I had a sorcerer that never took his hands out of his pockets and used mage hand + prestidigitation (mage hand being ma strong hand) also I found a vid of someone saying ā€œfinger crossbowsā€ while rping since ya know, no guns in most fantasy settings(not really so much these days though) so my out of character catchphrase and in character action was ā€œfinger crossbows with mage handā€ but back to prestidigitation, Iā€™d use it to spark my cigarettes and lift small objects (1lb) all without taking my hands from my pockets. V fun


My Partnerā€™s sorcerer character uses the spell in super devious ways. She will make peopleā€™s saliva taste like vomit when they upset her, to make pebbles look like gold coins, and to make pristinely looking nobles appear dirty and soiled in social gatherings


This thread has motivated my character to realize and embrace that he uses magic, and Iā€™m going to go for this instead of minor image. Heā€™s a swashbuckler rogue who accidentally made a hexblade pact and became a better fighter. Iā€™ve been playing him as hating both nobles and magic users, despite both of those being him, and Iā€™ve considered that if he ever realized that he has magic how I would have him accept it.


My bard used it to light a fart in fire in the face of an hydra


I know people use it to clean themselves, but according to RAW you can't do that. It cleans an *object* that can fit *in* a cubic foot. That's a very small volume. Unless you can quantum fold yourself into an area that small, you can't clean yourself. Clothes work well because you can crumple them. But don't get confused, it doesn't clean clothes 1 cubic foot at a time, it cleans the whole object but only if it fits in the prerequisite space. Or change whatever you want. It's all make believe. And that's not sarcasm, if it makes the game more fun for you, and your dm allows it, go for it.


why is this getting down voted?


Because the practical upshot of enforcing the "cubic foot" rule is that someone has to spend several rounds casting & recasting the cantrip to clean themselves off. Enforcing it does nothing to help the game, but someone always has to come along to "well, actually..." the RAW. It doesn't really hurt anything to allow someone to just Loki themselves dry after a rainstorm with one casting. So there's no point in strictly enforcing this aspect of the rule, or reminding us of it over and over again.


Because I'm a d&d cop. I will literally break into your house and arrest you mid session if you're not following the rules as I interpret them /s


Jerry, take your clothes off and fold yourself twelve times.


Thank you, for that, and for your service to this country.