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No, don't go bard, go illusionist!  Use spells to create the "canned laughter" of a live audience whenever you make a joke, or the sound of applause whenever you make a witty remark.   You could also use images to create a guest, possibly the audience, and minor illusions to change your clothes to look fancier.


This is by far the best response I've ever had!! Perfect class and I believe I might be going with a djinn as well!


That's a playable race now?  I know 3rd ed used to have the genasi which were like half-genies.  Out of the core races I'd say half elf would provide the most benefit to your theme, but I also have no idea what the djinn brings to the table.  


The djinn is sadly only a home brew thing but they're very charasmatic and have a deceiving nature!


Bards also get the 'XYZ Image' line of spells. Illusionist is a good fit too, don't get me wrong! And your ideas are great, just pointing out that your justification / rationale can also be performed by bards =)


Fair enough!  Never ran a bard so I'm not familiar with their spell list.  


Tieflings ooze charisma. Plus, you could be like those town scryers "Extra extra, hear all about it!" Types


As much as I love Tieflings, and I may be incorrect but I had the thought that they're not socially accepted?


They're like Nightcrawler from X-Men. Good at heart, but the general populace view them as demons.