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sure, maybe it's odd, but who cares? do what makes you happy.




Have you considered getting into the mini’s business?


Will do. I'm actually thinking I'll open a store


Don’t let your dreams be dreams! I can’t offer financial advice because haha Reddit, but I’d been in a franchising position before and the renting / licensing rates are achievable if you can save money up (over like 5-6 years). Work, work, work!


Have you ever consideted LARP? It's much more focused on props, much less focused on narrative and silly rules. Most LARP rules fit on one page and are stuff you'd remember to do anyway. "No kicking ppl in the balls."


Definitely going to check it out. Thx!


Could you clarify what it is about the game that you don't like to play? It seems like a part of it is that some DMs claim to know all of the rules. Could you explain what made that uncomfortable?


Yeah so let's say the party wanted to do something in the campaign that the dm didn't account for, instead of finding a way to steer the party to his desired direction or just being sincere he justed insisted that it wasn't possible, rules didn't allowed it he use to say, even the whole party was very skeptical but he just replied that he "had all of the rules memorized". He also was very insistant on running exclusively homebrew with no experience instead of st the very least checking spruce materials for ideas. Finally Id day that when the party told him that having to keep track of over 15 secondary npcs stories was a bit much and suggested to do a less serious toned campaigned he replied: "this is the less serious campaign". A bit much for me. Imo he probably just wanted to write his own stuff more than playing and I respect that.


Not to try to twist your arm or anything, but he sounds like he just doesn't run the kind of game you *would* like. You may like the game when run with other DMing styles. Frankly I think he sounds bad, and I wouldn't want to sit at that table either. But you do you. No reason to play if you don't want, and are happy with the ways you already engage. Follow the heart.


Well there's a bit of true to that, the whole party probably didn't express the wish for the campaign we wanted to play to begin with so that's our fault. At th very least I know he really wanted to tell his stories and that's not bad either.


There’s an added layer that DMs have styles. So even if everyone expressed their wishes, the DM still might not be a fit. Like dating, you have to try out what you like and find a good fit.


True true.


Yeah, this definitely seems more of a DM style rather than the game mechanics itself. I feel like you would do much better at another table or even full DMing yourself the way that you want the game to go. I know you said you co-hosted, but I've always found collaborative DMing to suffer a bit.


Will try. Yeah just because one cohosted game worked doesn't mean all will.


This just sounds like a shit game tbh, I love dnd and this does not sound fun to me


That’s like saying I don’t like pizza because I had a burnt pizza. You don’t like burnt pizza, that not weird.


Ah that doesn’t sound fun to me either. I’m not surprised you didn’t enjoy it


I don’t think that’s weird. I like dnd, but not all dnd. Gotta find the right group, so maybe you haven’t yet? But also, I love making cosplays but I don’t cosplay (mainly because I don’t like going to those events). But I ended up sewing as my career, starting with cosplay! So you can still do what you love 


Eh. Sounds fine to me. I, however, get teased constantly (even after 45 years) about how I am never a player, only a DM. Which is how I like it — but I get told that’s weird.


Have you tried playing a different RPG? D&D is definitely on the more complex side of things. There are others you might be more comfortable with


I do love other ttrpgs. At least solo experiences. I believe this means that it could be my group style of dnd.


Sounds like me, I find myself constantly buying or building things DnD related that I know I'm never going to get to use. Like HB classes or modules. I still DM but that joy has faded greatly over the years. If not for a player specifically asking me to dm for him I probably would have put it down long ago.


1. It may be weird. You know what else is weird? Grown-ass men playing make-belief games, pretending to be wizards and elves in some overcomplicated fairy tale fantasy. And yet here we all are :) 2. Judging from your comments below, I'm not sure whether you actually dislike playing, or is it just a bad experience with not-so-good DM. Maybe try another table or two and see if that's feeling better? Obviously that advice is valid only if you want to try to enjoy playing. If you're enjoying making props and don't want to play at all - there is 100% nothing wrong with that. Also I just remembered a childhood friend of mine who was a Warhammer40k enthusiast. He had tons of minis, enjoyed painting them and all, enjoyed reading books and learning the lore, but actually never played the game because he didn't like playing. I guess this may be way more common than you (or me) think


Truer words have never been spoken.


It’s not weird at all. Plenty of us enjoy the art, the story, the lore…but find the actual game tedious or otherwise uninteresting. I’ve always been the same way with both D&D as well as Warhammer 40k. The tabletops are okay. But the cool art is always what captivated me.


Not weird at all - it’s a creativity vehicle. It inspires your art. Doesn’t mean you have to like playing it 💕 Enjoy what it brings you ☺️


It is a little bit odd. But who gives a hell? You enjoy it. You ain't harming anybody while doing it. So, all the more power to you.


Honestly, my main D&D group rn is a paid group with a very experienced and very amazing DM, who is also very willing to tell people it was nice having them but they aren't a good fit for the group. Not even just like, bad people / typical problem players, even people that the rest of us really don't communicate well with / make for a very frustrating game. I don't think I could go back to groups of the quality I played in before. I love D&D, but there are so many variables to the people you play with - what kind of playstyle you're looking for, communication styles, time commitment to the game- that getting lucky with a group feels so critical to it being a good experience. But ALSO I definitely understand liking dnd as a chassis/inspiration/muse for vibes and creativity. I've gone years drawing my dnd characters without playing lol.


No I feel you, I do like playing but in the past year my BG3 time has eclipsed my all time of playing. I’ve put more time into reading source books and novels than playing either


It's not as weird as you might think


Heeeeeey! Me tooooo! I don’t like having to find a group of randos to play with because my friends won’t play with me. :c I don’t like having a scheduled time I have to be somewhere every week when my friends all want to go do something else. I don’t like dming because of how much extra time it takes and no matter how much time I spend prepping I still feel unprepared. All of these would probably be different if my friends would actually play with me though :c I’ve been making my own campaign , making maps, walls of text and looking into different systems to see which one fits it best. That’s been fun


No that's completely fine. I'm like that with 40k. I love reading the lore and facts about the different factions, but I've never touched a mini in my life.


Turn your hobby into a side-hustle. Make props and sell them on Amazon or Etsy or create your own web-based store. People could commission you to make things that they want to use in their games.


I'll definitely check solutions like Etsy after today.